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Responds to Request for Info Made at 810528 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Conduct of Operations.Detailed Personnel Info & Resumes,& Corporate Organization Matl & Charts Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/1981
From: Clements B
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8106190191
Download: ML19346A348 (150)



e TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING CO'.IPANY 2001 BRYAN TOWER a DALLAS. TEXAS 75203 June 3, 1981 Deck-et 6 cs ic A g 5~


Mr. Robert L. Tedesco d '.

Assistant Director for Licensing (

Division of Licensing g[; c


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission  ;

9 39g, T Washington, D. C. 20555  ; 1 gf

Dear Mr. Tedesco:

A -

'eb :J Additional Information concerning the conduct of operations hTh Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) was requested by members of t NRC staff in a between staff members and representatives of Texas Utilities Generating Company (TUGCo) and Texas Utilities Services Inc.

-(TUSI) at Bethesda, Maryland on May 28, 1981. This infonnation is contained in this letter and the attactrients thereto.

In 1973, TUGCo started staffing CPSES for operation with the assignment of a plant superintendent, J. C. Kuykendall, and four department superintendents, including R. A. Jones, R. B. Seidel and T. L. Thompson.

The purpose of the early staffing was to allow the staff time to obtain nuclear operating experience at other nuclear plants to supplement their fossil power plant experience. Thi; also providcd the opportunity for operational input into the design of CPSES.

In 1975, the Results Engineer, Reactor Engineer, I&C Engineer and Chemistry and Health Physics Engineer were assigned to the plant staff.

In August, 1975, a contract was negotiated with EDS Nuclear to provide nuclear experience and expertise to TUGCo Operations, as needed. The - ,

contract directed EDS Nuclear to supply experienced startup personnel including a Le,ad Start-up Engineer to the project, provide home office support to the start-up activity and provide procedure writing assistance to the various departments of the pl -

It was at this time that R. E. Camp, Lead Start-up Engineer, asstred residency at the plant site to begin developnent of the start-up and test program and to interface with Engineering and Construction on project scheduling.

On September 1,1975, TUGCo assigned B. R. Clements as Manager of the Nuclear Operations Division.

Between 1975 and the present time, a total of 60 personnel completed the seven month Westinghouse Initial Operator Training Program at the Westinghouse Nuclear Training Center in Zion, Illinois. In addition to the shift operations personnel, the following staff people attended the Westinghouse program and were certified at the Senior Reactor Operator level:


i 8 a o c rool%4 I

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J. C. Kuykendall - Manager, Nuclear Operations R. A. Jones - Manager, Plant Operations R. B. Seidel - Operations Superintendent T. L. Thompson - Maintenance Superintendent D. W. Braswell - Engineering Superintendent R. T. Jenkins - Superintendent Operations Support R. R. Wistrand - Operations Engineer S. M. Ward - Engineer, Technical Support W. J. Nixon - Reactor Engineer R. D. Bird - Engineer J. J. Allen - Engineer D. L. Hubbard - Training Specialist E. L. Dyas - Training Specialist M. A. Niemeyer - Training Specialist On September 1,1977, the plant staff moved from the corporate office to the CPSES site. The staff numbered 36 at that time.

By mid 1980 the plant staff had grown to 156 persons. At this time a large percentage of the staff had spent a considerable amount of time at operating nuclear plants either observing or participating in initial core loadings, initial criticality, refuelings, start-ups (initial and post refueling) and various special tests.

In August,1980, Mr. Clements was named TUGCo's Vice President-Nuclear with overall responsibility for CPSES including Quality Assurance. Mr.

Kuykendall was named Manager of Nuclear Operations (reporting to Mr.

Clements) with responsibility for all of the CPS,E,S functions including training, technical support and community relations. Mr. Jones was named Manager of Plant Operations (reporting to Mr. Kuykendall) with responsiblity for the operation and maintenance of CPSES.

Mr. Clements will remain in the Company's corporate office in Dallas, -

Texas. Mr. Kuykendall will be located in the CPSES Operations Support Facility to be. constructed on site property, but approximately 1 1/4 miles from the reactor buildings. Since CPSES is the only planned nuclear facility of the Company, the majority of the home office support personnel will the located at the Operation Support Facility (OSF) with a minimun neber of persons on Mr. Clements' staff. The OSF is described in Attachnent 1.

Corporate Organization General The preceding discussion of the early manning of the key operations staff positions and the experience which this staff gained through training and through experience both on-site and at other nuclear power plants is intended to answer the questions raised by the NRC staff as to the experience level of this staff. Additional information on the i


experience level and size of the TUGCo Corporate Staffing including the Start-up Group is outlined in attachnents 2, 4 and 6.

The Vice President, Nuclear, TUGCo is the corporate officer responsible for the safe operation of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES).

He may call on the resources of any organization or group in the Texas Utilities Company system to assist him in carrying out this responsibility. The TUGCo-TUSI corporate organizational relationship is shown in attachnent 5. The functions of technical support, licensing, and nuclear fuel have been assigned administratively to TUSI. Tnis is a matrix organization and is so understood by persons assigned to TUGCo and TUSI who are involved with CPSES. Any level of TUGCo nuclear operations may and will contact any department in TUSI for the support of CPSES.

The Manager, Nuclear Operations has the authority to contact any organization in the Texas Utilities Company system for support for CPSES. He would as a matter of procedure notify the Vice President, Nuclear that he had done so.

In order to support nuclear operations, the Manager of Technical Support (TUSI) will work directly with the Superintendent, Operations Support (TUGCo). The only time the respective corporate officers need be involved in TUSI support of TUGCo nuclear operations would be if corporate policy per se was involved. The size and qualifications of the Nuclear Fuel, Licensing and Technical Support groups of TUSI are included as attachnent 3.

Manager Nuclear Operations Staff Operations Support Department The Operations Support Superintendent is responsible for providing engineering and technical support to plant operations: -

1. Engineering of Plant Modifications & Design Changes.
2. Independent Safety Engineering Review.
3. Providing Shift Technical Advisors to each operating shift.

Located nearsite'in the Nuclear Operations Support Facility, he reports to the Manager, Nuclear Operations. Refer to FSAR Figure 3.1-2. The Operations Support Superinteadent's responsibilities are carried out under the supervision of the Technical Support Engineer and the Operations Support Engineer.

Technical Support Engineer The Technical Support Engineer is responsible for off-site engineering support to CPSES Plant Operations in licensing, general engineering support and plant modification and. design change control. He is the focal point in the organization for all modification and design change

docmentation during the operation of CPSES. Final design verification, review and approval of all modification packages rest with the Technical Support Engineer. Changes to plant drawings to incorporate modifications is the responsibility of the Technical Support Engineer.

Actual engineering work and preparation of design changes may be perfomed by the Plant Operations Engineering Department, especially minor modifications. Major modificationt or those requiring eepertise in areas not available to the Technical Support Engineer will be engineered by the TUSI Technical Support Group or by contractors and consultants. The Technical Support Engineer is responsible for the design change or modification and is responsible for docnent control and doc eent corrections associated with the change.

Administrative procedures will be developed to describe and control this design change process and to coordinate the engineering effort between the P1 ant Operations Engineering Department, the TUSI Technical Support Group and the Technical Support Engineer. The necessary neber of penple, with appropriate qualifications and experience level are being developed presently to support this effort. The anticipated combined n e ber of engineers in the three functional groups mentioned above is fifty.

Operations Support Engineer The Operations Support Engineer is responsible for providing Shift Technical Advisors to each operating shift in support of the shift supervisor. These Shift Technical Advisors (STA's) will meet the education, experience and training requirements ,0,f NUREG-0737, October 31, 1980, Appendix C " Nuclear Power Plant Shift Technical Advisor".

Staffing of these positions began in the Spring of 1981.

The initial group of six to eight STA's will begin traini.ig in October.

1981. This training will be conducted by Westinghouse Electric -

CorporationandexceedstherequirementsofNUREG-0737. Other groups of STA s will attend similar training programs prior to fuel load of Unit 1.

The necessary experience required for STA's by NUREG-0737 will be gained by involving these personnel in preoperational and startup testing activities and in design and construction engineering activities at CPSES. At the time of initial fuel load of Unit 1, the necessary number qualified STA's will be available to support the operation of CPSES.

The Operations Support Engineer is also responsible for independent safety engineering review of plant operations. He will provide the necessary personnel to perform independent safety assessment of plant operating characteristics, NRC issuances, Licensing Infomation Service Advisories and other sources of plant design and operating experience infomation. The personnel will periodically prepare reports to advise Texas Utilities nianagment on the overall quality and safety of plant

E operations.

The organizational arrangement for this safety engineering review group provides a very desirable independence from the management chain for power production. Located in the Operations Support Facility they have convenient access to the site for daily contact with the operating personnel and continued access to plant facilities and records, but report offsite to the Operations Support Engineer. Thus they do not come under the organizational unbrella of the Manager, Plant Operations.

This allows them to operate with considerable independence to provide continuing, systematic and independent assessnent of plant activities.

Resumes for personnel in Operations Support and Training Departnent are enclosed in attachnent 6.

Start-Up Group The startup engineering staff is presently manned at 32, including two recent graduate engineers on loan from Georgia Power Corporation on a temporary assignment.

The startup group manpower needs are expected to peak at approximately 50 System Test Engineers one year prior to fuel load of Unit 1 and remain at that peak through commercial operation of Unit 1.

Subsequent to Unit 1 comnercial operation system test engineer manpower requirements are estimated to decline to 30 engineers through commercial operation of Unit 2.

Resunes and details of nuclear experience for th'e' startup engineering staff shown in attachment 2.

Operating Organization Attachnent 7 is an organization chart for the Plant Opeartions staff which shows the anticipated levels of staffing at CPSES for both one and two unit operations. The nunbers shown on the organization chart are what we believe ta be realistic estimates of people requi ed to operate and maintain CPSES with a high margin of safety and to provide te desired degree of backup personnel for nonnal anticipated employee turnover rates. These nunbers may be adjusted either upward or downward as necessary through the operational life of CPSES, and are not to be constructed as minimum personnel requirements.

Also shown on the organization chart is the separation of the responsibilities and personnel in the Chemistry and Environmental section and the Radiation Protection section. l Shift Technical Advisors will be on shif t with members of the plant staff, but will report to the Manager, Nuclear Operations through the  ;

Engineer Operations Support and the Superintendent Operations Support.




The qualifications and experience levels are outlined in attachnent 9.

Plant Staff O

J erations Department The Comanche Peak shift operations staffing plan will ensure that a sufficient nunber of licensed operators and supervisors are available to safely and efficiently operate the plant.

Properly qualified Reactor Operators will participate in Senior Reactor Operator Upgrade Training in order to ensure that a sufficient nunber of Senior Operator Licensed Personnel are available to provide for attrition in the Assistant Shift Supervisor and Shift Supervisor positions.

Auxiliary Operators will complete the Auxiliary Operator Training Program, and, when properly qualified, will be enrolled in the Licensed Operator Replacement Training Program. A sufficient nunber of the 54 Auxiliary Operators scheduled for two unit operation (36 for one unit operation) will be licensed in order to provide for attrition in the Reactor Operator position. All Auxiliary Operators will participate in training leading to a Reactor Operator license.

Auxiliary Operators will be hired and enrolled in training at a rate sufficient to provide replacement personnel consistent with anticipated attrition. The number of Auxiliary Operators planned is in excess of the NRC staffing requirement for this position i,n order to ensure an adequate supply of trained operations personnel.

The following table is a projection of the Licensed Operators required and the Licensed Operators that will be available in the years indicated.- These projections are based on a five shift rotation, a -

licensing exanination failure rate of 20%, an attrition rate of 8% based on actual 1977-through 1980 data, two unit operation beginning in 1984, and includes only shift operating personnel.

Licensed Operators Licensed Operators Year Required Available 1982 20 20 1983 20 30 1984 25 39 1985 25 35 1986 25 40 Attachnent 8 is the table of Staffing Requirenents for Emergencies which shows a ccarnitment to have on shift at all times a designated Comunications Coordinator. This person will be a member of the shif t operating organization and he will have no other duties during in i


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l emergency situation other than serving as the Comunications j Coordinator.

At the time of Unit 1 initial core loading, at least one member of each opearting shift crew will have had previous experience as a Licensed s Operator at a commercial Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant.

This experience will be provided by licensee personnel supplanented by contractor personnel as necessary. In the event that contractor .

personnel provide this experience, they will be assigned to the shif t crews for six (6) months following Unit 1 initial fuel loading, until the power ascension testing program reaches the twenty percent (20%)

level. or until the unit begins comercial operation, whichever occurs fi rst.

Maintenance Department In 1978, TUGCo began a systematic effort to find a method for increasing the reliability and availability of the CPSES units. The major maintenance contractors, architect-engineers and equipment vendors were invited into the corporate offices to present any ideas that they might propose to meet the objective. Approximately thirteen companines participated, with Westinghouse Electric Corporation emergiag as the company with the best approach with the managed maintenance program. A two-year contract was initiated in June,1979, with Westinghouse to complete Phase I of the Managed Maintenance Program, which is ~the pre-planning part of the program. Phase II, which is the implenenting part of the program will begin prior to comerical operation and will include the manager, supervisors, support person,n,el and craft personnel necessary to plan and execute a refueling outage.

The Managed Maintenance Program is designed to provide the plant staff with the maintenance data and information systems necessary to support proper planning and managenent of the maintenance activities. This is -

accomplished by a systematic evaluation of each plant component in which all maintenance activities are identified, and the resources for performing these activities are assessed. Examples of these resources are: manpower, radiation exposure, special tools, spare parts, procedure nuaber, a,d plant condition required for perfonning the activ ity.

Once all maintenance activit ies have been identified, then two sets of maintenance plans are generated. The first set is the on-line preventive maintenance plant which includes all of those maintenance activities which can be perfonned with the plant at power. These activities are scheduled on an on-site computer with various print-cuts and work sheets for the craft and supervisory personnel.

The second set of plans includes the outage-related work which will be done concurrently with refueling. These activities, along with the refueling sequence are plotted on a CPM computer network which is used i

for managing the outage.

A significant point to note is that, because of inservice inspection requirements, the outage plan is repetitive with a ten-year cycle. The plant staff has completed the outage plans for the first ten-year cycle and, because of the repetitive nature of the work, has a plan for each year of commercial operation throughout the life of the plant. The Managed Maintenance Program is designed to be an active progran which will be updated as plant conditions and requirements change.

In an effort to prepare for Phase II of the Managed Maintenance Program, research has been conducted to determine the availability of trained craft personnel in the vicinity of the plant. Adequate nunbers were found to be available in the Dallas, Fort Worth and Waco areas, with additional backup support available in the Houston and Beaunont areas.

At the initiation of Phase II, agreements wf Il be made to have craft support available in the event of a major p oblen which is beyond the capability of the pennanent plant staff. 'his same craft support will be available during refueling outages.

Training Training Facilities (See Attachnent 1)

The training facilities located in the Nuclear Operations Support Facility are designed to orovide full-scope training for all areas of CPSES activities. The facilities available for chenistry and health physics laboratory training include a chemistry laboratory, counting laboratory and hot counting celi. The decontamination facility, a part of the EOF, is also intended to be used for training. Separate laboratories are included for electrical maintenance training and mechanical maintenance training. An electronics laboratory is to be usea t'or instrunentation and control training as well as for simulator ~

and computer repair. Seven classrooms are available for lectures. Four critique rooms tan be used for small classes, individual study, critiques and examinations. Respiratory protection training, respirator fitting and whole body counting are to be conducted in this facility.

The auditoriun, nonnally used for public information or press briefings, may also be used for large classes. All technical resources that are available for the EOF and for the Operations Support Department are augmented by training materials and provided in the library of the Nuclear Operations Support Facility.

CPSES Simulator The Nuclear Operations Support Facility will have a full-scope simulator for CPSES Unit 1 control room. All control boards and panels used to operate Unit 1 (Unit 1 boards and conrnon boaros) will be simulated. The complete control room environnent will be simulated in as much detail as possible. The simulator will be supported by a computer room, l


instructor console, simulator and computer repair laboratory and offices for three software engineers, two hardware technicians, and a supervisor for training systems.

TUGCo will retain a consultant in June, 1981, to aid in the acquisition of the CPSES' simulator. The simulator specification written by TUGCo taken out for bid in June, 1981. TUGCo intends to make a selection of a simulator manufacturer in the fall of 1981 and is anticipating a thirty-six month acquisition schedule.

Training Staff Facilities The training staff will be acconinodated with facilities for the Director, Nuclear Training, four Training Supervisors, twenty-one Training Specialists, two Visual Aids / Draftsmen and support staff. The facility design allows for an increase in the size of the training staff if required.

Training Staff (Resunes - attachnent 6)

The training group at CPSES presently consists of a training director, training supervisor and seven training specialists. All members of the training staff have nuclear operations, maintenance and training experience from U.S. Navy nuclear backgrounds. The Director, Nucleer Training has held USNRC Senior Operator Licenses on a Westinghouse 4-Loop PWR (Zion Units 1 and 2) and on the Westinghouse Nuclear Training Reactor, and has been a program instructor for all phases of nuclear operations including simulator instruction. The, Training Supervisor is experienced in all phases of operator training in'cluding simuD. tor instruction and is experienced in maintenance training. Three Training Specialists hold cold license certification fram Westinghouse training at the Senior Reactor Operator level.

The training staff is expected to have about 28 persons assigned when fully manned. .This does not include clerical support personnel.

CPSES Training Programs (General)

The training program at CPSES is designed to provide each individual

. with the infonnation needed to perform work safely and effectively.

Three categories of training are defined:

- General Employee Training. All enployees (and nthers) who have unescorted access to the Protected Area of the station will receive training in the following areas to an extent connensurate with their responsibilities:

1. General description of plant and facilities
2. Review of appropriate department and station procedures
3. Emergency Plan and Procedures
4. Fire Protection Plan and Prccedures
5. Security Requirenents and Practices
6. Safety Program
7. Quality Assurance Program
8. Radiological Health and Safety Program

- Radiation Worker Training. All employees (and others) who have unescorted access to Restricted Areas of the station will receive in-depth instruction in all aspects of radiation protection.

Subject material will include but will not be limited to the following:

1. ' Handling radioactive material
2. Controls and access
3. Biological effects of ionizing radiation Geneal Employee Training and Radiation Worker Training will be repeated or ra iewed to an extent needed on an annual basis. This retraining will include as a minimun: familiarization with important experience, modifications and changes within employee's interest, review of revisions to programs and procedures.

Specialty Training. Each employee at CPSES will receive specific technical, skill, or craft training for the critical tasks required by the employee'.s level of responsibility.

CPSES Training Programs

- Training for Results Enginen

1. General Employee Training
2. Radiaiton Worker Training
3. Specialty Training. Specific Technical Training will be -

provided to certain engineers as needed to upgrade the technical competence of the section in these areas:

a. PWR Systems Course: A three-week introduction to the plant systems (CPSES General Information) covers a description of each system, and the theory of operation of the major electrical, mechanical, and instrunent and control systems at CPSES. This course will be given to all present and new engineers in this section.
b. Technical Seninars. Selected engineers have attended technical seminars as appropriate for their areas of r es ponsibility. The subject of these seninars include:

Quality Assurance, Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipnent, Reactor Safety, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components. Future engineers will

receive .;imilar seninar training if needed to perform their functions.

c. On-the-job training. Every effort will be made to take advantage of the 0JT opportunities that are present during the startup of a nuclear power plant. This will primarily be accomplished by active participation and assistance with preoperational and startup testing activities. The engineers will also review the test procedures and test results to better undarstand the systems and components in the plant. On the job training at operating nuclear power plants will be condt.cted to gain experience in specific areas such as contalment leak testing and refueling activities.

Continuous retraining of Results Engineers is provided by immediate indoctrination in new procedures applicable to their position and continuous review of new or modified regulatory requirements applicable to CPSES.

- Training for Reactor Engineers The following training is applicable for Reactor Engineers:

1. General Employee Training
2. Radiation Workers Training
3. Speciality Training. Reactor Engineering personnel having lead responsibility for writing procedures, ,implenenting and perfoming duties in safety-related areas prior to and during CPSES initial startup will have completed the Westinghouse Station Nuclear Engineer Course (or equivalf.nt training and experience) and will have completed on the job training at an operating nuclear station in applicable areas. During the -

operational phase of CPSES, new Reactor Engineering personnel will also receive proper training, instruction and guidance prior to perfonning safety-related activities.

- Training for Operations Engineer Engineers assigned to provide technical support to the Operations Department will receive training appropriate to their assignments:

1. General Employee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training
3. Specialty Training. Some of these engineers will participate in licensed operator training with the intent of receiving an USNRC Operator License, and will participate in the r licensed operator Requalification Training Program. Engineers l not holding an USNRC Operator License will participate in j requalifcation training appropriate to the responsibilities and


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assignments of the position.

- - Training for I&C Technicians I&C Technicians will receive training described below:

1. General Onployee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training
3. Specialty Training. I&C Technicians assigned to perform maintenance and calibration of-safety-related systems will

. either have attended the Westinghouse IAC Engineer's Course or an equivalent on-site I&C course as well as the CPSES General Infonnation course. All other I&C Technicians will receive the General Plant Information course and applicable sections of the on-site I&C course. Prior nuclear power plant experience will be taken into consideration. Annual requalification training will occur as required to maintain proficiency. '

- Training for Chemistry Technicians All Chemistry Technicians at CPSES will couplete the training described below:

1. General Employee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training i 3. Specialty. Training. Each technician shall receive verbal and hands-on instruction for each specific critical task required by the enployee'.s level of responsibility. The technician shall be required to read all applicabl's procedures and demonstrate his knowledge, understanding,'and skill to perfonn the task.

+ - Training for Radiation Protection Technicians .

All Radiation Brotection Technicians at CPSES will complete the following training: ,

1. General Enployee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training
3. Specialty Training. Each technician shall receive verbal and hands-on instruction for each specific critial task required by
the snployee's level of responsibility. The technician shall be required to read all applicable procedures and demonstrate his knowledge, understanding, and skill to perfonn the task.

- Training for Maintenance Personnel

- The training program at CPSES for electricians and mechanics is described below:


1. General Employee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training
3. Specialty Training
a. Each employee is trained in the areas of component and system interaction. This CPSES General Plant Infonnation course is a three-week training program designed to give the electrician and mechanic a basic understanding of how the plant operates and the function of each component as it relates to the overall plant operation and to the operation of other components and Although this training is not required to be completed prior to perfonning safety-related work, the General Plant Infonnation course should be completed within t.he first year of enploynent.
b. The skill developnent program is a comprehensive craft training program that is designed to take an entry-level employee from the basic elements of his craft through the application of the basic skills to the plant equipnent and then to advanced skill developnent. For the electrician, the basic eleaents are such things as elenentary electrical theory, reading circuit diagrams and the use of electrical measuring and test equignent. The application of these skills includes training on troubleshooting and repairing plant electrical and electronic equipnent. The advanced skill developnent program is designed to further train an adequately trained electrician in areas of interest to both him and the company. The subject c'atter for the advanced programs is comparable to that of college-level electrical engineering courses. The craft training program for

. mechanics is similar to that for ele'ctricians in that it is designed to taken the entry level person through basic skill developnent, the application of those skills to the plant equipnent and then into the advanced mechanical areas such as vibration analysis and strength of materials. .

A-new enployee can be entered into the skill developnent program at any level. The supervisor evaluates the knowledge level of each new employee based on previous work experience and personal interviews. He then enrolls the new enployee at the appropriate level within the training program. The new enployee's perfonnance in the training program is monitoreo to verify that he is training at the appropriate level.

- Training for Administrative Personnel The training for adninistrative personnel is described belor

1. General Employee Training  ;
2. Radiation Worker Training l
3. Specialty Training



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a. Warehouse Personnel Training. Warehouse personnel will be trained in those procedure which implenent the requirements of ANSI N45.2.2-1972. Certain Warehouse personnel may be tained and certified as Receipt Inspectors in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6-1978.
b. Security Officer Training. Security officers will be trained in accordance with 10CFR 73.55 as described in the Security T;aining and Qualification Plan.
c. Fire Brigade Training. Members of the Fire Brigade will be trained as described in Section of the FSAR.

- Training for Training Specialists The training which a training specialist receives is described below:

1. General Employee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training
3. Specialty Training
a. License Training. Some training specialists will participate in licensed operator training with the intent of receiving an USNRC Operator License, and will parti :1pate in the licensed operator Requalification Traf nug Program.
b. Tra 19 Specialists who do not hold an USNRC Operator License will participate in training appropriate to the areas of training for which they have responsibilities,
c. Instructor Training. Training Specialists will participate in training designed to increase comunication skills and teaching effectiveness. The training consists of, as a minimun, instruction in preparing a training program, teaching styles, preparing instructional materials, practice presentations, and course evaluation techniques. -

- Training for. Licensed Operatcrs Training for licensed operators is described in the CPSES/FSArt, Section 13.2.

- Training for Auxiliary Operators Training for Auxiliary Operators is described below:

1. General Employee Training
2. Radiation Worker Training
3. Specialty Training
a. Non-Licensed Operator Training. The Non-licensed Operator Training program is designed to train a new operator to the point that he is a useful Auxiliary Ooerator and is ready to enter a license training orogram.

. l Non-license training consists of 18 weeks of lecture training in organization, technical materials, plant systens, mathematics, physics, heat transfer and fluid flow, themodynmics, chenistry, electricity, nuclear.

physics, health physics and plant materials.

Non-license auxiliary training also consists of 11 weeks of systems walk-through and procedure study.

b. The Replacanent Training Progran will upgrade an Auxiliary Program to a Licensed Operator.
1. The lecture portion of the program consists of 8 weeks of theory and principles of operation, general and specific station operating characteristics, instrunentation and control systens, protection and engineered safeguards systems, procedures, technical specifications and code of federal regulations as well as review of theory of operations.
2. Simulator training will be conducted for replacenent training operators.
3. Control room training will provide training and observation of operating practices in the control room.

It is intended that all Auxiliary Operators progress through these training programs to licensing. At that time, they will participate in the Liccnsed Operator Requalification Program. If an Auxiliary Operator does not progress to licensing, he will receive requalification training consistent with his job requirenents rather than participating in Licensed Operator Requalification. ,

We would be happy to meet again with your staff to discuss the above infomation if you desire. My phone number 's (214) 653-4017.



BRC/grr cc R.J. Gary e

NUCLEAR OPERATIONS SUPPORT FACILITY Texas Utilities Generating Company has committed to the acquisition of a multi-functional fccility for the support of Nuclear Operations at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. The major uses of the building are 1) facilities for the Operations Support Department (Independent Safety Evaluation Group), 2) Public information facilities, 3) Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), and

4) Training facilities, including a plant specific simulator. The Nuclear Operations Support Facility will be located approximately ik miles from the containment buildings along the site access road.

It will contain about 55,000 square feet of working space. De-tailed planning and architectural / engineering work began in August, 1980. Suildiwg design has been finalized and construction is scheduled to begin September, 1981. Building completion and occu-pancy is anticipated December, 1982.

Facilities for public information will be provided in the Nuclear Operations Support Facility. A reception lobby containing models and descriptive graphics and an auditorium for public in-formation presentations are part of the design. A viewing area of the CPSES simulated control room is provided that will have minimal distractions to instructors or personnel in training. The auditorium has been designed to be a news media briefing area, when needed, particularly if the EOF is activated.

4 Attachment 1




As of June 1, 1981 Name Company Nuclear Experience Duration

. D. B. A31en _ EDS Naval Reactors Facility, S1W Plant 3.0 years GE Dwr Trng Facility, Student

<- and Instructor .6 years TSURUZA (Japan) .2 years Zimmer 3.0 yects CPSES .8 years '

R. E. Camp EDS Cooper 1.6 years WPPS-WNP-2 1.5 years Newport News Shipbuilding 2.9 years CPSES 5.8 years C. E. Beach EDS Newport News Shipbuilding 2.0 years Salem Unit #1 2.0 years Zimmer 2.0 years CPSES 1.7 years D. M. Bright EDS Naval Reactors Facility, S1W Plant 4.0 years CPSES .6 years

'I. J. Cheat!.eam TUGC0 CPSES 3.3 years J. M. Collins EDS Naval Nuc.1 ear Program 7.0 years Newport News Shipbuilding

  • 6 years St. Lucie Unit #1 & #2 2.0 years CPSES .9 years H. Druckman EDS River Bend 2.0 years Nine Mile Point Unit 2 .8 years CPSES *-

.6 years J. L. Fortescue EDS Naval Nuclear Program' 6.0 years Newport News Shipbuilding 5.G years CPSES 3.9 years ,

S. M. Franks ,EDS Sequoyah Unit #1 & #2 7.5 years Brown's Ferry .5 years CPSES 2.4 years J. G. Hennessy BSC San Onofre Units #1 & #2 1.2 years South Texas Project 2.0 years CPSES .2 years T. E. Hodge EDS Navy Nuclear Urogram 7.3 years Newport News Shipbuilding 12.3 years DAEC .8 years CPSES .9 years T. L. Hutson EbS CPSES .9 years R. G. Johansen EDS General Dynamics (Electric Boat) 5.1 years North Anna (College Co-Op) .5 years CPSES .8 years 1

Attachment 2

. a B. W. Kaulfus TUCCO CPSES 5.4 years D. A. London EDS Naval Reactors Facility, S1W Plant 2.5 years CPSES 1.9 years D. L. McKibbin EDS CPSES .9 years T. P. Miller EDS Donald C. Cook 4.3. years CPSES 3.4 years M. W. Moak EDS Ingalls Shipbuilding 3.1 years CPSES 2.0 years M. C. Murray BSC' Farley Units #1 & #2 2.0 years South Texas Project 1.0 year VC Summer 1.0 year CPSES .8 years P. E. Olson BSC VC Summer 1.3 years Brunswick 1.0 year CPSES 3.6 years R. M. Remaley EDS Calvert Cliffs 2.3 years ANO 1 Unit 1 .5 years CPSES 1.6 years G. F. Riggio EDS Ingalls Shipbuilding 4.4 years CPSES 1.6 years M. J. Riggs TUCCO GE Trng Center, Student & Iust. .5 years Brunswick

.6 years E. I. Hatch 2.3 years CPSES 3.0 years G. C. Sandlin TUGC0 CPSES .9 years S. L. Siebenaler EDS Davis Besse (College Co-Op) 1.0 year

. CPSES 1.0 year C. D. Smith EDS Vallecitos Nuclear Center, (GETR, VBWR, EVESR) 6.0 years Dresden Unit 1 .2 years SEFOR 4.6 years Pilgrim Unit #2 .2 years DAEC (Startup, Refueling, Outages 1 & 2) 4.0 years Farley Unit 1 .2 years Trojan 1.2 years Susquehanna Units 1 & 2 2.2 years CPSES 1.3 years F. R. Stough EDS Naval Nuclear Program 6.0 years DAEC .1 years Beaver Valley .1 years Trojan .2 years CE Trng Facility (student) .3 years Grand Gulf 2.5 years CPSES .5 years .

i 1

2 j

9 # [

f  !

R. E. Wals C6H Sales 2.0 years Seabrook 2.0 years CPSES 5.0 years J. C. .Zimmerman EDS ANO 1 Unit 2 1.0 year DAEC 1.0 year Maine Yankee .3 years Calvert Cliffs .1 years CPSES 1.1 years Sgry of Manyears Nuclear Experience CPSES TOTAL TUGC0 12.6 16.0 EDS 34.6 163.1 BSC 4.6 14.1 C&H 5.0 9.0 TOTALS 56.8 202.2 L

p 3  :

, _ - . . _ , - _ _ -- _ ,- ._ , - , . 1


  • Richard E. Camp - Lead Startup Engineer Education:

College Preparatory, George Washington High School, June 1960 BSME - Virginia Polytechnic Institute, June 1968 Post Graduate courses, 9 credit hours, Nuclear Engineering, University of Washington Extension, Richland, Washington Experience:

1960 -

1964 U. S. Navy, Honorable Discharge Aviation Electronics, Second Class (E-5) 1964 -

1968 Virginia Polytechnic Institute June 1968 -

Sept 1969 ' Employed by Brown Engineering Company assigned to'the Test Programs Sectionproviding support to NASA on the Apollo Applications (Skylab) Project. My assignments involved liaison with design engineers regarding development, qualification and acceptance test requirements; preparation of test requirements for conttact specifications; preparation of component acceptance test plans, review and surveillance of neutral buoyancy and zero gravity test requirements, test and test results. The majority of my hardware experience was associated with pneumatic and hydraulic ground support equipment.

Sept 1969 -

Dec. 1970 Employed by Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company assigned to the USS Enterprise Reactor Plant Test Group as a mechanical test engineer responsible for all mechanical component and fluid system tests performed during my assigned shift in the reactor -

plant. This required constant liaison and coordination with Navy and shipyard crafts personnel, in order to accomplish the installation, modification or rework and subsequent acceptance testing of reactor plant systems. Participated during conduct of cold and hot functional testing and power ascension tests.

Dec. 1970 -

June 1972 Employed by Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company assigned to the Nuclear New Design Department, USS Nimitz Project. In this capacity, I was involved in writing and re-viewing test specifications, test procedures and equipment operating instructions to be used for the ship's Propulsion .

Plant Acceptance Test Program. I


Richsyd E. Camp - Page 2' '

During this period I was on departmental loan for five months to the Special Nuclear Projects Group, having complete responsibility for the design, including equip-ment specifications, test procedure and cost estima:es submitted to the Naval Reactors Division of the AEC for a steam generator dehumidification system.' I was also involved in feasibility studies and cost estimates for a steam generator chemical cleaning system, steam generator replacement and a steam reboiler system. In March 1972, I returned to the Nimitz project and resumed preparation of test procedures.

June 1972 -

Jan. 1974 Employed by Burns & Roe, Inc., assigned to Cooper Nuclear Station, Brownville, Nebraska, as a startup engineer.

Responsibilities included coordination of craf t and operations personnel during performance of component functional tests and initial operation of station systems, flushing and secondary plant chemical cleaning; prepara-tion and conduct of preoperational test procedures. System assignments for initial operation and flushing included Turbine Building Closed Cooling, Fire Protection, Core Spray, Reactor Coolant Isolation Cooling, High Pressure Coolant Injection, Auxiliary Steam, Residual Heat Removal, Standby Liquid Control, Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup and Condenser Waterbox Vacuum. Participated in the conduct of containment isolation valve leak test, containment Initial Leak Rate Test, Secondary Containment Leak Test, RCIC and HPCI Preoperational Test. Later phases of test program assigned responsibility for coordination and conduct of all balance of plant preoperati6hal tests.

Jan. 1974 -

Aug. 1975 Employed by Burns & Roe, Inc., assigned to the WNP-2 project site as Startup Operations Manager, responsible ,

for direct supervision of Burns & Roe startup engineers

, involved in the development of balance-of-plant systems description, preoperational test specification, and procedures, Startup Program Manual, detailed startup sequence schedule contract requirements for contractor testing and support during the startup test program. In addition, my group provided assistance to the utility in the development of the FSAR Chapter 14, FPC Code of Accounts, a documentation storage and retrieval system.

Aug. 1975 -

Present Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc., assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station under contract to Texas Utilities Generating Company as Lead Startup Engineer, having responsibility for formulating and providing technical direction of the project startup program, including organizational and contractural division of responsibility for conduct of various test phases; preparation of startup administrative procedures; supervising preparation and performing review of prerequisite, preoperational and initial startup procedures; preparation of project startup schedules and manpower estimaces; and review of various FSAR sections, including Chapter 14.0.

o, .

Richard E. Camp - Page 3 Professional Affiliations:

American Nuclear Society Certifications:

None e>

h e

i I



George D. Smith - (EDS) Assistant Lead Startup Engineer Education:

High School - Marshall High School, Marsht.11 Texas - 1946 - 1950 College - Contra Costa Junior College, Concord California - 1957 - 1960 Major subjects: Math, Geology and mechanical engineering Trade School - DeVry Institute - 1963


Basic Electronics General Electric Company - Reactor Technology, Basic Nuclear Theory Course; Health Physics and Radiation trotection in Nuclear Power Plants Experience:

Nov. 1950 -

July 1951 Shell Oil Company - Roustabout in manufacturing department.

July 1951 -

Feb. 1953 Standard 011 Company - Laborer, welders helper, welder maintaining 250 uiles pipe line and seven pump stations.

Feb. 1953 -

Apr. 1956 U. S. Marine Corps June 1956 -

Dec. 1956 Standard 011 Company - Boiler Fireman, Station Engineer Dec. 1956 -

June 1960 E. I. DuPont Company, Inc. Process Operator in manufacturing department of a refrigerant and tetra-ethyl lead plant.

June 1960 -

Aug. 1972 General Electric Company - Licensed Reactor Operator on General Electric Test Reactor (GETR) and Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor (VBWI). Senior Licensed Reactor Operator on Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor (SEFOR)

Operations Shift supervisor on SEFOR. Field Test Engineer for CRD repair at Dresden 1 and installation and checkout of refueling equipment at Pilgram 1.

Aug. 1972 -

Sept. 1979 Bechtel Power Corporation - Startup Engineer at Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) responsible for checkout and initial operation of the following systems: Instrument Air, Cir-culating Water, River Water Supply. Station Service Water, R.H.R. and C.C.W. Group Leader at DAEC responsible for startup of all mechanical systems, including HVAC.

Assistant Project Startun Engineer at DAEC, responsible for field activities for complete plant startup.

Project Startup Engineer at DAEC responsible for coor-dination of startup program, including escalation to full power.


41 *

'Georae D Smith - Page 2 Assistant Project Startup Engineer at Trojan Nuclear Plant responsible for all administrative functions of startup group, responsible for all field startup activities. Member of Test Work Group.

Project Engineer responsible for the pre-planning, budgeting, coordination and report preparation of the 1st and 2nd refueling outages at DAEC.

Project Coordinator, responsible for erection and startup of electrostatic procipitators for three coal fired power plants for Iowa Electric Light and Power Company at Marshalltown, Iowa.

Project Startup Engineer at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station in charge of complete plant startup through power escalation.

Sept. 1979 -

Present EDS Nuclear Inc. - Assistant Lead Startup Engineer responsible for coordination of field startup activities through five group supervisors.


Licensed Reector Operator, Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)

Ticensed Senior Reactor Operator, Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR)

Certified on High Temperature Gas Cooled Grafite Moderated Experimental Reactor



a s

Michael J. Riggs - Startup - Electrical Prerequisite Test Coordinator Education:

B.S. Nuclear Engineering - Texas A & M University - 1974 General Electric Company Field Engineering Development Center, Schenectady, New York - 1974 Large Steam Turbine Generator Course Boiling Water Reactor Technology Course Boiling Water Keactor Training Center, Morris, Illinois - 1975 Reactor Operator Certification Course Instructor Training Course Experience:

1974 - Employed by General Electric Company assigned to Brunswick Steam Electric Plant startup group for initial training.

Assisted in Radwaste systems construction and startup. Pre-operationally tested several Radwaste processing systems and seismic monitoring systems. Assistant G. E. Operations Shift Supervisor for Reactor Initial Operation Testing.

1975 - Employed by General Electric Company assigned to General Electric Training Center, as instructor. Taught utility company operators BWR operations and control of all BWR systems. Developed material and lesson plans for specific BWR plant training courses and for GE new instructors internal training course.

1976 - Employed by General Electric Company assigned to E. I. Hatch Nuclear-Generating Plant startup group. Wrote large percentage of Plant Operating Procedures, including: systems operation instructions, emergency procedures, calibration and maintenance procedures, functional and surveillance testing and annunciator response procedures. Wrote and reviewed Preoperational Test -

Procedures. Reviewed Reactor Startup Test Instructions. Assigned as Preoperational Test Supervisor for Reactor Protection System, Primary Containment Isolation System and Main Generator and Auxiliary Systems; responsible for those system's assembly, deficiencies, construction, acceptance testing, functional testing, preoperational test / testing, and support documents. GE Operational Shif t Supervisor for Reactor Vessel Hydro and for Recire Pump Vibration Testing. Training Instructor for GE Shift Supervisor Certification course.

1978 - Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Company assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Initiated Hydraulic Model Test Plan for Containment Recirculation Sump flow verifications. Assigned as Startup Test Engineer for station battery /DC distribution systems and for all main turbine and generator systems. As turbine / generator coordinator, responsibilities included construction and startup scheduling, installation verification and system testing.

.9 e

Michael J. Rians - Page 2 1981 - Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Company assigned as Electrical Prerequisite Test Coordinator responsible for technical direction of startup test electricians, electrical support manpower assignennts and projections and development of backlog testing to include most plant 6.9KV large motors.


CE Senior Reactor Operator Certificction on Dresden Station Units 2 & 3 - 1975 GE Senior Reactor Operator Certification on E.I. Hatch Plant Units 1 & 2 - 1978 Professional Affiliations:

None l

A 6

  • e;

'.s i o

-Richard M. Remaley-.- Startup - I&C Test Coordinator .

' Education:

BSEE - Lehigh University - 1973 Exp;rience:

1973 - Employed by Philco Ford Corporation as a Junior Engineer. Designed analog and digital control systems for automobiles.

1974 - Assigned to Baltimore Gas & Electric Company by Fischer and Porter, Inc. as a field I&C engineer at BG&E's Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Fover Plant. Duties included installation verification, device calibration and systems checkout on both NSSS and BOP instrumentscion. Also responsible for measuring and test equipment calibration procudures.

1976 - Employed by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation as an Engineer in the Advisory Operations Division. Duties included preparing instrument cali-bratica procedures for the Power Authority of the State of New York and developing instrument loop calibration reperts for Northeast Utilities Services Corporation (Millstone 2), Gulf Sta tes Utilities (River Bend 1) and Virginia Electric Power Corporation (Nor.h Anna 1 and 2).

1977 - Subcontracted to Arkansas Power'& Light for startup of nuclear instrument-ation on second unit of Arkansas Nuclear One. Engaged primarily in the writing of surveillance and calibration procedures for the plant protective system (Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Featurcs).

1977 - Employed by Brown & Root, Inc. as an engineering specialist engaged in a plant improvement program for ALC0A's Warrick Pwoer Station, Duties included the redesign and upgrading of the steam temperature control, combustion and burner control systems.

1978 - Assigned responsibility for electrical startup of Souther Indiana Gas &

Electric Company's A.B. Brown Power Gtation. Duties included preparing test procedures and acceptance criteria as well as providing technical guidance to electrical construction persotael and equipment vendors.

1978 - Employed by Bechtel Power Corporation as a 'Jenior Startup Engineer at Salt River Project; Coronado Generating Station. Engaged primarily in the elec-trical startup and writing of acceptance procedures for caol handling, bottom and fly ash handling and emergency diesel systems.

1979 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. as a Lead Senior Engineer and assigned to Texas Utilities Services Inc. at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. Duties included compiling list of essential electrical equipment and instrument -

ation and bsplementing damage studies for conduit and instrumentation.

1981 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group as I&C coordinator re:sponsible for coordinating the turnover of l instrumentation for construction te startup and subsequent initial calibration i and associated wiring prerequisi;. tests. ,


06 o Richard M. Remaley - Page 2 Pr:fessional Affiliations: .

Member IE25 Member ISA s


None e


l 1

Thomas P. Miller - Startup - Mechanical Test Croup Coordinator



BS Nuclear Science State University of New York Maritime College - 1973 Experience:

1973 -

1975 Employed by Indiana and Michigan Power Company at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant as a performance engineer with responsi-bilities for developing and performing plant preoperational, operating and surveillance procedures for fuel handling, core physics distribution limits and incore flux and temperature measuring systems. Training and supervising fuel handling crews during fuel handling operations from receipt of fuel through core loading. Develop and perform startup test pro-cedures for initial core loading, initial criticality, low power and power ascension test programs of cycle 1.

1975 -

1977 Employed by Indiana and Michigan Power Company at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant as a senior performance engineer responsible for the accountability of all special nuclear material on site - nuclear materials manager. Supervise the performance and subsequent data analysis of physics tests during critica'.ity, low power and power ascension test programs for cycle 2. Levelop-ment of procedures and performance of new and spen; fuel assembly inspections. Supervise the performance of surveillance require-ments for core power distribution limits and core monitoring instrumentation.

1977 -

1978 Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. as a principle engineer. Re-sponsibilities included development of an operations plan, corporate and station administrative procedures for various utilities. Startup activities at Comanche Peak Steam Electric -

Station, including development of preoperational test, pre-tequisite and startup administrative procedures; system testi g and initial operation of a demineralizer water treatment plant.

1978 -

1980 Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. as a senior engineer responsible for startup activities at the Comanchc Peak Steam Electric Station. Duties include development of preoperational, pre-requisite and startup administrative procedures, identify and resolve design problems on assigned systems, supervise test personnel during the testing and initial operation of th'e reverse osmosis water treatment system.


. s=

Thomas P. Miller - Page 2 1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. as a Lead Senior Engineer assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station responsible as a Group Leader for the Containment / Waste Processing / Rad Monitoring Systems. Duties included supervision of test engineers assigned to the group during procedure preparation and system testing, review of group's procedures, system testing and manpower scheduling.

1981 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station as Mechanical Test Group Coordinator responsible for overall coordination and technical direction of the mechanical craft personnel utilized during system testing, hydrostatic testing and flushing.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

U. S. Coast Guard Third Assistant Engineer -

Steam or Motor Unlimited Horsepower U. S. Atomic Energy Commission - Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling - August, 1974 i

O 1

1 e

Richard E. Walz - Startup - Planning & Scheduling Education:

BSIE - University of Rhode Island - 1965 Experience:

1965 - Employed by Agostini Construction Company as a Staff Engineer.

Duties included motion and time studies, equipment utilization coordination and multi-project scheduling using computerized CPM techniques.

1966 - Employed by Computer Service Consultants, Inc. as Office Manager and Consultant. Duties included sales and CPM processing.

1967'- Employed by Nicholson File Company as a Staff Engineer in home o f fice. Duties included research work, Quality Assurance /

Engineering audits, construction .tud manufacturing planning and scheduling activities and computer utilization control.

1972 - Employed by United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. as a Scheduling Engineer at the Saleu Nuclear Station, progressing to Lead Scheduling Engineer at the Seabrook Nuclear Station.

Engaged primarily in computerized planning and scheduling work.

Specific scope included: assistance during contract negotiations for field work, constructability studies, cost effectiveness studies and Project Control procedure development. Extensive use of computerized Cost and Scheduling techniques.

1976 - Employed by Gibbs & Hill, Inc. as Senior Construction Engineer, transferred to Dravo Utility Constructors. Inc. (DUCI) assigned to Comanche Peak Nuclear Station as liaison and consultant.

Duties inc.luded: participation in construction progress meetings, maintenance of a summary of actual vs scheduled progress, '

monitor equipment and engineering deliveries, preparation of timely progress reports and review of construction and engineering schedules for the client.

1978 - Employed by DUCI assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Duties include maintenance of project startup sequence schedule, development of detailed system test schedules, development of status reporting formats and techniques and interfacing with construction project controls and scheduling department for input of startup requirements into project schedule.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:


Donald B. Allen - Startup - Containment / Rad Processing

  • Monitoring / Fuel Handling Systems Group Leader

' Educa tion:

B. S. Physics - Bradley Universiry - 1968 Experience:

1969 - U.S. Air Force 1973 - Employed by Westinghouse at the Naval Reactors Facility in Idaho as a Nuclear Plant Engineer. Advanced to Senior Training Assistant for the S1W submarine prototype. Qualified as Engineering-Officer-of-the-Watch, primary responsibilities in training, operations and maintenance.

1976 - Employed by Ce'eral n Electric Nuclear Energy Division as a Startup Test Engineer. . Assigned to Morris BWR Training Center for 12 weeks operator's course - certified Senior Reactor Operator on Dresden 2.

1977 - Assigned to General Electric Nuclear Energy Division home office as a staff startup test engineer developing preoperational test specifica-tions and instructions for Hanford, Grand Gulf and Susquehana.

1977 - Assigned to William H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station as an NSSS Startup Test Engineer. Assigned systems included Fuel Handling Equipment, Auto-matic Depressurization System, Area Radiation Monitoring, Process Radiation Monitoring, Reactor Recirculation Hydraulic System, Main Steam Isolation Valves Leakage Control System. Responsibilities included test engineer for the Reactor Vessel Hydrostatic Pressure Test.

1980 - Temporary assignment to Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company Construction .

Department for construction supervision. Responsible for completion of ,

several NSSS systems, including Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System, Reactor Water Clean,Up System, Residual Heat Removal System and Standby Liquid Control System.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. as a Startup Test Engineer at Comanche. Peak Steam Electric Station. Test Engineer for the Station Service Water System.

1 Promoted to present position as Group Leader for Conarinment, Radioactive Waste Processing, Radiation Monitoring and Fuel Handling Equipment Systems.

Primary duties include turnover boundary description, turnover and test scheduling, testing coordination, test data review and design change recom-mendations for systems and equipment. Also responsible for preparation of prerequisite, acceptance and preoperational test procedures.

Professional Affiliations:

None ,

s, j Donald 5. Allen - Page 2 Certifications:

Engineering Officer-of-the-Watch - S1W Navy Prototype Senior Reactor Operator - Dresden 2 Nuclear Power Station Level III Inspector - 111111am H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station l

i J

4 t

4 4

. o Charles D. Beach - Startup - Balance of Plant Systems Group Leader Education:

B.S. Aerospace Engineering - University of Kansas - 1969 Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company - Radiation Worker Training Experience:

1969 - U. S. Air Force 1973 - Employed by Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company assigned as Mechanical Test Engineer on USS NIMITZ. Responsible for writing, implementation and supervision of testing during flushing, hydrostatics, reactor fill, cold and hot operation, criticality and power range testing.

1975 - Employed by LPL, Inc. assigned to Salem Nuclear Generating Station Startup groun responsible for supervision and coordination of construction and initial startup activities on nuclear piping and ventilation systems such as; Residual Heat Removal, Safety Injection, Containment Spray, Primary Plant Ventilation, Chilled Water, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Completed plant familiarization and health physics courses.

1977 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to W. H. Zimmer Nuclear Polwer Station startup group responsible for preparation and execution of preoperational tests and flushing on nuclear support and radwaste systems, such as; instrument and service air, reactor component cooling, fuel pool cooling and claanup, acid and caustic and waste processing.** Developed FSAR abstracts, reviewed and revised test specifications and generated engineering changes to meet design specifications. Completed plant fami-liarization and health physics courses.

1979 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group as group leader for balance of plant systems. Primary duties include turnover boundary description, turnover and test scheduling, test coordination, test data review, design change recommendations for balance of plant systems. In addition, responsibilities include preparation of prerequisite and system acceptance tests procedures and super-vision of startup engineers assigned to balance of plant systems.

Professional Affiliations:

Registered Professional Engineer, State of Ohio Certifications:

None 6

Harold J. Cheatheam - Startup - Electrical Systems Group Leader Education:

BSEE - Texas Tech University - 1967 Experience:

1966 - Employed by Litton Industries as electronic test technician to test and trouble shoot electronic component cards for naval guidance system.

1967 - Employed by Pan American Petroleum Corporation as pertroleum reservoir engineer with primary duties to evaluate well performance and recommend' well treatments to increase well productivity. Also made an engineering evaluation of an established oil field for the purpose of unitization for secondary recovery by waterflood.

1969 - Employed by Dallas Power and Light Company as an associate engineer in the System Protection and Testing Division. Duties included plant, transmission distribution, protective relay settings, making coordination studies and reviewing electrical and protective control circuit design.

1975 - Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Company as electrical startup engi-neer at Martin Lake Steam Electric Station. Primary duties included testing, design changes and energization of the plant electrical distribution systems for Unit Nos. 1 and 2. Also checked out and run-in all large motors (100 HP and above).

1978 - Assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric, Station as startup engineer.

Promoted to senior engine,er and Startup Electrical Group Leader. Primary duties include turnover boundary description, turnover and test scheduling, testing coordination, test data review and design change recommendations for plant electrical systems and equipment. Also responsible for preparation of electrical prerequisite, acceptance and peroperational test procedures for -

all electrical systems.

Professional Affiliations:

Registered Professional Eng'ineer in Texas CGrtifications:



Sterlina M. Franks. III - Startup - NSSS Systems Group Leader Education:

BSNE - University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga - 1974 Experience:

1966 -

1970 U. S. Army 1971 -

1973 Employed by Tennessee Valley Authority, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant in civil engineering department as engineering aide inspecting and layout for equipment associated with the nuclear plpnt.

1973 - l 1974 Assigned to mechanical engineering department at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. The duties consisted of second shift assistance to craftsmen with problems related to heavy equipment erection and installation.

1974 -

1975 Assigned to Preoperational Test Section, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, as nuclear engineer. The duties consisted of indoctrination training for Office of Power Engineering Training and Radiological Hygiene Training. Additionally developed preoperational tests for Containment Spray and Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleaning Systems.

1975 - ..

1976 Temporarily assigned to Assistant Plant Ms. nager, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, as Assistant Preoperational Test Coordinator. The duties-included administrative development ar.d direction for the fire restoration retest program. Additionally developed and performed preoperational test for high pressure safety injection, low -

pressure safety injection and reactor protection.

1976 -

1979 Returned to Preoperationsi Test Section, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.

The duties included procedure development and conduct of the Chemical and Volume Control, Safety Injection, Boron Recycle, Diesel Generator HVAC, Turbine-Generator Control 3ystems.

Additionally developed test procedures for Control Rod Drop, Control Rod Drive, Roo Position Indication and Coatrol Rod Bank Overlap.

1979 -

1980 Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. The duties included developing various administrative control procedures, system scoping and scheduling, development and review of generic prerequisite test procedures, developed several preoperational tests to in-clude Safety Injection and Chemical and Volume Control Systems.

.o -

.9 Sterlina M. Franks III - Page 2 1980 -

1981 Promoted to Lead Senior Engineer and designated as group leader for Nuclear n aam Supply Systems. Primary duties include turn-over boundary description, turnover and test scheduling, test coordination, test data review, design change recommendations for NSSS systems. In addition, responsibilities include preparation of prerequisite and preoperational test procedures and supervision of startup engineers assigned to NSSS systems group. Have had direct responsibility for development of the preoperational piping vibrations program.

Professional Af filiations:

Sigma Phi Sigma Certifications:

None m

6 e



Bruno W. Kaulfus - Feartup - HVAC Systema Group Leader Education:

BSME - Texas A & M University - 1950 Experience:

1943 -

1946 U. S. Navy during WWII; Radio Operator aboard USS Bougainville CVE-100 1948 - Employed by Texas Electric Service Company working as temporary summer help on plant operations at North Main Steam Electric Station.

1950 -

1951 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as a student engineer at the North Main Steam Electric Station. Performed clectrical maintenance duties on the five turbine-generator units and auxiliaries.

1951 -

1952 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as a junior engineer at Handley Steam Electric Station. Duties included startup operations of a new 80 MW turbine-generator unit.

1952 -

1954 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as a senior engineer at North Main Steam Electric Station. Duties included initial startup operations of a 80 MW tur'ulne-generator unit, operator training and assisted with instrumentation calibration and repairs.

1954 - ,

1957 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as a senior results

, engineer at Eagle Mountain Steam Electric Station. Responsible for operator training and plant operations during the construction and initial startup of a 125 MW and 175 MW turbine-generator unit. Supervised plant instrumentation group and plant chemistry group. Responsible for the development of the station lubrication schedule and coordination of major plant design changes.

1957 -

1959 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as assistant plant superintendent at the Leon Steam Electric Station. The duties consisted of assisting in management of the five unit turbine-generator station with total responsibility of overall plant operations, plant instrumentation and plant chemistry.


1959 -

1963 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as senior results engineer at the Permian Basin Steam Electric Station. Responsible for operator training and plant operations during the construction and initial startup of a 125 MW turbine-generator unit. Responsible for operation, testing and maintenance of a plant supply water gathering system consisting of 10 high capacity deep wells. Super-vised the plant instrument and chemistry group. l l


1963 -

1970 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as assistant plant superintendent for two years at the Graham Steam Electric Station and five years at the Morgan Creek Steam Electric Station.

Assisted in the overall station management with total responsibility of plant operations, instrumentation, reactor /demineralizer water treatment, plant operation records and equipment performance data.

Additionally responsible for the checkout, testing and initial operation of a 500 MW turbine-generator with a suberitical once-thru boiler.

1970 -

1974 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as plant superintendent for two years at the Permian Basin Steam Electric Station and two years at the Eagle Mountain Steam Electric Station. Duties consisted of overall management of each station. New construction of a 540 MW turbine-generator unit was in process at the Permian Basin Station.

1974 -

1976 Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as senior power engineer in the Fort Worth Power Department. The duties included system liquid fuel storage study and the design of an extension to deep water well gathering system. Additionally responsible for developing startup schedule and coordinating plant startup activities for two 425 MW turbine-generator units at the Handley Plant.

1976 -

1981 Employed by Texas Utilities Generp, ting Company as senior startup engineer and promoted to principal engineer as HVAC System Group Leader and Administrative supervisor for all TUCCO Startup personnel. Primary duties include developing turnover boundary descriptions, turnover and test scheduling, test activity coor-dination, manpower planning, test data review and design change -

recommendations for HVAC systems. In addition, responsibilities 4nclude preparation of prerequisite, acceptance and preoperational test procedures and supervision of startup engineers assigned to the HVAC Systems group.

Professional Affiliations:

Registered /rofessional Engineer in Texas Member of NSPE & TSPE - Fort Worth Chapter Certifications:

None 1


r P

b David M. Brimht - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BS Chemistry - Virginia Military Institute - 1976 Experience:

19'/6 - U. S. Air Force 1976 -

1980 Employed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation at the Naval Reactors Facility. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Qualified as staff operator 1977 and as a Nuclear Plant Engineer in the same year. Duties primarily training in power plant operations, maintenance and chemistry.

Assigned as Acting Shif t Supervisor, Crew A. Primary duties in-cluded the overall safe operation and maintenance of the reactor and steam plants. The training and timely qualification of the students assigned to the crew.

Assigned to the training department as the Staff Training Group Supervisor. Primary duties were the maintenance of the knowledge and operating skills of all staff operators at a high level and implementation of the Biennial Requalifications Program.

Qualified as Senior Shif t Supervisor and assigned as Shif t Super-visor, Crew A. Primary duties included the overall safe operation and maintenance of the power plant. The training and timely qualifications of the students asgigned to the crew.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Duties include preparation of Acceptance and Preoperational Tests, supervision of prerequisite, acceptance and preoperational tests performed on assigned systems, -

review of test data and preparation of test reports. Specific system assignments include; Chemical Feed, Potable Water, Vent and Drain and Feedwater systems.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

Qualified Engineering Officer-of-the-Watch, S1W Prototype Qualified Nuclear Plant Engineer, S1W Prototype Qualified Senior Shif t Supervisor S1W Prototype i Qualified Radiation Worker I

John H. Collins, Jr. - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

AB Mathematics, LaGrange College, LaGrange, Georgia, 1969 MS Mathematics, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, 1971 Experience:

1971 - U.S. Navy; Engineering Office of the Watch on Navy's S3G and S5W Nuclear Power Plants. Instructor Navy Nuclear Power School.

1978 - Employed by Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Corp. as a Mechanical Test Engineer. Responsible for mechanical testing of systems on the Navy's 688 Class Nuclear Fast Attack Submarines.

1978 - Employed by Florida Power and Light Company as a startup engineer at its St. Lucie Site. System responsiblities included Reactor Coolant System, Condenser, Feedwater Heaters Vent and in System, and Diesel Generators.

Participated in two refueling outage , complete condenser retubing and a complete feedwater heater replacement.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear,Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Project startu"p group. Duties include coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems / subsystems turned over to TUCC0; completion of required Prerequisite Tests, preparation 9.d conduct of Acceptance and Preoperational tests, preparation of Initial Startup Tests and providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase.

Specific system responsibilities are Control Room HVAC, Office and Service Area HVAC and assisting in component cooling water flush.

Pr3fessional Affiliations:

None C:rtifications:


Howard Druckman - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

B.S. Environmental Engineering, Cornell University - 1974 Experience:

1974 - Employed by Stone and Webster (Chorry Hill), assigned to the Riverbend Station Project, Gulf States Utilities, as a System Engineer with responsibility for water treatment systems. This included cau?ing tower makeup water treatment, makeup domineralizer, chemical feed and oil water separation systems. Duties included:

design review, specification review, purchase recommendations and syotes drawie.g review.

I' 1978 - Employed by Stone and Webster (Cherry Hill) assigned to N.M.P.-2 project, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, as an advisory operations engineer. Prepared system descriptions for a makeup water treatment system and a condensate demineralizer system.

1979 - Employed by Ecodyne-Graver Water Division as a Field Engineer with responsibility for Startup of Water Treating Equipment.

Types of equipment included were makeup demineralizers, condensate demineralizers, filters, clarifiers and reverse osmosis units.

This equipment was located at various industrial facilities and pogpr plants around the country.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Project. Responsible for preparation of preoperational test procedures for primary containment local Leak rate, fuel building overhead crane and radioactive vaste processing systems.

Affiliaticns .

None .



- + - ,,,v +


Joseph L. Fortescue - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

Military: Naval Nuclear Power Program Other: Newport News Shipbuilding - A4W Shif t Test Engineer School Radiation Worker Training Experiences 1965 - U. S. Navy - Duties included shif t supervisor at a naval nuclear support facility; supervise operation of facility; ensure radio-logical control procedures performed correctly: ensure liquid and solid radioactive waste systems operate and are maintained properlJ.

Chief Reactor Auxiliary Operator - supervise, monitor and operate all systems required by a naval pressurized water reactor; per-form maintenance and overhaul of reactor and support system components.

Naval Nuclear Power School and prototype - approximately one (1) year of comprehensive study and training covering subjects such '

as reactor theory, design, construction and operation; additional

" hands-on" experience received in reactor operating and casualty procedures and radiological controls during prototype phase.

1972 - Employed by Newport News Shipbuilding as a Shift Test Engineer.

Duties included safe and proper operation of all reactor and steam plant systems; ensure that all phases of plant testing are performed in accordance with specifications. Coordination of activities between naval personnel and shipyard testing support personnel. As a mechanical test engineer, performed hydrostatic testing, cleanliness flushing and preoperational checks of components and systems prior to delivery to U. S. Navy. -

1977 - Em31oved by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Duties include preparation of startup administrative procedures, prerequisite, acceptance and preoperational test procedures, supervision of prerequisite, acceptance and preoperational tests and review of test data.  ;

In addition, duties involve coordination between construction and startup to identify and resolve construction / design deficiencies.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

Qualified Shift Test Engineer on Naval Reactor Plant A4W

-Qualified Radiation Worker l


James C. Hennessy - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

College - Northeastern University, two years Mechanical Engineering e

Technical - W'ntworth Institute of Technology, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Military - U.S. Air Force - Air Craft Maintenance and Maintenance Management High School - Graduated Cambridge High and Latin, Cambridge, Massachusetts Experience:

1967 - U. S. Air Force ,

1968 - Employed by the Schraff t Candy Company, Boston, Massachusetts,

.as a power plant mechanic.

1974 - Employed by Allied Service Company of New England as a HVAC Technician. Participated in the design, installation, startup and servicing of all types of HVAC systems.

1978 - Employed by Bechtel Power Corporation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units II and III as a Construction Field Engineer. Duties included setting up a maintenance program of all operating systems and equipment.

1979 - Employed by Brown & Root at the South Texas Project Nuclear Generating Station as a mechanical construction engineer in the HVAC group.

1990 - Promoted by Brown & Root to Construction Lead HVAC Engineer.

Duties included working with Startup group in developing system lines for HVAC. Completed course in HVAC in Nuclear Plants.

1981 - Employed by Bahnson Service Company assigned to Comanche Peak

  • Steam Electric Station. Duties include preparation of Acceptance and Prooperational Tests, supervision of prerequisite, acceptance and preoperational tests performed on essigned systems, review of test data and preparation of test reports.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

None  ;

1 l

l 1

l I


Thomas E. Hodge - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BS in Administration - George Washington University - 1976 Shift Test Engineer's School - Newport News Shipbuilding -

1969, 1971, 1972, 1977 U. S. Naval Nuclear Power School - 1961 Experience:

1959 - U. S. Navy. Assignments included Reactor Plant Mechanical Operator, Reactor Plant Watch Supervisor, and Engineering Labor-atory Technician (e.g., Chemistry and Health Physics Technician).

1966 - Employed by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power as a Steam Plant Operator.

1967 - Employed by Newport News Shipbuilding as a Junior Designer and Progressed to Senior Engineer. Duties included preparation and review of test procedures, review of schedules and planning activities, performance and supervision of all phases of ship-board teering, from system flushing and initial operation through Power Range Testing. These duties included membership in the Joint Test Group, Supervising of other test engineers during overall test programs of five Multi-Reactor Naval Surface Ships.

1979 - Employed by EDS Wuclear, Inc. as a Staior Engineer and assigned

, to Duane Arnold Energy Center, for the pipe hanger / anchor bolt back-fit project (I&E Bulletin 79-02) functioning as the on-site project coordinator responsible to ensure all construction and engineering support activities were completed.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to the NSSS Startup Group at Comanche Peat Steam Electric Station. Duties include preparation and review of preoperational test procedures, for Component Cooling .

Water, SIS Accumulator Blowdown and Reactor Coolant Cold Hydro, performed systems testing on Component Cooling Water and assisted in testing of Station Service Water Systems and supervision of craf t and other startup engineers. Additional duties include coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems / subsystems turned over to TUCC0; completion of re-quired Prerequisite Tests, preparation and conduct of Acceptance and Preoperational tests, preparation of Initial Startup tests and'providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase.

Professional Affiliations:

American Nuclear Society Member Certifications:

Shift Test Engineer for A2W, C1W, A4W and D2G Naval Reactor Plants Chief Reactor Watch and Engineering Laboratory Technician Qualification from U. S. Navy l

it Timothy L'.- Hutson - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSNE - Oregon State University - 1980 Experience:

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Primary duties include pre-paring preoperational test procedures and reviewing design for the following systems: Containment Spray System, Residual Heat Removal Systems, ECCS - RHR Perfor: nance and Boron Thermal Regeneration System; assisting in initial startup of the fol-lowing systems: Station Service Water System and Component Cooling Water System; System Test Engineer ror the following systems: Auxiliary Feedwater-Condensate Storage System, freeze protection and heat tracing systems.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

None 1

0 9


~ -

r --n

.n' Robert G. Johansen - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSME - Northeastern University - 1975 S6C Resctor Plant Systems Shif t Test Engineer, Reactor Plant Qualifications Program, General Dynamics, Electric Bc't Division, Groton, Connecticut - 1977 Experience:

1972 -

1974 (Co-operative Education Experience) Texas Instruments Incorporated, Attleboro, Massachusetts. Assistant Manufacturing Engineer assigned to a Pressure Switch Production Line, respons-ible for specific projects dealing with Manufacturing Tooling, Equipment and Processes related to improving quality and delivery and costs reduction. Duties included procurement of now equip-ment such as furnaces, printers and welding machines and redesign of current processes into semi-automatic operations including Arc Welding, Riveting Assemblies and Quality Assurance test equipment.

1974 -

1975 (Co-operative Education Experience) Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, Support Engineer assigned to the Control Division involved in the design of Control Systems for Power Plants and associated systems including design of Control Systems for a Waste Treatment Center, a Fire Protection System for a Fossil Power Plant, and an HVAC System for the office building at the plant site. Additionally, responsibilities included coordination with design and engineering organizations for updating vendors' specifications and field design changes.

1975 - Employed by General Dynamics, Electric Boat Division, Groton, Connecticut assigned to S6G Reactor Plant Construction as a qualified shift test engineer. Duties included safety of the reactor plant and its associated systems, coordination and direct supervision of Navy and shipyard personnel during all phases of electrical and fluid testing, resolve and report resolutions for problems and failures that transpire during testing.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Duties include coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems /

subsystems turned over to startup for testing, completion of required Prerequisite Tests, preparation and conduct of Accept-ance and Preoperational tests, preparation of Initial Startup Testa and providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase. Specific system responsibilities are the con-densate, condensate polishing, heater drains, circulating water, extraction steam and steam generator blowdown systems.

1 R_obert o C. Johansen - Page 2 Professional Af filiations:

None Certifications:

None 1


D. Arthur London - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSEE - University of Oklahoma - 1976 Experience:

1977 -

1979 Employed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Naval Reactors Facility, Idaho Falls, Idaho, as an Associate Engineer. Con-pleted:six month Nuclear Power School and six month qualification as~ Engineering Officer-of-the-Watch. Qualified as Nuclear Plant Engineer (S1W) and worked in all aspects of Plant Operations.

- Maintenance and Training. Progressed to Engineer and qualified as Acting Shift Supervisor., Acting Shift Supervisor duties included overall responsibility for plant operations, maintenance and training for a crew on .shif t.

1979 -' Employed by.EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup electrical systems group. Assignments have included prerequisite tests and initial energization of the Control Room Annunciators, 6.9KV safeguards switchgear, sequential events recorder, station computer, plant communica-tions, 480 volt motor control center, plant cathodic protection, solid state isolation equipment and reactor protection system inverters.

Professional Affiliations:

Engineer in Training Oklahoma' Certifications:

1978 - Engineering Officer-of-the-Watch, S1W Plant -

Naval Reacters Facility, Idaho Falls, Idaho 1978 - Nuclear Plant Engineer, S1W Plant, NRF, Idaho Falls, Idaho 1979 - Acting Shift Supervisor, S1W Plant, NRF, Idaho Falls, Ida,ho i

1 l

David L. McKibbin - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSME - University of Illinois - 1980 Experience:

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. in Management Service Division, San Francisco. Primarily worked on scheduling construction activities for technical support center and first draf t pre-paration of a corporate emergency response plan.

1980 -

1981 Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station spare parts task force. Duties included evaluation of major systems and components to recommend and requisition spare parts for plant operation.

1981 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group as System Test Engineer. Duties include coordination of construction personnel and others as re-quired to get systems / subsystems turned over to TUCC0; completion of required Prerequisite Tests, preparation and conduct of Acceptance and Preoperational tests, preparation of Initial Startup Tests and providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase. Specific system responsibilities are assisting in the prerequisite testing and flushing of the Fire Protection, Instrument Air and Condensate Systems.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications: -

None .


+ .


-Michael.V. Moak - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSNE Mississippi State University - 1976 Shift Test Engineer Training (Nuclear) - Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc. - 1978 1


1976 - Employed by Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc. as prospective Shift Test Engineer (Nuclear). Duties included assisting the Shift Test Engineer in testing Naval Nuclear Reactor Systems and Test Procedure Preparation for Naval Nuclear Reactor Systems.

1979 - Employed by EDS Nuclear assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Project. Duties include preparations of Acceptance and Pre-operational Tests, supervision of Prerequisite Acceptance and Preoperational Tests performed on assigned systems, preparation and review of test data and pre-partation of test reports.


None Ccrtifications:

None m


Michael C. Murray - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSET - California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona, Calif. - 1974 Experience:

1974 - Employed by Bechtel Power Corporation at the Cholla Steam Generation Station as a Field Engineer. Responsibilities included design, installation and system testing.

1976 - Employed by Daniel Construction Company at Farley Nuclear Plant as a Construction Test Engineer. Areas of responsibility included coordination of construction completion for the electrical sub-contractor, assistance to plant operations for Preoperational Testing, assistance to the contractor for System Pressure Testing and initiation and follow-up of field change requests on assigned systems.

1977 - Employed by Diversified Electrical Contractors, a subsidiary of Daniel Construction Company, at Farley Nuclear Plant as the Lead Systems Engineer.

Areas of responsibility were the coordination of the Electrical Construction work including the supervision of Systems Engineers.

1978 - Employed by Brown and Root at the South Texas Nrclear Plant as the Chief Systems Engineer. Areas of responsibility included the supervision and technical direction of the systems group. Coordinate the system activities, overseeing the test boundaries and definitions (mechanical, electrical and instrumentation) and ensuring that applicabid code requirements were followed during pressure testing system integrity until release to the client.

1979 - Employed by Daniel Construction Company at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Plant as the Systems Completion Supervisor. Areas of responsibility included super- ,

vision of the systems engineers and to expedite the construction effort to meet the test schedule.

1980 - Employed by Bahnson Service Company assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Project, Startup HVAC group. Areas of responsibility include the coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems /

subsystems turned over to TUCC0; completion of required Prerequisite tests, preparation and conduct of Acceptance and Preoparational tests, preparation of Initial Startup Tests and providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase.


None C:rtifications:


n e

Peter E. Olson - Startup - System Test Engineer Education: ,

Graduate of Nutley High School, Nutley, New Jersey - 1971 Experience:

1973 - Employed by Pennwalt Corporation, Wallace & Tiernan Division as Mechanical Draf tsman for Water Treatment Facilities.

1974 - Employed by Brown & Root, Inc. at the Brunswick Steam Electric Station as a Draftsman Checker, later moving to Field Pipe Engineering. Duties included field inspections for system completion and instituting field modifications, primarily on various BOP systems.

1975 - Employed by Brown & Root, Inc. assigned to the Exxon Corporation, Baytown, Texas, Fuels Expansion Project. Duties included working with the Project Engineer resolving field construction problems.

1976 - Employed by Brown & Root, Inc. assigned to' Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station mechanical engineering group. Duties included construction procedure preparation and resolution of field construction problems concentrating on NSSS systems in the reactor and fuel buildings.

1979 - Employed by Bahnson Service Company assigned to V. C. Summer Nuclear Station as a startup enginger. Duties included electrical and mechanical checkout and preoperational testing of RVAC systems throughout the plant.

1980 - Employed by Bahnson Service Company assigned to Comarche Peak Steam Electric Station as System Test Engineer. Duties include -

coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems / subsystems turned over to TUGC0; completion of required Prerequisite Tests, preparation and conduct of Acceptance and Preoperational tests, preparation of Initial Startup Tests and providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase. Specific system responsibilities are the primary plant supply and exhaust filtration system, reactor building cooling and ventilation chilled water system.

Professional Affiliations:

American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers Certifications:


Caetano F. Riggio - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

B.S. Marine Engineering, minor in Electrical Engineering United States -

Merchant Marine Academy - 1975 MBA - University of Southern Mississippi - 1979 Experience:

1975 -

1978 Employed at Ingalls Shipbuilding as a Nuclear Test Engineer and assisted shift test engineer in testing of all nuclear systems.

Passed the Naval Reactors written examination for Shift Test Engineer in September, 1976.

Qualified as a shift test engineer. Conducted comprehensive tests of nuclear and nuclear related systems under strictly controlled conditions. Directed ships personnel in placing reactor plant in a safe condition during times of casualty.

Responsible for placing electrical and mechanical systems in appropriate status to facilitate all production work on the nuclear plant. Insured the production schedule was adhered to while maintaining optimum safety standards.

Assigned as a project engineer and coordinated nuclear plant engineering activities with field operations. Determined priorities and assignments of engineering tasks relating to assigned submarine. Acting liaison to other company depart-ments and outside organizations.

1979 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group as a senior engineer. Duties include responsibility for initial operation of assigned systems including design review, completion of construction, pre-paration of test procalures and operational testing of in-dividual components and the entire systems that were assigned

'during this period including cendensate, circulating water, pot-able water, condenser vacuum and water box priming and the turbine plant cooling water systems.

Presently responsible for the startup of the Comanche Peak Unit i turbine generator. Responsible for scheduling startup testing, coordinating with construction to facilitate startup schedules, design review, writing the test procedures and testing the turbine generator and support systems.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

Third Assistant Engineers License - Steam and Diesel, unlimited horsepower Radiological Controls - Qualified to work in Radiation Control Areas Naval Reactors - approved as qualified shift test engineer for SSW plants

. Gary Craig Sandlin -Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

1973 to 1978 - University of Texas at Arlington, Arlinton, Texas B.S.' Degree in Mechanical Engineering 1970 to 1972 - United Electronics Institute, Dallas, Texas-Associates Degree in Electronics 1967 to 1970 - Good Hope College Prep., St. Croix, U.S.V.I.,

High Schocl Diploma Exp;rience:

1972 - Lenkurt Electric Company (G.T.E.), San Carlos, California. Installer -

Installation and startup of microwave and cable toll telephone systems.


1978 - University of Texas at Arlington .

1979 1980 - Employed by Texas Electric Service Company, Handley Steam Electric Station. Associate Mechanical Engineer - Worked in all departments of a 1440 Megawatt gas and oil fired power plant, starting at Handley as a Junior Engineer and then progressing to Associate Engineer, en-gaged primarily in training in power plant operations, maintenance and chemistry. **

1930 - Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Company assigned to Comanche 1981 Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Duties include coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems / subsystems ,

turned over to startup for testing; completion of required prerequisite tests, preparation and conduct of acceptance and preoperational tests, preparation of initial start-up tests and providing technical support during the initial start-up testing phase; identification of problem areas and recommend or affect actions to resolve deficiencies that can adversely affect test performance. Specific system assignments include Turhine, Cantry and Containment Access Cranes, 300gpm lake water clarification and reverse osmosia system, demineralized water, plant gas and main steam systems.

Professional Affiliations:

None COrtifications:

First Class Radio Telephone License

s Steven L. Siebenaler - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BS F,- The University of Cincinnati - 1980 Experience:

1978 - Employed by the Toledo Edison Company at the Davis Besse Nuclear

. Power Station under a sanctiened co-operative education work program for four college quarters. Was responsible for the development and maintenance of fire protection and radioactive waste disposal procedures. Also prepared Licensee Event Reports and other communications required by the plant technical specifications.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station spare parts tast force. Was responsible for the specification and requisition of spare parts for plant operation.

1981 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group as System Test Engineer. Duties include , coordination of construction personnel and others as required to get systems / subsystems turned over to T"GCO com-pletion of requited Prerequisite Tests, preparation and conduct of Acceptance and Preoperational tests, preparation of Initial Startup Tests and providing technical support during the Initial Startup Testing phase. Specific system responsibilities are the Primary Sampling system, Fuel Pool Cooling and assistance on Component Closed Cooling Water System prerequisite testing and flushing. -

- Professional Affiliations:

Member, American Society Mechanical Engineers .



4 Floyd R. Stough - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

Four (4) years toward.s EE - University of Texas at Austin BWR Operation Courses - GE BWR Training Center, Dresden, Illinois BWR Technology - Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Port Gibson, Mississippi A1W Reactor (USN) - 13aho Falls, Idaho Electricity & Electronics A1, USN - SSC Treasure Island, San Francisco, California Experience:

1968 - U. S. Navy. Electronics Technician involved with communication systems. Advanced to E4. Received two year scholarship to University of Texas.

1972 - U. S. Navy Reactor Operator. Duties included trouble shooting and repair of and operation of all Reactor Control Equipment.

Qualified in submarines. Wrote procedures for and performed removal of Neutron Detector equipment.

1976 - Emp11yed by Nuclear Services Corporation. Duties included preparation of procedures for and supervised performance of Time Response Testing of NSSS systems at Trojan Nuclear Plant, Wash-ington. Performed Fire Protection Inspection of Duane Arnold Nuclear Station, Iowa. Wrote control rod drive functional testing and operating procedures for LOFT Site, Idaho. Performed BOP control panel re-engineering on Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

Assisted in pipe restraint analysis information collection at Beaver Valley, Pennsylvania. Involved in Waste Disposal Risk Analysis for ERDA. ..

1977 - Employed by Mississippi Power and Light as assf atant operator, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. Completed cold licensee training at Grand Gulf and advanced to Nuclear Operator. Certified as Reactor Operator for cold license at CGNS. Certified SRO on plant knowledge and control room operation.

1981 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Startup electrical systems group. Duties include initial energization of lighting and power distribution panels, energization of 345KV switchyard, control circuit check-out and modification of 480 VAC control power for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 main transformers and preparation of acceptance and preoperational test procedures for plant electrical systems.

Professional Affiliations:

None Certifications:

BWR Reactor Operation Cold License Certification, GCNS U.S. Navy Reactor Operator S5W-4A and A1W U.S. Navy - Qualified in submarines U.S. Navy - Electronics Technician, ET1 (SS)


r ta ,M. Thomson -'Startup'- System Test _ Engineer l Education:

B.S.E.E. - University of Maitoba --1980 Experience:

1981 - Employed by EDS Nuclear,'Inc. assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Project startup electrical test group. Responsibilities include coordination with construction to get electrical components turned over for testing, supervision of circuit functional tests and documentation of

-test performed.

, Professional Affiliations:

Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers C:rtifications:

None i

4 6



y I

James C.-Ziuserman - Startup - System Test Engineer Education:

BSME - The University of Michigan - 1976 Experience:

1976 - Employed by Combustion Engineering Inc. as a NSSS Engineer, Grade 1.

Was responsible for operating plant relaibility data software programs.

Completed a one week PWR Simulator Operations Training Course.

1977 - Assigned to the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station. Was responsible for EPRI Limiting Factors Analysis Study software development.

1978 - Assigned to the Clavert Cliffs Nuclear Power Station during refueling outage as an irradiated fuel team engineer. Supervised craf t labor during fuel sleeving operation.

Promoted to NSSS Engineer II and transferred to the Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2 Station as a System Test Engineer. Responsibilities included the preparation and performance of peroperational and startup tesc procedures for the-reactor coolant system (Thermal expansion measurement), emergency feedwater system, control element drive syctes and the core protection calculator system (response time testing). Was promoted to Shift Test Director with responsioility for conductance of initial criticality, low power physics and power ascension test procedures.

1979 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. as a Principac 2ngineer. Assigned to the Duane Arnold Energy Center. Was responsible for coordinating the resolution of quality assurance findings, prepared licensee event reports and conducted electrical penetration fire seal surveillance tests.

1980 - Employed by EDS Nuclear, Inc. assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station project responsible for supervision of Spare Parts Task Force per-sonnel dele' gated to specify and requisition spare parts for plant operation.

Promoted to Senior Engineer and assigned to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station startup group. Currently responsible for the development of pre-

, operational test procedures for primary conatinment integrated leak rate and radioactive waste processing system testing.

Professional Affiliations:

Member, The American Nuclear Society Cortifications:


o- o.

Nuclear Services Division (NSD)

NSD is composed of the Nuclear Fuels Group and the Nuclear Licensing Group.


The Fuels Group will have four (4) engineers and eight (8) engineers assigned for 1 and 2 unit operation respectively.

The Nuclear Licensing Group has six (6) engineers assigned.

Resumes of the Manager, Nuclear Services and his staff are attached.

Technical Support Group The Technical Support Group (TSG) currently consists of 17 engineers supplemented by consultants / contractors as required. The current and anticipated composition of the group is: '

Current 2 Unit Operation Mech. Engr. 3 9 Elec. Engr. 4 8 Nuc. Engr. 5 7 I&C Engr. 4 6 Civil / Structural 1 .. 4 Designers 0 6 17 40 The Technical Support Group will be organized in such functional areas as engineering, analysis, planning, scheduling, purchasing, design and drafting. Clerical and secretarial support will be supplied as required.

Resumes of the Manager, Technical Support Group and his staff are attached.

l Attachment 3

Homer C. Schmidt - Manager, Nuclear Services Education:

BSME - Southern Methodist University Experience:

1956 - U.S. Army 1958 - Dallas Power & Light Co.

As Plant Engineer and Supervisor, responsible for providing in-plant evaluation of safety, reliability and production efficiencies of generating units; providing engineering and technical support for operations and maintenance activities; and maintenance of plant instrumentation and automatic control systems.

1962 - Dallas Power & Light Co.

As Coordinating Engineer for the Pl>Jic Department, responsible for Plant Department review of design and procurement documents for new generating units, liaison and coordination with Engineering Department, and monitoring of -

fjeld construction activities for these units.

1968 - Dallas Power & Light Co.

As Plant Betterment Division Head, responsible for evaluating safety, reliability and production efficiency of all DP&L generating units; providing engineering and technical support for operations, maintenance and construction activities in the Plant Department; and conducting a continuous preventive maintenance program on all power plant instrumentation, computers and automatic control systems.

1971 - Texas Utilities Generating Co.

As Manager, Quality Assurance, responsible for developing and managing the quality assurance program for design, procurement and construction of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. In addition, responsible for assuring that TUGC0 quality assurance requirements were implemented by TUGC0's prime contractors. During this period, developed the TUGC0/TUSI Corporate Quality Assurance Program and the Comanche Peak Quality Assurance Plan and guided its implementation.

1976 - Texas Utilities Services Inc.

As Project Manager-Nuclear Plants, responsible for cost, schedule and quality for engineering, construction, procurement, licensing and fuel managment of CPSES. In October 1977 the responsibility for engineering, construction, and procurement was transferred to the Office of the Project General Manager at the construction site.

Mr. Schmidt retained responsibility, for licensing, health physics, fuel management, and technical support.

1978 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. ,

As Manager, Nuclear Services, responsible for licensing and fuel management.

Activities: -

Registered Professional Engineer in Texas Member - ANS Member - ASME Member - Atomic Industrial Forum Committee on Reactor Safety and Licensing l

1 l

l I


John S. Marshall - Nuclear Licensing Supervisor Education:

U.S. Naval Academy - 1964 Experience:

1964 - U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Service. Qualified to supervise operation of nuclear reactors. Qualified Nuclear Engineer Officer.

1974 - Bechtel Pow - Corporation. Design and licensing of balance of plant systems for foreign and domestic nuclear power plants representing four domestic NSSS manufacturers.

1979 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Licensing Engineer.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Nuclear Licensing Su pervi sor.


Registered Professional Engineer in California Member - ANS l

l l

l Richard A. Werner - Senior Nuclear Licensing Engineer  !

Education: .


BS Physics / Mathematics - East Texas State University - 1968 MSNE - University of Missouri - 1975 Experience:

1969 - U.S. Navy Nuclear Power Program, Engineering Division Officer, Nuclear Submarine USS Billfish SSN 676.

1973 - University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility. As a Reactor Engineer, responsible for the supervision of all maintenance and facility design changes for a 10 MWth research reactor. Also received an AEC reactor operator licsnse, Docket No. 55-4844.

1975 - Texas Electric Service Co. as an Associate Nuclear Engineer assigned to Graham Power Plant.

1976 - Texas Electric Service Co. as an Associate Nuclear Engineer in the Information Department. Performed energy issue research with emphasis on nuclear issues. .

1977 - lexas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Engineer in the Nuclear Division. Worked in preparation of OL application for CPSES, supervised the preparation of the ER(0LS) and various sections of the FSAR.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Senior Nuclear Licensing Engineer.


Member - ANS t

Donald R. Woodlan - Senior Nuclear Licensing Engineer Education:

BSEE, BS Math - U.S. Naval Academy - 1968 MSEE - Michigan State University - 1969 Naval Nuclear Power School - 1969 Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit - 1970 Experience:

1968 - U.S. Naval Officer in submarine force. Qualified supervisor of nuclear operations.

1975 - Cleveland Electric Illuninating Company as Operations Engineer for Perry Nuclear Power Plant.

1979 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Senior Licensing Engineer for CPSES.

Activities: -

Registered Professional Engineer in Ohio Member - IEEE -

Member ,- ANS Member - Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Qualifications Member - ANS Subcommittee on Environmental Qualifications i

l t 1 1

i l

Bohdan S. Dacko - Nuclear Licensing Engineer


BSAE - University of Illinois - 1%7 MSME - University of Illinois - 1968 Naval Nuclear Power Schoal and Prototype Training - 1971 MBA - University of Texas, Arlington - 1980 Experience:

1%7 - General Dynamics as a Windtunnel Test Engineer.

1968 - LTV as an Aerodynamics Engineer.

1970 - U.S. navy, qualified to supervise the nuclear power system.

1974 - Texas Electric Service Co. as a Startup Test Engineer at a gas fired plant.

1976 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Engineer in the design and construction of a lignite fired plant.


1978 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Engineer in Nuclear Fuels responsible for core performance analysis.

1979 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Licensing Engineer.


Registered Professional Engineer in Texas Member - ANS Member - ASME

l James Patrick Shrewsberry - Nuclear Licensing Engineer Education:

BS Radiation Protection Engineering - Texas A&M University - 1977

- Experience:

1978 - Arizona Public Service Co. as an Environmental Engineer, Radiation Protection Engineer, and Betterment Engineer (Four Corners Power Plant) 1979 - Arizona Public Service Co. as a Nuclear Licensing Engineer.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Licensing Engineer.


Member - ANS (North Texas Section) 6 4

i i

Ronald W. Haskovec - Associate Nuclear Licensing Engineer Education:

BSME - Texas A&M University - 1980 '


1977 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a student engineer in the Nuclear Division.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Associate Nuclear

! Licensing Engineer.

4 1

%g e

O t

- ~ , -

Anthony N. Dicesaro - Senior Nuclear Licensing Engineer Education:

BSME - Purdue University - 1%9 BS Chenistry - University of Pittsburgh - 1972 Experience:

1%9 - Westinghouse Electric

1. Licensing Engineer for various plants
2. Environmental Effects - Offsite doses, distribution of radionuclides in CVCS, BTRS, liquid radwaste, gaseous radwaste, etc.

1973 - Bechtel Corporation as a Quality Control Engineer responsible for vendor contacts for nuclear piping, punps, valves and tanks.

1974 - Westinghouse Electric as a Licensing Engineer responsible for. Chapter 9, auxiliary systems and CRBRP PSAR.

1975 - Gilbert Comonwealth as a Quality Engineer responsible for quality progran reviews, audits and equipnent ,

specification reviews.

1978 - Southern Science Applications, Inc. - A division of Black

& Veatch - Senior Staff.

1. Assigned General Electric NC & 10 - special problems at vendors and construction sites. Lead Auditor.
2. Assigned to TUSI Nuclear Licensing.


p- >

Randall L. Janne - Nuclear Fuels Supervisor-

. Education:

BSNE - Texas A&M University - 1975 H5NE - Texas A&M University - 1976 D. Eng. NE -: Texas A&M University - 1978 Experience:

1976 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Engineer in the Nuclear Fuel Group.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Nuclear Fuels Supervisor.


Registered Proicssional Engineer in Texas Member - ANS Member - ASME Member - Phi Eta Sigma -

Member - Phi Kappa Phi Member - Tau Beta Pi s



Bill W. Coss - N.. lear Fuels Engineer Ed ucation.-

BSNE - Texas A&M University - 1972 Experience: '

1972 - Texas Electric Service Company as a Jr. Engineer at the Handley Steam Electric Station.

1974 - Texas Utilities Generating Company as a Reactor Engineer at CPSCS.

1975 - Completed Westinghouse initial operator training, Phases I, !! and III. Received Westinghouse Senior Reactor Operator Certificatien.

1977 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a: Ingineer A in the Nuclear Division.


Member - National Society of Professional Engineers -

Member - Texas Society of Professional Engineers Member - ANS Member - Tau Beta Pi Engineering Society

Edmond Chen - Nuclear Fuels Engineer Education:

BSEE - Louisiana State University MSNE - Louisiana State University Experience:

1974 - Dallas Power & Light Co. as a Jr. Engineer assigned to the Plant Betterment Division.

1976 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Fuels Engineer assigned to the Nuclear Division.

1978 - Completed Westinghouse initial operator training, Phases I,11 and III. Received Westinghouse Senior Reactor Operator Certification Activities:

Member - ANS Member - Phi Kappa Phi i

o s


j. . l i

l l


Brent L. Rice - Nuclear Fuels Engineer Education:

S SSNE - Texas MM University - 1979 MSNE - Texas MM University - 1981 Experience:-

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Fuels Engineer.

Activitic.,t Member - ANS Member - Phi Eta Sigma Member - Tau Beta Pi Member - Nuclear Engineering Honor Society e

6 e 4 e

.- - ,.3 _

Richard D. Calder - Manager of Technical Support Education:

BSNE - Texas A & M University - 1970 MSNE - North Carolina State University - 1972 Experience:

1971 - Texas Utilities Services Inc.

As Fuels Engineer, assisting in writing the NSSS and Nuclear Fuel Specification for CPSES.

1972 - Texas Power & Light Co.

As Engineer for System Planning, responsible for the implementation of a computerized electrical demand program and a system programmer for engineering related programs.

1973 - Texas Utilities Services Inc.

As Engineer and Nuclear Fuels Supervisor responsible for the evaluation, procurement, management and planning for all activities asseriated with the nuclear fuel cycle.

During this period of time, he completed phase I, II and III of the Westinghouse Operator's Training Program and was certified as a Senior Reactor Operator.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc.

As Manager of Technical Support, responsible for Technical l Support to TUGC0 and to engineer and procure all Three Mila Island requirements plus full responsibility for all engineering required to satisfy licensing requirements.

i Activities:

j Registered Professional Engineer (Texas) l Member - American Nuclear Society Associate Member - Sigma Xi y

Charles K. Fiest - Lead Mechanical Engineer, Tichnical Support Education:

BSNE - Texas A&M University - 1971 MENE - Texas A&M University - 1972 Experience:

1970 - Texas Electric Service Co. as a Student Engineer at the Morgan Creek Power Plant.

1972 - Texas Electric Service Co. as a Jr. Engineer / Associate Engineer in operations, maintenance, and construction of fuel oil facilities.

1974 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Project Nuclear Engineer involved with design constrection of CPSES.

1977 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Nuclear Licensing Coordinator.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Lead Mechanical Engineer for Tect 11 cal Support of CPSES. -


Menber - ANS Member - ASME

, Albert W. Latham - Senior Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BSME - Georgia Institute of Technology - 1948 MSME - University of Pittsburgh - 1955 Experience:

1948 - Westinghouse Electric Corporation responsible for engineering managment and principal engineering activities in the design, manufacture, installation and service of nuclear power reactors and large rotating electrical power equi pnent.

1978 - Self employed in the engineering and marketing of heat recovery systens for air conditioning and refrigeration systens.

1979 - Mississippi Power & Light Co. in the Headquarters Engineering, Technical Services Grdup. Provided technical support to a nuclear power plant and five fossil plants.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Senior Mechanical -

Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.


Registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania Member - ASME

Prasit Chiratwat;hai - Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BSME - University of Nebraska - 1977 Experience:

1977 - Brunswick Corporation as a Student Engineer.

1977 - Black & Veatch as a System Design Engineer involved with the design of balance of plant systems.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Mechanical Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.


Member - ASME I


Bobby J. Browning - Engineer, Technical Support Education:

U.S. Army Nuclear Reactor Operator Training U.S. Army Nuclear Instrumentation Specialist Training BSNE - Texas A&M University - 1977 Experience:

1966 - U.S. Army Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Foreman.

1971 - U.S. Army Nuclear Power Plant Operator.

1975 - Texas A&M University as a Research Reactor Supervisor responsible for overall reactor operation, scheduling and experimentation. Held Sr. Reactor Operators License.

1978 - Rockwell Hanford Operations as an Advanced Engineer in radioactive waste managenent.

1980 - Texas Utilities Generating Co. as an Engineer in Results Section responsible for CPSES Emergency Plan. Also, as an Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES. -

6 d


b Fred W. Madden - Lead Nuclear Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BS Engr. Physics - Texas Tech University - 1972 MSNE - Purdue University - 1974 Experience:

i 1974 - Bechtel Power Corporation as an Engineer on San Onofre 1 Backfit Project, System Design, Equipment Specifications and as an Engineer on Nuclear Analysis Staff.

1976 - Brown & Root, Inc. as a Senior Licensing Engineer for South Texas Project and as a coordinator for South Texas Project Design Review Team following TMI-2 accident.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Licensing Engineer for CPSES.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Lead Nuclear Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

Activities: .

Registered Professional Engineer in California Registered Professional Engineer in Texas Member - ANS Member - Sigma Pi Sigma Member - Tau Beta Pi Member - Phi Kappa Phi

Tom M. Tai - Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BS Physics - Illinois State University - 1971 MSNE - Georgia Institute of Technology - 1974 Experience:

~ 1974 - Black & Veatch Fuel Cycle A, slysis for BWR, PWR, & HTGR.

Reviewed Mechanical & Structural Drawings for Shielding and Source Term Calculation.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Nuclear Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

S e t

9 m


Ronald L. Estes - Lead I&C Engineer, Technical Support Education:

Central Va. Comm. College USN - Nuclear Power School t Experience:

1959 - U.S. Navy as a Electronics Tech / Senior Reactor Operator ivr nuclear subnarines.

1966 - Babcock & Wilcox Company as a Senior Reactor Operator.

Obtained AEC License.

1968 - Babcock & Wilcox as an I&C Design Engineer responsible for 12 different nuclear plants.

1974 - Brown & Root, Iac. as an I&C Senior Des 19n Engineer on the South Texas Nuclear Project.

1976 - Brown & Root, Inc. as a Project I&C Engineer.

1980 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Lead I&C Engineer for ,

Technical Support of CPSES.


Menber - IEEE Member - ISA l

' Thomas E. Braudt 4- Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BSNE - Texas A&M University - 1977 Experience:

1974 - Harris & Patterson, Engineers as a Student Engineer.

1977 - Houston Lighting & Power Co. as a Licensing Engineer on j the South Texas Project.

1980 - Johnson Space Center, NASA ds a Program Analyst in Operations Research.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an I&C Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES responsible for coordinating replacement parts.

Activities: . .

Member - Texas Society of Professional Engineers Member - ANS ,

4 e


Dale L. Walling - Engineer Technical Support Education:

BSEE - University of Missouri, Rolla - 1975 Experience:

1975 - Black & Veatch as a Control Engineer, performed all aspects of I&C Engineering for large electric power generating stations, including 5 years of nuclear I&C engineering.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an I&C Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

4 Activities:

Professional Engineer in Missouri s


, - - , r - ..



Roy H. Nickum, Jr. - Engineer, Techni,al Support Education:

BSNE - Kansas State University - 1969 Experience:

1967 - B',ack & Veatch as a Student Engineer involved with calculations and research for an advanced reactor power plant conceptual design..

1970 - Black & Veatch as an Associate Control Engineer involved with engineering for a nuclear power plant deconinissioni ng.

1973 - Black & Veatch as an Control Engineer involved with two supercritial pressure power plants.

1974 - Black & Veatch as an Assistant Project Control Engineer

. involved with design & input to th,e PSAR for a nuclear power plant.

1975 - Black & Veatch as an Project Control Engineer involved with design activities for a nuclear power plant and its associated control room simulator.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a I&C Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.


Professional Engineer in Kansas Professional Engineer in Oklahana j Quality Asssurance Certification, Black and Veatch Consulting Engineers.  ;

Member - ANS Member - Instrunent Society of Anerica

Harold Kirby - Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BSEE - University of Missouri, Colunbia - 1973 Experience:

1969 - Black & Veatch as a Student Engineer.

1973 - Black & Veatch as a Control Engineer involved with Conesville 5 & 6, Lacygne 2, Black Fox 1 & 2, and Laranie River Station.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an I&C Engineer for Te hnical Support of CPSES.

Activ ities:

Professional Engineer in Missouri O

m 4

p o

l Robert B. Williar.. - Lead Civil Engineer, Technt:a1 Support .


BA Math - McMurry College - 1961 BSCE - Arlingtion State College - 1966 Experience:

1966 - Dallas Power & Light as a Civil Engineer responsible for design of transmission structures, retaining walls, fine walls, yard grading, and inspection of overhead &

underground transmission lines.

1976 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as a Civil / Structural Engineer involved in reviewing & approving design changes for CPSES.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Lead Civil Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.


Registered Professional Engineer in Texas .


Peter B. Stevens - Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BSEE - Texas Tech University - 1973 Experience:

1969 - Panama Canal Co. as a Student Engineer in the Power Branch.

1973 - Westinghouse as an Electrical Engineer in Field Sales Support & Contract Negotiations.

1975 - Brown & Love Elec. as an Electrical Engineer responsible for overall management and engineering of Electrical and HVAC Contractors.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Electrical Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

m 9

__m -_

l Richard A. Mehnert - Engineer, Technical Support I


BS Chem - Engineering School, Lehigh University - 1957 MSEE - University of Missouri - Columbia - 1973 Ph.D. EE - University of Missouri - Colunbia - 1975 Experience:

1963 - Westinghouse Electric Scientific Equipnent Department as an Engineer involved with the manufacture of scientific equipnent and devices.

1966 - Bendix Corporation - Kansas City Civision as a Staff Engineer. This company was a prime contractor to the USAEC weapons program.

1975 - Black & Veatch as a Control Engineer, Resident Engineer, and later a: a Quality Assurance Engineer. Proj ects included the Black Fox Station Nuclear Power Plant and Iran 1 & 2 nuclear reactors under construction in Iran.

1977 - Motor - Colunbus Consulting Engineers as a Nuclear Engineer involved with nuclear plants under consideration -

in Northwestern Iran.

1978 - Brown & Root, Inc. as a Site Internal Surveillance Supervisor involved with the South Texas Nuclear Project.

1979 - Ebasco Services, Incorporated as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Electrical Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

l l

r l- , -

4 Activities:

Registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania, Kansas, and California Registered Fallout Analyst, U.S. D00 Member - ANS Member - American Society of Nondestructive Testing A9ber - National Society of Professional Engineera Member - Missouri Society of Professional Engineers .;

4 I

4e 1

6 9

1 i

- .-. , -4 __.. ., , . -

Harry Choudhry - Engineer, Technical Support Education:

BSEE - G.N. Engineering College, State University of Punjab, India - 1968 Experience:

1974 - Sargent & Lundy as an Electrical Design Engineer.

1975 - Black & Veatch as an Electrical Engineer.

1977 - Black & Veatch :s a Centrol Engineer involved with Public

, . Service of Oklahoma's 1220 MW nuclear power plant, Wyoming Basin's Electric Project, and PS0's Black Fox Station.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as an Electrical Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

Activities: -

l Professional Engineer in Kansas b

W Thomas James Talley - Lead Electrical Engineer, Technical Support Education: -

BSEE - Texas A&M University - 1971 MSEE - Texas A&M University - 1979 D. Eng. - Texas A&M University (not complete)


1970 - Texas Electric Service Co. responsible for various distribution, transmission planning. Also, as an Electrical Engineer for the Eagle Mountain Power Plant.

Later, as Superintendent of Gas Operations.

1977 - Education 4

1980 - Rockwell International as a Senior Systems Research and Development Specialist.

1981 - Texas Utilities Services Inc. as Lead Electrical Engineer for Technical Support of CPSES.

Activities: -

Member - IEEE Member - Sigma Xi Member - HKN

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3. Ted Jenkins - Superintendent, Operations Support Education:

B.S.M.E. - University of Texas - 1972 Experience:

1972 - Employed by Dallas Power & Light as Results Engineer and stationed at the Parkdale Steam Electric Station.

Responsibilities included equipment performance testing, evaluation of test results, and recommendations of preventive maintenance and system improvement.

1973 - Transferred to the Lake Hubbard Steam Electric Station.

Responsibilities included development and implementation of a performance test program to increase the ef ficiency, availability and reliability of plant equipment and systems. Participated in startup of the 515 MW gas fired No. 2 unit and contributed to the refining of the computer monitoring and control system.

1974 - Assigned to the position of Results/ Test Engineer for.the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. Responsibilities included reactor engineering, licensing, design review, environmental qualification of plant electrical equipment and accident analysis.

1974 - Participated in the initial core loading at Donald C. Cook U. nit 1.

1975 - Participated in six weeks of on-the-job training at Trojan Nuclear Plant during preoperational testing program.

1976 - Participated in six weeks of on-the-job training at Prairie Island Uiit i during refueling outage.

1980 - Assigned to present position of Superintendent, Operations Support.

1981 - Completed Westinghouse Initial Operator Training, Phase I, II, and III; received Westinghouse Senior Reactor Operator Cartification.

Steve M. Ward - Technical Support Engineer Education:

B.S.E.E. - Oklahoma State University - 1972 Experience:

1972 - Employed by Texas Electric Service Company at the Handley Plant as a Junior Engineer, progressing to Associate

' Electrical Engineer. Engaged primarily in power plant operation and instrumentation.

1975 - Completed' Westinghouse Initial Operator Training, Phases I, II, and III. Received Westinghouse Senior Reactor Operator Certification.

1976 - Transferred to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station as an Engineer in the Results Section. Responsibilities included electrical design review, licensing and environmental qualification of plant electrical equipment.

1978 - Worked as an engineer for three we,eks at Northern States Power - Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant during their refueling outage.

4 gm.,;,. ,


James B.' McInvale - Engineer (Operations Support)


B.S.N.E. - Georgia Institute of Technology - 1981 Experience:

1981 - Employed by the Texas Utils cies Generating Company as Engineer (Operations Support).

W. Larry Stendebach - Engineer (Operations Support)


B.S.N.E. - Texas A&M Unive.sity - 1981 Experience:

1980 - Employed by Central Power and Light Company at the Barney M.

Davis Power Plant as a maintenance helper.

1980 - Employed by Texas A&M University at the Radiological Safety Office engaged in radiation surveying and radioactive waste management.

1981 - Empl'oyed by the Texia Utilities Generating Company as Engineer (Operations Support).

1 Matthew W. Sunseri - Engineer (Operations Support)


B.S.N.E. - Texas A&M University - 1981

- Experience


1981 - Employed by the Texas Utilities Generating Company as Engineer (Operations Support).

l l

l POSITION: TRAINING MANAGER (4.2.5) August 22, 1980 NAME: C. L. TURNER SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS 4.2.5.a Education: Bachelor Degree, including RA Biology, 1974, BA Math, some courses in ebacational and 1975, Non-credit courses technical subjects, in undergraduate instructor courses.

4.2.5.b Experience: Pour years of professional 10 years professional level level experience, of which two shall be experience. Six years, Navy nuclear power plant experience. During Nuclear experience; four years, the two years, the individual shall Coasnercial Nuclear experience.

participate in the operations or train- (1) Participated in Navy ing section activities of an operating Nuclear requal. programs nuclear power plant during the follow- and ada!.nistered written, I ing periods: oral and simulator requal.

(1) Requal. written and oral exam exams for Commercial (1 to 2 months). Nuclear Plants.

(2) One month operation above 20% (2) Operated Navy Nuclear power. Plants 5 years as operator i

and instructor. Senior program instructor and Simulator Systems Coordina-tor at W_ Nuclear Training

.. Center for Zion Simulator.

i. three years.

4.2.5.c Training: As required by 5.3.1 and 5.4. Experience and achievement is Shall have some training in education- commensurate with requirements al techniques if not included in the of position description. -

Bachelor Degree course material. General Employn Training will be completed prior to fuel load. Non-credit training for +

undergraduate instructors completed at college level.

ComCor instructor training completed at W_ Nuclear Train-ing Center.

4.2.5.d If the training manager does not possess Has held SRO licenses SOP-3176 j a Senior Operator License, another for Zion Generating Station, individual who holds a Senior Operator Unit 1 and Unic 2, and SOP-3176-1 License shall be assigned the responsi- for Zion Generating Station and bility for the content and conduct of Westinghouse Nuclear Training the training for licensed operators. Reactor.  ;

The Training Manager shall as assigned Assigned on a schedule consistent

on a schedule consistent with require- with personnel training require- l ments for training of personnel. The ments. Located on-site.

l it.dividual may be located on-site or off-site.


NAME: PHILLIP H. TACKETT June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS Education: High school diploma Hold hir;h school diploma. Experience: The individual responsible Eight years Navy Nuclear for coordinating the on-eite training experience, 2h years proto-program shall have two (2) years power type instructor. Ik years plant experience of which six (6) classroom and simulator months should be in the on-site instructor Westinghouse training organization. Nuclear Training Center (Zion, Unit 1 simulator).'c Training: As required by 5.3.2 and Experience and achievement 5.4. is consnensurate with require-ments of position description, General Employee Training will be completed prior to fuel load. The person responsible for the Responsible for content and coordination of the training program conduct of nor licensed and the person responsible for content training. Responsible for of training may be one person in which conduct of licensed training.

case the person shall meet the higher qualification and be located on-site.


l l


MAME: RICHARD E. WIRKKALA (Westinghouse On-site Training Coordinator)

, June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS Education: High school diploma High school diploma - 1966 B. S. - 1970 Experience: The individual responsible Five years Navy Nuclear for coordinating the on-site training experience. Five years program shall have two (2) years power commerical nuclear experience:

plant experience of which six (6) two and one half years with months shocid be in the on-site Westinghouse training organ-training organization. ization in Pittsburgh; two and one half years in training organization on-site. Training: As t quired by 5.3.2 and Experience and achievement 5.4. is commensurate with require-ments of position description.

General Employee Training will be completed prior to fuel

.. load. The person responsible for the Responsible for content and coordination of the train $ng program conduct of non-licensed and the person responsible for con- training. Responsible for tent of training may be one person conduct of licensed training. -

in which case the person shall meet the higher qualification and be located on-site.



NAME: R. W. HAWKINS June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT _ STATUS Educatima: High school diploma Hold high school diploma and special education consistent and Navy Nuclear education.

with materials being presented. Experience: Instruccors shall Eight years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, five years materials being presented. prototype instructor, develops and writes lessons presented. Training: Senior operator (5.2) Instructor will be hot and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or licensed, will receive if not licensed, as required by General Employee Training 5.3.4, 5.3.5 and 5.4 as appro- and will be enrolled in priate for the training being requalification program.


Instructors who provide instruction Not applicable.

of the simulator shall hold a senior operator license for a similar unit or have been certified at an appropriate simulator. - '

The instructor shall have demon- Instructors will be evaluated strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certified by the Manager annually. '

Training Manager as a qualified instructor for the material being presented.



NAME: S. T. CASSINGHAM June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS Education: High school diploma Hold high school diploma and special education consistent and Navy Nuclear education.

with materials being presented. Experience: Instructors shall Nine years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, three years materials being presented, prototype instructor, develops and writes lessons presented. Training: Senior operator (5.2) Will be hot licensed, will and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or receive General Employee if not licensed, as required by Training and will be enrolled

5. 3.4, 5. 3.5 and 5.4 as appro- in requalification program.

priate for the craining being Will instruct in areas where conducted. possess specific expertise.

Instructors who provide instniction Not applicable, of the simulator shall hold a senior operator license for a similar unit or have been certified at an appropriate simulator. ,, The instructor shall have demon- Instructors will be evaluated strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certified by the Manager annually.

Training Manager as a qualified -

instructor for the material being presented.


NAME: C0Y M. RICE June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS Education: High school diploma Electrical Engineering and special education consistent Certificate, Naval Nuclear with materials being presented. Training, and High School Diploma. Experience: Instructors shall Eight years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, three years materials being presented. prototype instructor, develops and writes lessons presented. One month instructor at CPSES. Training: Senior operator (5.2) Instructor will be hot and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or licensed, will receive if not licensed, as required by General Employee Training 5.3.4, 5.3,5 and 5.4 as appro- and will be enrolled in priate for the training being requalification program.


Instructors who provide instruction Not applicable, of the simulator shall hold a ..

senior operator license for a similar unit or have been certified at an appropriate simulator. The instructor shall have demon- Instructors will be evaluated -

strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certified by the Manager annually.

Training Manager as a qualified instructor for the material being presented.


NAME: EUGENE L. DYAS June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT - STATUS Education: High school diploma Hold high school diploma and special education consistent and Navy Nuclear education.

with materials being presented. Experience: Instructors shall Eight years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, three years mato:-ials being presented. prototype instructor, develops and writes lessons presented. 11 months instructor at CPSES Training: Senior operator (5.2) Instructor certified SRO, and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or will be cold licensed, if not licensed, as required by will receive General 5.3.4, 5.3.5 and 5.4 as appro- Employee Training and will priate for the training being be enrolled in requali-conducted. fication program.

Instructors who provide instruction Not applicable of the simulator shall hold a senior operator license for a -

similar unit or have been certified at an appropriate simulator. The instructor shall have demen- Instructors will be evaluated '

strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certifie.d by the Manager annually.

Training Manager as a qualified instructor for the material being presented.


NAME: J. E. BOWLES June 2, 1981 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS Education: High school diploma Hold high school diploma and special education consistent and Navy Nuclear education.

with materials being presented.

  • Experience: Instructors shall Eight years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, three years materials being presented. prototype instructor, develops and writes lessons presented. Training: Senior operator (5.2) Instructor will be hot and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or licensed, will receive if not licensed, as required by General Employee Training 5.3.4, 5.3.5 and 5.4 as appro- and will be enrolled in priate for the training being requalification program.


Instructors who provide instruction Not applicable.

of the simulator shall hold a senier operator license for a similar unit or have been certified ..

at an appropriate simulator. The instructor shall have demon- Instructors will be evaluated strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certified by the Manager annually. '

Training Manager as a qualified instruct 5r for the material being presented.

l l


NAME: DAVID L. HUBBARD June 2, 1981 1




Education: High school diploma Hold high school diploma and special education consistent and Navy Nuclear education, with materials being presented. Experience: Instructors shall Six years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, 2h years proto-materials being presented. type instructor, develops and writes lessons presented.

2k years instructor at CPSES. Training: Senior operator (5.2) -

Instructor certified SRO, and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or will be cold licensed, will if not licensed, as required by receive General Employee 5.3.4, 5.3.5 and 5.4 as appro- Training and will be enrolled priate for the training being in requalification program conducted.~

Instructors who provide instruction Not applicable.

of the simulator shall hold a senior operator license for a similar unit or have been certified

at an appropriate simulator. The instructor shall have demon- Instructors will be evaluated strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certified by the Manager annually. -

Training Manager as a qualified instructor for the material being presented.

~ ,

l i


NAMF.: MIGAEL A. NIEMEYER June 2, 1981 l SECTION_ REQUIREMENT STATUS Education: High school diploma Hold high school diploma and special education consistent and Navy Nuclear education, with materials being presented. Experience: Instructors shall Eight years Navy Nuclear have experience consistent with experience, three years materials being presented, prototype instructor, 3 develops and writes lessons presented. 1 year instructor at CPSES Trai:2ing: Senior operator (5.2) Instructor certified SRO, 4

and as required by 5.4 and 5.5 or will be cold licensed, will if not licensed, as required by receive General Employee 5.3.4, 5.3.5 and 5.4 an appropriate Training and will be enrolled for the training being conducted. in requalification program.

Instructors who provide instruction Not applicoble of the simulator shall hold a senior

operator license for a similar unit or have been certified at an appro-priate simulator. *- The instructor shall have demon- Instructors will be evaluated strated knowledge of instructional and certified by the Training techniques and be certified by the Manager annually. .

Training Manager as a qualified instructor for the material being presented.

l l

l l


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  • 1 Unit operation - Total 3.5

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s a TABLE 4.1 STAFFING RBpilRDtENTS FOR EMERCENCIES Additions Functional Area Task Foottion Title On Shift Within ! Mr Station Operation Assessmeet of Operettonal Aspects Shif t Supervisor (SRO) 1 -

Aast. Shift Supervisor (SRO) 1 -

, Reactor Operators (RO) 2 -

Aum111ery Operatore 3 -

e Emergency Coordinator Emergency Direction and Control and Shif t Supervisor (SRO)** 1* 1 notification of NRC and DFS Communications Coordinator Notify Station personnel and Member of Shif t Operating i 2

('lOh metatain communications Organtastion such as an Austilary Operator or an Operatione Clerk Station Systen Engineerta; Technical Support Shift Technical Adwtaor  ! -

Nuclear Engineer -

I ke Electrical Engineer Pkchanical Engineer I

I amlgll Health Physicist -

I ammmme Operations Engineer -

1 Radiological Assessment Station Surveys R.F. Technician i 2 Chemis t ry /Radiochemis t ry Chen Technician 1 i "lllll", offette Surveys Onsite Surveys R.F. Techniciana R.F. Technicians 4

2 luIEE Dose Assessments R.F. Engineer -

I f""""" System Corrective Actions Demage Control ,

Mechanical Maintenance le 2

. Electrical Maintenance 18 1 L&C Maintenance le 1 Rad Waste Operator le t

. Frotective Actione Radiation Protection R.F. Technician 2* 4

e. Accese Control
b. Personnel Monitoring
c. Doelmetry

>* Firefighting rv Se tocol rt Support 4

hr Rescue Operat ans and First Aid 28 Local D

se Suppor t D

rv Site Access Control Security, firefighting, Security Per Security Local 00 and Personnel Accountab' 'ty Communications, personnel Flan Suppor t accountability

  • Hay' be provided by shift personnel assigned other functions. ,

w Shif t Supervisor serves in this capacity until retteved by the Manager, Nuclear Operations '

or his alternate.


COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION OPERATING ORGANIZATION QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE LEVEL NOTE: The attached resumes are a comparison of the CPSES Operating Organization qualifications and experience levels to ANS 3.1, " Standard for Selection, Qualifications and Training for Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants", Draft, October 23, 1980, where ,

applicable. This comparison was prepared August 22, 1980, and revised June 2, 1981. Other resumes of key positions not covered by ANS 3.1 are also included.

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Attachment 9 >


June - 1981 ,



Manager, Plant Operations (Plant Manager)

Name: R. A. Jones ANS 3.1 Section 4.2.2 Requirements Status

a. Education: B.S. Engineering B.S.M.E. - 1967
b. Experience:
1. 6 years Power Plant 14 years experience (6 years Fossil Plant)
7. 3 years Nuclear Plant 8 years Design and experience Construction
3. 2 month above 20% Experience not power obtained
4. Routine Refueling Initial core loading at Outage D. C. Cook Unit 1 - 1 month Refueling at H. B. Robinson Udtt 2 - 3 days
5. Initial Startup Testing Hot functional tests at D. C. Cook Unit 1 - 1 month Initial Criticality and Low Power Physics Testing at D. C. Cook Unit 1 - 1 month
c. Management and Supervisory 10 years experience - 4 years min. experience
d. Simulator Certification SRO Certification 1976
e. Assigned to site six months 4 years prior to prior to preoperational preoperational testing.


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Position: Operations Quality Assurance Supervisor l


Education: One hundred and thirty-eight (138) college hours in Mathematics and Science.

Associate of Applied Science Degree in Electronic Technology (Power Option) from Tarrant County Junior College 1979.

Experience: Thirteen years of actual working experience in quality assurance / quality control and the nuclear field. Nine of these thirteen years was in nuclear as follows:

four years - U. S. Navy Three years- CPSES Construction QA Two yaars - CPSES Operations QA Training: Certified Quality Engineer by the American Society of Quality Control.

Certified as Lead Auditor in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23 Certified Level III Inspector in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6-1978 (Electrical, Mechanical and Protective Coatings) -

Various Quality Assurance training programs conducted on and offsite.

U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School V. S. Navy Nuclear Power Training Unit (Prototype)

U. S. Navy Basic Electricity and Electronics U. S. Navy Electrician's Mate School Ultrasonic Testing Various other military courses t

Qualified in Submarines

- - - . y - , , , __ -.--,

' Position: Quality Assurance Technicians Name: 5 personnel Education: Average education is 15.4 years Experience: The total quality assurance / quality control experience is 35.5 years. Of this experience 19.2 years was in nuclear.

Other experience acquired includes nuclear design, conventional design, health physics, civil, electrical, mechanical, nuclear records management, nuclear receiving, calibration of equipment, '

specification writing, procedure development, purchasing, hydraulics, fire protection, codes and standards, and plant operations.

Training: All personnel are certified to ANSI N45.2.23 4 Various technical and quality assurance training conducted on and offsite.

At fuel loading all personnel will have completed a course in nuclear systems (3 weeks).


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1 1

June 2, 1981 Position: Administrative Superintendent Name: M. R. Blevins Education: BSEE - 1973 Experience:- Eight (8) years of power plart experience with three and one-half (34) years of nuclear plant experience in design review, construction, progr am development, procedure preparation and start-up.

Two and one-half (2 ) years as Maintenance Engineer at site prior to current position.

Training: Participant in Supervisor's Development Program and various nuclear seminars and workshops,alvr3 with visits to other nuclear power plants. Certification

, training in NDE (PT, RT, MT, UT).

Participation in Start-up , Program.

General: Registered Professional Engineer assigned to site four (4) years prior to preoperational testing. -




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Position: Security Supervisor June 2, 1981 Name: John Rumsey Education: High School Diploma 3 years College - Criminal Justice / Administration year Metropolitan Police Academy - Law Enforcement year Southwestern Law Enforcement Institute -

Management Experience: Retired Lieutenant - 24 years in Mr ropolitan Police Department with field, supers sion, and management experience.

Master Sergeant - 10 years experience active and reserve military experience.

Three (3) years of nuclear pirat security in design, program development, procedure preparation and startup.

Training: Seminars, workshops, and conferences on law, Police, and the behavioral sciences. Seminars, workshops, and conferences on Nuclear Power Plant Physical Security programs. Police and milit'a'ry weapons training.

Supervision and Management Development Programs in Police, military, and private industry sectors.

Participation in planning and reaearch in the police l field. Participation in News Media and Public Informa- ,

. tion programs. Visits to other nuclear power plants.


General: Assigned to the site three (3) years prior to preopera-tional testing. Participation in Edison Electrical l Institute Security Committee and Nuclect Security Sub-committee. Certified Texas Law Enforcement Officer and

! Instructor. Participation in President's Commission on Law Enforcement's Standards and Goals, t

e Position: Administrative Supervisor June 2, 1981 Name: Philip G. Smith Education: Bachelor Business Administration, 1973 Experience: Four (4) years U. S. Coast Guard specializing in procu:ement, shipping and receiving per military specifications. Five (5) years in Procurement at Dallas Power & Light Company.

Three (3) years nuclear experience onsite supervising and developing procurement, warehousing, document control and records management procedures. Developed receiving qualifications for Level 1 Ir.apector.

Interface with const W etion activitics in the area of construction records.

Training: Quality Assurance Procurement Course -

General Atomic Company,1979; Supervisory Development Program. Visits to other nuclear power plants, general onsite quality assurance training.

General: Assigned to site three and one-half (31) 5 .

years prior to preoperational testing.

o Position: Fire Protection Coordinator June 2, 1981 Name: J. M. Arcesi Education: GED - 1959 Experience: Twenty-six (26) years fire protection experience with four (4) yeart clear plant fire protection in design, con-struction, and start-up. Participation in development of fire protection pro-gram, procedures and their implementation.

Training: Participation in various nuclear power plant seminars and workshops. Visits to other nuclear power plants. Participation in Start-up Program. Texas A & M University Firefighting for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel.

General: Assigned to site two (2) years prior to preoperational testing. Member of the National Fire Protection Association. , ,


An3 3.1 Section -]hpquirement Status 4.2.2a EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in B.S.M.E. (1970)

Engineering or related science.

4.2.2b EXPERIENCE: At the time of pre- Eleven and one-half (11') 5 years of operational testing or appointment power plant experience, to the position, whichever is later, the operations manager shall have Eight (8) years experience in four (4) years of power plant nuclear power plant training, experience of which three (3) years design review, startup and operations shall be nuclear power plant exper- planning.

ience. During the three years the individual shall participate in the operations or technical section activities of an operating nuclear i

power plant during the following periods.

(1) Two (2) month operation above Three (3) weeks-Surry Power Station, 20% power . VEPCO (1974)


(2) Routine refueling outage (1 to One (1) month-refueling at R.E. Ginna 2 months). Station, R G & E (1975)

Two (2,) days-refueling at H.B.

Robinson, Unit 2, C P & L (1974) l (3) Initial plant startup testing Four (4) weeks-Hot Functional or post refueling outage Testing at D.C. Cook, Unit 1,

]_ startup testing. I & M Electric Co. (1974). .

Post Refueling outage testing at

. R.E. Ginna Station (1975) 4.2.2c TRAINING: Obtain and hold senior Senior Reactor Operator Certification operator license (5.2) and as from Westinghouse Electric Corp-oration (1977). Cold License required by 5.3.1, 5.4, and 5.5.


4.2.2d The initial operations manager Assigned to site four (4) years shall be assigned to the site six prior to preoperational testing.

(6) months prior to the start of preoperational testing.


. , - - n. . .. . , - - , , , , - - . - . . , . - , - - , .,, . - - - - --- ., -

c. - POSITION: SPI,FT SUPERVISOR June, 1981 NAME: Bain. Thomas E.

.Ans 3.1 Section Requirement Status EDUCATION: High school diplora, plus High School Diploma - 1971 the equivalence of sixty (60) ses- Navarro J.C.-36 hours non-technical ester hours of college level education, (1973)

(900 classroom or instructor conducted hours) in mathematics, reactor physics, More chan 1900 instructor condacted chemistry, materials, reactor thermo- hours in the listed topics and in dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat trans- systems and simulator training.

fer, electrical and reactor control theory.

If the shift supervisor does not meet CPSES plans to utilize shif t these educational requirements, a shift technical advisors.

technical advisor (4.4.8) shall be present during this supervisor's shift. EXPERIENCE: At the time of initial Eight (8) years of power plant core loading or appointment to the experience. Four and one-half (4 )

position, whichever is later, a Shif t years experience in nuclear power Supervisor shall have four (4) years plant training, procedure preparation, of power plant experience of which construction and startup.Three and two (2) years shall be nuclear power one-half (3 ) years of this nuclear plant experience. During the two expertence is on-site.

years, the individual shall partici-pate in reactor operator activities at an operating nuclear power plant during the following periods.

(1) Six (6) weeks operatic 1 above Experience not obtained.

20% power. ,

(2) Startup,from suberitical to Experience not obtained.

20% power.

(3) Experience not obtained.

Shutdown from to cold (less above than 21220g ) power F and subcritical.

(4) Startup preparations following Experience not obtained, a refueling outage. TRAINING: Obtain and hold a senior Senior Reactor Operator Certification operator license (5.2) and as re- from Westinghouse Electric Corp-quired by 5.2.1.S 5.4, and 5.5. A oration (1977). Cold license portion of this training is applicable candidate, to fulfilling educational requirements show in More than sixty (60) hours of Supervisory skills training.

i l

Page 1 of 2 POSITION: SHIFT SUPERVISOR June, 1981 NAME: Barnes Larry G.

ANS 3.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS EDUCATION: High school diploma, plus High school diploma - 1966 equivalence of sixty (60) semester U. of Texas (Arlington) -

hours of college level education, 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> Technical /Non-(900 classroom or instructor conducted gg gg hours) in mathematics, reactor physics, chemistry, materials, reactor thermo- More than 1900 instructor dynamics,. fluid mechanics, heat transfer, conducted hours in the electrical and reactor control theory. listed topics and in Systems and Simulator Training.

If the shif t supervisor does not meet CPSES plans to utilize Shift these educational requirements, a shift Technical Advisors.

technical advisor (4.4.8) shall be present during this superviscr's shift. EXPERIENCE: At the time of initial Nine (9) years of Power core loading or appointment to the Plant experience. Four and position, whichever is later, a Shift one-half (4 ) ya.ars experience Sur ervisor shall have four (4) years in Nuclear Power Plant Training, of power plant experience of which procedure preparation, con-two (2) years shall be nuclear power struction and startup. Three plant axpei-ience. During the two and one-half (3 ) years of years, the individual shall partici- this nuclear experience is pate in reactor operator activities on-site. '

at an operating nuclear power plant during the following periods.

E ' (1) Six (6) weeks operation above E::perience not obtained.

s 20% power.

(2) Startup from suberitical to Experience not obtained.

20% power.

l (3) Shutdown from above 20% power Experience not obtained.

to cold (less than 212 F) and suberitical.

(4) Startup preparations following Experience not obtained. 1 a refueling outage. l l l

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s Page 2 of 2 l

l POSITION: SHIFT SUPERVISOR June, 1981 i NAME: Barnes, Larry G.

ANS 3.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS TRAINING: Obtain and hold a senior Senior Reactor Operator operator license (5.2) and as certification from required by 5.4, and 5.5. Westinghouse Electric A portion of this training is appli- Corporation (1977).

cable to fulfilling educational requirements shown in Cold License candidate.

Mere than sixty (60) hours of supervisory skills training.

r ek 6


POSITION: SHIFT SUPERVISOR June, 1981 NAME: Fortenberry, Ray L.

ANS 3.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS EDUCATION: High school diploma, plus the Eigh School Diploma 1962 equivalence of sixty (60) semester hours of college level education, (900 classroom Associate of Science in Mathematics - 1977 or instructor conducted hours) in mathe-natics, reactor physics, chemistry, More than 1900 instructor materials, reactor thermodynamics, fluid conducted hours in the listed mechanics, heat transfer, electrical and topics and in Systems and reactor control theory. Simulator Training.

If the shif t supervisor does not meet CPSES plans to utilize Shift these educational requirements, a shife Technical Advisors.

technical advisor (4.4.8) shall be present during this supervisor's shif t. EXPERIENCE: At the time of initial core Fifteen (15) years of power loading or appointment to the position, plant experience. Four and whichever is later, a Shift Supervisor one-half (4h) years experience shall have four (4) years of power plant in nuclear power plant training, experience of which twc (2) years shall procedure preparation, con-be nuclear power plant experience. During struction and startup.Three and the two years, the individual shall parti- one-half (3 ) years of this cipate in reactor operator activities at nuclear experience is on-site.

an operating nuclear power plant during the following periods:

(1) Cix (6) weeks operation above 20% Experience not obtained.

pcwer. -

(2) Startup from subcritical to 20% Experience not obtained.


(3) Shutdown from above 20% power to Experience not obtained.

cold (less than 212 F) and sub-critical.

(4) Startup preparations following a Experience not obtained.

outage. TRAINING: Obtain and hold a senior Senior Reactor Operator operator license (5.2) and as required Certification from Westinghouse l by, 5.4, and 5.5. A portion Electric Corporation (1977) . I of this training is applicable e fulfilling educational requirements Cold License Candidate. l shown in More than sixty (60) hours of Supervisory Skills Training.


! l l


Ans 3.1 Section , Requirement Status EDUCATION: High school diploma, plus High School Diploma - 1967 the equivalence of sixty (60) sem-ester hours of college level education, (900 classroom or instructor conducted hours) in matheuatics, reactor physics, More than 1900 instructor conducted chemistry, materials, reactor thermo- hours in the listed topics and in dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat trans- systems and simulator training, fer, electrical and reactor control theory.

If the shift supervisor does not meet CPSES plans to utilize shift these educational requirements, a . technical advisors, shift technical advisor (4.4.8) shall be present during this supervisor's shift. EXPERIENCE: At the time of initial Five (5) years of power plant core loading or appointment to the experience. Four and one-half position, whichever is later, a Shif t (4 ) years experience in nuclear Supervisor shall have four (4) years power plant training, procedure of power plant experience of which preparation, construction and two (2) years shall be nuclear power startup.Three and one-half (3 years) plant experience. During the two of this nuclear experience is years, the individual shall partici- on-site.

pate in reactor operator activities at an operating nuclear power plant Eight (8) years experience in during the following periods. U.S. Navy Nuclear Program as E.L.T.

(1) Six (6) weeks operation above Experience not obtained. -

20% power.

(2) Startup from suberitical to Experience not obtained.

20 power.

(3) Shutdownfromabove20jpower Experience not obtained.

to cold (less than 212 F) and ,


(4) Startup preparations following Experience not obtained.

a refueling outage.  !

I TRAINING: Obtain and hold a senior Senior Reactor Operator Certification l operator license (5.2) and as re- from Westinghouse Electric Corp- )

quired by, 5.4, and 5.5. A oration (1977). Cold License j portion of this training is applicable Candidate. l co fulfilling educational requirements j

, shown in More than sixty (60) hours of Supervisory skills training.

l t 1 t

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ANS 3.1 SECTION REQUIRENENT_ STATUS e EDUCATION: High school diplosa, plus the High School Diploma - 1950 squivalence of sixty (60) semester hours of college level education, (900 classroom Florida State U. - 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> or Lnstructor conducted hours) in mathe- Technical /Non-Technical (1963) matics, reactor physics, chemistry, More than 1900 instructor materials, reactor thermodynamics, fluid conducted hours in the listed mechanics, heat transfer, electrical and topics and in Syscems and reactor control theory. Simulator Training.

If the shif t supervisor does not meet CPSES plans to utilize Shift these educational requirements, a shift Technical Advisors.

technical advisor (4.4.8) shall be pre-sent during this supervisor's shif t. EXPERIENCE: At the time of initial core Eight (8) years of power plant loading or appointment to the position, experience. Four and one-half whichever is later, a Shift Supervisor (4 ) years experience in nuclear shall have four (4) years of power plant power plant training, procedure experience of which two (2) years shall preparation, construction and be nuclear power plant experience. startup.Three and one-half (3 )

During the two years, the individual years of this nuclear experience shall participate in reactor operator is on-site.

activities at an operating nuclear power plant during the following periods.

(1) Six (6) weeks operation above 20% Experience not obtained.

power. l-(2) Startup from subcritical to 20% Experience not obtained.


(3) Shutdown from above 20% power to Experience not obtained.

cold (less than 212 F) and sub-critical.

(4) Startup preparations following a Experience not obtained.

refueling outage. TRAINING: Obtain and hold a senior Senior Reactor Operator operator license (5.2) and as required Certification from '4estinghouse by, 5.4, and 5.5. A portion Electric Corporation (1977).

of this training is applicable to Cold License Candidate.

fulfilling educational ;equirements More than sixty (60) hours of shown in

Supervisory Skills Training.

Position: Operations Engineer June 2, 1981 Name: R. R. Wistrand Education: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering - 1973 Experience: Seven and one-half (7 ) years of power plant experience. Four (4) years experience in nuclear rower plant training, procedure preparation, start-up, operations planning and design review.

Training: Obtained a Senior Reactor Operator Certification from Westinghouse Electric Corporation (1977). Cold license candidate. Participates in Supervisor's Development Progrnm. Witnessed preopara-tional testing at nuclear plants.

General: Assigned to the site four (4) years prior to preoperational testing.

Registered Professional Engineer.

4 h


J t

4 Position: Engineer, Operations June 2, 1981 Name: R. D. Bird, Jr.

Educstior 'chelor of Science in Engineering Technology


Erperience: Six (6) years of power plant experience. Two and one-half (2 ) years experience in nuclear .

power plant training, procedure preparation, startup and design review.

Training: Obtained a Senior Reactor Operator Certification from Westinghouse Electric Corporation (1979).

Participates in Supervisor's Development Program.

General: Assigned to the site two (2) years prior to preoperational testing.

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P wition: Engineer, Operations June 2, 1981 Name: J. J. Allen Education: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (1970)

Experience Pive and ef4-half-(Sh) years of power plant design, couJeruction and startup. Two and one-half (2h) years experience in nuclear power plant training, procedure preparation, startsp. and design review.

Training: Obtained a Senior Reactor Operatnr Certifica-i tion from Westin3h ouse Electric Corporation (1979). Participates in Supervisor's Develop-ment Program.

General: Assigned to the site two (2) years prior to preoperational testing. Registered Professional Engineer. *-


, e- -

POSITION: LICENSED CPERATOR* June 2, 1981 NAME: EIGHTEEN (18) PERSONNEL ANS. 3.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS EDUCATION: High school diploma. All comply. EXPERIENCE: At the time of core loading All comply. Averages are or appointment to the position, which- approximately five (5) years ever is later, NRC licensed operators of power plant experience. Two shall have three (3) years of power plant and one-half (2 ) years of experience. One (1) year of this exper- nuclear power plant experience ience shall be at the nuclear power plant in training, procedure prepara-for which he holds an NRC license. This tion and start-up activities, one year of nuklear power plant exper- nine (9) personnel have U.S.

iance shall include su (6) months of Navy Nuclear Power Program plant operational duties as a non- training and experience.

Licensed operator.

4,5.1.2.c TRAINING: Obtain and hold operator All personnel certified license ( through, Keactor Operator or Senior 5.4 and 5.5. Reactor Operator by Westinghouse Electric Corporation (1977, 1978, 1979, 1981). One individ-ual previously USNRC licensed. CERTIFICATION: The competency of each ., To be completed prior to applicant t> operate the plant safely proposing candidates for and competently shall be certified by licensing.

corporate management prior to proposing the candidate for licensing by the NRC.

This certification shall include con- -

sideration of successful completion of trainias, demonstrated abilities, satis-factory health, dependability, stability and trustworthiness. In making this determination, it is not sufficient to review only the training record of the applicant. In addition, the responsible manager shall review or cause to be reviewed less subjective documents such as supervisory evaluatiora, results of medical examinations and tests, security checks, and sick leave records for patterns indicative of ill health, drug addiction or alcoholism. In addition, the responsible manager should interview l each applicant or appoint an aporopriate board to perform this function.

CIncludes Westinghouse Ele:.tric Corporation certified Assistant Shif t Supervisors,  ;

R: actor Operators. Auxiliary Operators, and previously licensed personnel in these l p:sitions.

POSITION: NON-LICENSED OPERATOR *, AVERAGE June 2, 1981 NAME: Nine (9) Personnel ANS 3.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT STATUS EDUCATION: High school diploma. All comply.

4.5.1b EXPERIENCE: Non-licensed operators All will comply prior to fuel loading.

whose actions could effect the five (5) personnel have U.S. Navy quality of structures, systems, Nuclear Power Program Training and ,,

and components laportant to aafety experience. Three (3) personnel shall have one (1) year of power have nuclear skills training acquired plant experience. at Memphis State University. TRAINING: As required by 5.3.5 and All have or will participate in 5.4. Auxiliary Operator Training Program (18 weeks) and will participate in Licensed Operator Training when properly qualified.

4.5.1d Non-licensed operaters shall be All will comply.

qualified to perform various tasks at the nuclear power plant by demonstrating performance capability for the tasks assigned and operating knowledge of systems inwelred and ..

6near relationship to plant safety.

  • Auxiliary Operators

POSITION: MAINTENANCE MANAGER June 2, 1981 NAME: T. L. THOMPSON SECTION REQUIREKENTS STATUS 4,2,3.a EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in engineer- BETE - 1970. Craft knowledge ing or related science. Should have NDE and NDE familiarity gained familiarity, craft knowledge, and an through eleven years of exper-understanding of Electrical, Pressure 1ence in power plant maintenance Vessel, and Piping Codes and Standards. Working knowledge of ASME, IEEE, and ANSI Codes and Standards that affect nuclear plant construction and maintenance.

4.2.3.b EIPERIENCE: Four years of power plant 11 years total power plant experience of which two are nuclear experience.

plant experience: 8 years nuclear plant design (1) One month operation above 20% and construction.

power Participation in refueling (2) Routine refueling outage outage - H.B. Robinson - 1974 (6 weeks)

Experience at operation above 20% power not obtained.

Registered Professional Engineer 4.2.3.c TRAINING: Specialized training for Senior Reactor Operator Certifica-each individual. General Employee tion, participation in design training, and construction, participation

., in various nuclear power seminars and workshops, visits to other nuclear power plants, supervisor's development program. Participa-tion in Vendor QA Audits, trips to equipment manufacturer's -

facilities. Participation in

. Start-up Program.

4.2.3.d Assignment to site six months prior to start of Preop. Testing. Assigned to site in 1977.


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  • l P03ITION: MICHANICAL MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR June 2, 1981 NAME: G. E. JERGINS SECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS 4.3.2.a IDUCATION: High School Diploma H.S.D. - 1953 4.3.2.b EXPERIENCE: 4 years in craft he 24 years power plant experience supervises, one of which is Nuclear 5 years nuclear plant design Power Plant experiene.e. Three months and construction - assigned on site. to site in 1977.

4.3.2.c TRAINING: Soaialized training for Westinghouse Maintenance each individ.zal; leadership, etc.; Engineering school general employee training < Supervisor's Developnent program Participation in design and consttuction Safety valve test and repair certification Certified Welder Participation in Start-up program 4.3.2.d Supervision of saf ety-related activities Started supervising safety-related activities in 1978.

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Position: Maintenance Engineer June 2, 1981 Name: C. E. Scott Section Requirements Status

. 4.3.2.a Education: High School Diploma BSEE - 1972 4.3.2.b Experience: 4 years in cr.ft he 6 years power plant experience.

supervises, one of which 2 years nuclear plant start-up is nuclear power plant and construction. Assigned to experience. Three months site in 1978.


c 3.2.c Training: Specialized training or Training for certification as each individual; leader- NDE Level II in RT and UT, as ship, ete,; general a Certified Lead Auditor and as employee training. Level II QC Inspector.

Supervisor's Development Program.

Active participation in design.

and construction. Participation (q various nuclear power seminars and workshops. Participation in refueling outage at operating nuclear power plant.

4.3.2.d Supervision of Safety- Started directing Safety- -

related activities. related activities in 1979.




Position: Maintenance Technician Jun 2, 1981 Section Require,ments Status 4.5.2.s Education: High School Diploma Education ranges from high school diploma to saaaciate technology degree to a BS degree.

4.5.2.b Experience: Three years of working Erperience ranges from a experience in their minimum of two years at the specialty. site to six (6) years Navy experience to a maximum of twenty-one (21) years power plant experience.

4.5.2.c Training: Specialized on-the-job All training for certification training for each individ- as NDE Level II in MT, PT, RT ual, related technical and UT, and as Level II QC training and general Ins pectors . Active partici-employee training, pation in design and construc-

. tion activities.

4.5.2.d Shall have demonstrated ' Verified by supervisor's their ability to perform evaluation.

assigned tasks and their knowledge of the signifA-cance of these tasks on ,

plant operation.

POSITION 4 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR June 2, 1981 NAME: W. E. STONE l SECTION REQUIE1MENTS STATLi 4.3.2.a EDUCATION: High School Diploma H.S.D. - 1959 Associate Degree in Electrical Technology - 1962 4.3.2.b EXPERIENCE: 4 years in craft he super- 20 years Power Plant Experience vises, one of which is nuclear power 315 years nuclear plant design plant experience. Three months on and construction. usigned to site. site in 1978.

i 4.3.2.c TRAINING: Specialized training for Westinghouse Maintenance each individual; leadership, etc.; Engineering School general employee training. Supervisor's Development Program Participation in design and construction. Participation in Start-up Program.

4.3.2.d Supervision of Safety-related activities Started supervising safety-related activities in 1979.

.e m



4.5.3.b EEPERIENCE: 3 years work experience in one or more crafts. All comply.

4.5.3.c TRAINING: Special training and Participation in construction general employee training. and Start-Up activities, systems training course 4.5.3.d Demonstrated ability to perform assigned Verify by Supervisor's tasks and knowledge of task significance Evaluation to plant safety.

QA Training i

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.4.2.4.a EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in B.S. Mechanical Engineering -

Engineering or related science. 1970 4.2.4.b EXPERIENCE: At the time of pre- 13 years professional level operational testing, four (4) years experience; 11 years power experience in responsible position plant experience of which:

related to power generation, three 4 years nuclect power plant (3) of which shall be nuclear power design and c.onstruction ex-plant experience. During the three perience, 3 years fossil (3) years, the individual shall plant design and construction participate in the technical or experience and 4 years testing, operations section activities of an operation and maintenance ex-operating nuclear power plant during perience.

the following periods:

(1) One (1) month operation above 20% power.

(2) Routine refueling outage (1 to 2 months).

, '(3) Initial plant startup testing . ,

or post refueling outage startup testing.

4.2.4.c TRAINING: Hold an NRC operator license Successfully completed 31 week for a similar unit, or have been certi- Westinghouse training program -

fied at the plant or at an appropriate for Senior Reactor Operator simulator, and as required by 5.3.1 Certification.

and 5.4.

4.2.4.d Initial Technical Manager shall be Assigned to 4 years prior asaigned to site six (6) months to start of pre-operational prior to commencement of pre-opera- testing.

tional testing.

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Position: Reactor Engineer (4.4.1) June 2, 1981 Name: W. J. Nixon Section Requirement Status 4.4.14 Education: Bachelor Degree in BS Nuclear Engineering, 1974 Engineering or related sciences. Experience: By initial core loading seven (7) years of professional four (4) years professional level level experience of which five experience of which two (2) years (5) years are design and construc-shall be nuclear power plant exper- tion and two (2) years are testing, ience. The experience shall be in operation and maintenance exper-areas such as reactor physics, core ience. Participated in post refuel-measurements, core heat transfer, and ing outage startup program (Reactor core physics testing programs. During Engineering Section) in areas of the two (2) years, must participate core stasurements, core physics in reactor engineering section acti- testing, core heat transfer and vities at sn operating nuclear power reactor physics as follows; three plant during the following periods: (3) weeks at Prairie Island Naclear Plant (Unit No. 2 operating at 100%

(1) Routine refueling outage fuel power), three (3) weeks at D. C.

handling. Cook Nuclear Plant (core measurements >

and core physics testing from 0 - 60%

(2) Post refueling outage startup power), and two (2) wenks at North test program. Anna Nuclear Plant (core measurements and physics testing).

(3) Power increases from 10% to 100% including stabilization of xenua.

(4) Two (2) weeks operation above '

20% pquer.

4.4.1c Training: As required by 4.3.2 and Successfully completed twelve (12) 5.4. veek Westinghouse Station Nuclear Engineering Course. Successfully completed thirty-one (31) week Westinghouse training program for Senior Reactor Operator Certification.

t Position: Results Engineer June 2, 1981 Name: Edward Alarcon Education: BSME - University of Texas at Austin, 1976 Experience: 1976 - Employed by General Electric Company at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL), as an engineer.

1977 - Completed Nuclear Power Engineer-ing school at KAPL, assigned as Operations Engineer at the S7C (MARF) Prototype at the KAPL West Milton site.

19'/7 - Qualified as Engineering Officer of the Watch at the S7C (MARF) Prototype.

1978 - Qualified as Nuclear Plant Engineer and Staff Instruct'o'r at the S7G Prototype.

1978 - Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Company as an Associate Engineer in ,

the Results engineering section at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station.

1979 - Completed sixteen week Phase V cold licensing lecture series at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station.

1980 - Completed Westinghouse three-week training module on the Nuclear Training Reactor at Zion, Illinois.

1980 - Assigned to present position as Results Engineer at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station.

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POSITION: INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL (4.4.2) June 2, 1981 NAME: B. B. TAYLOR SECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS 4.4.2.a EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in BSEE 1966 Engineering or related science. MSEE & CS 1972 4.4.2.b EIPERIENCE: At the time of ini- 17 years professional level tial core loading, the responsi- experience;.7 years electronics ble person shall have two (2) maintenance and repair; 6 years years power plant experience in propulsion power plant operations instrumentation and control, of and maintsnance of which 4 years have which one (1) year shall be been Navy nuclear power plants.

nuclear power plant experience. Participated in instrument and control During the one year, the indivi- activities during the six years and dual shall participate in the was responsible for instrument and instrueent and control section control activities for two years on activities at an operating fossil fueled steam plant.

nuclear power plant during the following periods:

(1) Surveillance testing ar.d Participated in surveillance testing calibration of instruments and calibration of instruments and and controls during a controls during three extended routine refueling outage. (greater than ene(1) month) maintenance shutdowns. Participated in IGC activities during numerous other shutdown periods.

(2) Startup preparation Participated in startup preparations testing at the end of a following each extended maintenance ~

routine refueling outage. shutdown period and numerous other reactor startups.

(3) Post refueling outage Participated in required post startup startup testing. testing.

(4) One (1) month operation 26 months ekperience greater than above 20% power. 20% power level on Navy PWR propulsion plant.

Six (6) months experience shall Will complete 6 months on-site experience be on-site. 3 May 1981.

I 4.4.2.c TRAINING: As required by 5.3.2 General employee training (Sec. 5.4) and 5.4 will be completed prior to fuel load.



Education: ICS Degree in Chemical Lab Tec.hnology - 1966 U.S. Army Basic and Advance Electronics - 1959 Monahans High School, Monahans, Texas - 1958 Experience: 196.1 -

Employed by Texas Electric Service Company as a technician at the Monahans Plant.

1977 -

Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Company as a Senior I&C Technician at

, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station.

1980 -

Assigned to present position as I&C Supervisor at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station.

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l POSITION: TECHNICIANS (4.5.2) June 2, 1981 INSTRtDfENTATION AND CONTROL THIRTEEN TECHNICIANS SECTION REQUIREMENTS STATUS 4.5.2.a EDUCATION: High school diploma. Comply 4.5.2.b EXPERIENCE: Three (3) years of working The I&C technicians have an experience in their specialty, average of 7 years of pro-fessional experience. This experience includes four years average of Testing Maintenance and Operations and three years average of work during nuclear power plant design and con-struction. They average 3 months of nuclear power plant experience above 20% power.

4.5.2.c TRAINING: As required by 5.3.4 and Three technicians have an 5.4. AS degree in electronics or a related science. Nine of the technicians have received electronics training from the military, two of whom have Navy Nuclear Power training.

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4.4.4a EDUCA1T.ON: Bachelor Degree in B.S. Biology, Chemistry scionet or engineering subject, minor, 1969.

including some formal training in radiation protection.

4.4.4b EXPERIENCE: By the time of initial Eighteen (18) years of core loading, shall have four years professional level experience.

of experience in applied radiation protection. At least three years Eleven (11) years power plant experience of which seven (7) of which shall be in applied radia-years nuclear power plant tion protection work in a nuclear Design and Construction facility dealing with radiological problems similar to those encountered experience.

in nuclear power plants., During the Five (5) years testing, three years, shall participate in operation and maintenance the radiation protection section of experience.

an operating nuclear power plant during the following periods:

One (1) month nuclear power plant radiation protection (1) Routine refueling outage ".xpe rience.

(1 to 2 months) One month (2) Two months operations One month above 20% power.

Six months experience shall be Four (4) years on-site design on site. - and construction experience.

4.4.4c TRAINING: As required by 5.3.2 Successfully compleccd Oakridge and 5.4. Associated Universities ten (10) week Health Physics and Protec-tion Course, 1275.

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SECTION RIOUIREMENT STATUS 4.4.34 Education: Bachelor Degree in Position not yet filled.

Engineering or rela:;od science.

4.4.3b Experience: By initial core loading two years experience in chemistry of which one year shall be nuclear power plant experience in radiochemistry.

Included in the one year is three months of participation in the chemistry section of an operating nuclear power plant, of which no less than two months shall be with the plant operating above 20% power.

Successful completion of a chenistry and radiochemistry training program may be equivalent to one year's nuclear power plant s perience.

4.4.3c Training: Trafnfng shall be pro-vided to compensate for deficien-cies identified by comparing the individual's czperience ard knowledge with the experience and ,,

Ic.awledge necessary to perform tae job (5.3.2) .

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POSITION: TECHNICIANS (4.5.2) June 2, 1981 GEMISTRY & RADIATION TWELVE TECHNICIANS SECTION REQUIREME _NT STATUS 4.5.2.s EDUCATION: High school diploma. Comply 4.5.2.b EXPERIENCE: Three (3) years of working The technicians have from 3 experience in their specialty. to 18 years of working experience in t heir specialty.

Included in this time is frow 2 to 11 years of power plant experience, of which 1 to 7 years were in operations and 1 to 5 years were in design and con-struction. Nuclear plant experience includes 3 to 7 years above 20% power and 4 to 8 weeks refueling outage.

4.5.2.c TRAINING: As requirod by 5.3.4 and Six of the technicians have 3.4 attended the U.S. Navy Basic Nuclear Power School.

One of the technicians is a Registered Radiation Protection Technologist. Four of the technicians hold an Associate of Applied Science in Nucient Technology degree or related

. . science.

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Position: H2alth Physicist June 2, 1981 Name: M. C. Williams Education: BSNS - Texas A&M University,1973 Experience: 1973 - Duke Power Company Health Physicist providing technical direction and support to Health Physics Group at Ocense Nuclear Station.

1974 - Duke Power Company Health Physics Supervisor responsible for supervising ten Health Physics Tec*mticians activities in implementing Oconee's Health Physics Program.

1975 - United Nuclear Industries, Inc.

Quality Assurance Engineer auditing reactor operation for compliance to limits and procedures.

1977 - United Nuclear Industries, Inc.

Senior Engineer responsible for directing Health Physics Technician's activities in impleranting programs for exposure reduction.

1979 - United Nuclear Industries, Inc.

Manager of Radiological Engineering responsible for supervising Engineers, Health Physicists, and Health Physics Technicians in implementing radiation control, exposure reduction, radiological safety, and monitoring programs. Served as Radiation Protection Officer.

1980 - Texas Utilities Generating Company Employed as Health Physicist at the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station.  !

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Education: BS - Radiation and Nuclear Technology Oklahoma State University - 1974 Experience: 1975 -

Employed by Conesco Mideontinent, Inc.

at Arkansas Nuclear One, as a Quality Assurance Manager 1975 -

Employed by Florida Power and Light Co.

at Turkey Point Plant as a Health Physics Associate Technician 1976 -

Employed by Florida Power and Light Co.

at Turkey Point Plant as a Health Physics Special Crew Radiation Protection Man 1977 -

Employed by Florida Power and Light Co.

at the St. Lucie Plant as a Health Physics Senior Technician -

1960 -

Employed by Texas Utilities Generating Co.

as the Emergency Planning Coordinator for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station I

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Position: Radiochemis t June 2, 1981 Names S. H. Daniel Education: BS - Chemistry and Mathematics, Tarleton State University, 1967 PhD - 02 emistry, Texas A&M University, 1971 Experience: 1971 - Virginia Tech Research Associate working in the Chemistry Department Nuclear Radiochemical Laboratory.

1973 - Radiation Management Corporation Radiochemist responsible for laboratory opera *, ion.

1975 - Radiation Management Corporation Manager of Analytical Services responsible for the administrative and technical direction of twelve Radiochemists and Lab Technician's activities in laboratory analysis of samples.

1976 - Scott and White Clinic Radiochemist working in the Nuclear Radiology Department.

1978 - Texas Utilities Generating Company Employed as Radiochemist at the Comanche Peak, Steam Electric Station.

Successfully completed Westinghouse i 12-week FWR Radiochemistry Course.

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