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Submits Application for Renewal of License R-83 for Continued Operation of Triga pool-type Reactor.W/Supporting Documents & Financial Rept for Year Ending 780831
Person / Time
Site: 05000128
Issue date: 07/02/1979
From: John Miller
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19256B435 List:
NUDOCS 7907100624
Download: ML19256B434 (2)


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TEX AS A&M U N I V E ll S I T Y COLLE GL SI All()N, IlXAS 77841 c i o w, n i:-

/ .luly 19 /')

UJficc of Tux Parsiossi Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


License Renewal Application for the Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center Reactor License R-83, Docket 50-128

Dear Mr. Reid:

Texas A&M Pulversity respectfully submits application for renewal of facility License R-bJ for continued operation of the Nuclear Science Center TRIGA pool type reactor. This renewal application is made pursuant to the general requirements of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10CFR) parts, 50, 51, 55 and 73. As outlined in your letter of 25 April 1979 the licease renewal application addresses specific items that require review prior to renewal of the license.

The application for license renewal contains the following:

Three(3) signed and notarized original and nineteen (19) additional copies of renewal application.

N 2.

Three(3) signed and notarized original and six(6) additional copies of Financial Considerations.

. Six(6) copies of the NSC Physical Securit, Plan (to be withbeld from public disclosure pursuant to 10CFR 2.790).

Nineteen (19) copies of the following:

Safety Analysis Report Technical Specifications Enviconmental impact Appraisal Emer1;ency Plan Operator Requalification Program SNM Requirenents it is requested that License R-83 be amended in its entirety and that the supporting

  • documents for license renewal supersede previous submittals made to the NRC for amendments to License R-83. .

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835 001 7907100624


Mr. Robert W. Reid Page 2 These documents along with the excellent operating history of the NSCR support the intent .ind desire of Texas A&M University to cont inue to operate the reactor in a safe and competent manner and to continue to promote research and education programs through utilization of the reactor facility. These documents also demonstrate that the reactor component s and will be capable of with-standing prolonged use over the t erm o f t he license renewal.

Respectfully, f' .

/ J rvi ' E. Miller, President Texas A&M University b

835 002

LICENSE RENEWAL AITLICATION FOR FACILITY LICENSE R-33 DOCKET NO. 50-128 Name of Applicant: Texas A&M University lydd res s_: College Station, Texas 77843

' Name of Reactor: Neclear Science Center (NSCR)

. Description of Ayylicant's Business anti Administration:

Texas A&M University is a Land Grant University funded by the State of Texas to provide educational and research programs in engineering, the sciences, agriculture and liberal arts. The Nuclear Science Center provides nuclear services for the University and industrial researchers throughout the southwest. The Nuclear Science Center is operated by the Texas Engineering Experiment Station which is a part of the Texas AO: University System.

Universitv officials Assoc ia t u' ;ri t h the Adr.ii nis t ra r. ; on o t_ tue NSCR:

Jarvis E. Miller, President Te ns A&M University Fred J. Benson, Vice President for Engineering and Director, Texas Lngineering Experiment Station R. R. Berg, Director, Of fice of University Research and Chairman, Reactor Safety Board H. E. Whitmere, Associate Director Texas Engineering Exp'eriment Station J. D. Randall, Director Nuclear Science Center Class of License:

Class 104C (Research and Utilization Facility)

Use of License:

Renewal of FaciJity License R-83 required to continue operation of the 1 Mw TRIGA Research Reactor of the Nuclear Science Center for education, training, research and industrial services.

I 835 003

Page 2, License Renewal Application, R-83, Docker No. 50-128 Duration of I.icense-. 20 years Other N:<C L i cense.<.

Associated with the Nuclear Science Center Reactor: SNM 15-18

, Financial Qualifications: See Attachment I Supportine, Documents: - Safety Analysis Report

- Technical Specifications

- Environmental Impact Appraisal

- Emergency Plan

- Physical Security Plan

- Operator Requalification I' ogram

- SNM Requirements I hereby certify th" above statements to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

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Jarvis E. Miller, Presidcnt __

f Texas A&M University


Subscribed to and before me on this date Julv 3. 1979 ,

Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas _

WA -

0 My commission expires May 20, 1980 .

Attachment I - Financial Considerations to LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR FACILITY LICENSE R-83 DOCKET No. 50-128 Tenas A&M University, to whom Facility License No. R-83 is issued, is a state supported University, funded primarily by state appropriations on a

. biennium basis as determined by the Texas Legislature. The Texas Engineering Experiment Station, under whose jurisdiction the Nuclear Science Center (the licensed facility) falls, is a part of the Texas A&M University System identified for Legislative aptropriation purposes as a separate state agency.

Biennia for appropriation purposes in Texas commence on September 1 of odd years and end on August 31 two years thereaf ter.

Included as a part of this attachment are the followi

1. A copy of the official financial report for the Texas Engineerirg Experiment Station for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1978 on which is highlighted tae entry which reflects the portion of the Nuclear Scicnce Center expenditures funded from State General Revenue monics.
2. A copy of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station portion of the Legislative Appropriation Bill for the biennium ending August 31, 1979 on which is highlighted the line item appropriation for the Nuclear Science Center.
3. A copy of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station portion of the Legislative Appropriation Bill for the biennium commencing September 1, 1979 and ending August 31, 1981 on which is highlighted the line item appropriaticn for the Nuclear Science Center.

The funds for operating the Nuclear Science Center are obtained primarily frcm General Revenue monies appropriated by the State supplemented by revenues obtained from University and other users of Nuclear Science Center irradiation services.

The Texas Legisla'ture has net failed to appropriate funds for the operation of the Nuclear Science Center since its initial funding and it is anticiaated that appropriations will be forthcoming as long as the operation of the facility serves a purpose deemed beneficial to the people of Texas.

Texas /,5M expects to continue to seek and to receive funding from the Legislature for this facility as long as the public benefit mentioned above can be demonstrated.

Should it become necessary or appropriate due to either, economic or political considerations to shut down the facility, we anti :1pate seeking all necessary f unding to cover costs of deactivation and disposition from the Texas Legislature and/or Federal agencies as may scen appropriate at the time.

Attachment 1 - If ;cial Considerations Page 2 I hereby certify the abo e statements to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

_, / ,

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/ Jarvis E. Miller, tresident

( Texas A&M University Subscribed to and before me on this date July 3,1979 ,

Notary Public in and for BraZOS County, Texas i

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My commission expires May 20, 1980 .

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