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Forwards Proposed Change to Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program.Proposed Change Makes Written Exams Administered to Operators on Physical Security Plan Part of Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: 05000128
Issue date: 06/04/1990
From: Hall K
Shared Package
ML20043E259 List:
NUDOCS 9006120203
Download: ML20043E258 (2)



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L Texas Engineering Experiment Station The Texas A&M University System College Station, Texas 77843 3577 409'845-1321 EE June 4, 1990 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.

20555 Ref:

Docket No. 50-128 Facility License No. R-83


Request to Amend the Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program Revision III for the Nuclear Science Center Reactor Gentlemen:

The Texas Engineering Experiment Station / Texas A&M University System (licensee) respectfully submits a proposed change to the NSCR Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Requalification

Program, Revision III, June 1979.

The proposed change makes written examinations administered to licensed operators on the NSCR Physical Security Plan a

part of the Operator Requalification Program.

We propoce to add training requirements for the Physical Security Plan to the general topic 2.1.6 of the Operator Requalification Program.

The topic 2.1.6 would be changed to readi " Emergency Plan and Physical. Security Plan".

A retype of page l'of the Reactor Operator Program is Attachment A.

-The licensee desires to establish agreement between the approved Physical Security Plan and the approved Operator --Requalification Program regarding written examinations for licensed operators on physical security by placing all written examination requirements under one plan.

The NSCR Physical Security Plan requires that licensed operators be given written examinations on physical security as part of the annual reactor operator retraining program.

This is not in agreement with the NSCR Operator Requalification Program which is a two year program rather than an annual program.

NSC Management follows the two year Operator Requalification Program for the retraining and testing of licensed operators. _

The two year program requires retraining lectures and written examinations each 4 months covering six topics over the two year period of the program.

Because physical security training for operators has historically been conducted in' conjunction with emergency preparedness training, the licensee desires to continue this practice through the proposed change.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 4, 1990 page 2 Upon approval of the change to the NSCR Operator Requalification Program the licensee will submit to USNRC Region IV, under the provisions of 10CFR50.54(p),

changes to the NSCR Physical Security Plan to implement the new training requirements.

Annual physical security training lectures will continue to be a

requirement for the retraining of licensed operators under the Physical Security Plan with the requirement for written examinations on this topic to be a

part of the Operator Requalification Program.

The licensee has concluded that the proposed change to the Operator Requalification Program and subsequent changes to the Physical Security Plan will not reduce the effectiveness of either program and the proficiency of licensed operators in this area will continue to be maintained.

Thank you for your consideration.

Respectfully submitted, Kenneth R.

Hall, Deputy Director Texas Engineering Experiment Station Enclosures cc:

Mr. R.D. Martin, Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region IV Mr.

T. Michaels, Project Manager, USNRC, Washington Mr. D E.

Feltz, Director, Nuclear Science Center Dr.

K. L.

Peddicord, Assistant Diector, TEES Dr.


Erdman, Associate Dean, TEES Dr.


Poston, Head, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering Mr. F.Jennings, Chairman, Reactor Safety Board Dr.


McLain, Radiological Safety Office Dr.

J.A. Reuscher, Dir., Nuclear Research Reactor Prog., NSC Syorn to before me the undersigned authority this [

day of (1<m o 1990.

f. 2 2 t hs O ntn.


Notary Public In and For Brazos County, Texas

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Commission expires _X f-YC Ll BARBARA Bl.AINE SMITH


Notn Pubbe, State of Texas Commmson hpres 104&90
