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Forwards Preliminary Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: 05000128
Issue date: 07/02/1979
From: John Miller
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7907100596
Download: ML19224D072 (2)



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TEXAS A&M U N I V E ll S I T Y COllLGE STAllON, T[X AS 77843 (7 8 n IW, !!i7 2 .luly 1979 0)))ccof Tur PHEsIDEN E Robert W. Heid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Rt'ctors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


License Renewal Application for the Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center Reactor Licen_e R-83, Docket 50-128

Dear Mr. Reid:

Texas A&M University respectfully submits application for renewal of facility License R-83 for continued operation of the duelear Science Center TRICA pool type reactor. This renewal application is made pursuant to the general requirements 55 and 73. of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10CFR) parts , 50, 51, As outlined in your letter of 25 April 1979 the license renewal application addresses specific items that require review prior to renewal of the license.

The application for license renewal contains the following:

><[ Three(3) signed and notarized original and nineteen (19) additional copies of renewal application.

$( Three(3) signed and notarized original and six(6) additional copies of Financial Considerations.


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Six(6) copies of the NSC Physical Security Plan (to be withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10CFR 2.790).

Nineteen (19) copies of the following: -

Safety Analysis Report Technical Specifications Environmental Impact Appraisal Emergency Plan Operator Requalification Program SNM Requirements it is requested that License R-83 be amended in its entirety and that ?be supporting documents for license renewal supersede previous submittals made to the iRC for amendments to License R-83.






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Mr. Robert W. Reid Page 2 These documents along with the excellent operating history of the NSCR support the intent and desire of Texas A&M University to continue to operate the reactor in a safe and competent manner and to continue to promote research and education programs through utilization of the reactor facility. These documents also demonstrate that the reactor components and systems will be capable of with-standing prolonged use over the term of the Jicense renewal.

Respectfully, 1AblA 9 b$ .

J rvia E. Miller, President

'/exas AEi University 323 09?