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Revised Epips, Including Epf 06-001-07, Rev. 0 and Epf 06-018-03, Rev. 3
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/2003
From: Moles K
Wolf Creek
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
RA 03-0096 EPF 06-001-07 Rev 0, EPF 06-018-03 Rev 3
Download: ML032370460 (18)


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-Manager Regulatory Affairs ~_AtJ~VIM3 RA 03-0096 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: DocumentControl Desk Washington, DC--20555 0 - ---


Docket No. 50-482: Changes to Wolf Creek Generating Station Radiological Emergency Response Plan implementing

-Procedures and Forms -


in accordance with 10-CFR 50, Appendix -E, enclosed -are revisions to Wof Creek Generating Station Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing procedures and forms. The following-is alist of the specific enclosures.


Effective July-18, 2003- -Effective July 18, 2003 EPP 06-001, Revision 7 EPF 06-01 --07,Revision0

-EPF 06-018-03,-Revision 3 If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact me at (620) 364-4126 or Ms. JenniferYunk at (620)-3644272. -

--- 0 0  ;: L-Verytruly yours,



- - - Kevin J. Moles -_ --- _


-Enclosures cc: J. N. Donohew (NRC),-w/e - -=

D. N. GravesJNRC), wole --

T. P Gwynn (NRC),-wNe_(2)-: - - i T. W. Pruett (NRC), w/e -

Senior Emergency-Preparedness Inspector (NRC), w/e

-Senior Resident Inspector (NRC), wo/e (45 PO. Box 411 1 Burlington, KS 66839 / IPhone: (620) 3648831 AnEqualOpportunityEmployer MF/HCNVET =  :-


- EPP 06-001 CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS Responsible Manager Superintendent Emergency Planning Revision Number 7 Use Category Reference Administrative Controls Procedure No Infrequently Performed Procedure No Program Number 06 DC50 07-18-2003



AND COMMITMENTS 2 4.0 DEFINITIONS 2 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3 6.0 PRECAUTIONS/LIMITATIONS 3 7.0 PROCEDURE 4 7.1 Control Room Functions 4 7.2 Shift Manager 6 7.3 Off-site Communicator 9 7.4 ENS Communicator 10 7.5 Chemistry Technician 10 7.6 Health Physics Technician 11 7.7 Operations Communicator 11 7.8 Shift Engineer 12 8.0 RECORDS 13 9.0 FORMS 13

Revision: 7 Reference Use CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS EPP 06-001 Page 2 of 13 I 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides direction for on-shift personnel respond from the Control Room upon the declaration of an emergency classification.

2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to all Control Room and on-shift personnel upon declaration of an emergency classification.


AND COMMITMENTS 3.1 References 3.1.1 Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation.

3.1.2 AP 06-002, RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (RERP) 3.2 Commitments 3.2.1 RCMS95-083, Failure Of The Control Room Staff To Use Site-Wide Announcements And Facility Briefings To Inform Plant Staff Of Major Developments And The Status Of Emergency Response Activities.

3.2.2 RCMS91-140, Guidance To Appropriate Personnel For Access Control, Habitability, And Dosimetry Control.

4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Emergency Classification 4.1.1 A system used to define the severity of emergencies into one of four categories based upon Emergency Action Levels. Classifications listed in order of increasing severity are as follows:

1. Notification of Unusual Event (NUE)
2. Alert
3. Site Area Emergency (SAE)
4. General Emergency

Revision: 7 CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS EPP 06-001 lReference Use Page 3 of 13 4.2 Records 4.2.1 Documents such as calculation worksheets, computer printouts, forms, logs, memos, checklists, or any paper used to record data or information during an emergency, drill or exercise which may be used for event reconstruction.

5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Shift Manager 5.1.1 Initial response and classification of an event which is diagnosed during their assigned shift.

5.1.2 For the direction and response of on shift Operations, Maintenance, Chemistry, and Health Physics personnel who report to the Control Room.

5.2 Off-site Communicator 5.2.1 Perform immediate and follow-up notifications of off-site agencies.

5.3 Emergency Notification System (ENS) Communicator 5.3.1 Make and maintain contact with the NRC Operations Center using the ENS telephone.

5.4 Chemistry Technician 5.4.1 Perform dose assessment during a declared emergency.

5.5 Health Physics Technician (HP) 5.5.1 Provide radiological data to the Shift Manager.

5.5.2 Monitor Control Room habitability.

5.6 Operations Communicator 5.6.1 Provide information on plant status from the Control Room to the TSC as it happens.

5.7 Shift Engineer 5.7.1 Initiate the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) within 60 minutes of an Alert or higher classification.

6.0 PRECAUTIONS/LIMITATIONS 6.1 The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) must be activated within 60 minutes of a declaration of an Alert or higher emergency.

7.0 PROCEDURE 7.1 Control Room Functions 7.1.1 Control Room personnel monitor plant operations and respond to any abnormal situation or event which could require an emergency classification to be declared.

7.1.2 Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are used to determine if and which emergency classification to declare.

7.1.3 The Shift Manager assumes the duties of the Site Emergency Manager upon the declaration of an Emergency Classification. While performing the duties of the Site Emergency Manager, the Shift Manager may not delegate the following responsibilities:

o Emergency Classification o Authorization of Notification of Off-site Authorities o Protective Action Recommendations o Authorization of Emergency Exposure in excess of 10CFR20 Limits 7.1.4 IF an NUE classification is made, THEN on shift personnel should check with the Control Room for direction.

7.1.5 IF an Alert or higher classification is made, THEN on shift personnel perform the following:

1. Control Room personnel take appropriate technical actions to mitigate the event.
2. Nuclear Station Operators (NSOs) notify the Control Room of their location and perform as directed by the Control Room.
3. Chemistry and one Health Physics Technicians report to the Control Room and perform as directed by the Shift Manager.
4. Assigned personnel perform notifications to off-site agencies and establish ENS communications.
5. Control Room habitability is monitored, dose assessment is implemented, and contamination control is established for the Control Room.
6. On-shift Maintenance personnel notify the Control Room of their location and perform as directed by the Shift Manager.
7. Personnel sent out from the Control Room to perform designated functions, except on-shift NSOs, report to the Control Room until the TSC assumes control of Emergency Response Teams.

7.1.6 Plant announcements are made for items such as all emergency classifications, changes in major equipment status, known hazards in the plant, and when terminating an emergency.

1. The following written announcements are available:

o EPF 06-001-01, NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT o EPF 06-001-02, ALERT EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT o EPF 06-001-03, SITE AREA EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT o EPF 06-001-04, GENERAL EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT o EPF 06-001-05, RECOVERY/TERMINATION ANNOUNCEMENT 7.1.7 Work being performed in the plant should be evaluated and personnel performing work critical to the emergency may be exempted from evacuating. Those personnel will be included in Control Room accountability.

7.1.8 Personnel should maintain a log of events during the emergency for later event reconstruction.

7.1.9 Control Room positions and steps covering each position are listed below.

o Step 7.2, Shift Manager o Step 7.3, Off-site Communicator o Step 7.4, ENS Communicator o Step 7.5, Chemistry Technician o Step 7.6, Health Physics Technician o Step 7.7, Operations Communicator o Step 7.8, Shift Engineer

7.2 Shift Manager 7.2.1 IF a Security Emergency has been declared, THEN classify the event and perform State and County notifications in accordance with EPP 06-007, EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS.

1. DO NOT implement call-out and/or activation of the Emergency Facilities until Security gives the "ALL CLEAR".

7.2.2 WHEN a classification has been determined, THEN immediately direct the Off-site Communicator to perform their assigned emergency response duties.

7.2.3 IF an NUE has been declared, THEN perform the following:

1. Obtain EPF 06-001-01, NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT, and ensure the announcement is read over the Plant All Page system.
2. Complete EPF 06-007-01, WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION, and give the original to an Off-site Communicator.

7.2.4 IF an Alert or higher emergency has been declared, THEN perform the following:

1. Obtain and complete the appropriate announcement form for the declared emergency.


2. List the reason(s) for the emergency classification on the form.

NOTE Secondary Access Facility is normally closed between 1800 and 0600. Security will open SAF upon request from Shift Manager.

3. IF personnel are ordered to evacuate, THEN use the following to determine which exit personnel should use to evacuate and check the appropriate box on the form:
a. IF no radiological release is in progress or wind direction is not of concern, THEN exit the PAB and assemble at an assembly area.
b. IF a radiological release is actual or imminent and wind direction is from 180-269°, THEN exit only through Main Security and assemble in the Charles Curtis Development Center.
c. IF a radiological release is actual or imminent and wind direction is from 270-360°, THEN exit only through Secondary Access Facility and assemble in the William Allen White Outage Processing Center.
d. IF dose projections indicate TEDE greater than or equal to 1 REM OR Thyroid greater than or equal to 1 REM, THEN evacuate and assemble at Emporia State University Physical Education Building.
4. IF unique hazards exist or areas should be avoided, THEN check the box and list the concerns on the form.
5. Ensure Site Evacuation Alarm is sounded and the completed announcement form is read over the Plant All Page system.
6. Complete EPF 06-007-01, WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION, and give the original to an Off-site Communicator.

7.2.5 IF Off-site Support is needed, THEN refer to Section II of the RETD, OFFSITE SUPPORT, for Off-site Support phone numbers.

7.2.6 Monitor plant status and reclassify the emergency as necessary in accordance with EPP 06-005, EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION.

7.2.7 Ensure personnel accountability has been completed.

7.2.8 IF a radiological release is in progress, THEN ensure the Unit Vent Monitor is in ACCIDENT MODE in accordance with SYS SP-121, OPERATION OF THE G. A. MONITOR SYSTEM.

7.2.9 Initiate dose assessment and habitability verification by informing the Chemistry Technician and HP Technician of release status, path, duration and provide a brief plant status.

7.2.10 IF radiological conditions warrant, THEN direct the following onsite protective actions as necessary:

o Authorize emergency exposures in accordance with EPP 06-013, EXPOSURE CONTROL AND PERSONNEL PROTECTION o Decontamination of onsite personnel in accordance with RPP 02-310, PERSONNEL DECONTAMINATION o Issuance of KI in accordance with EPP 06-013, EXPOSURE CONTROL AND PERSONNEL PROTECTION o Notify HP of teams and their job duties being dispatched to the field to ensure proper instructions are provided for the teams.

7.2.11 Make required Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with EPP 06-006, PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION.

7.2.12 Ensure the ENS Communicator position is established within one hour of the declaration of an emergency.

7.2.13 WHEN the responsibility and authority for the emergency has been transferred to Site Emergency Manager, THEN resume normal duties and keep the TSC informed of plant status.

7.2.14 Ensure Control Room personnel are notified of the transfer of duties to an Emergency Manager.

NOTES o The steps in this section may be performed in any order to ensure tasks are completed in the required time.

o The Plant All Page system is the preferred method for plant announcements. Other public announcement systems should be used if the Plant All Page system is not available.

7.3 Off-site Communicator 7.3.1 WHEN an emergency is declared OR as directed, THEN initiate staffing of the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by activating the E-Plan pagers or Automatic Dialing System (ADS) in accordance with EPP 06-015, EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION CALLOUT.

7.3.2 Perform Emergency Notifications in accordance with EPP 06-007, EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS.

1. WHEN the State and County notifications are complete, THEN provide a copy of the notification form to the ENS Communicator.

7.3.3 At an Alert or higher emergency, unless directed otherwise by the Shift Manager, sound the Site Evacuation Alarm.

1. Read the appropriate emergency classification announcement as distinctly as possible over the Plant All Page system. [Commitment Step 3.2.1]

o Plant Page System number is 7920. At tone dial

  • 11 for all buildings.
2. Ensure the gaitronics is merged after Site Evacuation Alarm has timed out.

7.3.4 Provide Security with the emergency classification announcement and the ACAD badge numbers for anyone retained by the Shift Manager who are not in the control room for accountability. [Commitment Step 3.2.1]

7.3.5 WHEN the TSC or EOF is activated and has assumed notification responsibilities, THEN disconnect the verification phone in the Control Room.

7.3. 6 Perform duties as assigned by the Shift Manager.

Revision: 7 CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS EPP 06-001 Reference Use Page 10 of 13 7.4 ENS Communicator 7.4.1 Obtain and complete EPF 06-001-06, ENS COMMUNICATOR'S WORKSHEET, to use for communicating with the NRC.

7.4.2 Establish and maintain continuous communications with the NRC via the Emergency Notification System (ENS) FTS 2000 telephone. IF the NRC determines that continuous communications or contact with all facilities is not necessary, THEN communications may be terminated as directed by the NRC.

1. Use of the ENS phone is in accordance with EPP 06-007, EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS.

7.4.3 Provide the following additional information to the NRC:

1. Any further degradation in the level of safety of the plant or other worsening plant conditions
2. The results of ensuing evaluations or assessments of plant conditions
3. The effectiveness of response or protective measures taken
4. Any information related to plant behavior that is not understood by the NRC 7.5 Chemistry Technician 7.5.1 Notify the Shift Manager of your presence in the Control Room.

7.5.2 IF CHARMS GT RE 59 and/or GT RE 60 change substantially while performing a dose assessment, THEN inform the Shift Manager.

7.5.3 IF CHARMS GT RE59 and/or GT RE60 read equal to or greater than 2.5E+3 R/Hr, THEN notify the Shift Manager.

7.5.4 IF while performing a dose assessment it is obvious the 1 Rem TEDE or 1 REM Thyroid value will be exceeded, THEN inform the Shift Manager.

7.5.5 WHEN dose assessment is completed, THEN brief the Shift Manager on the following:

1. Assumptions used
2. Results
3. Specify if TEDE doses equal or exceed the 1 Rem value
4. Specify if Thyroid doses equal or exceed the 1 Rem value 7.5.6. IF a Follow-up Notification is required, THEN confirm correct dose projection numbers have been entered on the form.

7.5.7 WHEN the EOF is activated, THEN provide dose assessment data generated in the Control Room to the EOF Radiological Coordinator.

7.6 Health Physics Technician 7.6.1 Notify the Shift Manager of your presence in the Control Room.

7.6.2 Keep the Shift Manager informed of the habitability status of the Control Room. [Commitment Step 3.2.2]

7.6.3 Make radiological protective action recommendations for teams sent out by Shift Manager.

7.6.4 Keep the Shift Manager informed of other radiological items such as team reports or increasing radiation readings from plant area. [Commitment Step 3.2.2]

7.6.5 Ensure an access control point is established for entrance and exit of the Control Room. [Commitment Step 3.2.2]

7.6.6 Assist Control Room personnel with obtaining the appropriate dosimetry. [Commitment Step 3.2.2]

7.6.7 IF directed by the Shift Manager, THEN report to Access Control.

7.7 Operations Communicator 7.7.1 Set up communications system.

7.7.2 WHEN the TSC and EOF activate, THEN initiate a conference phone call with the Operations Recorders by performing the following:

1. Call the TSC Operations Recorder at ext. 5387
2. Flash the switch-hook, listen for tone
3. Call the EOF Operations Recorder at ext. 5704
4. Flash the switch-hook, ensure all parties on line

Revision: 7 CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS EPP 06-001 Reference Use Page 12 of 13

5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for additional parties, up to a total of six 7.7.3 Determine and report the locations and activities of teams dispatched from the Control Room to the TSC Operations Recorder.

7.7.4 IF the NPIS computer is inoperable, THEN provide required information to the Operations Recorders for the Operations Status Board.

1. Refer to EPF 06-002-02, OPERATIONS STATUS, for data needed to be obtained. Form is in the EPP Forms book.

7.7.5 Report plant conditions and operational manipulations to the Operations Recorders.

7.8 Shift Engineer NOTE Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) must be activated within 60 minutes of an Alert or higher classification.

7.8.1 Ensure ERDS is initiated within 60 minutes of an Alert or higher classification.

NOTE The NPIS screen used to initiate ERDS will be unavailable for use during the event.

1. From an authorized NPIS terminal initiate ERDS by performing one of the following:

o Select the E-Plan Menu, then touch the ERDS block on the screen.

OR o Type the Turn-On code "ERDS" and press the "Return/Enter" key

2. Follow the prompts until the ERDS is activated.

7.8. 2 Resume duties as directed by the Shift Manager.

Revision: 7 CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS EPP 06-001 Reference Use Page 13 of 13 8.0 RECORDS 8.1 Records generated by this procedure during an actual emergency are considered lifetime QA records and shall be forwarded to Emergency Planning at the termination of the emergency.

8.2 Records generated by this procedure during a drill or exercise are considered non-QA records and shall be forwarded to Emergency Planning at the termination of the drill or exercise.


- END -

. EPF 06-001-07, Rev 0 Page I of 1 EMERGENCY EVENT REMINDER NOTE This document is to be used as an aid when making or upgrading emergency classifications or Protective Action Recommendations (PAR). This document is not a record. Mark the items as they are completed. Once the use of this form is no longer needed for the event, erase all data and prepare the form for it's next use.

L Upgrade in classification or PAR required?

Li EOF, TSC, and Control Room informed of the events in progress?

R Has Security been notified of the event?

Has accountability been initiated?

1:1 L1 Is the Off-site Communicator available and ready to perform?

Notification form completed?

Li State and County notifications completed?

1/Li Li Does ADS need to be initiated?

LiF 1: Do the E-Plan pagers need to be activated?

LI Li1 Does a site announcement need to be made?

Li Li1 Does the Site Evacuation alarm need to be sounded?

Li1 Have you accounted for all personnel working for the Control Room?

Li Has augmentation been addressed?

Li1 Have the proper entry and exit paths to the site been considered?


1. Inventory
2. Check seal quarterly/Inventory Annually
3. Operability Check Part I INVENTORY Quarter: Date Other:

Quantity Item REQ Required Present Comments Documents Rumor Control Coord.

Manual (EM545) 1 1 Media Monitoring Team 1 3 Manual (EM225, EM542, EM543)

Radiological Emergency 1 1 set Procedures (EPPs)


RETD (TDO12) 1 1 Equipment Fax Machine (Found in Governmental Affairs 1 1 Office)

TV 1,3 3 VCR 1,3 3 Radio 1,3 3 Telephone 1 2

  • Radio Headsets 1 3 Administrative Supplies Audio Cassette Tapes 1 15 Video Cassette Tapes 1 10
  • Spare Headphone Ear Pads 1 3 sets
  • Clipboard 1 1 1 1
  • Manila File Folder 1 15
  • Pens 1 10
  • Administrative Supplies Suggested Quantities


Tester's Communications Circuits Initial6 Date Comments Rumor Control Coordinator (816) 556-2269 l Media Monitoring Team Fax Verification/Spare Phone Line 1(816) 654-1739 1 l l Media Conference Phone

a. } (816) 556-2272 Fax Machine (816) 556-2592 I

. . SUEMITTED BY LC Inventory has been completed and quantities noted. Communication checks are complete and corrective actions initiated for unsatisfactory checks. Other applicable information is provided in the Comments Section above.

Signature Print Name Ext. Date Part III IREVIEW AND APPROVAL Quarter: Date: Other:

EMERGENCY PLAWNING REVIEW 5 All identified discrepancies have been restocked and corrective actions complete or otherwise resolved as noted below. Other applicable information is provided in the Comments Section.


Reviewer Signature Print Name Ext. Date EMERGENCY PLANNING APPROVAL 5 All reviews and appropriate actions are complete.


Approval Signature Date