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Revision of Four Procedures and Fourteen Forms That Implement the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) for Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/2020
From: Benham R
Wolf Creek
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RA 20-0037
Download: ML20118C390 (7)


Ron Benham Manager Nuclear and Regulatory Affairs April 26, 2020 RA 20-0037 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-482: Revision of Four Procedures and Fourteen Forms that Implement the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) for Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

To Whom It May Concern:

Four Procedures and fourteen forms that implement the WCGS RERP have been revised. The revised documents are identified below:

Procedures Effective Dates Forms Effective Dates EPP 06-018, Rev. 15 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-004-01, Rev. 17 April 2, 2020 AP 06-002, Rev. 21 April 2, 2020 EPF 06-004-08, Rev. 7 April 2, 2020 EPP 06-001, Rev. 31 April 2, 2020 EPF 06-004-09, Rev. 5 April 2, 2020 EPP 06-004, Rev. 31 April 2, 2020 EPF 06-004-11, Rev. 6 April 2, 2020 EPF 06-004-12, Rev. 3 April 2, 2020 EPF 06-018-01, Rev. 17 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-02, Rev. 12 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-06, Rev. 13 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-10, Rev. 11 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-15, Rev. 16 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-16, Rev. 5 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-17, Rev. 5 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-18, Rev. 4 April 6, 2020 EPF 06-018-20, Rev. 2 April 6, 2020 The attached summary of the changes to the implementing procedures and the implementing forms explain that these changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the WCGS RERP. This letter contains no commitments. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4204.

Sincerely, Ron Benham RDB/rlt


Summary of Changes to Four Procedures and Fourteen Forms that Implement the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) for Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) cc: S. A. Morris (NRC), w/a N. OKeefe (NRC), w/a B. K. Singal (NRC), w/a Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector (NRC), w/a Senior Resident Inspector (NRC), w/a

Attachment to RA 20-0037 Page 1 of 6 Summary of Changes to Four Procedures and Fourteen Forms that Implement the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) for Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

1. Procedure EPP 06-018, MAINTENANCE OF EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND COMMUNICATION CHECKS, Rev. 15 Procedure EPP 06-018 is being revised because of the new Joint Media Center facilities. Wolf Creek is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response Facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).

The current Alert and Notification System (ANS) uses sirens and tone alert radios as two means for alerting the public. The change is to implement a new Alert and Notification System (ANS) that uses Integrated Public Alert Warning System (IPAWS)/Wireless Emergency Alerting (WEA) and IPAWS/EAS (Emergency Alert System) to initiate initial alerting and notification of the public during an emergency at Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC). IPAWS/WEA and IPAWS/EAS replace the use of outdoor sirens and tone alert radios as the primary ANS. The procedure is being changed to remove reference to the ANS procedure associated with siren testing and maintenance.

These changes are administrative and editorial changes in nature.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

2. Procedure AP 06-002, RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN, Rev. 21 Procedure EPP 06-002 is being revised because of the addition of new facilities (Joint Media Center and Woodson County Reception Center) and new 44 CFR 350.14 Design Report.

The current station emergency plan identifies the Alert and Notification System (ANS) as using sirens and tone alert radios as two means for alerting the public. Coffey County changed the primary alert and notification system previously used from sirens and tone alert radios to Coffey County Public Notification System which activates the Integrated Public Alert Warning System (IPAWS)/Wireless Emergency Alerting (WEA) and IPAWS/EAS (Emergency Alert System) with route alerting as the back-up means of notification. This change was made to align the ANS with the modernization and integration of the nations alert and warning infrastructure that is supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The change aligns the Radiological Emergency Response Plan with the changes to the ANS and the revised 44 CFR 350.14, Amendment to State Plans Design Report.

These changes incorporated Procedure Change Request (PCR) 68790, PCR 64956, PCR 65633, PCR 65631, PCR 71236.

Other administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

3. Procedure EPP 06-001, CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS, Rev. 31

Attachment to RA 20-0037 Page 2 of 6 Procedure EPP 06-001 is being revised because of the addition of Woodson County Reception Center. In addition to Lyon County, Coffey County has entered into mutual aid agreement with Woodson County to provide reception and care for evacuees from the effective 10-mile EPZ.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

4. Procedure EPP 06-004, PUBLIC INFORMATION ORGANIZATION, Rev. 31 Procedure EPP 06-004 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located adjacent to the EOF at 2718 Lynx Place, Lebo, KS.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

5. Form EPF 06-004-01, PUBLIC INFORMATION ORGANIZATION ACTIVATION CHECKLIST, Rev. 17 Form EPF 06-004-01 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

Updated due to reflect new technology due to move to the new facility.

Second block, title, changed Phone Team to Public Inquiry These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Attachment to RA 20-0037 Page 3 of 6

6. Form EPF 06-004-08, WOLF CREEK PHONE TEAM CHECKLIST, Rev. 7 Form EPF 06-004-08 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

Revised form is for use in the new facility including changing the phone numbers and removing the reference to completing the inventory prior to deactivating the facility.

Guidance is provided in the procedure.

In the new facility, the room where the Phone Team and Media Monitors perform their tasks is called Public Inquiry Room" changed title of the form to reflect this change.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

7. Form EPF 06-004-09, MEDIA CENTER CHECKLIST, Rev. 5 Form EPF 06-004-09 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

The form is being changed to provide updated guidance due to implementation of the new facility.

Other administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

8. Form EPF 06-004-11, TOPEKA PHONE TEAM ROOM CHECKLIST, Rev. 6 Form EPF 06-004-11 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

EPF 06-004-11, Rev 6, TOPEKA PHONE TEAM ROOM CHECKLIST is being superseded by EPF 06-004-08, Rev 7, PUBLIC INQUIRY ROOM CHECKLIST. Due to implementation of the new facility this form is no longer necessary.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Attachment to RA 20-0037 Page 4 of 6

9. Form EPF 06-004-12, PUBLIC INQUIRY ROOM TURNOVER, Rev. 3 Form EPF 06-004-12 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center facilities. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

10. Form EPF 06-018-01, WOLF CREEK JOINT MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST, Rev. 17 Form EPF 06-018-01 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center facilities. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

Equipment and supplies in the near-site and Topeka facilities required staging in storage cabinets and carts and subsequent set-up. The Joint Information Clearinghouse, Public Inquiry Room and Media Center each had their own inventory form. Due to the implementation of the new facility set-up is no longer required and the inventory is being stream-lined into one form.

The revision to EPF 06-018-01 is a re-write that provides the necessary items required for the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center.

Other administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

11. Form EPF 06-018-02, WOLF CREEK MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST, Rev. 12 Form EPF 06-018-02 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center facilities. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response Facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

This form is being superseded by EPF 06-018-01, Rev 17, WOLF CREEK JOINT MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Attachment to RA 20-0037 Page 5 of 6

12. Form EPF 06-018-06, EMERGENCY PLANNING MONTHLY COMMUNICATIONS CHECKLIST, Rev. 13 Form EPF 06-018-06 is being revised because of the Integrated Public Alert Warning System (IPAWS). A new Alert and Notification System (ANS) that uses IPAWS/

Wireless Emergency Alerting (WEA) and IPAWS/EAS (Emergency Alert System) is being implemented. IPAWS/WEA and IPAWS/EAS replace the use of outdoor sirens and tone alert radios as the primary ANS.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

13. Form EPF 06-018-10, WOLF CREEK PHONE TEAM ROOM INVENTORY CHECKLIST, Rev. 11 Form EPF 06-018-10 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center facilities WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

This form is being superseded by EPF 06-018-01, Rev 17, WOLF CREEK JOINT MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

14. Form EPF 06-018-15, EMERGENCY PLANNING QUARTERLY COMMUNICATIONS CHECKLIST, Rev. 16 Form EPF 06-018-15 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

15. Form EPF 06-018-16, TOPEKA JOINT INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE (JIC) INVENTORY CHECKLIST, Rev. 5 Form EPF 06-018-16 is being revised because of the New Wolf Creel Joint Media Center facilities. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

This form is being superseded by EPF 06-018-01, Rev 17, WOLF CREEK JOINT MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Attachment to RA 20-0037 Page 6 of 6

16. Form EPF 06-018-17, TOPEKA PHONE TEAM ROOM INVENTORY CHECKLIST, Rev. 5 Form EPF 06-018-17 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Media Center facilities. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO Junction adjacent to the EOF.

This form is being superseded by EPF 06-018-01, Rev 17, WOLF CREEK JOINT MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

17. Form EPF 06-018-18, TOPEKA MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST, Rev. 4 Form EPF 06-018-18 is being revised because of the new Wolf Creek Joint Media Center facilities. WCNOC is replacing the existing Public Information Organization Emergency Response facilities at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Learning Center and at the State Defense Building in Topeka with the Wolf Creek Joint Media Center located at BETO junction adjacent to the EOF.

This form is being superseded by EPF 06-018-01, Rev 17, WOLF CREEK JOINT MEDIA CENTER INVENTORY CHECKLIST.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

18. Form EPF 06-018-20, OWNER CONTROLLED AREA COMMUNICATIONS CHECKLIST, Rev. 2 Form EPF 06-018-01 is being revised because of the Integrated Public Alert Warning System.

These changes have incorporated Procedure Change Request (PCR) 71204, PCR 71205 and PCR 71206.

Administrative and editorial changes have been made.

These changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.