ML24118A002 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/27/2024 |
From: | Hamman D Wolf Creek |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk |
References | |
000443 | |
Download: ML24118A002 (1) | |
P.O. Box 411 l Burlington, KS 66839 l 620-364-8831 Dustin T. Hamman Director Nuclear and Regulatory Affairs April 27, 2024 000443 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
Docket No. 50-482: 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Commissioners and Staff:
The purpose of this letter is to submit the enclosed Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, which is being submitted pursuant to Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Technical Specification 5.6.2. This report covers radiological environmental monitoring for WCGS for the period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.
This letter contains no commitments. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4204.
Sincerely, Dustin T. Hamman DTH/jkt
Wolf Creek Generating Station 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report cc:
S. S. Lee (NRC), w/e J. D. Monninger (NRC), w/e G. E. Werner (NRC), w/e Senior Resident Inspector (NRC), w/e WC Licensing Correspondence (RA 24-000443), w/e
Enclosure to 000443 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (156 pages including this page)
i TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables/Figures/Charts ii Executive Summary 1
Introduction 1
Program Description 1
Discussion of Results 4
III. Program Revisions/Changes 9
IV. Program Deviations 10 V.
Interlaboratory Comparison Program 10 VI. Comparison to the Radioactive Effluent Release Program 10 VII. Condition Reports 11 Tables 12 Figures 21 Charts 26 Appendix A - Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results Appendix B - Summary Tables Appendix C - Individual Sample Results Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters C-1 Quarterly Air Particulate - Gamma C-13 Surface Water C-19 Ground Water C-28 Drinking Water C-42 Quarterly Drinking Water - Tritium C-51 Shoreline Sediment C-53 Fish C-57 Food/Garden C-64 Food/Crops C-74 Aquatic Vegetation C-77 Bottom Sediment C-80 Terrestrial Vegetation C-84 Soil C-86 Meat C-87 Appendix D - Land Use Census Report
ii LIST OF TABLES 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Description 12 2 Sample Location Identifiers, Distances (Miles) and Directions (Sectors) 17 3 OSL Dosimeter Results 20 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Airborne Pathway Sampling Locations 21 2 Direct Radiation Pathway Sampling Locations 22 3 Waterborne Pathway Sampling Locations 23 4 Ingestion Pathway Sampling Locations 24 5 Distant Sampling Locations 25 LIST OF CHARTS 1 Airborne Gross Beta Weekly Results 26 2 Historical Airborne Smoothed Indicator and Control Gross Beta 27 3 OSL Dosimeters - Indicator and Control Locations 28 4 Historical TLD Nearsite Locations and Control Locations 29 5 Coffey County Lake Surface Water Tritium Data 30 6 Drinking Water Gross Beta (5 years) 31 7 Detected Cs-137 Activity in Bottom Sediment 32
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 1 of 32 EXECUTIVE
Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in air particulate filters, radioiodine canisters, ground water, drinking water, broadleaf vegetation, shoreline sediment, crops, bottom sediment, aquatic vegetation, terrestrial vegetation or soil samples. Activation, corrosion or fission products attributable to plant operation were detected during 2023 in surface water, fish, turkey, and deer samples.
Nuclides detected in Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) samples were below applicable Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reporting levels.
Based upon the REMP results, it was concluded station operations had no significant radiological impact on the health and safety of the public or the environment.
INTRODUCTION The 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) covers the period from January 1 through December 31, 2023. WCGS is in Coffey County, Kansas, approximately five miles northeast of Burlington, Kansas.
Fuel loading commenced at WCGS on March 12, 1985. The operational phase of the REMP began with initial criticality on May 22, 1985, and the first detectable quantities of radioactivity were reported in plant effluents in June 1985.
This report contains a description of the REMP conducted by Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC), a discussion of monitoring program results, the revisions or changes to the program, program deviations, the Interlaboratory Comparison Program and a comparison to the Radioactive Effluent Release Program. The Interlaboratory Comparison Program results, a summary of results in the NRC Branch Technical Position specified format, the individual sample results, and the Land Use Census Report are included as appendices.
I. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Radiological environmental monitoring samples were collected according to the schedule in WCGS procedure AP 07B-004, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program). Radiological environmental monitoring program samples were collected by the WCGS Environmental Management group and were analyzed by Environmental, Inc.
Landauer, Inc. processed the environmental optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters. Table 1 identifies the exposure pathway/sample type, number of samples and sample locations, sample collection frequency, and the type and frequency of analysis. Table 2 lists the sample location identifiers, distances and directions from the plant. Samples in addition to those required by AP 07B-004 were also obtained and analyzed.
The following is a description of the sampling and analysis program by individual pathways.
A. Airborne Pathway Low volume air sampling pumps with digital flow meters continuously sampled air through 47 mm glass fiber particulate filters and radioiodine canisters, respectively. The air particulate filters and radioiodine canisters were collected weekly. Gross beta analysis was performed weekly on the air particulate filters. Gamma isotopic analysis was also performed quarterly on
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 2 of 32 the air particulate filters. Radioiodine canisters were analyzed weekly for I-131.
Air samples were collected from six locations. The indicator locations sampled included 2, 18, 32, 37 and 49. A control location near the intersection of 20th Road and Yearling Road (location
- 53) was also sampled. Indicator sample locations are shown in Figure 1 and the control sample location is shown in Figure 5.
B. Direct Radiation Pathway Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters were used continuously at 44 locations during the sample year to measure direct radiation. The OSLs were typically positioned roughly 3 to 4 feet above the ground in plastic thermostat boxes. Three OSLs were placed at each designated location. The OSLs were changed out quarterly and analyzed quarterly for gamma dose. Transit dose was measured and subtracted from the ambient dose. Indicator OSL sample locations are illustrated in Figure 2 and control sample locations are shown in Figure 5.
Control sample locations were 39 (Beto Junction) and 53 (near the intersection of 20th Road and Yearling Road).
C. Waterborne Pathway Gamma isotopic analysis was performed on the water samples. In addition to gamma isotopic analysis, analysis for I-131 was performed monthly on drinking water and quarterly on ground water samples. Gross beta analysis was performed monthly on drinking water samples. Tritium analysis was performed monthly for surface water and quarterly for drinking water. Tritium analysis was also performed quarterly on ground water samples. Four surface water samples from the Coffey County Lake Spillway (SP) location and four surface water samples from the John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) location were also analyzed for Fe-55. The waterborne pathway sample locations are shown in Figures 3 and 5.
Monthly grab samples of surface water were collected from the John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) control location and from the Coffey County Lake Spillway (SP) indicator location.
Quarterly grab samples of ground water were collected from seven wells. Six locations (C-10, C-49, F-1, G-2, J-1 and J-2) located hydrologically down gradient from the site were used as indicator sample locations. Location B-12 located hydrologically up gradient from the site was used as a control location.
Drinking water was sampled at the water treatment facilities in the towns of Iola (indicator sample location IO-DW) and Burlington (control sample location BW-15). The Iola facility is located downstream of the Neosho River-Wolf Creek confluence and the Burlington facility is located upstream of the Neosho River-Wolf Creek confluence. Composite samples were obtained monthly from automatic samplers at each location. The automatic drinking water samples collected approximately 27 milliliters of water every two hours.
Shoreline sediments were sampled semiannually. Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on the shoreline sediment samples. Shoreline sediment sample locations were the Coffey County Lake discharge cove (DC) indicator location and the John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) control location.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 3 of 32 D. Ingestion Pathway Milk was not collected during the sample year. The Land Use Census did not identify any locations producing milk for human consumption within five miles of the plant.
Fish were sampled semiannually from the indicator sample location Coffey County Lake (CCL) and from the tail waters of John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) control sample location. These sample locations are identified in Figure 4. Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on the boneless meat portions of the fish. Several species of game fish and rough fish were sampled.
Fish were also analyzed for tritium.
Broadleaf vegetation samples were collected monthly when available during the growing season. Indicator (A-3, B-1, H-2 and Q-6) location gardens (Figure 4) and a control (D-2) location garden (Figure 5) were sampled. Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on these samples.
Irrigated crop samples were obtained from indicator location (NR-D1) and non-irrigated samples from indicator location (NR-D2) downstream of the confluence of Wolf Creek and the Neosho River. Irrigated crops were also sampled from control location (NR-U1). Gamma isotopic analysis was performed on each sample. Crop sample locations are identified on Figure 5.
E. Additional Samples Collected (not required by AP 07B-004)
Bottom sediment samples were collected semiannually from indicator sample locations at the Discharge Cove (DC), and the control sample location at John Redmond Reservoir (JRR).
Three other bottom sediment samples were collected from Makeup Discharge Structure (MUDS), Environmental Education Area (EEA), and Stringtown Cemetery (SC).
Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on the bottom sediment samples. Two samples collected from indicator location (DC) were also analyzed for Fe-55. No samples were analyzed for Ni-63, Sr-89 and Sr-90 activity (Hard to Detect Metals). One shoreline sediment sample was collected from indicator sample location at Stringtown Cemetery as part of a cooperative sampling effort with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). The sample locations are identified on Figure 3.
Aquatic vegetation was collected from indicator locations at the Makeup Discharge Structure (MUDS), Environmental Education Area (EEA) and Stringtown Cemetery (SC). Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on the aquatic vegetation samples. These samples were collected as part of a cooperative sampling effort with the KDHE. The sample locations are identified on Figure 3.
Terrestrial vegetation (grass) was sampled from the Environmental Education Area (EEA) and the Makeup Discharge Structure (MUDS) indicator sample locations. Gamma isotopic analysis was performed on the grass samples. These samples were collected as part of a cooperative sampling effort with the KDHE. The sample locations are identified on Figure 4.
Soil was sampled from the Makeup Discharge Structure (MUDS). Gamma isotopic analysis was performed on the soil sample. This sample was collected as part of a cooperative sampling effort with the KDHE. The sample locations are identified on Figure 4.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 4 of 32 Turkey was sampled from indicator sample location J3.5. Gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis were performed on the turkey sample. This sample was collected as part of a cooperative sampling effort with the KDHE. The sample location is identified on Figure 4.
Deer was sampled from indicator sample location Q2.4. Gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis were performed on the deer sample. This sample was collected as part of a cooperative sampling effort with the KDHE. The sample location is identified on Figure 4.
Analysis results for pathways are summarized in Appendix B using the format described in Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979 (NRC Generic Letter 79-065). Results for individual samples are listed in Appendix C.
A. Airborne Pathway Chart 1 graphically illustrates weekly gross beta results for the sample year. Chart 2 represents the gross beta historical airborne smoothed averages of indicator sample locations and control sample locations. Charts 1 and 2 demonstrate how closely the indicator and control sample locations tracked together. Chart 2 reveals a seasonal cyclic trend; the gross beta values peak in the winter months (December or January) and decrease to a low point in the spring months (May or June). This trend is expected and is attributed to seasonal meteorological changes, i.e., changes in prevailing winds and precipitation.
The gross beta results of 2023 were compared to pre-operational monitoring results of 1983 and 1984. The weekly gross beta analyses range for 1983 and 1984 was 0.0064 to 0.084 pCi/m3.
The 2023 weekly gross beta analyses range for indicator locations was 0.015 to 0.051 pCi/m3. The 2023 weekly gross beta analyses range was within the 1983 and 1984 pre-operational range. Additionally, the annual mean for indicator locations for 2023 (0.030 pCi/m3) was lower than the annual mean for 1983 (0.032 pCi/m3).
The gross beta results for the indicator locations were also compared to the control location. The annual mean for indicator locations for 2023 (0.030 pCi/m3) was the same as the controlled location (0.030 pCi/m3). The indicators location with the highest gross beta annual mean was 49, the annual mean of this location was (0.030 pCi/m3). This is the same annual mean as the controlled location (0.030 pCi/m3).
Naturally occurring Be-7 activity was
- detected, as was the case during pre-operational monitoring. In 1984, the range for Be-7 detected activity was 0.024 to 0.211 pCi/m3 for indicator locations and the annual mean for indicator locations was 0.069 pCi/m3. In 2023, the range for Be-7 detected activity was 0.058 to 0.112 pCi/m3 for indicator locations and the annual mean for indicator locations was 0.084 pCi/m3. The control location annual mean for Be-7 detected activity (0.077 pCi/m3) was lower than the annual mean of the indicator locations (0.084 pCi/m3). The indicator location with the highest annual mean of detected Be-7 activity was location 32 (0.091 pCi/ m3).
I-131 activity was not detected in the weekly analysis of radioiodine canisters at any location.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 5 of 32 The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in air particulate filters and radioiodine canisters. No unusual trends were noted.
B. Direct Radiation Pathway Quarterly OSL dosimeter results for each location are shown in Table 3. Measured values have been converted to a standardized 90-day quarter.
The annual mean of indicator sample locations in 2023 was 19.0 mR per standardized 90-day quarter. The annual mean of the control sample locations in 2023 was 19.0 mR per standardized 90-day quarter.
For pre-operational comparison, in 1981, the annual mean of indicator sample locations was 18.9 mR per standardized 90-day quarter and the annual mean for the control sample locations was 17.1 mR per standardized 90-day quarter. It should be noted WCGS changed from thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) to optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters in 2008.
The indicator sample location with the highest annual mean was location 22 (22.5 mR per standardized 90-day quarter) which is slightly higher than the annual mean of the control sample locations (19.0 mR per standardized 90-day quarter).
Based upon Condition Report 00027489, improvements were made in measuring and subtracting transit dose in 2010. As expected, the OSL results increased during 2010 based on how transit dosimeters are handled. Condition Report 00128355 was written to reduce data elimination based on standard deviation starting in Quarter 3 of 2018. Chart 3 displays how closely the indicator and control location OSL dosimeter results are since 2018. In 2023 no change in trend was noted due to this change.
Chart 4 displays the TLD nearsite sample locations (1, 2, 7-9, 11-14, 18, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37, and
- 38) and the control sample locations (locations 39 and 48) for the preoperational years through 2007. The dip in the graph in 2021 was due to the dosimeters not being picked up by UPS for delivery to vendor lab C. Waterborne Pathway (1) Surface Water Tritium, attributable to WCGS operation, was detected in surface water samples collected from the Coffey County Lake spillway (SP) indicator sample location. The annual mean for detected tritium activity at the SP location was 13,003 pCi/L and the range was 12,098 to 14,167 pCi/L.
The detected tritium activity was below the 30,000 pCi/L AP 07B-004 reporting level. Chart 5 illustrates the yearly average of surface water tritium data for the SP location. Chart 5 indicates the average tritium concentration of the SP location stayed the same through out the year.
No Tritium activity was detected in the controlled sample, John Redmond Reservoir (JRR).
During pre-operational radiological environmental monitoring, measured radiological activity was not detected in surface water samples.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 6 of 32 The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met. Radionuclides were not detected by the gamma isotopic analyses or by Fe-55 analyses.
Tritium was the only activity detected during 2023 in surface water samples and no unusual trends were noted.
(2) Ground Water The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met for I-131, tritium and gamma isotopic analyses. Radioactivity was not detected in any ground water samples. No unusual trends were noted. Plant-related activation, corrosion or fission products were not detected during 2023 in ground water samples.
(3) Drinking Water Gross beta activity was detected in drinking water samples collected from the indicator sample location and in samples collected from the control sample location. The annual mean of the indicator sample location gross beta activity (3.674 pCi/L) was slightly higher when compared to the annual mean of the control sample location gross beta activity (2.750 pCi/L). The 2023 annual means of gross beta activity for both the indicator and control sample locations were lower than those of the pre-operational monitoring year of 1984. In 1984, the annual mean of the indicator sample location gross beta activity was 7.5 pCi/L and the annual mean of the control sample location gross beta activity was 6.4 pCi/L.
Chart 6 illustrates the drinking water gross beta results for the last five years and how closely the gross beta results compared for the indicator and control sample locations. The spike in March is suspect to vendor error. Compared to both historical and current trends, Wolf Creek has never had a result that high.
No tritium was detected in the indicator sample location during 2023. No release limits were exceeded, and results were well below required detection limits. No other radionuclides were detected by the gamma isotopic analyses of the indicator or control location samples.
The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in drinking water samples. The only unusual trend was the abnormal gross beta result in March.
(4) Shoreline Sediment Naturally occurring K-40 was detected in shoreline sediment samples collected from the DC (indicator sample location),
JRR (control sample location),
and EEA (Environmental Education Area. K-40 was also detected during pre-operational shoreline sediment monitoring.
No other radionuclides were detected in the DC, EEA, SC, or JRR shoreline sediment samples during 2023. The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in shoreline sediment samples and no unusual trends were noted.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 7 of 32 D. Ingestion Pathway (1) Milk Milk was not collected during the sample year since no indicator locations within five miles of the plant were identified during the 2023 Land Use Census.
(2) Fish Naturally occurring K-40 activity was detected in fish samples obtained from the Coffey County Lake (CCL) indicator sample location and in fish samples obtained from the JRR control sample location. K-40 activity was also detected during pre-operational fish monitoring.
Fish samples were also analyzed for tritium. Fish samples collected from Coffey County Lake had tritium activity detected annual mean (9,197 pCi/kg). The detected tritium activity was attributable to plant operation. An adult consuming 21 kilograms of fish, at the maximum measured tritium concentration (10,538 pCi/kg), would receive a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.014 mRem.
Tritium activity was not detected in the control location samples collected from JRR.
No other radionuclides were detected in fish samples during 2023. The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met, and no unusual trends were noted.
(3) Broadleaf Vegetation Gamma analyses of broadleaf vegetation samples obtained from indicator and control sample locations detected naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40. Be-7 and K-40 activity were also detected pre-operationally.
No other radionuclides were detected in broadleaf vegetation samples collected during the year.
The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in broadleaf vegetation samples and no unusual trends were noted.
(4) Crop Samples Gamma analysis detected naturally occurring K-40 activity to be present in the samples collected from the indicator sample locations and in the samples collected from the control sample location. K-40 activity was also detected during pre-operational crop monitoring. K-40 was the only activity detected in the crop samples.
The AP 07B-004 required lower limits of detection were met. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in crop samples and no unusual trends were noted.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 8 of 32 E. Additional Samples Collected (not required by AP 07B-004)
(1) Bottom Sediment Gamma analysis detected naturally occurring K-40 activity to be present in the samples collected from the indicator sample locations and in the samples collected from the control sample location. K-40 activity was also detected during pre-operational bottom sediment monitoring.
Cs-137 activity was detected in pre-operational samples. The Cs-137 activity detected in 2023 indicator sample location bottom sediment samples was within the pre-operational range.
Cs-137 activity detected in 1981 and 1982 was in the range of 79 to 953 pCi/kg. The decay corrected range of pre-operational Cs-137 activity detected is approximately 29 to 361 pCi/kg.
The detected Cs-137 activity in the sample collected from the indicator sample locations was likely due to fallout since the measured activity is within the decay corrected range of pre-operational Cs-137 detected activity.
Chart 7 plots the Cs-137 detected activity from the discharge cove indicator sample location and JRR control sample location bottom sediment samples. The detected Cs-137 activity measured from the discharge cove location reflects a decreasing trend. The Chart 7 trendline indicates Cs-137 activity detected at the JRR control location has also been decreasing. Chart 7 also displays that in recent years, the detected Cs-137 activity for the JRR and DC sample locations overlap.
Fe-55 activity was not detected in the two samples obtained from indicator sample locations.
No other radionuclides were detected in bottom sediment samples. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in bottom sediment samples and no unusual trends were noted.
(2) Aquatic Vegetation Gamma analyses of aquatic vegetation samples obtained from indicator sample locations detected naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40. Be-7 and K-40 activity were also detected during pre-operational monitoring.
No other radionuclides were detected in aquatic vegetation samples. Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in aquatic vegetation samples and no unusual trends were noted.
(3) Terrestrial Vegetation Naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40 activity were detected in the terrestrial vegetation indicator location samples. No other radionuclides were detected in terrestrial vegetation. Plant-related activation, corrosion or fission products were not detected during 2023 in terrestrial vegetation and no unusual trends were noted.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 9 of 32 (4) Soil Naturally occurring K-40 activity was detected in the soil sample that was collected from the indicator location. K-40 activity was also detected during pre-operational soil monitoring.
Cs-137 activity was also in one sample location in 2023. The detectable value is (169 pCi/kg).
The detected Cs-137 activity range from February of 1985 was 255 to 2,160 pCi/kg. The decay corrected range of pre-operational Cs-137 activity detected in soil is approximately 97 to 820 pCi/kg. The detected Cs-137 activity in soil sampled in 2023 is below and within the decay corrected pre-operational range.
Plant-related activation, corrosion, or fission products were not detected during 2023 in soil samples and no unusual trends were noted.
(5) Turkey (Ingestion Pathway)
Naturally occurring K-40 activity was detected in the turkey sample obtained from the indicator location.
Tritium activity (738.0 pCi/kg) was detected in the turkey sample. The detected tritium activity was attributable to plant operation.
An adult consuming 72.6 kilograms of turkey meat, at the measured tritium concentration 738.0 pCi/kg), would receive a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.003 mRem.
No other radionuclides were detected in the turkey sample. No unusual trends identified (6) Deer (Ingestion Pathway)
Naturally occurring K-40 activity was detected in the deer sample obtained from the indicator location.
Tritium activity (2,189 pCi/kg) was also detected in the deer sample. The detected tritium activity was attributable to plant operation.
An adult consuming 72.6 kilograms of deer meat, at the measured tritium concentration (2,1889 pCi/kg), would receive a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.010 mRem.
No other radionuclides were detected in the deer sample. No unusual trends were identified.
III. PROGRAM REVISIONS/CHANGES No revisions or changes were made to AP 07B-004, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program) during 2023.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 10 of 32 IV. PROGRAM DEVIATIONS Air Samples There was no air sample locations t h a t failed to meet the requirement for continuous sampler operation in 2023. As described in footnote (1) of procedure AP 07B-004, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program), Table 5-1, deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule due to malfunction of sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons.
Ground Water Protection The following information is being provided in association with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Groundwater Protection Industry Initiative:
Describe offsite ground water or surface water sample results that exceeded the REMP reporting criteria that were voluntarily communicated to State/Local officials during the calendar year - None.
V. INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory merged to Microbac Laboratories Inc. in 2023. We continued our contract with them to perform radiological analysis of environmental samples for WCNOC. The laboratory participated in the intercomparison studies administered by Environmental Resource Associates, Inc. Appendix A is the Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results for Microbac Laboratories Inc. Intercomparison results, in-house spikes, blanks, duplicates and mixed analyte performance evaluation program results are also contained in Appendix A.
VI. COMPARISON TO THE RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE PROGRAM As described in the section discussing radioisotopes found in fish from Coffey County Lake, dose that may be received as a result of tritium released from WCGS is comparable with the theoretical doses calculated by the Radioactive Effluent Release Program.
The theoretical doses calculated by the Radioactive Effluent Release Program assume a person drinks the water from Coffey County Lake and eats the fish from Coffey County Lake. Based upon these assumptions the dose to man from both pathways was calculated to be 0.092 mRem for 2023.
Using sample data obtained from the REMP, an adult drinking 2 liters per day of surface water from Coffey County Lake, using the average tritium activity (10,538 pCi/L), would receive a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.594 mRem per year. For an adult eating 21 kg of fish per year from Coffey County Lake, using the average tritium activity (9,197 pCi/kg), would receive a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.012 mRem per year. Based upon the REMP results, the dose from both pathways was calculated to be 0.606 mRem per year.
It should be noted Coffey County Lake is not used as a drinking water source. Calculating the dose to man for tritium detected in the Coffey County Lake surface water is for comparison purposes only.
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 11 of 32 The tritium dose values are being compared on a qualitative basis. It is not expected that the annual doses, as calculated in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report, would compare directly to those calculated from the REMP. The Radioactive Effluent Release Report provides a snapshot of potential dose resulting from the year's releases. The REMP data indicates the accumulated result of releasing tritium into the lake since the start of plant operation.
VII. Condition reports on REMP for 2023 REMP Air Pump 8402 (CR# 10022545)
REMP Sample Locations (CR# 10024444)
REMP Sample Location #49 (CR# 10025683)
REMP Drinking Water Sampler (CR# 10026184)
REMP Air Sample Location #49 (CR# 10026768)
REMP Drinking Water Sampler (CR# 10027563)
REMP Digital Air Flow Calibrator (CR# 10028737)
REMP Drinking Water Sampler (CR# 10028881)
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 12 of 32 TABLE 1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (SAMPLE COLLECTION SPECIFIED BY AP 07B-004)
SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE COLLECTION FREQUENCY TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS AIRBORNE Radioiodine and Particulates Continuous sampler operation with sample collection weekly, or more frequently if required, by dust loading.
Analyze radioiodine canister weekly for I-131 Analyze particulate filter weekly for gross beta activity; perform quarterly gamma isotopic analysis composite (by location)
Samples from six locations Samples from locations near the site boundary in three sectors having the highest calculated annual average D/Q and one supplemental location (Locations 2, 18, 37, and 49 on Figure 1)
Sample from the vicinity of a community having the highest calculated annual average D/Q (Location 32 on Figure 1, New Strawn)
Sample from a control location 9.5 to 18.5 miles distant in a low ranked D/Q sector (Location 53 on Figure
- 5)
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 13 of 32 TABLE 1 (Cont.)
SAMPLE TYPE NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS SAMPLE COLLECTION FREQUENCY TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS DIRECT RADIATION (See Figures 2 & 5) 39 routine monitoring stations with two or more dosimeters measuring dose continuously, placed as follows:
Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly An inner ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector 0-3 mile range from the site (Locations 1, 7, 9, 11-13, 18, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37, 38, 46, 49, 55,
& 54 on Figure 2).
An outer ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector in the 3 to 5 mile range from the site (Locations 4, 5, 15-17, 19, 22-25, 32, 34-36, 50 & 51 on Figure 2). Four sectors
[A, B, G & J] contain an additional station (Locations 2, 8, 14 &
The balance of the stations to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers (Locations 23, 32 & 52), nearby residences
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 14 of 32 TABLE 1 (Cont.)
(many locations are near a residence),
schools (Locations 23
& 52), Wilson Cadman Wildlife Education Area (44), CCL Public Fishing Area (46) and in two areas to serve as control stations 10-20 miles distant from the site (Locations 39 and 53 on Figure 5).
WATERBORNE (See Figure 3)
Surface One sample upstream (Location JRR on Figure 3) and one sample downstream (Location SP on Figure 3).
Monthly grab sample Monthly gamma isotopic analysis and composite for tritium analysis quarterly Ground Samples from one or two sources only if likely to be affected.
Quarterly grab sample Quarterly gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis Indicator samples at locations hydrologically down-gradient of the site (Locations C-10, C-49, F-1, G-2, J-1 and J-2 on Figure 3);
control sample at a location hydrologically upgradient of the site (Location B-12 on Figure 3).
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 15 of 32 TABLE 1 (Cont.)
Drinking Sample of municipal water supply at an indicator location downstream of the Neosho River-Wolf Creek confluence (Location IO-DW on Figure 5); control sample from location upstream of the Neosho River-Wolf Creek confluence (Location BW-15 on Figure 3).
Monthly Composite Monthly gamma isotopic analysis and gross beta analysis of composite sample. Quarterly tritium analysis of composites.
Shoreline Sediment One sample from the vicinity of Coffey County Lake discharge cove (Location DC on Figure 3); control sample from John Redmond Reservoir (Location JRR on Figure 3).
Semiannually Semiannual gamma isotopic analysis INGESTION (See Figures 4 & 5)
Milk Samples from milking animals at three indicator locations within 5 miles of the site having the highest dose potential (currently there are no locations producing milk for human consumption within 5 miles of the site); one sample from a control location greater than 10 miles from the site if indicator locations are sampled.
Semimonthly April to November; monthly December-March Gamma isotopic analysis and I-131 analysis of each sample
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 16 of 32 TABLE 1 (Cont.)
Fish Indicator samples of 1 to 3 recreationally important species from Coffey County Lake; control samples of similar species from John Redmond Reservoir spillway (Figure 4).
Semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portions Broadleaf Vegetation Samples of available broadleaf vegetation from two indicator locations (using the criteria from the Land Use Census section) with highest calculated annual average D/Q (Locations A-3 and Q-6 and alternate locations B-1, H-2, N-1 and R-2 on Figure 4); sample of similar broadleaf vegetation from a control location 9.5 to 18.5 miles distant in a low ranked D/Q sector (Location D-2 on Figure 5).
Monthly when available Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portions Irrigated Crops Sample of crops irrigated with water from the Neosho River downstream of the Neosho River - Wolf Creek confluence (locations will vary from year to year, e.g.,
Location NR-D1 and NR-D2 on Figure 5).
At time of harvest Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portions
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 17 of 32 TABLE 2 SAMPLE LOCATION IDENTIFIERS, DISTANCES (Miles) AND DIRECTIONS (Sectors)
Sample Type Location Identifier Distance from Reactor Direction Sector Air Particulates and Radioiodine 2
2.7 N
A 18 3.0 SSE H
32 3.1 WNW P
37 2.0 NNW R
49 0.8 NNE B
53 10.8 ENE D
Dosimeters 1
1.4 N
A 2
2.7 N
A 4
4.0 NNE B
5 4.1 NE C
7 2.1 NE C
8 1.7 NNE B
9 2.0 ENE D
11 1.7 E
E 12 1.9 ESE F
13 1.6 SE G
14 2.5 SE G
15 4.6 ESE F
16 4.3 E
E 17 3.7 SE G
18 3.0 SSE H
19 3.9 SSE H
20 3.3 S
J 22 3.9 SSW K
23 4.3 SW L
24 4.1 WSW M
25 3.4 W
N 26 2.4 WSW M
27 2.2 SW L
29 2.7 SSW K
30 2.5 W
N 32 3.1 WNW P
34 4.4 NW Q
35 4.6 NNW R
36 4.2 N
A 37 2.0 NNW R
38 1.2 NW Q
39 13.1 N
A 41 0.8 NNW R
42 0.8 SSE H
43 0.7 WNW P
44 3.0 NNW R
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 18 of 32 TABLE 2 (Cont.)
Sample Type Location Identifier Distance from Reactor Direction Sector Dosimeters 46 1.6 WNW P
49 0.8 NNE B
50 3.6 ENE D
51 4.3 S
J 52 3.6 SW L
53 10.8 ENE D
54 0.18 S
K 55 0.25 SSW L
Surface Water JRR 3.7 W
Ground Water B-12 1.9 NNE B
C-10 2.7 W
N C-49 2.8 SW L
F-1 2.5 ESE F
G-2 3.6 SE G
J-1 3.8 S
J J-2 4.3 S
J Drinking Water BW-15 3.9 SW L
IO-DW 26.1 SSE H
Shoreline Sediment DC 0.8 WNW P
JRR 3.6 W
N SC 0.8 NNW R
Fish CCL 0.6 E to NNW E to R JRR 3.7 W
N Food/Garden A-3 2.6 N
A B-1 0.8 NNE B
D-2 14.8 ENE D
H-2 3.0 SSE H
Q-6 2.4 NW Q
Crops NR-D1 8.9 S
J NR-D2 11.5 S
J NR-U1 4.0 SSW K
Bottom Sediment DC 0.9 WNW P
ESW 0.5 E
E JRR 3.7 W
UHS 0.6 E
E Aquatic Vegetation DC ALT 1.5 NW Q
SC 0.8 NNW R
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 19 of 32 TABLE 2 (Cont.)
Sample Type Location Identifier Distance from Reactor Direction Sector Terrestrial Vegetation EEA 3.0 NNW R
Soil EEA 3.0 NNW R
Meat (Turkey)
J3.5 3.5 S
J Meat (Deer)
Q2.4 2.4 WNW Q
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 20 of 32 TABLE 3 OSL Dosimeter Results (mR/Standardized 90-day Quarter)
Location Qtr. 1 (mR)
Qtr. 2 (mR)
Qtr. 3 (mR)
Qtr. 4 (mR)
Total Annual Exposure (mR) 1 18.2 21.6 22.0 18.4 80.2 2
17.9 17.4 21.7 18.7 75.7 4
18.9 18.0 23.0 18.7 78.6 5
17.3 16.4 18.4 16.4 68.5 7
16.6 17.4 22.0 16.7 72.7 8
18.6 19.9 22.4 19.4 80.3 9
17.9 13.4 17.1 17.4 65.8 11 17.6 19.0 21.0 18.4 76.0 12 19.2 20.3 21.7 20.4 81.6 13 19.6 20.3 24.6 20.7 85.2 14 18.3 18.7 20.4 18.1 75.5 15 19.6 18.7 22.3 20.0 80.6 16 16.2 17.4 21.0 18.4 73.0 17 18.3 19.0 18.7 19.0 75.0 18 18.3 17.0 20.4 20.0 75.7 19 18.6 20.3 21.4 21.4 81.7 20 16.9 20.3 21.0 19.7 77.9 22 19.6 24.2 23.3 22.7 89.8 23 19.3 19.3 19.7 19.0 77.3 24 19.6 21.6 21.7 21.0 83.9 25 15.9 17.7 17.7 16.1 67.4 26 16.2 17.7 20.0 17.4 71.3 27 19.3 17.0 22.0 18.4 76.7 29 14.6 16.4 18.4 14.8 64.2 30 19.6 17.7 21.7 19.7 78.7 32 17.2 16.4 17.1 17.4 68.1 34 19.2 21.6 21.4 20.7 82.9 35 17.2 18.3 24.3 18.4 78.2 36 18.6 18.0 22.0 21.7 80.3 37 17.6 16.7 20.4 17.1 71.8 38 20.6 20.0 23.3 20.4 84.3 39 17.9 20.0 23.0 20.7 81.6 41 13.2 12.8 13.1 13.1 52.2 42 12.2 13.4 10.5 13.8 49.9 43 18.6 20.6 21.0 18.0 78.2 44 17.6 18.3 20.4 19.0 75.3 46 16.9 14.7 16.7 16.4 64.7 49 19.2 19.3 25.0 19.4 82.9 50 19.2 19.3 22.7 19.4 80.6 51 19.2 23.2 23.3 20.4 86.1 52 19.6 19.6 21.7 21.4 86.2 53 18.9 19.6 20.4 21.7 84.2 54 19.6 20.6 23.7 19.4 83.3 55 16.6 17.4 17.7 17.1 68.8
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 21 of 32 FIGURE 1
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 22 of 32 FIGURE 2
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 23 of 32 FIGURE 3
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 24 of 32 FIGURE 4
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 25 of 32 FIGURE 5
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 26 of 32 CHART 1
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 27 of 32 CHART 2
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 28 of 32 CHART 3
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 29 of 32 CHART 4
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 30 of 32 CHART 5
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 31 of 32 CHART 6
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page 32 of 32 CHART 7
Appendix A is updated four times a year. The complete appendix is included in March, June, September and December monthly progress reports only.
A-1 Microbac Laboratories Inc. has participated in interlaboratory comparison (crosscheck) programs since the formulation of its quality control program in December 1971. These programs are operated by agencies which supply environmental type samples containing concentrations of radionuclides known to the issuing agency but not to participant laboratories. The purpose of such a program is to provide an independent check on a laboratorys analytical procedures and to alert it of any possible problems.
Participant laboratories measure the concentration of specified radionuclides and report them to the issuing agency. Several months later, the agency reports the known values to the participant laboratories and specifies control limits. Results consistently higher or lower than the known values or outside the control limits indicate a need to check the instruments or procedures used.
Results in Table A-1 were obtained through participation in the RAD PT Study Proficiency Testing Program administered by Environmental Resource Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Table A-2 lists results for thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), via irradiation and evaluation by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Radiation Calibration Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Medical Radiation Research Center.
Table A-3 lists results of the analyses on intralaboratory spiked samples for the past twelve months. All samples are prepared using NIST traceable sources. Data for previous years available upon request.
Table A-4 lists results of the analyses on intralaboratory blank samples for the past twelve months. Data for previous years available upon request.
Table A-5 lists analytical results from the intralaboratory duplicate program for the past twelve months. Acceptance is based on each result being within 25% of the mean of the two results or the two sigma uncertainties of each result overlap.
The results in Table A-6 were obtained through participation in the Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program.
Results in Table A-7 were obtained through participation in the MRAD PT Study Proficiency Testing Program administered by Environmental Resource Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the Environmental Measurement Laboratory Quality Assessment Program (EML).
Attachment A lists the laboratory acceptance criteria for various analyses.
Out-of-limit results are explained directly below the result.
Appendix A Interlaboratory/ Intralaboratory Comparison Program Results
A-2 Analysis Ratio of lab result to known value.
Gamma Emitters 0.8 to 1.2 Strontium-89, 0.8 to 1.2 Strontium-90 Potassium-40 0.8 to 1.2 Gross alpha 0.5 to 1.5 Gross beta 0.8 to 1.2 Tritium 0.8 to 1.2 Radium-226, 0.7 to 1.3 Radium-228 Plutonium 0.8 to 1.2 Iodine-129, 0.8 to 1.2 Iodine-131 Nickel-63, 0.7 to 1.3 Technetium-99, Uranium-238 Iron-55 0.8 to 1.2 Other Analyses 0.8 to 1.2 Attachment A ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR INTRALABORATORY SPIKED SAMPLES
A-3 TABLE A-1. Interlaboratory Comparison Crosscheck program, Environmental Resource Associates (ERA)a.
RAD study Lab Code Date Analysis ERA Value Acceptance RAD-132 Study ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Ba-133 33.0 +/- 3.5 30.5 24.2 - 34.6 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Cs-134 30.7 +/- 3.0 28.2 21.9 - 31.1 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Cs-137 191 +/- 7 190 171 - 211 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Co-60 110 +/- 4 110 99.0 - 123 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Zn-65 109 +/- 8 105 94.5 - 125 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Gr. Alpha 25.3 +/- 0.2 30.0 15.3 - 39.2 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 G. Beta 15.0 +/- 0.1 16.5 9.25 - 24.8 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Ra-226 7.58 +/- 0.52 8.26 6.21 - 9.71 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 Ra-228 7.44 +/- 1.53 7.17 4.51 - 9.20 Pass ERDW-162 2/23/2023 H-3 22,600 +/- 467 21,600 18,900 - 23,800 Pass RAD-134 Study ERDW-1956 7/10/2023 Ba-133 64.1 +/- 4.7 66.5 55.4 - 73.2 Pass ERDW-1956 7/10/2023 Cs-134 97.0 +/- 4.8 90.8 74.5 - 99.9 Pass ERDW-1956 7/10/2023 Cs-137 179 +/- 8 163 147 - 181 Pass ERDW-1956 7/10/2023 Co-60 26.6 +/- 2.9 20.7 17.5 - 25.6 Fail b ERDW-1956 7/10/2023 Zn-65 318 +/- 12 290 261 - 339 Pass ERDW-50167 7/10/2023 Gr. Alpha 34.3 +/- 1.9 47.9 24.9 - 60.3 Pass ERDW-50167 7/10/2023 G. Beta 27.4 +/- 1.2 28.6 18.2 - 36.4 Pass ERDW-50171 7/10/2023 Ra-226 19.3 +/- 0.9 17.4 12.9 - 19.9 Pass ERDW-50171 7/10/2023 Ra-228 7.11 +/- 1.59 7.16 4.50 - 9.18 Pass ERDW-50173 7/10/2023 H-3 10,500 +/- 326 9,860 8,570 - 10,800 Pass ERDW-50169 7/10/2023 I-131 23.9 +/- 1.2 24.4 20.2 - 28.9 Pass a Results obtained by Microbac Laboratories Inc. - Northbrook as a participant in the crosscheck program for proficiency testing in drinking water conducted by Environmental Resource Associates (ERA).
b The Cobalt-60 result did not meet ERA acceptance criteria. The sample was reanalyzed and passed for all analytes.
(Co-60 reanalysis result was 21.2 +/- 3.0 pCi/L). No cause for the earlier failure could be determined.
Concentration (pCi/L)
Laboratory Acceptance Result Limits
A-4 TABLE A-2. Thermoluminescent Dosimetry, (TLD, CaSO4: Dy Cards).a Lab Code Irradiation Delivered Reportedb Date Description Dose Dose Microbac Laboratories, Inc.
Group 1 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 1 93.0 90.0
-0.03 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 2 93.0 88.5
-0.05 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 3 93.0 89.0
-0.04 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 4 93.0 89.5
-0.04 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 5 93.0 88.1
-0.05 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 6 93.0 95.1 0.02 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 7 93.0 90.8
-0.02 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 8 93.0 90.8
-0.02 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 9 93.0 92.3
-0.01 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 10 93.0 89.0
-0.04 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 11 93.0 84.9
-0.09 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 12 93.0 90.8
-0.02 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 13 93.0 92.0
-0.01 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 14 93.0 87.7
-0.06 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 15 93.0 88.8
-0.05 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 16 93.0 88.6
-0.05 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 17 93.0 84.2
-0.09 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 18 93.0 88.6
-0.05 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 19 93.0 86.4
-0.07 2022-23-3 11/29/2023 Spike 20 93.0 88.3
-0.05 Mean (Spike 1-20) 89.2
-0.04 Passd Standard Deviation (Spike 1-20) 2.5 0.03 Passd a TLD's were irradiated by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Radiation Calibration Laboratory following ANSI N13.37 protocol from a known air kerma rate. TLD's were read and the results were submitted by Microbac Laboratories, Inc. to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Radiation Calibration Laboratory for comparison to the delivered dose.
b Reported dose was converted from exposure (R) to Air Kerma (cGy) using a conversion of 0.876. Conversion from air kerma to ambient dose equivalent for Cs-137 at the reference dose point H*(10)Ka = 1.20. mrem/cGy = 1000.
c Performance Quotient (P) is calculated as ((reported dose - conventionally true value) ÷ conventionally true value) where the conventionally true value is the delivered dose.
d Acceptance is achieved when neither the absolute value of the mean of the P values, nor the standard deviation of the P values exceed 0.15.
mrem Performancec Quotient (P)
A-5 TABLE A-2. Thermoluminescent Dosimetry, (TLD, CaSO4: Dy Cards).a Lab Code Irradiation Delivered Reportedb Date Description Dose Dose Microbac Laboratories, Inc.
Group 2 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 21 176.0 170.1
-0.03 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 22 176.0 166.8
-0.05 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 23 176.0 156.3
-0.11 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 24 176.0 163.1
-0.07 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 25 176.0 166.8
-0.05 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 26 176.0 168.0
-0.05 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 27 176.0 159.8
-0.09 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 28 176.0 160.4
-0.09 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 29 176.0 165.4
-0.06 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 30 176.0 166.2
-0.06 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 31 176.0 159.9
-0.09 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 32 176.0 161.4
-0.08 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 33 176.0 165.8
-0.06 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 34 176.0 163.9
-0.07 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 35 176.0 167.9
-0.05 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 36 176.0 157.4
-0.11 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 37 176.0 165.6
-0.06 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 38 176.0 161.3
-0.08 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 39 176.0 165.9
-0.06 2022-23-4 11/29/2023 Spike 40 176.0 159.4
-0.09 Mean (Spike 21-40) 163.6
-0.07 Passd Standard Deviation (Spike 21-40) 3.9 0.02 Passd a TLD's were irradiated by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Radiation Calibration Laboratory following ANSI N13.37 protocol from a known air kerma rate. TLD's were read and the results were submitted by Microbac Laboratories, Inc. to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Radiation Calibration Laboratory for comparison to the delivered dose.
b Reported dose was converted from exposure (R) to Air Kerma (cGy) using a conversion of 0.876. Conversion from air kerma to ambient dose equivalent for Cs-137 at the reference dose point H*(10)Ka = 1.20. mrem/cGy = 1000.
c Performance Quotient (P) is calculated as ((reported dose - conventionally true value) ÷ conventionally true value) where the conventionally true value is the delivered dose.
d Acceptance is achieved when neither the absolute value of the mean of the P values, nor the standard deviation of the P values exceed 0.15.
Quotient (P) mrem Performancec
A-6 TABLE A-3. Intralaboratory "Spiked" Samples Lab Codeb Date Analysis Known Ratio Activity Acceptance Lab/Known SPDW-26 1/5/2023 Ra-228 11.8 +/- 1.9 13.4 9.4 - 17.4 Pass 0.88 SPDW-50002 1/11/2023 H-3 21,747 +/- 452 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.98 SPDW-50004 1/20/2023 H-3 21,861 +/- 458 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.99 SPDW-50006 1/5/2023 Ra-226 11.3 +/- 0.3 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.92 SPDW-50034 1/27/2023 Ra-226 12.6 +/- 0.4 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 1.02 LCS-SO-012723 8/1/2020 Cs-134 17.1 +/- 0.2 19.2 15.4 - 23.0 Pass 0.89 LCS-SO-012723 8/1/2020 Zn-65 13.8 +/- 1.7 14.1 11.3 - 16.9 Pass 0.98 LCS-SO-012723 8/1/2020 Co-60 26.4 +/- 0.2 27.0 21.6 - 32.4 Pass 0.98 LCS-SO-012723 8/1/2020 Co-57 30.7 +/- 0.1 30.9 24.7 - 37.1 Pass 0.99 LCS-SO-012723 8/1/2020 Mn-54 17.7 +/- 0.8 16.5 13.2 - 19.8 Pass 1.07 LCS-SO-012723 8/1/2020 K-40 18.4 +/- 0.7 16.8 13.4 - 20.2 Pass 1.10 SPDW-50010 1/31/2023 Ra-228 9.7 +/- 1.3 13.4 9.4 - 17.4 Pass 0.72 SPDW-50008 2/3/2023 H-3 21,961 +/- 459 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.99 SPDW-50016 2/10/2023 H-3 22,137 +/- 462 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 1.00 SPDW-50012 2/24/2023 Sr-90 18.6 +/- 1.2 17.1 13.7 - 20.5 Pass 1.09 SPDW-50032 2/16/2023 Ra-228 13.1 +/- 1.9 13.4 9.4 - 17.4 Pass 0.98 SPDW-50018 2/16/2023 Gr. Alpha 19.1 +/- 1.3 23.5 11.8 - 28.2 Pass 0.81 SPDW-50018 2/16/2023 Gr. Beta 133 +/- 2 141 112 - 169 Pass 0.94 SPDW-50021 2/17/2023 H-3 21,843 +/- 459 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.99 SPDW-50047 2/24/2023 Ra-226 12.8 +/- 0.4 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 1.04 SPDW-50049 3/17/2023 H-3 22,120 +/- 465 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 1.00 SPDW-50056 3/24/2023 H-3 21,911 +/- 463 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.99 SPDW-50060 3/16/2023 Ra-226 12.9 +/- 0.4 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 1.05 SPDW-50097 4/13/2023 Ra-226 11.7 +/- 0.5 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.95 SPDW-50068 4/14/2023 H-3 22,656 +/- 482 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 1.03 SPDW-50081 4/25/2023 H-3 21,594 +/- 461 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.98 SPDW-50131 5/3/2023 Ra-226 11.4 +/- 0.3 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.93 SPDW-50104 5/12/2023 H-3 21,513 462 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.97 SPDW-50117 5/26/2023 H-3 22,069 468 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 1.00 SPDW-50182 6/8/2023 Ra-226 10.4 +/- 0.3 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.85 SPDW-50137 6/12/2023 H-3 21,898 +/- 456 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.99 SPDW-50138 6/12/2023 H-3 21,898 +/- 456 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.99 SPDW-50153 6/26/2023 H-3 21,672 +/- 456 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.98 SPDW-50153 6/26/2023 H-3 21,672 +/- 456 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.98 SPDW-50259 7/19/2023 Ra-226 10.5 +/- 0.3 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.85 SPDW-50219 8/15/2023 Sr-90 17.5 +/- 1.1 17.1 13.7 - 20.5 Pass 1.02 SPDW-50291 8/28/2023 Ra-226 11.0 +/- 0.3 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.89 SPDW-50249 8/22/2023 Gr. Alpha 16.7 +/- 1.4 23.5 11.8 - 28.2 Pass 0.71 SPDW-50249 8/22/2023 Gr. Beta 128 +/- 2 141 112 - 169 Pass 0.91 SPDW-50252 8/18/2023 H-3 21,628 +/- 459 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.98 SPDW-50257 8/25/2023 H-3 22,152 +/- 469 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 1.00 a Liquid sample results are reported in pCi/Liter, air filters ( pCi/m3), charcoal (pCi/charcoal canister), and solid samples (pCi/kg).
b Laboratory codes : W & SPW (Water), MI (milk), AP (air filter), SO (soil), VE (vegetation), CH (charcoal canister), F (fish), U (urine).
c Results are based on single determinations.
d Acceptance criteria are listed in Attachment A of this report.
Concentrationa Laboratory results Control 2s, n=1c Limitsd
A-7 TABLE A-3. Intralaboratory "Spiked" Samples Lab Codeb Date Analysis Known Ratio Activity Acceptance Lab/Known LCS-09/12/23 8/1/2020 Cs-134 17,533 +/- 346 19,170 15,336 - 23,004 Pass 0.91 LCS-09/12/23 8/1/2020 Co-60 27,480 +/- 347 26,055 20,844 - 31,266 Pass 1.05 LCS-09/12/23 8/1/2020 K-40 20,183 1268 18,468 14,774 - 22,162 Pass 1.09 SPDW-50270 9/6/2023 H-3 22,287 +/- 469 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 1.01 SPDW-50283 9/25/2023 H-3 21,062 +/- 444 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.95 SPDW-50291 8/28/2023 Ra-226 11.0 +/- 0 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.89 SPDW-50316 10/3/2023 H-3 21,406 +/- 454 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.97 SPW-50330 11/17/2023 H-3 21,143 +/- 543 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.96 LCS-SO-112823 8/1/2020 Cs-134 17.2 +/- 0.2 19.2 15.4 - 23.0 Pass 0.90 LCS-SO-112823 8/1/2020 Zn-65 14.9 +/- 3.1 14.1 11.3 - 16.9 Pass 1.06 LCS-SO-112823 8/1/2020 Co-60 26.0 +/- 0.3 27.0 21.6 - 32.4 Pass 0.96 LCS-SO-112823 8/1/2020 Co-57 29.3 +/- 0.9 30.9 24.7 - 37.1 Pass 0.95 LCS-SO-112823 8/1/2020 Mn-54 17.5 +/- 1.3 16.5 13.2 - 19.8 Pass 1.06 LCS-SO-112823 8/1/2020 K-40 18.0 +/- 0.7 16.8 13.4 - 20.2 Pass 1.07 SPW-3908 12/18/2023 NI-63 2,032 +/- 27 1,788 1,430 - 2,146 Pass 1.14 SPW-3910 12/18/2023 Fe-55 269 +/- 24 232 186 - 0,278 Pass 1.16 SPDW-50378 12/19/2023 H-3 21,102 +/- 452 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.95 SPDW-50388 12/28/2023 H-3 20,540 +/- 445 22,100 17,680 - 26,520 Pass 0.93 SPDW-50393 12/19/2023 Ra-226 11.6 +/- 0.3 12.3 8.6 - 16.0 Pass 0.94 a Liquid sample results are reported in pCi/Liter, air filters ( pCi/m3), charcoal (pCi/charcoal canister), and solid samples (pCi/kg).
b Laboratory codes : W & SPW (Water), MI (milk), AP (air filter), SO (soil), VE (vegetation), CH (charcoal canister), F (fish), U (urine).
c Results are based on single determinations.
d Acceptance criteria are listed in Attachment A of this report.
Concentrationa Laboratory results Control 2s, n=1c Limitsd
A-8 TABLE A-4. Intralaboratory "Blank" Samples Lab Codeb Sample Date Analysisc Type LLD SPW-25 Water 1/5/2023 Ra-228 0.98 0.74 +/- 0.54 2
SPDW-50000 Water 1/6/2023 I-131 0.36
-0.10 +/- 0.16 1
SPDW-50001 Water 1/11/2023 H-3 157 13 +/- 74 200 SPDW-50003 Water 1/20/2023 H-3 161 98 +/- 85 200 SPDW-50005 Water 1/5/2023 Ra-226 0.02 0.00 +/- 0.03 2
SPDW-50033 Water 1/27/2023 Ra-226 0.03
-0.01 +/- 0.03 2
SPDW-50009 Water 1/31/2023 Ra-228 1.40 0.69 +/- 0.75 2
SPDW-50007 Water 2/3/2023 H-3 160 17 +/- 80 200 SPDW-50015 Water 2/10/2023 H-3 159 91 +/- 84 200 SPDW-50011 Water 2/9/2023 Sr-89 0.62 0.24 +/- 0.49 5
SPDW-50011 Water 2/9/2023 Sr-90 0.66
-0.02 +/- 0.30 1
SPDW-50018 Water 2/16/2023 Gr. Alpha 0.62 0.01 +/- 0.44 2
SPDW-50018 Water 2/16/2023 Gr. Beta 0.78
-0.10 +/- 0.54 4
SPDW-50020 Water 2/17/2023 H-3 154 122 +/- 80 200 SPDW-50031 Water 2/16/2023 Ra-228 0.82 0.42 +/- 0.43 2
SPDW-50046 Water 2/24/2023 Ra-226 0.03 0.05 +/- 0.04 2
SPDW-50044 Water 3/13/2023 I-131 0.15
-0.06 +/- 0.08 1
SPDW-50048 Water 3/17/2023 H-3 163 80 +/- 80 200 SPDW-50055 Water 3/24/2023 H-3 169 63 +/- 82 200 SPDW-50059 Water 3/16/2023 Ra-226 0.04
-0.02 +/- 0.03 2
SPDW-50063 Water 3/28/2023 Ra-226 0.06
-0.01 +/- 0.05 2
SPDW-50067 Water 4/14/2023 H-3 173 92 +/- 87 200 SPDW-50069 Water 4/17/2023 I-131 0.11
-0.05 +/- 0.08 1
SPDW-50102 Water 5/15/2023 I-131 0.15
-0.01 +/- 0.08 1
SPDW-50103 Water 5/12/2023 H-3 161 67 +/- 80 200 SPDW-50116 Water 5/26/2023 H-3 161 122 +/- 87 200 SPDW-50137 Water 6/12/2023 H-3 157 125 +/- 80 200 SPDW-50154 Water 6/26/2023 H-3 157 105 +/- 80 200 SPDW-50181 Water 6/8/2023 Ra-226 0.04
-0.07 +/- 0.03 2
SPDW-50218 Water 8/15/2023 Sr-89 0.66
-0.07 +/- 0.48 5
SPDW-50218 Water 8/15/2023 Sr-90 0.55 0.02 +/- 0.26 1
SPDW-50248 Water 8/22/2024 Gr. Alpha 0.57
-0.03 +/- 0.40 2
SPDW-50248 Water 8/22/2024 Gr. Beta 0.70 0.28 +/- 0.50 4
SPDW-50256 Water 8/25/2023 H-3 161 75 +/- 84 200 SPDW-50258 Water 7/19/2023 Ra-226 0.06
-0.25 +/- 0.04 2
SPDW-50270 Water 9/6/2023 H-3 160 90 +/- 81 200 SPDW-50282 Water 9/25/2023 H-3 163 53 +/- 79 200 SPDW-50290 Water 8/28/2023 Ra-226 0.05 0.00 +/- 0.04 2
a Liquid sample results are reported in pCi/Liter, air filters ( pCi/m3), charcoal (pCi/charcoal canister), and solid samples (pCi/g).
b Laboratory codes : W & SPW (Water), MI (milk), AP (air filter), SO (soil), VE (vegetation), CH (charcoal canister), F (fish), U (urine).
c I-131(G); iodine-131 as analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.
d Activity reported is a net activity result.
Concentrationa Laboratory results (4.66s)
Acceptance Activityd Criteria (4.66 s)
A-9 TABLE A-4. Intralaboratory "Blank" Samples Lab Codeb Sample Date Analysisc Type LLD SPDW-50311 Water 10/16/2023 I-131 0.25 0.06 +/- 0.14 1
SPDW-50312 Water 10/3/2023 Ra-226 0.04 0.06 +/- 0.09 2
SPDW-50315 Water 10/27/2023 H-3 169 5 +/- 79 200 SPDW-50329 Water 11/17/2023 H-3 170 51 +/- 82 200 SPDW-50379 Water 11/17/2023 Ra-226 0.05 0.09 +/- 0.04 2
SPDW-50346 Water 12/5/2023 H-3 0.10
-0.12 +/- 0.07 1
SPDW-50347 Water 12/5/2023 Ra-228 1.27
-0.07 +/- 0.62 2
SPW-3907 Water 12/18/2023 Ni-63 149 0 +/- 91 200 SPW-3909 Water 12/18/2023 Fe-55 435 7 +/- 265 2000 SPDW-50377 Water 12/19/2023 H-3 173
-42 +/- 78 200 SPDW-50387 Water 12/28/2023 H-3 171
-21 +/- 79 200 a Liquid sample results are reported in pCi/Liter, air filters ( pCi/m3), charcoal (pCi/charcoal canister), and solid samples (pCi/g).
b Laboratory codes : W & SPW (Water), MI (milk), AP (air filter), SO (soil), VE (vegetation), CH (charcoal canister), F (fish), U (urine).
c I-131(G); iodine-131 as analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.
d Activity reported is a net activity result.
Concentrationa Laboratory results (4.66s)
Acceptance Activityd Criteria (4.66 s)
A-10 TABLE A-5. Intralaboratory "Duplicate" Samples Lab Codeb Date Analysis Acceptance WW-65,66 1/10/2023 Gr. Beta 15.4 +/- 2.0 17.2 +/- 2.1 16.3 +/- 1.5 Pass WW-107,108 1/18/2023 H-3 153 +/- 88 132 +/- 87 143 +/- 62 Pass SG-187,188 1/30/2023 Gr. Alpha 28.1 +/- 3.9 22.0 +/- 3.5 25.1 +/- 2.6 Pass SG-187,188 1/30/2023 Gr. Beta 22.3 +/- 1.8 22.2 +/- 1.8 22.3 +/- 1.3 Pass SG-187,188 1/30/2023 Pb-214 4.08 +/- 0.16 3.38 +/- 0.09 3.73 +/- 0.09 Pass SG-187,188 1/30/2023 Ac-228 3.88 +/- 0.28 3.98 +/- 0.14 3.93 +/- 0.16 Pass SWU-201,202 1/31/2023 H-3 171 +/- 89 234 +/- 92 203 +/- 64 Pass SW-243,244 2/7/2023 H-3 358 +/- 98 262 +/- 93 310 +/- 68 Pass PW-266,267 2/6/2023 Ra-226 0.61 +/- 0.18 0.37 +/- 0.20 0.49 +/- 0.13 Pass DW-50028.50029 2/27/2023 Ra-226 0.68 +/- 0.13 0.76 +/- 0.13 0.72 +/- 0.09 Pass DW-50028.50029 2/27/2023 Ra-228 2.26 +/- 0.65 1.20 +/- 0.65 1.73 +/- 0.46 Pass DW-50052,50053 2/27/2023 Ra-228 0.48 +/- 0.57 1.19 +/- 0.65 0.84 +/- 0.43 Pass DW-50035,50036 2/28/2023 Gr. Alpha 3.68 +/- 1.42 4.00 +/- 1.29 3.84 +/- 0.96 Pass DW-50035,50036 2/28/2023 Gr. Beta 2.50 +/- 0.64 1.99 +/- 0.64 2.25 +/- 0.45 Pass LW-518,519 3/8/2023 Gr. Beta 1.71 +/- 0.64 1.38 +/- 0.64 1.55 +/- 0.45 Pass SG-571,572 3/8/2023 Pb-214 7.80 +/- 0.46 8.20 +/- 0.35 8.00 +/- 0.29 Pass SG-571,572 3/8/2023 Ac-228 11.9 +/- 0.8 11.4 +/- 0.6 11.7 +/- 0.5 Pass SG-571.572 3/8/2023 Gr. Alpha 86.5 +/- 10.6 89.6 +/- 11.0 88.1 +/- 7.6 Pass DW-50052,50053 3/17/2023 Gr. Alpha 9.16 +/- 1.02 14.7 +/- 1.2 11.9 +/- 0.8 Pass DW-50052,50053 3/17/2023 Gr. Beta 6.03 +/- 0.71 7.58 +/- 0.75 6.81 +/- 0.52 Pass CF-700,701 3/22/2023 K-40 2.91 +/- 0.32 3.30 +/- 0.36 3.11 +/- 0.24 Pass SW-679,680 3/27/2023 H-3 14,480 +/- 389 14,487 +/- 389 14,484 +/- 275 Pass SG-974,975 4/4/2023 Gr. Alpha 12.0 +/- 2.1 12.1 +/- 2.1 12.1 +/- 1.5 Pass DW-50074,50075 4/21/2023 Ra-226 1.63 +/- 0.22 1.56 +/- 0.28 1.60 +/- 0.18 Pass DW-50074,50075 4/21/2023 Ra-228 3.41 +/- 0.98 2.14 +/- 0.80 2.78 +/- 0.63 Pass U-1038,1039 4/20/2023 Gr. Beta 6.14 +/- 1.71 6.46 +/- 2.19 6.30 +/- 1.39 Pass WW-1101,1102 4/25/2023 H-3 358 +/- 96 334 +/- 95 346 +/- 68 Pass DW-50092,50093 5/1/2023 Ra-226 1.00 +/- 0.22 1.46 +/- 0.19 1.23 +/- 0.15 Pass DW-50092,50093 5/1/2023 Ra-228 1.11 +/- 0.73 1.57 +/- 0.82 1.34 +/- 0.55 Pass WW-1122,1123 5/2/2023 H-3 307 +/- 93 229 +/- 89 268 +/- 64 Pass WW-1269,1270 5/17/2023 H-3 366 +/- 100 214 +/- 92 290 +/- 68 Pass DW-50110,50111 5/29/2023 Ra-226 6.27 +/- 0.40 4.77 +/- 0.26 5.52 +/- 0.24 Pass DW-50110,50111 5/29/2023 Ra-228 2.81 +/- 0.97 3.53 +/- 0.98 3.17 +/- 0.69 Pass SW-1356,1357 5/30/2023 H-3 380 +/- 94 257 +/- 88 319 +/- 64 Pass WW-1398,1399 5/24/2023 H-3 571 +/- 103 613 +/- 105 592 +/- 74 Pass SG-1377,1378 5/30/2023 Pb-214 1.07 +/- 0.14 1.19 +/- 0.15 1.13 +/- 0.10 Pass SG-1377,1378 5/30/2023 Ac-228 1.23 +/- 0.28 1.11 +/- 0.23 1.17 +/- 0.18 Pass Concentrationa Averaged First Result Second Result Result
A-11 TABLE A-5. Intralaboratory "Duplicate" Samples Lab Codeb Date Analysis Acceptance DW-50124,50125 6/5/2023 Ra-226 0.25 +/- 0.08 0.24 +/- 0.09 0.25 +/- 0.06 Pass AP-060523A/B 6/5/2023 Gr. Beta 0.023 +/- 0.003 0.0236 +/- 0.003 0.023 +/- 0.002 Pass DW-50126,50127 6/5/2023 Gr. Alpha 2.50 +/- 1.17 3.87 +/- 1.39 3.19 +/- 0.91 Pass WW-1441,1442 6/6/2023 Gr. Beta 2.55 +/- 0.64 1.91 +/- 0.67 2.23 +/- 0.46 Pass SW-1483,1484 6/8/2023 H-3 281 +/- 90 281 +/- 90 281 +/- 64 Pass CF-1546,1547 6/12/2023 K-40 7.77 +/- 0.34 7.48 +/- 0.48 7.63 +/- 0.29 Pass AP-061223A/B 6/12/2023 Gr. Beta 0.031 +/- 0.005 0.030 +/- 0.005 0.031 +/- 0.004 Pass S-1567,1568 6/14/2023 K-40 9.75 +/- 0.71 9.80 +/- 0.77 9.78 +/- 0.52 Pass WW-1630,1631 6/6/2023 H-3 319 +/- 93 236 +/- 89 278 +/- 64 Pass F-1945,1946 6/26/2023 K-40 3.81 +/- 0.34 3.22 +/- 0.54 3.52 +/- 0.32 Pass DW-50157,50158 6/26/2023 Gr. Beta 0.93 +/- 0.59 1.09 +/- 0.06 1.01 +/- 0.30 Pass AP-062823A/B 6/28/2023 Gr. Beta 0.026 +/- 0.004 0.021 +/- 0.003 0.024 +/- 0.003 Pass AP-070323A/B 7/3/2023 Gr. Beta 0.028 +/- 0.003 0.026 +/- 0.003 0.027 +/- 0.002 Pass DW-50160,50161 7/5/2023 Ra-226 2.63 +/- 0.32 2.77 +/- 0.27 2.70 +/- 0.21 Pass DW-50160,50161 7/5/2023 Ra-228 2.46 +/- 0.78 2.51 +/- 0.81 2.49 +/- 0.56 Pass AP-071123A/B 7/11/2023 Gr. Beta 0.025 +/- 0.003 0.027 +/- 0.003 0.026 +/- 0.002 Pass DW-50188,50189 7/21/2023 Ra-226 3.07 +/- 0.30 2.63 +/- 0.20 2.85 +/- 0.18 Pass DW-50188,50189 7/21/2023 Ra-228 5.28 +/- 0.92 5.08 +/- 0.90 5.18 +/- 0.64 Pass DW-50197,50198 7/24/2023 Gr. Alpha 5.82 +/- 1.50 5.78 +/- 1.30 5.80 +/- 0.99 Pass DW-50200,50201 7/24/2023 Ra-226 2.51 +/- 0.24 4.07 +/- 0.29 3.29 +/- 0.19 Pass DW-50200,50201 7/24/2023 Ra-228 7.04 +/- 1.13 6.55 +/- 1.09 6.80 +/- 0.79 Pass SG-2199,2200 7/25/2023 Pb-214 1.18 +/- 0.22 1.03 +/- 0.19 1.11 +/- 0.15 Pass SG-2199,2200 7/25/2023 Ac-228 1.74 +/- 0.32 1.86 +/- 0.42 1.80 +/- 0.26 Pass AP-072623A/B 7/26/2023 Gr. Beta 0.021 +/- 0.003 0.021 +/- 0.003 0.021 +/- 0.002 Pass AP-080223A/B 8/2/2023 Gr. Beta 0.015 +/- 0.003 0.016 +/- 0.003 0.016 +/- 0.002 Pass SG-2315,2316 8/3/2023 Gr. Alpha 59.5 +/- 6.7 48.2 +/- 6.1 53.9 +/- 4.5 Pass SG-2315,2316 8/3/2023 Gr. Beta 39.8 +/- 2.9 34.4 +/- 2.6 37.1 +/- 1.9 Pass AP-080723A/B 8/7/2024 Gr. Beta 0.025 +/- 0.005 0.025 +/- 0.005 0.025 +/- 0.004 Pass DW-50200,50201 8/9/2023 Ra-228 1.88 +/- 0.71 1.29 +/- 0.70 1.59 +/- 0.50 Pass AP-081423A/B 8/14/2023 Gr. Beta 0.030 +/- 0.003 0.028 +/- 0.003 0.029 +/- 0.002 Pass AP-082123A/B 8/21/2023 Gr. Beta 0.020 +/- 0.003 0.022 +/- 0.003 0.021 +/- 0.002 Pass DW-50262,50263 8/24/2023 Ra-228 2.62 +/- 0.87 1.46 +/- 0.52 2.04 +/- 0.51 Pass DW-50262,50263 8/24/2023 Ra-228 2.62 +/- 0.87 2.80 +/- 0.67 2.71 +/- 0.55 Pass AP-082823A/B 8/28/2023 Gr. Beta 0.023 +/- 0.003 0.028 +/- 0.003 0.026 +/- 0.002 Pass DW-50268,50269 8/29/2023 Gr. Alpha 0.87 +/- 0.69 0.97 +/- 0.81 0.92 +/- 0.53 Pass SG-2660,2661 9/4/2023 Gr. Alpha 68.5 +/- 7.1 51.0 +/- 6.3 59.8 +/- 4.7 Pass SG-2660,2661 9/4/2023 Pb-214 13.7 +/- 0.5 14.2 +/- 0.5 14.0 +/- 0.4 Pass SG-2660,2661 9/4/2023 Ac-228 14.4 +/- 0.8 14.3 +/- 0.9 14.4 +/- 0.6 Pass AP-090523A/B 9/5/2023 Gr. Beta 0.023 +/- 0.003 0.023 +/- 0.003 0.023 +/- 0.002 Pass AP-091223A/B 9/12/2023 Gr. Beta 0.024 +/- 0.002 0.025 +/- 0.002 0.025 +/- 0.001 Pass Concentrationa Averaged First Result Second Result Result
A-12 TABLE A-5. Intralaboratory "Duplicate" Samples Lab Codeb Date Analysis Acceptance W-2776,2777 9/18/2023 Gr. Alpha 1.86 +/- 1.73 0.99 +/- 1.64 1.43 +/- 1.19 Pass W-2776,2777 9/18/2023 Ra-226 0.43 +/- 0.10 0.55 +/- 0.27 0.49 +/- 0.14 Pass W-2776,2777 9/18/2023 Ra-228 1.71 +/- 1.07 3.33 +/- 1.12 2.52 +/- 0.77 Pass AP-092023A/B 9/20/2023 Gr. Beta 0.039 +/- 0.004 0.042 +/- 0.004 0.041 +/- 0.003 Pass DW-50296,50297 9/27/2023 Ra-226 0.51 +/- 0.09 0.54 +/- 0.20 0.53 +/- 0.11 Pass AP-092823A/B 9/28/2023 Gr. Beta 0.030 +/- 0.004 0.034 +/- 0.004 0.032 +/- 0.003 Pass S-3136,3137 10/11/2023 Pb-214 1.93 +/- 0.06 1.84 +/- 0.08 1.89 +/- 0.05 Pass S-3135,3136 10/11/2023 Ac-228 4.06 +/- 0.17 3.84 +/- 0.19 3.95 +/- 0.13 Pass SG-3511,3512 10/10/2023 Gr. Alpha 59.0 +/- 6.2 68.5 +/- 6.6 63.8 +/- 4.5 Pass SG-3511,3512 10/10/2023 Gr. Beta 52.1 +/- 2.9 54.6 +/- 3.0 53.4 +/- 2.1 Pass SG-3511,3512 10/10/2023 Pb-214 9.67 +/- 0.25 9.57 +/- 0.29 9.62 +/- 0.19 Pass SG-3511,3512 10/10/2023 Ac-228 8.99 +/- 0.43 8.79 +/- 0.53 8.89 +/- 0.34 Pass SG-3521,3522 11/8/2023 Gr. Alpha 57.3 +/- 7.3 70.9 +/- 7.6 64.1 +/- 5.3 Pass SG-3521,3522 11/8/2023 Pb-214 11.2 +/- 0.2 11.7 +/- 0.2 11.5 +/- 0.1 Pass SG-3521,3522 11/8/2023 Ac-228 13.0 +/- 0.4 13.4 +/- 0.5 13.2 +/- 0.3 Pass DW-50335,50336 11/17/2023 Gr. Alpha 3.70 +/- 1.00 3.46 +/- 0.90 3.58 +/- 0.67 Pass DW-50335,50336 11/17/2023 Gr. Beta 1.73 +/- 0.63 2.07 +/- 0.06 1.90 +/- 0.32 Pass W-3647,3648 11/20/2023 H-3 2,815 +/- 181 2,829 +/- 182 2,822 +/- 128 Pass DW-50358,50359 12/4/2023 Gr. Beta 2.53 +/- 0.61 1.66 +/- 0.62 2.10 +/- 0.43 Pass DW-50349,50350 12/4/2023 Ra-226 0.04 +/- 0.11 0.32 +/- 0.10 0.18 +/- 0.07 Pass DW-50349,50350 12/4/2023 Ra-228 1.37 +/- 0.48 1.57 +/- 0.47 1.47 +/- 0.34 Pass DW-50365,50366 12/11/2023 Gr. Alpha 1.4 +/- 0.79 1.95 +/- 0.91 1.675 +/- 0.60 Pass DW-50365,50366 12/11/2023 Gr. Beta 3.18 +/- 0.62 3.18 +/- 0.66 3.18 +/- 0.45 Pass DW-50374,50375 12/13/2023 Gr. Alpha 0.89 +/- 0.60 0.54 +/- 0.67 0.715 +/- 0.45 Pass W-4035.4036 12/31/2023 H-3 157,638 +/- 1,218 159,848 +/- 1,227 158,743 +/- 864 Pass W-4035.4036 12/31/2023 Ni-63 2,410 +/- 78 2,337 +/- 78 2,373 +/- 55 Pass W-4035.4036 12/31/2023 Sr-90 49.8 +/- 5.2 42.7 +/- 4.8 46.3 +/- 3.5 Pass Concentrationa Averaged First Result Second Result Result
A-13 TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP).
Reference Known Lab Code b Date Analysis Activity Acceptance MAAP-544 2/1/2023 Gross Alpha 1.23 +/- 0.10 0.97 0.29 - 1.65 Pass MAAP-544 2/1/2023 Gross Beta 1.67 +/- 0.06 1.49 0.75 - 2.24 Pass MADW-543 2/1/2023 Gross Alpha 0.843 +/- 0.074 1.19 0.36 - 2.02 Pass MADW-543 2/1/2023 Gross Beta 0.578 +/- 0.093 5.94 2.97 - 8.91 Fail d MASO-540 2/1/2023 Cs-134 2.33 +/- 2.77 0
NA c Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Cs-137 1.22 +/- 2.41 0
NA c Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Co-57 585 +/- 4 698 489 - 907 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Co-60 727 +/- 8 795 557 - 1034 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Mn-54 1180 +/- 10 1230 861 - 1599 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Zn-65 846 +/- 11 990 693 - 1287 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 K-40 526 +/- 23 574 402 - 746 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Cs-134 9.17 +/- 0.17 9.6 6.7 - 12.5 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Cs-137 9.38 +/- 0.29 8.7 6.1 - 11.3 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Co-57
-0.01 +/- 0.08 0.0 NA c Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Co-60 7.47 +/- 0.18 7.24 5.07 - 9.41 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Mn-54 12.3 +/- 0.3 11.3 7.9 - 14.7 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Zn-65 15.7 +/- 0.5 15.3 10.7 - 19.9 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 K-40 1.23 +/- 1.52 0
NA c Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Sr-90
-0.0035 +/- 0.0172 0
NA c Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Cs-134 1.12 +/- 0.04 1.52 1.06 - 1.98 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Cs-137 0.56 +/- 0.07 0.630 0.441 - 0.819 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Co-57 0.62 +/- 0.30 0.661 0.463 - 0.859 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Co-60 0.89 +/- 0.07 1.05 0.74 - 1.37 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Mn-54 2.02 +/- 0.09 2.14 1.50 - 2.78 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Zn-65 2.13 +/- 0.14 2.25 1.58 - 2.93 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Sr-90 0.004 +/- 0.061 0
NA c Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Cs-134 2.33 +/- 2.77 0
NA c Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Cs-137 1.22 +/- 2.41 0
NA c Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Co-57 585 +/- 4 698 489 - 907 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Co-60 727 +/- 8 795 557 - 1034 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Mn-54 1180 +/- 10 1230 861 - 1599 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 Zn-65 846 +/- 11 990 693 - 1287 Pass MASO-540 2/1/2023 K-40 526 +/- 23 574 402 - 746 Pass Concentrationa Acceptance Laboratory result Range c
A-14 TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP).
Reference Known Lab Code b Date Analysis Activity Acceptance MADW-545 2/1/2023 Cs-134 9.17 +/- 0.17 9.6 6.7 - 12.5 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Cs-137 9.38 +/- 0.29 8.7 6.1 - 11.3 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Co-57
-0.01 +/- 0.08 0.0 NA c Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Co-60 7.47 +/- 0.18 7.24 5.07 - 9.41 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Mn-54 12.3 +/- 0.3 11.3 7.9 - 14.7 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Zn-65 15.7 +/- 0.5 15.3 10.7 - 19.9 Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 K-40 1.23 +/- 1.52 0
NA c Pass MADW-545 2/1/2023 Sr-90
-0.0035 +/- 0.0172 0
NA c Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Cs-134 1.12 +/- 0.04 1.52 1.06 - 1.98 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Cs-137 0.56 +/- 0.07 0.630 0.441 - 0.819 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Co-57 0.62 +/- 0.30 0.661 0.463 - 0.859 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Co-60 0.89 +/- 0.07 1.05 0.74 - 1.37 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Mn-54 2.02 +/- 0.09 2.14 1.50 - 2.78 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Zn-65 2.13 +/- 0.14 2.25 1.58 - 2.93 Pass MAAP-538 2/1/2023 Sr-90 0.004 +/- 0.061 0
NA c Pass MAVE-545 2/1/2023 Cs-134 7.45 +/- 0.39 7.60 5.32 - 9.88 Pass MAVE-545 2/1/2023 Cs-137 0.010 +/- 0.084 0
NA c Pass MAVE-545 2/1/2023 Co-57 6.83 +/- 0.17 6.93 4.85 - 9.01 Pass MAVE-545 2/1/2023 Co-60 6.89 +/- 0.17 6.51 4.56 - 8.46 Pass MAVE-545 2/1/2023 Mn-54 9.08 +/- 0.28 8.03 5.62 - 10.44 Pass MAVE-545 2/1/2023 Zn-65 7.83 +/- 0.39 7.43 5.20 - 9.66 Pass MAAP-2761 8/1/2023 Gross Alpha 0.16 +/- 0.04 0.255 0.077 - 0.434 Pass MAAP-2761 8/1/2023 Gross Beta 1.16 +/- 0.07 0.927 0.464 - 1.391 Pass MADW-2753 8/1/2023 Gross Alpha 1.20 +/- 0.06 1.59 0.48 - 2.70 Pass MADW-2753 8/1/2023 Gross Beta 14.7 +/- 0.1 16.27 8.14 - 24.41 Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 Cs-134 612 +/- 8 693 485 - 901 Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 Cs-137 1900 +/- 20 1810 1267 - 2353 Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 Co-57 1020 +/- 20 1060 742 - 1378 Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 Co-60 901 +/- 10 898 629 - 1167 Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 Mn-54 6.53 +/- 3.22 0
NA c Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 Zn-65 1270 +/- 30 1160 812 - 1508 Pass MASO-2757 8/1/2023 K-40 702 +/- 54 574 402 - 746 Pass Concentrationa Acceptance Laboratory result Range c
A-15 TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP).
Reference Known Lab Code b Date Analysis Activity Acceptance MADW-2751 8/1/2023 Cs-134 8.88 +/- 0.18 11.3 7.9 - 14.7 Pass MADW-2751 8/1/2023 Cs-137 7.95 +/- 0.30 8.7 6.1 - 11.3 Pass MADW-2751 8/1/2023 Co-57 16.5 +/- 0.3 19.3 13.5 - 25.1 Pass MADW-2751 8/1/2023 Co-60 0.09 +/- 0.06 0
NA c Pass MADW-2751 8/1/2023 Mn-54 11.6 +/- 0.3 12.7 8.9 - 16.5 Pass MADW-2751 8/1/2023 Zn-65 17.9 +/- 0.6 19.1 13.4 - 24.8 Pass MADW-2751 8/1/2023 K-40 1.56 +/- 1.60 0
NA c Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Cs-134 1.30 +/- 0.10 1.60 1.12 - 2.08 Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Cs-137 0.04 +/- 0.03 0
NA c Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Co-57 1.47 +/- 0.05 1.63 1.14 - 2.12 Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Co-60 0.04 +/- 0.09 0
NA c Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Mn-54 1.59 +/- 0.09 1.57 1.10 - 2.04 Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Zn-65 1.71 +/- 0.14 1.89 1.32 - 2.46 Pass MAAP-2755 8/1/2023 Sr-90 0.533 +/- 0.040 0.614 0.430 - 0.796 Pass MAVE-2759 8/1/2023 Cs-134 4.25 +/- 0.14 4.96 3.49 - 6.47 Pass MAVE-2759 8/1/2023 Cs-137 0.025 +/- 0.050 0
NA c Pass MAVE-2759 8/1/2023 Co-57 4.28 +/- 0.13 4.24 2.97 - 5.51 Pass MAVE-2759 8/1/2023 Co-60 2.49 +/- 0.11 2.79 1.95 - 3.63 Pass MAVE-2759 8/1/2023 Mn-54 2.45 +/- 0.16 2.6 1.8 - 3.3 Pass MAVE-2759 8/1/2023 Zn-65 0.058 - 0.107 0
NA c Pass a Results are reported in units of Bq/kg (soil), Bq/L (water) or Bq/total sample (filters, vegetation).
b Laboratory codes as follows: MAW (water), MADW (water), MAAP (air filter), MASO (soil) and MAVE (vegetation).
c MAPEP results are presented as the known values and expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as defined by the MAPEP. A known value of "zero" indicates an analysis was included in the testing series as a "false positive". MAPEP does not provide an acceptance range.
d A decimal point was misplaced in a unit conversion. If the conversion was was done properly the result: 5.78 +/- 0.93 Bq/L woud have been within MAPEP's acceptance range.
Acceptance Laboratory result Concentrationa Range c
A-16 TABLE A-7. Interlaboratory Comparison Crosscheck Program, Environmental Resource Associates (ERA)a.
MRAD-38 Study Lab Code b Date Analysis ERA Value c Acceptance ERAP-599 3/20/2023 Cs-134 139 153 99 - 188 Pass ERAP-599 3/20/2023 Cs-137 970 892 733 - 1170 Pass ERAP-599 3/20/2023 Co-60 474 467 397 - 593 Pass ERAP-599 3/20/2023 Mn-54
< 3.3
< 35.0 0.00 - 35.0 Pass ERAP-599 3/20/2023 Zn-65 1280 1110 910 - 1700 Pass ERAP-599 3/20/2023 Sr-90 143 137 87 - 187 Pass ERAP-598 3/20/2023 Gross Alpha 72.7 76.8 40.1 - 127 Pass ERAP-598 3/20/2023 Gross Beta 35.0 32.8 19.9 - 49.6 Pass a
b c
d Results obtained by Microbac Laboratories, Inc. as a participant in the crosscheck program for proficiency testing administered by Environmental Resource Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the Environmental Measurements Laboratory Quality Assessment Program (EML).
Laboratory code ERAP (air filter). Results are reported in units of (pCi/Filter).
The ERA Assigned values for the air filter standards are equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by the gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation as applicable.
The acceptance limits are established per the guidelines contained in the Department of Energy (DOE) report EML-564, Analysis of Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) Quality Assessment Program (QAP)
Data Determination of Operational Criteria and Control Limits for Performance Evaluation Purposes or ERA's SOP for the generation of Performance Acceptance Limits.
Concentration a Laboratory Acceptance Result Limits d
Page B-1 Appendix B Summary Tables in the format of NRC Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position Revision 1, November 1979
Name of Facility: Wolf Creek Generating Station Docket No.: 50-482 Location of Facility: Coffey County, Kansas Reporting Period: Annual 2023 Medium of Pathway Analysis and ODCM Lower All Indicator Locations Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Number of Sampled (Unit of Measurement)
Total Number of Analysis Performed Limit of Detection (LLD)
- Mean (f)
- Range Name Distance and Direction
- Mean (f)
- Range
- Mean (f)
- Range Nonroutine Reported Measurements **
- Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (f)
Page B-2 Air Particulate Station 53 (pCi/m3)
Gross Beta (311) 0.01 0.030 (260/260)
(0.015 - 0.051) 49 0.8 miles NNE 0.030, (52/52)
(0.015 - 0.051) 0.030 (52/52)
(0.017 - 0.049) 0 Air Radioiodine (pCi/m3)
Gamma (24)
Be-7 0.084 (20/20)
(0.058 - 0.112) 37 2.0 miles NNW 0.091 (4/4)
(0.058 - 0.090) 0.077 (4/4)
(0.064 - 0.086) 0 Station 53 I-131 (313) 0.07
- (0/260)
- (0/53) 0 Direct Radiation Dosimeters Stations 39 & 53 (mR per std.
90-day Qtr.)
Gamma Dose (176) 19.0 (160/160)
(10.5 - 24.2) 22 3.9 miles SSW 22.5 (4/4)
(16.6 - 23.7) 19.0 (8/8)
(16.6 - 23.7) 0 Surface Water JRR (pCi/l)
Gamma (24)
- (0/12)
- (0/12) 0 Tritium (24) 30,000 13,003 (12/12)
(12,098 -
SP 3.2 miles SSE 13,003 (12/12)
(12,098 -
-(0/12) 0 Fe-55 (8)
- (0/4)
- (0/4) 0 Ground Water B-12 (pCi/l)
I-131 (32) 1
- (0/28)
- (0/4) 0 Gamma (32)
- (0/28)
- (0/4) 0 Tritium (32) 20,000
- (0/28)
- (0/4) 0
Name of Facility: Wolf Creek Generating Station Docket No.: 50-482 Location of Facility: Coffey County, Kansas Reporting Period: Annual 2023 Medium of Pathway Analysis and ODCM Lower All Indicator Locations Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Number of Sampled (Unit of Measurement)
Total Number of Analysis Performed Limit of Detection (LLD)
- Mean (f)
- Range Name Distance and Direction
- Mean (f)
- Range
- Mean (f)
- Range Nonroutine Reported Measurements **
- Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (f)
Page B-3 Drinking BW-15 Water I-131 (24) 1
- (0/12)
- (0/12) 0 (pCi/l)
Gross Beta (24) 4 3.6 (12/12)
(2.2 - 9.7)
IO-DW 26.1 miles SSE 3.6 (12/12)
(2.2 - 9.7) 2.8 (12/12)
(1.8 - 3.8) 0 Gamma (24)
- (0/12)
- (0/12) 0 Tritium (8) 2,000 (0/4)
- (0/4)
- (0/4) 0 Shoreline Gamma (7)
JRR Sediment (pCi/kg dry)
K-40 8,572 (6/6)
(5,126 - 12,845)
EEA 3.0 miles NNW 12,845 (1/1)
(12,845 -12,845) 10,693 (2/2)
(10,684 - 10,702) 0 Cs-137 (0-7)
N/A N/A (0-2) 0 Fish - Flesh Gamma (23)
JRR (pCi/kg wet)
K-40 3,279 (8/8)
(2,877 - 3,811)
CCL 0.6 miles E to NNW 3,279 (8/8)
(2,877 - 3,811) 3,116(11/11)
(2,638-3,543) 0 Tritium (22) 9,197 (8/8)
(7,338 - 10,538)
CCL 0.6 miles E to NNW 9,197 (8/8)
(7,338 - 10,538)
- (0/11) 0
Name of Facility: Wolf Creek Generating Station Docket No.: 50-482 Location of Facility: Coffey County, Kansas Reporting Period: Annual 2023 Medium of Pathway Analysis and ODCM Lower All Indicator Locations Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Number of Sampled (Unit of Measurement)
Total Number of Analysis Performed Limit of Detection (LLD)
- Mean (f)
- Range Name Distance and Direction
- Mean (f)
- Range
- Mean (f)
- Range Nonroutine Reported Measurements **
- Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (f)
Page B-4 Food and Gamma (21)
D-2 Garden (pCi/kg wet)
Be-7 849 (17/17)
(430 - 1,603)
H-2 3.0 miles SSE 1,128(3/3)
(511 - 1,603) 767 (4/4)
(477 - 1,233) 0 K-40 5,553 (17/17)
(3,766 - 7,281)
H-2 3.0 miles SSE 5,810 (3/3)
(4,249 - 7,282) 5,274 (4/4)
(4,543 - 5,789) 0 Crops Gamma (4)
NR-U1 (pCi/kg wet)
K-40 10,479 (2/2)
NR-D2 11.5 miles S 17,446 (1-1)
(17,446-17,446) 9,213 (2-2)
(3,365-15,062) 0 Bottom Sediment Gamma (6)
JRR (pCi/kg dry)
K-40 10,652 (4/4)
DC 0.9 miles WNW 11,433 (2/2)
(11,265-11,600) 15,257 (2/2)
(16,047 - 17,567) 0 Cs-137 56 (4/4)
(15 - 84)
DC 0.9 miles WNW 70 (2/2)
(55-84.1) 59.9- (2/2)
(57.6-62.2) 0 Fe-55 (2) 18,412- (2/2)
DC 0.9 miles WNW 18,412- (2/2)
No Control 0
Name of Facility: Wolf Creek Generating Station Docket No.: 50-482 Location of Facility: Coffey County, Kansas Reporting Period: Annual 2023 Medium of Pathway Analysis and ODCM Lower All Indicator Locations Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Number of Sampled (Unit of Measurement)
Total Number of Analysis Performed Limit of Detection (LLD)
- Mean (f)
- Range Name Distance and Direction
- Mean (f)
- Range
- Mean (f)
- Range Nonroutine Reported Measurements **
- Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (f)
Page B-5 Aquatic Gamma (4)
No Control Vegetation (pCi/kg wet)
Be-7 254 (4/4)
(184 - 394)
MUDS 1.5 miles WNW 288 (2/2)
(183 - 394) 0 K-40 3,506 (4/4)
EEA 3.0 miles NNW 6,699 (1/1)
(6,699 - 6,699) 0 Cs-137
- (0/4)
N/A N/A 0
Terrestrial Gamma (2)
No Control Vegetation (pCi/kg wet)
Be-7 1,776 (2/2)
(1,482 - 2,070)
MUDS 1.5 miles WNW 2,070 (1/1)
(2,070 - 2,070) 0 K-40 5,725 (2/2)
(3,669 - 7,782)
EEA 3.0 miles NNW 7,782 (1/1)
(7,782-7,782) 0 Soil Gamma (1)
No Control (pCi/kg dry)
K-40 9,725 (1/1)
MUDS 1.5 miles WNW 9,725 (1/1)
(9,725-9,725) 0 Cs-137 169 (1/1)
MUDS 1.5 miles WNW 169 (1/1)
(169-169) 0 Meat Gamma (2)
No Control (pCi/kg wet)
Deer/Turkey K-40 2,559 (2/2)
(1,998 - 3,120)
Q2.4 (Deer) 2.4 miles WNW 3,120(1/1)
(3,120 - 3,120) 0
Name of Facility: Wolf Creek Generating Station Docket No.: 50-482 Location of Facility: Coffey County, Kansas Reporting Period: Annual 2023 Medium of Pathway Analysis and ODCM Lower All Indicator Locations Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Number of Sampled (Unit of Measurement)
Total Number of Analysis Performed Limit of Detection (LLD)
- Mean (f)
- Range Name Distance and Direction
- Mean (f)
- Range
- Mean (f)
- Range Nonroutine Reported Measurements **
- Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (f)
Page B-6 Tritium 1,464 (2/2)
Q2.4 (Deer) 2.4 miles WNW 2,189 (1/1)
(2,189 - 2,189)
No Control 0
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station APPENDIX C INDIVIDUAL SAMPLE RESULTS
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 002 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 281 0.038
0.005 0.025 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 263 0.029
0.005 0.013 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 263 0.030
0.005 Duplicate 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 305 0.046
0.005 0.011 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 302 0.037
0.005 0.015 23-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 304 0.033
0.005 0.015 30-Jan-23 06-Feb-23 289 0.034
0.005 0.012 06-Feb-23 13-Feb-23 267 0.023
0.005 0.020 13-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 296 0.023
0.004 0.012 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 309 0.026
0.004 0.012 27-Feb-23 06-Mar-23 308 0.024
0.004 0.012 06-Mar-23 13-Mar-23 303 0.022
0.004 0.012 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 301 0.023
0.004 0.014 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 331 0.025
0.004 0.013 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 250 0.031
0.005 0.021 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 305 0.021
0.004 0.017 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 296 0.015
0.004 0.011 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 299 0.019
0.004 0.014 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 296 0.022
0.005 0.015 01-May-23 08-May-23 293 0.022
0.004 0.012 08-May-23 16-May-23 340 0.018
0.004 0.011 08-May-23 16-May-23 340 0.013
0.004 Duplicate 16-May-23 22-May-23 249 0.015
0.005 0.013 30-May-23 05-Jun-23 267 0.032
0.005 0.020 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 302 0.030
0.005 0.007 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 302 0.030
0.005 Duplicate 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 297 0.024
0.004 0.018 19-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 350 0.026
0.004 0.013 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 254 0.028
0.005 0.037 03-Jul-23 10-Jul-23 300 0.022
0.004 0.017 10-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 299 0.029
0.005 0.035 17-Jul-23 24-Jul-23 303 0.026
0.004 0.031 24-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 302 0.031
0.005 0.041 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 286 0.032
0.005 0.019 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 295 0.020
0.005 0.023 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 291 0.027
0.005 0.013 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 342 0.043
0.005 0.014 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 296 0.045
0.005 0.014 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 296 0.040
0.005 Duplicate 05-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 260 0.038
0.005 0.030 11-Sep-23 18-Sep-23 299 0.035
0.004 0.017 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 1
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 002 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 289 0.031
0.005 0.011 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 289 0.032
0.005 Duplicate 25-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 294 0.045
0.005 0.007 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 303 0.032
0.005 0.011 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 299 0.021
0.004 0.011 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 292 0.026
0.004 0.020 23-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 308 0.023
0.004 0.009 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 300 0.032
0.005 0.010 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 305 0.031
0.005 0.014 13-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 339 0.034
0.004 0.012 21-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 258 0.030
0.005 0.013 27-Nov-23 04-Dec-23 252 0.042
0.006 0.010 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 295 0.021
0.004 0.012 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 295 0.019
0.004 Duplicate 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 299 0.037
0.005 0.013 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 378 0.024
0.004 0.014 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 264 0.029
0.005 0.012 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 2
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 018 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 286 0.029
0.005 0.025 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 262 0.032
0.005 0.013 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 298 0.049
0.005 0.011 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 298 0.047
0.005 Duplicate 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 301 0.038
0.005 0.015 23-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 300 0.029
0.005 0.015 30-Jan-23 06-Feb-23 294 0.032
0.005 0.012 06-Feb-23 13-Feb-23 305 0.020
0.004 0.017 13-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 295 0.026
0.005 0.012 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 298 0.030
0.005 0.013 27-Feb-23 06-Mar-23 302 0.028
0.005 0.012 06-Mar-23 13-Mar-23 305 0.018
0.004 0.011 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 297 0.027
0.004 0.015 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 332 0.029
0.004 0.013 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 332 0.029
0.004 Duplicate 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 241 0.036
0.006 0.022 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 279 0.024
0.005 0.018 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 292 0.015
0.004 0.011 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 294 0.027
0.005 0.015 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 294 0.025
0.005 Duplicate 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 292 0.025
0.005 0.015 01-May-23 08-May-23 292 0.026
0.005 0.012 08-May-23 16-May-23 342 0.016
0.004 0.011 16-May-23 22-May-23 252 0.021
0.005 0.012 30-May-23 05-Jun-23 255 0.037
0.005 0.021 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 293 0.034
0.005 0.007 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 300 0.028
0.004 0.017 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 300 0.029
0.005 Duplicate 19-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 332 0.029
0.004 0.013 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 249 0.027
0.005 0.037 03-Jul-23 10-Jul-23 298 0.026
0.004 0.017 10-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 292 0.029
0.005 0.036 17-Jul-23 24-Jul-23 294 0.034
0.005 0.032 24-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 295 0.033
0.005 0.042 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 283 0.028
0.005 0.021 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 298 0.021
0.005 0.022 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 290 0.030
0.005 0.013 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 290 0.029
0.005 Duplicate 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 343 0.044
0.005 0.014 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 306 0.038
0.005 0.014 05-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 260 0.041
0.005 0.029 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 3
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 018 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 11-Sep-23 18-Sep-23 297 0.039
0.005 0.018 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 293 0.029
0.005 0.010 25-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 296 0.046
0.005 0.007 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 299 0.035
0.005 0.011 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 299 0.029
0.005 Duplicate 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 303 0.020
0.004 0.011 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 290 0.026
0.004 0.021 23-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 307 0.024
0.004 0.009 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 293 0.039
0.005 0.010 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 312 0.030
0.005 0.014 13-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 344 0.039
0.005 0.012 21-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 261 0.030
0.005 0.013 27-Nov-23 04-Dec-23 294 0.041
0.005 0.008 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 301 0.019
0.004 0.012 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 298 0.036
0.005 0.013 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 375 0.023
0.004 0.014 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 375 0.026
0.004 Duplicate 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 262 0.027
0.005 0.012 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 4
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 032 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 287 0.034
0.005 0.025 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 265 0.029
0.005 0.013 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 300 0.049
0.005 0.011 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 310 0.040
0.005 0.015 23-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 300 0.031
0.005 0.015 30-Jan-23 06-Feb-23 293 0.034
0.005 0.012 06-Feb-23 13-Feb-23 302 0.023
0.005 0.018 13-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 300 0.028
0.005 0.012 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 314 0.032
0.005 0.012 27-Feb-23 06-Mar-23 305 0.027
0.004 0.012 06-Mar-23 13-Mar-23 308 0.019
0.004 0.011 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 296 0.022
0.004 0.015 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 334 0.027
0.004 0.013 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 243 0.030
0.005 0.022 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 305 0.027
0.005 0.017 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 305 0.025
0.005 Duplicate 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 294 0.019
0.004 0.011 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 304 0.026
0.005 0.014 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 295 0.028
0.005 0.015 01-May-23 08-May-23 296 0.026
0.005 0.011 08-May-23 16-May-23 345 0.018
0.004 0.011 16-May-23 22-May-23 256 0.019
0.005 0.012 30-May-23 05-Jun-23 258 0.032
0.005 0.021 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 302 0.037
0.005 0.007 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 305 0.028
0.004 0.017 19-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 343 0.030
0.004 0.013 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 252 0.025
0.005 0.037 03-Jul-23 10-Jul-23 299 0.026
0.004 0.017 10-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 292 0.030
0.005 0.036 17-Jul-23 24-Jul-23 296 0.031
0.005 0.032 24-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 296 0.032
0.005 0.042 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 289 0.030
0.005 0.019 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 284 0.027
0.005 0.024 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 284 0.021
0.005 Duplicate 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 299 0.026
0.004 0.012 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 341 0.041
0.005 0.014 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 341 0.041
0.005 Duplicate 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 306 0.039
0.005 0.014 05-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 260 0.034
0.005 0.029 11-Sep-23 18-Sep-23 251 0.042
0.005 0.021 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 250 0.034
0.005 0.012 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 5
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 032 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 25-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 298 0.043
0.005 0.007 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 307 0.031
0.005 0.011 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 307 0.020
0.004 0.011 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 291 0.027
0.005 0.021 23-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 381 0.023
0.004 0.009 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 297 0.037
0.005 0.010 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 307 0.032
0.005 0.014 13-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 342 0.043
0.005 0.012 21-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 264 0.035
0.005 0.012 27-Nov-23 04-Dec-23 296 0.045
0.005 0.008 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 297 0.021
0.004 0.012 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 303 0.040
0.005 0.013 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 376 0.030
0.004 0.014 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 266 0.028
0.005 0.012 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 266 0.022
0.005 Duplicate 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 6
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 037 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 295 0.036
0.005 0.024 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 265 0.032
0.005 0.013 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 307 0.045
0.005 0.011 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 304 0.038
0.005 0.015 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 304 0.035
0.005 Duplicate 23-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 302 0.041
0.005 0.015 30-Jan-23 06-Feb-23 303 0.030
0.005 0.011 06-Feb-23 13-Feb-23 314 0.022
0.004 0.017 13-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 180 0.023
0.007 0.020 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 304 0.034
0.005 0.012 27-Feb-23 06-Mar-23 306 0.027
0.004 0.012 06-Mar-23 13-Mar-23 305 0.015
0.004 0.011 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 298 0.024
0.004 0.014 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 336 0.029
0.004 0.013 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 386 0.031
0.004 0.014 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 302 0.030
0.005 0.017 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 298 0.016
0.004 0.011 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 298 0.026
0.005 0.014 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 298 0.023
0.005 0.015 01-May-23 08-May-23 295 0.027
0.005 0.011 08-May-23 16-May-23 345 0.016
0.004 0.011 16-May-23 22-May-23 255 0.019
0.005 0.012 30-May-23 05-Jun-23 259 0.035
0.005 0.021 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 300 0.030
0.005 0.007 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 300 0.030
0.005 0.017 19-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 339 0.029
0.004 0.013 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 253 0.030
0.005 0.037 03-Jul-23 10-Jul-23 301 0.025
0.004 0.017 10-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 299 0.032
0.005 0.035 17-Jul-23 24-Jul-23 299 0.029
0.004 0.032 24-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 297 0.032
0.005 0.041 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 268 0.025
0.005 0.019 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 268 0.025
0.005 Duplicate 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 299 0.018
0.004 0.022 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 295 0.028
0.005 0.012 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 342 0.043
0.005 0.014 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 302 0.040
0.005 0.014 05-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 260 0.034
0.005 0.029 11-Sep-23 18-Sep-23 300 0.039
0.005 0.017 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 296 0.032
0.005 0.010 25-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 297 0.046
0.005 0.007 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 7
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 037 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 302 0.032
0.005 0.011 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 305 0.021
0.004 0.011 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 294 0.029
0.005 0.020 23-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 308 0.030
0.005 0.009 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 298 0.039
0.005 0.010 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 307 0.036
0.005 0.014 13-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 339 0.041
0.005 0.012 21-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 262 0.031
0.005 0.013 27-Nov-23 04-Dec-23 298 0.045
0.005 0.008 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 303 0.019
0.004 0.012 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 302 0.037
0.005 0.013 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 375 0.028
0.004 0.014 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 267 0.026
0.005 0.012 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 8
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 049 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 293 0.036
0.005 0.024 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 265 0.030
0.005 0.013 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 303 0.044
0.005 0.011 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 302 0.033
0.005 0.015 23-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 302 0.032
0.005 0.015 30-Jan-23 06-Feb-23 297 0.034
0.005 0.012 06-Feb-23 13-Feb-23 301 0.024
0.005 0.018 13-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 303 0.028
0.005 0.012 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 310 0.031
0.005 0.012 27-Feb-23 06-Mar-23 307 0.031
0.005 0.012 06-Mar-23 13-Mar-23 304 0.019
0.004 0.011 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 298 0.024
0.004 0.014 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 298 0.028
0.004 Duplicate 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 325 0.027
0.004 0.014 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 250 0.038
0.006 0.021 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 306 0.029
0.005 0.016 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 297 0.017
0.004 0.011 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 297 0.017
0.004 Duplicate 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 296 0.023
0.005 0.015 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 293 0.024
0.005 0.015 01-May-23 08-May-23 292 0.023
0.005 0.012 08-May-23 16-May-23 346 0.017
0.004 0.011 16-May-23 22-May-23 253 0.018
0.005 0.012 30-May-23 05-Jun-23 257 0.036
0.005 0.021 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 297 0.033
0.005 0.007 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 302 0.029
0.004 0.017 19-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 340 0.028
0.004 0.013 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 253 0.027
0.005 0.037 03-Jul-23 10-Jul-23 283 0.030
0.005 0.018 10-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 301 0.028
0.005 0.035 17-Jul-23 24-Jul-23 296 0.033
0.005 0.032 24-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 297 0.032
0.005 0.041 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 272 0.030
0.005 0.024 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 294 0.020
0.005 0.023 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 297 0.029
0.005 0.012 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 241 0.051
0.007 0.020 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 293 0.044
0.005 0.014 05-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 260 0.050
0.005 0.029 11-Sep-23 18-Sep-23 295 0.036
0.005 0.018 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 300 0.034
0.005 0.010 25-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 298 0.048
0.005 0.007 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 9
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 049 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 308 0.033
0.005 0.011 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 303 0.022
0.004 0.011 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 289 0.030
0.005 0.021 23-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 309 0.025
0.004 0.009 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 291 0.034
0.005 0.010 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 291 0.036
0.005 Duplicate 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 308 0.032
0.005 0.014 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 308 0.034
0.005 Duplicate 13-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 342 0.040
0.005 0.012 21-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 262 0.028
0.005 0.013 27-Nov-23 04-Dec-23 289 0.043
0.005 0.008 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 303 0.021
0.004 0.012 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 301 0.036
0.005 0.013 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 377 0.029
0.004 0.014 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 268 0.026
0.005 0.012 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 10
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 053 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 283 0.041
0.005 0.025 03-Jan-23 09-Jan-23 259 0.027
0.005 0.014 09-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 296 0.048
0.005 0.012 16-Jan-23 23-Jan-23 298 0.032
0.005 0.015 23-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 304 0.033
0.005 0.015 30-Jan-23 06-Feb-23 294 0.033
0.005 0.012 06-Feb-23 13-Feb-23 304 0.025
0.005 0.017 13-Feb-23 20-Feb-23 295 0.025
0.005 0.012 20-Feb-23 27-Feb-23 310 0.033
0.005 0.012 27-Feb-23 06-Mar-23 304 0.029
0.005 0.012 06-Mar-23 13-Mar-23 305 0.017
0.004 0.011 13-Mar-23 20-Mar-23 298 0.028
0.004 0.014 20-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 339 0.028
0.004 0.013 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 248 0.034
0.006 0.022 03-Apr-23 10-Apr-23 306 0.026
0.005 0.016 10-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 297 0.019
0.004 0.011 17-Apr-23 24-Apr-23 300 0.024
0.005 0.014 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 297 0.025
0.005 0.015 24-Apr-23 01-May-23 297 0.022
0.005 Duplicate 01-May-23 08-May-23 293 0.027
0.005 0.012 08-May-23 16-May-23 342 0.017
0.004 0.011 16-May-23 22-May-23 253 0.017
0.005 0.012 16-May-23 22-May-23 253 0.017
0.005 Duplicate 30-May-23 05-Jun-23 257 0.031
0.005 0.021 05-Jun-23 12-Jun-23 296 0.029
0.005 0.007 12-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 301 0.028
0.004 0.017 19-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 340 0.031
0.004 0.013 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 255 0.026
0.005 0.036 27-Jun-23 03-Jul-23 255 0.023
0.005 Duplicate 03-Jul-23 10-Jul-23 299 0.026
0.004 0.017 10-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 298 0.025
0.005 0.035 17-Jul-23 24-Jul-23 304 0.032
0.005 0.031 24-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 295 0.025
0.005 0.042 31-Jul-23 07-Aug-23 274 0.029
0.005 0.024 07-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 295 0.020
0.005 0.023 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 297 0.030
0.005 0.012 21-Aug-23 29-Aug-23 350 0.044
0.005 0.014 29-Aug-23 05-Sep-23 302 0.042
0.005 0.014 05-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 250 0.041
0.005 0.029 11-Sep-23 18-Sep-23 295 0.036
0.005 0.018 18-Sep-23 25-Sep-23 296 0.032
0.005 0.010 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 11
Collection StartDate Collection EndDate Volume m3 I-131 Concentration (pCi/m3)
Duplicate Analysis Gross Beta Concentration (pCi/m3)
Location: 053 Air Particulate Filters and Radioiodine Canisters 25-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 296 0.045
0.005 0.007 02-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 303 0.032
0.005 0.011 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 305 0.021
0.004 0.011 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 288 0.027
0.005 0.021 23-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 312 0.025
0.004 0.009 30-Oct-23 06-Nov-23 295 0.036
0.005 0.010 06-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 305 0.034
0.005 0.014 13-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 342 0.037
0.005 0.012 21-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 258 0.030
0.005 0.013 27-Nov-23 04-Dec-23 297 0.049
0.005 0.008 04-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 299 0.018
0.004 0.012 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 299 0.036
0.005 0.013 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 299 0.034
0.005 Duplicate 18-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 382 0.036
0.004 0.014 27-Dec-23 02-Jan-24 263 0.027
0.005 0.012 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 12
Quarterly Air Particulates - Gamma Location:
002 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Apr-23 BE-7 0.082 +/-
0.016 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.002 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.002 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Jul-23 BE-7 0.093 +/-
0.018 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.004 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Oct-23 BE-7 0.089 +/-
0.017 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Jan-24 BE-7 0.067 +/-
0.012 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.002 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001
- Duplicate Analysis 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 13
Quarterly Air Particulates - Gamma Location:
018 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Apr-23 BE-7 0.077 +/-
0.015 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.002 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Jul-23 BE-7 0.087 +/-
0.018 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.003 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Oct-23 BE-7 0.095 +/-
0.014 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.002 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Jan-24 BE-7 0.075 +/-
0.012 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.002 CO-60 0.002 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001
- Duplicate Analysis 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 14
Quarterly Air Particulates - Gamma Location:
032 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Apr-23 BE-7 0.076 +/-
0.013 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.002 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Jul-23 BE-7 0.106 +/-
0.017 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.003 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Oct-23 BE-7 0.112 +/-
0.017 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.002 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Jan-24 BE-7 0.068 +/-
0.015 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.000 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001
- Duplicate Analysis 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 15
Quarterly Air Particulates - Gamma Location:
037 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Apr-23 BE-7 0.073 +/-
0.012 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.002 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Jul-23 BE-7 0.089 +/-
0.017 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.003 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Oct-23 BE-7 0.090 +/-
0.013 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Jan-24 BE-7 0.058 +/-
0.012 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001
- Duplicate Analysis 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 16
Quarterly Air Particulates - Gamma Location:
049 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Apr-23 BE-7 0.079 +/-
0.014 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Jul-23 BE-7 0.093 +/-
0.019 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.003 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.002 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Oct-23 BE-7 0.098 +/-
0.010 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Jan-24 BE-7 0.074 +/-
0.014 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.002 CO-60 0.002 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001
- Duplicate Analysis 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 17
Quarterly Air Particulates - Gamma Location:
053 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Apr-23 BE-7 0.079 +/-
0.013 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 03-Jul-23 BE-7 0.080 +/-
0.016 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.003 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.002 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Oct-23 BE-7 0.086 +/-
0.012 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.002 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001 Nuclide Concentration (pCi/m3) 02-Jan-24 BE-7 0.064 +/-
0.014 MN-54 0.001 CO-58 0.001 FE-59 0.001 CO-60 0.001 ZN-65 0.001 ZR-NB-95 0.001 CS-134 0.001 CS-137 0.001
- Duplicate Analysis 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 18
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Liter) 4.9 MN-54 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 4.7 CO-58 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 7.7 FE-59 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 9.3 CO-60 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 7.5 ZN-65 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 3.6 ZR-NB-95 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 6.5 I-131 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 5.6 CS-134 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 8.8 CS-137 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 BA-LA-140 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 161.0 H-3 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 2.9 MN-54 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 3.1 CO-58 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 3.8 FE-59 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 7.2 CO-60 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 6.7 ZN-65 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 3.6 ZR-NB-95 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 5.3 I-131 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 3.7 CS-134 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 6.3 CS-137 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.3 BA-LA-140 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 154.0 H-3 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 115.0 FE-55 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.5 MN-54 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.9 CO-58 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 4.5 FE-59 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 6.1 CO-60 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 4.6 ZN-65 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 4.0 ZR-NB-95 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 1.8 I-131 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 3.2 CS-134 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 4.9 CS-137 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.6 BA-LA-140 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 164.0 H-3 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 3.4 MN-54 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 3.5 CO-58 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 FE-59 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 8.3 CO-60 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 19
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Liter) 7.4 ZN-65 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 1.8 ZR-NB-95 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 4.5 I-131 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 4.2 CS-134 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 6.7 CS-137 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 3.9 BA-LA-140 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 161.0 H-3 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 4.8 MN-54 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 4.5 CO-58 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 4.6 FE-59 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 3.6 CO-60 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 4.3 ZN-65 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 5.9 ZR-NB-95 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 7.9 I-131 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 5.0 CS-134 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 CS-137 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 BA-LA-140 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 170.0 H-3 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 5.0 MN-54 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 5.5 CO-58 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 10.5 FE-59 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 CO-60 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 14.2 ZN-65 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 5.5 ZR-NB-95 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 7.8 I-131 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 7.7 CS-134 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 7.2 CS-137 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 4.8 BA-LA-140 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 162.0 H-3 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 6.0 MN-54 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 5.2 CO-58 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 7.3 FE-59 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 5.9 CO-60 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 8.4 ZN-65 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 4.2 ZR-NB-95 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 7.6 I-131 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 6.5 CS-134 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 7.9 CS-137 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 20
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.4 BA-LA-140 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 162.0 H-3 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 3.4 MN-54 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 1.9 CO-58 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 5.5 FE-59 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 6.5 CO-60 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 2.3 ZN-65 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 2.0 ZR-NB-95 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 4.0 I-131 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 3.6 CS-134 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 5.4 CS-137 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 BA-LA-140 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 160.0 H-3 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 152.0 FE-55 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 2.7 MN-54 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 2.4 CO-58 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 FE-59 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 8.9 CO-60 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 5.9 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 7.1 I-131 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 CS-134 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 8.7 CS-137 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 3.2 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 5.1 MN-54 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 2.0 CO-58 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 7.8 FE-59 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 8.2 CO-60 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 6.2 ZN-65 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 2.4 ZR-NB-95 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 5.6 I-131 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 5.5 CS-134 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 9.6 CS-137 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 2.5 BA-LA-140 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 169.0 H-3 18-Oct-23 SURFACE WATER 2.4 MN-54 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.1 MN-54 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 21
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate 2.7 CO-58 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2.7 CO-58 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 5.9 FE-59 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 FE-59 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 4.4 CO-60 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 1.8 CO-60 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 2.9 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 5.8 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 4.0 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 3.1 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 1.8 I-131 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 4.2 I-131 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.4 CS-134 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2.3 CS-134 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 4.4 CS-137 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.7 CS-137 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.2 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 1.4 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.7 MN-54 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 2.6 MN-54 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 2.6 CO-58 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 2.8 CO-58 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 8.5 FE-59 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 6.2 FE-59 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 4.2 CO-60 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 6.9 CO-60 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 8.7 ZN-65 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 5.2 ZN-65 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 4.5 ZR-NB-95 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.7 ZR-NB-95 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 5.0 I-131 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.2 I-131 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 4.5 CS-134 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 3.8 CS-134 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 3.0 CS-137 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 6.5 CS-137 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 22
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.6 BA-LA-140 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 2.3 BA-LA-140 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 171.0 H-3 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER Duplicate 171.0 H-3 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 23
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: SP Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.6 MN-54 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 CO-58 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 7.1 FE-59 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 7.0 CO-60 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 5.6 ZN-65 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 4.9 ZR-NB-95 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 5.9 I-131 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 4.2 CS-134 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 5.8 CS-137 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 4.6 BA-LA-140 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 366.0
13,715 H-3 11-Jan-23 SURFACE WATER 2.7 MN-54 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 1.4 CO-58 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 4.4 FE-59 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 CO-60 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 6.9 ZN-65 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.5 ZR-NB-95 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.9 I-131 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.6 CS-134 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 3.7 CS-137 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 1.2 BA-LA-140 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 366.0
13,720 H-3 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 113.0 FE-55 21-Feb-23 SURFACE WATER 2.6 MN-54 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.9 CO-58 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 3.9 FE-59 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.3 CO-60 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 3.9 ZN-65 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.3 ZR-NB-95 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 1.8 I-131 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.3 CS-134 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 CS-137 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 1.9 BA-LA-140 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 374.0
14,055 H-3 20-Mar-23 SURFACE WATER 1.6 MN-54 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 0.8 CO-58 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 2.7 FE-59 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 3.1 CO-60 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 24
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: SP Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.7 ZN-65 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 1.6 ZR-NB-95 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 2.1 I-131 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 1.5 CS-134 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 2.5 CS-137 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 1.5 BA-LA-140 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 368.0
13,511 H-3 12-Apr-23 SURFACE WATER 4.7 MN-54 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 1.6 CO-58 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 7.8 FE-59 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 8.6 CO-60 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 3.3 ZN-65 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 4.9 ZR-NB-95 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 10.0 I-131 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 7.2 CS-134 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 4.9 CS-137 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 385.0
14,167 H-3 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 0.066 NI-63 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 0.501 SR-90 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 177.0 FE-55 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 0.585 SR-89 10-May-23 SURFACE WATER 3.6 MN-54 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 3.0 CO-58 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 3.5 FE-59 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 7.1 CO-60 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 5.4 ZN-65 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 4.2 ZR-NB-95 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 7.8 I-131 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 3.9 CS-134 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 6.2 CS-137 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 4.5 BA-LA-140 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 347.0
12,099 H-3 19-Jun-23 SURFACE WATER 2.8 MN-54 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 3.8 CO-58 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 2.5 FE-59 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 6.9 CO-60 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 6.0 ZN-65 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 3.4 ZR-NB-95 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 25
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: SP Concentration (pCi/Liter) 6.0 I-131 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 3.8 CS-134 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 6.7 CS-137 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 3.7 BA-LA-140 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 348.0
12,098 H-3 18-Jul-23 SURFACE WATER 4.0 MN-54 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 2.1 CO-58 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 6.2 FE-59 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 7.4 CO-60 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 3.4 ZN-65 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 2.4 ZR-NB-95 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 5.4 I-131 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 4.3 CS-134 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 6.4 CS-137 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 1.9 BA-LA-140 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 358.0
12,718 H-3 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 145.0 FE-55 28-Aug-23 SURFACE WATER 7.8 MN-54 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 3.8 CO-58 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 7.7 FE-59 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 6.2 CO-60 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 6.7 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 5.2 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 5.5 I-131 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 6.9 CS-134 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 6.1 CS-137 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 3.7 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 344.0
12,384 H-3 25-Sep-23 SURFACE WATER 3.2 MN-54 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 3.0 CO-58 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 7.0 FE-59 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2.5 CO-60 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 6.7 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 3.3 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 3.2 I-131 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 3.6 CS-134 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2.7 CS-137 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2.2 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 26
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Surface Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: SP Concentration (pCi/Liter) 355.0
12,670 H-3 28-Nov-23 SURFACE WATER 3.5 MN-54 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 3.1 CO-58 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 5.9 FE-59 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 8.1 CO-60 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 5.2 ZN-65 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 3.5 ZR-NB-95 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 6.0 I-131 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 4.3 CS-134 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 8.6 CS-137 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 4.0 BA-LA-140 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 355.0
12,738 H-3 12-Dec-23 SURFACE WATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 27
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: B-12 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 4.5 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 10.6 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.6 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 9.0 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.1 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.31 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.9 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.9 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.5 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 315.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.0 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.4 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.3 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.3 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.8 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.0 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.303 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.5 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 157.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.3 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.8 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 9.8 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.7 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.5 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.237 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.4 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.2 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.2 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.1 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.6 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.1 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 28
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: B-12 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.3 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.324 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.7 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.2 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 29
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: C-10 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.9 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.2 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.2 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.351 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.8 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.7 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 219.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.7 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.2 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.4 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.7 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.7 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.439 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.3 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.1 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 157.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.7 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 9.0 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.8 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.1 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.9 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 9.0 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.247 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.7 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.7 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.7 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.6 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.3 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.1 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.1 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 30
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: C-10 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 4.0 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.304 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.2 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.5 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.9 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 31
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: C-49 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.8 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.1 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.4 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.1 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.35 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.0 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 219.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.0 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.0 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.9 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.2 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.453 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.9 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 164.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 WELL WATER 83.0
164.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.0 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.9 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 9.2 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.1 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.277 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.6 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.4 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.4 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.9 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.8 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.1 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.7 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 32
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: C-49 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 5.6 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.8 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.267 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.3 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 33
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: F-1 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.3 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.5 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.2 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.2 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.322 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.2 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.8 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 219.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.3 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.4 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.1 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.7 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.324 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.7 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 157.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.6 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.0 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.0 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.9 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 11.8 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.6 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.488 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.7 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.2 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.0 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.0 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.0 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.7 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 34
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: F-1 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.4 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.286 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.2 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.3 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.2 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 35
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: G-2 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.5 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.1 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.2 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.2 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.9 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.327 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.3 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.2 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 219.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.4 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.7 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.2 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.304 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.3 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 157.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.0 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.7 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.5 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 13.0 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.7 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.232 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.8 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.7 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.2 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.9 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.6 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.8 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.3 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.5 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 36
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: G-2 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.5 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.303 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.6 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.5 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.3 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 37
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: J-1 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.6 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.9 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.3 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.1 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.3 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.283 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 219.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.5 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.4 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.7 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.3 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.9 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.0 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.297 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.6 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.7 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 157.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.1 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.3 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.2 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.2 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.1 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.167 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.6 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.2 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.4 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.6 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.4 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 38
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: J-1 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 2.8 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.265 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.8 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.5 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.6 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 39
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: J-2 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 5.2 MN-54 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 5.0 CO-58 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.2 FE-59 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 CO-60 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 8.5 ZN-65 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.5 ZR-NB-95 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.309 I-131 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.3 CS-134 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.6 CS-137 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.6 BA-LA-140 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 219.0 H-3 15-Feb-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 MN-54 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.1 CO-58 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.3 FE-59 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.4 CO-60 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.3 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.8 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.287 I-131 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.5 CS-134 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.3 CS-137 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.3 BA-LA-140 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 157.0 H-3 06-Jun-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.2 MN-54 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.1 CO-58 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.9 FE-59 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.2 CO-60 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.4 ZN-65 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.8 ZR-NB-95 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.166 I-131 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.4 CS-134 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 7.7 CS-137 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 6.6 BA-LA-140 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 163.0 H-3 25-Sep-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.9 MN-54 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 1.6 CO-58 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.8 FE-59 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.8 CO-60 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 4.5 ZN-65 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 40
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Ground Water Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: J-2 Concentration (pCi/Liter) 3.1 ZR-NB-95 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 0.261 I-131 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2.1 CS-134 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.0 CS-137 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 3.2 BA-LA-140 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 173.0 H-3 28-Nov-23 OFFSITE GROUNDWATER 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 41
Location: BW-15 Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 04-Jan-23 1.0 MN-54 04-Jan-23 0.8 CO-58 04-Jan-23 2.8 FE-59 04-Jan-23 2.7 CO-60 04-Jan-23 2.5 ZN-65 04-Jan-23 1.2 ZR-NB-95 04-Jan-23 0.26 I-131 04-Jan-23 1.3 CS-134 04-Jan-23 2.0 CS-137 04-Jan-23 1.2 BA-LA-140 04-Jan-23 0.7
2.899 GROSS BETA 02-Feb-23 2.3 MN-54 02-Feb-23 1.8 CO-58 02-Feb-23 4.0 FE-59 02-Feb-23 6.0 CO-60 02-Feb-23 3.1 ZN-65 02-Feb-23 2.0 ZR-NB-95 02-Feb-23 0.3 I-131 02-Feb-23 2.9 CS-134 02-Feb-23 5.4 CS-137 02-Feb-23 2.1 BA-LA-140 02-Feb-23 0.658
2.716 GROSS BETA 02-Mar-23 2.7 MN-54 02-Mar-23 1.7 CO-58 02-Mar-23 6.7 FE-59 02-Mar-23 2.6 CO-60 02-Mar-23 6.2 ZN-65 02-Mar-23 2.2 ZR-NB-95 02-Mar-23 0.284 I-131 02-Mar-23 3.0 CS-134 02-Mar-23 3.1 CS-137 02-Mar-23 4.1 BA-LA-140 02-Mar-23 0.633
1.878 GROSS BETA 04-Apr-23 2.1 MN-54 04-Apr-23 1.9 CO-58 04-Apr-23 1.6 FE-59 04-Apr-23 0.8 CO-60 04-Apr-23 2.5 ZN-65 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 42
Location: BW-15 Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 04-Apr-23 1.4 ZR-NB-95 04-Apr-23 0.401 I-131 04-Apr-23 1.7 CS-134 04-Apr-23 1.4 CS-137 04-Apr-23 2.2 BA-LA-140 04-Apr-23 0.673
2.337 GROSS BETA 02-May-23 4.0 MN-54 02-May-23 2.5 CO-58 02-May-23 4.5 FE-59 02-May-23 7.3 CO-60 02-May-23 6.8 ZN-65 02-May-23 3.1 ZR-NB-95 02-May-23 0.261 I-131 02-May-23 3.7 CS-134 02-May-23 6.1 CS-137 02-May-23 3.1 BA-LA-140 02-May-23 0.617
2.122 GROSS BETA 01-Jun-23 3.0 MN-54 01-Jun-23 1.7 CO-58 01-Jun-23 2.7 FE-59 01-Jun-23 6.9 CO-60 01-Jun-23 5.5 ZN-65 01-Jun-23 3.2 ZR-NB-95 01-Jun-23 0.306 I-131 01-Jun-23 3.4 CS-134 01-Jun-23 5.6 CS-137 01-Jun-23 2.2 BA-LA-140 01-Jun-23 0.661
2.859 GROSS BETA 03-Jul-23 2.3 MN-54 03-Jul-23 1.8 CO-58 03-Jul-23 4.5 FE-59 03-Jul-23 7.6 CO-60 03-Jul-23 7.1 ZN-65 03-Jul-23 4.2 ZR-NB-95 03-Jul-23 0.321 I-131 03-Jul-23 4.2 CS-134 03-Jul-23 6.7 CS-137 03-Jul-23 3.2 BA-LA-140 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 43
Location: BW-15 Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 03-Jul-23 0.7
3.278 GROSS BETA 03-Aug-23 5.7 MN-54 03-Aug-23 6.3 CO-58 03-Aug-23 4.2 FE-59 03-Aug-23 5.3 CO-60 03-Aug-23 10.1 ZN-65 03-Aug-23 5.9 ZR-NB-95 03-Aug-23 0.459 I-131 03-Aug-23 7.0 CS-134 03-Aug-23 4.4 CS-137 03-Aug-23 3.1 BA-LA-140 03-Aug-23 0.639
2.408 GROSS BETA 05-Sep-23 3.6 MN-54 05-Sep-23 3.9 CO-58 05-Sep-23 6.0 FE-59 05-Sep-23 14.1 CO-60 05-Sep-23 6.1 ZN-65 05-Sep-23 5.5 ZR-NB-95 05-Sep-23 0.282 I-131 05-Sep-23 7.4 CS-134 05-Sep-23 9.9 CS-137 05-Sep-23 4.6 BA-LA-140 05-Sep-23 0.609
2.194 GROSS BETA 04-Oct-23 2.4 MN-54 04-Oct-23 3.9 CO-58 04-Oct-23 6.9 FE-59 04-Oct-23 7.3 CO-60 04-Oct-23 6.4 ZN-65 04-Oct-23 5.0 ZR-NB-95 04-Oct-23 0.416 I-131 04-Oct-23 3.7 CS-134 04-Oct-23 6.4 CS-137 04-Oct-23 3.7 BA-LA-140 04-Oct-23 0.681
2.946 GROSS BETA 06-Nov-23 3.3 MN-54 06-Nov-23 1.5 CO-58 06-Nov-23 5.2 FE-59 06-Nov-23 6.3 CO-60 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 44
Location: BW-15 Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 06-Nov-23 5.8 ZN-65 06-Nov-23 2.4 ZR-NB-95 06-Nov-23 0.327 I-131 06-Nov-23 4.2 CS-134 06-Nov-23 6.4 CS-137 06-Nov-23 2.7 BA-LA-140 06-Nov-23 0.712
3.748 GROSS BETA 05-Dec-23 2.7 MN-54 05-Dec-23 1.9 CO-58 05-Dec-23 6.0 FE-59 05-Dec-23 1.8 CO-60 05-Dec-23 2.0 ZN-65 05-Dec-23 2.7 ZR-NB-95 05-Dec-23 0.315 I-131 05-Dec-23 3.6 CS-134 05-Dec-23 3.8 CS-137 05-Dec-23 4.4 BA-LA-140 05-Dec-23 0.722
3.599 GROSS BETA 03-Jan-24 1.0 MN-54 03-Jan-24 1.2 CO-58 03-Jan-24 2.5 FE-59 03-Jan-24 2.3 CO-60 03-Jan-24 2.2 ZN-65 03-Jan-24 1.5 ZR-NB-95 03-Jan-24 0.368 I-131 03-Jan-24 1.2 CS-134 03-Jan-24 2.1 CS-137 03-Jan-24 1.4 BA-LA-140 03-Jan-24 0.716
2.914 GROSS BETA 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 45
Location: IO-DW Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 04-Jan-23 2.6 MN-54 04-Jan-23 2.2 CO-58 04-Jan-23 4.4 FE-59 04-Jan-23 2.5 CO-60 04-Jan-23 4.4 ZN-65 04-Jan-23 2.0 ZR-NB-95 04-Jan-23 0.39 I-131 04-Jan-23 2.3 CS-134 04-Jan-23 2.6 CS-137 04-Jan-23 3.2 BA-LA-140 04-Jan-23 0.751
3.828 GROSS BETA 02-Feb-23 2.9 MN-54 02-Feb-23 3.1 CO-58 02-Feb-23 4.9 FE-59 02-Feb-23 4.0 CO-60 02-Feb-23 5.6 ZN-65 02-Feb-23 4.4 ZR-NB-95 02-Feb-23 0.299 I-131 02-Feb-23 3.5 CS-134 02-Feb-23 3.5 CS-137 02-Feb-23 3.9 BA-LA-140 02-Feb-23 0.676
2.164 GROSS BETA 02-Mar-23 3.0 MN-54 02-Mar-23 2.4 CO-58 02-Mar-23 4.9 FE-59 02-Mar-23 6.7 CO-60 02-Mar-23 5.7 ZN-65 02-Mar-23 1.8 ZR-NB-95 02-Mar-23 0.392 I-131 02-Mar-23 3.4 CS-134 02-Mar-23 4.8 CS-137 02-Mar-23 2.4 BA-LA-140 02-Mar-23 1.112
9.763 GROSS BETA 04-Apr-23 1.6 MN-54 04-Apr-23 0.8 CO-58 04-Apr-23 3.3 FE-59 04-Apr-23 3.2 CO-60 04-Apr-23 2.8 ZN-65 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 46
Location: IO-DW Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 04-Apr-23 1.8 ZR-NB-95 04-Apr-23 0.45 I-131 04-Apr-23 1.5 CS-134 04-Apr-23 2.9 CS-137 04-Apr-23 1.5 BA-LA-140 04-Apr-23 0.785
3.301 GROSS BETA 02-May-23 1.7 MN-54 02-May-23 2.2 CO-58 02-May-23 4.1 FE-59 02-May-23 2.8 CO-60 02-May-23 5.4 ZN-65 02-May-23 2.1 ZR-NB-95 02-May-23 0.239 I-131 02-May-23 2.9 CS-134 02-May-23 3.8 CS-137 02-May-23 2.9 BA-LA-140 02-May-23 0.752
2.802 GROSS BETA 01-Jun-23 2.7 MN-54 01-Jun-23 2.7 MN-54 01-Jun-23 3.0 CO-58 01-Jun-23 3.0 CO-58 01-Jun-23 5.6 FE-59 01-Jun-23 5.6 FE-59 01-Jun-23 2.9 CO-60 01-Jun-23 2.9 CO-60 01-Jun-23 3.7 ZN-65 01-Jun-23 3.7 ZN-65 01-Jun-23 2.1 ZR-NB-95 01-Jun-23 2.1 ZR-NB-95 01-Jun-23 0.327 I-131 01-Jun-23 0.327 I-131 01-Jun-23 2.8 CS-134 01-Jun-23 2.8 CS-134 01-Jun-23 3.1 CS-137 01-Jun-23 3.1 CS-137 01-Jun-23 2.3 BA-LA-140 01-Jun-23 2.3 BA-LA-140 01-Jun-23 0.729
2.978 GROSS BETA 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 47
Location: IO-DW Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 01-Jun-23 0.729
2.978 GROSS BETA 03-Jul-23 1.7 MN-54 03-Jul-23 2.2 CO-58 03-Jul-23 4.6 FE-59 03-Jul-23 6.3 CO-60 03-Jul-23 3.0 ZN-65 03-Jul-23 3.4 ZR-NB-95 03-Jul-23 0.293 I-131 03-Jul-23 3.5 CS-134 03-Jul-23 5.4 CS-137 03-Jul-23 3.8 BA-LA-140 03-Jul-23 0.802
3.772 GROSS BETA 03-Aug-23 5.4 MN-54 03-Aug-23 5.2 CO-58 03-Aug-23 5.9 FE-59 03-Aug-23 5.1 CO-60 03-Aug-23 9.8 ZN-65 03-Aug-23 4.4 ZR-NB-95 03-Aug-23 0.435 I-131 03-Aug-23 6.6 CS-134 03-Aug-23 5.4 CS-137 03-Aug-23 4.9 BA-LA-140 03-Aug-23 0.664
2.614 GROSS BETA 05-Sep-23 8.9 MN-54 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 5.0 MN-54 05-Sep-23 10.2 CO-58 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 4.0 CO-58 05-Sep-23 11.6 FE-59 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 4.9 FE-59 05-Sep-23 7.1 CO-60 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 9.1 CO-60 05-Sep-23 12.3 ZN-65 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 4.5 ZN-65 05-Sep-23 4.8 ZR-NB-95 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 3.9 ZR-NB-95 05-Sep-23 0.43 I-131 05-Sep-23 12.5 CS-134 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 5.1 CS-134 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 48
Location: IO-DW Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 05-Sep-23 6.7 CS-137 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 8.2 CS-137 05-Sep-23 8.8 BA-LA-140 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 4.5 BA-LA-140 05-Sep-23 0.672
2.617 GROSS BETA 05-Sep-23 Duplicate 0.701
3.266 GROSS BETA 04-Oct-23 8.4 MN-54 04-Oct-23 9.5 CO-58 04-Oct-23 7.8 FE-59 04-Oct-23 8.4 CO-60 04-Oct-23 8.2 ZN-65 04-Oct-23 10.2 ZR-NB-95 04-Oct-23 0.484 I-131 04-Oct-23 10.9 CS-134 04-Oct-23 5.7 CS-137 04-Oct-23 7.1 BA-LA-140 04-Oct-23 0.728
3.459 GROSS BETA 06-Nov-23 2.9 MN-54 06-Nov-23 1.6 CO-58 06-Nov-23 4.0 FE-59 06-Nov-23 2.3 CO-60 06-Nov-23 6.5 ZN-65 06-Nov-23 3.0 ZR-NB-95 06-Nov-23 0.447 I-131 06-Nov-23 3.4 CS-134 06-Nov-23 3.5 CS-137 06-Nov-23 2.6 BA-LA-140 06-Nov-23 0.76
3.606 GROSS BETA 05-Dec-23 3.4 MN-54 05-Dec-23 4.0 CO-58 05-Dec-23 5.4 FE-59 05-Dec-23 6.2 CO-60 05-Dec-23 2.7 ZN-65 05-Dec-23 4.4 ZR-NB-95 05-Dec-23 0.486 I-131 05-Dec-23 4.6 CS-134 05-Dec-23 7.0 CS-137 05-Dec-23 3.5 BA-LA-140 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 49
Location: IO-DW Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Collection Date Nuclide Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Duplicate Analysis 05-Dec-23 0.799
4.318 GROSS BETA 03-Jan-24 2.7 MN-54 03-Jan-24 2.1 CO-58 03-Jan-24 5.3 FE-59 03-Jan-24 2.2 CO-60 03-Jan-24 4.1 ZN-65 03-Jan-24 2.7 ZR-NB-95 03-Jan-24 0.441 I-131 03-Jan-24 2.3 CS-134 03-Jan-24 1.9 CS-137 03-Jan-24 2.6 BA-LA-140 03-Jan-24 0.723
2.695 GROSS BETA 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 50
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Quarterly Tritium Analysis Location: BW-15 Duplicate Analysis Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Nuclide Collection Date 04-Jan-23 H-3 157 04-Apr-23 H-3 173 03-Jul-23 H-3 158 03-Jul-23 H-3 158 04-Oct-23 H-3 170 03-Jan-24 H-3 169 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 51
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Drinking Water Quarterly Tritium Analysis Location: IO-DW Duplicate Analysis Concentration (pCi/Liter)
Nuclide Collection Date 04-Jan-23 H-3 194 +/-
84 04-Jan-23 H-3 157 02-Feb-23 H-3 313 +/-
96 02-Mar-23 H-3 163 04-Apr-23 H-3 173 04-Apr-23 H-3 173 02-May-23 H-3 162 01-Jun-23 H-3 157 01-Jun-23 H-3 157 03-Jul-23 H-3 158 03-Jul-23 H-3 158 03-Jul-23 H-3 158 03-Aug-23 H-3 159 05-Sep-23 H-3 160 04-Oct-23 H-3 170 04-Oct-23 H-3 170 06-Nov-23 H-3 171 05-Dec-23 H-3 171 03-Jan-24 H-3 169 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 52
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Shoreline Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: DC Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 478.0
6,949.9 K-40 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 22.4 MN-54 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 14.7 CO-58 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 21.4 FE-59 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 15.9 CO-60 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 34.4 ZN-65 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 17.8 CS-134 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 13.4 CS-137 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 16,034.0 FE-55 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 148.3 NI-63 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 43.9 SR-89 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 37.6 SR-90 17-May-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 304.3
5,126.1 K-40 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 304.3
5,126.1 K-40 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 10.5 MN-54 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 10.5 MN-54 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 8.4 CO-58 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 8.4 CO-58 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 22.6 FE-59 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 22.6 FE-59 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 11.0 CO-60 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 11.0 CO-60 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 22.6 ZN-65 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 22.6 ZN-65 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 10.0 CS-134 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 10.0 CS-134 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 12.2 CS-137 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 12.2 CS-137 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 47.0 SR-89 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 47.0 SR-89 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 44.4 SR-90 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 1,433.5 NI-63 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 44.4 SR-90 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 20,459.0 FE-55 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 20,459.0 FE-55 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 1,433.5 NI-63 02-Nov-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 53
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Shoreline Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: EEA Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 709.6
12,845.0 K-40 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 411.4
12,489.0 K-40 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 19.1 MN-54 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 28.0 MN-54 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 23.2 CO-58 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 26.4 CO-58 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 58.1 FE-59 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 46.9 FE-59 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 10.4 CO-60 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 16.0 CO-60 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 33.8 ZN-65 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 55.4 ZN-65 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 13.7 CS-134 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 16.2 CS-134 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 15.2 CS-137 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 21.2 CS-137 15-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 54
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Shoreline Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 980.6
10,702.0 K-40 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 36.3 MN-54 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 65.4 CO-58 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 190.5 FE-59 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 22.9 CO-60 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 107.4 ZN-65 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 39.6 CS-134 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 33.6 CS-137 20-Jun-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 379.9
11,508.0 K-40 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 448.9
10,684.0 K-40 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 17.5 MN-54 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 20.6 MN-54 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 27.5 CO-58 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 20.0 CO-58 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 62.1 FE-59 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 59.7 FE-59 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 16.6 CO-60 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 16.0 CO-60 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 37.5 ZN-65 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 38.2 ZN-65 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 13.3 CS-134 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 15.9 CS-134 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 20.3 CS-137 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 14.4 CS-137 04-Dec-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 55
Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Shoreline Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: SC Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry)
Duplicate 902.2
12,597.0 K-40 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 988.4
12,403.0 K-40 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 45.1 MN-54 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 55.1 MN-54 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 38.6 CO-58 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 75.1 CO-58 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 149.1 FE-59 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 139.7 FE-59 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 33.4 CO-60 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 49.1 CO-60 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 70.7 ZN-65 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 78.2 ZN-65 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 40.4 CS-134 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 28.4 CS-134 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS Duplicate 42.9 CS-137 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 46.9 CS-137 28-Jul-23 SHORELINE SEDIMENTS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 56
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: CCL Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 400.7
3,810.5 K-40 03-May-23 CATFISH 10.8 MN-54 03-May-23 CATFISH 11.3 CO-58 03-May-23 CATFISH 35.9 FE-59 03-May-23 CATFISH 11.7 CO-60 03-May-23 CATFISH 26.7 ZN-65 03-May-23 CATFISH 36.7 I-131 03-May-23 CATFISH 15.6 CS-134 03-May-23 CATFISH 7.9 CS-137 03-May-23 CATFISH 291.0
10,229.0 H-3 03-May-23 CATFISH 208.6
3,166.9 K-40 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 7.7 MN-54 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 8.8 CO-58 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 17.6 FE-59 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 9.2 CO-60 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 12.9 ZN-65 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 37.2 I-131 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 7.3 CS-134 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 7.3 CS-137 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 294.0
10,538.0 H-3 03-May-23 COMMON CARP 213.3
3,128.6 K-40 03-May-23 DRUM 11.0 MN-54 03-May-23 DRUM 6.1 CO-58 03-May-23 DRUM 24.0 FE-59 03-May-23 DRUM 9.0 CO-60 03-May-23 DRUM 13.5 ZN-65 03-May-23 DRUM 47.0 I-131 03-May-23 DRUM 8.5 CS-134 03-May-23 DRUM 8.7 CS-137 03-May-23 DRUM 262.0
8,410.0 H-3 03-May-23 DRUM 145.9
3,474.1 K-40 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 7.2 MN-54 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 6.4 CO-58 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 16.1 FE-59 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 11.4 CO-60 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 12.4 ZN-65 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 35.9 I-131 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 6.1 CS-134 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 57
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: CCL Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 9.6 CS-137 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 272.0
9,056.0 H-3 03-May-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 164.7
3,399.4 K-40 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 7.4 MN-54 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 6.8 CO-58 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 17.1 FE-59 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 7.5 CO-60 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 15.9 ZN-65 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 38.2 I-131 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 7.1 CS-134 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 7.3 CS-137 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 291.0
10,044.0 H-3 03-May-23 WHITE BASS 330.0
3,457.5 K-40 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 11.2 MN-54 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 9.9 CO-58 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 21.2 FE-59 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 26.1 CO-60 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 25.1 ZN-65 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 62.0 I-131 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 14.0 CS-134 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 21.1 CS-137 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 267.0
8,823.0 H-3 08-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 353.9
2,920.5 K-40 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 14.3 MN-54 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 8.0 CO-58 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 29.6 FE-59 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 12.7 CO-60 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 30.2 ZN-65 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 65.3 I-131 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 11.8 CS-134 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 14.0 CS-137 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 275.0
9,140.0 H-3 08-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 353.1
2,877.1 K-40 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 14.3 MN-54 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 14.1 CO-58 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 33.5 FE-59 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 14.4 CO-60 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 39.6 ZN-65 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 58
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: CCL Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 74.5 I-131 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 12.3 CS-134 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 11.6 CS-137 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 245.0
7,338.0 H-3 08-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 59
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 296.8
2,637.5 K-40 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 8.4 MN-54 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 10.6 CO-58 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 25.2 FE-59 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 13.6 CO-60 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 21.3 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 57.1 I-131 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 11.8 CS-134 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 13.9 CS-137 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 120.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 BIGMOUTH BUFFALO 264.6
3,379.1 K-40 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 13.2 MN-54 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 8.0 CO-58 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 33.3 FE-59 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 7.6 CO-60 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 25.0 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 86.2 I-131 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 11.8 CS-134 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 12.1 CS-137 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 127.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 300.1
2,878.5 K-40 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 10.4 MN-54 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 13.7 CO-58 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 12.6 FE-59 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 24.6 CO-60 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 30.9 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 86.1 I-131 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 12.8 CS-134 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 22.0 CS-137 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 126.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 COMMON CARP 326.7
3,382.4 K-40 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 8.6 MN-54 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 12.8 CO-58 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 16.0 FE-59 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 28.1 CO-60 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 21.1 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 88.0 I-131 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 12.5 CS-134 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 60
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 21.9 CS-137 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 130.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 CRAPPIE 180.6
3,112.9 K-40 22-Mar-23 DRUM 4.2 MN-54 22-Mar-23 DRUM 4.9 CO-58 22-Mar-23 DRUM 11.9 FE-59 22-Mar-23 DRUM 6.4 CO-60 22-Mar-23 DRUM 9.4 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 DRUM 47.3 I-131 22-Mar-23 DRUM 6.7 CS-134 22-Mar-23 DRUM 4.2 CS-137 22-Mar-23 DRUM 130.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 DRUM 125.6
3,033.4 K-40 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 5.3 MN-54 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 5.6 CO-58 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 14.3 FE-59 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 6.2 CO-60 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 10.3 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 59.8 I-131 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 4.4 CS-134 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 4.9 CS-137 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 128.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 GRASS CARP 315.2
3,155.1 K-40 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 9.3 MN-54 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 11.6 CO-58 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 21.6 FE-59 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 26.7 CO-60 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 25.4 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 91.3 I-131 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 13.3 CS-134 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 21.8 CS-137 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 128.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 LARGEMOUTH BASS 322.0
2,913.4 K-40 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 131.8
3,046.1 K-40 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 5.7 MN-54 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 7.7 MN-54 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 4.1 CO-58 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 7.2 CO-58 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 61
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet)
Duplicate 18.6 FE-59 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 19.2 FE-59 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 12.5 CO-60 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 10.6 CO-60 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 23.1 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 12.1 ZN-65 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 81.3 I-131 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 55.8 I-131 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 10.9 CS-134 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 5.4 CS-134 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 13.3 CS-137 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 9.4 CS-137 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 131.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Duplicate 131.0 H-3 22-Mar-23 SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO 264.4
2,893.0 K-40 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 7.5 MN-54 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 7.9 CO-58 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 25.2 FE-59 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 13.9 CO-60 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 22.8 ZN-65 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 54.4 I-131 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 9.9 CS-134 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 11.2 CS-137 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 70.0
149.0 H-3 07-Nov-23 BLUE CATFISH 305.1
3,342.5 K-40 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 11.4 MN-54 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 12.9 CO-58 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 18.2 FE-59 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 8.8 CO-60 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 23.6 ZN-65 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 68.9 I-131 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 11.6 CS-134 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 10.0 CS-137 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 139.0 H-3 07-Nov-23 CHANNEL CATFISH 326.4
3,542.8 K-40 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 10.0 MN-54 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 13.1 CO-58 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 30.4 FE-59 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 62
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Fish Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 22.7 CO-60 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 32.5 ZN-65 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 86.6 I-131 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 13.0 CS-134 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 19.7 CS-137 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 135.0 H-3 07-Nov-23 CRAPPIE 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 63
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: A-3 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 167.4
430.3 BE-7 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 538.2
4,699.0 K-40 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 23.2 MN-54 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 16.1 CO-58 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 44.7 FE-59 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 11.9 CO-60 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.0 ZR-NB-95 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.4 I-131 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 22.6 CS-134 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.2 CS-137 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 271.6
1,112.1 BE-7 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 665.8
5,873.9 K-40 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 20.0 MN-54 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 21.8 CO-58 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 47.4 FE-59 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 17.4 CO-60 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 43.2 ZN-65 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 25.0 ZR-NB-95 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 44.1 I-131 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 22.9 CS-134 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.8 CS-137 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 342.8
758.7 BE-7 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 662.0
6,589.7 K-40 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.0 MN-54 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 19.4 CO-58 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 67.6 FE-59 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 49.6 CO-60 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 55.1 ZN-65 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 16.2 ZR-NB-95 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 43.6 I-131 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 26.6 CS-134 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 47.1 CS-137 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 314.3
910.4 BE-7 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 826.7
5,140.7 K-40 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 29.1 MN-54 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 27.3 CO-58 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 35.9 FE-59 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 10.3 CO-60 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 64
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: A-3 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 34.2 ZN-65 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 25.9 ZR-NB-95 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 58.9 I-131 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 33.9 CS-134 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 26.1 CS-137 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 65
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: B-1 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 196.2
512.3 BE-7 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 437.9
4,679.5 K-40 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.7 MN-54 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 9.1 CO-58 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 32.4 FE-59 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.8 CO-60 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.2 ZN-65 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 21.1 ZR-NB-95 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.5 I-131 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.9 CS-134 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.2 CS-137 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 181.3
1,109.3 BE-7 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 439.9
5,742.2 K-40 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 17.2 MN-54 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.6 CO-58 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.0 FE-59 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 32.5 CO-60 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 30.8 ZN-65 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 22.6 ZR-NB-95 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 26.0 I-131 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 16.9 CS-134 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 29.1 CS-137 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 372.9
756.0 BE-7 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 716.2
5,583.8 K-40 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.6 MN-54 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.9 CO-58 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 56.4 FE-59 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.0 CO-60 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 38.0 ZN-65 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 23.3 ZR-NB-95 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 49.5 I-131 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 29.7 CS-134 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 27.6 CS-137 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 292.2
1,284.5 BE-7 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 590.8
5,824.1 K-40 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 21.0 MN-54 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 11.9 CO-58 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 23.4 FE-59 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 66
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: B-1 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 39.1 CO-60 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 39.9 ZN-65 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 21.4 ZR-NB-95 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 39.5 I-131 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 22.0 CS-134 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 34.8 CS-137 10-Aug-23 BROADLEAF 476.9 BE-7 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 987.9
5,788.7 K-40 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 45.0 MN-54 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 20.9 CO-58 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 42.2 FE-59 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 18.2 CO-60 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 57.2 ZN-65 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 35.8 ZR-NB-95 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 31.2 I-131 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 42.6 CS-134 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 48.0 CS-137 06-Sep-23 BROADLEAF 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 67
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: D-2 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 177.6
512.9 BE-7 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 476.1
4,543.2 K-40 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.5 MN-54 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.4 CO-58 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 35.2 FE-59 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 12.8 CO-60 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 34.5 ZN-65 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.1 ZR-NB-95 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 38.9 I-131 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 20.0 CS-134 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 21.8 CS-137 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 158.5
623.2 BE-7 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 442.5
5,603.7 K-40 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 13.6 MN-54 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 13.9 CO-58 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 25.6 FE-59 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 26.5 CO-60 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.7 ZN-65 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.1 ZR-NB-95 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 31.0 I-131 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.9 CS-134 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 26.0 CS-137 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 280.4
699.5 BE-7 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 596.2
5,197.0 K-40 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.6 MN-54 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 22.1 CO-58 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 57.5 FE-59 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.9 CO-60 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 58.9 ZN-65 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.5 ZR-NB-95 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 48.7 I-131 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.3 CS-134 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 22.4 CS-137 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 398.6
1,233.2 BE-7 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 978.5
5,754.8 K-40 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 34.7 MN-54 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 29.7 CO-58 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 49.9 FE-59 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 68
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: D-2 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 21.4 CO-60 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 38.0 ZN-65 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 16.0 ZR-NB-95 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 41.5 I-131 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 30.3 CS-134 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 21.5 CS-137 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 69
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: H-2 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 171.9
511.3 BE-7 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 492.0
4,249.2 K-40 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.2 MN-54 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 11.3 CO-58 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 41.3 FE-59 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.6 CO-60 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 38.1 ZN-65 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 23.2 ZR-NB-95 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 31.1 I-131 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 16.9 CS-134 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 23.4 CS-137 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 299.9
1,271.7 BE-7 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 659.9
7,281.8 K-40 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 25.7 MN-54 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.1 CO-58 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 33.9 FE-59 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 51.6 CO-60 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 42.6 ZN-65 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 24.6 ZR-NB-95 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 56.2 I-131 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.4 CS-134 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 46.9 CS-137 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 281.9
1,736.1 BE-7 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 429.6
1,603.3 BE-7 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 672.3
6,078.9 K-40 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 527.8
5,714.6 K-40 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 19.7 MN-54 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 23.0 MN-54 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 19.5 CO-58 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 18.9 CO-58 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 31.8 FE-59 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 20.7 FE-59 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 38.1 CO-60 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 54.4 CO-60 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 61.5 ZN-65 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 37.7 ZN-65 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 17.7 ZR-NB-95 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.3 ZR-NB-95 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 70
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: H-2 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet)
Duplicate 36.2 I-131 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 36.7 I-131 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.0 CS-134 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 22.5 CS-134 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES Duplicate 36.2 CS-137 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 49.2 CS-137 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 71
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: Q-6 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 233.9
703.3 BE-7 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 468.7
3,766.8 K-40 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 13.8 MN-54 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 17.1 CO-58 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 36.7 FE-59 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.8 CO-60 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 36.7 ZN-65 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 11.5 ZR-NB-95 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 31.8 I-131 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 17.7 CS-134 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 18.1 CS-137 15-May-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 460.3
1,002.6 BE-7 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 767.6
5,518.0 K-40 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 32.0 MN-54 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 17.2 CO-58 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 36.1 FE-59 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 23.0 CO-60 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 38.5 ZN-65 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 19.8 ZR-NB-95 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 58.1 I-131 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 28.6 CS-134 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 34.5 CS-137 21-Jun-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 261.8
636.4 BE-7 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 617.8
5,823.9 K-40 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.8 MN-54 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 11.7 CO-58 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 27.0 FE-59 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 39.0 CO-60 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 27.1 ZN-65 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 13.4 ZR-NB-95 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 46.1 I-131 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 26.6 CS-134 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 40.1 CS-137 19-Jul-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 258.0
859.5 BE-7 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 632.3
5,840.9 K-40 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 16.8 MN-54 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 9.7 CO-58 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 27.0 FE-59 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 72
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Garden Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: Q-6 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 36.2 CO-60 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 32.6 ZN-65 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 15.7 ZR-NB-95 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 35.0 I-131 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 22.7 CS-134 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 35.4 CS-137 10-Aug-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 136.6
498.3 BE-7 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 359.6
5,921.7 K-40 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.0 MN-54 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 11.5 CO-58 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 13.8 FE-59 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 9.4 CO-60 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 31.3 ZN-65 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 11.6 ZR-NB-95 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 10.6 I-131 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 12.3 CS-134 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 14.2 CS-137 06-Sep-23 HORSERADISH LEAVES 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 73
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Crops Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: NR-D1 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 181.7 BE-7 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 549.9
3,511.3 K-40 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 13.0 MN-54 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 11.8 CO-58 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 27.0 FE-59 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 13.5 CO-60 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 42.0 ZN-65 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 20.3 ZR-NB-95 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 42.5 I-131 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 22.1 CS-134 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 11.5 CS-137 01-Oct-23 IRRIGATED CORN 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 74
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Crops Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: NR-D2 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 144.1 BE-7 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 1,035.0
17,446.0 K-40 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 22.0 MN-54 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 24.9 CO-58 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 43.3 FE-59 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 17.9 CO-60 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 94.9 ZN-65 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 27.5 ZR-NB-95 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 49.3 I-131 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 27.5 CS-134 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 19.3 CS-137 06-Nov-23 IRRGATED SOYBEANS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 75
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Food/Crops Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: NR-U1 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 129.9 BE-7 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 145.8 BE-7 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 367.9
3,364.7 K-40 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 443.2
3,275.1 K-40 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 5.0 MN-54 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 9.0 MN-54 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 10.1 CO-58 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 10.5 CO-58 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 18.2 FE-59 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 34.7 FE-59 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 7.2 CO-60 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 20.5 CO-60 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 26.9 ZN-65 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 10.3 ZN-65 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 9.4 ZR-NB-95 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 16.8 ZR-NB-95 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 31.5 I-131 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 21.9 I-131 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 17.1 CS-134 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 11.9 CS-134 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 17.6 CS-137 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN Duplicate 11.4 CS-137 26-Sep-23 IRRIGATED CORN 188.8 BE-7 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 1,075.0
15,062.0 K-40 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 15.1 MN-54 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 14.8 CO-58 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 31.9 CO-60 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 68.9 ZN-65 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 14.5 ZR-NB-95 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 56.9 I-131 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 21.7 CS-134 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 15.3 CS-137 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 36.3 FE-55 10-Oct-23 IRRIGATED SOYBEAN 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 76
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Vegetation Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: EEA Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 229.9 BE-7 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 739.5
6,699.3 K-40 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 25.1 MN-54 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 16.7 CO-58 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 41.7 FE-59 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 26.9 CO-60 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 55.6 ZN-65 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 28.5 ZR-NB-95 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 58.7 I-131 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 23.8 CS-134 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 27.7 CS-137 12-Jul-23 ARROWHEAD 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 77
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Vegetation Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: MUDS Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 112.2
394.2 BE-7 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 239.6
2,067.3 K-40 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 11.6 MN-54 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 12.7 CO-58 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 15.9 FE-59 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 15.6 CO-60 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 19.6 ZN-65 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 12.6 ZR-NB-95 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 22.5 I-131 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 10.3 CS-134 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 14.6 CS-137 16-Aug-23 NAIAD 183.6 BE-7 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 424.8
2,548.7 K-40 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 20.0 MN-54 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 12.8 CO-58 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 22.7 FE-59 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 13.5 CO-60 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 30.8 ZN-65 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 17.3 ZR-NB-95 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 26.5 I-131 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 22.8 CS-134 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 15.8 CS-137 02-Oct-23 NAIAD 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 78
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Vegetation Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: SC Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 209.3 BE-7 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 353.0
2,710.1 K-40 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 10.7 MN-54 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 14.4 CO-58 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 25.5 FE-59 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 29.0 CO-60 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 28.9 ZN-65 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 16.3 ZR-NB-95 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 31.0 I-131 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 16.2 CS-134 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 25.3 CS-137 28-Jul-23 CATTAILS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 79
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Bottom Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: DC Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 418.3
11,197.0 K-40 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 18.3 MN-54 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 19.2 CO-58 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 40.7 FE-59 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 19.1 CO-60 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 34.7 ZN-65 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 13.5 CS-134 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 14.2
55.2 CS-137 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 16,676.0 FE-55 17-May-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 1,317.0
13,687.0 K-40 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 48.2 MN-54 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 54.3 CO-58 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 96.8 FE-59 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 86.9 CO-60 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 120.8 ZN-65 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 37.4 CS-134 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 84.1 CS-137 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 20,149.0 FE-55 02-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 80
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Bottom Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: EEA Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 578.2
9,514.5 K-40 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 24.4 MN-54 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 23.9 CO-58 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 56.1 FE-59 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 14.5 CO-60 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 51.0 ZN-65 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 17.9 CS-134 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 34.9
61.6 CS-137 07-Apr-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 81
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Bottom Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: JRR Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 1,561.2
15,709.0 K-40 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 57.2 MN-54 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 63.6 CO-58 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 254.3 FE-59 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 42.0 CO-60 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 224.5 ZN-65 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 50.2 CS-134 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 57.6 CS-137 20-Jun-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 1,347.0
14,804.0 K-40 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 63.6 MN-54 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 73.9 CO-58 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 172.2 FE-59 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 40.9 CO-60 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 154.9 ZN-65 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 43.9 CS-134 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 62.2 CS-137 04-Dec-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 82
Exposure Pathway - Aquatic Bottom Sediment Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: MUDS Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 380.9
10,228.0 K-40 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 18.0 MN-54 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 24.1 CO-58 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 62.6 FE-59 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 16.6 CO-60 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 35.2 ZN-65 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 13.0 CS-134 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 15.0 CS-137 07-Nov-23 BOTTOM SEDIMENT 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 83
Exposure Pathway - Terrestrial Vegetation Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: EEA Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 173.9
1,481.8 BE-7 13-Jun-23 GRASS 516.3
7,781.5 K-40 13-Jun-23 GRASS 17.6 MN-54 13-Jun-23 GRASS 20.3 CO-58 13-Jun-23 GRASS 43.1 FE-59 13-Jun-23 GRASS 18.5 CO-60 13-Jun-23 GRASS 40.0 ZN-65 13-Jun-23 GRASS 13.2 ZR-NB-95 13-Jun-23 GRASS 24.0 I-131 13-Jun-23 GRASS 17.2 CS-134 13-Jun-23 GRASS 19.0 CS-137 13-Jun-23 GRASS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 84
Exposure Pathway - Terrestrial Vegetation Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: MUDS Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 260.5
2,070.3 BE-7 06-Jun-23 GRASS 400.2
3,669.4 K-40 06-Jun-23 GRASS 20.6 MN-54 06-Jun-23 GRASS 11.7 CO-58 06-Jun-23 GRASS 39.3 FE-59 06-Jun-23 GRASS 10.1 CO-60 06-Jun-23 GRASS 27.4 ZN-65 06-Jun-23 GRASS 16.8 ZR-NB-95 06-Jun-23 GRASS 32.0 I-131 06-Jun-23 GRASS 19.1 CS-134 06-Jun-23 GRASS 18.5 CS-137 06-Jun-23 GRASS 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 85
Exposure Pathway - Terrestrial Soil Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: MUDS Concentration (pCi/Kg Dry) 514.9
9,725.4 K-40 07-Nov-23 Soil 22.7 MN-54 07-Nov-23 Soil 29.2 CO-58 07-Nov-23 Soil 110.7 FE-59 07-Nov-23 Soil 14.6 CO-60 07-Nov-23 Soil 44.1 ZN-65 07-Nov-23 Soil 14.2 CS-134 07-Nov-23 Soil 19.2
169.4 CS-137 07-Nov-23 Soil 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 86
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Meat Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: J3.5 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 116.3
1,998.7 K-40 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 5.9 MN-54 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 6.3 CO-58 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 14.6 FE-59 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 6.5 CO-60 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 9.6 ZN-65 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 4.7 CS-134 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 5.8 CS-137 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 99.0
735.0 H-3 21-Apr-23 TURKEY 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 87
Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Meat Sample Description Collection Date Nuclide Duplicate Analysis Location: Q2.4 Concentration (pCi/Kg Wet) 177.6
3,119.9 K-40 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 9.6 MN-54 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 9.8 CO-58 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 30.3 FE-59 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 8.9 CO-60 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 19.6 ZN-65 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 7.2 CS-134 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 8.3 CS-137 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 138.0
2,189.0 H-3 02-Dec-23 DEER MEAT 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station Page C - 88
2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Wolf Creek Generating Station APPENDIX D LAND USE CENSUS REPORT
1/16/24 Joseph p. Augustyn Date Peer Review:
2/14/2024 Jon Matthew Vopat Date Approved by:
2/15/2024 Daniel Michel Date
2023 Land Use Census Report 1
The annual Land Use Census of rural residents within five miles of the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) has been completed in 2023 in accordance with AP 07B-004, [Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program)].
No program changes are necessary regarding milk locations. Again, no milk sampling locations were identified.
The two broadleaf vegetation locations with the highest calculated annual average D/Q rankings are A2.60-17TE1527 and Q2.35-MILA1619. Since these gardens are currently listed as sample locations for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program in procedure AP 07B-004 (locations A-3 and Q-6), no program changes are necessary regarding broadleaf vegetation locations.
BACKGROUND Section 5.2, Attachment A, of procedure AP 07B-004, directs that "a Land Use Census shall be conducted annually during the growing season to identify the nearest (1) milk animal, (2) residence, and (3) garden of greater than 500 square feet producing broadleaf vegetation in each of the 16 meteorological sections within five miles of the WCGS site."
Table 5-1, Attachment A, of procedure AP 07B-004, requires that broadleaf vegetation samples be collected from two indicator locations (using the criteria from the Land Use Census section) with highest calculated annual average D/Q.
Table 5-1, Attachment A, of procedure AP 07B-004, also requires that milk samples be collected from three indicator locations within 5 miles of the site having the highest dose potential.
METHODOLOGY Over two hundred surveys were mailed to the rural residents living within five miles of WCGS.
The survey excluded the residents of New Strawn and Burlington. These locations were excluded due to the large number of households and the low likelihood that information gained from these residences would affect the locations chosen for REMP sampling. Drive-by information was collected for the nearest residences in each sector that did not return surveys. Also used Google Earth/Maps to obtain images of properties.
The information collected was compiled and the results are identified in Tables 1-3. Calculations were performed so that garden locations could be ranked by their respective D/Q. These results are contained in Table 4.
2023 Land Use Census Report 2
RESULTS No changes were identified for the nearest occupied residence in each sector. Eight changes were noted for the nearest garden producing broadleaf vegetation. These changes are identified as an underlined entry in the Tables. There were no changes regarding milk sample locations.
Again, no locations were identified that milked animals for human consumption.
2023 Land Use Census Report 3
A2.60-17TE1527 None A2.60-17TE1527 B
B3.53-QURD1755 None B4.09-18RD1739 C
C1.92-16RD1655 None C3.58-RERD1675 D
D2.33-RERD1520 None None E
E1.78-QULA1451 None E4.40-TRRD1551 F
F1.84-QULA1419 None F3.37-14RD1904 G
G2.82-13Rd1790 None G3.60-RERD1198 H
H3.09-12RD1711 None H3.15-QURD1181 J
J3.70-11RD1540 None J3.80-11RD1626 K
K2.79-12LA1435 None None L
L2.10-NARD1339 None L2.39-NARD1309 M
M2.34-14RD1346 None M3.69-LYLA1290 N
N2.08-15RD1350 None N2.38-RODR9 P
P2.66-16RD1268 None P4.52-KARD1630 Q
Q2.35-MILA1619 None Q2.35-MILA1619 R
R2.08-NALN1650 None R4.43-NARD1891 NOTE: Entries underlined indicate changes from the 2022 Land Use Census.
EXAMPLE: A2.60-17TE1527 "A" = Sector A "2.60" = 2.60 miles from the reactor "17TE1527" = address
2023 Land Use Census Report 4
A2.60-17TE1527 A2.60-17TE1527 B
B3.53-QURD1755 B3.53-QURD1755 C
C1.92-16RD1655 C1.92-16RD1655 D
D2.33-RERD1520 D2.33-RERD1520 E
E1.78-QULA1451 E1.78-QULA1451 F
F1.84-QULA1419 F1.84-QULA1419 G
G2.82-13RD1790 G2.82-13RD1790 H
H3.09-12RD1711 H3.09-12RD1711 J
J3.70-11RD1540 J3.70-11RD1540 K
K2.79-12LA1435 K2.79-12LA1435 L
L2.10-NARD1339 L2.10-NARD1339 M
M2.34-14RD1346 M2.34-14RD1346 N
N2.08-15RD1350 N2.08-15RD1350 P
P2.66-16RD1268 P2.66-16RD1268 Q
Q2.35-MILA1619 Q2.35-MILA1619 R
R2.08-NALN1650 R2.08-NALN1650 NOTE: No changes identified from the 2022 Land Use Census.
2023 Land Use Census Report 5
None None A2.60-17TE1527 A2.60-17TE1527 B
None None B4.09-18RD1739 B4.09-18RD1739 C
None None C3.58-RERD1675 C3.58-RERD1675 D
None None None None E
None None None E4.40-TRRD1551 F
None None F2.48-RERD1380 F3.37-14RD1904 G
None None None G3.60-RERD1198 H
None None H3.80-11RD1674 H3.15-QURD1181 J
None None J4.00-PLRD1080 J3.80-11RD1626 K
None None None None L
None None L2.39-NARD1309 L2.39-NARD1309 M
None None M3.69-LYLA1290 M3.69-LYLA1290 N
None None None N2.38-RODR9 P
None None P4.95-LADR340 P4.52-KARD1630 Q
None None Q2.35-MILA1619 Q2.35-MILA1619 R
None None None R4.43-NARD1891 NOTE: Underlined entries indicate changes from the 2022 Land Use Census.
2023 Land Use Census Report 6
- Sector D and K have no broadleaf gardens to report.
Originated by:
1/16/2024 Verified by:
2.60 4184 4000 1.94E-09 5000 1.32E-09 1.83E-09 1
B 4.09 6582 6000 4.84E-10 7000 3.59E-10 4.11E-10 7
C 3.58 5761 5000 2.51E-10 6000 1.85E-10 2.01E-10 13 D
E 4.40 7081 7000 1.28E-10 8000 1.03E-10 1.26E-10 14 F
3.37 5423 5000 2.68E-10 6000 1.97E-10 2.38E-10 12 G
3.60 5794 5000 4.68E-10 6000 3.44E-10 3.70E-10 8
H 3.15 5069 5000 6.41E-10 6000 4.71E-10 6.29E-10 5
J 3.80 6116 6000 3.37E-10 7000 2.51E-10 3.27E-10 9
2.39 3846 3000 1.02E-09 4000 6.11E-10 6.74E-10 4
M 3.69 5938 5000 4.07E-10 6000 2.99E-10 3.06E-10 10 N
2.38 3830 3000 1.12E-09 4000 6.75E-10 7.51E-10 3
P 4.52 7274 7000 2.79E-10 8000 2.25E-10 2.64E-10 11 Q
2.35 3782 3000 1.53E-09 4000 9.17E-10 1.05E-09 2
R 4.43 7129 7000 6.24E-10 8000 5.04E-10 6.09E-10 6
FROM SA-19-002