IR 05000416/1978005

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IE Insp Repts 50-416/78-05 & 50-417/78-05 on 780320-23.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Surveillance Insp of GE Implementation of QA Program for Preservice Insp & Insp of Reactor Vessel
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/1978
From: Brownlee V, Herdt A, Vandoorn P
Shared Package
ML19209A007 List:
50-416-78-05, 50-416-78-5, 50-417-78-05, 50-417-78-5, NUDOCS 7910010768
Download: ML19209A009 (6)







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Report Nos.:

50-416/78-5 and 50-417/78-5 Docket Nos.:

50-416 and 2.0-417 License Nos.:

CPPR-118 and CPPR-119 Categories:

A2 and A2


Licensee: Mississippi Power and Light Company P. O. Box 1640 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 g

Facility Name: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection at:

Chicago Bridge and Iron Nuclear Company Memphis, Tenner.see Inspection conducted: March 20-23, 1978 (


V. L. Brownlee P. K. Va "oorn Reviewed by:_




f3N A. R. Herdt, Chief D.te Projects Sec ion Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch

, Inspection S,ummary Inspection on March 20-23, 1978 (Rep _ ort Nos. 50-416/78-5 and 50-41'/78-5)

Areas Insp_e_cted:

The licensee's surveillance inspection of its con-tractor's (General Electric Installation and Service Engineering Division)

implet entation of the QA/QC program f or preservice inspection; and preservice inspection of the reactor vessel. The inspection involved 44 inspector-hours at the General Electric facilities located at the Chicago Bridge and Iron Nuclear Company Plant.

Results: No itecs of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

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7 910 010 76P 1033 w5


RII Rpt. Nos. 50-416/78-5 I-1 and 50 417/78-5


2[h DETAILS I Prepared

v V. L. Brownlee, Principal Inspector Date Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch


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..P. K. VanDoorn,, Metallurgical Engineer


Date Engineering Support Section No. 2 Reactor' Construction and Engineering Support Branch Dates of Inspection: March 20-23, 1978


Reviewed by:

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T. E. Conlon, Chief Date Eng',eering Support Section No. 2 Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch (


Persons Contacted Mississipp_i Power and Light __ Company (MP6L)


  • T. E. Reaves, Jr., Manat - of Quality Assurance (QA)
  • P.

W. Sly, QA Field Supet isor

  • S. F. Tanner, Welding /NDE QA Representative
  • J. C. Fuller, Operations QA Representative
  • D. L. Hunt, Maintenance Engineer b.

Contractor Organization, General Electric Installation and Service Enginering Divislon_ _(I&SE)

  • J.

A. Jones, Project Manager

    • . F

ords, QA Supervisor

  • Denotes those present at the exit interview.


Licensee Actions on Previous inspe_ction Findings _

Actions on previously identified findings were not inspected.






i RII Rpt. Nos. 50-416/78-5 I-2


and 50-417/78-5 3.

Unresolved Items No unresolved items were identified as a result of this inspection.


Audit of Licensee's Surveillance of its Contractor's Imp _lementation of the_QA/RC Program For Preservice Inspection (Unit s 1 and 2)

Preinspection Preparation a.

The inspectors met with ~the licensee's representatives on March 20, 1978, to review and discuss their plans and prepara-tions for the surveillance inspection of the contractor.

The inspectors were apprised of the surveillance checklists

and team responsibilities and were provided the surveillance checklists, I&SE QA Thnual and implementing pror-dures.

Eased g

on discussions held with the licensee representatives and review of the surveillance checklists, the inspectors detenained


that the surveillaace inspection had been planned and developed as required by MP&L's Quality Assurance Procedure 10.10.




Observation of Licensee's Surveillance Inspection of Centractor_

The inspectors accompanied the inspector to the contractor's of fices and observed the pre-surveillance conf erence.

The inspectors observed the performance of the licensee's inspections of the following areas:

(1) Ultrasonic Examination of Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds (Manual Contact)

(2) Ultrasonic Examination of Nozzle to Vessel Welds (Automatic)

(3) Print Control (4) Control of Special Processes - Nondestructive Examination, and Inspection, Control of Measuring and Test Equipment, Handling, Storage and Shipping (5) Documentation of Audi's (6) Procurement Document Control (



'I RII Rpt. Nos. 50-416/78-5 I-3 and 50-417/78-5 (7)

Control of Purctased Material and Reportable Indications and Nonconformances During the inspection the licensee representatives identified several procedural deviations in the following areas:

accessory specifications; receiving inspection; qualification certificate forms; timely closing of audit findings; test and measurement equipment control; availability of drawings; equipcent calibra-tion time; and functional duties of NDE Supervisor and QA Supervisor. Several of these items were closed during the course of the inspection.

The contractor acknowledged the findings and stated that corrective action would be initiated to correct the remaining deviations.

Based on the inspector's l

ob se rva t ion, the licensee's inspection was performed in accordance l

with the plans and checklists.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


_Au_d i t of Licensee's Preservice Inspection Program (Units 1 and 2)





MP6L has contracted Bechtel Power Corporation to develop the Technical Specification for Inservice Inspection Services (includes preservice examination) and to serve as technical consultant for the preservice inspection program.

MP6L has contracted with General Electric Installation and Service Engineering Division (16SE) for services to plan, perform and document the preservice examination.

Preservice examination is being performed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, 1974 edition plus addenda


through the Summer of 1975 and the more restrictive and definitive requirements of addenda through the Summer of 1976.


QA Program an_d Procedures


16SE has developed a quality assurance manual and implementing procedures which implement the Bechtel prepared specification.

MP&L has reviewed and approved this program as documented in MP&L's letter of June 3,1976, for the basic program and subsequent MP&L letters dated July 15, 1977, September 16, 1977, and December 9, 1977, for subsequent program revisions.

The inspector reviewed the technical specification and QA I

requirements for organizational structure; qualifications, responsibilities and duties of QA personnel; training program 1033


'I RII Rpt. Nos. 50-416/78-5 I-4


and 50-417/78-5 for QA personnel; requirements for audits; work and quality inspection procedures for reactor vessel inspection; cor-rective action of adverse conditions; document control; examination control and control of examination equipment; quality records; scope of the reactor pressure vessel inspec-tion; qualification of personnel; and control of NDE records.


Observation of Licensee Surveillance of Preservice Inspection Act_ivities s


The inspector observed surveillance of automated ultrasonic testing of reactor pressure vessel nozzles N4D and N6C.

The inspector observed the following general areas:

l (1)

PSI program and NDE procedure compliance, (2)

Examination personnel are thoroughly familiar with examination methods and properly apply and operate all equipment involved, I


Maintenance of exanination discipline thr m h adainistrative controlc, and (4) Vessel reference points clearly established and retained for future ISI examinations.

The following specific procedural requirements were obse rved:

(1) Type of apparatus specified is used,



Extent of coverage and scanning technique, (3)

Calibration cethods and f requency, and identifica-tion and use of required calibration blocks, (4)

Sizes and frequencies of search units, (5)

Beam angles, (6)

DAC curves, (7)

Reference Icvel is defined and controlled, (

(8) Demonstration of penetration, 1n7 IUJd vl

't RII Rpt. Nos. 50-416/78-5 I-5


and 50-417/78-5



Levels for evaluating and recording of indications, (10) Method of recording significant indication, (11) Acceptance limits, and (12)

Continuous recording of reproducible data with accurate orientation to the reference points.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview At the conclusion of the inspection the inspectors attended the exit interview he3d by MP&L QA.

The results of the inspection were presented to the MP6L Maintenance Engineer and contractor representatives.

At the conclusion of the licensee's exit in t e rvi ew, the inspectors held a management interview with Mr. T.

E. Reaves, Jr. and members I

of the inspection team.

The licensee was apprised that the inspectors obsened the perforrance of the audi tcam, concur witb tbeir findings, and that no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


L 1033
