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Forwards Design Repts 4,5 & 6 Re Seismic Analysis of Primary & Secondary Containments & Test Fill Program Results & Backfill Recommendations for Classes I & II Backfill, Respectively.Ec
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick, 05000000
Issue date: 11/09/1970
From: Jackie Jones
To: Morris P
Shared Package
ML20235B311 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-111 NUDOCS 8709280051
Download: ML20235E301 (5)


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..jQ c, o bW k & y u s + m ss es s ,. m .S Novennber 9,1970 i


Dr. Peter A. Morris Division of Reactor Licensing U. S. Atossic Roergy Division Washington D. C. 20545 E RE: DOCKET Nos. 50-324 and 50 325 l

Dear Dr. Morris:

I The company herewith transaits forty (40) copies of a document containing the following Design Reports:

1. Design Report No. 4 (BSEP DR-4) titled "Scismic Analysis of the Primary and Secondary Containments."
2. Design Report No. 5 (BSEP DR-5) titled " Final Report, Test Fill Program Results and Beckfill Recomusendations for Class I Backfill, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Southport, North Carolina."
3. Design Report No. 6 (BSEP DR-6) titled " Final Report Test Pill Program Results and Backfill Recosusendations for Class II Backfill, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Southport,
e. North Carolina."

Design Report No. 4 is submitted in partial fulfillment of our r7 coesnitment in regard to ACRS Concern No. 3.0 as stated in PSAR Supplement No. 6. The report addresses itself specifically to Item I where we consnitted to provide a " summary of containment analysis including scaled load plots" and to Item 2 where we cournitted to provide " earthquake dynamic loading conditionn on critical controls and instrumentation." This report also partially fulfills Technical Issue 8.3.1, " Structural Design," as I stated in the " Safety Evaluation By the Division of Reactor Licensing, U. S.

Atomic Energy Consnission, in the Matter of Carolina Power 6 Light Company, Brunswick Steasa Electric Plant - Units 1 and 2, Dockets Nos. 50-324 and 50-325." The report in responsive to paragraphs one and two of Technical Innue 8.3.1, which ntate:

"We will review the applicant's dynamic loading criteria and the stress and deformation characteristien employco 'n design of the critical instrumentation and control equipment. (Division of Reactor Licensing (DRL) ques t ion 5.1.11) . The applicant agreed to submit the information prior to May 1970.


8709280051 070921 j PDR FOIA MENZ87-111 PDR,

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Dr. Peter A. Morris 2= November 9, 1970

'We will review the details of implementation of the dymanic analyses reflecting the interacties between the ground and the structures to assare that symmetrical and unsymmetrical lateral forces, which may arise tras earth-guakes and which may act on those parts of the structures located below ground, will be suitably provided for in the design. (DEL questions 5.2.1(b) . The applicant agreed to furnish this information for our review prior to construction."

He informed your staff in our October 2,1970 meeting that it is necessary to revise our structural backfill material requirements to permit usage of beckfill material which has a percentage of fines passing a No. 200 sieve in the range of 15 to 40 percent. Ibis backfill meterial has been designated as Class II backfill to differentiate from Class I backfill stich was originally proposed in the PgAR. Investigations at the site have disclosed that thera is not sufficient structural fill avellable in reasonable proximity to the plant with the physical properties designated as Class I fill. It should be emphasised that the Class I and Class II designattens in no way refer to seismic classifications of structures and systems and that the use of these designations has been adopted for simplicity in the field.

He-informed your staff that extensive test fill compactice programs have been coeducted at the site of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant to establish construction control procedures and optimal compaction methods for Class I and Class II backfill materials. The test fill programs have shown that Class II backfill can be substituted for Class I backfills pro-vided specific placement procedures are followed. Your staff requested that we submit the reports describing the test programs and reconnendations for placement and compaction of Claes I and Class II meterials for their review.

The reports designated Design Report No. 5 pertaining to class I backfill, and Design Report No. 6 pertaining to Class II backfill are submitted in response to their request. Dr. Robert V. Whitman, Soils Consultant for the Brunswick project, has reviewed draf ts of Design Report Mos. 5 and 6 and con-curs with the findings expressed therein, as noted in his letter dated September M,1970, attached to Design Aeport No. 5.

As noted ab.,ve, this letter transmits Design Reports Nos. 4, 5, and

6. We have adopted this numbering system to facilitate reference to infot,na-  !

tion transmitted to you in response to coasmitments made during the Construction Fermit review and subsequent requests by your staff. We have previously trans- l mitted to you the following reports now designated as Design Report Bos.1, 2, and 3:

1. Design Report No. I titled " Proposed In service Inspection Program for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units I and 2," transmitted to you by our letter of March 9,1970.
2. Design Report No. 2 titled " Proposed Containment Design Pressure for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units I imd

. 2 " also transmitted to you by our letter of March 9,1970.

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,- Dr. Peter A. Norria November 9,19M i


3. Design Raport No. 3 titled "Additteest Information -

Pressure Seeppressies Concept - Test Data Report" trammadeted to yes by our lettee of May 19, 1970.

We hope that the reports tramanitted by this letter will enable l your staff to eseclade their review of the items outlined above.

l e very y, J.A.J Senior Vice President Begineering & Sperating Jullef I

Attachments ity AFFIDAVIT W J. A. JONES I, J. A. Jones,, botas duly sworn, depose and state that I as Senior Vice President and Group Esecutive for Engineering and Operattag, Carolina Power & Light Osapany, and as fully copinant of the contents of the attached document containing the reports titled, " Seismic Analysis of the Primary and Secondary Contatsmaats," " Final Report, Test Fill Program Results and Backfill Recommendations for Class I Backfill, Bruns-wick Steam Electric Plant, southpo-t, North Carolina,". and " Final Report, Test Fill Program Results and Backft11 Recommendations for Class II Backfill, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, southport, North Carolina" and that the contents of these reports are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.' I a-d y J. 4/ Jones ton Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of November,1970,

{ st Raleigh, North Caro 1Las

.%u4 yn av Isotary Public My coamiission expires: p k /NI l

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Carolina Power & Light Company BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT U N IT S 1 &2 IS NOV E M B E R 1970 3:10

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l INDEX DR-4 Seismic Analysis of the Primary and Secondary contattunenta DR 3 Final Report Test Fill Program Results and Backfill Recommmadations for class ! Rackfill DR-6 Final Report, Test Fill Program Results and Backfill Recommendations for Class II Backfill


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