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Submits Memo Rept Re Case Allegation of Alleged Improper Handling by NRC Technical Review Team of Case Allegations Re Facility.Investigation Disclosed That Technical Review Team Did Not Contact Original Source of Allegation
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, 05000000
Issue date: 05/26/1987
From: Mulley G, Laura Smith
Shared Package
ML20245J949 List:
FOIA-87-535 NUDOCS 8905040293
Download: ML20245J960 (91)


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CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR SOUND ENEPGY (CASE) ALLEGATION - ALLEGED IMPROPER HANDLING PY NRC TECHNICAL REVIEP TEAM (TRT) 0F CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR SOUND ENERGY (CASE) ALLEGATION CONCERNING THE COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION OIA FILE: INQ Pf.-6 BACKGROUND By an October 11,19P,5 memorandum, Vincent S. N00 NAM, Director, Comanche Peak Project, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) forwarded to the Office of Inspector and Auditor (01A) concerns by the Citizens Association for Sound Energy (CASE) of improper handling by the NRC Technical Review Team (TRT) of a 1984 allegation concerning the COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION (CPSES) (Attachment 1). The allegation and subsequent investigation were documented as Allegation AQ-64 on Pages K-93 and K-94 of Supplemental Safety Evaluation Peport (SSER) No. 8, pertaining to CPSES, Units 1 and 2. The CASE concerns were documented in a July 31, 1985, letter to N0ONAN (At-tachment 2) which stated that the NRR TRT failed to conduct a proper inves-tigation of Allegation AQ-64 which pertained to an overexcavation at CPSES, Unit I containment building caused by blasting operations by a contractor. CASE alleged that the overexcavation was improperly repaired by the contrac-tor and that during the investigation of Allegation AQ-64, the TRT relied on information provided by the applicant without further independent verification and investigation. CASE also claimed that prior to conducting their review, the TRT_did not contact the original alleger.


OIA reviewed Pages K-93 and K-94 of SSEP No. 8 (Attachment 3) which documented Allegation AQ-64. The SSER characterized the allegation and reflected that the TRT did not initially centact the alleger because the allegation was sufficiently clear to allow the TRT to proceed with their investigation. The THIS REPORT IS THE PPOPERTY OF THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR AND AUDITOR. IT MAY NOT PF P.EPRODUCED OR PLACED IN THE PUPLIC

   ,                                                                       COCUMENT R00H WITHOUT WP,ITTFN PERMISSION.

FPEED0ft OF INFOPt1ATION/PRIVtCY ACT EXE!!PTION (b)(5)(6)(7)(C) 8905040293 890425 PDR FDIA m fd ' BAUMAN87-535 PDR C 6


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MAY 2 6198'l SSER reported that the alleger had been interviewed by the Office of Inves-tigations (01) during an unrelated investigation that was completed in 1984. During the 01 interview the alleger made reference to an overexcavation and I subsequent repair of the foundation rock under the CPSES Unit 1 containment ! building. The alleger advised that the excavation was erroneously made six to

l. eight feet too deep and it was repaired by throwing loose rock back into the hole and filling the hole with concrete. The SSER further documented the procedures followed by the TRT during their review of the allegation and their conclusion that the excavation and repair had no safety impact upon foundation integrity.

Vincent S. N0ONAN, Director, Cc'anche Peak Project, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), was interviewed by OIA regarding the allegation of improper handling by the TRT of Allegation AQ-64 (Attachment 4). N0ONAN stated that upon completion of the TRT review of Allegation AQ-64, he read the TRT report and was basically satisfied with the results. However, N0ONAN had some concern regarding the TRT's activity at the firm of Gibbs & Hill, the archi-tect and engineering firm responsible for the design of CPSES. He expressed his concern to Lawrence SHAO, the TRT Leader. A TRT member subsequently returned to the firm for additional document reviews. Upon completion of this activity, NOONAN was satisfied that no safety hazard existed with respect to the overexcavation and repair under the CPSES Unit 1 containment building. N0ONAN stated that the TRT was not required to conduct any independent inves-tigative activity as perceived necessary by CASE. Lawrence SHAO, Deputy Director, Division of Engineering Technology, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES), NRC, was interviewed by OIA regarding the allegation (Attachment 5). SHA0 advised that he was the Team Leader of the TRT during July 1984 when the TRT conducted the review of Allegation AQ-64. SHA0 stated the team members reviewed all available documentation pertaining to the repair of the overexcavation at the Unit 1 containment building, in particular the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), the Atomic Safety and i Licensing Board (ASLB) testimony, reports of the construction firm that repaired the overexcavation, and NRC Region IV inspection reports. The TRT did not contact the alleger who provided the initial information regarding the overexcavation because they believed the allegation was sufficiently clear to allow the TRT to proceed with their investigation. The TRT received no specific instructions regarding their investigation other than to be sure the allegation was properly resolved. The actual procedures were left to the discretion of the TRT. SHA0 related that the TRT did not conduct any independent analysis because sufficient information was available to resolve the allegation. Upon com-pletion of the TRT review, SHA0 was satisfied that the repair work done by the contractor was adequate to preserve the ground integrity ara to not compromise the foundation's seismic response. SHA0 advised that upon completion of the

 .           TRT investigation, CASE presented a second allegation to the NRC concerning the overexcavation at the Unit 1 containment building. The TRT also reviewed this " essentially identical" allegation.
  • David C. JENG, Section Leader Structural and Geological Technical Branch, I Division of Engineering, NRR, was interviewed by OIA (Attachment 6). JENG related that he was the leader of the TRT Sub-Group responsible for the investigation of allegations at CPSES related to civil and structural hfk

O A RI ?f f hh disciplines. His group reviewed Allegation AQ-64, the overexcavation at the Unit 1 containment building. JENG related that Joseph TAPIA, a Region IV inspector, was the team member assigned primary responsibility for review of Allegation AQ-64. In resolving the allegation, TAPIA reviewed the FSAR and Region IV inspection reports pertaining to Region IV's investigation of the . allegation. Because TAPIA was a Region IV employee, he was aware of the information documented in the transcript of the ASLB proceedings related to the overexcavation issue. TAPIA also reviewed the procedures followed by the contractor to replace fractured rock with dental concrete and to grout the surrounding fissures. TAPIA also reviewed the accompanying compressive test results. JENG indicated that as part of the TRT review, Robert STEWART, the Region IV inspector who was present when the overexcavation occurred, was also interviewed. The TRT did not conduct any independent activity such as core sampling or boring of the repaired area. TAPIA reviewed the Geological Technical Eval- l uation Report which had been prepared by the NRR staff. The report addressed the effects on static and dynamic foundation stability and the ability of a foundation to withstand seismic disturbances when limestone and claystone founda'; ions rock are replaced with dental concrete and repaired foundation materials. The TRT considered what had already been accomplished at CPSES, Unit 1, and based on the team members' technical expertise regarding seismic response of rock formations, the team concluded that any independent activity was not required. JENG stated that as an additional measure a specific seismic analysis modeling the overexcavation was performed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The analysis was performed in order to provide a quantitative verification of the TRT conclusions. The results of the Brookhaven National Laboratory analysis confirmed the conclusions reached in the Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report pertaining to Allegation AQ-64. Robert E. PHILLE0 was interviewed by OIA (Attachment 7) and he related that he was a private engineering consultant and was employed by the NRC to review CPSES allegations. Although a member of the TRT, he was not directly involved in the investigation of Allegation AQ-64. However, PHILLEO reviewed the work done by the TRT regarding this allegation. After CASE presented this allega-tion for the second time, he again reviewed the records on which the original TRT conclusions were based. PHILLE0 participated with personnel from Brook-haven National Laboratory to select the parameters to be used as input to the seismic analysis that was prepared by the Laboratory. PHILLE0 stated that the procedures followed by the TRT during their investigation of the initial CASE allegation were proper. The records reviewed were accurate and complete, and the accuracy of the records was supported by photographs. In PHILLE0's opinion, the actions taken by the utility to repair the overexcavation under the Unit I containment building were sufficient to preclude any compromise of the foundation's seismic response. PHILLE0 would not have recommended any independent investigative effort by the TRT. While it would have been possi- l ble to core drill, PHILLE0 believed it would have been overkill. Addition-ally, seismic analysis conducted by the Brookhaven National Laboratory con-

  • firmed that it would not be necessary. PHILLE0 also stated that the nature of the allegation was sufficiently clear as to negate the need for an interview j of the allener, j
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PHILLE0' explained that the Allegation AQ-64 pertained only to the CPSES Unit 1 containment building. Other CPSES plant structures received similar founda-tion treatmer t. In order to assess the generic implications of the foundation treatment, it was necessary to assess the adequacy of the treatment as demon-strated at the Unit I containment because the containment structure, due to its shape, was the most critical from a seismic behavior point of view. This treatment was determined to be adequate; therefore, the TRT investigation studied only the structure mentioned in the CASE allegation and determined that the foundation treatment used throughout the project was satisfactory. l- Charles H. H0FMAYER, Structural Analysis Division, Department of Energy, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, was interviewed by OIA (Attachment 8). He related that as a contractor to NRC, he was assigned to t the TRT investigating allegations at CPSES. He was assigned to the Civil / Structural Team and reported to David JENG the Sub-Group Leader. H0FMAYER was not directly involved in the TRT review of the allegation involving the overexcavation at the Unit 1 containment building (AQ-64), but he reviewed the SSER prepared by TAPIA. He did not believe that any indepen-dent effort by the TRT was necessary. H0FMAYER has since reviewed all the material reviewed by TAPIA, to include the material provided by CASE, and he concluded that the allegation had no safety significance. HOFMAYER said that he was also involved in the analysis conducted by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Joseph I. TAPIA, Reactor Inspector, Region IV, was interviewed by OIA (Attach-ment 9) and related that he was a member of the TRT that investigated CPSES allegations. He was assigned to the Civil / Structural Team and was assigned primary responsibility for resolving Allegation AQ-64 pertaining to the overexcavation at the Unit 1 containment building. TAPIA was aware of the overexcavation prior to receipt of the allegation. During the TRT inves-tigation TAPIA reviewed the contractor's repair procedures, interviewed Robert STEWART, the Region IV inspector responsible for CPSES reviewed the photographs and crawings of the excavation, and reviewed the FSAR. TAPIA analyzed the properties of the rock and dental concrete used to repair the overexcavation, and, in his judgement, he concluded that the repair work was adequate and the overexcavation had no effect on the expected seismic response of the rock structure interaction. TAPIA further stated that the independent analysis by the Brookhaven National Laboratory confirmed his conclusions. TAPIA advised that no effort other than to review the information available to him was required because the information was more than adequate for him to make an engineering evaluation. TAPIA did not believe that the analysis conducted by the Brookhaven National Laboratory was necessary in order for him to reach his conclusion. TAPIA stated the TRT did not contact the alleger prior to their investigation.

    .                                                          It was discussed among the group; however, the Civil / Structural Group Leader decided that suf,<'ient information concerning the allegation was available.

TAPIA was also involved in the reinvestigation of Allegation AQ-64 and he assisted PHILLE0 in preparing a response. In TAPIA's opinion, the actions taken by the review team were adequate to resolve the allegation and he would not have done it any other way. t 4, 4 ,$ 4 4 3 E_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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MAY 2 61987 Robert STEWART, Reactor Inspector, Region IV, was interviewed by OIA (Attach-ment 10) and related that he was present at CPSES when the overexcavation occurred as a result of blasting operations by the contractor. STEWART required the contractor to terminate blasting until they controlled the blasting operation, and he later observed the repair made by the contractor. In STEWART's opinion, the repair made by the contractor was adequate and did not compromise the foundation's seismic response. Upon arrival of the TRT, STEWART briefed the team on the matter and provided the TRT with all the information available to him. He also discussed the overexcavation with TAPIA. A copy of the September 30, 1985, Brookhaven National Laboratory report (Attachment 11) describing their analysis of the contractor's repair work with respect to the overexcavation under the CPSES Unit I containment building was reviewed by OIA. This report described the methodology used in conducting their analysis and concluded that the overexcavation had v.c effect on the seismic response of the Unit I containment building. DIA reviewed an 01 investigation of allegations involving intimidation of quality control personnel at CPSES (Case No. 84-006) (Attachment 12). This review disclosed that on August 19, 1983, 01 interviewed an alleger who provided 01 with Allegation AQ-64; however, this alleger stated in his testi-many to 01 that he received the information concerning the overexcavation from another employee and he had not been a witness to the incident. There was no indication in the 01 file that the original source of the allegation regarding the overexcavation was further identified and interviewed by NRC. SHA0 and JENG were reinterviewed by OIA regarding the TRT briefing with CASE concerning their review of Allegation AQ-64. SHA0 and JENG related that during January 1986, the TRT net with representatives of CASE to discuss the TRT review. CASE declined to commit to the adequacy Of the TRT review until they had an opportunity to review the NRC final report. JENG stated that the report has been transmitted to the Region IV Comanche Peak Project Office and would be released to CASE upon completion of the Region IV review. In a January 6, 1984, memorandum for NRC Office Directors and Regional Admin-istrators, William J. DIRCKS, the NRC Executive Director for Operations (E00) at that time, issued guidance regarding NRC's handling of individuals who bring irregularities and deficiencies in safety performance to the NRC's attention. This memorandum established an NRC procedure which required that allegers be personally contacted by the NRC. Additionally, the policy stated that "without exception" the individual making the allegation should be promptly advised of the results of the NRC's inspector follow-up action to make then aware that their concerns were addressed (Attachment 14). CONCLUSION Our inquiry developed no evidence to indicate that the NRC TRT did rot properly review the overexcavation under the CPSES Unit 1 containment building and subsequent repair by the contractor. 1 i ORClAL lE ONLY . i

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                                                                           .                           MAY 2 61987 01A's investigation disclosed that the TRT did not contact the original source     )
     .                              of the allegation regarding the overexcavation and subsequent repair by the         l contractor. Consequently there was no assurance that the matters reviewed by        I the TRT were, in fact, the concerns that the original alleger had raised. As required by NRC policy in effect in 1984, before the NRC took action to address his concerns, the original source should have been interviewed by NRC to ensure his issues were properly characterized.



6,fle 4. Smit V Investiggja$r Office of Inspector and Auditor l 1 (Aff Mi George fJc llulley, Jr. , Ass 'stant Director f6r Investigations Office of Inspector and A ditor Attachments: See next page 9 ee as

d O A

                                                                                                                                                                                                     "[3. Ohk. [l$N.Y Attachments
1. Memorandum from N0ONAN to Sharon R. CONNELLY, dated October.11, 1985
2. Letter from CASE to N0ONAN dated July 31,-1985, pertaining to Allegation AQ-64
3. Extract from SSER No. 8, Pages K-93 and K-94, pertaining to TRT inves-tigation of Allegation AQ-64
4. Report of Interview of N0ONAN, dated October 17, 1985-
5. Statement of SHA0
6. Statement of JENG, dated November 12, 1985
7. ' Statement of PHILLE0, dated November 25, 1985
8. Statement of HOFMAYER, dated November 25, 1985
9. . Statement of TAPIA, dated. December 17, 1985
10. Statement of STEWART, dated December 17, 1985
11. Brookhaven National Laboratory Report, dated september-30, 1985
12. Excerpt from 01 Report of Investigation, 4-84-006, dated March 7, 1984
13. Report of Interview of SHA0 and JENG, dated April 8, 1987
14. Memorandum from DIRCKS to Office Directors and Regional Administrators, dated January 6, 1984 W

9 l l fQ '[

R M l STATEMENT OF MR. LAWPFNCE SHA0 I Q. Mr. SHAO, this office is currently conducting an inquiry into allegations presented by the CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR SOUND ENEPGY (CASE) pertaining to the actions of a Technical Review Team (TRT) that investigated the CASE allegation at the COMANCHE PEAK PROJECT (COMANCHE PEAK). As I understand from talking to the Director of the COMANCHE PEAK PROJECT, you were the team leader. Is this correct? A. Yes, I an still the team leader. Q. At what time did you initially respond to COMANCHE PEAK? A. During July 1984 Q. What were your instructions et the time you responded to the P oject area? A. To' investigate allegations regarding construction and SGWP. design at COMANCHE PEAK. Q. Was this the only allegation that you were to be concerned with? A. No, there were a number of allegations. There were in excess of 500 allegations. Q. What were your initial actions upon arrival at the Project site? A. My team members reviewed all available documentation pertaining to the repair of the overexcavation that occurred at the Unit 1 Containment Building. O. In particular, what documentation was reviewed? A. The FSAR reports, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) testimony, the reports of the construction firm that repaired the overexcavation, Region IV inspection reports, and any other documentation available pertinent to the allegation. Q. Did you interview or otherwise contact he individual responsible for the allegation? A. No, we did not feel that it was necessary. We felt that the allegation was sufficiently clear. Attachment 5 I

                                                                                    .p.            ^

Q. Mr. SHAO, what were your instructions recarding what action to take in regard to the CASE allegations? I' A. To do a good job. To make sure that the allegations were properly resolved. J Q. Then as I understand it, the actual actions you took were left to your I discretion based on your technical expertise and experience? j l A. Yes, that is correct. l Q. In addition to your reviews or team reviews of the reports pertinent to the repair work, did you initiate any independent investigative action? I A. It's possible the other members may have conducted some independent ) effort. They would have presented the information to me. I would have 1 evaluated the information. In this case, originally there were two other engineers involveu (Messrs. HOFMAYER and JENG). i Q. Were these individuals members of the TPT7 A. Fr. H0FMAYER was a consultant for the NPC, Mr. JENG is an NRC employee. Mr. TAPIA is from Region IV, NPC. All three are members of the TRT. If anyone had conducted any independent effort, it would have been TAPIt. Q. In your opinion, was any independent activity in conjunction with the reviews of documentation necessary to resolve the allegation? A. No, we felt that the information available was sufficient to resolve the allegation. I suggest you talk to TAPIA on this question. Q. After you completed your evaluation, were you satisfied that the work done to repair the overexcavation was adequate to preserve the ground integrity and not compromise the seismic response? A. Yes. Q. Mr. SHAO, CASE again presented this allegation. Is this correct? A. They have made 17 additional allegations. Q. Is the allegation originally designated AQ-64 regarding the overexca-vation at the Unit 1 containment building among these 17 allegations? A. Yes. Q. Mr. SHAO, are you again the team leader of the TRT responding to these new allegations?

   .                       A.                    Yes.


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O. How do you intend to resolve-allegation A0-64, the overexcavation at the l - containment building? j A. We have done an analysis showing that the concrete used in the repair is essentially identical to the originel limestone. We termed it

                                    " essentially identical." We will meet with the CASE groua and show them our calculations.

O. Then you do not intend to conduct any actual work at the overexcavation? A. I don't think so. Q. Do you feel that the CASE group will accept this as an adequate response to their allegation? A. I don't know. Q. Mr. SHAO, in summary, you feel that the actions taken by the TRT in response to the CASE allegation were adeouate, and no independent activi-ty such as core sampling, etc. was required? A. Up to now, I'm pretty confident. We are still working on it. From what my people have told me, I'n pretty confident. Q. Mr. SHAO, do you have anything to add to or delete from this statement? A. I have made the corrections I feel necessary. O. After your return to Bethesda, Maryland, did the project director review your report? A. He was suppose to. I would say yes. Q. Did he concur with your findings? A. He had no objections. Q. Did he express any concerns that reouired members of the TRT to return to the firm of GIRBS AND HILL to conduct additional documentary reviews? A. Ve discussed it. Dave JENG returned to the firm ard did some additional work. I'm not really sure; let be check with JENG and I'll give an answer. Q. Do you have anything further to add? A. Yes, I suggest that you talk to fir. PHIll.E0 about this whole issue. END OF STATEMENT

( P R , e L' l STATEMENT OF DAVID C. JENG STATEMENT OF DAVID C. JENG, TAKEN NOVEMBER 12, 1985, AT THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR AND AUDITOR,11.3. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BETHESDA, MD. Q. Mr. JENG, this office is currently conducting an inquiry into allegations presented by the Citizens Association for Sound Energy (CASE), regarding their contention of improper conduct by the Technical Review Team (TRT), during their review of a CASE allegation at the Comanche Peak Power I Plant. CASE contends that the TRT relied solely on information provided oy the applicant in lieu of conducting an independent investigation. The allegation in question is AQ-64, pertaining to the overexcavation at the plants number one Containment Building. Do you understand the nature of this inquiry? A. Yes. O. Do you have any objection to incorporating my ouestions and your answers into a written statement? A. I have no objection. C. Mr. JENG, as I understand it, you were assigned to the TPT that was involved in the investigation c' the CASE allegation at the Comanche Peak Power Plant, is this correct? A. Yes, I was the sub-group leader responsible for the investigation of allegations related to civil and structural disciplines. Q. Were you responsible for the investigation of allegation AQ-64, the overexcavation at the unit one Containment Building? A. Yes, my group was. O. Which individual in your group was responsible for resolving Ar-64? A. Mr. Joe TAPIA. He was the assigned reviewer for the allegation Mr. H0FMAYEP was the senior reviewer. I exercised overall oversite. Q. How did your group resolve the allegation? What did TAPIA do to resolve the allegation? A. I believe he reviewed the Region IV reports pertaining to their inves-tication of the allegation. Pe also reviewed the Final Safety Analysis Peport (FSAR), of the Comanche Peak Project. Mr. TAPI A is a Region IV asset so he was aware of the information end the FSAP hearing transcript contained in the ASLP proceedings related to contention 7 concerning the overall excavation issue. I think tir. TAPI A reviewed the affidavits and statements filed by TilFC and the NRC which are related to contentier 7. Attachment 6

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                                                                .                        m                                m He further reviewed the procedures utili7ed tn replace fractured rock with dental concrete and to grout surrounding fissures and the accompany-ing compressive test results. Figures ?.5.4. 33a through ?.5.4. 35 and figures 2.5.4. 37, sheets 1 through 27 were also reviewed by TAPIA. We also interviewed the Region IV inspector (Bob STEVART) who was present at the time t'ne overexcavation occurred.

l 0. Other than the review of documentation described above, did your team perform any independent investigative activity to resolve the issue? A. If you mean did we conduct core sanpling or boring of the site, we did not. Mr..TAPIA reviewed the Geological Technical Evaluation Report prepared by the NRR staff regarding the effects on static and dynamic foundation stability of replacing limestone and claystone fourJation rock with dental concrete and repaired foundation materials to withstand seismic disturbances. We considered what had already been done,.and based on our years of experience in nuclear reactor regulatory reviews and our technical expertise on seismic response of rock . foundations, we concluded that it was not necessary. I have been involved in the safety review of nuclear plants since 1973. Pased on my experience which includes the review of many seismic analyses, I concurred with the reviewers (TAPIA) conclusions en AQ-64. In addition after receiving the CASE allegation, in order to provide e quantitative verification of our conclusions, a specific seismic analysis, modeling the overexcavation was performed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The results of their analysis confirmed that the conclusions reached on AQ-64 in the safety and eveluation report were accurate. Q. How as Mr. PHILLEO involved in the investigation of AQ-649 A. He was not involved in the initial phases of the investigation. After we received the CASE allegation, I asked him to review what we had done in j respense to the allegation. Mr. PHILLEO has many years of experience in concrete technology and is the author of many publications. He is also the former Chairman of the American Concrete Institute. He reviewed the materials we had considered in making our ,4udgement and he supported the conclusion that there w'e re no safety implications due to the overexcavation and subse-quent replacement with dental concrete. Q. As I understand it, CASE has again presented this allegation. Pave you conducted any effort to resnive the allegation? A. We went through the documentation available to us to include the package sent to us by CASE. We again discussed the matter among the team mem-bers. We had the Brookhaven Laboratory conduct an independent analysis. As a result, we concluded that our initial conclusion was the right one.

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Q. After you completed your initial investigation of the CASE allecation and prepared your final report, was this report reviewed by the Project Manager?

        ,                                                                                             A.-                       Mr. Larry SHAO, the group leader reviewed the report. Also the report                                                                                 {

went through the nomal management review chain. I don't know if the j Project Manager reviewed the report personally. l I Q. Were you reouired to return to the fim of GIBBS & HILL to obtain addi- 1 tional information? l i A. No, I detemined that a need existed for additional infomation. In J order to implement the independent analysis by the Brookhaven Laboratory. This was not done at the request of the Project Manager. Q. Will you provide copies of the acological Evaluation Report and the Brookhaven Laboratory report to this office? A. Yes. Q. Do you have anything to add or to delete from this statement? A. No. END OF STATEMEFT l 1 ~~~~_. - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ . - _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ . . _ _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - . _ . - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ._ _. _

                                                       ^                                A STATEMENT OF ROBERT E. "HILLE0, TAKEN NOVEMBEP. 25, 1985, AT THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR AND AUDITOR, U.S. NUCLEAP REGULATORY COMMISSION, BETHESDA,.itARYLAND Q. Mr. PHILLEO, this office is currently conducting an inquiry into an allegation presented by the CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR SOUNP ENERGY (CASE),

that an NRC Technical Review Team (TPT), had conducted an improper l investigation during their review of a CASF allegation at the COMANCHE PEAK POWER PLANT (COMANCHE PEAK). Are you familiar with this allegation? A. Yes. O. Do > c have any objection to providing a written statement concerning your involvement in the investigation of this allegation? A. No, I have no objection. Q. Are you currently employed by NRC? A. No. I am a private engineer consultant employed by the NRC by specific contract to deal with the COMANCHE PEAK allegations. Q. Were you involved in the initial investigation of allegation A0-64 as presented by CASE 7 A. No, not directly. I was a member of the TRT tha.t responded to the project concerning the CASE allegations; however, I was not assigned responsibility for the review of allegation A0-64. O. Were you in any way involved in the investigation of this allegation? A. I just reviewed what had been done by the TRT in order to write the summary for the civil / structural items. Q. Were you involved in the investigation of allegation A0-64 after it was again presented by CASE? A. Yes. I reviewed the records on which the original decision was made. I partiev ated with the people at the Brookhaven National Laboratory to

   .                                   select the parameters to be used as input to the seismic analysis that was to be prepared by Brookhaven.

Attachment 7 t I

a Q. CASE has alleged that durino their initial investigation of allegation AQ-64, the TRT had conducted an improper investigation by not conducting an independent investigation and instead relied on information provided by the applicant. Do you consider the activity of the TRT, in their investigation of the initial allegation, to have been proper? A. Yes. The available records were accurate and complete and their accuracy CASE has alleged that the Final Safety was Analysissupported Report by(photographs.FSAR) contained a material false statement. The al tions based on the fact that the FSAR contained only the information pertaining to the Unit One Containment Building and none of the inforna-tion pertaining to the overexcavation at the Fuel Handling Building, Auxiliary Building, Containment Building Two and other parts of the project. This is true; however, the FSAR refers to the. utility files which are available and Region IV confirmed that all the information is there. CASE has not questioned the accuracy of the information. They allege that the incompleteness of the information constitutes a material false statement. O. _ In your opinion, was the action taken by the utility in repairing the overexcavation at Containment One adequate and sufficient to preclude any compromise of the building seismic response? A. Yes, what they did was adequate and did not compromise the building seismic response. Q. What independent activity would have been appropriate by the TRT during their investigation of the initial allegation? Would core drilling have been reauired? A. It would have been possible to core drill, but I would not have recom-mended it had I been responsible for the investigation of the allegation. It would have been overkill. As it turned out, the seismic analysis conducted by the Brookhaven National Laboratory confirms that it would not have been necessary. O. To your knowledge prior to their review of the allegation, had the TRT contacted the allecer, in this case a Mr. CLANCY? Information available now indicates that he had received the information regarding the overex-cavation from another individual who had been present when the overexca-vation occurred? A. I just don't know. I don't think he was. l Q. Do you feel that the nature of the allegation was sufficiently clear as I to negate an interview of the alleger? i A. Yes, in this case.

    .                             Q. To your knowledge, was the NRC Inspector at C0F.AMCHE PEAK interviewed during the initial TFT investigation?

A. Mr. TAPIA said that he was and I have no reason to dcubt it. l< l l l l l i_________________ -_ i

l' L I L , N ^ Q. Was the allegation of overexcavation at the Containment One Building related to the overbreak and overexcavation at the other Project Build-ings?

  ,                                                                 A. The allegation only pertained to the Unit One Containment. Other struc-tures had similar foundation treatment. In order to assess the generic I                                                                           implications to foundation treatments, it was necessary to assess the                -

adequacy of the treatment as demonstrated at the Unit One Containment.


L I It was found to be adequate. The containment structures because of their shape are the most critical from a seismic behavior point of view. Thus the investigation of the allegations studied the only structure mentioned in the allegation which happened to be the most critical seismically and i determined that the foundation treatment used throughout the project was. satisfactory. O. Do you have anythinn further to add to this statement or delete from it? A. I have made the corrections required. 1 l


    #cr%:: ..vaan% % b.T1:tfW :?                %9FD ryq'Q;*%Q2%9992!affi!.ll".                    * & %}9.'R7
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S A. No,'I don't think that the situation merited that. I have since reviewed all the material that TAPIA reviewed to include the material that CASE provided and as a result, I don't feel that the allegation has any safety significance. Q. Were you involved in the reinvestigation of the allegation? A. Yes, that's what I responded to in the above question. I was also involved in the BNL analysis of the overbreak/ excavation of the Unit One Containment. Q. In summary, are you satisfied that the actions taken by the TRT during their investigation of the initial allegation were appropriate? A. Yes. Q. Do you have anything to add to or delete from this statement? A. No.

                  ////////////////////////////// END OF STATEMENT ////////////////////////


4 ,

                                                                      --     y    p.myg<.               .ygg g7. ,,g
                                 . _ , . _         . ~ . + +              -~- . . . .

w ,, m ,. . + - .~ ~ m c n3FW STATEMENT OF CHARLES H. HOFMAYER, TAKEN NOVEMBER 25, 1985, AT THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR AND AUDITOR, U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, BETHESDA, MARYLAND Q. Mr. HOFMAYER, this office is currently conducting an inquiry into an allegation presented by the CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR SOUND ENERGY (CASE), that a NRC Technical Review Team (TRT) had conducted an improper investi-gation during their review of a CASE alleghTI'En7nclving the COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (COMANCHE PEAK). Are you aware of the nature of this allegation? A. Yes I am. Q. Do you have any objection to providing a written statement concerning your involvement in the investigation of this allegation? A. No, I have no objection. Q. Are you currently employed by NRC, and if so, in what capacity? A. I am under contract to NRC for the COMANCHE PEAK Project. I an employed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, New York. I am assigned to the Structural Analysis Division, Department of Nuclear Energy. . Q. Were you a member of the TRT that responded to the initial allegation presented by CASE, AQ-64? A. Yes. I was a member of the team. I worked in the civil / structural area. Q; What were your responsibilities? A. In the civil / structural area, I reported to David JENG. We were respon-sible.for looking into a number of allegations presented by CASE in the civil / structural area. Q. Were you involved in the review of allegation AQ-64? A. No, I was not directly involved. I did review the Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (SSER) prepared by Joseph TAPIA. Q. CASE has alleged that the TRT, ii stead of conducting an independent effort, relied on information prtvided by the applicant. To your knowl-edge, did TAPIA conduct any independent effort to resolve the allegation? t A. To my knowledge, TAPIA handled this by reviewing the material that was  !

               .                                  available and talking to the Resident Inspector.

Q. Based on your expertise in the structural field, do you feel that the TRT should have initiated any independent effort such as core drilling to resolve the allegation? Attachment 8 l



 .                                                        Mr. TAPIA, this office is currently conducting an inquiry into allegations T[Q.                                 presented by the Citizens Association for Sound Energy (CASE), that a NRC Technical Review Team (TRT), had conducted an improper investigation of a CASE allegation at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. This allegation involved an overexcavation of the Plant Containment Building. Are you familiar with this allegation?

A. Yes. Q. Do you have any objection to incorporating my questions and your answers into a written statement? A. I have no objection. Q. Mr. TAPIA, what is your current position with NRC? A. I am a reactor inspector assigned to Region IV, NRC. Q. Were you involved with the TRT from NRC Headquarters that responded to the Comanche Peak Project in response to the CASE allegation? A. Yes, I was assigned to the Civil / Structural Group. The group leader was David JENG. Q. Who was in charge of the Civil / Structural Group? A. JENG was the subgroup leader. Larry SHA0 was the group leader. Q. Were you involved with allegation AQ64, pertaining to the overexcavation at the Unit 1 Containment Building? A. Yes, I had primary responsibility for resolving the allegation. Q. What actions did you take in resolving this allegation? A. What essentially happened was that there was an overexcavation at the , Unit 1 Containment Building. I had been awcre of the allegation before ' it had been reported by CASE. I reviewed the contractor's repair procedures, talked to the Region Inspector responsible for Comanche Peak, looked at photographs and drawin I reviewed the Final Safety l Analysis Report (FSAR)gs of the

                                                                                  . I made      excavation.

a comparison of the properties of the , l rock and the dental concrete used to repair the overexcavation. In my judgment, considering my engineering expertise, I concluded that the repair work was adequate and had no effect on the expected seismic response of the rock structure inter-reaction. Later, the Brookhaven National Laboratory did an evaluation which confirmed my analysis. Q. Then in your opinion what the utility did in repairing the overexcavation

  ,                                                       was adequate and did not impair the expected seismic response of the foundation?

Attachment 9


      . ,_                                                       . . - - - -          ~.                 ,                      ,
                                                                   ,                                     6                      ^
l A. Yes, that is correct, the repair was correct and the seismic reponse capability.of the foundation has not been impaired.

c Q. CASE contends that the TRT in lieu of depending on the information provided by the applicant should have conducted an independent investi-gation. Do you feel that some independent effort, i.e., core sampling, seismic wave sampling was required?


4 A. Absolutely not. My prior knowledge of the incident and the information available to me was more than adequate for me to make an engineering evaluation. I do not feel that the analysis done by the Brookhaven Laboratory was necessary to reach my conclusion. Q. Prior to conducting your evaluation of the allegation, did the TRT or yourself contact the alleger to obtain information relative to the overbreak? A. No. We discussed this among the group and Larry SHA0 concluded that it was not necessary. We felt that sufficient information as to the nature of the allegation was already available. Q. You have mentioned that you. spoke with the NRC inspector responsible for the plant. Who did you talk to? A. Bob STEWART. The conversation occurred here at Region IV. Q. Did anyone assist you with the allegation? A. I covered the allegation by myself. Mr. JENG and HOFMAYER later reviewed my findings. Q. Were you involved in the reinvestigation of the allegation (AQ64) after it was again presented by CASE? A. Yes. I traveled to Washington and assisted Mr. PHILLEO in re:ponding to the so-called new allegations. Q. CASE contends that the overexcavation at the Unit 1 Containment Building had also spread to the Fuel Storage Building, Auxiliary Building, Containment Unit 2 and other parts of the project. Was this considered in the investigation of allegation AQ64)? A. Yes. You have to understand there is a difference in overexcavation and overbreak. The overexcavation was only at Containment Building 1, the overbreak extended to the other buildings. Q. Had the other buildings been adequately repaired? A. No repair was required except at the Containment Building 1. At the other locations, they just had to remove the loose rock and continue with the excavation. Q. Do you feel that the actions you initiated to resolve the allegation were appropriate? l 1

l 1

                                                                                              ,                               y
                                                                                              .- .                             n
                                                                                                .                                                     i
                                                                     , A. I would not have done it any other way.

V )

   ,                                                                   Q. And you feel no independent effort was required to resolve the issue?    -

A. Correct. Adequate information was available to make a determination that the repairs by the contractor were adequate. Q. Do you have anything further to add to this statement or delete from it? A. I have made the corrections required.

                                                                       "This statement was prepared for me by Investigator L. B. Smith. I have read the statement, initialed chances and each page, and hereby adopt this statement as my own."

7 ignature) WITNESS:

                                                                                   , d h / 9// M

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ d

m n STATEMENT OF ROBERT STEWART TAKEN DECEMBER 17, 1985, AT THE OFFICE OF INVESTIGATIONS, REGION IV FIELD OFFICE, U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC), ARLINGTON, TEXAS. jpS Q. Mr. STEWART, what is your current position with NRC? A. Region IV reactor inspector, Engineering Section. Q. Are you familiar with the CASE allegation pertainii; to the over-excavation at Comanche Peak Power Plant? A. The original allegation - yes, I testified at the hearing during 1982.  ; There was a joint intervention group, the initial allegation was contention seven. The Citizens For Uniform Regulation (CFUR) group presented the initial allegation. CASE again presented the allegation sometime later. Q. Were you present at the plant when the overexcavation occurred? A. Yes, I made them stop the excavation until they controlled their blasting. I observed the contractor repair the overexcavation. They cleaned out the area and filled it with cement. The overbreak that resulted from the blasting was also repaired. Q. Were you at the plant when the Technical Review Team (TRT) from NRC arrived in response to the CASE allegation? A. No, I was not at the plant. I met the TRT at the Regional Office. I gave them all the information I had. Most of my information was already a matter of record. Q. Whom did you discuss the matter with? A. Joe TAPIA. Q. Do you feel that the manner in which the contractor repaired the over-excavation and resultant overbreak was adequate so as not compromise the seismic response of the foundation? A. Yes. Q. Do you have anything further to add to this statement or delete from it?

.                                                       A. I have made the corrections required. M "This statement was prepared for me by Invest,igator L. B. Smith. ,11 have read the statement, initialed changes and                                    .;pa a  reby adopt this statement as my own."                        .

WITNESS: [ <2ZG( Attachment 10

                            '.                                                                                 !D U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Inspector and Auditor April 8, 19P7 o....i,..........

Report of Interview 4 Lawrence SHA0 and David JENG were reinterviewed regarding the TPT followup briefing with CASE'concerning the TRT's review of the CASE Allegetion AQ-64. SHA0 advised.that JENG, Robert PHILLE0 and Charles HOFMAYER net with CASE and briefed CASE on the TRT review of their allegation. SHA0 stated that be believed CASE was satisfied with the TRT effort. SPA 0 stated that JENG would have additional information concerning the meeting. JENG related to 01A that during January 1986 the TRT met'with representatives' of CASE and discussed the TRT review of the CASE allegation. CASE, at the conclusion of the meeting, indicated they did not want to commit to the adequacy of the TP.T effort until they had an opportunity to review the NRC final report. JENG advised that the NRC final report had been transmitted to the Comanche Peak Project Office, Regicn IV, NRC, and following their review, the report.will be provided to CASE. fE$i1 8, 1987

                                                                         ,,,,,,,,,,,.                                                      m     ,Jethe,sda ,f D                                                                                         ,,,,,                         iPG-6 Lyle B. Smith, Investinato                                                                                            ,,,,,,,,                                                             April 8, 190,7
                                                                         ;;;,?:,m:Ma,*" '";;;; == :                                       : :: 7,',"a%'M;;::,9;";r:mt;",'a*' " c'""~"*

mr Attachment 13

                    '/                                                                    p I'                                .f~ .

Cete Prepared / Revised: 02/24/87 BRIEFING PAPER


COMANCHE PEAK - Allegations of Inefficiency by Technical Review Team (TRT) Personnel Category: Misconduct Date Rec'd in 01A: 10/15/85 Date Opened: 10/15/85 Case No.: INQ 86-6 Office / Region: Region IV Est. Compitn Date: 01/?6/87 Site: Comanche Peak Date Closed i ggg $Q Investigator (s): Lyle B. SMITH Special Interest: Complainant or Other Source of A11egatinn(s): Citizens Association for Sound Energy (CASE) Subject (s) of Investigation: NRC Technical Review Team personnel Allegation (s): NRC Technical Review Team personnel allegedly improperly investigated a CASE allegation. Results: Status:

  • 10/15/85 case file teviewed.

10/16/85 director Comanche Peak interviewed. Draft report submitted Q/A 2/25/86. No indication of misconduct by NRC TRT personnel. Pending completion of supervisory and technical reviews,

I' . . 1 i ( n . c.,,,.y p . n. u . , , . . , m o , . . . . , , , , , a (Q

                             .                                                                                               x.

f/)Ij> '[ r.iASOn JOHN 3 TON & O T pc o geotechnical consultants

  +                                                           JOB NO. 351195                                                                                                  i ensineersnx c. vivo - sool n.erhann s-fo sm*utuon e.y',hri'em~g ~


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p, MAY 0 619 o .1 HJA-3700 - ."o ."o . 'I "' *

                                             ". '.,"A'.'.'    .'
  • s 'k E C E i V E .  ;
                            . eamus nosr.

t.sCl.7,t.&'Df s .. o u.h.?. , . MJP-00050 Mr. C. H. Gatchell Texas Utilities Services, Inc. P. O. Ecx 1002 Glen Rose, Texas Re: Texas Utilities Services, Inc. Comanche Peak Stean Electric Station 19S0-1982 Units 11. 7 Grout Pive i.nention _

Dear Mr. Catchell:

By cepy of this letter te. Erown 6 Root I aw. requestin; that planteite coordinates of the presently instc11cd grout pipes, in Category I Structures, be supplied to rr.e f or documentr. tion purposes. ine following is a list of presently installed grout pfpus, by buildin; location, that require documentation. Unit 1

1. Containment Bldg.- two (2) pipes etnbedded in dental backfill on south side.
2. Safeguard Bldg. - two (2) pipes embedded in the 779'7" clevation to the south of on cast-west centerline.
                                         .          Unit 11
1. Safeguard Bidr,. - two (2) pipes, one (1) cach embedded in the

[' 779'7" clevation, either side of an east-west centerline. j


SI'0.IN DlM..D._ ____ _ f '

                                                                    ~.-%,_,,                         s ..



          . A4's $ O!!* JOHNS TON 3 - A S S O CI( '" S,' m c.                                                                               *
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                **a                             ents neershg Stolog,s - nuni nere lorn n . -(**ntos!aincon o u.gorn e t son:
   ...                                                                                                                                         02185.003    -
2. Emergency Diesel Generator Bldt, two (2) pipes embedded in j

the southwest corner. Very truly yours, PASON-JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES INC. FIELD OFFICE, CPSES by .d W & i s h *' ERBERT C. CROWDER, Field Geologist HCC/pv Distribution: TUSI, Gatchell (0) (IL) HJA, Mason, (1L) MJQAM,' (lL) brown & Roct, Dodd (it) Brown & Root, Jackson ~(lL) Gibbs & Hill, Fellinger (IL) _4 9 e 0 4

  .L-                                                                 ._                    ___.._..____.__...__..._

9 _ gyp ogy,r,9 "I'l?.h' A3 (ITil.(Til'.S Slt.itVICES INC. p b- " 0 ;' t'l C L: M t. ht O ll MI D 11 M __cten no... h n _Ilay !h .1980_ _

          @          Tn. . . .lo.hrt fia r., l ... .

Sut>;ect COMfJh:llM Pl.AX StfAM ll.ECTit1C STATION

 *'              -                                                   ~ istl 113 230WlielTH W.fThif0N Pitt'iSUllE Git 0!Jf(NG Al Pl ANIS 11C lt:T: NRC tltJr.STION 362.15 lljs 7Ji?.4 We have locateil grout pipes SGi-t' G' and H. SG-2 A B C & D, FBC- A !! & C and havn fictennined that these pipes have not. been                                                              .

grouted back. We in the process of locating grout pipes Cl-A and FBC-D. We have the grouting pressure reconrnended for SG2-A B C & D and are working with Gibbs and 11111 and !!ason and Johnson to obtain the remainder. When we Thr: have QAthis information department we will procerd iiworlintely with the protsthg. will uiincss the grouting process and dortimentation will br> for-warded to you as ,oon as the grouting is completed. Our target date for furnishinrj this infomation to you is June 1,1980. Please contact Itc if this is a probicas. O. -. . ..._.. ._ _ . . . . .. _. . . _ _ _ . . , , , , , , , , il erty Ap Kilen, of. Proj ct Civil Engineer JAA/dt I cc: Jim Hawkins I Hike McBay l \ . Q

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             - - - -              * . "                 .                              ...... ~ ...                      ..                       .


                                                                                                                           .r 0362.15 Indicate what documents are available to verify that grouting operations were, in f act,
  • performed at the appropriate time," and in accordance with the specifications. Provide a brief summary of any such documentation.

R362.15 Thirty-two grout pipes were completed under the direction of Mason-Johnston & Associates and verified by letter dated February 23, 1978. The remaining twelve grout pipes were completed under the 11 direction of Texas Utilities Services, Inc. and verified by memo dated May 28, 1980. Deterr.ination of the appropriate time for the grouting operation was determined by whether the fracture involved was totally confined by concrete mats and/or walls, i.e., if grout was injected it could not flow to the surface except through another grout pipe. Once the fracture was confined, then all concrete mats and/or walls were given at least thirty days cure time prior to the grouting operation. o 362-16 AMENDMENT 11 JULY 31, 1980 L-_____-_________.

A. a v -e i, . u.6 t 36..  %.. ... Q

  • jk5 Y'E'
                                                                                                                                              ,f':' , 7 ~ ... .-




                                                                                                                                                                 ,   c ,
                                                            -grotechnical consultants                                                         .', , , h'
                                                                                                                                                                 'QI RE C EIY ED....,-,_..u.,,,....,,_,...,,...,,.,..@-,l,,l;f.ti                                                    i - >:, g    i uswo c. muo~ r.s                     T G 27 $1b                                                                                   j$  o' 23 February 1978                                                  h*.'so,$bO,ib%

m t'**'

                                                                                                                                                             -47 amser p., e o., c e c                                                                                                                 - i. ' L 

M'i'.'gd: ,, ,"IfX'.S E M IE II M 3 $, / A.1, -

r. u-n n:7 . tin - 00 d4 9M IS CNGI N EI f U Z'U'.i P.r. John Herritt Texas Utilities Generating Co.

P . O . Bo.': 1002 , Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Rc: Texas Utilities Services, Inc. Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, 1980-1952, Units 1 & 2: Grout Pipes, Compic e6

Dear Mr. Merritt:

E:' thi:: Ictter, this off ce is notifying T.U.S.I. f corpletion of grouting of the fs11owing pipes: SG1- A thru E, T3 A- A th ru Y , anc FEB-A thru C. The pipes in Scfeguard Building 41 (CG-1-A thru r' cc.n bc-cut flush to the existing floor level. The 2" floor tcpping will then cover the cut pipe. This action is fer cosmetic reasons only. Nc, additional cuttine of the pires completed in the Fuc1 Euilding is necessary. If there are ar,y cuertions on this sub.iect, please contact me. Vcry truly yours, s/ .

                                                                        /S$*Ap Oe*
                                                                                       .Y'f QS/w     i  t;"A'*\

Herbert C. Crowder Field Geologist l . Masor-Johnston & Assec., Inc. HCC:ag Dist CMAJiiUTJ -%5't.? FE@MP'?

   -                                  :'DTJS CA 'f,11!) "R.G. ? Tulsmi' G&E      (1L) J.J. Moorhead B&R      (1L) U.D. Douglas PJOAM (1L)

File 3700

i 1

                                          .,           ..                                                                  e+3 ass monna/ Ivs, . os u.4,s. TsAas vasos asa set.ssee 3      .-                                                                           (



j ' MASON .lOHNSTOM & ASSOCIATES, INc. (. /. J ) geotechnical consultants . . nginerring geoloc-soil m,chenien-foundation engsherring emo=oc. mason.P.a riore t. someston, p.c

       ****                                    ^                          23 February 1978                                 co== 54*
       . . . , o . .,m, r. . o .. . o  II.E,UEIT7ED                     '

n'.l.'%*i"': ,, n-- --TElf271978 u ,,r - - - l 1"4"f,d"!;.i MJF- 0 ( 250 ea t S , Inc. P.O. Box.1002 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 ' s , Inc. Re: Texas Comanche f, {, g plectric u ~ _ , - t Station, 19 80-1982, Uni ts 1 & 2; Grout Pipes , I.D. Nurgg(& 1,ocation

Dear Mr. Merritt:

d By this letter, this office is assigning an identification mumber to each grout pipe in order to eliminate the , confusion sometimes encountered when referring to grout pipe locations. The following is a table giving the building the pipe is located in, the I.D. number, and the coordinates of each pipe: Building I.D. No. Coordinate Safeguard il SGl-A- N9545.90 E10516.18 *~ SGl-B - N9548.75 E10516.18 SGl-C- N9586.17 E10520.32 SG1-D- N95B2.67 E10517.07 SGl-E- N9582.67 E10521.74 SG1-F ' N9482.30 E10544.71:. S Gl-G - N9469.31 E10472.09 SGl-H - N9482.00 E10594.00 Containment #1 Cl-A ' N9487.25 E10603.08


                                                                    .                                 geotechnical consulta'sts
  • engineering geology-noil mer.hs des-foundatson enginorring 23 February 1978 Page 'No Texas Utilities Services, Inc.

YJF-00250 BuiIding I.D. No. Coordin a t_e, N9836.05 E10517.10 Safeguard 62 SG2-A-SG2-B , N9869.33 E10518.00 SG2-C,' N9957.98 E10474.25 SG2-D - N9949.58 E10473.75_- Fuel FBA-A~~ N9679.05 E10603.72

                                                                                        , p(!

FBA-B- N9G76.65 E10603.38 FBA-C' N9674.44 E10602.72

                                                                                        . .r.

FBA-D" N9670.45 E10602.86 FBA-E"

  • N9669.21 E10602.45 1 FB A-F ' N9666.72 E10602.02
                                                                                          .W:                                                      FBA-G'                   N9664.23 E10601.21
                                                                                              .[                                                   FBA-H" FBA-I' N9661.34 E10600.65 N9658.45 E10600.10
  • FBA-J' N9656.36 E10599.29 '

FBA-K" N9654.33 E10598.70

                                                                                              ;                                                     FBA-L'                  N9651.84 E10598.44 FM-ll '                 N9649.30 E10597.57 FB A-K '                N9647.05 E10597.02 FBA-O'                  N9671.13 E10600.16 FBA-P -                 N9672.12 E10397.77 FBA-R-                  N9673.09 E10595.41 FBA-S'                  N9674 ti E10593.43 FBA-T'         E10592.28 FBA-U"                  N9670.85 E10592.22 FBA-V'                  N9668.45 ell 591.47 FBA-W '                 N9666.25 E105.'O.71 FBA-X-                  N9664.08 E1058b 99 FBA-Y -                  N9661.72 E10589.30 FBB-A"                   N9646.25 E10624.00 FBB-B-                   N9643.52 E10620.50 FBB-C-                   N9643.85 E10617.43                                    ,_

TBC-A- N9653.30 E10674.35 FBC-B - N9652.*15 E10672.46 I FBC-C ' N9650.43 E10670.43 l FBC-D - N9648.65 E10669.74 l

s? a associarns, wc. (O (-Q

                                                    ' ' ' geotechnical consultants s-                    eqinorring geology-soit n,shenace-foundalson eMinorriM
   -                                                            23 February 1978                                  Page Three Texas Utilities Services, Inc.

MJT-00250 Attached are three plan sheets showing the grout pipe locations and their I.D. number. If there are any questions concerning this subject, please notify me. -

                                      . i.S' ^                                                                    very truly yours, 7ks[XA Herbert C. Crowcer Field Geologist Mason-Johnston & Assoc., Inc.

HCC:ag Encis Dist TUST7.T.

                                                                                     ;    Oi,3A) "J~." MErfite TUGCO QA (ll,3A) R. Tolson B&R         (1L,3A)      u Douglas
                                                 .-s                       G&H        (1L,3A)      J. Moorhead FJA        (lL,3A)      R. Mason
                                            ._"._..                          MJOAM (lL,3A)

File 3700 O h _. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

R r

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g. 'j . 1980 82 2300 HW INSTALLATION p
                           .                                                                       SAFECUARD NO. 1 f                                                                                            PRESSURE CR0tTTING 1                    1                                                                        REF: MJF-00225

[' ., FILE C3209.1 j i . I' 1 In response to the referenced letter requesting engineering concurrence with the p oposed pressure to be used in r, routing

                            ;                                                                                                                                                                           1 I                                                                                                    Safer.uard Building, be advised that fractures in the Unit I.                  '.*                        the design ennineer (R. E. McCrane) visually inspected the i                                              area in question and a j                                              noted are acceptable. grees that the minimum head pressures I

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f. . T. Van Arnerongen IL, LA
1. C. Dodd IL. 1A -

I j R. C. Tolson IL, 1A

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  • If $bef e are any atacst ion. reg,.trJane, this avbject pirase coatatt f

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Mr. .lohn Merritt j 11tilities Generating Co.  : P. O. Boy. 1002 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 , T r.u r. Utilitier, but ~~U e r , Inc. Re: In:ut:che Feak Stt'c 1 Vt.ctr:0 Station, 1900-I!h2, u a.*.s 1 = 2; Groot Pipes, tionn e; c f 1

Dear Mr. ?!ctritt:

3 ar, reqe c t'. , c.3 t r. " By cop */ of this letter to nroun and iteo*., pipet i : .: a : ) : it ' n O'mlity Asrurance Group monitor the ar'aut  ! in various Class I foundations. p i pe ., The purpose of this monitor is to assure thatthis notify the greutreml ment. I am also requesting that Drown and Rootis placed around a r.ing1r-of f 2ce when the f int.1 concrete lif t this of tice can detorn: inn

                                   ,or set of grout pipes in order thatand approval of the press Attached is a sketch showing the approximate locations of tboce                                           opo-pipes and the appropriate "DRF correspondence giving the cific locations.                                                                            please con-I If there are any questions concerning th2s subject, tact me.

Very truly yours, h,/./ $ $r ed- , Itcrbert C. Crowdct

                                         .                                               Field Geologist                                                 ,

IF:C:dse f A t ta chunts l I Dist: TUSI (OL) John Merritt TUSI (IL) P.G . 'Iol sc n n&R (IL) fi.C. Darld E.H () L) l' . Bu r..0 2 ini MJA (1L) I;. C. ila r on

                                                  ?!J OM! (11.)

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                      'BrownURoot,Inc. post office sex 100,, cien nose, Tex s 7eo43 March 16,1977                #' ' ,f. M WNW 4RF-1550 '
  • Mr. C.H. Gatene11 Texas Utilities Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 1002 Glen Rose. Texas 76043 Texas Utilities " services. Inc. Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station 1980-82 2300 MW Installation Ref. Ltr.: NF-00298, " Fuel Building Grout' Pipe locations" 5 Fuel Building Grout Pipe Locations f

Dear Mr. Gatchell:

Per referenced Mason-Johnston, Associate's letter, the requested informa-These are the locations of tion is furnished on an attachment to this letter. grout pipes installed in the Fuel Building seal slabs near Reactor Building Al during the week of February 2) .1977. . , Very truly yours, BRO & - T INC. H.C. Dodd, Jr. Pro. ject Manager HCD/ M/sn Attachment l cc: l L.A.Ashley(1L1A) P.L. Bussolini (1L) M.M. Fitch/L.D. Pyeatt (1L) - C.H.Gatchell(0,1A) H.C. Schmidt (6L,6A) R.G. Tolson (1L,1 A) R.C. Mason,NA(1L) 88

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362.15 TUS-2624 Attached are inspection reports IR-C-3443, 3444 and 3445 which wer.e prepared by the Brown and Root QC Department to document completion of pressure grouting at' the following grout pipe lo-cations: SGI-F G and H. Cl-A SG2-A, B, C, and D FBC-A, B, C, and D This completes all pressure grouting of fractured rock at the plantsite and should provide the doctnentation you need, (when added to the inft,mation you have on hand) to close out the referenced NRC question. If additional infomation is required please contact Jerry Allen. O 1' I ( l J. T. Me6 itt?Jn '

                                                                                                                                                      .1' Man'agor, Engineering & Instruction
                                                                                                }A                             y JTM/    /dt cc: ARMS OL, 3A                                   A Mike McBay Jim Hawkins, QC Don Sutton

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BrownffRoot,Inc. east otrice sox ,00,, en sose, Texes 7eo43 1598 0 _


August 13, 1976 W . y ,,

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BRF-3331-Mr. C. H. Gatchell Texas Utilities Services, Inc. ' P. O. Box 1002 ', Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Texas Utilities Services, Inc. Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station 1980-82 2300 MW Installation Grout Pipe Location -


Dear Mr. Gatchell:


This letter supersedes letter, BRF-3307, dated August 9,1976. Attached is corrected copy of B&R skettch FE-0143, locating the subject grout pipes in the Safeguard Unit #1 area. Should you require additional

  • data, please advise.

Very truly yours, BROWN & OT , I C_.

                                                                                                            /  ,

H. C. Dodd, Jr. Project Manager Attachment ec: L. A. Ashley (ll, IA) i J P.L.Bussolini(IL)) R. W. Caudie (6L, 6A l M. M. Fitch/L. D. Pyeatt (IL) 1 l C. H. 6atchell (0, IL, 2A) H. C. Crowder (M-JA) (ll, IA)

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O ~ A. i 05/10/76 35-1195 gf 6I U Brcwn&RootJnc. post orrice sox ,00,, cien nose, Tex.s 7e043 Ujii,b bod g -% May 10, 1976

                  .,4RF-1719 '   4 Mr. C. H. Gatchell Texas Utilities Services, Inc.

P. O. Box 1002 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Texas Utilities Services, Inc. Comanche Peat Steam Electric Station 1980-82 2300 MW Insta'letion Grout Pipe Location I Dear Mr. Gatchelli By copy of this letter to Mason-Johnston & Associates, I am submitting the plantsite coordinates of the presently installed grout oipes, in category I structures, in response to l'.ason-Johnston letter, MM-00050, dated May 6,1976. The following is a list of presently installed grout pipes, by building location and plantsite coordinates. Unit I

1. Containment Building - Two (2) pipes embedded in dental backfill on South side. Plantsite coordinated N94S2.00, E10594.00 and N0487.25. E10603.08
2. Safeguard Building - Two (2) pipes embedded in 779'7" elev. to the South of an East-West centerline. Plantsite coordinates N9548.75, E10515.18 and i'0545.90, E10516.18. .

Unit II

1. Safeguard Building - Two (2) pipes, one (1) each embedded in the 779'7" elev., either side of an East-West centerline. Plantsite coordinates N9836.05, E10517.10 and N9869.33. E10518.00.

arf /S IN.nEXO_

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                                                                                                                   ,                                   ~.q 05/10/76 d wn~~fRoot.Inc.                                                              35-1195 BRF 2719 Page 2 soi Unit II (continued)
2. Emergency Diesel Generator Building - Two (2) pipes embedded in the Southwest corner. Plantsite .

coordinates N9957.98, El-474.25 and N9949.58. El-473.75 Very truly yours, BROWN & ROOT, INC. A

                                                                                                                                      . H.C.Dodd[Jr.

Project Manager HCD/JHJ/ eke cc: L. A. Ashley (1L) P. L. Bussolini (1L) . R. W. Caudie (6L) C. H. Gatchell (0) P.. M. Fitch/L. D. Pyeatt (1L) Ray Mason, M-JA, (1L) D. A. Fellinger (1L) C. E. Bonin (1L) B. Cromeans, M-JA, (1L) e e enW

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geotechnical consu!!c2

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U!.'d.'.?d"'t. E C E I-V E : , t+

                                  . MJF-00055 Mr. C. H. Gatchell Texas Utilities Services Inc.

P. O. Box 1002 Glen Rose, Texas Re: Texas Utilities Services..Inc. ComancheUnits 1980-1982, Peak 1 &Steam 2 Electric Station Tractured Rock in Safecuard M

Dear Mr. Gatchell:

By copy of this letter to Brown 6 Root, fractures have been found in the rock exposed at elI amtwoinforming them that ref. sheet evation 778'-4", cleanup. The2repair of FDCR #0188, in Unit 1 Safeguard called out Building d uring final this case also. in FDCR #0189 is to be followed in been verbally notified of this condition. Brown ngineer have & Root field pe been shown the locations where the groot opipes are tField personnel have a be placed. Very truly yours, I MASON-JOHNSTON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. FIELD OFFICE, CPSES $N53 IfiDufD _ Q) 1 DON: \ by_ $/pg d, .,A _- v v I?SC;b '

                                                                                        'b i

HERBERT C. CROWDER, Field Ged,logisDb $'"f=d -- HCC/pw 10: 1 FR01.h / l

                         ' Distribution:

l TUS1, Gatchell, (0)(1L) C. & H., Fellinger,(IL) B. & R.,'Johnston, (IL)

                          .:B 6 R, Dodd,- (1L).-                            MJQAM, (IL) j    .


q l l _ _ . . ....._...........__m. , ,_ ,_ _ , f .' MASON ,10HNSTON & ASSOCIATES)&d 8 752 \ U '

                                .                            s G                                               geotechnical consultants                                      Qy !v '
  • rnginerring gmfogy goil methonncs_founolotion engineering A- 3 7 00 --- -- - -- - ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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                                            .                                             i.                 E MJF-00057                                                                                                                               ,

Mr. C. H. Catchell , Texas Utilities Services Inc. P. O. Box 1002

                                      /.                     Glen Rose, Texas                                                                                                                                           ]

Re: Texas Utilities Services Inc. Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station 1980-1982, Units 1 & 2

                                      .                                                                                                               _Crout Pf oe Location ---

Dear Mr. Gatchell:

By copy of this letter to Brown & Root, I am requesting that the plant coordinates of the grout pipes installed in Unit #1 Safeguard Building,

                                         '                   per) MJF-00055,] be f urnished to ne for documentation purposes.

Yours very truly, MASON-JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5' FIELD OFFICE, CPSES . by $ Y rr HEREERT C. CROWDER, Field Geologist a HCC/pw Distribution:

                                        ' .s TUSI, Catchell (OL) (1L)                                                 --                 B & R, Jackson (IL)
                                             .                C & H, Fe11inger (1L)                                                                       MJQAM, (1L) 9'3:,& Rs. Dodd -(it) /                                                 g
                                            /                                      Md!S .IN.D..U. .ED                                5,                       _

C:S / f!.5C; G /S b Y D1: 10: 1 i RO'.t- I  ! l _._.T_....__._.___.___... ._ _ ,, p,

I- \ l n - - - 5/24/76 L .

                                                                                                                                    $       35-1195       g-9 Q1 ci                                     l eost ottice sox ,0012                 0159     $sose.       b Texas 7e043
                                                               .                                                                      g          -           !

i' May 21, 1976 . l BRF-2791 l Mr. C.H. Gatchell Texas Utilities Services, Inc. i P.O. Box 1002 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Texas Utilities Services, Inc. Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station 1980-82 2300 MW Installation i Grout Pipe Location

Dear Mr. Gatchell:

By copy of this' letter to Mason-Johnston & Associates I am submitting the plantsite coordinates of the presently installed grout.Jipes,.ia Unit #1 Safeguard Building, in response to Mason-Johnston lettec MJF-0005 p Subj: Grout Pipe Location, dated May 17, 1976. . The following is a list of presently installed grout pipes and plantsite coordinates in Unit #1 Safeguard Building: Three (3) pipes at plantsite coordinates N9585.17 E10520.32; N9582.67. E10517.07; N95S2.67,E10521.74. Very truly yours, BROWN & ROOT, INC. l H.C. Dodd, Jr. Project Manager HCD/JHJ/ des

  • CC:
  • L. A. Ashley (IL)

P.L. Bussolini (IL) R.W. Caudle C.H. Gatchell (1L (6L) ) M.M. Fitch/L.D. Pyeatt (IL) ' ' ~ ~ Ray Mason, M-JA, (1L) '

  • D.A. Fe11inger (1L)

N WOM . O I C.E. Bonin (1L) f, B.Cromeans,M-JA,(1L)  ; ,;_ n:: c5/6BW /V FROM- / J 01: 10: 1

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_ BmwnffRoot inc. [MLb . . . - OUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT < DEFICIENCY & DISPOSITION REPORT b JoD NO.. 95 UNIT : PAGE I OF PROJECT. con so. caiacony a.contret. 4 o picisne ,. go C-216 C-1 i oocuus,a viocano as v. no. e a n. f G&H 2323-55-6 1 31 { Blasting operations conducted on Feb. 4,1976, resulted in damage to implaced reinforcing bar and possible damage to the Category I concrete in the southwest 1 corner of the safeguards building. This occurred due to a distance violation of g existing specifications; the southwest face of the safeguards building excavation . 5 being cut off above its floor dropping large amounts of rock directly on the seal 9 slab concrete and steel. It is noted that similar pipe ditches are proposed in f g the future and it is requested that an evaluation be mgtgggfuggrgr ge. See attached drawing and photos.  ; RTN. A EylEW l.OA $ 5 z fgj) FILE NO.

                                                                                            /p p'7G                                                                     3.
            "T."E." Graves %                          2'/9/76     ^3[M
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                                                                                                             'N I                                                                                  N9.-M DISPOSITION                                                                                                      s v5 5 ^5 'S atsromst     anwoag            asma O              scaa' O                               OQ                                                               ot"'a D Removed all blasted material from affected area. Remov                                             d replaced damaged j    5      reinforcing steel with new reinforcing steel. Mud mat con                                       was inspected on g      2-18-76 by Gibbs and Hill Civil Engineering and was dete                                 to be acceptable.
             .      (See attached inspection report dated 3-29-76). All d                                 shotcrete will be
             $      removed an! replaced.

8 .c - o YC odd, Jr. 2/9/76 ,pp _ t, "/to Ea"ca" atspoNst. 0 y $9-x U CYYS 4 ~ Id g Cover exposed in-place reinforcing steel in close proximity to blasting p operation with timber or other suitable material or devices. Cover blast area W with crusher fines or blasting mats to minimize flyrock. Adopt blasting y techniques outlined in BRF-2401 dated March 24,1976 (copy attached) upon 5 approval by the engineer. E E E , -

                  ^'T.* Y.'hdd , J r.                    2h/76          (([,9                                                                                                                       [- 6 7c CLOSE OUT (To tie completed by Ouality Assurance Department) /                                                      ,

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