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Insp Repts 50-369/89-10 & 50-370/89-10 on 890404-07.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Preparedness Requirements & Practices Implemented During Licensee Response to Steam Generator B Tube Rupture
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1989
From: Cunningham A, Rankin W
Shared Package
ML20247M576 List:
50-369-89-10, 50-370-89-10, NUDOCS 8906050075
Download: ML20247M580 (11)

See also: IR 05000369/1989010


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                                                                             -      -                       --          -      -    -                     .
                                ,                                              f                                                                          ll
                                                                                                   UNITED STATES                                            :I
   .                                                                                                                        .
                                        * CE7t/q'o.' c.        '
                                                                                      NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
               * 3 p.                                                                               1 REGION 11 '
                                                    j.                                       101 MARIETTA STREET,N.W.
                                                   -2'                                       . ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323 -
                                . A***b /                                                         MAY 151989 -                                              3
                                         Report Nos'.: 50-369/89-10 and 50-370/89-10
                                        -. Licensee: Duke Power Company.
                                                                     422 South ~ Church Street
                                                                     Charlotte, NC 28242
                                         Docket'Nos.:- 50-369 and.50-370                                            License Nos.:     NPF-9 and NPF-17
                                         Facility Name: McGuire 1 and 2
                                         Inspection Conducted                          pril 4-       1989
                                         Inspector: f?/YCA-
                                                                                         2                                                 / P / F A?P
                                                                    A. L. Cunningham
                                                                                                                                            Date Signed
                                         Approved by:
                                                                      W. H. Rankin, Chief
                                                                                           w                                                5- /5 - 21
                                                                                                                                            Date Signed
                                                                     ' Emergency Preparedness Section
                                                                     l Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection
                                                                      Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards
                                         This special, unannounced inspection was conducted to review and assess
                                         emergency preparedness requirements and practices implemented' during - the
                                         licensee ls response to facility Unit 1 Steam Generator-B-tube rupture incident
                                         of March 7, 1989. The following areas were' reviewed: accident' detection and
                                         assessment; emergency classification and declaration; notification of offsite
                                         support groups; shift staff augmentation; Control Room and applicable emergency
                                        -response facility (ERF) event logs; training status of participating emergency
                                         response organization (ER0) personnel; and news releases disseminated during
                                         the casualty.. Inspection also included review of outstanding emergency
                                         preparedness open items unrelated to the casualty.
                                         No ' violations or deviations were identified.                                   Inspection disclosed that
                                         emergency requirements and practices implemented during the casualty were
                                         consistent wfth W McGuire Station Radiological Emergency Plan and respective


                                         evaluated for Inspection        corrective also action disclosed      the following)
                                                                                                   by the licensee:              items that were
                                                                                                                              (1 emergency        being
                                                                                                                                             action level


                                          (EAL) addressing identification and quantification of reactor coolant system
                                          (RCS) leakage regarding classification and declaration of Site Area Emergency
                                          (Paragraph 2); (2) documentation of offsite radiological release data on
                                         offsite notification forms, including recommended protective action responses
                                     89060500{5[500                              69
                                     PDR         ADO K                         PNV       ^
     - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -_ _ _                     _ _ - _ _ _ _ .
                                                                                                                  _ _ - . - _ _ _ _ _
                                   thereto (Paragraph 3); (3)-availability of additional trained ERF communicators
                                   (Paragraph 3); and (4) NRC review of press releases during plant emergencies
                                 ~(Paragraph 6).

- - - _ -_____ _-__________-_ .

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 F                                                                                                  ~ REPORT DETAILS


                                                  ' 1 '.             PersonsLContacted
                                                                     Licensee Employees
                                                                    M. - Cartwright, General Manager, Media and Community Relations -
                                                                . *D. Franks, Quality Assurance Verification Manager
                                                                  *G. Gilbert, Technical Services Superintendent
                                                                '*B. Hasty, Production Specialist II', Emergency Preparedness


                                                                  *C. Leonard,' Station Emergency Planner

e *T. McConnell, Station Manager

                                                                  *R.fSharpe, Compliance. Manager
                                                                  *A. Sipe, McGuire1 Safety Review Board Chairman


                                                                  *B. Travis,' Operations Superintendent
                                                                     0ther Organizations
                                                                   LJ. Baker, M.D., Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine (Charlotte
                                                                       - Memorial Hospital)
                                                                   ' W. Root, Radiation Safety Officer (Charlotte Memorial Hospital)
                                                                     NRC. Resident Inspector
                                                                  *K. VanDoorn
                                                                  * Attended exit interview
                                                        2.           EmergencyDetectionandClassification(92701)
                                                                     Consistent with the facility Emergency Plan and respective Emergency Plan
                                                                     Implementating Procedures (EPIPs), the licensee declared an Alert
                                                                     following prompt detection and classification of primary coolant leakage
                                                                   . greater than 50 gallons per minute (gpm). Accordingly, the . initial
                                                                     primary-to-secondary leak rate was determined to be 150 gpm. It was later
                                                                     determined, however, that transient monitor data indicated that the leak
                                                                     rate was 540 gpm. Consistent with the inspector's review of the Shift
                                                                                       , and the casualty logs maintained in the Technical
                                                                     Support Centerlog (TSC) and Crisis Management Center (CMC), the licensee
                                                                     considered upgrading the emergency classification to Site Area Emergency
                                                                     based on the EAL defined in Enclosure 4.1 to procedure RP/0/A/5700/00
                                                                     addressing "RCS leakage greater than make-up pump capacity." It was
                                                                     further noted that the licensee considered the subject EAL procedure
                                                                     unclear, since the actual unit make-up capacity is based upon the
                                                                     cumulative volume of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS).                                                                                 The
                                                                     licensee discussed this item with the NRC during the course of the
                                                                     casualty.    It was determined that the Alert classification would be
                                                                     maintained as declared.
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a. .

                                   The licensee. included the 'above EAL concern as a casualty action. item
                                   requiring detailed review and' resolution. _ This item will be tracked as an
                                  . Inspector' Follow-up Item (IFI). The inspector discussed this. item with
                                   cognizant licensee representatives prior to and during_the exit interview'.
                                   The licensee committed to review the EAL in conjunction with their current'
                                   EAL procedures review, and implement the appropriate revisions.
                                   IFI 50-369, 370/89-10-01:       Clarify and quantify Site Area _ Emergency EAL'
                                   addressing reactor coolant system leakage makeup.
                                   No violations or deviations were identified.
                               3.  Notification and Communication (92701)
                                   Inspection included a detailed review and evaluation of the initial
                                   offsite notification, periodic follow-up notifications, and respective
                                   hard copies of same issued during the casualty.                              Inspection confirmed that
                                   the initial notification of the State, counties, and local offsite support
                                   agencies regarding declaration of the Alert was implemented within the
                                   15-minute time ' regime. The NRC was notified within one hour of the
                                   declaration.      Inspection also disclosed that the notification form
                                   documented the radiological release accompanying the steam generator tube
                                   rupture although the radiation level was determined to be well within
                                   Technical Specification release limits. The inspector was informed by
                                   licensee representatives that releases were discussed with offiste support
                                   agencies during offsite periodic telephonic follow-up notifications.
                                   Review and audit of the respective follow-up- noti tication forms
                                   disseminated to these agencies disclosed that no release data was
                                   documented subsequent to the initial Alert notification.                               The' inspector
                                   was informed that the subject data was not included on the edification
                                   form (Enclosure 4.3 to procedure RP/0/5700/01 " Emergency Notification")
                                   since the releases were considerably lower than the Technical
                                   Specification limit, and involved no danger to the public or plant
                                   employees.     Licensee representatives added, however, that the term
                                   " radiological release," as it relates to emergency conditions, required
                                   definition. The licensee included this item as an action item based upon
                                   their detailed critique of the casualt,, and committed to determine if low
                                   level radiological releases which require no protective action
                                   recommendation (PAR) should be entered on offsite emergency notification
                                   forms. This item will be tracked as an IFI.
                                   IFI 50-369, 370/89-10-02:       Determine the level of offsite radiological
                                   releases reportable on initial and follow-up notifications during plant
                                   emergency events.
                                   During review and discussion of offsite notifications, the availability of
                                   dedicated State / county communicators required to irplement notifications
                                   during prolonged plant emergency events was also included. The licensee
                                   noted that there was an insufficient number of trained State / county
                                   communicators in the TSC. It was also noted, however, that cognizant
                                   personnel were available to supplement required State / county
    - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                       -__-__ __-_.
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               communicators.     This item was listed by the licensee. as a casualty action
               i tem.' This item will be tracked as an IFI.
               IFI 50-369, 370/89-10-03: Provide and train additional ERF communicators
               to ensure availability of same during-prolonged plant emergencies.
               No violations or deviations were identified.
         4.      Shift Staffing and Augmentation (92701)
              The inspector conducted a detailed review of records of shift staffing in
              . response to the casualty to determine if the required staffing .was
               adequate in number and functional capability. Additionally, inspection
               included a review to determine that administrative and physical means were
               in place and maintained to ensure. augmentation of the ERO in a timely
              manner,- and/or as needed throughout the duration of the casualty.
               Inspection confirmed that shift staffing and augmentation requirements
              were routinely implemented throughout the casualty consistent with the
               Emergency Plan, respective procedures, and Supplement 1 to NUREG 0737.
               Inspection also included detailed discussions with cognizant licensee
               representatives, and review of casualty records and logs documenting
               augmentation times for the TSC following declaration of the Alert.
               Notwiths.tanding existing weather and accompanying hazardous (icy) road
               conditions, required shift staffing augmentation was. readily implemented
              within or near the assigned time regime.
               No violations or deviations were identified.
         5.   Tr'aining (92701)
               Inspection included a detailed review of the training status of emergency
              organization personnel who participated in the response to the casualty.
              A listing of the subject personnel was obtained and their respective

, training histories were audited. Inspection disclosed that emergency

               training for each participant was complete, annually updated, and
               consistent with the plant Emergency Plan and respective procedures.
               No violations or deviations were identified.
         6.    Public Information (92701)
               Inspection was conducted to determine that information was made available
               to the public which described the emergency planning and protective
               actions developed in response to the casualty. News releases were issued,
               periodically updated, and coordinated with cognizant offsite officials.
               Inspection disclosed that the media was promptly informed following
               declaration of the Alert, and periodically updated regarding plant status            !
               throughout the duration of the casualty.                                               j
                                                   ._.   -  -  . _ _ .    _ - _ _ _ _ - _  _ - _ - - - _           _ _ - _ - - _
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                                                                                  ..                                                            l
                                                                                        4:                                                       ,
                                 ' Inspection disclosed concern regarding the NRC's access to and review ofi
                                  news _ releases: prior to their dissemination to the media. .This' concern
                                  addressed the'need for NRC and the. licensee to be continuously and fully.                                 q
                                  cognizant of ' the casualty status . to: preclude promulgating . conflicting                                  {
                                  information when independently communicating with the. public. . During the                                 1
                                  Alert emergency classification, the: NRC does not dispatch a' site team;
                                  therefore, designated NRC site representatives are not available to' review                                   ;
                                  press releases prior to issuance. The licensee . included this item -as
                                  casualty action items requiring definition and clarification of the NRC's
                                  role in reviewing news releases prior to NRC's . site team deployment and                                     i
                                                                        This item will be tracked as an IFI.
                                  staffing of the TSC and CMC.
                                  IFI 50-369, 370/89-10-04:            Define the process of coordinating news -
                                  releases with the NRC prior to deployment of the NRC site team to the TSC
                                  and CMC..                                                                                                   j
                                  No violations or deviations were identified.
                             7..  Status of Previous Emergency Preparedness Findings (92701)
                                  a.     (Closed) Exercise Weakness 50-369,370/88-27-01:                        Failure to identify             j
                                        an EAL and escalate the casualty to an Alert Classification                                             1
                                         Inspection of training records and review of ' applicable lesson plans
                                        confirmedJ that adequate corrective actions were ' implemented as
                                        required.                                                                                            .;
                                  b.     (Closed) Violation 50-369, 370/88-34-02:                        Failure to take. prompt
                                        corrective action to repair' Alert and notification system sirens.
                                        Guidelines were established and in effect to ensure required testing,
                                        preventive maintenance, and prompt repair of sirens within seven
                                        working days.                                                                                           ,
                                  c.     (Closed)-IFI 50-369, 370/88-34-03: Conduct an augmentation drill to                                    i
                                        verify and document Figure B-1 (Emergency Plan) staffing requirements                                   !
                                        and arrival times. Detailed review and inspection of shift staffing                                     '
                                        augmentation attending the steam generator tube rupture casualty
                                        confirmed the licensee's capability to promptly implement shift staff
                                        augmentation' in response to an actual plant emergency (Paragraph 4,
                                        above).                                                                                                 !
                             8.   Exit Interview                                                                                                )
                                  The inspection scope and results were summarized on April 7,1989, with
                                  those persons indicated in Paragraph 1. The inspector described the areas
                                  inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results contained in this                                    i
                                  report.     No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The
                                  licensee did not identify as proprietary any materials provided to or
   _ _-_- -_ _-- - --_-                          _
                                                                                                             - -____-_ - .
                                 reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.
                                 Item Number                              Description / Reference
                                 50-369, 370/89-10-01                     IFI: Clarify and quantify the Site
                                                                          Area Emergency EAL defining
                                                                          reactor coolant system leakage
                                                                          make-up (Paragraph 2),
                                 50-369, 370/89-10-02                     IFI: Determine the level of
                                                                          offsite radiological releases
                                                                          reportable on initial and
                                                                          follow-up notification      forms
                                                                          during plant emergencies
                                                                          (Paragraph 3).
                                 50-369, 370/89-10-03                     IFI: Provide and train additional
                                                                          ERF communicators to ensure
                                                                          availability of same during
                                                                          prclonged plant emergencies
                                                                          (Paragraph 3).
                                 50-369, 370/89-10-04                     IFI: Define the process of
                                                                          coordinating news releases with
                                                                          the NRC prior to deployment of
                                                                          NRC site team to the TSC and CMC
                                                                          (Paragraph 6).

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