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Forwards Semiannual Effluent & Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1986,executive Summary & Rev 7 to Operating Procedure 1104-281, Waste Solidification Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1987
From: Hukill H
Shared Package
ML20212H717 List:
5211-87-2041, NUDOCS 8703060201
Download: ML20212H714 (4)


a GPU Nuclear Corporation

, 'j gggf Post Office Box 480 Route 441 South Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191 717 944 7621 TELEX 84 2386 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

March 2, 1987 5211-87-2041 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:

Three Mile Nuclear Station Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Semi Annual Effluent and Release Report Enclosed is the TMI-1 Semi Annual Effluent and Release Report for the period July 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986. This report includes an Executive Summary of the Effluent Release Report, the Disposal and Effluent Release Data, Joint Frequency Tables, and an assessment of the radiation doses due to liquid and gaseous effluents released from the Unit during 1986 TMI Technical Specification Sections and require reporting of effluent data and solid waste shipment data in accordance with Reg. Guide 1.21 for the semi-annual report period. These tables are attached including summaries of liquid and gaseous effluents and the joint frequency tables for the reporting period and an annual Joint Frequency Summary.

In accordance with Technical Specification Section, this report includes an annual summation table and quarterly tables showing the assessmnt of the radiation doses due to liquid and gaseous effluents released from the Unit during 1986.

Technical Specification Section also requires in part that "This same report shall also include an assessnent of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to individuals due to their activities inside the site boundary (Figures 5-3 and 5-4) during the report period." Individuals is construed to mean members of the public. Since the public does not have unrestricted access to TMI-1, no assessment of dose is applicable.

TMI Technical Specification Section also requires that for this report that an assessment of radiation dose to the likely nost exposed real individual from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources (TMI Unit 2) to show conpliance with 40 CFR 190 " Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations." For the purpose of 8703060201 870302 PDR ADOCK 05000289 R PDH GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation

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5211-87-2041 -2. . March 2, 1987 Technical Specification, the dose to the maximum exposhd indivichal from effluents for comparison to 40 CFR 190, would be no -grqater than 0.1 mrem. This sums together a 2.0E-2 mrem maximum bone dose-from Unit 2 and a 's 8.5E-2 mrem liver dose from Unit 1 for simplicity. It is further estimated that based on the maximum average fenceline dose rate for the yeE of 9 arem ,)

above background per standard month, a person residing at the fenceline for '

the duration specified in RG 1.109 for shoreline exposure, would receive no '

more than 0.8 mrem direct dose, for a maximum potertial total dose sof 0.9 mr?m for both units. .

4 TMI Technical Specification Section requires that changes to the Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) be reported in the Semi Annual Report. No revisions were made to the ODCM during this reporting period.

TMI Technical Specification Section also requires that changes to the Process Control Program (PCP) be reported. The TMI-l PCP yas revised October 10, 1986, and is included as Attachsent I to this report.

Sincerely, t

Vice President & Director, TMI-1 HDH/DVH/spb:0797A cc: T. Murley

  • R. Conte g Enclosures -

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EXECUTIVE SUPNARY Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 Effluent and Offsite Dose Report i

for the Period of July 1,-1986 to December 31,'1986 This report summarizes the radioactive liquid and gaseous releases (effluents)

, from Three Mile Island Unit 1 and the calculated maximum hypothetical radiation exposure to .the public resulting from these releases. This report covers the period of cperation from July 1 to December 31, 1986.

t Radiological releases from the plant are calculated from sanple analyses of fgaseous releases from the, plant and liquid sample analyses for discharges to

,t. ; the Susquehanna River.. These methods provide a means for accurate

' (k; termination of the type and quantities of radioactive noterials being s

i / " ^roleased to the ewironment.

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' Ca'iculations of the maximum hypothetical dose to an individual and the total qpopulation around Three Mile Island due to radioactive releases from the plant 'Me . utilizing erwironmental conditions that existed at the time of the release. Susquehanna River flow data are used to calculate the neximum hypothetical doses to an individual and the population downstream of. TMI due to liquid releases. Actual or "real-time" meteorological data from an onsite l tower is used to determine the doses resulting from gaseous releases from the plant. Tne use of real-time meteorological information permits the

' Vetermination of both the direction in which the release traveled and the dispersion of radioactive material in the environment.

Utilizing gaseous effluent data and real-time meteorology the neximum ,

hypothetical < dose to any individual and to the total population within 50 miles of the' plant is calculated. Similarly, Susquehanna River flow and liquid effluent data tre used to calculate a maximum hypothetical dose to an ,

indivicial and a population dose from liquid effluents for any shoreline exposure down to thr: Chesapeake Bay. Exposure to the public from consumption i of water and fish withdrawn from the Susquehanna River downstream of the plant is also calcJ1ated.

}f Dose calculations for liquid and gaseous effluents are performed using a L " mathematical model which is based on the methods defined by the U.S. Nuclear

, , Regulatory Commission.'


, Liquid discharges se$ during the reporting period July 1 to Decenber 31, 1986 coesisted of 48 Curias of tritium, 0.01 Curies of noble gases (predominately Xe-130, and 0.012 Curies of other4 eta and gamma emitters, predominately '

Co-58. The qyantities of effluents are similar to average semiannual releases j . from previous' Unit 1 operations.

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r-e During the reporting period July Decenber 31, 1986, the neximum hypothetical calculated whole body dose to an individual due to liquid I.'

effluents from Three Mile Island Unit 1 was 0.036 wem. The neximum hypothetica1' calculated dose to any organ of an individual was 0.054 rem to a- ~the liver.

Airborne discharges nede during this same time period consisted of 16 Curies of tritium,1500 Curies of noble gases, and 0.00002 Curies of iodines and 0.0004 Curies of particulates. These releases are less than average p l;)p; semi-annual releases from previous Unit 1 operation.

.The neximum hypothetical calculated dose to any individual from noble gases'

- was 0.028 wem to the skin and 0.010 rem to the whole body.

  • Airborne particulates are calculated to pro &ce 0.004 mrem to the total body of the ,t maximum hypothetical individual. >

The total neximum hypothetical whole body dose of 0.046 wem, received by any i individaal from effluents from TMI-1 for the reporting period is 1100 tines lower than the doses the average individual in the area'of TMI-1 receives from

natural background during the same' tine period. Natural background averages about 50 wem whole body semi-annually in the TMI-1 area. rIn addition,


average equivalent dose to the lung from natural radon for the , sane period is

, about 90 rem per quarter. The calculated total whole body population dose from all plant releases .is 1.4 non-rem. This is 75,000 times lower than the dose attributed to natural background radiation for the reporting period. The y doses which could be received by the neximum hypothetical individual are each

/ less than 2% of the annual limits established by the Nuclear. Regulatory Commission in Appendix I of 10 CFR 50. -

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