IR 05000443/1986049

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Insp Rept 50-443/86-49 on 861006-10.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Previous Insp Findings,Review of Preservice Insp Data & Review of Records Associated W/ Installation of Spent Fuel Storage Racks in Spent Fuel Pool
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/1986
From: Mcbrearty R, Wiggins J
Shared Package
ML20213E955 List:
50-443-86-49, NUDOCS 8611130400
Download: ML20213E988 (4)


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Report N /86-49 Docket N License No. CPPR-135 Priority -- Category A Licensee: Public Service of New Hampshire P.O. Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name: Seabrook Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Seabrook, New Hampshire Inspection Conducted: October 6-10, 1986 Inspectors: h ]M R. A. McBrearty, Reactor E eer A I+ 3,/98'/= date ' Approved by: J Wg 4dP/t - K ef, Materials & Processes

            //!Y date

Inspection Summary: Inspection on October 6-10, 1986 (Report No. 50-443/86-49) Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection by one regional based inspector of licensee action on previous inspection findings, review of preservice inspection (PSI) data, and review of records associated with installation of spent fuel storage racks in the spent fuel poo Results: No violations were identifie Nk G b f I

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DETAILS Persons Contacted Public Service of New Hampshire J. Ardus, Startup and Test (NHY)

* Covill, Site QA Manager (YAEC)
* Ferrell, Licensing Coordinator (NHY)
* Jeffrey, Preservice Inspection (YAEC)
* Kann, Test Group Manager (NHY)
* King, NDE Level III (YAEC)
*J. Marchi, Site QC Manager (NHY)
*D. McLain, Startup Manager (NHY)
* Middleton, QA Staff Engfneer (YAEC)
*J. Nay Jr. , QA Engineer (YAEC)
*T. Pucko, Senior Licensing Engineer (NHY)
.* V. Sanchez, Site Licensing Supervisor (YAEC)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

*A. Cerne, Senior Resident Inspector
*D. Ruscitto, Resident Inspector
* Denotes those present at the exit meetin . Licensee Action On Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item (443/86-43-02): Feedwater system welds with identical identification. The inspector's review of the Seabrook PSI program found two identically identified feedwater system welds. The licensee was aware of the problem, and upon further investigation found a similar condition in the remaining loops. During this inspection the inspector was provided with documentation and revised drawings which confirmed that each weld was provided with unique identificatio Additionally, the inspector reviewed examination data sheets which confirmed that each weld was subjected to the ASME code required nondestructive examination. Based on the above, this item is considered close (Closed) Unresolved Item (443/86-43-03): Documentation of cast stainless steel UT examination results. The inspector reviewed the Preservice Inspection Report related to the ultrasonic examination of cast stainless steel piping welds which was prepared for the licensee by Westinghouse Nuclear Services Integrated Division. The report contains information regarding licensee review of the report and acceptance of each of the weldments referenced by the report, and examination limitations. The report was found to fulfill the licensee's commitment to address the inspector's concerns as expressed in Inspection Report No. 443/86-43.

t Based on the above this item is considered close . -

. O 3 Review of Preservice Inspection (PSI) Data The inspector reviewed selected PSI data to ascertain that the data was complete and that it complied with ASME code and regulatory requirements. Data associated with the ultrasonic examination of the following reactor pressure vessel welds were included in the inspector's review:

Manual Examinations 1-SB-RV-101-101, closure head to flange circular weld


1-SB-RV-103-101, closure head dome to torus assembly circular weld 1-SB-RV-101-104-45*,-135 ,-225*, and -315*, closure head meridional welds Automated Examinations


1-SB-RV-IR-128-101-B,-C,-F, and -G, inlet nozzle inner radius 1-SB-RV-IR-128-301-A,-D,-E, and -H, outlet nozzle inner radius


1-SB-RV-101-121, flange to upper shell circular weld 1-SB-RV-103-121, upper shell to intermediate shell circular weld 1-SB-RV-101-171, intermediate shell to lower shell circular weld 1-SB-RV-104-141, lower shell to bottom torus assembly weld 1-SB-RV-102-151, bottom torus assembly to bottom dome assembly weld Indications which were detected during the inner radius examination of nozzles "A" and "G" were attributed to geometry. Supplementary confirmatory manual examinations were performed from which profiles were prepared of the surface irregularities to which the indications were attributed. Azimuth positions of the profiles were noted, but radial measurements were not available so correlation was not possible of the manual and automated examination results. The licensee contacted its PSI contractor and requested the information necessary to substantiate a geometry call. Additionally, the manual examination of closure head weld l 1-SB-RV-103-121 revealed indications which were attributed to geometrical i reflectors (CRD penetrations). Confirmatory information such as sound i metal path and transducer location was not available at the site. The e PSI contractor was contacted and on October 15, 1986 the contractor I j returned to the site and re-examined the weld. The licensee forwarded toi j the inspector information regarding the nozzle inner radius examinations - and the closure head weld re-examination. The inspector's review of the information, including examination data sheets, confirmed that the geometry calls were justifie No violations were identifie . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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4 Review of Records - Spent Fuel Storage Rack Installation The inspector reviewed records associated with the spent fuel storage rack installation at Seabrook Unit I to ascertain that the records were available, and that the installation was accomplished in accordance with 4 applicable requirement The reviewed records confirmed that leveling and alignment tolerances were met, that the required drag tests of each rack were satisfactorily performed within the allowable tolerance, and that the proper rack orientation was maintained in the spent fuel poo No violations were identifie . Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives, listed in paragraph 1, at the conclusion of the inspection on October 10, 1986. The inspector . . summarized the purpose and the scope of the inspection and the finding At no time during this inspection was written material provided by the


inspector to the licensee.



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