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Insp Repts 50-369/84-20 & 50-370/84-17 on 840904-06. Violation Noted:Failure to Perform Periodic Tests of Standby Shutdown Sys
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1985
From: Conlon T, Miller W
Shared Package
ML20127E562 List:
50-369-84-20, 50-370-84-17, NUDOCS 8505200135
Download: ML20127E623 (7)

See also: IR 05000369/1984020











' . c{p. REGION il


- g- y1 1101 MARIETTA STREET,N.W.'

- .* * .' ' ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323




-Report Nos.: '50-369/84-20 and 50-370/84-17

Licensee: Duke Power Company. >


422 South Church Street

LCharlotte, NC 28242


. Docket Nos.:' 50-369 and 50-370 License Nos.: NPF-9 and NPF-17

< .- .


_ * Facility Name: McGuire 1 and 2 , i

f* ' Inspection Conducted: September 4-6,.1984 ,


- - -


W. H. Miller, Jr.

  1. 2 7#[w I

'/ - / 3'- f(

Date Signed. o



?Approved by: dP7 s w T-/5'-f( '



T. E. Conlon. 5ection Chief Date 51gned ', . '



Engineering Branch .


g ' ;. Division of Reactor Safety , .<- ,

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- i p . , Scope: . This' routine, unannounced inspection. involved 20 inspector-hours on site



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-in the areas of Fire Protection / Prevention and Standby Shutdown Facility System.



r Resul'ts: One violation was identified - Failure to Perform Periodic Tests of the. .

' ' Standby Shutdown System - paragraph 5.b. t


, .

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' 8505200135 850419

PDR ADOCK 05000369




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1. Licensee Employees Contacted

  • M. D. McIntosh, Station Manager
  • K. S. Canady, Manager, Nuclear Engineering Service
  • R. L. Gill, Licensing
  • D. Mendezoff, Licensing
  • D. Hyde, Operations

R. Pierce, I&E Engineer

  • W. E. Galbreath, Performance
  • L. R._Kimray, Chemistry
  • R. F. Turner, I&E Engineer

NRC Resident Inspectors


  • W. Orders
  • R. C. Pierson
  • Attended exit interview

2. Exit Interview

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on September 6,1984, with

those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The following item was

identified to the licensee:

a. Violation Item (369/d4-20-01 and 370/84-17-01), Failure to Perform

Periodic Tests of the Standby Shutdown System - paragraph 5.b.

b. Inspector Followup Item (370/84-17-02), Calibration Records Not Avail-

able for Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) Steam Generator C and D Level

Instruments - paragraph 5.b.(4).

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to

or reviewed ~ by the inspector during this inspection.

3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters

Not inspected.

4. Unresolved Items

Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.

'5. Fire Protection / Standby Shutdown System

A review was made of the Standby Shutdown System (SSS) and systems provided

-since- January 1983, to meet the dedicated plant shutdown fire protection

requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G. Operating License





Section ' 2.C.(4) for Unit I and Section 2.C.(7) for Unit 2 require the

licensee to maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the

approved fire protection plan and the Fire Protection Review in Supple-

ments -5 'and 6 to the McGuire Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-0422). The SSS

System which is part of the McGuire fire protection progran was required to

be operational by January 28, 1983, for Unit 1 and prior to March 1, 1984,

for Unit 2. However, since Unit I was in an outage until April 29, 1983,

the -SSS~ for Unit I was not required to-be operational until the end of this


The following items of the SSS and associated systems were evaluated:

-a. -Operational Procedures

-The following procedures were reviewed and it was verified that these

procedures were issued prior to the date the SSS was required to be



No. Title

OP/0/A/6100/17 Operation of the Standby Shutdown


OP/0/B/6350/04 Standby Shutdown Facility Diesel


AP/1/A/5500/17 Loss of Control Room

AP/2/A/5500/17 Loss of Control Room

b. Surveillance and Maintenance of Standby Shutdown Facility

A review was made of the following surveillance inspection, test and

E- maintenance records for the dates indicated.


(1) PT/0/A/4200/02, Standby Shutdown Facility Operability Test

(31 days)

! (a) Unit 1 SSS Operability Tests



The SSS for Unit I was required to be operational on >

January 28, 1983. However, Unit I was shutdown for an outage

l. from January 21: to April 29, 1983. The first operability

i test of the SSS was conducted on April 28, 1983, which

[ demonstrated that the Unit 1 portion of the SSS was. opera-

l tional, except the instrumentation devices for the reactor


coolant wide range pressure, pressurizer level and steam


generator levels did not meet the acceptance criteria of

Procedure PT/0/A/4200/02.





m ,






The 1_icensee's operability tests, conducted during several

. months ~ of 1983, and 1984, found the' SSS instrumentation

' devices either inoperative or out of the tolerance permitted

by .the procedure. For example, the steam generator level

gages were found out of tolerance on September 15, 1983, and

t -

' were not repaired until June 12, 1984.- The-SSS pressurizer-

level gages were found inoperative on September 15, 1983, and

-were not- repaired until - August 11, 1984. The incore

thermocouples were found nonfunctional on September 15, 1983,

and were not repaired and retested until June 12, 1984.-

The diesel engine for the emergency SSS generator reportedly

was out of service on several occasions due to maintenance,

repairs, and testing operations. The engine was out of

service - October 11-14, 1983,-' to replace the oil filter,


October 19-26, 1983, to repair and/or replace the voltage

regulator. and engine governor, and from February 14 to

March 29,1984, due to engine testing and correction of

overcurrent trip problems. Unit I was operational during

these dates except for the _ refueling outage which began

February 24, 1984.

(b) Unit 2 SSS Operability Test

The SSS for Unit 2 was required to be operational prior to-

March 1,1984. Tests records from April 28, 1983 through

August 11, 1984 were reviewed. Routine operability tests of

the SSS components for Unit 2 were conducted on April 28,

1983, prior to the required time, and monthly thereafter,

except operability tests were not conducted from January 16  !

through - April 24, 1984. - Unit 2 was operating during March

and April of 1984.

The licensee's operability tests, conducted during 1983 and

1984, found the SSS instrumentation devices either inope-

rative or out of the tolerance permitted by the procedure.

'For ' example, the SSS pressurizer level gage was found

inoperative on May 13, 1984, and was not repaired until-

August 21, 1984. The incore thermocouples were found

nonfunctional on September 15, 1983, and were not repaired

and retested until June 12, 1984.

The diesel engine for the emergency SSS generator reportedly

was out of service on several occasions due to maintenance,

repairs, and testing operations. The engine was out of

service October 11-14, 1983, to replace the oil filter,

October 19-26, 1983, to repair and/or replace the voltage

regulator and engine governor, and from February 14 to

March 29,1984, due to engine -testing and correction of

overcurrent trip problems. The SSS was required for Unit 2

beginning March 1, 1984.






(2) PT/1/A/4209/0/1C, Standby Makeup Pump Flow Periodic Test (92 days)

Test records of April 25, 1984 to July 24, 1984, were reviewed.

The -first recorded operability test of the Unit 1 Standby Makeup

Pump following turnover to the plant's operations group on

' January 26, 1983 was April 25, 1984. This pump was required to be

in service by- January 28 1983. The failure to verify the

operability of this pump periodically in accordance .with

PT/1/A/4209/0/1C is identified as Violation Item (369/84-20-01),

Failure to Perform Periodic Tests of the Standby Shutdown System.

Operability tests conducted by the licensee on this pump during

August 1984, indicated that the pump would only deliver approxi-

mately 22 gpm against a head pressure of 2485 psig in lieu of the

-required 26 gpm at a pressure greater than or equal to 2485 psig.

To correct this deficiency required the following modifications:

- Rebored and increased damper orifice from 1.16 to 1.2484 inch

diameter (NSM No. MG 1-1613 and Work Request No. 93145);


Replaced valve INV845 with another type gate valve and added

a pressure gage to permit the pump to be tested under a back

pressure of 2485 psig (NSM No. MG 1-1673 and Work Request

No. 93156);

- Replaced pressure relief' valve INV843; and,


l - Changed size of motor sheave (pulley) from eight to nine

inches diameter to~ increase capacity output of the pump (NSM

No. MG 1-1674 and Work Request No. 93157).

Subsequent tests indicated that this pump would deliver 29 gpm at

2485 psig which exceeds the minimum requirement of 26'gpm.

(3) PT/2/A/4709/0/1C, Standby Makeup Pump Flow Periodic Test (92 days)

Test records of June 15, 1983, to May 25, 1984, were reviewed.

This pump was not required to be operational until March 1, 1984.

Operability tests. conducted by the licensee on this pump during

August 1984, indicated that the pump would only deliver 22 gpm

against a head pressure' of 2485 psig in lieu of the required

26 gpm. To correct this situation, the licensee accomplished the

same above modifications required for the Unit 1 pump. This work

was accomplished under the following Modification / Work Request

Nos.: MG 2-469/WR 93115, MG 2-524/WR93154, and MG 2-525/WR 93158.

Following these modifications, the pump was retested and delivered

30 gpm against a head pressure of 2485 psig.







(4) IP/0/B/3250/08, Instrument Calibration (18 months)

The calibration- dates listed by the licensee's Periodic Mainte-

nance Program documentation records for the following instruments

were reviewed:

Date of Calibration

-Device No. Function Unit 1 Unit 2

NCLP5121 Reactor Coolant Pressure 4/20/81 1/6/84


NCLP5151 Pressurizer Level 4/20/81 1/9/84



CFLP6080 Steam Generator "A" 4/1/81 5/6/83

Level 3/1/84

ENALP9110 Incore Thermocouples 4/20/81 2/20/84


Procedure requirements- for calibration of SSS instrumentation

devices, including, reactor coolant pressure, steam generator

level and incore thermocouples, within 18 months following the

initial calibration were not adhered to for Unit 1. The time

between calibration was 36 months for reactor coolant pressure

devices. 35 months ~ for steam generator level devices, and

31 months for incore thermocouples. This is identified as another

example of Violation Item (369/84-20-01).

The calibration records for the Unit 2 SSS instruments for the

level within steam generators "C" and "D" could not be located.

Pending the licensee's research, location, and NRC review of these

records, this item is identified as Inspector Followup Item

(370/84-17-02), Calibration Records Not Available for SSF Steam

Generators "C" and "D" Level Instruments.

(5) IP/0/B/3061/02, Station Auxiliary, Standby Shutdown Facility Power

Batteries (Monthly)

The licensee's record data indicated that the SSS batteries were

inspected monthly from December 3,1982, to August 27, 1984,

except an inspection was not performed between September 9, 1983,

and November 28, 1983. Unit I was operating during this time.

Surveillance of the diesel engine starting batteries for the SSF

generator was not initiated until November 11, 1983. The SSF for

Unit I was required to be operational by January 28, 1983.

Monthly- inspections have been made of these batteries since

November 1983. However, the failure to conduct monthly inspec-




tions of these batteries

example of Violation Item (prior to November 1983, is another


Procedure for detail periodic inspection and maintenance of diesel

_ generator starting batteries to verify such items as battery-to-

battery terminal connections are clean, tight, and free of

corrosion had not been issued. This is another example of


(6). Diesel Fuel for SSF Diesel Engine

The licensee stated that new fuel received and placed in the fuel

storage tank for the diesel engine to the- SSF generator was

received and sampled, the same as the fuel for the main station

emergency diesel driven generators. Records were not available to-

substantiate this statement, but it appears that this was true.

However, procedures were not provided to periodically verify that

the diesel fuel in the diesel generator fuel storage tank is

within acceptable limits when checked for viscosity and water and

sediment. This is another example of Violation Items


(7) Water Supply to Standby Makeup Pumps

The water in the Unit 1 fuel pool is sampled every 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to

verify that the boron concentration remains equal to or greater

than 2000 ppm. This should assure that the water to the makeup

pump will contain the minimum required boron concentration. The

water for the Unit 2 standby makeup pump was obtained from the

wier wall enclosure within the Unit 2 fuel pool area. This water

reportedly was supplied from the Unit 2 reactor water storage

tank; however, no records were available to indicate that prior to

September 5,1984, periodic water samples had been obtained to

verify that this water contained at least a minimum baron

concentration of 2000 ppm. Apparently, a procedure to require a

periodic sample of this water was not available. This item is

identified as another example of Violation Item (370/84-17-01).

Other than the above listed violation, no additional violations or devia-

tions were identified within the areas examined.
