IR 05000414/1985064

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Insp Rept 50-414/85-64 on 851202-06.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Insp of Liquid & Gaseous Radwaste Sys & Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Catawba Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/03/1986
From: Cline W, Stoddart P
Shared Package
ML20136J088 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.B.3, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-TM 50-414-85-64, NUDOCS 8601130197
Download: ML20136J097 (6)




\*****/ JAN 0 71986 Report No.: 50-414/85-64-Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket No.: 50-414 License No.: CPPR-117 Facility Name: Catawba 2 Inspection Conducted: Qecember 2-6, 1985 Inspector:

P. SMddaW Jhd[ Date Signed p

Approved by: f/A+ h-

. E. Cline, Section Chief i 5 -26 Date Signed Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards SUMMARY Scope: This routin'e, unannounced inspection entailed 32 inspector-hours onsite in the areas of preoperational inspection of liquid and gaseous radwaste systems and liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring requirement Results: No violations or deviations were identifie $ 414 PDR J

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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees J. Hampton, Station Manager A. Amos, Completion Engineer

  • H. Atkins, Quality Assurance Engineer W. Beaver, Quality Assurance Supervisor A. Bhatnagar, Test Engineer
  • T. Bright, Engineering Manager-(Construction)

R. Charest, Station Chemist ,

G. Courtney, Staff Health Physicist

  • W. Deal, Station Health Physicist A. Duckworth, Coordinator Radwaste Chemistry
  • C. Hartzell, Compliance Engineer
  • R. Jones, Test Engineer
  • J.'Kinard, Construction Technical Support
  • P. Leroy, Assistant Engineer, Compliance

'*P. McNamara, Associate Health Physicist J. Mode, Coordinator, support Functions

  • F. Schiffley, Licensing Engineer D. Simpson, Assistant Engineer, Compliance Other Organizations T..Bohart, Consultant, Perf'ormance Engineering L. Earle, Engineer, Westinghouse
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 6,1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspectio . Liquids and Liquid Wastes (84523 - Preoperational)

The principal liquid radwaste system treatment or processing components at the Catawba Station were shared by both Units 1 and 2 and were installed and inspected at the time Unit 1 was completed. What remained to be completed-for Unit 2 were preoperational tests of collection tanks, sumps, and piping

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specific to Unitl2. and connections to the shared components of the station

' liquid radwaste system. At the time of the inspection, preoperational tests for the Unit 2 side of-the system had not been complete The inspector . reviewed the ' Unit 2 preoperational test procedures and draft operating procedures listed in Section 6 of this repor The test procedures appeared to be comprehensive and adequat Licensee representatives stated that the preoperational test program for the-Unit 2 liquid radwaste system components was scheduled to be completed by December 25, 1985, and that completed test report packages would be reviewed, approved, and ready for inspection not later than January 6, 198 , The inspector . reviewed the operating procedures for the shared liquid radwaste : systems listed Section 6 of this report and also reviewed the preoperational. test packages for the liquid radwaste system which were performed during the Unit 1 preoperational test program. The operating procedures and preoperational test packages appeared to be adequate and the designated tests had been completed and reviewe JNo violations or deviations were identifie . ' Gaseous Waste System (84524 -'Preoperational)

, Gaseous radwaste treatment systems specific to Unit 2 included the fuel pool area Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) High Efficiency Particulate Air

.(HEPA)/ charcoal filter system, the annulus ESF HEPA/ charcoal filter system, the non-ESF containment purge HEPA/ charcoal, filter system, and the non-ESF containment pressure control system HEPA/ charcoal filter system. At the

. time of the inspection, the preoperational tests for these systems had not been complete The inspector reviewed the preoperational test procedures and verified that -

the procedures followed the guidelines of ANSI (American National Standards Institute) N509-1980, Nuclear Power Plant Air Cleaning Units and Components, and of ANSI N510-1980, Testing of Nuclear Air-Cleaning Systems. The procedures appeared to_be adequat The waste gas decay tank system for Unit 2 and the shared Auxiliary Building HEPA/ charcoal filter system were completed at the time of Unit I construction and were preoperationally tested at that . tim Only connections from 'the Unit 2 waste gas header to the waste gas decay tank system remained to be preoperationally tested. Preoperational tests were scheduled to be completed December 25,1985, and completed test packages

. were to be available for NRC review not later than January 6, 198 No violations or deviations were identifie . .

4 Procedures (84523, 84524)

The inspector reviewed the following procedure packages for the preoperational testing and system operation of liquid and gaseous radwaste treatment systems and effluent radioactivity monitor TP/2/8/1500/09 Unit 2 Ice Condenser Floor Defrost Drains Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/04 Gaseous Waste Management System Functional Test LTP/0/B/1500/07 Liquid Waste Recycle System Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/05 Liquid Waste Evaporator Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/08 Floor Drain System Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/09 Floor Drain Sumps A, B, WEFT Sumps A and B, Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/10 ND and NS Room Sump Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/ll Radioactive Waste Solidification System Functional Test TP/0/B/1500/13 Vendor Solidification Of Waste - Preoperational Test TP/2/B/1500/08 Equipment Drain Functional Test, Unit 2 TP/2/B/1200/25 Unit 2 Post Accident Containment Air Sampling System Test

~TP/2/B/1200/14 Unit 2 Containment Hydrogen Sample and Purge System Functional Test TP/2/B/1250/10 Unit 2 Conventional Sampling System Functional Test PT/2/A/4450/04C Hydrogen Recombiner Performance Test CP/0/A/8700/001 Chemistry Procedure for Sampling Local Primary Sample Points OP/0/A/6200/021 Operating Procedure for PALS (Post Accident Liquid Sampling System)

OP/0/B/6250/005 Operating Procedure for Conventional Sampling System OP/0/A/6500/001 Operating Procedure for Radwaste Chemistry TP/2/B/1200/014 Test Procedure for Containment Hydrogen Sample

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MP/0/A/74500/08 MSA Vent System Filter Units Removal and Replacement PT/0/A/4450/17 Safety Related Filter System Run Time Monitoring PT/0/A/4450/02 Generic Filter Performance Test Instruction PT/2/A/4450/01A VA (Annulus) System HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) Filter System Performance Tests PT/2/A/4450/01D VP (Containment Purge) System HVAC Filter System Performance Test PT/2/A/4450/01E VF (Fuel Pool) System HVAC Filter System Performance Test PT/2/A/4450/07A VQ (Containment Pressure Control) System HVAC Filter System Performance Test All of the above listed procedures appeared to be adequate and to meet the criteria and guidelines for preoperational and functional testin . Process and Effluent Radioactivity Monitoring (84523, 84524)

Effluent radioactivity monitoring equipment for both Units 1 and 2 was installed and preoperationally tested at the time of Unit 2 fuel loadin Process radioactivity monitoring equipment for the Unit 2 liquid and gaseous radwaste systems had been installed at the time of the inspection, but preoperational testing had not been completed. Licensee representatives stated that the precoerational tests would be completed not later than December 25, 1985, and that the completed test packages would be available for NRC review not later than January 6, 198 The inspector discussed calibration procedures with licensee representatives and reviewed procedures and practices for documentation and traceability of instrument calibratio The inspector was shown the preliminary results of iodine sample line loss studies which had been initiated at Catawba as a result of discussions during a previous inspection (50-413/85-17 and 50-414/85-14). Results of six test runs showed consistent losses of approximately a factor of 3 for a sample line 150 feet long. No attempt was made to identify or separate the iodine species. The licensee representative emphasized that the results were preliminary and that more worked needed to be don No violations or deviations were identifie '

r o . o 6 NUREG 0737 Items (NUREG 0737) II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling System (PASS)

The post accident sampling system at Catawba is divided into two separate systems, the " PALS" (post-accident liquid sample) system, and the "PACAS" (post accident containment air sample) system. These systems are not required to be operational until the start of power ascension and are scheduled for preoperational testing at a later dat The . inspector reviewed the procedure for functional testing of these systems; procedure numbers and titles appear in Section 6 of this report, II.F.1-1, Noble Gas Effluent Monitor High range noble gas effluent monitoring for both Units 1 and 2 is provided by the Unit Vent High Range Range Monitor (EMF-54). This monitor was installed and tested during Unit 1 fuel loading and startu Intermediate range process monitors will be provided at several locations in the gaseous process and ventilation treatment systems. The latter monitors were to be preoperationally tested not later than December 25, 1985, and completed test packages were to be available for NRC review not later than January 6, 198 II.F.1-2, Sampling and Analysis of Plant Effluents Sampling for particulates and iodine aerosols in plant effluents was provided and preoperationally tested at the time of Unit 2 fuel loading and startup. Sampling of process streams was provided by monitoring systems servicing various process streams; functional preoperational testing of these sampling systems was scheduled to be completed not later than December 12, 1985, and completed test packages were to be available for NRC review not later than January 6, 198 No violations or deviations were identified.
