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ML20204K130 | |
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Issue date: | 07/22/1986 |
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50-424-86-58, NUDOCS 8608110283 | |
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MONTHYEARML20207L8511999-03-0808 March 1999
[Table view]Notice of Violation from Insp on 990125-27.Violation Noted: on Numerous Occasions from Mar 1997 to Oct 1998,select Response Force Officers Were Posted in Locations That Would Not Permit Them to Interpose Themselves Between Intruder ML20155A7621998-10-15015 October 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980816-0926.Violation Noted:On 980824,licensee Failed to Adequately Establish Sufficient Procedural Control for Demolition of Concrete Missile Barrier ML20154C5131998-09-10010 September 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980628-0815.Violation Noted:Corrective Actions Taken in Response to Violations Associated with Entry Into TS LCO for Maint & Surveillances Activities Were Inadequate to Preclude Repetition ML20236T5871998-07-23023 July 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980517-0627.Violation Noted:On 980419,Unit 2 Entered Mode 2 W/O Meeting LCO of TS 3.3.2,which Requires Two Trains of Turbine Trip Function to Be Operable Prior to Entering Mode 2 ML20236H3971998-06-15015 June 1998 Notice of Violations from Insp on 980419-0516.Violations Noted:On 980415,upon Identification That 1 of 3 Letdown Orifice Isolation Valves Would Not Open,Unit 2 Uss Proceeded to Allow Operation of Unit in Water Solid Conditions ML20247K7531998-05-15015 May 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980308-0418.Violation Noted:On 980401,Procedure PT-V-605,was Not Properly Implemented,In That,Liquid Penetrant pre-exam Cleaning for Safety Injection Sys Weld 21204-122-6 Was Inadequate ML20216J6611998-04-0202 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980125-0307.Violation Noted:On 980219,Unit 2 Shift Supervisor Authorized Maint on Control Room Emergency Filtration Sys Train B W/O Recognizing Work Would Render Train Inoperable ML20198M3401998-01-12012 January 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971102-1213.Violation Noted:Since Initial Startup of Both Units 1 & 2,procedures 14420-1/2 & 14421-1/2 Inadequate ML20202E1971997-11-26026 November 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970921-1101.Violation Noted:On 971003,10 Unit Heater Breakers on MCC 1NBG Were Found Open & Not Tagged ML20212F3471997-10-20020 October 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970803-0920.Violations noted:54 Fire Extinguishers W/Insp Sticker ,were Issued Between 970730 & 0815 & Did Not Meet Insp Criteria of Procedure 92020-C ML20210S0551997-08-28028 August 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970706-0802.Violation Noted:On 970708,during Maint on Shaft Seal in Unit 1 Personnel Airlock,Licensee Failed to Document Entry Into Appropriate Action Condition for TS LCO 3.6.2 ML20198F8551997-08-0404 August 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970601-0705.Violation Noted:Six Individuals Reported for Duty to ERFs & Failed to Complete sign-in Sheets on 970527,during Performance of Recall Emergency Drill ML20141F6971997-06-24024 June 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970427-0531.Violation Noted:Time Between Performances of Procedure 29100-C,for Visual Insp of Fire Extinguishers & Fire Hose Stations, Exceeded 31 Days ML20140B3951997-05-21021 May 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970316-0426.Violation Noted:Between 970329 & 0404,numerous Examples of Unattended & Unevaluated Debris Have Been Identified & Eight EPIP Revs Had Not Been Distributed ML20138J4161997-04-25025 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970210-0307.Violation Noted:Licensee Offered for Transportation by exclusive-use, Closed Transport Vehicle,Package Which Arrived Having Max Surface Radiation Levels Exceeding 10 Msv/Hr ML20137X3751997-04-14014 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970202-0315.Violation Noted:Positions of Valves 2-1302-U4-180 - 185 Not Verified Every 31 Days as Required ML20137T6731997-04-0404 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970303-07.Violation Noted:Plant Security Response Plan Rev 3 Phase 2 Defined Deployment Strategy That Allowed CAS to Be Left Unmanned During Contingency ML20137T0521997-03-25025 March 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961222-970201.Violations Noted:Licensee Failed to Implement Procedures 11429-1 & 11429-2 in That Breakers Were Improperly Positioned ML20134H1391997-01-17017 January 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961110-1221.Violation Noted:On 961205,measures Assuring That Nonconformances Were Promptly Identified & Corrected Were Not Established as Evidence by Insp of Safety Related IE 480 Volt ML20133F5451996-12-31031 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960929-1109.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Maintain Two Independent ECCS Subsystems Operable & Provisions of TS 3.5.2 Action Statement Were Not Met ML20149M5331996-12-0505 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960929-1109.Violation Noted:Plant Equipment Clearances Not Properly Installed & Maintained IAW Designated Hold Tag Positions & Failure to Properly Perform Surveillance Procedure 14900-C ML20134F0071996-10-28028 October 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960818-0928.Violation Noted:On 960916-18,CROs Failed to Detect That Valve 1-HV-8220 RCS Hot Leg Post Accident Sampling Sys Sample Isolation Valve in Incorrect Position ML20134C5241996-09-16016 September 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960707-0817.Violation Noted:Control Room Operators Failed to Detect That Containment Isolation Valve Incorrectly Positioned,Improper Storage of Ion Exchange Resins & Lacked Combustible Permit ML20129G4321996-05-29029 May 1996 Notice of Violation as Result of Secretary of Labor Decisions & 1120.Violation Noted:Util Discriminated Against Mb Hobby as Result of Engagement in Protected Activities in Jan & Feb 1990 IR 05000425/20060121995-07-12012 July 1995 Notice of Violation from Insp on 950425-0612.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Submit to Written Rept Describing Local Leak Rate Test Failures Which Exceeded TS Type B & C Leakage Limits During 1994 Unit 3 Refueling Outage ML20128G3171994-05-31031 May 1994 Partially Withheld NOV from Insp on 900806-17.Violation Noted:As of 900409,1B DG Had Only 12 Consecutive Successful Starts W/O Problems or Failures Rather than 19 as Stated by Gpc.Same Inaccuracy Presented at Presentation on 900409 ML20059B2071993-12-22022 December 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 931129-1203.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Notify Commission of Change in Medical Status of Operator within 30 Days as Required by 10CFR55.25 & 10CFR50.74 ML20059B5471993-12-14014 December 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 931024-1120.Violation Noted:Maint Personnel Failed to Follow Procedure 14900-2 in That Data Sheet 2 of Procedure Completed Indicating Visual Containment Insp Performed W/O Discrepancies ML20058J2301993-11-17017 November 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930919-1023.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Perform Required TDAFW Pump Surveillance Requirement Associated W/Ts Prior to Entry of Unit 2 Into Mode 2 on 931018 ML20057E7911993-10-0101 October 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930830-0903.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Log Operational Data & Investigate Significant Discrepancies in Run Times for Approx 50 & 60 Operational Events for Trains a & B ML20056G8481993-08-23023 August 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on Stated Date.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Issue Transient Combustible Permit for Flammable Liquids Storage Cabinet Located in safety-related Bldg ML20046B7981993-07-23023 July 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930510-0611.Violation Noted:Licensee Design Control Measures Did Not Assure Accuracy of Design Calculation,Equipment Qualifications & FSAR Design Info ML20036C3531993-05-25025 May 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930328-0501.Violation Noted:Design Change Package & Other Ref Matls Not Adequately Reviewed as Part of Corrective Action to Troubleshoot Illuminated Bistable Light on Main Control Board ML20044G2181993-05-17017 May 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930418-0508.Violation Noted:Procedure 13503-1 Was Inadequate,In That It Did Not Contain Appropriate Instructions to Operators ML20036A1261993-04-21021 April 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930228-0327.Violation Noted:Procedures Not Implemented as Required by TS 6.7.1a & 6.7.1f ML20127K0091993-01-0606 January 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 921130-1204.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Follow Procedures in Accordance W/ TS 6.10.1 in That Licensee Failed to Conduct First Quarter Containment Purge Monitor Sampling & Comparison ML20126L3121992-12-30030 December 1992 Notice of Violation from Insp on 921130-1205.Violation Noted:Failure of EDG 1A to Start on 921118 Not Considered Valid,Reported to Mgt,Nor Corrective Actions Implemented ML20129J1361991-02-0505 February 1991 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Noncompliance Noted:Licensee Failed to Provide Adequate Protection for Documents & Matls Containing Safeguards Info as Evidence by Listed Examples ML20024F8481990-12-13013 December 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 901027-1123.Violation Noted:Failure to Follow Procedure That Led to ESF Actuations Which Placed Plant in Unplanned Configuration ML20058F6691990-10-25025 October 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900825-0928.Violation Noted:Procedure 13145-2 Inadequate ML20129J0431990-10-0101 October 1990 Draft NOV from Insp on 900806-17.Violation Noted:Licensee Provided Inaccurate Info to Insp Team on Three Separate Occasions ML20059H3391990-08-29029 August 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900730-0803.Violation Noted:Emergency Operations Facility & Simulator Control Room Incomplete or Not Maintained in up-to-date Manner ML20055H3521990-06-27027 June 1990 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Noncompliance Noted:Safeguards Storage Cabinet Containing Documents,Including Physical Security & Contingency Plan,Discovered Unsecured & Unattended ML20058G4101990-06-14014 June 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900331-0518.Violation Noted:Failure to Follow Engineering Procedure by Allowing Air Bubble to Develop in RCS Tygon Tube Level Indicator Which Caused RCS Level to Read Higher than Actual ML20042F2521990-04-26026 April 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900217-0330.Violation Noted:W/Unit 1 in Mode 5 & RCS Level at 195 Ft 5 Inches, Valve 1-1208-U4-176 Closed But Not Mechanically Secured in Closed Position ML20006D7531990-02-0101 February 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 891202-900105.Violation Noted:Checks & Insps Not Performed to Verify Operational Readiness & Completeness of safety-related Sys While Repairing Class 1E 125-volt Dc Power Sys ML20005E6471989-12-29029 December 1989 Notice of Violation from Insp on 891028-1201.Violation Noted:Administrative Procedure 00101-C & Engineering Procedure 50009-C Not Implemented in That Critical Control Room Drawings & Attendant as-built Notices Existed ML19354D6151989-12-19019 December 1989 Notice of Violation from Insp on 891030-1103 & 1113-17. Violation Noted:Porv Channel Calibrs Did Not Fully Test Portions of Both Channels That Actuate Automatically on High Pressure Signal Causing Channel Not to Calibr ML19353B1221989-11-24024 November 1989 Notice of Violation from Insp on 891030-1103.Violation Noted:Backlog of 158 Validation Evaluations for Out of Calibr Measuring Equipment Identified ML19325D6061989-10-13013 October 1989 Notice of Violation from Insp on 890819-0915.Violation Noted:Improper Certification Occurred on 890523,in That Certification Not Based on Correct Copy of Physician Determination 1999-03-08 Category:TEXT-INSPECTION & AUDIT & I&E CIRCULARS MONTHYEARIR 05000424/19990061999-10-0101 October 1999
[Table view]Insp Repts 50-424/99-06 & 50-425/99-06 on 990725-0904. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support IR 05000424/19990051999-08-16016 August 1999 Insp Repts 50-424/99-05 & 50-425/99-05 on 990620-0724.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Opertions, Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support.Results of Announced Insp by Security Inspector Also Encl IR 05000424/19990041999-07-15015 July 1999 Insp Repts 50-424/99-04 & 50-425/99-04 on 990502-0619. Non-cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support IR 05000424/19990031999-05-19019 May 1999 Insp Repts 50-424/99-03 & 50-425/99-03 on 990321-0501. Non-cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support IR 05000424/19990021999-04-15015 April 1999 Insp Repts 50-424/99-02 & 50-425/99-02 on 990214-0320. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support IR 05000424/19990011999-03-0808 March 1999 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-424/99-01 & 50-425/99-01 on 990125-27 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Area of Plant Support by Regional Safeguards Inspector & Select Personnel from NRR ML20207L8511999-03-0808 March 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 990125-27.Violation Noted: on Numerous Occasions from Mar 1997 to Oct 1998,select Response Force Officers Were Posted in Locations That Would Not Permit Them to Interpose Themselves Between Intruder IR 05000424/19980101999-03-0303 March 1999 Insp Repts 50-424/98-10 & 50-425/98-10 on 981227-990213.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support.Rept Covers 7-wk Period of Insp & Insps in Area of Health Physica & EP IR 05000424/19980091999-01-20020 January 1999 Insp Repts 50-424/98-09 & 50-425/98-09 on 981115-1226.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support IR 05000424/19980081998-12-11011 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/98-08 & 50-425/98-08 on 980927-1114.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support IR 05000424/19980121998-11-0909 November 1998 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-424/98-12 & 50-425/98-12 on 981005-09 (Ref 10CFR73.21)Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Power Reactors ML20155A7621998-10-15015 October 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980816-0926.Violation Noted:On 980824,licensee Failed to Adequately Establish Sufficient Procedural Control for Demolition of Concrete Missile Barrier IR 05000424/19980071998-10-15015 October 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/98-07 & 50-425/98-07 on 980816-0926. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support.Insp Also Addressed 980904 Reactor Trip ML20154C5131998-09-10010 September 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980628-0815.Violation Noted:Corrective Actions Taken in Response to Violations Associated with Entry Into TS LCO for Maint & Surveillances Activities Were Inadequate to Preclude Repetition IR 05000424/19980061998-09-10010 September 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/98-06 & 50-425/98-06 on 980628-0815.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support IR 05000424/19980111998-07-31031 July 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/98-11 & 50-425/98-11 on 980622-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Announced Insp Was Observation & Evaluation of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise for Plant ML20236T5871998-07-23023 July 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980517-0627.Violation Noted:On 980419,Unit 2 Entered Mode 2 W/O Meeting LCO of TS 3.3.2,which Requires Two Trains of Turbine Trip Function to Be Operable Prior to Entering Mode 2 ML20236H3971998-06-15015 June 1998 Notice of Violations from Insp on 980419-0516.Violations Noted:On 980415,upon Identification That 1 of 3 Letdown Orifice Isolation Valves Would Not Open,Unit 2 Uss Proceeded to Allow Operation of Unit in Water Solid Conditions ML20236H4081998-06-15015 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/98-04 & 50-425/98-04 on 980419-0516. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support PNO-II-98-032, on 980609,electrical Fault on 2C Condensate Pump Motor Caused Loss of 1NAB 13.8KV Bus.Fault Also Caused Main Generator Trip,Turbine Trip & Reactor Trip.Reactor Coolant Pump 2 & 4 Lost Power Because of Bus Loss1998-06-10010 June 1998 PNO-II-98-032:on 980609,electrical Fault on 2C Condensate Pump Motor Caused Loss of 1NAB 13.8KV Bus.Fault Also Caused Main Generator Trip,Turbine Trip & Reactor Trip.Reactor Coolant Pump 2 & 4 Lost Power Because of Bus Loss ML20247K7531998-05-15015 May 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980308-0418.Violation Noted:On 980401,Procedure PT-V-605,was Not Properly Implemented,In That,Liquid Penetrant pre-exam Cleaning for Safety Injection Sys Weld 21204-122-6 Was Inadequate ML20216J6611998-04-0202 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980125-0307.Violation Noted:On 980219,Unit 2 Shift Supervisor Authorized Maint on Control Room Emergency Filtration Sys Train B W/O Recognizing Work Would Render Train Inoperable PNO-II-98-017, on 980320,female Contract Worker Found Unconscious at Bottom of man-lift Station in Turbine Bldg. Plant First Aid Team Responded & Ambulance Was Called. Injured Person Transported to Hosp & Pronounced Dead1998-03-20020 March 1998 PNO-II-98-017:on 980320,female Contract Worker Found Unconscious at Bottom of man-lift Station in Turbine Bldg. Plant First Aid Team Responded & Ambulance Was Called. Injured Person Transported to Hosp & Pronounced Dead IR 05000424/19970121998-02-23023 February 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/97-12 & 50-425/97-12 on 971214-980124.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support ML20198M3401998-01-12012 January 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971102-1213.Violation Noted:Since Initial Startup of Both Units 1 & 2,procedures 14420-1/2 & 14421-1/2 Inadequate ML20198M3681998-01-12012 January 1998 Notice of Deviation from Insp on 971102-1213.Deviation Noted:Since Initial Startup of Both Units 1 & 2,licensee Failed to Perform 18-month Surveillance Testing on Reactor Coolant Pump 125V Direct Current non-1E Control Breakers IR 05000424/19970111998-01-12012 January 1998 Insp Repts 50-424/97-11 & 50-425/97-11 on 971102-1213. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations & Maint ML20202E1971997-11-26026 November 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970921-1101.Violation Noted:On 971003,10 Unit Heater Breakers on MCC 1NBG Were Found Open & Not Tagged ML20212F3471997-10-20020 October 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970803-0920.Violations noted:54 Fire Extinguishers W/Insp Sticker ,were Issued Between 970730 & 0815 & Did Not Meet Insp Criteria of Procedure 92020-C IR 05000424/19970991997-09-15015 September 1997 SALP Repts 50-424/97-99 & 50-425/97-99 for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant for 960128-970802 IR 05000424/19970071997-08-28028 August 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-07 & 50-425/97-07 on 970706-0802. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support ML20210S0551997-08-28028 August 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970706-0802.Violation Noted:On 970708,during Maint on Shaft Seal in Unit 1 Personnel Airlock,Licensee Failed to Document Entry Into Appropriate Action Condition for TS LCO 3.6.2 IR 05000424/19970081997-08-14014 August 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-08 & 50-425/97-08 on 970623-27. Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Qa in Operations, Maint,Engineering & Health Physics ML20210N6521997-08-14014 August 1997 Notice of Deviation from Insp on 970623-27.Deviation Noted: Incidents or Events Associated W/Ufsar Section & H Were Not Reviewed on 961218 & 970430 Srb Meetings ML20198F8631997-08-0404 August 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-06 & 50-425/97-06 on 970601-0705. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support ML20198F8551997-08-0404 August 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970601-0705.Violation Noted:Six Individuals Reported for Duty to ERFs & Failed to Complete sign-in Sheets on 970527,during Performance of Recall Emergency Drill ML20141F7031997-06-24024 June 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-05 & 50-425/97-05 on 970427-0531. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support Re Scenario for off-hour Emergency Response Drill ML20141F6971997-06-24024 June 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970427-0531.Violation Noted:Time Between Performances of Procedure 29100-C,for Visual Insp of Fire Extinguishers & Fire Hose Stations, Exceeded 31 Days ML20140B3951997-05-21021 May 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970316-0426.Violation Noted:Between 970329 & 0404,numerous Examples of Unattended & Unevaluated Debris Have Been Identified & Eight EPIP Revs Had Not Been Distributed ML20140B4071997-05-21021 May 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-04 & 50-425/97-04 on 970316-0426. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support & Emergency Preparedness Area ML20138J4161997-04-25025 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970210-0307.Violation Noted:Licensee Offered for Transportation by exclusive-use, Closed Transport Vehicle,Package Which Arrived Having Max Surface Radiation Levels Exceeding 10 Msv/Hr ML20137X3811997-04-14014 April 1997 Integrated Insp Repts 50-424/97-01 & 50-425/97-01 on 970202- 0315.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maint,Engineering & Plant Support ML20137X3751997-04-14014 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970202-0315.Violation Noted:Positions of Valves 2-1302-U4-180 - 185 Not Verified Every 31 Days as Required ML20137T7111997-04-0404 April 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-03 & 50-425/97-03 on 970303-07. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Fitness for Duty & Physical Security Program for Power Reactors ML20137T6731997-04-0404 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970303-07.Violation Noted:Plant Security Response Plan Rev 3 Phase 2 Defined Deployment Strategy That Allowed CAS to Be Left Unmanned During Contingency ML20137U6741997-03-27027 March 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/97-02 & 50-425/97-02 on 970210-0307.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support,Solid Radwaste,Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Waste & Radioactive Matl Transportation Programs ML20137T0521997-03-25025 March 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961222-970201.Violations Noted:Licensee Failed to Implement Procedures 11429-1 & 11429-2 in That Breakers Were Improperly Positioned ML20135C8511997-02-24024 February 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/96-14 & 50-425/96-14 on 961222-970201. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support ML20134H1391997-01-17017 January 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961110-1221.Violation Noted:On 961205,measures Assuring That Nonconformances Were Promptly Identified & Corrected Were Not Established as Evidence by Insp of Safety Related IE 480 Volt ML20134H1601997-01-17017 January 1997 Insp Repts 50-424/96-12 & 50-425/96-12 on 961110-1221. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support 1999-08-16 |
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