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Notice of Violation from Insp on 891030-1103 & 1113-17. Violation Noted:Porv Channel Calibrs Did Not Fully Test Portions of Both Channels That Actuate Automatically on High Pressure Signal Causing Channel Not to Calibr
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/1989
From: Gibson A
Shared Package
ML19354D614 List:
50-424-89-31, 50-425-89-36, NUDOCS 8912280243
Download: ML19354D615 (1)


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ENCLOSURE 1 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Georgia Power Company Docket Nos. 50-424, 50-425 Vogtle License Nos, hPF-68, NPF-81 During the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission (NRC) inspection conducted on October 30 - November 3,1989 and November 13-17, 1989, a violation of NRC requirements was identified.

In accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2. Appendix C (1989),theviolationislistedbelow:

Technical Specification requires each Power Operated Relief Valve (PORV) to be demonstrated operable at least once every 10 months by perfonnance of a channel calibration and operating the valve through one cycle of full travel.

A channel calibration is required to encomp. ass the entire channel including sensors and alarm, interlock and/or trip functions such that the entire channel is calibrated.

Contrary to the above, PORV channel calibrations did not fully test the portions of both the PORV channels that actuate automatically on a pressurizer high pressure signal.

As such, the entire PORY channel was not calibrated.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I).

Since the corrective actions for this issue have been fully discussed and have been satisfactorily corrpleted, a response to the Notice of Violation is not required.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Original Signed by Ellis W. Merschoff for Albert F. Gibson, Director Division of Reactor Safety Dated at Atlanta, Georgia this 19thday of December 1989 8912280243 891219 PDR ADOCK 05000424 Q