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{{#Wiki_filter:OPERATING STATUSOPERATING DATAREPORTDOCKETNO50244October61980COMPLETED BYAndrewE.McNaTELFPHONEl(315)524-446Ext.05,93I~UnitName:GINNASTATIONUN2.Reporting Period:Setember19803.LicensedThermalPower(MWt):15204.Namcplatc Rating(GrosshlWe):5~DesignI',lectrical Rating(NcthlWe):48070NotesTheUnitoperatedat100%reactorpowerlevelforthemajorityofthereportperiod,withafewexceptions detailedonPage4.8.IfChangesOccurinCapacityRatings(ItemsNumber3Through7)SinceLastRcport,GiveReasons:9.PowerLeveltoWhichRestricted, IfAny(NethIWe):10.ReasonsForRestrictions, IfAny.'hishlonthYr.-to-Date Cumulative 657572,954.02
{{#Wiki_filter:OPERATING STATUS OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO 50 244 October 6 1980 COMPLETED BY Andrew E.McN a TELF PHONE l(315)524-446 Ext.05, 93 I~Unit Name: GINNA STATION UN 2.Reporting Period: Se tember 1980 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 1520 4.Namcplatc Rating (Gross hlWe): 5~Design I',lectrical Rating (Nct hlWe): 480 70 Notes The Unit operated at 100%reactor power levelfor the majority of the report period, with a few exceptions detailed on Page 4.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Rcport, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level to Which Restricted, If Any (Net hIWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any.'his hlonth Yr.-to-Date Cumulative 6 575 72,954.02 ,i 720 1 621.57 0 31 227,585 351 781 29 577 832 334 356 74.87/68.49'8.49%
11.Hours In Reporting Period 720 95 087 I'2.Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical 5,274.25 13.Reactor Rescrvc Shutdown Hours 0 14.Hours Gcncrator On-Linc-780--15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours-*-.*.~1 8 17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)18.Nct Electrical Energy Gcncratcd (hlWH)2 416 284 19.Unit Service I'actor 100%79.62%20.Unit Availability Factor-1$E-~~80~87 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DkR Net)98.8%78.19%23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 0 0 24.Shutdowns Schcdulcd Over Next 6 hlonths (Type, Date and Duration of Each): Scheduled:
11.HoursInReporting Period72095087I'2.NumberofHoursReactorWasCritical5,274.2513.ReactorRescrvcShutdownHours014.HoursGcncrator On-Linc-780--15.UnitReserveShutdownHours-*-.*.~1817.GrossElectrical EnergyGenerated (MWH)18.NctElectrical EnergyGcncratcd (hlWH)241628419.UnitServiceI'actor100%79.62%20.UnitAvailability Factor-1$E-~~80~8722.UnitCapacityFactor(UsingDkRNet)98.8%78.19%23.UnitForcedOutageRate0024.Shutdowns Schcdulcd OverNext6hlonths(Type,DateandDurationofEach):Scheduled:
Steam Generator Ins ection and Modification
SteamGenerator InsectionandModification
-10 25 thru ll 26 25.If Shut Down At End Of Rcport,Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to.Commercial Operation):
-1025thrull2625.IfShutDownAtEndOfRcport,Period, Estimated DateofStartup:26.UnitsInTestStatus(Priorto.Commercial Operation):
INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMhlERCIAL OPERATION j,>>CuaaQative total cormencing January 1, 1975 s 0 z0230~w Forecast Achieved 49 8d tRav 1/78) n~I  AVERAGE DAlLY UNIT POWER.LEVEL DOCKET NO..50 244 UNIT Nl@irma Statio DATE COMPLETED BY Andrew E.McNamara TELEPHONE l(315)524-4446 MONTH Se<ember 1980 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (M We-N et)DAY.AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)10 12 13 14 15 16 463 464 463 462 372 461 462 464 465 464 463 467 467 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 473 471 72 470 470 470 471 472 473 472 472 473 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe-Net for each day in the reporting month.Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.49i67 RKVo e/60 4 I a 4 REPORT MONTH DOCKET NO.SO 244 UNI'I'NAMf.'tl Ginna Station UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTIONS 980=COMPLETED BY cC~~An ew E.McN a~1588,-1 515 521-1112 Ext.205, 293 Ho.Date C 0 0~0 C 0 0 Cl 8 89~0 E v 0 4 0 e own a 0 CL l.icensee Event Report 0 Ew-0 0 Vl 0 Vl C 0 ul el 0 0 0 0 U Cause L Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence No outages or significant pmer reductions to report.1 F: Forced S: Scheduled 49.89 (REV t/78)2 Reason: A-Equipmcnt Failure (Explain)I3-htaintenance or Test C-Refueling D-Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training 8: License Examination F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Explain)H-Other (Explain)3 hfethod: 1-hlanual 2-hlanual Scram.3-Automatic Scram.4-Other (Explain)Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG-0161)Exhibit 1-Same Source
INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMhlERCIAL OPERATION j,>>CuaaQative totalcormencing January1,1975s0z0230~wForecastAchieved498dtRav1/78) n~I  AVERAGEDAlLYUNITPOWER.LEVELDOCKETNO..50244UNITNl@irmaStatioDATECOMPLETED BYAndrewE.McNamaraTELEPHONE l(315)524-4446MONTHSe<ember1980DAYAVERAGEDAILYPOWERLEVEL(MWe-Net)DAY.AVERAGEDAILYPOWERLEVEL(MWe-Net) 101213141516463464463462372461462464465464463467467171820212223242526272829303147347172470470470471472473472472473INSTRUCTIONS Onthisformat,listtheaveragedailyunitpowerlevelinMWe-Netforeachdayinthereporting month.Computetothenearestwholemegawatt.
49i67RKVoe/60 4Ia4 REPORTMONTHDOCKETNO.SO244UNI'I'NAMf.'tl GinnaStationUNITSHUTDOWNANDPOWERREDUCTIONS 980=COMPLETED BYcC~~AnewE.McNa~1588,-1515521-1112Ext.205,293Ho.DateC00~0C00Cl889~0Ev040eowna0CLl.icensee EventReport0Ew-00Vl0VlC0ulel0000UCauseLCorrective ActiontoPreventRecurrence Nooutagesorsignificant pmerreductions toreport.1F:ForcedS:Scheduled 49.89(REVt/78)2Reason:A-Equipmcnt Failure(Explain)
I3-htaintenance orTestC-Refueling D-Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training8:LicenseExamination F-Administrative G-Operational Error(Explain)
H-Other(Explain) 3hfethod:1-hlanual 2-hlanual Scram.3-Automatic Scram.4-Other(Explain)
ExhibitG-Instructions forPreparation ofDataEntrySheetsforLicenseeEventReport(LER)File(NUREG-0161)Exhibit1-SameSource
-4NARRATIVE SUMMARYOFOPERATING EXPERIENCE DOCKETNO.0-2UNITGinna'StationiDATEOctober61980COMPLETED BYAndrewE.McNMONTHSetember18TELEPHONE 1(315)5244446Ext.05,293Thereactorpowerlevelaveraged100/forthemajorityofthereportanth,withthefollowing exceptions:
On9/7,thereactorpowerlevelwasreducedtonr46%toperfoxmTurbineProtective andControlTests.On9/8,thereactorpowerlevelwasreducedto99/toperfoxmaperiodictestontheAuxiliary Feedwater System.On9/16,thereactorpowerlevelwasreducedto9F/,duetoaturbinerun-back.
On9/25,thereactorpowerlevelwasreducedto99/toperfoxmaperiodictestontheAuxiliary Feedwater'System.
OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE DOCKET NO.0-2 UNIT Ginna'St ation i DATE October 6 1980 COMPLETED BY Andrew E.McN MONTH Se tember 1 8 TELEPHONE 1(315)524 4446 Ext.05, 293 The reactor power level averaged 100/for the majority of the report anth, with the following exceptions:
~,1lI'ltf>)i(~Ykg GinnaStationMaintenance ReportforSeptember, 1980DuringSeptember, normalinspections andminormaintenance wasperformed.
On 9/7, the reactor power level was reduced to nr 46%to perfoxm Turbine Protective and Control Tests.On 9/8, the reactor power level was reduced to 99/to perfoxm a periodic test on the Auxiliary Feedwater System.On 9/16, the reactor power level was reduced to 9F/, due to a turbine run-back.On 9/25, the reactor power level was reduced to 99/to perfoxm a periodic test on the Auxiliary Feedwater'System.
Majorsafetyrelatedmaintenance included:
40 I2S t1/78)  
Replacement ofthereLayfortheemergency dieseLgenerator supplybreakertoasafetyrelated480voltbusafteritfailedtotieintothebusduringthemonthlyperiodictest.
~, 1l I'lt f>)i(~Ykg Ginna Station Maintenance Report for September, 1980 During September, normal inspections and minor maintenance was performed.
Major safety related maintenance included: Replacement of the reLay for the emergency dieseL generator supply breaker to a safety related 480 volt bus after it failed to tie in to the bus during the monthly periodic test.

Revision as of 15:55, 7 July 2018

Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1980
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/1980
Shared Package
ML17250A691 List:
NUDOCS 8010230382
Download: ML17250A692 (10)


OPERATING STATUS OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO 50 244 October 6 1980 COMPLETED BY Andrew E.McN a TELF PHONE l(315)524-446 Ext.05, 93 I~Unit Name: GINNA STATION UN 2.Reporting Period: Se tember 1980 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 1520 4.Namcplatc Rating (Gross hlWe): 5~Design I',lectrical Rating (Nct hlWe): 480 70 Notes The Unit operated at 100%reactor power levelfor the majority of the report period, with a few exceptions detailed on Page 4.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Rcport, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level to Which Restricted, If Any (Net hIWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any.'his hlonth Yr.-to-Date Cumulative 6 575 72,954.02 ,i 720 1 621.57 0 31 227,585 351 781 29 577 832 334 356 74.87/68.49'8.49%

11.Hours In Reporting Period 720 95 087 I'2.Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical 5,274.25 13.Reactor Rescrvc Shutdown Hours 0 14.Hours Gcncrator On-Linc-780--15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours-*-.*.~1 8 17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)18.Nct Electrical Energy Gcncratcd (hlWH)2 416 284 19.Unit Service I'actor 100%79.62%20.Unit Availability Factor-1$E-~~80~87 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DkR Net)98.8%78.19%23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 0 0 24.Shutdowns Schcdulcd Over Next 6 hlonths (Type, Date and Duration of Each): Scheduled:

Steam Generator Ins ection and Modification

-10 25 thru ll 26 25.If Shut Down At End Of Rcport,Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to.Commercial Operation):

INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMhlERCIAL OPERATION j,>>CuaaQative total cormencing January 1, 1975 s 0 z0230~w Forecast Achieved 49 8d tRav 1/78) n~I AVERAGE DAlLY UNIT POWER.LEVEL DOCKET NO..50 244 UNIT Nl@irma Statio DATE COMPLETED BY Andrew E.McNamara TELEPHONE l(315)524-4446 MONTH Se<ember 1980 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (M We-N et)DAY.AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)10 12 13 14 15 16 463 464 463 462 372 461 462 464 465 464 463 467 467 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 473 471 72 470 470 470 471 472 473 472 472 473 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe-Net for each day in the reporting month.Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.49i67 RKVo e/60 4 I a 4 REPORT MONTH DOCKET NO.SO 244 UNI'I'NAMf.'tl Ginna Station UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTIONS 980=COMPLETED BY cC~~An ew E.McN a~1588,-1 515 521-1112 Ext.205, 293 Ho.Date C 0 0~0 C 0 0 Cl 8 89~0 E v 0 4 0 e own a 0 CL l.icensee Event Report 0 Ew-0 0 Vl 0 Vl C 0 ul el 0 0 0 0 U Cause L Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence No outages or significant pmer reductions to report.1 F: Forced S: Scheduled 49.89 (REV t/78)2 Reason: A-Equipmcnt Failure (Explain)I3-htaintenance or Test C-Refueling D-Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training 8: License Examination F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Explain)H-Other (Explain)3 hfethod: 1-hlanual 2-hlanual Scram.3-Automatic Scram.4-Other (Explain)Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG-0161)Exhibit 1-Same Source




OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE DOCKET NO.0-2 UNIT Ginna'St ation i DATE October 6 1980 COMPLETED BY Andrew E.McN MONTH Se tember 1 8 TELEPHONE 1(315)524 4446 Ext.05, 293 The reactor power level averaged 100/for the majority of the report anth, with the following exceptions:

On 9/7, the reactor power level was reduced to nr 46%to perfoxm Turbine Protective and Control Tests.On 9/8, the reactor power level was reduced to 99/to perfoxm a periodic test on the Auxiliary Feedwater System.On 9/16, the reactor power level was reduced to 9F/, due to a turbine run-back.On 9/25, the reactor power level was reduced to 99/to perfoxm a periodic test on the Auxiliary Feedwater'System.

40 I2S t1/78)

~, 1l I'lt f>)i(~Ykg Ginna Station Maintenance Report for September, 1980 During September, normal inspections and minor maintenance was performed.

Major safety related maintenance included: Replacement of the reLay for the emergency dieseL generator supply breaker to a safety related 480 volt bus after it failed to tie in to the bus during the monthly periodic test.
