ML17265A629 | |
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Issue date: | 03/31/1999 |
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Responsible Hanager Effective Date Controlled Copy Ro. 99042'70039 9904i9 PDR
- 00CK 05000244 )
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report Cycle 28 Revision 0
This report is not part of the Technical Specifications.
This report is referenced in the Technical Specifications.
2.2 MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT 2.3 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit.
2.4 Control Bank Insertion Limits 2.5 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fo(Z))
2:6 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (F4~)
2.7 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE 2.8 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Boiling (DNB) Limits 2.9 Boron Concentration
Nucleate 3
3 3
3 4
4 5
6 FIGURE 1 -
7 FIGURE 2 -
8 F IGURE 3 - K(Z) -
10 TABLE 1 -
11 COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report Cycle 28 Revision 0
1.0 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Ginna Station has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5.
The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below:
3.1.1 3.1.3 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.4.1 3.9.1 "SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDH)"
"Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit" "Control Bank Insertion Limits" "Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fo(Z))"
"Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (F"~)"
"RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits" "Boron Concentration" COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections.
These limits have been developed using the NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification 5.6.5.
All items that appear in capitalized type are defined in Technical Specification
- 1. 1, "Definitions."
(Limits generated using Reference 1) 2.1.1 2.1.3 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN in MODE 2 with K, < 1.0 and MODES 3 and 4 shall be greater than or equal to the limits specified in Figure 1 for the number of reactor coolant pumps in operation.
The SHUTDOWN MARGIN in MODE 4 when both reactor coolant pumps are not OPERABLE and in operation and in MODE 5 shall be greater than or equal to the one loop operation curve of Figure 1.
The SHUTDOWN MARGIN required in LCOs 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6,
- 3. 1.8, and 3.4.5 shall be greater than the limits specified in Figure 1 for the number of reactor coolant pumps in operation.
(Limits generated using Reference 1)
The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) limits are:
MTC shall be less positive than +5.0 pcm/'F for power levels below 701 RTP and less than or equal to 0 pcm/'F for power levels at or above 70% RTP.
MTC shall be less negative than -42.9 pcm/'F.
ARO stands for All Rods Out BOL stands for Beginning of Cycle Life EOL stands for End of Cycle Life HZP stands for Hot Zero THERMAL POWER RTP stands for RATED THERMAL POWER 2.3 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit (LCO 3. 1.5)
(Limits generated using Reference 1) 2.3.1 The shutdown bank shall be fully withdrawn which is defined as z 221 steps.
COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
2.4 Control Bank Insertion Limits
( LCO 3. 1.6)
(Limits generated using Reference 1 )
2.4. 1
- 2. 4. 2 The control banks shall be 1 imited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 2.
The control banks shall be moved sequentially with a 100
(+5) step overlap between successive banks.
- 2. 5 Heat Fl ux Hot Channel Factor F~Z
( LCO 3. 2. 1 )
(Limits generated using References 1 and 2) 2.5. 1 Fo(Z) s ~F*K(Z)
P Fo(Z) s ~F*K(Z)
- 0. 5 when P
> 0.5 when P s 0.5 where:
Z is the height in the core, Fo 2.45, K(2) is provided in Figure 3, and THERMAL POWER P
- 2. 6 Nuclear Enthal Rise Hot Channel Factor F"
(LCO 3. 2. 2)
(Limits generated using Reference 1 )
2.6. 1 FN g
- (1 +
PF' (1
P) )
FflTP I 75 PF~
~ 0. 3, and THERMAL POWER P
(Limits gener ated using References 1 and 3) 2.7. 1
- 2. 7. 2 The AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) target band is + 5/.
The actual target bands are provided by Procedure RE-1 1. 1.
The AFD acceptable operation limits are provided in Figur e 4.
COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
2.8 RCS Pressure Tem erature and Flow De arture from Nucleate Boilin joDBLi i (LCO
(Limits generated using Reference 4) 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 The pressurizer pressure shall be a 2205 psig.
The RCS average temperature shall be s 577.5 'F.
The RCS total flow rate shall be z 177,300 gpm (includes 4%
minimum flow uncertainty per Revised Thermal Design Methodology).
2.9 Boron Concentration (LCO 3.9. 1)
(Limits generated using Reference 1) 2.9. 1 The boron concentrations of the hydraulically coupled Reactor Coolant System, the refueling canal, and the refueling cavity shall be ~ 2300 ppm.
3.0 UFSAR CHAPTER 15 ANALYSIS SETPOINTS AND INPUT PARAMETERS The setpoints and input parameters for the UFSAR Chapter 15 accident analyses are presented in Table 1.
The values presented in this table are organized based on system and major components within each system.
The failure of a component or system to meet the specified Table 1 value does not necessarily mean that the plant is outside the accident analyses since:
(1) an indicated value above or below the Table 1
values may be bounded by the Table 1 values, and (2) the setpoint or parameter may not significantly contribute to the accident analyses final results.
The major sections within Table 1 are:
1.0 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) 2.0 Main Feedwater (MFW) 3.0 Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) 4.0 Main Steam (MS) System 5.0 Turbine Generator (TG) 6.0 Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) 7.0 Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) 8.0 Containment 9.0 Control Systems 10.0 Safety System Setpoints 11.0 Steam Generators I
COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
I 2.
WCAP-9272-P-A, Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology, July 1985.
WCAP-10054-P-A and WCAP-10081-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code," August 1985.
WCAP-10924-P-A, Volume 1, Revision 1,
"Westinghouse Large-Break LOCA Best-Estimate Methodology, Volume 1:
Model Description and Validation Responses to NRC Questions,"
and Addenda 1,2,3, December 1988.
WCAP-10924-P-A, Volume 2, Revision 2, "Westinghouse Large-Break LOCA Best-Estimate Methodology, Volume 2:
Application to Two-Loop PWRs Equipped with Upper Plenum Injection," and Addendum 1,
December 1988.
WCAP-10924-P-A, Volume 1, Revision 1,
Addendum 4, "Westinghouse Large-Break LOCA Best-Estimate Methodology, Volume 1: Model Description and Validation, Addendum 4: Model Revisions,"
Harch 1991.
WCAP-13677-P-A, "10 CFR 50.46 Evaluation Model Report:
'oop Upper Plenum Injection Model Updates to Support ZIRLO Cladding Option," February 1994.
WCAP-12610-P-A, "VANTAGE + Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report," April 1995.
WCAP-8385, "Power Distribution Control and Load Following Procedures-Topical Report," September 1974.
WCAP-11397-P-A, "Revised Thermal Design Procedure",
April 1989.
I COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
3 hC h2 O<o I 2 Q
Q (1500, 1 45)
(0, 1.80)
(1500, 1.00)
L 0
(0,63) 220
> 200
$ 80 (o,(84 5 160
~140 Z <20 o 100 0
80 CL 60 40 0
20 0
0 B Bank 1834,'
666,'too, l84)
C Bank ank OB (30, 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (Percent of 1520 MWT)
- The fully withdrawn position is defined as ~ 221 steps.
1.2 N+ 1.0 pP 0.8 U)
C tg CP 0.6 Q.
~~X 0.4 N
65202 0
Total Fo = 2.450 E~fl
~K 0.0 1.0 11.783 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Elevation (ft) 8.0 10.0 11.783 FIGURE 3 K(Z) - NORNLIZED Fo(Z)
COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
{11/0) 80
~O O
(31/0) 40 I~
-10 0
'Tabli 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
1.0 Reactor Coolant Systca (RCS)
Upper head voluae, ft Upper Plenua voluae, ft Top of fuel voluae, ft3 Inlet nozzle(s) voluae, totaL of two, ft Outlet nozzle(s) voluae, total of two, ft Active fuel volune, ft Bottom of fuel voluae, fts Lower Plenua voluae, ft Downcomer voluae, above bottaa of cold leg, ft Downcomer, Lower core plate to elevation of the bottom of the cold leg voluae, ft Barrel baffle, lower core plate to upper core plate voluae, ft Total voluae, ft Hot Leg pipe voluae per loop voluae, ft Cold leg voluae per loop + cross over, ft RC pump voluae per pump, ft Cold leg pipe ID, in./Pump suction ID, in.
Hot leg pipe ID, in.
Design pressure, psig Design temperature, F
Cold Leg and Hot Leg Centerline Elevation 300.0 580.2 50.3 43.2 37.4 367.6 11.0 514.3 138.4 278.2 128.5 2449.1 78.7 cross over
- 140.7 cold leg
~ 46.8 192 27.5/31 29 (28.969) 2485 650 246'0w Above upper support plate.
Bottom of upper core plate to top of upper support plate.
Includes outlet holes in the barrel.
Top of active fuel to bottom of upper core plate, inside barreL baffle.
Includes nozzle forging protrusion into vessel.
Does not include mating hole in barrel, this is included in the Upper PLenua volte.
Bottom of fuel to top of fuel Top of lower core plate to bottom of active fuel.
Below top of Lower core plate Above bottom of cold Leg elevation to bottom of upper support plate Top of lower core plate to elevation of bottom of cold leg Top of lower core plate to bottom of upper core plate.
Includes nozzles Reactor Coolant Puap Head-Capacity and HPSH curves for reactor coolant pumps/Homologous Curves Rated RC puap head and flow, ft t gpa Rated RC puap torque and efficiency Q rated head/flow, ft-lb, fraction RCP Pump Rated Power (hot, 556 degrees F)
RCP Hotor Rated Speed, RPH Homent of inertia of Ixgp and motor, lb-ft RC putnp heat, HMt (max/min per pmp)
See Engineering 252; 90,000 84K efficiency at hot conditions 4842 BHP 1189 80,000 5, 4 Homologous Curves are available in RETRAH Pm@ power varies with RCS temp from approx 4 HMt to 5 HMt COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
~ Table 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Rated pouer, HMt Reactor pouer ux:ertainty, X RTP
- Bypass, X
Upper head bypass, X
Upper head tesperature, degrees F
Neat transfer area, ft Average core heat flux, Btu/hr-ft 1520 6.5 M proprietary 590 26,669 189,440 Thisble plugs removed.
Nigh T~ value.
1.3 1.3.1 Fuel Assemblies Neight Total, inches (length frcm bottom of assembly to top nozzle)
Fuel Rod Length, inches (length from bottom of pin to top of pin)
Active, inches 159.935 149.138 141.4 1.3.2 Fuel Asseably Geometry Hose of fuel, Lba Hass of clad Lba Nunber of fuel pins per fuel assesbly (FA)
No. of Fuel Assemblies Fuel pin pitch, in.
Bottom nozzle Weight and vollNle Top nozzle, u/ insert, weight and voLN.
Fuel Assesbly resistance
[core dP f(flou)), psi f(lb/hr)
Fuel Assembly free flou area, in 105,500 25,927 179 121 0.556 9.1 lbs.
31.5 in 18.15 lbs.
62.9 in core delta P ~ 20 psi a flou = 17O,2OO gps 34.75 Thisble plugs removed.
Single assembly.
1.3.3 Fuel pin geometry Pellet diameter, in.
Clad M/ID, in./in.
0.3444 0.400/0.3514 1.3 4 Control Rod 4 lnstnmmt Guide T~
No. of control rod guide tubes No. of Lnstruaent guide tubes Control Rod Guide tube upper part M/LD, in./in.
Lnstruaent Guide tube OD/LD, in./in.
Guide tube Louer part M/LD, in./in.
Control Rod Drop Times, maxisuns, sec.
Control rod maxisxss uithdrauaL rate, in./min.
16 0.49/0.528 0.395/0.350 0.4445/0.4825 Non-LOCA 2.4 LOCA 3.0 Allogances are added to the Tech Spec alloMable value.
COLR 12 Cycle 28, Revision 0
Table 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Control rod maxisam insertion rate, pcm/sec.
Control rod insertion limits Hot chaIvteL radial peaking factor Heat Flux Hot charnel factor FQ 90 See COLR 1.75 2.45 1 4 PressIa izer Code safety valve flow capacity, Lbm/hr Code safety Code safety Spray valve Spray valve Spray valve Spray vaLve PORV Ixnher valve open tiIlle vaLve setpoint INsnber flow cap&c'Ity~ gPII/valve setpoint-start open/full open time constant, sec.
PORV flow capacity, Lbm/hr PORV Cv PORV open time PORV close time Backup Heaters Hinieua heater capacity required for LOOP, kM Heatel'ank controllel'ype
'ORV setpoint
[normal) open/close, psig pORV setpoint
[LTOP] open/close, psig PORV blowdown characteristic Heater capacity w/ bank capacity and setpoints, kM Control banks 288,000 0.8 sec seal clearing time 2485 psig 2
200 2260/2310 5
2 179,000 50 gpm/(psid)1/2 1.65 sec
+ transmitter 3.95 sec
+ transmitter 2335/2315 430 800
,0 kM at 2250 psig and 400 kM at 2220 psig Full on at 2210 psig and resets at 2220 psig 100 proportional 400 kM Rating at 2485 psig plus 3X accImxILat ion Crosby Hadal HB-BP-86, size 4K26 Tolerance is + 2.4X/-3X.
Proportional Assuned value Steam flow at 2335 psig Rating is for liquid relief. Valve characteristic is quick opening see Copes Vulcan Selecting and Sizing Control Valves 8/75, page 8, Table 18 for Cv vs travel curve.
LTOPs transmitter is Foxboro E11GH-HSAE1, with a time response of 1 sec (time to 90X of final value for step input)
LTOPs transmitter is Foxboro E11QI-HSAE1, with a time response of 1 sec (time to 90K of final value for step input) 1.4.1 PressIa izer vol~a)
(1(HN, / OX power)
Mater, fto (100X / OX power)
Steam, ft'100' OX power)
- Total, ft'ressurizer ID, ft-in 396/199 404/601 800 83.624 in / cladding thickness is 0.188 in COLR 13 Cycle 28, Revision 0
'abl'e 1:
UFSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Surge Line IO, in.
Spray line IO, in.
Surge Line volcnce, fthm 8.75 3.062 18.4 Surge Line is 10 in schedule 140 1 4.2 Presses izer Level Lower Level tap elevation Upper Level tap elevation Pressurizer Level vs X power Distance Hot Leg Centerline to Lower Tap, ft Haxinun level allowed for steam bubble, X
257' 275' Xpower LeveL 0 X 35X 100 X 50X 10.750 87 Pressurizer LeveL is ramped linearly between these points.
Hot used in Chapter 15 analyses.
1.5 RCS Flora, Teaperature and Pressures Total reactor coolant flow, gpm (15X plugging)
Total reactor coolant flow, gpm (15X plugging)
Average reactor coolant tenperature, degrees F
(Full power/HZP)
Reactor coolant pressure, psig Reactor coolant flow cnx:ertainty, X nominal Reactor coolant tenperature cacertainty, degrees F
Reactor coolant pressure Lncertainty, psi DNB Limit (safety analysis limit) 170,200 177,300 559 to 573.5/547 2235 s 30 1.40 Use for non DHB Use for statistical DHB CycLe 26 T
n 561 Low Temperat~ Overpressure Protection (LTOP]
Hininnnn RCS vent size, square inches No. of SI pcncps capable of Injection (PORVs/vent)
Haxinnnn pressurizer level for RCP start, X
0/1 38 1.7 Fuel Hand ltng/Ooae Calculat lena Haxinnnn reactor coolant gross specific activity Haxinnnn reactor coolant dose equivalent 1-131 Haxinann secondary coolant dose equivalent I-131 Kfnilmmi reactor coolant boron concentration, ppm Hininnnn reactor coolant level Hininnnn spent fuel pool level Hininun spent fuel pool boron concentration, ppn Hininnnn spent fuel pool charcoal filter efficiency, X methyl iodine removal Hininnnn post accident charcoal filter efficiency, X methyl iodine removaL 100/t HCI/gm 1 ~ 0 HCI/gm 0.1 HCI/gm 2000 23 ft above flange 23 ft above fuel 300 70 70 TS testing requires 90X eff.
TS testing requires 90X eff.
COLR Cycle 28, Revision 0
~ Table 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Hinieam control room charcoal filter efficiency, X methyl iodine removaL Hlni~ time between reactor criticality and fuel movement, hrs.
Source Te~ used for dose caLculations'ose conversion factors Haxi~ Gas Decay Tank Xenon.133 concentrationi Ci 70 100 ORGEN 2 ICRP-30 100,000 TS testing requires 90X eff.
2.0 Hain FeecSater (HFM)
Feechater temperature versus Load Power Temperature 102X 425 F
70X 385 F
30X 322 F
OX 100 F
100X design ten@ is 432 degrees F
Feechtater Suction Temperature vs Poser, nominal PoMer 98X 70X 50X 30X Terperature 345 F
319 F
295 F
259 F
Feedwater Suction Pressure vs Power, nominal Head-Capacity and leSN~
4 Head.Capacity and NPSN curves for main feeduater plllpS Hain Feedwater pwp - Rated Head Hain Feechater perp - Rated Torque Hain Feechrater punp - Homent of Inertia Elevation of steam generator inlet nozzle Elevation of main feedMater punp, ft Elevation of condensate purp, ft HFW regulating valve open time on demand, sec HF'W regulating valve close time on demand, sec HFW regulating valve Cv, full stroke Lou load HFW regulating valve Cv, (bypass valves)
HFW Neater resistance (delta P)
Parer 98X 70X 50X 30X Pressure 277 psig 282 psig 305 psig 370 psig 2150'89.612 257. 75 250.833 10 48.7 see Engineering See Engineering Selected flou splits are provided for model validation.
Elevation is at center of shaft Assumed value.
Actual value
= 684.
Effective Cv: includes bypass line Design data on the Nigh Pressure Heaters (2 in parallel) is provided 3.0 Auxiliary Feechater (AFU)
Hinisun design temperature of the Water source service water / CST (degrees F)
Haxisaa design tesperature of the water source service water / CST (degrees F) 30, 50 80, 100 Initial AFW water source are the CSTs located in the Service Bldg. Safety Related source is the Service Water system (Lake).
Initial AFW Mater source are the CSTs Located in the Service Bldg. Safety Related source is the Service Water system (Lake).
COLR 15 Cycle 28, Revision 0
Tabl~ 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Startup time for the auxiliary feedwater
- ixNTns, sec Hininnsn delay for AFM start, sec Haxinnsn delay for AFM start, sec AFM control valve open time on demand, sec AFM control valve Cv[flow is f(dP)]
TOAFMP, maxinnsn flow, gpn AFM, mlninnan flows, both generators
- intact, gpm Hininnnn delay for stenchy AFM start, tain TDAFM - 0, HOAFM 1
HOAFM starts on SI (seq),
or LO level either SG, or trip of both HFP or AHSAC HOAFM acceleration time test results show approximately 1.5 s.
Increased time of 600 sec. will be used in future analysis HDAFM control valves are normally open and throttle closed to control flow between 200-230 gpn HOAFMP valves are 3 Rockwell model ¹ A4006JKHY stop check valves.
TDAFM control valves (4297, 4298) are 3
Fisher ¹470-NS.
SBLOCA assunes 200 gpn per SG with the failure of one OG 4.0 Hain Stem System (HS)
Location (and elevation) of condenser dump valves and atmospheric relief valves Full load steam line pressure drop, psi HS Isolation valve close time [full open to full close] close time, sec HS Isolation valve Cv [flow is f(dP)]
CSO - elev 256'.875 ARV - elev 289'.563 approx 45 HSIV - 5.0 check valve. 1.0 HSIV. 23500 check valve 17580 This estimate, to the governor valves, is provided for comparison purposes only.
The check valve is assumed to close in 1 sec under reverse flow.
4.1 Hain Stan Code Safety Valves Nunber of valves (4 per line)
Valve flow capacities
- Total, tbm/hr 6621000 Rated flow (3X accwaiation per
- ASHE,Section III):
1085 psig
~ ~. ~. ~..........
797,700 lbn/hr (each) 1140 psig...........
837,600 ibm/hr (each)
COLR 16 Cycle 28, Revision 0
Table 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters em f Item/Name Value Remarks:
Valve Flow vs SG pressure (psia),
total per bank (4 valves) g Lbn/sec 1110 1115 1120 1125 1131 1136 1141 1151 1161 1166 1173 1181 1190 1200 1205 1209 1211 0
40 91 141 191 222 223 225 227 228 342 494 646 799 859 920 931 Nunber of valves in bank Valve setpoint(s), (first/last three),
- nominal, ps'i 9 i'alve blowdown characteristic 4
1085/1140 15X max in'nsn Valves are Crosby ¹HA-65 6R10 Setpoint tolerance is +1K / -3X.
Model valve setpoint at 1.01 (nominal),
and full flow at 1.04 (nomina l).
Atmospheric relief valves No. Atnespheric relief valves Atmospheric relief valve setpoint/Air-operated, psig Atmospheric relief valve setpoint/Booster, psig Atmospheric relief valve capacity, Lbn/hr 2
1050 During Hot Stenchy operation setpoint is lowered to control no load Tavg 1060 313550 at 1060 psig Hax flow is 380000 5.0 5.1 Turbine Generator (TG)
Condenser No. of condenser dunp valves Condenser dunp valve open time, sec Condenser dunp valve close time, sec Condenser dunp valve setpoint(s)
Condenser dunp valve Cv (flow is f(dP))
8 5
For TT: Tavg>555 4 valves,
>563 4 valves; no TT: Tref +12 4 valves, Tref+20 4 valves Assuning close time = opening time On TT valves control open at 6.7X/F (PLD) above 547 with full open setpoints as described.
On 10K step load decrease same ratio with a 6F deadband from Tref Design Cv (240) from design conditions (302,500 ibm/hr sat steam at 695 psig) 6.0 Chemical and Vol~ Control System (CVCS)
CVCS capaci ty/punp 3 pclps, 60 gpn max each Normal ops:
2 charging punps
- one is manual at 15-20 gpm and the other in automatic.
Charging punps are POPs w/ 46 gpm totaL - 8 gpn to seals
- 3 gpm Leakage
+ 5 gpn into RCS.
40 gpm letdown COLR 17 Cycle 28, Revision 0
'able 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
CVCS minimLss/ixssp, gixs Type of controller (e.g.,
P + l) and giins 15 PlD 100X,180 sec,10 sec 6.1 Reactor Nakcap Mater System (RW)
RNM capac ity/puap 2 pumps, 60 gpm each 7.0 7.1 7.1.'1 Emergency Core Coolinl System (ECCS)
Residual Neat Removal (RHR) Delivery vs RCS Pressure Ninisan RHR Delivery, train failure Nini~ RHR Delivery, tuo imps runing, one line blocked RCS Pressure (psia) 155 152 150 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 14.7 RCS Pressure (psia) 155 154 152 150 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 14.7 Delivery (gpm) 0 0
0 250 648 836 985 1115 1232 1338 1365 Delivery (gpm) 0 0
160 252 516 830 1056 1243 1406 1552 1686 1720 LOCA Appendix K case.
Train failure results in one pwp running with 10X degradation uith one line blocked.
LOCA Appendix K case (offsite pover available).'Mo pmps rowing Mith 10X degradation uith one line blocked.
7.1.2 Safety Injectim (SI) Delivery vs RCS Pressure Ninisus Sl delivery, 2 pumps operating, one line spilling Press (pslg) 1375 1300
'1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Delivery (gps) 0.0 62 125 167 201 229 253 273 289 305 321 336 352 368 384 Spill LOCA Appendix K case.
Train failure (gpm) results in two pcs running with 5X 465 degradation with one line spilling to 465 conte ire>>nt.
465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 COLR 18 Cycle 28, Revision 0
. Table 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Hininun SI delivery, 3 pumps operating, non-LOCA liininnin SI delivery, 2 punps operating non-LOCA Haxinnsn SI delivery, 3 putps operating, SGTR Press (psia) 1390 1315 1215 1115 1015 915 815 715 615 515 415 315 215 115 15 Press (psia) 1390
- 1315, 1215 1115 1015 915 815 715 615 515 415 315 215 115 15 Press (psig) 1375 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Delivery Loop 'A' BI 16 87 147 193 231 266 297 325 352 377 400 423 445 465 485 Oelivery Loop
'A'BI 8
69 121 162 197 228 255 281 305 328 350 370 390 409 427 Loop A (gpn) 76 128 180 221 258 290 320 348 374 398 421 443 464 485 504 (gpn)
Loop 19 97 163 214 257 295 329 360 390 418 444 469 493 516 538 (gpm)
Loop 8
71 126 169 206 239 269 296 322 346 369 391 412 432 452 Loop 8 (gpm) 84 141 198 245 285 321 354 385 413 440 466 490 514 536 558 Used for non-LOCA transients, 5X pump degradat ion Used for non-LOCA transients, 5X pump degradation.
The KYPIPE model assunes no punp degradation.
Loop A and 8 pressures are set equal.
Used for SGTR.
7.3 Accuaulators kwhr of accumulators Total volune, each, ft Liquid volune, fte - min/max Liquid volune, fts - Best Estimate Initial pressure, psig - Hininnin / kaxinasn 2
1750 1111/1139 1140 700/790 COLR 19 Cycle 28, Revision 0
iTable 1:
UFSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
initial temperature, F
Boron concentration, ppa (min/max) 105 2100/2600 LBLOCA Note -
EQ analyses use a maxilmm concentration of 3000 ppm 7.4 RMST Tesperature, min / max, degrees F
Hiniaua RMST voluae, gal RlJST boron concentration, ppa (min/max) 60 / 80 300,000 2300/2600 Upper limit increased to 104 Note -
EQ analyses use a maxinun concentration of 3000 ppm
8.0 Conte front initial contalre>>nt pressure, psia initial contairN>>nt temperature (LOCA/SLB) degrees F
Initial relative hlsaidi ty, X SM teaperature min/max, degrees F
Haxiaaml contaiment
- leakage, wtX/day min - 14.5 max - 16.7 90/120 20 30/80 0.2 Hininun is used for LOCA analysis.
Haxiaun is used for the contairment integrity cases (SLB).
LOCA temperature lower for PCT calculations.
SLB higher for conte ire>>nt integri ty 8.1 Contai >ment Neat Sinks Listing of Passive Heat Sinksg quantities
materials, and configurations see Engineering 8.2 Densities, Thermal Conductivities and Heat Capacities of Heat Sinks insulation density, conductivity, capacity 3.7 ibm/ft 0.0208 BTU/hr F ft 1.11 BTU/ft F
Concrete density, conductivity, capacity 150 lba/ft 0.81 BTU/hrfft 31.5 BTU/ft F
mininaml conductivity corresponds to mexican density, and maxilmml conductivity corresponds to minilmml density.
Steel density, conductivity, capacity Stainless steel density, conductivity, capacity Contain>>nt free vollm>>, min / max, cu. ft.
Ground Temperature (degrees F)
Outside Air Temperature, min / max, degrees F
HTC for outside surfaces 490 ibm/ft 28 BTU/hrfft 54.4 BTU/ft F
496 ibm/ft 15 BTU/hrFft 54.6 BTU/ft F
1,000,000 / 1,066,000 55
-10 / 100 1.65 BTU/hr ft~ degrees F
below grade temperature COLR 20 Cycle 28, Revision 0
'able 1:
UFSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Contaireent fan cooler performance Tesp (deg F) 120 220 240 260 280 286 Nin Nax (X1068TU/hr) 2.05 4.55 35.1 99.2 40.8 113.8 46.8 129.3 52.9 145.5 54.7 150.4 Contai~t spray flow, min / max, each, gpa 1300 / 1800 8.3 Delays for CRFCs and Spray Pusps CRFC delay, offsite power available, seconds CRFC delay, offsite power not available, seconds Contaireent
- Spray, 1300 gpm each pm', maximm
- delay, sec Contaitment Spray, 1800 gpm each pip, mininam
- delay, sec Containnent Design pressure, psig Distance Basement floor to Springline, feet Distance Springline to top of dome, feet 44 28.5 - one pap 26.8 - two pumps 9 / (14 w LOOP) 52.5 includes 2.0 sec Sl delay includes 2.0 sec Sl delay This delay is from the time Contaireent Hi-Hi setpoint is reached. It includes instrunent delay and spray line fill time.
This delay is from the time of break.
8 4 Contairmet Suap Ninisua wtX of HaOH Tank 30 9.0 Control Syst~ (Reactor, FM, Przr Level, Turbine, AFM)
Tavg versus power Pressurizer pressure and level algorithms SG secondary level algorithm H/A H/A H/A Tavg ramps linearly from 547 degrees F at OX power to 561 degrees F at 100X power Pressurizer pressure setpoint is constant at 2235 psig
. Pressurizer level ramps from 35X to 50X for 0 to 100X power (547 - 561 degrees F).
Level remains constant at 52X to 100X power.
(Power from turbine 1st stage press.)
10.0 10.1 10.1.1 Safety System Setpoints Reactor Protection System Power range high neutron flux, high setting nominal accident analysis delay time, sec 1.08
- 1. 18 0.5 Power range high neutron flux, lou setting nominal accident analysis 0.240 0.350 COLR 21 Cycle 28, Revision 0
< Table 1:
UFSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
delay time, sac 0.5 10.1.3 Overtempera~ delta T nomfnaL ace 'Ident ana Iys I s delay time, sec 10.1A Overpouer delta T nominal accident analysis delay time, sec Variable Variable 6.0 Variable Variable 2.0 Total delay time - from the time the tenperature difference in the coolant Loops exceeds the trip setpoint until the rods are free to fall I!
Not explicitly modelled in safety analysis 10.1.5 High pressurizer press~
nominal, psig accident analysis, psia delay time, sec 2377 2410 2 '
0.1.6 Lou pressurizer press~
nomfnaL, psig ace Iden't ana I yacc s i ps Ia delay time, sec 1873 1775 (non.LOCA) 1730 (LOCA) 1905 (SGTR) 2.0 10.1.7 Lou reactor coolant fLow nominal accident analysis delay time, sec 91X of normaL indicated floe 87X per loop 1.0 10.1.8 Lou-Lou SG level nominal acc'Ident analysis delay time, sec 17K of the narroM range level span OX of narrow range level span 2.0 Mhile trip setpoint could be as Low as 16K, AFll Initiation limits to 17K 10.1.9 Turbine Trip (Lcm fluid oil pressure) nominal, psig accident analysis delay time, sec 45 N/A 2.0 Not explicitly modeled in safety analysis COLR 22 I
Cycle 28, Revision 0
Tab+e 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
10.1.10 Undervoltaoe nominal, v accident analysis delay time. sec 3150 1.5 Safety analysis assules RCCAs are released 1.5 sec. after setpoint is released.
10.1.11 Underfrequency
- noainal, Hz accident analysis delay time 57.7 57.0 1.2 Analysis is performed but not explicitly modeled in safety analysis.
Safety analysis assunes RCCAs are released 1.2 sec after setpoint is reached.
10.1.12 Intersadiate range
- nominal, RTP safety analysis, RTP delay time, sec 0.25 N/A N/A Hay fluctuate due to core flux Not explicitly modeled in safety analysis
.1.13 Source Range
I nominal, cps accident anal ys i s, cps delay timei sec 1.0E+5 1.0E+5 2.0 10.1.14 High Pressla izer level nominal acc'ident analysis delay time, sec 0.90 0.93S 2.0 10.2 10.2.1 Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Safety injectilsl System High contairlnt pressure Nominal set point, psig Accident Analysis setpoint, psig Oelay time, sec 4.0 60 34 44 ll/ LOOP
- only modeled in accident analysis for start of contairment fan coolers.
Time delays are for start of contaireent fan coolers. Lou pressurizer press~
Nominal se'tpo inti ps I9 1750 COLR 23 Cycle 28, Revision 0
i Tabl'e 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name
'alue Remarks:
Accident Analysis setpoint, psla Delay time, sec
- 1785, SGTR
- 1730, non-LOCA
- 1715, LOCA 2.0 Low stam Line press~
Kaninal setpoint, psig Acc'Ident Analys'Is setpo'ln't
~ ps'lg Delay time, sec 514 372.7 2.0 See Engineering See Engineering 10.2.2 Contalrmet Spray Naninal Setpoint, psig Accident analysis setpoint~
pslg Delay time, sec 28 32.5 28.5 See Engineering Delay time includes time to fill lines.
See Engineering 10.2.3 AFM System Low-Low st~ gener ator water Level liominal Setpoint Accident analysis setpoint Delay time, sec 17 X of narrow range instrunent span each steam generator 0 X of narrow range instrunent span each steam generator 2.0 A positive 11X error has been included to accost for the SG level measurement system at a contaiwent temperature of 286 F
10.2.4 Stem Line isolation 10.2A.1 High ccllta I~t pressl&o Nominal Setpoint, pslg Accident 'analysis setpolnt Delay time 18 N/A H/A Hot explicitly modeled Hot explicitly modeled High atman flow, coincident with Low Tavg and SI Hominal Setpoint, Accident analysis setpolnt Delay time 0.4E6 lb/hr equivalent steam flow at 755 psig and Tavg 545 F
H/A H/A Kote: fLow setpoint is below ncminal fuLL power flow and therefore this portion of logic is made up at po~er Not explicitly modeled Hot explicitly modeled.
Steam line isolation is assuned concurrent with SL (i.e.
2 s delay
+ 5 s valve stroke)
High-high stem flow, coincident SL Kominal Setpolnt Accident analysis setpoint 3.6E6 Lb/hr equivalent steam flow at 755 psig H/A Hot explicitly modeled COLR 24 Cycle 28, Revision 0
Table 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Delay time N/A Not explicitly modeled.
Steam line isolation is assuned concurrent with SI (i.e.
2 s delay
+ 5 s valve stroke) 10.2.5 11.0 Faahater isolatim Nigh st~ generator Mter Level Nominal Setpoint Accident analysis setpoint Delay time Wl Stam Generators Heat load per SG, BTU/hr Primary flow per SG, KLb/hr Steam flow per SG, Lb/hr (clean, unplugged)
Secondary design pressure, psig Secondary design temperature, F
Naxisam moisture carryover, X
Narrow range level tap locations, inches above TS secondary face Mide range level tap locations, inches above TS secondary face 85X of the narrow range instrunent span each SG 100'f the narrow range instrunent span each SG 2.0 2,602,000,000 Plugging%
Flow KLb/hr 0
34950 5
34630 10 34280 15 33850 3,264,358 at 877 psia 1085 556
- 0. 10 386 / / 529 /
8 / / 529 /
Instrunent loop only Design flo~s at T~ = 573.5 F
Conditions for T,
= 573.5 F
11.1 SG P~ Drops Secondary nozzle to nozzle dP Q fuLL power, psi Secondary nozzle to nozzle dP Q full power, psi Primary nozzle to nozzle mrecoverable pressure drop vs. plugging, psi
, 14.7 7.5 Plugging%
ap psi 0
31.01 5
33.27 10 35.82 15 38.72 Value is total static pressure drop.
Pressure drop from top of U-bend to outlets See associated flows for X plugging.
11.2 No. of tubes per SG Tube (0, inches Tube average wall thickness, inches Naxisua tube length, ft Nfniaua tube length, ft Average length, ft 4765 0.750 0.043 70.200 55.925 61.988 Includes Length in tubesheet (2x25.625>>)
Includes length in tubesheet (2x25.625>>)
Includes Length in tubesheet (2x25.625>>)
COLR 25 Cycle 28, Revision 0
Tabl'e 1:
UFSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Hiniaasa U-bend radius, inches Haximm U-bend radius, inches U-bend radius of shortest tube(s),
inches Average U-bend radius, inches Tube straight length (one side) above secondary
- face, inches (min/max/average)
Secondary heat transfer area, ft'er SG Primary heat"transfer area, ft'er SG Overall bundle height, ft above secondary face of TS 3.979 54.007 4.044
24.51 303 /,~ / 310 /i / 308.182 54,001 47,809 30.427 Note: this is not the bend radius for the shortest tube.
11.3 11.3.1 Tube material SG Tube Haterial Thermal Conductivity, BTU-in/hr-ft~.F SG Tube Haterial Specific Neat, BTU/Lb-F Distance'from top of tube bundle to 33X NRL, ft SQ Vol~
SG Secondary Side Vol~
Secondary VOLUlleg 'f't ('to'tel)
Secondary volte up to lower NRL tap, ft Secondary volune up to upper NRL tap, ft SB-163 Temp F
200 300 400 500 600 Temp F
200 300 400 500 600 Alloy N06690 Conductivity 93 100 107 114.5 122 Conductivity 0.112 0.1155 0.119 0.1225 0.126 5.703 4512.7 1893.2 3460.4 11.3.2 Riser Vol mm Secondary aide bundle voluae (TS to top of U-bend inside shroud),
'Secondary riser volune, top of U.bend to spiLL-over point, ft 1281.8 507.0 Equivalent to LOFTRAN riser volune.
11.3.3 Do~~r Vol~
Downcomer vol~, top of TS to top of U-bend, ft Downcomer voluae, top of U-bend to spiLl-over point, ft 359.6 1437.3 11.3 4 SQ Primary Side Voltmm inlet plefwa per SG, ft Outlet plerN!a per SG, ft 129.65 129.65 COLR 26 Cycle 28, Revision 0
Table 1:
UFSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
Tube primary vole>>a per SG, ft Primary total volcsne per SG, ft Circulation ratio (100K pwer, clean, unplugged)
Tubesheet thickness, inches 710.3 969.6 5.39 25.625 Circulation ratio
- bundle floe /
steam flou.
Assunes 40,000 lbn/hr blcndoun.
Includes cladding.
11 4
'Q Primary Side Dim!>>Icn>>
Primry head radius, inches Divider plate thickness, inches inlet and outlet nozzle, inside diameter cylindrical section, inches Nozzle divergence
- angle, degrees Nozzle inside diameter at plenun, inches Nozzle lengths, inches Heigth from SQ primary head bottom (outside) to top of TS, inches Distance tube sheet primary face to hot leg centerline, ft SQ Secondary Side Oimensicra Lour shell inside diameter, inches Lour shell thickness, inches Tube shroud inside diameter, inches Distance top of tube bundle to top of steam
- nozzle, inches Steam nozzle floe restricter area, ft Distance secondary face of TS to centerline of feedMater nozzle, inches Distance secondary face of TS to centerline of feed ring, inches Cross-sectional area of tube bundle, ft Distance top of tube bundle to spill-over point, inches Primary side roughness, micro-inches 58.375 1.875 31.200 11 30'7.0 cylindrical section conical section total length 90'/~e 6.654 122 2.875 114 298.5 1.4 407 /I 374 41.64 178.0
- Nozzles, head 60 Tubes 60 8.75 13.0 21.75 Radius to clad surface.
This value is total area inside shroud.
This value is equivalent to the riser height for the OSQ.
Values given are conservative asscmptions.
SQ Secondary Side Mater Hasses Secondary eater inventory, 100K pouer, T~ ~
573.5, no plugging, lbn Secondary eater inventory, 100X power, T, ~
no i
lhn 11.6
- 559, plugg ng, 11.7 SQ Priasry Side Heed Loss Coefficients 86,259,liquid 5,286 steam 85,547 liquid 4,675 steam Best estimate value.
Best estimate value.
COLR 27 Cycle 28, Revision 0
'able 1:
UPSAR Chapter 15 Analysis Setpoints and Input Parameters Item/Name Value Remarks:
SG inlet nozzle/planus loss coefficient, ft/gprss SG outlet nozzle/pienrsa loss coefficient, ft/gpm SG tubing loss coefficient, ft/gps SG tubing loss coefficient, straight section (in), ft/gps*
SG tubing loss coefficient, U-bend section, ft/gpss SG tubing loss coefficient, straight section (out) ft/gpss 1.01E.09 for ID
- 31.2" 3.31E-10 for ID ~ 31.2" 9.62E-09 for OX plugging 1.32E-08 for 15X plugging 4.19E-09 for OX plugging 5.73E-09 for 15X plugging 1.02E-09 for OX plugging 1.40E-09 for 15X plugging 4.41E-09 for OX plugging 6.08E-09 for 15X plugging For tube ID ~ 0.664rr, A = 11.458 fthm, A,~~ 9.739 ft~.
Plugging is assrmred to be miform.
For tube ID
- 0.664", Ao= 11.458 ft', A= 9.739 ft~.
Plugging is assumed to be uniform.
For tube ID ~ 0.664", A, ~ 11.458 ft, A,r>> ~ 9.739 ft.
Plugging is assigned to be uniform.
For tube ID ~ 0.664", Ao* 11.458 ft, A,r,= 9.739 ft.
Plugging is assuned to be uniform.
I COLR 28 Cycle 28, Revision 0