PNO-II-88-022, on 880405,low Levels of Radioactive Matl Detected in Demineralizer Beds for Plant Makeup Water.Caused by Concentrating Effect of Radionuclides.Licensee Currently Storing Spent Demineralizer Beds Onsite Until NRC Approval

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PNO-II-88-022:on 880405,low Levels of Radioactive Matl Detected in Demineralizer Beds for Plant Makeup Water.Caused by Concentrating Effect of Radionuclides.Licensee Currently Storing Spent Demineralizer Beds Onsite Until NRC Approval
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1988
From: Kahle J
PNO-II-88-022, PNO-II-88-22, NUDOCS 8804190094
Download: ML20151F960 (1)

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Qg vA cv ff;10 ca 3l F0 kmo April 6, 1988 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE PN0-II-88-22 This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without verifi-cation or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region II staff on this date.

FACILITY: Virginia Electric & Power Company Licensee Emergency Classification:

North Anna Units 1 & 2 Notification of Unusual Event Docket No. 50-338 and 50-339 Alert Mineral, Virginia Site Area Emergency General Emergency X Not Applicable


LOW LEVELS OF RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL IN DEMINERALIZER BED The licensee has notified Region 11 that low levels of radioactive material have been detected in the demineralizer beds for the plant makeup water. This water is drawn from Lake Anna at a remote place from the plant's point of radioactive effluent discharge.

Radioactive concentrations in plant effluents discharged to the lake in the past have been well below limits. However, the concentrating effect of radionuclides in the demineralizer beds has resulted in detectable levels of very low amounts of radioactivity. In the past, spent demineralizer beds have been regenerated by the licensee's vendor at an offsite location. The licensee currently stores spent demineralizer beds onsite until NRC approval can be obtained for proper disposition.

Levels of radioactivity in the beds range from E-8 to E-7 microcuries per gram of resin.

This would equate to approximately 0.01 percent of the maximum permissible concentration (mpc) of radioactivity in liquids released to unrestricted areas when radioactivity is removed from the beds in the regeneration process.

Region II will conduct routine follow-up.

The spent resin has formerly been regenerated by Arrowhead Industrial Water, located at Fallsington, Pennsylvania.

Region II is notifying the Commonwealth of Virginia. Region I will be notified of this event and will provide any necessary information to the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The NRC received initial notification of this event by telephone from the licensee at 3:00 p.m. (EDT) on April 5.

This information is current as of 2:00 p.m. (EDT) on April 6.

CONTACT: J. Kahle - 242-6968 8804190094 880406 PDR I&E o I PNO-II-88-022 DCD

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