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Advises That Noncompliances Identified in Fire Zones FH-FZ-1 & FH-FZ-6 During Verification of as-built Documentation. Roving Firewatch Will Include FH-FZ-1.Unprotected Conduit in FH-FZ-6 Wrapped.Design Verification Nearly Complete
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/27/1987
From: Hukill H
5211-87-2145, NUDOCS 8707310375
Download: ML20236E443 (2)



l l


GPU Nuclear Corporation 0, u Nuclear = ,o = = ,48o Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191 I

717 944 7621 TELEX 84 2386 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

July 27, 1987 _,

5211-87-2145 ]

l 1

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk j Washington, D.C. 20555



1 Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 ,

Docket No. 50-289 1 10 CFR 50 Appendix R ]

Noncompliance in FH-FZ-1 and FH-FZ-6


As a result of verification of As-built documentation subsequent to the TMI-1 Appendix R effort to support the FHAR upgrade to the As-built condition, noncompliance were identified in fire zones FH-FZ-1 and FH-FZ-6.

In FH-FZ-1 (Fuel Handling Building 281' elevation), two control circuits for l fan AH-E-15B were found to be unprotected. AH-E-158 is relied upon for I; ventilation in AB-FZ-7. The noncompliance in FH-FZ-1 is similar to those zones where an exemption was granted in item 2 of the NRC letter dated March 19,1987. This exemption allowed for the use of the roving firewatch in lieu of protection as required by Section III.G.2 of Appendix R. As a compensatory measure for the noncompliance, the existing roving firewatch was extended to include FH-FZ-1.

On June 25, 1987, NRR and Region 1 personnel were informed per a telephone conversation of the noncompliance and the compensatory measure being taken.

GPUN committed to inform the NRC of our plans to resolve the issue in 30 days.

The functions of the two circuits in FH-FZ-1 are to trip AH-E-15B on high discharge air temperature and to remotely close the air-handling damper from the Control Room. We have eliminated these two circuits from the AH-E-15B control scheme. There is fire detection in AB-FZ-7 and adequate ventilation exists in AB-FZ-7 if the damper is disabled in the open position. Remote fan control still exists from the Control Room. The safety evaluation for the modification is available for your review. Based on the modification, the noncompliance has been corrected.

In FH-FZ-6 (Fuel Handling Building - Chiller Room), a conduit containing the control cable for the solenoid valve for IC-V4 was found unprotected. The conduit contains the control cable for IC-V4, which is unsheathed Rockbestos cable, and conventional cables. The conduit was to be wrapped with a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> rated barrier. A design drafting error occurred in the design process and as a result the wrong conduit in the zone was wrapped. g GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation B707310375 B70727 PDR

$ '0 ADOCK 05000289 F PDR. _ _ _ _

5211-87-2145 July 27, 1987 Protection of IC-V4 is required in FH-FZ-6 to assure that thermal barrier cooling is available for Reactor Coolant Pump seals since seal injection is not protected in this zone.

3 The safety significance of the noncompliance is minor due to the low fire loading, the area wide detection in FH-FZ-6, and no loss of ability to trip the Reactor Coolant Pumps with the fire in FH-FZ-6. The modification to wrap the conduit in the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> rated wrap is expected to be complete by August 31, 1987. Upon completion of the modification, this noncompliance will be corrected.

This letter and our letter of May 7,1987 have informed you of instances where our design verification process has identified two Appendix R noncompliance and one' item to be addressed in your SER. At this time, the design verification and the FHAR upgrade to As-built condition is nearly complete.

We will advise you upon completion.

Sincerely, l

. D. il l Vice President & Director, TMI-l '

i HDH/SM0/spb:0940A cc: R. Conte, USNRC G. Edison, USNRC

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