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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re SER Chapter 7,Open Item 7 & Confirmatory Item 16.Response,including Info Re Energy,Inc Test Rept on Cooper Energy Sys Model 01026-17 Digital Isolators,Requested by 870215
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 01/13/1987
From: Kadambi N
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Goldberg J
NUDOCS 8701210453
Download: ML20212H493 (7)



.. e Docket Nos.: 50-498 and 50-499 Mr. J. H. Goldberg Group Vice President, Nuclear ($gN}$1967 Houston I.ighting & Power Company P.O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas 77001

Dear Mr. Goldbero:


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL. INFORMATION ON SER CHAPTER 7 ITEMS - SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT The staff has reviewed the information submitted on Open Item #7 and Confirmatory Item #16, and has discussed with your staff the need for some additional information on December 1, 1986. Enclosure I to this letter formally transmits the subject areas on which the information is required. ,

Please provide the requested information by February 15, 1987, so as to assure timely completion of the review. Please contact me at (301) 492-7272 if there are any questions.

Sincerely yours,


N. P. Kadambi, Pro.iect Manager PWR Project Directorate No. 5 Division of PWR I.icensing-A


As stated cc: F. Rosa Distribution

  • tiosketdile NRC PDR I.ocal PDR PD#5 R/F s V. Noonan k SEtB d&C PD#5 DIR:PD#5 E. Jordan NKadambi:ss VSNoonan
8. Grimes 1/g/87 1/ /87 J. Partlow N. Thompson N. P. Kadambi M. Rushbrook ACRS(10) 8701210453 870113 PDR ADOCK 05000498 E PDR

4 '


~I 3 . ,E wAsMNGTON, D. C. 20555


Docket Nos.: 50-498 NE '

and 50-499 Mr. J, P. Goldberg Group Vice President, Nuclear Houston I.ichtino & Power Company P.O. Box 1700 Pouston, Texas 77001

Dear Mr. Goldbero:


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAI. INFORMATION ON SER CHAPTER 7 ITEMS - SOUTP TEXAS PROJECT The staff has reviewed the information submitted on Open item #7 and Confirmatory item #16, and has discussed with your staff the need for some additional information on December 1, 1986. Enclosure 1 to this letter formally transmits the sub.iect areas on which the information is required.

Please provide the reauested information by February 15, 1987, so as to assure timely completion of the review. Please contact me at (301) 497-7772 if there are any ouestions.

Sincerely yours, k.4 u N N. P. Kadambi, Project Manacer PWR Project Directorate No. 5 Division of PWR I.icensino-A


As stated cc: F. Rosa



ENCLOSURE 1 RE0 VEST FOR An0ITIONAL INFORMATION SER CHAPTER 7 OPEN ITEM 37 AND CnNFIRMATORY ITEM #16 SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT The staff has reviewed information provided by the applicant and discussed two SER Chapter 7 items with the applicant through a conference call on necember 1, 1986. The items were: al the test report covering the electrical isolation devices being used by the plant (SER Open Item #71 and b) the non-Class 1E signals being use in Class 1E control circuits (SER Confirmatory item 816).

OPEN ITEM 37 The Electrical Isolator Test Report (Reference No.1) showed that the applicant was using analog and digital isolators from Energy Inc. (EI), the Digital Radi-ation Monitoring System (DRMS) by GA Sorrento Electronics, and digital isolators from the Cooper Energy Systems.

The staff review and discussion with the applicant on the isolators resulted in the following request for additional information:

1. The apolicant should forward information regarding the El test report .

on the digital isolators, Model 01026-17.

2. The applicant should forward information regarding the Cooper Enerav l Systems test report on their digital isolators. The test report should l

l give the details of the maximum credible fault testing and the Class IE l

! to non-Class IE interfaces.

I i



's 7.

3. The applicant should check their GA DRMS isolation modules and provide informat iot. that re-assures the staff that the modules are the same as those used by Hope Creek and River Bend and are not the same as those used by Seabrook.

The applicant should provide responses to the following questions "f" 4

and "a":

"f" Provide a description of the measures taken to protect the safety systems from electrical interference (i.e., Electrostatic Coupling, Electromagnetic Interference, Common Mode Signalsi that may be generated as a- result of using the electrical iso?ators.

"q" Provide information to verify that the Class 1E isolators are powered from a Class IE power source.

CONFIRMATORY ITEM #16 The non-Class IE control circuits interface staff review and discussion with the applicant centered on the review of drawings showing the control room HVAC isolation damper control (Reference No. 21 and the CCW pump logic diagran (Reference No. 3).

The staff review and discussion on the control circuit interfaces resulted in the following reauests for additional information:

- 3-

1. The applicant should submit for staff review the current revision, Rev. 4, of Drawing No. 512-?0-9-Z-42040, " Component Cooling Water Pump Logic Diagram, System CC" (Reference No.3).
2. The applicant should submit for staff review the 5055E Report describing changes to the CCW pump control circuits.
3. The applicant should forward information regarding the description of the power source (si to the smoke and toxic cas detectors.


1. Letter dated October 31, 1986, from M. R Wisenburg (HLPI to V. S. Noonan (NRCl, " Response to SER Open item #7 Re3..ving the Electrical isolator Test Reports."
2. Drawing No. SV-11-9-Z-41597, Rev. 3, " Control Room Envelope HVAC isolation Damper Logic Diagram, System HE."
3. Drawing No. SV-11-9-2-47040, Rev. 3, " Component Cooling Water Pumps Logic Diaoram, System CC."

. . , . , , . , - - - . , - - n-. - , , , _ _ , - - . . - - . ,

-j Mr. J. P. Goldberg Houston I.ighting and Power Company South Texas Pro. ject CC*

Brian Berwick, Esq. Resident Inspector / South Texas .

Assistant Attorney General Project Environmental Protection Division c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 17548 P. O. Box 910 Capitol Station Bay City, Texas 77414 Austin, Texas 78711 Mr. Jonathan Davis Mr. J. T. Westermeir Assistant City Attorney Manager, South Te::as Pro. ject City of Austin Houston t.ighting and Power Company P. O. Box 1088 P. O. Box 1700 Austin, Texas 78767 Pouston, Texas 77001 Ms. Pat Coy Mr. P. L. Peterson Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Mr. G. Pokorny Power City of Austin 5106 Casa Oro .

P. O. Box 1088 San Antonio, Texas 78233 Austin, Texas 78767 Mr. Mark R. Wisenberg Mr. J. B. Poston Manager, Nuclear t.icensing Mr. A. Von Rosenberg Houston t.ighting and Power Company City Public Service Boad P. O. Box 1700 P. O. Box 1771 Fouston, Texas 77001 San Antonio, Texas 78296 Mr. Charles Falligan Jack R. Newman, Esa. Mr. Burton t. t.ex Newman & Poltzinger, P.C. Bechtel Corporation 1615 t. Street, NW P. O. Box 2166 Washington, D.C. 20036 Fouston, Texas 77001 Melbert Schwartz, Jr., Esq. Mr. E. R. Brooks l Baker & Rotts Mr. R. (,. Range One Shell Plaza Central Power and I.ight Company I Fouston, Texas 77002 P. O. Box 2122 Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 Mrs. Peggy Buchorn Executive Director Citizens for Equitable Utilities, Inc.

Route 1. Box 1684 Brazoria, Texas 77422 l

l i


  • South Texas Pro. ject Fouston lighting & Power Company CC* ,

Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Director

.for Operations 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Mr. lanny Sinkin, Counsel for Intervenor Citizens Concerned about Nuclear Power, Inc.

Christic Institute 1324 North Capitol Street Washington, D.C. 20002 licensing Representative -

Fouston lighting and Power Company Suite 1309 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 4

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