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Resolves Deficiencies in App D to Sser 7 (NUREG-0519) Re Cable Separation (License Condition,Item 2.c(10)).Section 4.2 Concerns Accepted in Reg Guide 1.75 Response (Fsar). Zipper Tubing Added to All Divisional Cabling
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1986
From: Allen C
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0519, RTR-NUREG-519, RTR-REGGD-01.075, RTR-REGGD-1.075 1774K, NUDOCS 8606240184
Download: ML20211H577 (18)


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_ h Commonwealth Edison 72 West Ad:ms Street Chiergo, Illinois

' 2(" /' Addrsss R:: ply to: Post Offica Box 767 Chicago, Illinois 60690- 0767 June 13, 1986 Kr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


LaSalle County Station Unit 2 Cable Separation Concerns NpF-18 License Condition 2.C.(10)

NRC Docket No. 50-374 References (a): November 15, 1983 letter from C. W.

Schroeder to H. R. Denton.

(b): Section and Appendix D, LaSalle SSER #7, NURBG-0519 dated December, 1983.

(c): February 21, 1986 letter from C. M. Allen to H. R. Denton.

(d): May 15, 1986 letter from E. G. Adensam to D. L. Farrar.

Dear Mr. Denton:

This letter is to resolve the deficiencies described in Appendix D to supplemental Safety Evaluation Report #7 regarding cable separation in Unit 2. The concern for cable separation in Unit 2 comes out of :he License condition, Item 2.c(10). The results are equivalent to the Unit I review submitted in reference (c) and approved in reference (d).

A detailed review and analysis was performed of the cable separation for enclosures containing reactor protection system cables for Unit 2. Enclosed is Attachment A which contains a report of the analysis for Unit 1. Attachment A includes the criteria that has been used in the analysis and the justification on a panel-by-panel basis that the independence of the RPS circuits and channelization is not jeopardized.

Commonwealth Edison committed in Reference (a) to review the " Trip Report concerning cabic separation concerns at LaSalle, Unit 2 (TIA-83-76)"

and address Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.5 of that report. The review and analyses contained in Attachment A address the concerns of Sections 4.1 and 4.3. ,

Ob '

l 40 8606240184 860613 4 PDR ADOCK 05000 E '

Mr. H. R. Denton June 13, 1986 Section 4.2 of Appendix D to reference (b), LaSalle SSER #7 has been carefully reviewed. The concerns indicated within this section have been identified, analyzed and accepted in the Regulatory Guide 1.75 response found in Appendix B of the LaSalle County Station FSAR. Attachment B to this letter identifies the applicable portion of the Reg Guide 1.75 response which covers Section 4.2 of Appendix D to the LaSalle SSER.

Section 4.5 of Appendix D of SSER 7 (reference (b)) discusses redundant division cable separation for the solenoids mounted on the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) relief valves. The initial cable design for the ADS valves required one division cabling to be enclosed in zipper tubing and the redundant division cabling terminated to the solenoid with no additional barrier. Commonwealth Edison has resolved this concern by the addition of zipper tubing to all divisional cabling associated with the ADS valves. We are sure that this satisfactorily addresses the concerns identified in Section 4.5 of the SSER.

i If you have any further questions on this matter, please contact this office.

One signed original and ten (10) copies of this letter and its attachments are being sent for your review.

Very truly yours, C. M. Allen Nuclear Licensing Administrator 1m Attachments A: Reactor Protection System (RPS) Cable Geparation Analyses for LaSalle Unit 2.

B: LaSalle County Station FSAR, Appendix B, Response to Rag Guide 1.75, Pages B.1-95 and B.1-95a cc: Dr. A. Bournia - NRR LaSalle Resident Inspector l

1774K l

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D Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 1 of 11 Reactor Protection System (RPS)

Cable Separation Analysis The following is a discussion of the analysis that was performed to justify the NRC Trip Report, concerning cable separation, dated November 4, 1983. Specifically, this discussion addresses Items 4.l(2)b, 4.2(2)c, 4.3(2):

The independence of Reactor Protection System (RPS) circuits / channelization is not compromised for the following reasons:

A. RPS cables of each channel are routed in separate raceways outside of control panels. The separation criteria for these raceways is provided on Sargent &

Lundy Drawing lE-0-3333. The separation of RPS cables f rom cables associated with safety-related divisions and non-safety-related cables inside control panels may be less than that dictated by IEEE-384. An analysis was performed to justify the lesser separation of RPS cables from other cables inside of control panels. This analysis is discussed later.

B. All cables used to interconnect RPS are the same high quality as that used in Class lE circuits, associated circuits, and non-safety related circuits. These types of cable comply with the requirements of IEEE 383-1974 and have been proven to be highly fire retardent by testing.

C. The cables that are a concern to the NRC are constrained to control and instrumentation circuits, which by their very nature, are low energy circuits. Control circuits are generally 120Vac or 125Vde, whereas the insulation rating of the cable utilized at LSCS for these applications is 600V.

D. There are no power cables in contact with the control and instrumentation cables that are in question. Also, there are no high energy sources located within control panels that contain RPS cables.


Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 2 of 11 The independence of RPS circuits / channelization is not jeopardized inside control panels as demonstrated by an analysis, which was performed for LSCS Unit 2. The following procedure was

used to analyze all cables of the RPS system:


Type 1 Identify non-safety-related cables (both those that are routed in non-safety raceways and those that are routed in safety raceways)

. that are terminated in the same enclosure as

! an RPS channels cables and verify that they l are not terminated with any redundant RPS l channels cables on the other end.

Type 2 Identify Class lE cables that are terminated in the same enclosure as an RPS Channels cable and verify that they are not terminated with any redundant RPS channels cables on the other end.


If in either Types 1 or 2 above, redundant RPS channels are potentially jeopardized by the presence of a non-safety or Class lE cable, a specific review was performed taking into consideration the function of the circuits, location of the c ircu its , and Items A, B, C, and D above, regarding the types of cables used for these circuits.

In the La Salle County FSAR Appendix B response to regulatory '

Guide 1.75, the separation of non-RPS cables is discussed. As indicated the' types, ratings, energy limitations are discussed for the control and instrumentation cables that are a part of this analysis. For the reasons provided in the La Salle Response to Regulatory Guide 1.75, cables that are routed with non-safety i

and Class lE cables (that are Type 1 or 2) are not required to be analyzed. Only cables, which are terminated in the same j enclosure with RPS cables and have the potential or bridging redundant RPS subchannels, were reviewed in the analysis. See


2 Figure 1 for an example of the analysis that was performed.

i The results of this analysis ar. summarized as follows:

I. Reactor Building

) NRC Trip Report Items 4.l(2)b, 4.l(2)c

1. 2H22-P004 Local Instrument Rack RPS-Subchannel - Al i


f. b P

A Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 3 of 11 There are no other cables terminated in the same enclosure with the RPS cables at this instrument rack.

2. 2H22-P005 Local Instrument Rack RPS Subchannel - A2 The single Type 1 cable in this panel is not terminated with any RPS cables at its other end.
3. 2H22-P006 Local Instrument Rack RPS Subchannel - A2 There are no other cables terminated in the same enclosure with the RPS cables at this Instrument Rack.
4. 2H22-P009 Local Instrument Rack s

RPS Subchannel - B1  !

There are no other cables terminated in the same enclosure with the RPS cables at this instrument rack.

5. 2H22-P010 Local Instrument Rack RPS Subchannel - B2 i The single Type 1 cable in this panel is not terminated with RPS cables at its other end . +


6. 2H22-P015 Local Instrument Rack i'

RPS Subchannel - Al There are no other cables terminated in the same  !

enclosure with the single RPS cable at this  !

instrument rack.  ;


7. 2H22-P022 Local Instrument Rack ,

i RPS Subchannel - Al There are no other cables terminated in the same enclosure with the RPS cables at this instrument  ;

rack.  ;


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. - , - P Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 4 of 11

8. 2H22-P025 Local Instrument Rack RPS Subchannel - B2 There are no other cables terminated in the same enclosure with the single RPS cable at this instrument rack.
9. 2H22-P026 Local Instrument Rack RPS Subchannel - B2 The single Type 1 cable in this panel is not terminated with RPS cables at its other end.
10. 2H22-P027 Local Instrument Rack RPS Subchannel - B1 There are two Type 2 cables in this panel, which are not terminated with RPS cables at their other ends.
11. 2PLF5J Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring Power Supply Cabinet RPS Subchannels - Al and B1 There are no Type 1 and/or Type 2 cables in this panel.
12. 2PLF6J Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring Power Supply Cabinet RPS Subchannels - A2 and B2 There are no Type 1 and/or Type 2 cables in this panel.
13. 2LV96E Electrical Penetration (E-10)

There are two Type 1 and one Type 2 cables within this penetration. Zipper tubing has been applied to each of these cables and each of'the RPS cables within the penetration for a separation barrier.

f. . .

I Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 5 of 11 II. Auxiliary Building - Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room and Control Room NRC Trip Report Item 4.3(2)

1. 2PA13J Div. 1 Isolation Logic Cabinet RPS Subchannel - Al There are four Type 1 cables that are terminated with RPS cables of opposite numerical divisions on their other ends. All four of these cables are protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker. There is only a single RPS cable terminated at 2PA13J.
2. 2PA14J Div. 2 Isolation Logic Cabinet RPS Subchannel - B2 The Type 1 cables in this panel are not terminated with RPS cables at their other ends. There is only a single RPS cable terminated at 2PA14J.
3. 2H13-P601 Reactor Core Cooling Panel RPS Subchannels - Al and A2 (Note 1)

The Type 1 cables in this panel are not terminated with RPS cables at their other ends.

4. 2H13-P603 Reactor Control Panel RPS Subchannels - Al, A2, B1, B2 (Note 2)

The Type 1 cables in this panel terminated with RPS cables are not terminated with RPS cables at their other ends.

5. 2H13-P608 Power Range Monitoring Cabinet Bays 1-5 RPS Subchannels - Al, A2, B1, and B2 (Note 3)

There are Type 1 cables that terminate at their other end with RPS cables within 2H13-P603.

However, all RPS cables at 2H13-P603 are terminated within separate metallic enclosures and do not come in contact with these Type 1 cables.

o Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 6 of 11

6. 2H13-P609 Reactor Protection System Channel Al RPS Subchannels - Al, B 1, and A2 (Note 4)

There is a single Type -1 cable that on the other end terminates with cables of the redundant RPS Divisions A2 and B2. However, this 125Vdc control circuit is protected by a fuse ~as well as a redundant circuit breaker.

7. 2H13-P609 Reactor Protection System Channel A2 RPS Subchannels - A2 and B2 There is a single Type 1 cable terminated at its other end with a single RPS cable of redundant RPS division (Bl), however, this cable is not redundant in function to those of this panel.
8. 2H13-P611 Reactor Protection System Channel B1 RPS Subchannels Al and B1
a. There is a single Type 2 cable terminated at the other end with a single RPS cable of redundant division (B2), however this cable is not redundant is function to those of this panel, and furthermore, this Type 2 cable is protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker.
b. There is a single Type 1 cable terminated at

, the other end with a single opposite division

!' RPS cable. This Type 1 cable is protected by i

a fuse as a redundant circuit breaker.

I i c. There are four Type 1 cables terminated at the other end with RPS cables. These cables are used for alarm circuits at the main annunciator and are of low energy.

I i 9. 2H13-P611 Reactor Protection System Channel B2 RPS Subchannels B2 and A2

a. There are two Type 1 cables terminated at the other end with opposite numerical division RPS cables. These. Type 1 cables are protected by fuses as well as redundant circuit breakers.



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- I Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 7 of 11

b. There is one Type 2 cable terminated at the other end with opposite numerical division RPS cables. This Type 2 cable is protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker.
c. There are four Type 1 cables terminated at the other end with RPS cables. These cables are used for alarm circuits feeding the main annunciator and are low energy.
10. 2H13-P632 Leak Detection Div. 1 Panel RPS Subchannels - Al and A2 (Note 5)

There is a single Type 1 and single Type 2 cable terminated on the other end at Panel 2H13-P642, which has RPS subchannels B1 and B2. Both these cables are protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker.

11. 2H13-P642 Leak Detection Div. 2 Panel


RPS Subchannels - B1 and B2 (Note 5)

a. There is a single Type 1 and single Type 2 cable terminated on the other end at Panel 2H13-P636, which has RPS Subchannels Al and A2. Both these cables are protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker.
b. There is a single Type 1 cable, which is not

' terminated with RPS cables at its other end.

12. 2H13-P635 Radiation Monitoring Div. 1 Panel RPS Subchannels - Al and B1
a. There are two Type 1 cables that are terminated at their other end Panel 2H13-P636 with opposite division RPS cables. These Type 1 cables are used for low energy alarm circuits only at the main annunciator,
b. There are six Type 1 cables that are terminated ' at their other end with RPS cables of opposite numerical division. However, these 24Vdc control circuits are protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker.

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Commonwealth Edison Company l La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 8 of 11 13, 2H13-P636 Radiation Monitoring Div. 2 Panel RPS Subchannels - A2 and B2

a. There are two Type 1 cables that are terminated at their other end Panel 2H13-P635 with opposite division RPS cables. These Type 1 cables are used for low energy alarm circuits only at the main annunciator.
b. There are six Type 1 cables that are terminated at their other end with RPS cables of opposite numerical division. However, these 24Vdc control circuits are protected by a fuse as well as a redundant circuit breaker.
14. 2H13-P654 MSIV Leakage Div. 2 ,

1 RPS Subchannels Bl and B2 There are no Type 1 or Type 2 cables terminated on their other end with the redundant RPS cables.

The four RPS cables terminated in this panel (two Bl and two B2) are used for the scram discharge volume redundant level instrumentation. For this system the two redundant RPS subchannels are Al and A2 located in Panel 2H13-P655. Each other end of the RPS cables located in this panel are terminated in their respective subchannel section of Panel 2H13-P611. If a single short bridged channels Bl and B2 within this panel (2H13-P654) the redundant Scram Discharge Volume level instrumentation would still provide the required scram signal.

15. 2H13-P655 MSIV Leakage Div. 1 RPS Subchannels - Al and A2 There are no Type 1 and Type 2 cables terminated on their other end with the redundant RPS cables. The four RPS cables terminated in this panel (two Bl and two B2) are used for the scram discharge volume redundant level instrumentation. For this system the two redundant RPS subchannels are B1 and B2 located in Panel 2H13-P654. Each other end of the RPS cables located in this panel are terminated in their respective subchannel section of Panel 2H13-P609. If a single short bridge Channels Al and A2 t_ _

Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 9 of 11 within this panel (2H13-P655) the redundant scram discharge volume level instrumentation would still provide the required scram signal.


1. These redundant subchannels exist in separate sections of this main control room panel.
2. These redundant RPS subchannels are terminated in separe;.e metallic enclosures.
3. These redundant RPS subchannels have physical separation by their termination in five separate bays and separation within each bay.
4. A single A2 cable is terminated with redundant Subchannels Al and Bl; however, this cable is required for the backup scram valves, which is not redundant to any Al and B1 cable terminated at this panel section.
5. The redundant RPS channels terminated in this panel are used for Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) control circuits. This is acceptable per General Electric Separation Document No.

22A2988, Rev. 6.

I i


  • s Commonwealth Edison Company La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 10 of 11 Control Room Panel Annunciator Cabinet 2H13-PXXX 2PAXXX No RPS Cables Separate Division 1 Conduit ~" <r Safety-Related Channel Tray & Conduit B2 j <r- Type 1 Cable Cables te rminated : l 1

Number Sec. Code 2RPXXX B2C 2RSXXX 21K 2RDXXX 22C 2H12-P0XX l

Figure 1 Example RPS Separation Analysis i Reactor Building Local Instrument Rack 2H22-P0XX l l

1 1 of 2 (Figure 1) l i


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--- s Commonwealth Edison Company i La Salle County Station - Unit 2 Page 11 of 11 l Discussion: In this example, 2 non-safety-related cables are terminated with a RPS subchannel B2 Cable 2RPXXX. Cable 2RDXXX Seg. Code 22C is of the same numerical division as of 2RPXXX and will not be considered because loss of a single division will not be capable of preventing a required RPS action. Cable 2RSXXX Seg. Code 21K is opposite numerical division to 2RPXXX (B2C) and for purposes of this analysis will be considered a Type 1 cable.

I Result: The Type 1 cable in this panel is not terminated with RPS cables at its other end. RPS channelization has not been degraded (i.e., a fault in this cable cannot affect two redundant RPS subchannels).

2 of 2 (Figure 1)

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CCCC-O-31 l l

CABLE SEGREGATION CHART 1 y ser wott to roa uwm a sm ecces e h


$ N s $ N N b d b I h $ N 5 b N b b N b $ k I lYCN6 Y\

lYKN6 N6 Y \

ISP;N5N5N5' Y \

i IBC'N5!N5!NSN6 Y\

I 19KN5lN5lN5N6.N6 Y\

IGP N5!N5!N5t N5lN5iN5 Y\

IGCN5!N5'N5!N5h5h5 N6 Y\

IGK!N5!N5!N5!N5N5lN5 N6lN6,Y\

IWP!NI N2h3'NI N2!N3:NI!N2!N3 Y\ j INN 24NI!N4'N2iNI 4%!NENI nan 6 Y\

j MN3!N4lNI!N3!NA NI N3'N4,N I N6!N6 Yh l 4TiP Y N6N6 NI N2;N3,N1!N2 N3 N!!N2:Nd Y\

Y NC.N'.N I!N4'N2lN I N4h2!NI N4N6 Yh I

f IlC N6 y llK 'N6 N6lY N3!tM'N I NIN4lNIlN3'N4 Nt! N6 N6 Y\ l

+ h 12PNI'N2MY 'N6NCINI!N2!N3lN!h2 N3'N I >N2jN3 Y\ I

.Q 12Ch2'N IN4N6 Y N6N2!N1!N4'N2!N I N4 N2[N 1!N4N6 Y\

I l j 12KN3'N4NI N6:NG Y N3'N4!N I'N3h4NI N3'N4!NI!N6 N6 Y N I ~'

D w 13PkJ l N2h3 N I!N2 N3l Y N6 N6NI!N2.N3,NI N2!N3lN i N2 i N3 Y \

13Ch2NIlN4'N2!NI N4N6 Y N6NdN1!N4!N2 NI N4'N2N l'N4N6 Y \

I 13K!N3lN4'N 1N3!N4.N I N6,N6 Y N3'N4 N I N3 N4NllN3!N4 NI N6.N6 Y\

AIC!N2h1'N4 N2[NI!N4N2!NI N4:N2!N I N4 iN2,N I N4}N2Ni N4N2NI NkY \

! I BIC!N2!N1 N4!N2!Ni N4lN2!NI!N4'N2!NI N4 N2 N I N4'N2!NI N4 i N2 NI N4 hY\

!A2C!N2'NI N4N2!NI N4h2!NI N4N2lN I N4N2N 1 N4!N2h l N4'N2N I N4;NS.JhY\

I Y\

y[B2C!N2 NI N4lN2!NI N4N2'N I N4'N2'N I .N4 N2 iN I N4'N2!N I N4 N2Nl N4!N5N556 AIK!N3 N4N1!N3!N4N I N3!N47Jl N3h4'iN I N3lN4;N I'N3lN4.N I N3 N4 N I N6,N6 N i 1 '5NkY \

,BlK!N3 N4'NI!N3!N4!NI N3!N4'N! N3!N4'NIlN3!N4!NI N3!N4!N1 N3 N4!NI M6h6 N5N5N6

, Y\

MN3N4!NI!N3!N4hi N3h4NIN3!N4 NI h3lN4!NI N3!N4!N1 N3!N4!N1 N5 I NSN6 N6 N5iN5 Yh l l" MN3!N4hI!N3N4!N! N3!N4NI!N3!N4NII N3'N4!NI N3!N4!NI N3!N4!NI N5 N5N6 N6 N5N5 N_ Y \


'NMN3N4NI!N3)N4!NI N3h4'NIN3!N4tJI N3 N4!NI N3!N4!NI N3N4!NI N4YMfJ5;N5,NI N I N5;NS<Y ,

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! I NCdN3'N4 NI N3 'N4'N! N3!N4NI N3'N4!NI N3h4 NI N3h4!NI N3N4!NI N5N5!N4lN4 NSN 5N1 'N! N5NS Y\

I M3 N4NI N3 N4NI lN3lN4 NI N3'N4hi N3 N4 NI N3h4'N I N3,N4hi N5 N5'N4'N4'N5N 5'N I NI N5h5N5 Y

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.#, ATTACHMENT B MARCH 1981 IEEE-384,-Class lE circuits are not degraded below an

  • acceptable level for the following reasons:
a. Cables associated with one safety-related division are never routed in cable trays or conduit containing cables of a redundant safety-related division. This is true for all general plant areas. Lesser separation than that dictated by IEEE-384 occurs only within control panels located in the control room and auxiliary equipment room.
b. All cables used to interconnect associated circuits are the same high quality as that utilized in Class lE circuits, i.e., all associated cables comply with the requirements of IEEE 383-1974.

Therefore, this cable has been proven to be highly fire retardant by testing.

c. Cables with separation less than that dictated by Sections 5.1.3 and 5.6. 2 of IEEE-384 are constrained to control and instrumentation circuits which, by their very nature, are low energy circuits. Control circuits are generally 120-Vac or 125-Vde, wheraas, the insulation rating of the cable utilized at LSCS is 600-V.


d. There are no power cables in contact with the l control and instrumentation cables in the cable l spreading area or in the control room and auxiliary l equipment room. Also, there are no high energy sources located within control panels installed in these areas.


e. Fire stops are instal) d in the bottom entrances ey -

of all control panel,s

'With respect to the ' separation of n$n-Class lE from Class lE

, control and instrumentation circuits, LSCS complies with GE #

Section 4.6.2 of IEEE-384. Although the separation of non-Class lE from Class lE control and instrumentation circuits is in some cases, less than that required by Sections 5.1.3 4

and 5.6.2 of IEEE-384, these circuits have been analyzed to show that Class lE circuits are not degraded below an 3"

acceptable level because:

a. Non-Class lE cables are routed in separate cable  ;

trays from Class lE and associated cables in

  • general plant areas. -
b. Non-Class lE cables which come in close proximity i to Class lE and associated cables at one end do not come in contact with redundant Class lE al i

g"r or associated circuits at their other end. <

This has been confirmed by a study of installed "

cables at LSCS. ,



c. All cables used to interconnect non-Class lE U

circuits are the same high quality as that utilized in Class 1E circuits, i.e. , all asso-ciated cables comply with the requirements of IEEE 383-1974. Therefore, this cable has been proven to be highly fire retardant by testing.

d. Cable separation less than that required by Sections 5.1 and 5.6 of IEEE-384 is limited to control '

and instrumentation circuits which by their very nature are low energy circuits. Control circuits are generally 120-Vac or 125-Vde, whereas, the insulation rating of the cable utilized at LSCS is 600-V.

, e. There are no power cables in contact with the control and instrumentation cables in the cable spreading area or in the control room and auxiliary equipment room. Also, there are no high energy sources located within control panels installed in these areas..

f. Fire stops are installed in the bottom entrances

.of all control panels.

Position cable and10 refers to raceway Section 5.1.2 of IEEE 384-1974 concerning

_dentification. The LSCS design utilizes cable trays with permanent colored identification markers at each routing point which are assigned and alphanumeric code per Table 8.3-6 of the LSCS-FSAR. Each cable is assigned a number and segregation code. This information is placed on a colored tag, of permanent design, which is affixed to each end of the cable. A similar tag is also affixed to the cable where it enters and exits a penetration.

The LSCS design complies with Positions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.

IEEE 384-1974, Section 4.6, requires that Non-Class lE cable trays be separated from Class 1E cable trays by the following minimum separation requirements:

a. 1 ft horizontally and 3 ft vertically in cable spreading areas,
b. 3 ft horizontally and 5 ft vertically in general i

plant areas.

The La Salle County Station (LSCS) criteria specifies that the minimum distance between safety-related and non-safety-related cable trays shall be 3 inches horizontally and 1 foot vertically.

Cable trays at LSCS were installed to this specific criterion prior to issuance of IEEE-384.

