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Forwards Examples from Newspaper Re Concerns Over Plants Emergency Response Plan
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, 05000000
Issue date: 11/04/1983
From: Kranzdorf R
To: Palladino N
Shared Package
ML16341D666 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-744 NUDOCS 8603280103
Download: ML20210E684 (17)


-. ._ _ ..

ep. ,.

. c. . .

Decen6er 2,1983 1


Dr. Richard Kranzdorf, Spokesperson .

Concerned Cal Poly Faculty and Staff 160 Graves Avenue San Luis (hispo, California 93401 ,

Dear Dr. Kranzdorf:

1 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Novenber 4,1983 to the

Chairsan of the U. S. Nuclear Remlatory Consnission and attachnents thereto, expressing concerns regarding a ' ack of public confidence in energency planning for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and ispediments to evacuation of elenents of the public in the event of a nuclear energency.

Thank you for the reasoned and docunented stateme.-t regarding your concerns.

They will serve as a basis for inquiry, hopefully leading to a sound evaluatien i and resolution of these concerns.

Please be advised that we have provided copies of your correspondence to the U. S. Federal Energency Managenent Agency (FEHA), which has a specific assignsent by Executive Order of the President to take the lead in offsite

' radiological emergency planning and response. We will work closely with FEMA, the State of California Office of Emergency Services, and cognizant local energency services elenents in evaluating and resolving your expressed concerns.

Please feel free to contact us if you wish to provide further data reflecting on your concerns or if we say answer any questions regarding our handling of the evaluation of your concerns.


/S/ Axl <

h,t..JohnB. Martin

, Regional Administrator i

3 860123 32 , , 7 j g 7 cf_ .


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, UsNRc 4 Nsvember 1983 *- *~ --

'B3 luf -7 P4 :40

} ryy.~.c? .7,=' .

Tae Honorable Nunzio Palladino ' * * ~ ' il ' .

Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 M' 5treet Washington. D. C. 20555 3 gyg g gjgg3

Dear Chairman Palladino:

i According to an Associated Press story which appeared in the loca15an '-

Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune of October 29, 1983, you and s om etime s critte Representative Richard Ottinger " agree on a crucial point: Public confidence is vital to a nuclear future." '

Specifically, you' are quoted as saying:

i i

Pubtle anxieties about nuclear operations are real, whether x l

well founded or not. . .The c6ntinued growth of n2 clear power ,

will ultimately depend on the confidence of the public and t utilities in the cost and safety of naclear power. (Attachrnent A)

Similarly, a story in the same newspaper ten days earlier began:

The best way to ensure against panic during a nuclear accident or other plans anodisaster know what is for topeople do. to have confidence in emergency -

. So says a Cat Poly psychologist (t,;harles M. Stem'] who has s tudied the is s ue. . .

Dr. Stem concluded:

I want a plan that's been tested and that the commu~nity memhcrs feel comfortabic with. At this point. the community hasn't come to accept that yet. ,

The challenge to the community at large is to continue to work h;C'D CH , ,,.- on the plan until the peopic are satisfied that it *(11 work. (Actachment B; P

l 3i.* n et n j ..e. - .


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l 4 November 1983 Page 2 -

Chairrnan Nunzio Palladino - '

The simple fact is thatRhe~imajort:V~of th's peopleWthe smergen~cy PWn '

' TOM'thiMdnyon NacharTPower pi' ant lack confidenc'e ~

.inihP /g '

{uelear P,ower Plaut Sm_sj,gencyAephP3QYnTt spEng7a pr'o!essor who has taken no part in the Diablo controversy, led his class in Basic-4

  • - ~~ '* * '

Political Analysis (Pols 302) at California Polytechnic State University here in San Luis Obispo in conducting a random telephone survey on a number of subjects. On the subject of the Emergency Response Plan, N 68% of those agueried expressed either little or no confidence in the g et'.[

M Plan. If anything, I suspect that the numbers have become even more pl8' :

skawed since then. I am enclosing copies of every letter on the subject W/

which appeared in the Telegram-Tribune between October 19, 198 3 and

' the end of that month. (Xttachment C) ~Obviously letters are not neces-l sarily a reflection of community sentiment but at the very least it adds i another cautionary note to believing that there is community confidence j .

in the Plan.

1 wrny is confidence so low? Ihave chosen two stories which ran in the local newspaper during the last weak of October which may give you some insight into the concerns of the local community and why the Emergency Response Plan inspires so little confidence.

The first story, which ran on October 24, stated that because of the fog,

~~~ "[a] blown fuse on Cuesta Peak forced three radio stations and one tele-vision station off the air for 2-1/2 hours early this morning." (Atta'chment D) The incident occurred only four days after FEMA's third annual test of the Emergency Response Plan was reported to bp a success.

The test of course had been announced weeks in advance. In addition, the test took place on a lovely, clear morning. Under such circumstances.

apparently no major problems we,re encountered.

But, NUREG-0654, pages 61 and 63, states:

l 9. E.Sch State and local orgahization shalt establish a capability for implementing protective measures based upon protective action guides and other criteria. . . .


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. . . ' .i

. . f If 4 November 1983 Pa ge ').

Chairman Nunzio Pattadino i



13 The organization's plans to implement protective measures .

for the plume exposure pathway shalt include:

I i 't. Projected traffic capaetties of evacuation routes under

  • l emergency conditions. ..
k. Identification of and means for dealing with potential impediments (e.g., seasonal impas sability of roads) to use of evacuation routes, and contingency measures.. .

l l

In the San Luis Obi'spo Emergency Rasponse Pian, " emergency conditiens" and " seasonal impassability of roads" is considered only in terme of heavy rain (Attachment E). In such a case, anywhere from 45 to'75 i minutes is added to the time necessary for evacuation. Page I. 5(7) l of the Plan does raention fog but only as follows:

[1TIiniedGIe'nts ti fvMjtl ]

...The most likely irnpediments to evacuation would be a heavy rain or fog which could reduce the roadway capsetties l- -:---. due to a de)rease (sic) in traffic density. The effect of these i

' conditions is shown in Table I. $-6 (Attachment E). The occurrence of a seasonal impediment such as rain or fog would be expected to require reroating of traffic although evacuation times may be extended. . .(Attachment F). -

At least three issues srise from these statements. h' irs t. SWhatimethoES 385 Log ~E3nr.gs_e_ttJLo th10p1gE!iiWGS nftETattne_ty'V6dHTd1Ee"ViiiiieiG l gisytTEMorsp_ggnation-itt_ManyJ/a'th ro.mpAred 143a1GeAt].iend Second, given the problem mentioned in the newspaper article which was caused by a very slig'ht fog condition, ga.itThrHme;sECEltinialfe spIp.ItalNB R.TettrMa. fr $A tta ch m e at E kfor-huYEr.z1 tCs u f411s _fcrC a giogt If not, what time frame is more accurate? Third, gli10EATCth.t. ret 3 gno time es.ti_r.na_1RE3n3hc Plaww nther emer3e_nc:y s.o_.g_di.t1pns._muehas3 afloodine-and-earthquaksur Inasmuch as the Plan makes it clear that sheltering in buildings within the Emergency Planning Zone l's rarety a viable option, is sues two and three above are of criticat importance.

A singte blown fuse on a slightly foggy mornicg is an unimporEant story. ..

l untilit is realized that the fog is given as the reason for the radio and s

G I -

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  • i . .  : '

T ytt 4 November 1983 Page 4.

Chairman Nunain Palladino *

.i television stations being off the air for more than 1-1/2 hours and that the Emergency Response Plan is ill prepared to handle fog or other inclement conditions.

The second news story ran two days later. The lead paragraph read:

The state won't have money to replace Morfo Bay's Twin Bridges for at least three years, a state official said Tuesday.

Tb, story concluded by stating *" officials believe there is no hurry to do something about the situation." (Attachment G)

Let us . return to Attachme nt F, Impediment to Evacuation:

. ._ .. In recent years, flooding has closed roads for a number of hours at certain points . The " twin tientles" location on South Bay Boulevard between Los Osos and Murro Bay is known to flood under the combined condition of high tide and haavy rain...another closure occurred near the Los Os os Valley R oad interchange south of the town. Events such as these may delay use of au cvacuation route until the road is cienr.

thus extending the evacuation time in proport-ion to the lost capacity.

In fact, flooding at " twin bridges" or " twin trestles" is not an unus ual event.

sometimes occurring several times during each winter's storms : When this flooding happens the only route from Los Osos/ Baywood (hom'e for approximately 12,000 people) to Morro Bay is cut. Thus, the primary evacuation route away from the Nuclear Power Plant is closed. The only remaining rond to the outside is Los Osos Valley Road which leads in,to t the city of San Luis Obispo. San Lois O'21spo is the major population center in the Emergency Planning Zone. During an emergency situation, the influx of thousands of additional people traveling over this twu-tane road boggles the mind. Further, as the previous quote stated, Los Osos Valley Road itssif is subject ta flooding!!!

Chairman Palladino, in the interview cited at the beginning of this !ctter, you are said to believe that some issues are technical and bs s t icit to experte . . ." Based on continuing errors in fact and judgment, such as those mentioned in this 1stter, a mtjority of the pecple in thim communit. .

e me.

h-musia mm -sisei

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h P a ge 5.

4 November 1983

. . Chat'rman Nunzio Palladino .

.- ' Again.1 ed by the expe rts .

do not feel that they have been well servi cited are not oct of the h the last fe emphasize, the two examplesI found thern by merely daily newspaper. stagarTemas559 fWith the*_striet3 45]Ittc_m I urge you toFEY191K11.ptE)Mediff 6_manymNac1*I G MJLCP_htt3 ClabTiEGuyyim.;t[o_c;tsyir.f36 eatesaalhLs-tkun3 sA4WIWee3s_ he-s_ striate.s_-9Ms.p.cquuhW1C1ri t y EmRT3e. JCT.R_ . the guy 6Tsa4-Plaita"11DruminN3hr3 people will.

(afii-N11y.4:K1tJtim.Tlia_P sexperts will not pay the Sincerely yoors,


( ..

. D. . Rid...J K. .usJw. f. Syuka spps e..

Concerned Cal Poly T aculty and Staff ' .

160 Graves Avenue San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Eneiosures (' 12 pages)

  • Bernthat

. cc: CCommisstoner ommis sioner C11tusky Comrnissioner Assaltine Commis sioner Roberts ,

Congressman Leon Panetta Congressrnan Wilitam ThomasFederal Emergen .

Congressman Edward'Markey YM q

-, , ,. , . , - . . . , _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ , - _ . _ _ _ _ , , . _ _ . _ ,_ , _ _ . . .. - -___ - ._ -._ m._ _ _ _ , . . , _ , - , _ _ . . - . , . -

1\unzio ~Pallacino:

WAsnINCTON (AP) - "When yee have trembles. -

Kansso Panadine came to there's ne sense hidlag hr,,-

9af r-.a.:.,,%$.

+ b - ~-)

Waanlagten dklermined to them because they'll onl y [. , .,


.sy .t of u,e news eomebecuewi. n. i pers. He quickly disc,s. ot. Palladine has been vocal "

4 ^ . . .^^

ered that Nuclear Regula- about the NRC's diffleul-i tory Commissien ties. He concedes his staff p. #T[

ebaarmen are not destined is not perfect. and recent- g - ,

for law profDes. ly made puh11e a report by M"3 ,


"The NftC is in a kind of me new oulee that partial- . t i awnan'a land between the ly blamed the NRC staff W- .

M. O 5'" A

pro eaclear and anti ns. for safety breakdowns la Ic clear factions in the Coo- the TMI cleanup. -

l; i gress and in the nation as As for the ladustry, Pal ' r .

. 0 ,:1

,, a wcII." Paundino, E, told ladino jumped on anclear . f-eid friends in July at the stEity dflMs ahnost ino , .

~ .. 4.

  • N/F . .) I state College. Pa., Botary mediately in a settes of p <

Cisb. "Otten we get speeches caning for safer '"

1 escght in tae crossf2rs." reacter construction and , , ..WMD. ,' , , p12 ... ' . 1 The soft spoken chair. 4 tion. ,.

man, saa of the nation's e crities eunland his <'t 'I .8 .,

anclaar pioneers, quickly votas enes don't bear out * - -i *- O -

$gered est how to mini- his rhetene. -

v.. d t ~d' -

i mi:e bla well-pebileized "The questian is whether ,, . '.

awoearancas sa Capitol PaHadino is gen'ainely eco-Ral. earned with safety or is a j* el - '

"rve learsed that it is aB brilliant p' hile relations .

right to suffer a utile in _ spec 2ahst. says Richard f . . - - ,

Iront af the cornmittees." Udell, an side to Rep. .

e ,

he tald the Kctary Club. Edward Martey, D-Mass, y .

toegte-in. check. "la fact. "Overall. bis voting e,- .

a's desirsb:e. If they think record has not been one to j yd , <

y didn't suffer enough, substantiate 14e view of ' '

..v v. qg  ;.,.


. hey callyou back the many people that this per- i l'

acztweeL son is esper pro safety." .

h ed.;if,J .73 f Q ; 2 The Sve enember NRC is - Adds as attorney who ,

y cha.ged with licensing and doesn't want his name T i, gg.%


ensuring the safety of estd because he eften sp- 4 I

some 150 nuclear power pears before~the NRC: <

plafias cernently in opers- "He viscerally identifies tion or under construction. wita the anclear ladastry.

l N {< .

y d


4 51ritt Palladine's arrival When a ruling might cause v. 'a .... .. '

en July 1.1931, anclest serions probicos for liss unfitles have been rocked indostry, he's incapable of

-p.v ,c 4


( ,

r by discientres that include doing iL" n  : i reverned blueprinta at the The industry has some Diable C#syon anclear complaints of its own. Cart M ( /8"~ .l power p! sat and faulty Walski president of the l

/p8 .

g .g

d. . . .. I I

welding. cracked pipes Atamic Induttsal Fernm. -

awf shoddy constreetion in asys the choicinan ba: i aancrvus others. tried to stabilize licensing ., a .

Nearly Ove years after and backfitting proceduzis the nation's worst com. but that his hands bave (

y, v,' , .

T/ -

acmal nuclear accident, been tsad by other com- ,(.F*E' . . ; "" " ' 5 i '

lavestigsfors heve found missioners. i >


. .s : 0' FoJtine safety violations in the slow, costly Three an bootst, constraettre Bai Walsk! addsi "He's gt*t *-f.,0. _ . <, 7"'I .


, Mye Island clesnap. regulator by no insans la Nunzio Palladino PaUadir.a. plucked from the industry *a pocket. Ile academia to help pull understands our problems He headen Pennsylvania when Palladino potilicly alcmic energy out of its pretty wou " state University's brand berated them for falling

' past TMI slump, found his As an enamevr for West. new nuclear engi,neering short. "He pulled out a task samvated by short- Ingbonse Electric Corp., department for six years twHy-four and hit sc.m en:nings both in his com. Patladino spent le years and spent another 15 as people over the bei:

dean af its Couege af En- When they sat down a d I musaica and the ladustry. directing reac*.or core d,.

l Ne seems undeterred. sign for the nacon's Erst smetting. the headache went awa:..

! "'Ibe best way to deal avelear submarine, the Nuclear ladustry offi- they resliced be was l

wuh Congress, and with NantGas, and its first com. cials, many of them long- right." says one trace anyone, is to be honest mercial nuclear power time coUesgues. of " Joe ** group officer, who did not and furthright." he says. plaat at Shippiosport. Pa. Palladino. were stunned want to be identified.

- In one of his strongets speeches. Palladino lee-

sa um. mocoumicAur.imscmaan.un;nt ...'oem a a

' . n e7te-f in S,e ts ac ,ot seat tared'the

-! S'a um that Atomie Industri-no amount ard Ottinger succeeded in reversing D an N.Y.,He says whosome

" seeded issuesand are welcome." Mree en a crucial poet:Pallad -

et regulation could save NRC rule than would have technical and best left to Pabile eenfleenee is vital the ladustry from "the cursaned public comment experts, but notas with a to a nuclear future.

eensequences of its awn so emergency plannmg at suule that there are es. t'PibHC'tErretlefutes tallarus." Indsaa Potet. parts both laside and out sietteAT'_*perAtlana area "In (bc early days there "Pubile interest peop!c ade tbc NRC.a wnernetztlifoundee wss triat attention ta f ac- have une after tim In certain (netmaces we mat.sPalladmo told the hg up to problems." says raised the right issues - were not alert early American Nuclear Society .

Pa!!adina. "A number of act the INRCI staff. 'Ihe enough to the large pic. In June. Ghrigerinnae new stilities came in with- interventionista play a ture at some plants." he greit!b sf paclear powere mt appntiating that they critical role," adds Otun- acknowledges. specihcally 'tiftunately depend act

, care smherting on a pr> ger, ebatrman of a House ~ citing Ziminer where a e confidence of the pub.s gram involvlag much energy suWmmime. pubbe group SC.aWI ytilites in the east 4 higher technology than Falladino res brought to lignt multi they were famthat with. publie partleponds pation is that construction problems. erj ple e.nd saf,ety of wisar. pot A They thought they cJu!G ase past practices. That's ch they got into trou-nie.y" The NRC bas proposed a reened number of fines against plant operators tats year - 25 by July 1 c compared to 33 for aII of y

  • c 19C. Ameants have also. .

been, to the may . 7 el stility e .eculives. e "We need men dialogue. v set clubbing over the <

head." says Waldi, but hc .-

esacedes that the penal- b ties have attracted the '


~ ' "' ria'eagement attention I:'

so gnt by the NRC. 2 "I thlak I've beca very =

tard on safety vioistions. U My utiig rocwd on hnes .

t-proves that. Palladino I" toys.

But critics have other complaints. They chide h:m for voting not to close ,

an inritan Point reactor in i New York and falling to irmnediately shut down Eve reactors with cracks l b coo.pirg watar.ipes IAnt carry core

. They note that be voted

= gainst roepeninj licen. -

1 rine hearinEs at 7.mHDer.

the'Cinci'inati area plant plagued by construction.

d3ign and quality control

rteblems and in favor of -

liernsing LaSalle in Chica-

fespite allegations that the p! ant's quahty control records were doctored.

And they are particularly

iqued by proposed licen-sma change.s they contend would ti
e.': public partics-pation.

"He believes t=fety is a '

. highly technica. ar.stter s .

that experts ought in dt-tide and that the pubbe motsn't knew enouab to be f.ble to participate mean-ngfully," says Rep. Rica-

-- ~'~ '

  • LU

- - :-- I IU VV 9 IT aV0ic WISls 7 p_an aan'c i .

11 MHS By Carl Neiberger pas wrmer gf agam v. g"rs" ar -~ 7% m r r n-- .;,,, ,


ro. st wa, t. e Q ,

i panig daru other disarg a acclear er is for people to have 1 accident  ;*-


er bi ~ M.E:pa{ sandk,A _ _M1.f,y,v*m saaMaa*: in emergency plans and ;y ; *1_. . . . *-

- .3 " M,,.. ".. . .', ;;.*. g ..';.K.

..r 8.

knew wast to do. * .


  • vib5VZ+?%.:LQ?,:*L. ..

' Y , ::. .. A


. . . . . .. ;.'.~f-l A

Se says a Cal Poly psychologist t V~..r.r :-J .

who has stadJ:d theissueir M, . ,


M Chr.rles M. Siem, hvid of de j. ,



.eij,g.. ],-%~@,/.gr .

// E f.*Ti A.4 -

scheel's psychology department. ,, ' ( ~ - ..*

  • jig,fe.-:;. *
i. . . . . . .,,


. c.

i,. '

. . 5?% . * . W;- 'Lc.T

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-* -- ""-* sam tbst in a crims. "The mort  %.  % . . . ,,,,3

"' , s .r,. .c .., . . ** * .',,ff. .sp/l:.Wh.-}i3D'~ . ,, . '* ~ ,'. .

1r. formed people are, the more like 1 is thst Elvy will, in fact, act .e.

. . - ,., gS..rsr -p.


4.- c.S..y y.

cp.,., y . 7.,_g;gt .y 4,-]-

bare seems to be. a myth .',. g Gl -

_. _-we. D h,.- O;5, :.i

menen mu ar m

! ytna don't teu people what'samong some esacegency parzoanal ad for buses in this morning's practice ev happen %T because it might cruais m n a .

Cennae, nce vr .a l to crisis p


Sre, most pect,e l were deing the tcnn[last sum:ner's county !mt.

rs pem'c.(Carth:nezi

'ss1451a!n. fran Page A-1) wreAg thhas." sesn sald "but tbey as evidence that a major escape Tast, he said, isn't tree. " tex bed a rational russen ferit, rosta might not work dartt:g a  :::

that wtut's harpcuing and they "It't that the people were nuclear accident

. . _ . . wiD act in a rra:;onanle way." acting irrationallyt it was nst thet He said that if there were a.

Slem said betocame interested in they had the wrong informa; tion and - emergency, county officials could eacy pbtsmng last year while 2

p9ri m;l or tbs emmty Psychologi.During were tbs using the wrong strategies." elear the road rapidly by e 1980 MGM Grand No. wrected cars to tne ade - sorr.e. $ ,

m1 Anacciasian. tal Bra in Las He vendered if psychologists span opened aalta,door Vegas. 51em said,Ltdng tacy m! gat not de under not.

a -.

ta see if it anal circumstancus. T i

ett! amtribute ar,ytAtag to cock was sale to go outside. Air rehed glam said it is important for p ILtr27 knowlege se naclear p6ett ett the door to the Art, setting,og unclear power opponents to sca-  ;-

lut:s. ascIpleston. rata the issues et emergency piare "I'm toleres*.e4 la stress. A disas-The man didn't Itnow be could tell aing and licess:ng of tbs D@

ter is really as estreme version W whether it was t>urntag outside just Canyoc plant:

strau. by touchtag the doorknob, said "De most vehancat opponert.'

Whm I lenked lata disasters," Slam.

that plant can also be vehmm Elsz:n asid. "I inund that San ! Asis Be said panic anly occurs "under proponents et an emergency :-

Chirpo Canty la at great risk for a anme very prtacribed situations." sportse ple.a.

I vide vadary of dicasters. 'faert's a Base shmeinns involve "a sad. "If it does get !! cense, I so....

S percent ris': et a major earth. des, immediate threat, auch as stG1 live la this ccccmtwty ac paie in California every year. flamee lesping up a curtala." Peo, want to be sure that I have N We*4e ind a cr.cle near minae da so resources of this commarJty ; -

8'1bt etsczt af tazie materials Delieving pie who that peale, theysaid haveSlem,!y on ese tecting me if there is a nuc!

goisg up and down tbs highway and averme escape and that is rapidly power plant accident."

  • as railtsed is stag 5armg. Most of br.ieg c3sasd stL" lie added. "A good responsey ti ndk: people hi the emergcacy flaid To ensare again=f panie "The for a nurlane power plant accd a ve tbst's the kind af dissativ pahlit., priar is an accidat. needs la golag to be the hanis for :n we're m c rarily to have. to believe that in fact thans evacan- emergency response plan for all le "We've had,lets af blstery et non restas will be open or alterne- eta;;r problema.


$lan fouer! by reficwing numer easily escape, gives are available ao that they can "I want to be sure that m sacunanity understaats fully writ ses studios that in emergencies. "Because of the topography of can happa and what are the tr n

" Pen!e win da very retional, life- San Luis Obispo County peepic may offeetive alternatives for desi .

over procedarsa. They will try is believe that their avenu,es of escape with that. ,

, save mem**ttes and save otbers." are tiratted." slem sand. PI want a plan that's been ter Be sai4 problezas can occur whea "

. It is im ta maka k clear and that the community mest peop!a da 1 kner waet to do. They la people they have a numba feel comfattable with. At this po:


. can make welMahantmed mWeg of pensibilities and they are in- the camounity ha.m't come to er - la rare cirenastances - Asrmed throughout "the disaster d emot that yet.

paal=. 'Ihn chauence to the egenscr "la anslysis d a large nanbar d what As anissameple, happenmg' Slam said, people at large is to continos to wort

. ... Grea. kicluding the MGM (Grand have cited accident.cnnned traffic the plan until the le are sati:

Batal) Are saa the Coeeed Grova jams as Chasta Grada, like the one Sad that it will wo ]

c, ' iATTACHMENT C /8 li


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OakParkcrossing . i '

similar to Di, ATTACHMINT C (contin.ued)

Evacuation drills n.*"*"Taf*^ missing l

             ,,g,,;,;iy ,e,,s,d ."Etaa ta .e                                       e                     .                 .

s.seeemn oci. a was me4x 0i ali3m ey d .k, im _,.wie amsen .f w yggggggg; Did evacuation dri.ll ~~a m eurtenemen a.n rwav"O'5 anyac b castly real/y testp/en? was a sellhtDahlesIMas Sr1U o:11 7 .

  • 4,,, . Oa.ri, sis a ==.- = =t f- ao=a, xx
  • mr= i i M mnaeana. c .as se. no wo
                                                                                                       = =the= editerT*
                                                                                                                 =                                         trathe jams,occarnd. ma acu
                      , n n                                . ess                                       Te
                                                                   = ,=. -

m.y w<a =r = ' 1"Je'sts','"2.'u" ,'t.' :! 1 m

  • i-==sw.' b,oseiob,a > - *e.p e  ;
             **N'I'and                                te a                      of                 asems le sne the leDM eenele.
                                                                                                                                                           % bat esecurns me is that ma              ;

p$#lu- dds ami non analsgens to as ~*e '""nT.'.' 2"in obed.d 1 [ hwert at 92 they a., 42,=,a',d _. a = For paarmare. that partnts wGIlove I** wb ew id e If children are tald la admace stuldren a is prbboa ' ' zigert heladependent aset of 24 that they win go es a has from p'ad, w support thIl hearings sa Ibeir schoolta Alascaden gback- and that ladmduals in charge of ' pality assarsace of design and tsy wSi go without paale. Others Will say at the2r jobs rathr cmtractico befm faalloading? Or

  • At least 5 puent of the ebudres than immediately evacuanr4 th r.

setdtr why tky couldn't get h> at Bishop's Peak seboot wars kept salve or Scir famules. Many d the i rdred ut n shelterlag protecces of ksne er takan frem school by their plans am mH! nry vm.e* par schools was rated 'r and priets rather thaa subjecting them The San Lais Coastal school db-i Efttv ekSdrsa are left in = the distrtet plan for weenasian- tria has en basas to evaeusta necostlee? - While all ei thg abou are lasso ' au ei the is aos area, but

             . Ifact bettsynd for navsr once has                                                 estind feats, taer de sat address the                                             to erneuste all 4

iny coecs takes es initiatin on probably eld 1dres la notthe yd. strict. Thenivrc. luna that ecocern man observers-I tstery for tbc cithens of Armyo A simulated ersegaties abauld be they are bemag than any emetteD-

;rsade, be it Oak Part er Distge designed to asseas the Jollowlag. ey wgl og ageet 2e whle dis
n t tayon. It is regrettable that lasse: arsa. Wr do they know yd how 4

tot 3Dt evald not be saamsed elim. many childnu can be crumad into

  • Can tbs about district locate its a mogle has in the trent af an eatlag costly solstians not enig in has drivers tg react to an essergen.

arma sidocars betia buman sons. cy when the, bas drivers have ao esmergeary. Mar!eCassir advance notace of the seed for At Cal Poly. too. we3esamni Arroyo Granda people att aragghng to develop a etsesanan? In other words. does i . th district han the capability of plan based so unreausde assump- i reaching its off doty personnel noas hbout bassan behavior. For Nudest statisti s instanes. the font preschel pro-

                                                                                               * * . *r = * *ms i= 5=                                   g- eamm. m-y i-w.og to         the edi ar:[BobN*U Coogtssamas                                             m. R-                    4eir the        er                              $,3 m I',.". der      las$

. 'ayL verruy noted that, accord- ft.e., ese that la olves the parents.. ng n the arperts who compile such e New mach time wiB eispec front setifiestion to the drwers antil the The furytet plan is for childres to

           .tstistica. "your chance of being                                                                                                           h based u Auscadvo.

i :ilhd in as automobile serddent as besos arrive at the schooint . e To what estent eU1 adverd Thna the drill wedoesday was os b 4.22. year chances of death worse than none at an. We are left wesear condinoas, earthquake er 2 a Are are see in 5.010 and as a l stricane ese la a nulls,on. Yet. ether shysical factors atteet the wu the tsasy 24 ny W 2ese districfs ability la resca the dri ers would werk, without caes:cu-

          'ardirewhystada abroad la the                                                      and the drivers' ability to reach the                            critical factors that would ren-
          -d chances of an individual dying                                                  a4aalat                                                   der the lans aseless. We can not rara a ondear seddent are onl7                                                          Until these gaestlens are ad*                        have cabdence in the plans er the 3s in me years of reactor opera-                                                                                                            plaaners. We have the right to acs. As for desigers af radiscon                                                 dressed and independently ama.

tyred. I feel we art usaply essgaged demand that evnenation plaru be se averate congressman who trav- made and tasted based on our mer,t

                                                                                             ), ,,tt.delanian if se conclude                     ,,,;i,,3. est.unates of peopae s se-

! ra *s 't Costress (gr haviw.* ! aca is unusacEy radioactive) is t[ tested a he our ' ' win be safely eeacasted la the went het - we = = minirems e aed-Q,a a,,e,,gg"on in the er year. Yet, a guard at the gates et a -*.t nedent. amoe,, o,,,,aea,.,eut, event of a Patridt J. Perry aceut. Ia radaar power plant is eryosed Sea Imis OMap,

          > en!7 ene millites per year.                                                                                                                   Patneta n Co, s                                                                                                   -                        Conectned         Poly Faculty
             -a-o                                               . . . . .                                  .

and m n Itiempts to escape Diablo problems a joke i .To the ednor: m!y way we enn esca f

                            - We emacet                                      fren6          his is to aster let Pabrom        GasDis-andtion    to thecan pressure      plant. Intsnse prevail   everpublic PGEr

, seer Itw Grade. e accidtat. ever. Beetric Co get that mistake oper- -.- --~ ^ sttesept to threates sur 4 hasted eatine, etc., and the read is atlag. health and well-being. klocked. Agala, now is the time to let your ! The R.W. Coldman famDv

                           , The evacostias planis a joke.The represensatives know your opposi.                                             SaaLatsOtdapo
  *--w-,m,-                        %,..,--..-_..,,.,--,wm--,v__
                                                                                                   -                                                                   , n                    .
y. r_ em o, s u.a , '

MK . ATTACHMENT C her.tinued I.nate se "" at eneerstand-itmeseier:7 FGE represasta tive Neb-mg *a*J"L'it-i -seam meadprob. me b == = kr >b = m any take Cuesta Peak /s a ers ~.*= _m.

  • a wr m ham wwt = ,
                         ***'***=1-                                  lifeline (0Y CQUnty                                      who are esperts. As we debate
    "I*the a OcL St. Taferram yhemme                                                                                        aucJear power at Diable Canyon, Behsen is qsoted as anyinr that g                           To the edher: Y                          your             emergency plans, and even act eat asek PG&E.wcrkers a whife to get                                A maall anicle                  .

disaster scenaries daring " amer-Oct. Se edition hears grossar ra a peak overlookia San Laas scrutiny and as assae biasedh gency drols."Iss t it rather fealbar. Ok,tspo because of the ."Henca, dy to allow some of the area's most radis ate action local authertiles. I'm acestdtag to the stary, ganhag af story regardlag the stratagne *===natentians links to

     '"gjgErdal the                     a ene televistan                                                                                        to constant power prob-power failars sa Cuesta Peak that                         lad gl.55 Wire en                     ak for more                                                                          leansI. k poeld seem abat all our are 1% hears tuts a blows dame
                                                                   . left four FM radio stations and E$3%TV a5 the air far Star'346                            *lanmr and delete are su!! nst yes repir.eed,                                                                                                         eeld af we cannot properly commv-Mm the,s 2% hours le repleen                            heers.

anae af as that get up' meste within the arts, much less 4gi lEsF jant last week we morning and ears ear er abarn - how eart la - make aD the needed links with the at broadcasang enjoy being bsWde world Jurmg tus of peril. all af Lala Coastal Unified ett . e air as we were Monday let a taka actas now to get some Sehest District's 7,000 las stodcots, terebers and staticomb De evacuas, anorning, but there is aa lasue of far, renam power knes and equipment i ed la cara el a anejear emergency greater that bere tant teach- to Csesta Peak before we find Die:3 2aa 34 heers, es the very safety of San Luis emelm situng in me mides of a

    -4lesWetly we coald County. R is as issue that                     6mtar and are msbie ta adegaste-rid of the                          asyens who is emoeorned er             er as             with the fisw ei news, safety infor.                      { Provide         fortannot the putille        welfae pe:sautf earthenske.      et An fog,d last w a yes I                                                                                   anse we                commanicate.
                                                               -      matlan, and amargency traedamat-                          valnahte emergency laformation!~

ata;:st. A we.s safe to finally start 1

       .ht!isting ht the County Emespecy                              hg, and I, for oce, believe that                                                                                            ,


                                                                      =maMar must be done very soon to assure that we of tids cenaty
                                                                                                                                    %Kinas Richard Krandorf                                                                                                   &8#3 sefe Des is the morep
             .an a;.svespe                                            have adequate commaalcstians as                           '0I'Il8CI'TforEQO.

a# tiensa.

                                                                     . What h se important about else -

tricity to four radio muens and a p,

  • TV matians? And, wtry is dependa.
K. ore in de nse s , ewe, far sia ,ar t,a Pose ,e
  • ofnuclearpower Wc.*llIan%'C'L*$'t2 stations mahtala &eir tmammittsrs To tbs editsr: and v120st Sectnci On Oct.17 there were tw(lettats no transstaaten.KIQO g earsK203.

can be ! abcit te Diable'Canyna nuclear l - ri s ? "rA 2 a, M a : MM."aJ"3 :"et'e *!* , d' "*r.'."o?r2".2.*:t No guarantees in Eon g ;a;e*,,ed a=g

                                                                       ,o % '"sha: M 2 7 a a res/ eme ency cm,,, -                      ,,,,,,,,,,e                  B short, Ceesta Peak is the liggest                   To the estart -

OstuestJp- ei the eats W W "" " "a tica Unkis the area, Let , After ever ergen.  ! ass is anciest "-2 :? 3 is one af the tuost 1:wgoent)F a8L Response las book!st for the The Russian ice breaker tbst has areas of power emage. W last 'o Canyon plant, I noticsd that treed their ships la anclear. pew. blarhost was the seceed such taom- every ccurse af medan is dependent est. , en other people la tas line af We have , many anciane. Qtagslalens some W than a seesdh!!)it-the redte transm duty. What =M*= .and the yestered ships snianarines. How ters han backup genernsars and es.taty supervisera who apstoved i masy is not known, are able to stay la operation during this plan think that the bas dnvas. j

    ~ ~De Balkan countnas have many                                     #808 I'*lseat power failures, most                   law enf -,szi a#imata armi the                               )

ssclasspewared generators to ei the taalities flod R aaaaamie=11y albmportant radia sanouncers are mar.s e,cy anlam aseded "I'and "~M"g and almas hapossible le afford grators befty enough,to power large gotsg to stick around bere to do a ads a h tran-Mam,seSea M h po job h emir oss he are at

          ' @12 W aH these noclear powereg                              County is aftsa left wubout macc of                  staks?

Acre has set been me fataa. the norm I dannels of commame.v I ena't believe that this emetten-tien. It's had enough to have you.' ey plan can ever work cocaidering

                                                                                                                          ' that all the people we wGl depend on i
              'We are tar behind the rest si the                        elock radle,se off sad with at                        in en ernergency situation tare
              . 4d a*dabould be tree u devehp                           stanet blastag cat, yve sleep en soclear plants, as we ated een for                        and find yourself late for work er                    their swa lives and famfies to abasper           er and as ear           lies            s hool, bei wegu yet is 6e heMI                       wry about.

gg dhrm h- winst would we for M*y that la one et these tunes Patty Dee gu puns, eG, etc,' ' of silence aumetalag tragte salght San Ltus Obispo IC at um P Pk lool: P es . happen and citisans are left maa-t and to tran h ~. aa u %e. .

             . ur.d w,wa
                 "" " any
                                                                                                                                                                 . _.,-n,-        .,_a__,
                  .s             ..

\ Will NRC do dat is right and reasonable? W To the addor: h any other large corpotation made they will be liable far dams

        .. .. .                            All that is           er rea=mable aca a gross errer in judgment the
shads for se a resultlag frorn their opersuans abes power plant at cuatamars er taapayers would not

< ------- ** -- bsahlo Canyon. In spite af an earth- have la pay for thcoc mastakas. The protect th-wives and the publie with lasurance. At the men:ent,

                               * '. ; quake fault, baadreds of design lavestors la tac company would                           PG&E moeld not be 11shle and does errors waA disposal problems hear the brunt of poor basiness                           not have insurance to prvtect the cess' action tryegularttles and ocesa management. His also is true with                public in the ersat of a nuclear goDunaa Pacifte Gas sad Deetric P(ME.

i ca. has, callously disregarded = accident. i ,_. _.__ _ ,ha n k weHart and safeey of Saa R the Noclear Regulatory Com,  !! seems only logical that we in

     -. . -                . . . I'U thYaw                            '             mission allows the plant le            te his   wanty and surroundlag areas i

ta h f a ver and there is an aceldent la$e er s ou

                                    . bordened with its lethal white ele-
  • v d

g m a eo ee p g phant QI*,,*a Ad h aru leg'slation that will require PGLE

    .. .                      . . A let af as have reflgped tur*                                                         '

to provide laturance that will cover

                                   . saw.s i. m act thet we ==t uve my,, ,, ,,
                                                                                            ,,                                aD dcmages ress!!sg fregn anclear
a. a . is. -

l 1

                                      "$     *ea" rana n ass is o
                                                                    =i rTeJT gh
                                                           - = t m yve
                                                                                                * ==,>e,=,= =%,   * *,,,,,,.

Jijtyg*g'ia==,gyd sp:st aD that mone Most of as have insurance to rua m aa ,,e. !. . . . .B.Genwal pay for B. . anyway.

                                                                . Won't we?" protecty. We'll ourselves have Motors or U.S. Steel or s'assa and most burh knowing to from disastrvus         Diane Wadds!!


Diablo flaws not i

1ault of Mothers. '

                                                                                                                                         ^ "^ "
  • P " " " " "


                                                            -                                           Aje To latter The   the fran edEar:

W f) lhm . unhas eso wander where he has hona far the 10 years wtule the arters have secovered at Dia-hio Canyon Nec! car Pewsr PlanL De Mothers for Peace did not l esase the errors at Diable. The

  • tenecity at the Mothers for Psace

. ;. . _ . .. . *and their hard wert has caused ! ' PG&E to try to correct the serious errors that sbeeld arver have hap- ! pened toder a qua11ty controlled

                                                  -                             apration.

If the ettt' ens of Three MHa Is. land had been slett, they mI ht

    - -- -                                                                  . have been spared the accident e(t a aest =*kdawn. When PG4E had to
                               .                                               hire E.003 worters to correct errors la a plant that was supposedly teody 30 years ago, ens wondarr witst else is wrung.

I.. . Thrzk God. wu have dHuna in San Emis Obispo County with the

  • is:acity to fight 10 years agai==t a wealthy stility c,ampany. Don't un-
   - -- ---                                                                   deretunate their sensort beennae
                                                                             ,how are thraraands g'l people who are snable to attcad meetings or
   -.                     --.                                                 dorate::trata. however we support
   - --                      - -                                             Stut m            and rmarnally.

We as the comfort d instant

                                                                          ..electrkdy, but the utilny enmpany                                 .
                                                                          . was se        ant and now is under fire.
   - --                   -a                                                 R is not        Mothers for Peses who i'

causal the problem. The contarned ~

                                                                          . ase of food and drink. In my opta-lan. has been the way the utility nas i                                                                            tried to ewing var local and state inaders. The vast amount of fands
                                                                          . spent is winlp4 and dining weald
                                                                          ~ tetter be spent en a safe plant.

Mothers far Peacs. keep up the good work. Elizabeth Jackson 8 4A : a A. Arroyo Grande

J, -

                                                                                                                                                                                                  /f    (I 7,                            teending aNhiebinclede:                                        NRC bow before they cab 11 cm . -

II/OA IIId fI88 a Liceaslag the "world's most talas for Central Coast resident enrufuDy inspected nuclear power attendance is imperative. Ad:nisa

                    -*Li         p Fla.via wI/1                 St                 a beter, discovertas rt was sion is free sad costumu are op.
                                          !b                     backwards as a sessequesee of. tiana!.

To the eddars

   -              - a eativen su hslid l) asas,                   the wrong bleeprants.                                       Toby Beffale pG4E and the Nuclear          gulatory     e    aving an acn of ocean fleer                                 IAeOmos                                                                      .

c_ - ' are going to

                  =oi a transcommaestal,              present 1 sederas  la with taas to       ofrebaGd concrete         a and one skip-duohedral BaBewees horror abow.                   sea wall wb!         .       the past 2%                       *
   .... . -Jbs trick er trast assravaganza. years, has been buds, destroyed by a ;. ny hetertoe.ever4eanettle, nataral foress repaired. redes-was to semelede with final                   ed (a sin by natural fortes) unta for telletasing the Dia lo              to now        g re nyaared.

Casp=a Naclear Power e Caacoctag a devil's trew of ATTACHMbNT C (continued)

_i == D.C Friday and Plant la then peelear Emersency Response Plaa , .

start to3ny _with the saisty hearings wtjeh chaast y prvvide ei- , en planto a design at the saa !Jals ther adequate er effeettve Bay Ian at 6.3B a.m. - evacuatles. Please nets that the vh desige hearings are sched- pruto eyptemi house in this arts pre- -

  - -- ' Erna le last 3% weaka. Dat means vides only le                                protection and the NRC may very weR re!!eense ear school                       gs prwnde an av.

Lble before it has determined - erage et ordy as perennt protectica wkstbar the plant is designed safely agamut radiatica and that to evacw. ~

                  .at without even chietlag ser eaa- ala ear chGdren alone viu                                                                                                  .
     -           e errers, (wisch at e orse eres laag and areanos                                                                          A                              Waft w-
                  -- certain to co exist with any and has                 over marrow sad                                                                                           g/

4 aB demgn arters). Das, the PG4E quently especiauy la statar To the oddor. 'I In Saturday's Telegram- - T.C pamphin bended and/or seedy monthsl impa===ble reada. a PG&E erperson is reported to W.jinha reprenant the altiinate (so 51sce the lialloween hearings in fan abbriation in a decadelong the shadow of the dev0's own can. I've sta that PG&E waated 3 asys to to ett the !!ading of a parade et absurdities, tbc mest as yim may reyrtscat the Anal PG&E. eastainer o radioactive asterial

  - -- - -                                                                                          -                                      stolen from the Diablo Cacron No.
  • alear Power Plant last May bec.sume
                             -                                                                                                             liftC rules allowed them that amount of time.                                   .
                                                                            -                                                                   No statement could better exsta-plify the reason for the erorien of l                                                                    .                                                                         eblic confidence la the neclear dastry. Even when something ha              as which la favorable, the waHa antr tbs last possible l                       .

mament to maks H public. Would it then inform the pohhc of something _----.- segative in less than the mazzum aDowable tune! .

       . . . ...                                                                                                                                We in this cuenty are dc9cactat                          -

spoo PG&E to inform as if there is a mehage of rad:stion. Even in the dr'll wnich occurred on Oct.19, it took PG&E 19 minutes to declart as alert because of a leak in the reacter coolant system wfuch. La the i- . . . dr22. led to a release of radianca 'O .~""! se:De three hours later.

 -                    1 If we are ever soms to be able la amente be counts. safaly      The   traeusted, pht'          yevery'wamng of ,
                                                                                  .                                                       antil the tast                            e     moment" is not one wbich is conducive to public con 6dsnee not ta our safety.

Sandy 3. Carsal san Luis ostapo


i- .

 . .             6. l                                                            ,.                                                                                                  ,
s. .
     ,. . w. n ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 /, fg
     .         ....[                                                                                                                       isTTACHMENT D
Fuse . . r =m-s- ~:s cown .
     . . _ . _ .                                                                raC10,                                                                                                       Sl9na o         S
    = =....
                                                                         .             a b,.wa w                                                                       c..s,              re n u.rcea -.                     .

stations and one television station off the alt for 2%

2. . i
                       .                                                       hours early this morning PaciGe Gas and Electric Co. npresentative Missic
                                                                         *. Robson said the fuse blew at S:ts a.m. .o a PG4E kne leading to the peak overlooldag San Luis Obispe.
       = ="=

Television station KSBY sad radio stations KCBX,

                                                                        ,     E2QO and E20Z wars off tbc alt untG the fuse was
replaced at 8:5 a.m., Robson said.
    ===                          .
                                                                                     "It look because of (the fog," she said. Hobson said (bePG&E worken) a while to get there
  • trossmating faccaties were the saly PG&E cusuunarz affected by the power fsDurt.
m. . . . . .

T" f"' '

   -. M . M .
          !* $        $$l O
        .e          e                                                                 .
                                                                                                                                                                             .                    e ig                                                                                                                                                                                                                .

4 Ca. 6 CSI

     =..m-.                 .

f t l .. . . .

  • e
                 --                    ,.e-.,    ,.        - .- -- --            - , - - . , _ , - - _ , - . . , - , - - - - . - - - - - _ - , , - - . , - - . - - . _ - - - . . , - - _                    _
      . ,,, ,,9, c

ATTACHM10NT E IGofif';,L i,* *;: ser======

  • 8 8 " " '~!U.

TAS:,E I,5-E di!

                                                                                                                                *         .d.5 EVACUATION T*MI EST! PATES                                                      .k
      -, n                                                                                                                                  r.s 5 _=.==.                                 .                                                                                          g ..
- = . = f
4 included Areas Evacuation Timest Fair ideavy
                                                                                                                                .. D
     =r*=aa'am                                                                                                                         :1-Y5 PA2 Numbers                   Description                                          .

4 feather Rain #I

                                                                                                                                   . w..

1,2,3,4 Any parts or all of 6-mile 3:15

          ...c au r,                                                                                           4:00             'i$

any or all LPZ plus Avila Beach, see TiW IIIT I ';- Prefumo Canyon and Central , .2

      . .. .                  ,                           Los Osos Valley                       _                               1 ;,*:1- .

Esse + $

         .n.i.m . - .                                     Base plus Baywood /Los Osos               3:30       4:18                 *iE5h s:er, y==

7!TI TIN . I P. i't.

                                                                                      '                                         I Base + 5 and      Above plus Morro Bay and                                              L      'g hir 3:30       4:15 9                 Cayuces                                  TiTU       tin               i ,* h. :

t.'p..c . 7

Base + 8 Base plus San Luis Obispo 3:15 4:00
.1:st ..
                      ;,                                  area                                     TIUU       TFJJ               .D.y;    I35
     )'JErA                            Base-+ 5, 8,       All zones north and east                                                :5.2-3:15       a:00                'tj f.a. .
                                                                               .                   W           i:46                  " ?j.
                                                                                                                                  . ug.;,.        .
     ~ "'

Base + 6 Base plus city of Pismo 3:15 4:00 l7. Beach 7iW '4"Ti 22 :~ ~ 2 2 Base + 6, 10 Base plus all of Five C '.5 4h

              ~                 -        '

Cities area 3:152 4:00 . ppf ITUU . IIII . C. pd (-': Base + 6, 10 Above plus Ntpomo north of 3:152 4:00 - tit 5 and 12

                                    ,                    Mi110w Road                                          TTCU               . ,' Q6
t. tire 1 - 12 g.,--

Entire Basic E.8Z 3:30 4: 15 _ ;;. .; 11ticIP2 TiJU 7?TT . .h

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                      .,g,- or "preparaticn            time."    However, for planning                                              14:~

purpetes, the ' *) I - -- eMrcentile times of 25 minutes to become aporised of - eme rgency 1% t .

                                                                                                                             , p:,.(

l m s:tions and 1.5 hours cf preparation time are appropriate. .Iw

                                                                                                       .                           ;      C-
     - ~ ~ '3'."Israedfnents to Evacuation                                                                                              Y i     .
                                                                                                                             , k'w_.6 8
                                                                                                                                     ;;ey M,The previously referenced study lists a number of potential irrpedirents
   -.--- ,- :to evacuation. Tne most likely event would be a heavy rain or fog
                                                                                                                                -{.t7 s.C
                             .which could reduce the roadway capacities due to a decrease in traffic
   ---- densi ty. The effect of these conditions is shown in Table I.5-6 The                         P.:

occurrence of a seasonal impediment such as rain or fog would be (( expected to require rerouting of traffic although ~ evacuation times may *

   ~ 1 1 be extended. Other natural hazards which are less frequent may cause
--- -' road closures. In recent years, flooding has closed roads for a numt
er [3a s g)**.5-unaE amasof hours at certain points. The " twin trestles" location on South !ay s / .s
                                                                                                                        ; r::                ;

Boulevard between Los Osos and Morro Bay is known to flood under the I 5,y combined condition of high tide and heavy rain; flooding usually *". persists for several hours. Following heavy rains in 1973 U.S.101 * .'.y('l _~___- ,'was partly closed for a number of heprs due to a mudflow on. the Cuesta

  • ys, Grade north of San Luis Obispot another closure occurred near the Los
                                                                                                                            ,' b !;,K
   - -- -- Osos Valley Road interettange south of the town. Events such as these                                            *
                                                                                                                            .1               ,

e- e soy delay use of an evacuation route until the road is clear, thus ,, g . c

    ..:.- .:.. extending the evacuation time in proportion to the lost capacity.                                                -{xp@
   ~~Through connunications with the California Highway patrol' and local                                                  .[;hd,

' """""" police departments, as well as the County Engineer and CalTrans, the " ** County will become apprised of such occurrences and will take steps to .'! e t remedy the situation, should an evacuation be under consideration. In 'y -

  -                        addition. ti.e potential effect upon the estimated evacuation time will                          I             d, be constdered.                                                                               t                 .-


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                                                                                                                                                 /t 7 /r ATTACMMENT C

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                                         .vg. Bricges :,uncing is years away he stata uset here money to Brsce 1. Fraser. a Caltrans 26      scher appligtets for indetal brid
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re'aes Mt.rre far at lea Bay's Tata Bndges sistaat Isaal . iat. ace sagtater, 1 thrte re;dstament money,Fraser said. as

    ~~9                               eS:intamidTWafay, years, a asate said the asethets of the two spm                                                  t
    - -- -'                             Ed County Septviacts Bill Cey en Seath 1sy Boulevard is 5th as               Be a  said the northere   spanis about  .

v!r, has led an effort to de some, federalspacecacat funds.Est af br'qas ranked la prietity for M

                                     #Jrg ahcut the Sood.proos strue.

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  • D'8We5 t ru,tlaeamid weg. he behaves it wiD be bGity is that it won't be, lost.repla:That, he said, means
  • ne
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                                       'Tm hopaM that these bndaes . (esfag           stata ald) for three years. ble shw a spaa of atlaast N feet.
                                                                              "That's only a prohaWe date be.

,W ara be replaced in the forssenshle Fraser said Caltrans hasn't future, Coy said, essee it's au subject to avallat@ty eb:cked the laid 4c's len,t yet be. af lands" as well as compet10cc by sanse tecre is no barry. . 6 maensa main - - . . .L.L. . J.J. .

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