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Forwards Facility Objectives for 1988 Annual Exercise,Per IE Info Notice 85-055
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 05/26/1988
From: Andognini G
To: Martin J
GCA-88-330, IEIN-85-055, IEIN-85-55, NUDOCS 8807060199
Download: ML20196H566 (21)



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$suynSACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT O 62o1 S S*reet, P.o. Box 15830, Sacramento CA 958521830,(916) 452-3211 AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART QroCALIFORNIA ep 4 9

% tn MAY 2 61988 g ?c 7.

GCA 88-330 7, in t C US Nuclear Regulatory Commission cp Attn: J. B. Martin, ro Regional Administrator Region V 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Docket No. 50-Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station License No. DPR-E4 1988 ANNUAL EXERCISE OBJECTIVES

Dear Mr. Martin:

Enclosed are the objectives for the Rancho Seco 1988 Annual Exercise.

This submittal is in conformance with the 75-day guidance provided in IE Information Notice No. 85-55. As part of the 1988 five-year objective matrix Rancho Seco will be conducting an unannounced Exercise. Due to the potential logistical problems this may create, the 75-day submittal is being provided to the regional regulatory agencies in advance of the required due date.

1988 is the year for biennial county participation in the Annual Exercise. County participation in 1988 will include activation of their Emergency Operations Facilities, Field Command Posts, and participation of their Emergency Operations Facility Representatives. Amador and San Joaquin Counties will demonstrate the adequacy of procedures for operation of their Emergency Reception Centers.

State involvement in this year's Annual Exercise will only involve State response to the Emergency Operations Facility. There will be no evaluated involvement af the State Operations Center.

Your timely review of the enclosed 1988 Annual Exercise Objectives will' greatly enhance the Rancho Seco Exercise Development Group in meeting the numerous objectives slated for the demonstration in 1988.



8807060199 880526 /h,9 PDR F

ADOCK 05000312 PDC j(

RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION O 1444o Twin Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638-9799;(209) 333 2935 L-


GC 88-330 MAY 2 61988 Page 2 Members of your staff with questions requiring additiona' information or clarification may contact Jim Price at (916)'452-3211 extension 4889.

Sincerely, 4

G. Carl Andognini Chief' Executive 0 ficer, Nuclear Enclosure Additional Addressee: R. L. Vickers cc: A. D'Angelo, NRC, Rancho Seco Document Control Desk, NRC, Washington, D.C.

Kent Pendergrast Joe Dominguez Mary Culver Colleen Robertson Mike Debord Ben Tong Rick Tobin

c OBJECTIVES FOR THE 1988 ANNUAL EXERCISE (Revision 0.7, May 10, 1988)


A set of initial conditions and hypothetical. events are described in the Exercise scenario. The Emergency Response Organization (ERO) will demonstrate the following objectives in conformance with established District, State and County procedures and practices:

A. Onsite Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs)

1. Control Room
a. Recognize and classify emergency conditions.
b. Activate / augment the Emergency Response Organization (ER0) and ERFs as appropriate.
c. Establish and maintain communication links with offsite agencies as required.
d. Notify offsite agencies (Federal, State and local) of emeraency conditions and provide follow up notifications as required.
e. Perform offsite dose projections as needed,
f. Make Protective Action Recommendations as required.
g. Evaluate and plot plant trends,
h. Maintain emergency logs.
i. Inform onsite personnel of emergency status, plant conditions, and other information which may affect personnel safety.
j. Activate and direct the actions of the Fire Brigade,
k. Respond to a fire in a contaminated area. (To be demonstrated during the Dress Rehearsal scheduled L. for September 13, 1988)
1. Respond to a fire in the Control Room.

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L A. Onsite ERFs

1. Control. Room (continued)
m. Coordinate offsite fire response.

(To be demonstrated during the Dress Rehearsal scheduled for September 13, 1988)

n. Respond to a toxic gas release.

(To be demonstrated during the Dress Rehearsal scheduled for August 31, 1988)

o. Activate and direct the actions of the Emergency Team,
p. Respond to requests from offsite emergency response personnel for data and information in a timely manner.
q. Perform turnover to the EC/TSC and continue to provide information on plant conditions as requested.
r. Perform accountability of onsite personnel.
s. Use appropriate Casualty Procedures and Emergency Operating Procedures in conjunction with the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.
t. If appropriate, activate and operate the offsite assembly points (if the TSC/0SC is not operational when this decision is made.)
u. Respond .to a natural disaster using the appropriate emergency procedures and actions.
v. Participate in an unannounced Exercise.
w. Evaluate the need for early dismissal of non-essential personnel.
x. Transmit hardcopy Notification Form to the State and counties as soon as possible after verbal notifications have been completed.

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A.- Onsite ERFs c

2. T e c h r,1 c a l Support Center (TSC) a.- Staff and declare the TSC operational.
b. Receive turnover from Control Room staff.
c. -Establish and maintain communication links with offsite agencies as required.
d. Direct activation of additional ER0 and ERFs, as needed.
e. Recognize and classify emergency conditions.
f. Notify offsite agencies (Federal, State and local) of emergency conditions and provide follow up notifications as required.
g. Maintain access control of onsite ERFs to include:

. physical security of the plant; access to plant areas of special concern; and, timely access to the site and ERFs for offsite emergency response personnel .

h. Inform onsite personnel of emergency status, plant conditions, and other information which may affect personnel safety,
i. Provide information for, and approve emergency news releases concerning plant conditions (until the EOF is operational).
j. Evaluate onsite radiation conditions.
k. Collect, analyze, and evaluate a PASS sample.
l. Perform offsite dose projections until relieved of that duty by UDAC.
m. Make Protective Action Recommendations until relieved of that duty by the Emergency Manager.
n. Evaluate and plot plant trends.
o. Coordinate operation of the OSC.


A. Onsite-ERFs

2. TSC (continued)
p. Perform radiological surveys 'o

. verify h a b i t a b i l i ty. i t, the TSC and that TSC exposure to radiation is kept as low as reasonably a-hievable (ALARA).

.q . ' Authorize emergency exposure limits as

. appropriate,

r. Evaluate the need for aad communicate with o f-f s i t e support groups including:

Architect / Engineer; NSSS supplier; and sample analysis support.

s. Respond to requests from offsite emergency response' personnel for data and information.
t. If TSC is operation'al, respond tc a fire in the Control Room.
u. Gather data from the Control Room and OSC.

, v. Distribute data and provide assistance to the Control Room, OSC, E0F and UDAC.

w. Respond to a fire in a c.ontaminated area.

(To be demostrated during the Dress Rehearsal

' scheduled for September 13, 1988)

x. Perform accountability of ERO personnel onsite.
y. Perform. search and rescue operations as required.


z. Perform turnover to the EM/ EOF and continue to provide .information on plant conditions as requested.

aa. Maintain emergency logs.

bb. Provide support to the Control Room as requested l by the Shift Supervisor.

cc. If the Decision is made to administer KI to emergency workers, demonstrate the ability to do L so.

dd. Inform ERO members when the recovery phase is initiated.

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'A . Onsite ERFs

2. TSC (continued) ee. Coordinate with District Security and local law enforcement agencies to control vehicle traffic to and in the vicinity of the plant.

ff. Initiate the collection of particulate and charcoal filters from an effluent sampling system.

gg. Periodically request UDAC to provide PAR action updates, hh. Transmit hard copies of notifications and other critical documents to appropriate locations as soon as the documents become available.

3. Operational Support Center (OSC).
a. Staff and Declare the OSC operational.
b. Establish and maintain communication links with TSC and Emergency Response Teams.
c. Receive directions / initial briefing from the TSC.
d. Perform accountability of onsite ER0 personnel.
e. Activate and direct the actions of the Search and Rescue Team as required.
f. Perform radiological surveys to verify OSC habitability.
g. Coordinate with Security to ensure emergency responders have access to plant areas of interest.
h. As required, provide respiratory equipment, anti-C's and KI to personnel arriving onsite during the emergency. (KI is to be issured to District personnel only)
1. Activate and direct the actions of the Emergency repair teams.

J. Take PASS samples as directed by the RAC/EC and provide the results to the RAC/EC.


%. Onsite ERFs

3. Operational Support Center (OSC) (continued)
k. Provide appropriate response to requests from offsite emergency response personnel for data and information.
1. Collect particulate and charcoal filters from a effluent sampling system as directed' by .the TSC.
m. Maintain emergency logs.
n. Activate and operate an offsite assembly point.

(To be performed in conjunction with OSC operation)

o. Perform exposure control by initiating personnel monitoring and decontamination as required.
p. If the Decision is made to administer KI to emergency workers, demonstrate the ability to do so.
q. Perform exposure control by using emergency exposure guidelines.

B. Offsite District ERFs

1. Emeroency Operations Facility
a. Staff and declare the E0F operational.
b. Establish and maintain communication links .with offsite agencies as required.
c. Receive turnover from the TSC and assume responsibility for PARS and approval of emergency news releases.
d. Verify activation of UDAC and the ENC.
e. Provide information for, and approve news releases concerning plant conditions.
f. Provide access control for the E0F, UDAC and ENC.
g. Make PARS based on input from the DAC in UDAC.


B. Offsite District ERFs

1. Emergency Operations Facility (continued)
h. Inform County and State decision makers about plant conditions, District PARS, and response activities via EOF Briefings, discussions and facsimile transmissions.
i. Perform coordinated decision making activities with County, State and District personnel.

J. Formulate and approve information for release to the public and the media. (District responsibility is limited to input on plant conditions).

k. Coordinate with District Security and local law enforcement agencies, to control access to and traffic in the vicinity of the plant.
1. Inform ERO members when the plant recovery phase is initiated.
m. Develop plant reentry and recovery plans.
n. Maintain emergency logs.
o. Transmit hardcopies of news releases, briefing forms, data sheets, and other critical documents to appropriate agencies as soon as the documents become available.
2. Unified Dose Assessment Center (UDAC).
a. Staff and declare the UDAC operational to the UDAC staff and Emergency Manager.
b. Establish and maintain communication links with the TSC and Field Command Posts.
c. Receive turnover from the TSC and assume j responsibility for offsite dose projections.

! d. Gather data from the TSC and field monitoring

! teams.

e. Perform comparison calculations between the UDAC l and TSC dose projections.

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B. Offsite District ERFs-

2. UDAC (continued)

-f. Deploy and obtain information from field monitoring teams.

g. Ensure field monitoring teams' exposure is ALARA.
h. Perform radiological assessment and evaluate offsite impact of releases / potential releases,
i. Analyze potential differences between projected doses and field data and evaluate implications of these differences on Protective Action Recommendations (PARS).

J. Formulate PARS.

k. Inform decision makers, through E0F Briefings, on the radiological consequences of the event and provide PARS warranted by those consequences, such as the use of KI.
1. Provide District PARS to the Emergency Manager,
m. Inform UDAC members of protective action decisions and emergency response activities discussed at E0F Briefings.
n. Provide the Emergency Manager and Emergency Response Agencies recommendations for protective measures for the ingestion pathway zone.
o. Confer with County Radiological Defense Officers (RD0) as required.
p. Maintain emergency logs.
q. Provide PAR actions to the TSC as the actions are identified and posted.
r. Transmit hardcopies of UDAC briefing forms to appropriate agencies as soon as the form becomes available.
s. Perform initial and follow up briefings with UDAC

, staff.

t. Perform quality assurance checks of all dose assessment calculations.


'B .. Offsite District ERFs

-2. UDAC (continued)

.u. Prepare a shift turnover list.

v. . Compl et_e all checklists, forms, and status boards as required.

3.. Emeraency News Center (ENC)

a. Staff and declare the ENC operational.
b. Establish and maintain communication with the E0F.

,. c. Receive initial briefing and direction from the E0F.

d. Schedule and conduct media briefings following the Emergency Manager's approval of plant condition information,
e. Establish and operate rumor control. '
f. Respond to inquiries from the public and media, identify and resolve inaccuracies.
g. Monitor media reports, identify inaccuracies, and perform decision making on correction of erroneous information.
h. Conduct background and technical briefings.
i. Inform District employees of emergency conditions and response activities.

J. Confer (SMUD PIO) with County and State PI0s prior to each media briefing and each news release.

k. Establish an interface between SMUD Runor Control, and county and State Rumor Control personnel in

, exchanging rumor control information on a periodic l


L 1. Maintain emergency logs,

m. Conduct briefings on potential medical consequences of the event.
n. Receive and post hardcopy State and county news releases.

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'C . Offsite Agency ERFs

1. Amador County
a. E0C
1) Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate facilities promptly.
2) Demonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency activities.
3) Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
4) Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
5) Demonstrate ability to determine appropriate protective measures, based on PAG's, available shelter, evacuation time estimates, and all other appropriate factors.
6) Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10 mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes. (The soundinc f the sirens and the delivery of the o message will be demonstrated durin3 Dress Rehearsal #2, September 13, 1988.)
7) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plume EPZ.
8) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to deal with impediments to evacuation, such as inclement weather or traffic obstructions.
9) Demonstrate the organizational ability and i resources necessary to control access to an evacuated area.
10) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of mobility-impaired individuals within the plume EPZ. (This will be

, accomplished by demonstrating the ability to make phone contacts with mobility-impaired individuals in the 10 mile EPZ.)

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C. Offsite Agency'ERFs

1. Amador County (continued)
a. E0C
11) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plume EPZ.
12) Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control emergency worker exposure.
13) Demonstrate the ability to make the decision, based on pre-determined criteria, whether to issue KI to emergency workors and/or general population.
14) Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate, and timely manner.
15) Demonstrate ability to perform advance coordination of information released.
26) Demonstrate ability to establish and operate rumor control in a coordinated fashion.
17) Demonstrate the ability of an alternate Director of Emergency Services to direct reponse to emergency conditions at the E00.
b. E0F
1) Participate in E0F Briefings.
2) Communicate with the Amador E0C on E0F Briefings.
3) Coordinate with Sacramento County Coordinator, and San Joaquin County E0F Liaison and complete E0F Liaison recommendations portion of E0F Briefing Form.
1) Activate Amador County UDAC staff.

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'C . Offsite Agency ERFs

1. Amador County (continued)
d. Field Command Post (FCP)
1) Demonstrate ability to activate and operate field command unit.
2) Demonstrate ability to establish appropriate roadblocks (roadblock to be placed at side of the road)
3) Demonstrate ability to mobilize and deploy two (2) field monitoring teams in a timely fashion.
4) Demonstrate coordination with other agencies.
5) Demonstrate the ability to supply and administer KI to emergency workers, once the decision has been made to do so.
6) Demonstrate appropriate equ oment and procedures for determining ambient radiation levels.
7) Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for measurement of airborne radioiodine concentrations as low as 1 E -7 uc/cc in the presence of noble gases.
8) Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
9) Demonstrate organizational ability to provide adequate equipment and procedures for decontamination of emergency workers, equipment, and vehicles.
10) Demonstrate the ability to provide an alternate source of power for communications and other equipment during a power failure at the Field Command Post.

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i PC . Offsite Agency ERFs

1. Amador County (continued)
e. Emergency Reception Center (ERC)
1) Demonstrate adequacy of procedures for radiological monitoring of evacuees. (Second Amador County Field' Team may be required to perform this function.)
2) Demonstrate adequacy of facilities for mass care of evacuees.
3) Demonstrate the ability of Red Cross and County Social Services Department to jointly activate and operate an emergency reception center.
2. Sacramento County
a. E0C 1 ). Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and active facilities promptly.
2) Demonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency activities.
3) Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
4) Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
5) Demonstrate ability to determine appropriate protective measures, based on PAG's, available shelter, evacuation time estimates, and all other appropriate factors.
6) Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10 mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes. (The sounding of the siren and the delivery of the EBS message will be demonstrated during Dress Rehearsal #2, September 13, 1988.)

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'C . _ Offsite Agency ERFs

2. Sacramento County-(continued)
a. E0C
7) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plume EPZ.
8) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources.necessary'to deal with impediments to evacuation, such as inclement weather or traffic obstructions.
9) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to control access to an evacuated area.
10) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of mobility-impaired individuals within the plume EPZ. (This will be accomplished by demonstrating the ability to make phone contacts with mobility-impaired individuals in the 10 mile EPZ.)
11) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources nece:sary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plume EP7.
12) Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control emergency worker exposure.
13) Demonstr:.ste the ability to make the decision, based on Ore-determined criteria, whether to issue KI to emergency workers and/or gener.1 population.
14) Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of information released.

, 15) Demonstrate ability to establish and operate l rumor control in a coordinated fashion.

b. E0F
1) Participate in E0F Briefings.

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'C . Offsite Agency ERFs

2. Sacramento-County (continued)
b. E0F
2) Coordinate with San Joaquin and Amador Counties concerning Protective Action decision making.
3) Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate, and timely manner,
c. Activate Sacramento County UDAC staff
d. Field Command Post (FCP)
1) Demonstrate ability to activate and operate field command unit.
2) Demonstrate ability to mobilize and deploy field monitoring teams in a timely-fashion.
3) Demonstrate the organizational ability to supply and administer KI to emergency workers, once the decision has been made to do so.
4) Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for determining ambient radiation levels.
5) Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for measurement of airborne radiciodine concentrations as low as 1 E -7 uc/cc in the presence of noble gases.
6) Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
7) Demonstrate organizational ability to provide l

adequate equipment and procedures for decontamination of emergency workers, equipment, and vehicles.


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'C. Offsite Agency ERFs

3. San Joaouin County
a. E0C
1) Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate facilities promptly.
2) Demonstrate ability to coordinate emergency activities.
3) Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
4) Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
5) Demonstrate ability to determine appropriate protective measures, based on PAGs, available shelter, evacuation time estimates, and all other known factors.
6) Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10 mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes. (The sounding of the siren and the delivery of the EBS message will be demonstrated during Dress Rehearsal #2, September 13, 1988.)
7) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plume EPZ.
8) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to deal with impediments to evacuation, such as inclement weather or traffic obstructions.

l 9) Demonstrate the organizational ability and l resources necessary to control access to an i evacuated area.

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t' T. Offsite Agency ERFs

3. San Joaquin County (continued)
a. E0C
10) Demonstrate the organizational ability and l resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of mobility-impaired individuals within the plume EPZ. (This will be accomplished by demonstrating the ability to make phone contacts with mobility-impaired individuals in the 10 mile EPZ.)
11) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plume EPZ.

.12) Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control emergency worker exposure.

13) Demonstrate the ability to make the' decision, based on pre-determined criteria, whether to issue KI to emergency workers.
14) Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate, and timely manner.
15) Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of information released.
16) Demonstrate ability to establish and operate rumor control in a coordinated fashion.
17) Demonstrate ability to establish and maintain periodic communications with UDAC.
b. E0F
1) Participate in E0F Briefings.
2) Coordinate with Sacramento and Amador Counties concerning Protective Action decision making.
3) Communicate with the San Joaquin E0C on E0F Briefings.

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'C $ Offsite Agency ERFs

3. San Joaquin County (continued)
b. E0F
4) Coordinate with Sacramento County Coordinator, and Amador County E0F Liaison and complete E0F Liaison recommendations portion of E0F Briefing Form,
c. Field Command Post (FCP)
1) Demonstrate ability to activate and operate field command unit.
2) Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and i field personnel.
3) Demonstrate ability to establish appropriate roadblocks (roadblocks to be placed at side of the road); rad teams will be dispatched to Access Control Points.
4) Activation of two (2) radiological monitoring teams.
5) Demonstrate coordination with other agencies (CHP, LODI Police Department, Lodi Ambulance, PG&E).
6) Demonstrate the ability to evacuate a school.

(Children will not be taken to a reception center.)

7) Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to supply and administer KI to emergency workers, once the decision has been made to do so.
8) Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for determining ambient radiation levels.
9) Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for measurement of airborne radiciodine concentrations as low as 1 E -7 uc/cc in the presence of noble gases.



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!C . Offsite-Agency ERFs 3._ San Joaquin County (continued)

c. FCP O Demonstrate adequate equipment'and procedures 10) b for decontamination of emergency workers, equipment, and vehicles.
d. ' Emergency Reception Center (ERC)
1) Demonstrate adequacy of procedures for radiological monitoring of evacuees.
2) Demonstrate adequacy of facilities for mass care of evacuees. (Red Cross)
3) Demonstrate ability of the Red Cross to activate and operate an emergency reception center.
4. . State of California
a. S0C
1) Activate and operate State Operations Center for' training purposes only.. (This facility will not be evaluated by FEMA.)

'b. E0F

1) Participate in E0F Briefings.
1) Activate State UDAC staff and provide support as required.

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