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Forwards Request for Info to Support NRC Mark I Containment Enhancement Program.Response Needed by 880606
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/1988
From: Rivenbark G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Miltenberger S
Public Service Enterprise Group
NUDOCS 8806030140
Download: ML20154N931 (6)


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May 27, 1988 Docket No. 50-354 Mr. Steven E. Miltenberger Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Public Service Electric & Gas Company Post Office Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038

Dear Mr. M11tenberger:


REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO SUPPORT THE NRC MARK I CONTAINMENT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM RE: HOPE CREEK The NRC staff is planning to present to the Cornission proposals for Mark I containment improvements. To assist us in pre:,enting realistic, plant specific features in support of our reconinendations, we request that you provide the information delineated in the enclosure, as it pertains to the Hope Creek facility. This enclosure was previously transmitted to you on May 18, 1988 via telecopy.

To meet our schedule for preparation of these proposals, we ask that your response be received by June 6,1988. Should you have any questions regarding this request, please call me.

This letter is covered by Office of Management and Budget, Clearance Number 3150-0011.



George W. Rivenbark, Project Manager Project Directorate I-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page DISTRIBUTION Docket File NRC POR/LPDR SVarga/BBo M0'Brien 0GC ACRS (10) ger PDI-2 Reading WButler GRivenbark/SBrown EJordan/JPa t w GPA/PA


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E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 h, e s *****

/ May 27, 1988 Docket No. 50-354 l Mr. Steven E. Miltenberger Vice President and Chief Nuclear  !

Officer Public Service Electric & Gas Company l post Office Box 236 '

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 )

Dear Mr. Miltenberger:





l The NRC staff is planning to present to the Comission proposals for Mark I containment improvements. To assist us in presenting realistic, plant specific features in support of our recomendations, we request that you provide the information delineated in the enclosure, as it pertains to the Hope Creek facility. This enclosure was previously transmitted to you on May 18, 1988 via telecopy.

To meet our schedule for preparation of these proposals, we ask that your response be received by June 6, 1988. Should you have any questions regarding this request, please call me.

This letter is covered by Office of Management and Budget, Clearance Number 3150-0011.

Sincerely, ,

h pY orge W. Rivenbark, Project Manager Project Directorate I-2 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page

Mr. Steven E. Miltenberger Hope Creek Generating Station Public Service Electric & Gas Co.


M. J. Wetterhahn, Esquire Conner & Wetterhahn Suite 1050 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20006 R. Fryling, Jr., Esquire Law Department - Tower SE 80 Park Place Newark, New Jersey 07101 Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 241 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Mr. S. LaBruna General Manager - Hope Creek Operations Hope Creek Generating Station P.O. Box 118 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Mr. B. A. Preston, Manager Licensing and Regulation Nuclear Department  ;

P.O. Box 236 i Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 i Regional Administrator, Region I l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road l King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Mr. David M. Scott, Chief Bureau of Nuclear Engineering Division of Environmental Quality Department of Environmental Protection State of New Jersey CN 411 Trenton, New Jersey 08625


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Office of Management and Budget Clearance Number 3150 0011' OATA BASE FOR MARK I CONTAINMENT ENHANCEMENTS EVALUATION A. ALTERNATE WATER INJFCTION CAPA8ILITY Identify and list all significant water sources which can be injected into the reactor vessel and/or containment under severe accident environments. For each source listed, provide a description of the pathway including the following information:

1. Power source for injection;
2. Rated flew and delivery pressure;
3. Where will the injection water be drawn from?;

4 Valve operator power source (AC/DC/ Air /other)

5. If manual valve, describe its accessibility in postulated severe accident environments; and
6. List containment connections provided for water source hook up 8.

ALTERNATE POWER SUPPLIES WHICH COULO BE MO6ILIZED IN SEVERE ACCIDENT CONDITIONS Identify and list all alternate power supplies which could be hooked up to the plant systems and can substitute for failed power in severe accident situations. For each identified source, provide the following infonnation:

1. Fuel required to generate the alternate power;
2. Estimate the time it will take to align the alternate power supply with the plant systems; and
3. Estimate the duration of tine the alternate power source would be operable in severe accident environment (at the rated power).

C. EMERGENCY VENTING CAPABILITY Identify and list the vent paths which are suitable for emergency venting under severe accidents to achieve pressure control, hydrogen control and/or otherwise mitigate against the potential for containment failure.

For each vent path provide the following infonnation:

1. Site of the vent path (controlling size);
2. List the equipment which is likely to fail or otherwise made i unavailable if the vent pipe or duct fails; i
3. Vent path critical pressure, and expected flow rate of vented materials;
4. Power supply needed for vent operation (Air / Electrical / manual /other);

' Tats request is covered by Office of Management and Eudget. Clearance Number 3150-0011 which expires December 31, 1989. Coninents on burden and duplication may be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.

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5. Maximum operable pressure for containnent isolation valves in the vent path;
6. Total length of the vent path;
7. Height of the vent release point for release to the atmosphere: and
8. Expected Impacts of vent coeration (e.

structure, exposures to the operators)g. contamination of control O. PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SPRAY N0ZZLES In the event of a severe accident, alternate water sources can be routed to the containment spray system to suppress the pressure rise in ths containment, and to sca'Jb the fission products released in the case of core damaging accidents. Provide tne following information for the containment sprays:

a. Orywell Sprays
1. Number of spray nozzles,
2. Nozzle diameter,
3. Spray Design (single nozzles or nozzle clustors), and
4. Spray capacity (flow rate); and
b. Wetwell Sprays
1. Number of spray nozzles,
2. Nozzle diameter,
3. Spray Design, and 4 Spray Capacity.

E. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Secondary containment fire spray system can provide a useful function of scrubbing the fission products, should the primary containment fail as a result of a core damage accident and release of radioactive materials to the secondary containment. Provide the following information on the fire suppression spray capability:

1. Location of the fire suppression spray;
2. Flow capacity of the fire protection water supply to the fire spray system;
3. Fire suppression power supply type and distance from the fire equipment; and 4 How can the fire suppression system be hooked up to the ECCS?

F. SURV!YA8!LITY OF AUTOMATIC DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM (ADS) FOLLOWING SEVEPE ACCIDENTS The ADS is an important safety system which must function in a severe accident environment and permit easy depressurization of the vessel, such that low pressure water supplies can be injected in the vessel. Provide the following information relative to A05 survivability:

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1. ADS valve manufacturer;
2. ADS power source (Air / Electric /other):
3. Maximum containment pressure at which A05 will still be operable; 4

Back up operating sources, such as accumulators / bottles; and

5. Cualification of AOS operating cables for the harsh post-severe-accident environments.

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