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Rev 26 to Departmental Instruction Number 1-OPS-10.11, Locked Valve List
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1997
1-OPS-10.11, NUDOCS 9708070023
Download: ML20151L514 (15)



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  • NDS Document Transmittal 7/30/97 To: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Addressee Unique # 140 ROUTINE distribution Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 The following documents have been revised. You are currently on distribution for these documents. Verify that all documents are included in this distribution set.


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11LCKED VALVE LIST PAGE 1 of 14 l 1, TECIINICAL REFERENCES 1.1 10CFR50 Appendix A, General Design Criteria 55,56,57 NUREG-0824 i

Integrated Plant Safety Assessment, Systematic Evaluation Program, Millstone Unit 1


OP 301 OP 309B OP 312D OP 329 SP 623.14H OP 302 OP 309C OP 314B OP 332A

OP 303 OP 310 OP 316 OP 333 ,

i OP 304 OP 311 OP 317 OP 335 4 OP 305 OP 311C OP 319 OP 336 OP 306 OP 311E OP 321 OP 338 OP 307 OP 312A OP 322 OP 339 4

f 2. VALVE LOCKING CRITERIA 2.1 The majority of valves locked in position on Unit One are locked to comply

1. with the Code of Federal Regulations and NUREG-0824. These dealwith j isolating containment on systems that penetrate containment. Valves may also

- be locked: l

' To assure an adequate flow path for emergency systems (suction, discharge valves, starting air or fuel for emergency generators).

To prevent inadvertent discharge and to prevent inadvertent cross l l connecting of systems. l l

To prevent inadvertent operation (tampering) or to prevent a j throttled valve from changing position due to system flow or vibration. j Locking Techniques l When components require the placement of a locking mechanism, the lock will i be placed in such a way to prevent operation of the component from the required position. The strength and durability of the locking mechanism are to be commensurate with the consequence of inadvertent operation. l When components are to be in their off-normal position, the locking mechanism is not required to prevent component manipulation, however, it should be secured nearby so that it is not lost.

When locking chain operated valves, ensure the lock is close enough to the valve to prevent partial operation.

A key locked control switch can be used to lock a motor operated valve in a desired position, j w q

1-OPS- 10.11 Rev. 26

- l Page 2 of 14 ;


v NOTE When locking valves ensure valve lock is secure by pulling on lock and ,

chain. '

The following is a list of the Locked Valves in various systems at Unit 1:


OP 301 Nuclear Steam Supnly System (RR3ystem)

Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-RR-29A Seal Supply Penetration Test Stop CL l 1-RR-29B Seal Supply Penetration Test Stop CL 1-RR-30A Seal Supply Penetration Test Backup Stop CL 1-RR-30B Seal Supply Penetration Test Backup Stop CL 1 - RR-38 Recire. Sample Line Test Conn. CL 1-RR-39 Recire. Sample Line Test Conn. CL 1-RR-42 LLRT Test Conn. CL  !

1 -RR-125A LLRT Stop CL l 1 -RR-126A LLRT Stop B/U CI.

1-RR- 127A LLRT Drain CL 1 - RR-128A LLRT Drain B/U CL 1 -RR-125B LLRT Stop CL (m 1-RR-126B LLRT Stop B/U CL i U) 1 -RR-127B 1-RR-128B LLRT Drain CL LLRT Drain B/U CL OP 302 Control Rod Drive / Scram Discharge Volume  !

Valve Number D_e.sgription Locked Position SDV-IN Vent Isolation (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down l SDV-2N Backup Vent Isolation (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down SDV-3N Drain Isolation (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down SDV-4N Drain Backup (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down SDV-5N Vent Manual Isol OP SDV-6N Vent Test Isolation CL SDV-7N Vent Test Backup CL SDV-9N Drain Test Isolation CL SDV-10N Drain Test Backup CL SDV-11N Sight Glass Isolation CL SDV-20N 'A' & 'F' Level Switch Drain CL SDV-21N Demin Water Supply CL SDV-22N 'C' & 'E' Level Switch Vent CL SDV-23N 'D' Level Switch Vent CL SDV-24N 'B' Level Switch Vent CL SDV-25N 'A' & 'F' Level Switch Vent CL p;v SDV-26N SDV-27N

'D' Level Switch Drain

'B' Level Switch Drain CL CL SDV-28N Level Switch Drain Isolation CL SDV-30N 'C' & 'E' Level Switch Drain CL

l 1-OPS-10.11 -

'N Rev.26 ,

Page 3 of 14 ~

OP 302 Control Rod Drive / Scram Discharge Volume (cont.)

Valve Number Description Locked Position SDV-IS Vent Isolation (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down

. SDV-2S Backup Vent Isolation (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down ,

SDV-3S Drain Isolation (Manual Handwheel) Locked Down i

- SDV- 4S Drain Backup (Manual Handwheel) -Locked Down  !

SDV-5S Vent ManualIsol OP  !

'SDV-6S Vent Test Isolation CL -i '

SDV-7S Vent Test Backup CL l SDV-95 Drain Test Isolation CL SDV-10S Drain Test Backup CL SDV-11S Sight Glass Isolation CL SDV-20S 'C' & 'E' Level Switch Drain CL I SDV-21S Demin Water Isolation CL- l SDV-22S 'C' & 'E' Level Switch Vent CL j SDV-23S 'D' Level Switch Vent . CL. .l SDV-24S 'B' Level Switch Vent CL '

SDV-25S 'A' & 'F' Level Switch Vent CL SDV-26S 'D' Level Switch Drain CL ,

SDV-27S 'B' Level Switch Drain CL I SDV-28S Level Switch Drain Isolation CL SDV-30S 'A' & 'F' Level Switch Drain CL OP 303 Reactor Water Clean Up Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-CU-36 RWCU Aux PP Suct Drain Valve CL 1-CU-37 RWCU Aux PP Suct Backup Drain Valve CL 1-CU-70 150# Relief Line Drain CL 1-CU-76 Torus Drain Pump Suction CL 1-CU-160 LLRT Test Conn. CL 1-CU-161 LLRT Test Conn.' CL OP 304 Standby Liquid Control Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-SL-1 Combined Pump Suction from Standby Liquid Control Tank OP 1-SL-2A 'A' Pump Suction OP 1-SL-2B 'B' Pump Suction OP  !

1-SL-4A 'A' Pump Discharge Valve OP 1-SL-4B 'B' Pump Discharge Valve - OP 1-SL-6 Combined Discharge Outside Drywell OP 1-SL-9 Combined Discharge Inside Drywell OP i 1-SL-ll . Test Tank Combined Suction CL  ;

, 1-SL-19 Control Tank Drain Valve CL  !

1-SL-21 Combined Pump Suction Header Drain CL ,

1-SL-23 Combined Pump Recirculation Stop CL ,

1-SL-26 High Point Vent CL 1-SL-27 Drain Valve #2 Removable Spool Piece CL 1-SL-29 . Drain Valve #1' Removable Spool Piece CL ]


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'~ 1-OPS-10.11

., Rev. 26 I Page 4 of 14 m Combined Discharge Drain Between Checks CL 1 -S L_-31

, 1-SL-32 Combined Discharge Drain Between Checks CL 4

OP 304 Standby Liould Control (cont 3 Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-SL-33 Standby Liquid Contriol Tank Recirculation Line Vent CL 2

1-SL-35 SBLC LLRT Vent Stop CL j 1-SL-36 SBLC LLRT Vent Stop Backup CL i l 1 -SL-43 LLRT Stop CL 1-SL-44 LLRT Stop B/U CL 1-SL-45 LLRT Drain CL  ;

{ 1-SL-46 LLRT Drain B/U CL l

  1. I 4

OP 305 Reactor Shutdown Cooling )

Valve Number Descriotion Locked Position 1-SD-6 14"-SHC-2 Vent Stop %1ve CL i 1-SD-10 SDC Sample Return Roo. Backup Stop OP 1-SD-11 SDC Sample Return Root Stop OP 4

1-SD-12 SDC Sample Supply Root Stop OP


1-SD-13 SDC Sample Supply Root Backup OP 1-SD-29 SDC Local Leak Rate Test Stop Valve CL -

t 1-SD-30 SDC Local Leak Rate Test Stop Backup Valve CL i 1 -SD-34A 'A' SDC Intertie Discharge to Fuel Pool Cooling CL i 1-SD-34B 'B' SDC Intertie Discharge to Fuel Pool Cooling CL i 1-SD-35 SDC Intertie Return from Fuel Pool Cooling CL >

OP 306 Reactor Vessel Head _ Cooling i Valve Number Description Locked Position

) 1-HS-8 Vent Stop Valve CL 1-IIS-9 Backup Vent Stop Valve CL

OP 307 Isolation Condenser Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-IC-12 Makeup Stop OP
1-IC-17 Condenser Drain Stop CL 1-IC-18 Condenser Drain Backup Stop CL 1-IC-27 IC-2 Area Drain Stop CL 1-IC-28 IC-2 Area Drain Backup Stop CL l 1-IC-29 IC-3 Area Drain Stop CL 1-IC-30 IC-3 Area Drain Backup Stop CL l 1-IC-31 Condenser Shell Grab Sample Stop CL 1-IC-32 Condenser Shell Grab Sample Backup Stop ' CL 1-IC-33 Steam Side Vent Stop
  • CL 1-IC-34 Steam Side Vent B/U Stop CL 1-IC-35 IC-3 Area Reactor Side Drain Stop CL 1-IC-36 IC-3 Area Reactor Side Drain Backup Stop CL 1-IC-55 TP-8-1 Steam Trap Test Stop CL 1-IC-56 TP--8-1 Steam Trap Test Stop Backup CL N

1 -OPS- 10.11 Rev.26 Page 5 of 14

,fa 1 -IC-65 LLRT Conn for IC-6 and 7 CL V 1-IC-66 LLRT Conn for IC-6 and 7 CL Of 309B Turbine Building Secondary Closed Cooling Water Valve' Number D_escription Locked Position 1-SC-32A Reactor Feed Pump

'A' Lube Oil Cooler Outlet 13/4 Turns OP 1-SC-32B Reactor Feed Pump

'B' Lube Oil Cooler Outlet 17/8 Turns OP 1-SC-32C Reactor Feed Pump

'C' Lube Oil Cooler Outlet 2 Turns OP 1-SC -141 Common Heat Exchanger Bypass CL 1-SC-253A 'A' TBSCCW Hx Outlet Throttle 45% OP 1 -SC-253B 'B' TBSCCW Hx Outlet Throttle 45% OP OP 309C_R; actor Building Closed Cooling Water Valve Number Description Locked Position

. 1-RC-42 Radwaste Bldg RBCCW Supply Stop CL 1- RC-43 Radwaste Bldg RBCCW Return Stop CL 1-RC- 129 TBCCW X-Tie Header Supply Stop CL 1-RC-169 TBCCW X-Tie Header Return Stop CL fm 1-RC-209 LLRT Vent CL

!j 1-RC-210 LLRT Vent B/U CL 1-RC-211 LLRT Vent CL 1 1-RC-212 LLRT Vent B/U CL I t -RC-213 LLRT Vent CL 1-RC-214 LLRT Vent B/U CL '

1-RC-215 LLRT Vent CL 1-RC-216 LLRT Vent B/U CL OP 310 Fuel Pool Cooling l Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-FP-9 Fuel Pool Filter Sys Bypass FCV (Old System) CL 1-FP-34 Fuel Pool System Inlet Intertie OP 1-FP-35 Fuel Pool Inlet to SDC System OP l 1-FP-47 Reactor Weil Recirculation Valve T  !

OP 311 Containment Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-AC-22 Instrument Root Stop (capped) CL 1- AC-23A Torus Vacuum Relief Test Stop CL ,

1- AC-23B Torus Vacuum Relief Test Stop CL {

-s 1 - AC-23C Purge Air Inlet Line Test Stop CL l l\ ) 1- AC-23D Torus Air Exh Line Test Stop' ,

CL 1-AC-29A Torus Instrument Root (capped) CL 1- AC-29B Torus Instrument Root (capped) CL 1- AC-221 Containment Hardened Vent CL i l



', .. 1 -OPS- 10.11 l Rev. 26

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( OP 311C Drywell Compressor j


Valve Number Description Locked Position )

1-AC-43 Nitrogen Suction from DW to Comp STOP CL 1-AC-44 Nitrogen Suction from DW to  ;

N2 Comp Test STOP CL l 1-AC-45 Nitrogen Suction from DW to Comp Test STOP CL 1-AC-46 Nitrogen Suction from DW to Comp BU Test STOP CL j 1-AC-143 Local Leak Test Vent CL  :

1-AC- 144 Local Leak Rate Test Vent Backup CL l 1-AC- 150 Local Leak Rate Test Vent CL l 1- AC-151 Local Leak Rate Test Vent Backup CL j 1- AC-155 Local Leak Rate Test Vent CL 1-AC-156 Local Leak Rate Test Vent Backup CL  !

1-AC-157 Local Leak Rate Test Vent CL 1- AC-158 Local Leak Rate Test Vent Backup CL OP 311E Hy/Oy Analyzer System Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-AC-18 Atmospheric Control Lower Drywell Samp4 Isolation OP 1- AC-19 Atmospheric Control Lower Dnwell Simple Isolation CL 1-AC-19A Atmospheric Control Lower Drywell Sample Backup Isolation CL 1-AC-20 Atmospheric Control Upper Backup Isolation Drywell Sample OP )

1- AC-161 A Sensing Line Stop to PT-1631H CL -

1-AC-192 Atmospheric Control Torus Sample Isolation OP 1 1-AC-193 Atmospheric Control Torus Sample Backup

! solation OP 1-AC-200 Atmospheric Control Sample Inlet Isol H2/02 Analyzer OP 1-AC-208A Atmospheric Control Tbrus Sample Test Stop 1nbd CL 1-AC-208B Atmospheric Control Torus Sample Test Bskup Stop Inbd CL' i 1- AC-209A Atmospheric Control Torus Sample

'iht Stop Outbd CL i 1- AC-209B Atmospheric Control Torus Sample  ;

Test Backup Stop Outbd CL 1-AC-210A Atmospheric. Control Middle Drywell  ;

Sample Test Stop Inbd. CL i

, 1- AC-210B Atmospheric Control Middle Drywell s Sample Test BU Stop Inbd. CL 1-AC-211 A Atmospheric Control Middle Dnwell Sample Test Stop Outbd. CL

1-OPS- 10.11 Rev. 26 Page 7 of 14 OP 311E H,/O_, Analyzer System (cont.)

v' Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-AC-211B Atmospheric Control Middle Drywell Sample Test BU Stop Outbd. CL 1-AC-212A Atmospheric Control UP DW Sample Test Stop Inbd. CL 1-AC-212B Atmospheric Control UP DW Sample Test BU Stop Inbd. CL 1-AC-213A Atmospheric Control UP DW Sample Test Stop Outbd. CL 1- AC-213B Atmospheric Control UP DW Sample Test BU Stop Outbd. CL 1-AC-214A Atmospheric Control Sample Inlet To H2/02 Analyzer Test Stop CL 1 -AC-214B Atmospheric Control Sample Inlet To H2/02 Analyzer Test BU Stop CL 1 - AC-215A Atmospheric Control Sample Outlet To H2/02 Analyzer Test Stop CL 1-AC-215B Atmospheric Control Sample Outlet To H2/02 Analyzer Test BU Stop CL 1-AC-216A Atmospheric Control Sample Ret. to Drywell Check Test Stop CL (o) 1- AC-216B Atmospheric Control Sample Ret. to Drywell Check Test BU Stop CL 1-AC-217A Atmospheric Control Sample Ret. to Drywell Test Stop Outbd. CL 1- AC-217B Atmospheric Control Sample Ret. to Drywell Test BU Stop Outbd. CL 1- AC-218A Atmospheric Control Sample Ret. to Drywell Test Stop Inbd. CL 1- AC-218B Atmospheric Control Sample Ret. to Drywell Test BU Stop Inbd. CL 1 - AC-230 LLRT Stop CL 1-AC-231 LLRT Stop BU CL 1-AC-232 LLRT Vent CL 1-AC-233 LLRT Vent BU CL OP 312A Liould Radwaste (Waste Collector System)

Valve Number Descrintion Locked Position 1-LRC-60 Demins outlet to W. Surge TK CL 312D Drains and Sumns Valve Number Descri.p_ tion Locked Position O) 1 -SS-41 Moat Drain to Long Island Sound CL 1-SS-50 DWEDS Pp Disch Hdr Stop to RBFDS 'B' CL 1-SS-57 LLRT Test Connection CL 1-SS-58 LLRT Test Connection CL 1-SS-60 LLRT Test Connection CL 1 -SS-61 LLRT Test Connection CL

1-OPS- 10.11

., Rev. 26 Page 8 of 14 1 j OP 314B 'Ibrbine Lube Oil l l Valve Number Description Locked Position -l l 1-LO-24 Transfer Pump Discharge to Main Tank Stop CL. l

! OP 316 Feedwater System Valve Number Description Locked Position -

{- 1-FW-11 A 'A' FW to Vessel OP j 1-FW-11B 'B' FW to Vessel OP j 1-FW-12A 'A' Feed Water Check Test Stop . CL

, 1-FW-12B 'B' Feed Water Check Test Stop CL g 1-FW-13A 'A' Feed Water Check Test Stop Backup CL

, 1-FW-13B 'B' Feed Water Check Test Stop Backup CL

[ 1-FW-14A 'A' Reactor Feed Pump Minimum Flow Recirc (Handwheel)

  • Throttled l 1-FW-14B 'B' Reactor Feed Pump Minimum i Flow Recire (Handwheel)
  • Throttled l 1-FW-14C 'C' Reactor Feed Pump Minimum
Flow Recire (Handwheel)
  • Throttled 1

1-FW-34A 'A' HP Heater Outlet Layup Header CL j

1 -FW-34B 'B' HP Heater Outlet Layup Header CL i


1 -FW-105A 'A' Feed Water Header LLRT Stop CL j 1 -FW-105B 'B' Feed Water Header LLRT Stop CL '

1-FW-106A 'A' Feed Water Header LLRT Stop Backup CL i 1-FW-106B 'B' Feed Water Header LLRT Stop Backup CL i 1-FW-107A 'A' Feed Water Header Test Stop ~CL l 1-FW-107B 'B' Feed Water Header Test Stop CL

  • Manual Operator is throttled.

l OP 317 Main Steam Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-MS-14A MS Line 'A' Test Conn Stop CL 1-MS-14B MS Line 'B' Test Conn Stop CL 1-MS-14C MS Line 'C' Test Conn Stop CL I-MS-14D MS Line 'D' Test Conn Stop CL 1-MS-15A MS Line 'A' Test Conn Backup CL 1-MS-15B MS Line 'B' Test Conn Backup CL 1-MS-15C MS Line 'C' Test Conn Backup CL 1-MS-15D MS Line 'D' Test Conn Backup CL 1-MS-20 Steam Drain Header Test Conn Stop CL 1 -MS-21 Steam Drain Header Test Conn Backup CL 1-MS-113A 'A' MSL Test Conn CL 1-MS-113B 'B' MSL Test Conn CL O 1-MS-113C 1-MS-113D

'C' MSL Test Conn

'D' MSL Test Conn CL CL 1-MS-114A 'A' MSL Test Conn B.U. "

CL 1-MS-114B 'B' MSL Test Conn B.U. Cl 1-MS-114C 'C' MSL Test Conn B.U. CL 1-MS-114D 'D' MSL Test Conn B.U. CL


., Rev. 26 Page 9 of 14  !

OP 319 Makeup Water Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-MW-11 Demineralizer Water Storage Tank Outlet CL 1-MW-75A CS Keep Full Line Supply OP 1-MW-75B (CS) Keep Full Supply (Torus) OP  ;

1-MW-76A Inlet to PCV-61A CL  !

1 -MW-76B Inlet to PCV-61B CL 1-MW-78A Outlet from PCV-61A CL 1-MW-78B Outlet from PCV-61B CL l 1-MW-79A PCV-61A Bypass OP

  • 1-MW-79B PCV-61B Bypass OP ,

1-MW-82 Inlet to PCV-1501-97 (Keep Full) CL ,

1-MW-84 Outlet from LPCI Keep Full CL  !

1-MW-85 LPCI Keep Full PCV Bypass OP l 1-MW-90 Supply to ECCS and ECT Pump OP  ;

i 1-MW-91 A Supply to Core Spray Pump 'A'(Torus) CL l l 1-MW-91B Supply to Core Spray Pump 'B' (Torus) CL 1-MW-92A Supply to Low Pressure Coolant Injection t Pump 'A' CL 1-MW-92B Supply to Low Pressure Coolant Injection Pump 'B' CL 1-MW-92C Supply to Low Pressure Coolant Injection ,

C. Pump 'C' CL 1-MW-92D Supply to Low Pressure Coolant Injection l Pump 'D' CL l 1-MW-94 Header Stop to ECT Pump (Torus) OP ,

l 1-MW-95 Emergency Condensate Transfer Pump l Suction (NW) OP l 1 -MW-98A ECT to 'A' Condenser (Htr Bay) OP l 1-MW-98B ECT to 'B' Condenser (Htr Bay) OP '

1-MW-232 CRD Pump Min Flow to CST OP 1-DW-19 SBLC Tank Supply CL -

1-DW-21 SDLC Test Tank Supply CL  ;

1-DW-23 SBLC Pumps Suction Supply CL l 1-DW-64 Demineralizer Water Supply to Drywell CL OP 320 Domestic Water Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-WW-55 Supply to #1&2 House Heating Boilers CL 1-WW-55A Supply to #1&2 House Heating Boilers CL FO 7

_ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ -~

1 -OPS-10.11

.'~ Rev. 26 Page 10 of 14 p OP 321 Service Water Valve Number Descrintion Locked Position 1-SW-149 SW Strainer Inlet Drain to 'D' Bay CL 1-SW-150A 'A' ESW to SW Xtie and 'B' ESW Isolation OP 1-SW-150B 'B' ESW to SW Xtie and 'A' ESW Isolation OP 1 -SW-151 Combined ESW to SW Xtie OP 1-SW-152A 'A' TBSCCW Hx S.W. Outlet Throttle 42% OPEN 1-SW-152B 'B' TBSCCW Hx S.W. Outlet Throttle 42% OPEN OP 322 Emergency Service Water (ESW)

Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-LPC-2A Pump 'A' Discharge Stop OP 1 -LPC-2B Pump 'B' Discharge Stop OP 1-LPC-2C Pump 'C' Discharge Stop OP 1-LPC-2D Pump 'D' Discharge Stop OP 1-LPC-3A 'A' Heat Exchanger Inlet Stop OP 1-LPC-3B 'B' Heat Exchanger Inlet Stop OP 1-LPC-19 Emergency Supply to FWCI and ECCS CL 1-LPC-20 Emergency Supply to FWCI and ECCS CL I-LPC-21 1-LPC-19 Leak Detector Drain OP 1 -LPC-22 ESW to SW Crosstie Header Stop CL 1-LPC-23 ESW to SW Crosstie Header Throttle Valve CL l N 1-LPC-37A 'A' ESW Xtie to SW and 'B' ESW Throttle CL l 1 -LPC-37B

'B' ESW Xtie to SW and 'A' ESW Throttle CL 1-LPC-40A 'A' ESW Strainer Outlet Isolation OP 1 -LPC-40B 'B' ESW Strainer Outlet Isolation OP 1-LPC-41 A 'A' ESW Strainer Inlet Drain CL 1-LPC-41B 'B' ESW Strainer Inlet Drain CL i OP 329 Standhv Gas Treatment Valve Number I2pscription Locked Position 1-SG-3A Inlet to HVE-5A THROTTLED  ;

1-SG-3B Inlet to HVE-5B THROTFLED l

1-SG-5 Standby Gas Treatment Discharge to Stack OP OP 332 Fire Protection Valve Number Descrintion Locked Position 1-FIRE-12 JOCKEY PP SUCTION OP 1-FIRE-338 Diesel Fire Pump Fuel Storage Tank Supply Isol. OP o  !

. . .' 1-OPS-10.11

} Rev.26

, Page 11 of 14 OP 333 Plant Air l Valve Number Descrintion Locked Position 1-IA-443 IA to SLC Tank OP 1-IA-445 SLC Sparge Air Stop OP QP 335 Low Pressure Coolant Iniection Valve Number Ducription Locked Position 1-LP-1A System Su tion OP 1-LP-1B System Suction OP LP-2A* 'A' Pp Suct.on KLOP LP-2B* 'B' Pp Suction KLOP LP-2C* 'C' Pp Suction KLOP LP-2D* 'D' Pp Suction KLOP 1-LP-4A Pump 'A' Discharge Valve OP 1-LP-4B Pump 'B' Discharge Valve OP 1-LP-4C Pump 'C' Discharge Valve OP 1-LP-4D Pump 'D' Discharge Valve OP 1-LP-5A Heat Exchanger Inlet OP 1-LP-5B Heat Exchanger Inlet OP 1-LP-6A Heat Exchanger Outlet OP 1-LP-6B Heat Exchanger Outlet OP

( LP-8A* 'A' & 'B' LPCI Sys X-tie LP-8A KLOP 1-LP-12A System Discharge Shutoff OP l 1-LP-12B System Discharge Shutoff OP l 1 -LP-25A Minimum Flow Stop OP 1-LP-25B Minimum Flow Stop OP 1 -LP-25C Minimum Flow Stop OP 1-LP-25D Minimum Flow Stop OP 1-LP-50A Cross Tie Drain to Radwaste Backup Stop CL 1-LP-50B Cross Tie Drain to Radwaste Stop CL 1-LP-19A Pump 'A' Drain Stop CL 1-LP-19B Pump 'B' Drain Stop CL 1-LP-19C Pump 'C' Drain Stop CL j 1-LP-19D Pump 'D' Drain Stop CL l 1-LP-20A Pump 'A' Drain Backup Stop CL l 1-LP-20B Pump 'B' Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-20C Pump 'C' Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-20D Pump 'D' Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-22A Pump 'A' Discharge Drain Stop CL 1-LP-22B Pump'B' Discharge Drain Stop CL 1-LP-22C Pump 'C' Discharge Drain Stop CL 1-LP-22D Pump 'D' Discharge Drain Stop CL  !

1-LP-23A Pump 'A' Disch Drain Backup,Stop CL O, 1-LP-23B Pump 'B' Discharge Drain Backup Stop CL i 1-LP-23C Pump 'C' Discharge Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-23D Pump 'D' Discharge Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-27A Shell Side Drain Stop CL

  • Key Locked Open at Control Switch t.


~ . , ,-

Valve Number Description , Locked Position -

1 -LP-27B . Shell Side Drain Stop CL LP-28A Shell Side Drain Backup Stop CL 1 -LP-28B Shell Side Drain Backup Stop CL ,

l 1-LP-30A Shell Side Vent Stop CL I 1-LP-30B Shell Side Vent Stop CL 1-LP-31 A Shell Side Vent Backup Stop CL 1-LP-31B Shell Side Vent Backup Stop CL 1-LP-35A Torus Spray Test Stop CL 1-LP-35B Torus SprayTest Stop CL l- 1-LP-36A Torus Spray Test Backup Stop CL l 1-LP-36B Torus Spray Test Backup Stop CL 1-LP-37B Torus Spray Vent Stop CL i 1-LP-38A Post Accident Sampling to Torus OP -

1-LP-38B Torus Spray Vent Backup Stop 'CL i 1-LP-39A Recirculation Loop Test Stop CL j l 1-LP-39B Recirculation Loop Test Stop CL '

1-LP-40A Recirculation Loop Test Backup Stop CL 1-LP-40B Recirculation Loop Test Backup Stop CL {

i 1-LP-41A Dnwell Spray Test Stop CL j

l'- LP-41B Drywell Spray Test Stop CL 1-LP-42A Dnwell Spray Test Backup Stop CL  ;

1-LP-42B ~ Drywell Spray Test Backup Stop CL l 1-LP-45A Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sample Conn CL l 1-LP-45B LPCI Sample Connection CL  !

1-LP-48A Torus Spray Line Drain Stop CL  ;

1-LP-48B Torus Spray Line Drain Stop CL 1-LP-49A Torus Spray Line Drain Backup Stop CL '

1-LP-49B Torus Spray Line Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-67A Test to Torus Vent Stop CL 1-LP-67B Torus Test Line Vent Stop CL 1-LP-68B Torus Test Line Vent Backup Stop CL 1-LP-69B Drywell Spray Drain Stop CL i 1-LP-70B .Drywell Spray Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-71A Recirc Loop Vent Stop CL 1-LP-71B Recirc Loop Vent Stop CL 1-LP-72A Recirc Loop Vent Backup CL 1-LP-72B Recirc Loop Vent Backup CL-l 1-LP-75 LPCI Cross Tie Drain Stop CL  ;

1-LP-76 LPCI Cross Tie Drain Backup Stop CL 1-LP-77A Tbrus Spray Vent Stop CL l

1-LP-78A Torus Spray Vent Backup Stop CL l 1-LP-65B LPCI Header Vent Stop CL l . 1-LP-66B LPCI Header Vent Backup Stop CL L 1 -LP-90 ' LPCI/CS Suction Header Drain Stop CL i

1 -OPS-10.11 l . , , Rev. 26 Page 13 of 14 j

j OP 335 Low Pressure Coolant Injection (cont.) l lD Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-LP-96A Packing Test Stop CL j 1-LP-96B Packing Test Stop CL 1-LP-98A LP-43A Bypass OP 1-LP-98B LP-43B Bypass OP l OP 336 Core Spray l

Valve Number Description Locked Position l

i 1 -CS-1 A System Suction Shutoff OP 1-CS-1B System Suction Shutoff OP ,

l 1-CS-7A System Discharge Shutoff OP 1-CS-7B System Discharge Shutoff OP 1-CS-8A Suction Drain Stop CL 1-CS-8B Suction Drain Stop CL 1-CS-9A Suction Drain Backup Stop CL 1-CS-9B Suction Drain Backup Stop CL 1-CS-10A Suction Drain CL 1 -CS-10B Suction Drain CL I-CS-11 A Pump Drain Stop CL 1-CS-11B Pump Drain Stop CL A 1 -CS-12A Pump Drain Backup CL U 1-CS-12B Pump Drain Backup CL 1-CS-13A Minimum Flow Stop OP 1-CS-13B Minimum Flow Stop OP 1-CS-16A Discharge Drain Stop CL 1-CS-16B Discharge Drain Stop CL 1 -CS-17A Discharge Drain Backup CL 1-CS-17B Discharge Drain Backup CL 1-CS-22A Main Line Drain Stop CL 1-CS-22B Main Line Drain Stop CL 1-CS-23A Main Line Drain Backup CL  !

1-CS-23B Main Line Drain Backup CL 1-CS-32B Min. Flow Line Vent Stop CL i 1-CS-33B Min, Flow Line Vent Backup CL 1-CS-34B Test Line to Torus Drain Stop CL ,

1-CS-35B Test Line to Torus Drain Backup CL 1-CS-38B LLRT Test Conn Stop CL 1-CS-39B LLRT Test Conn Backup CL l 1 -CS-36A Injection Line Vent Stop CL 1 -CS-37A Injection Line Vent Backup CL j l 1 -CS-38A LLRT Test Conn Stop CL  !

l 1-CS-39A LLRT Test Conn Backup CL O 1 -CS-51B Sample Line Isolation Valve CL l

b 1-CS-52B Sample Line Stop Valve CL


,, 1-OPS-10.11 Rev.26  !

, , Page 14 of 14 OP 338 Standby Diesel Generator Valve Number Descrintion Locked Position  ;

1 -DGSA DG Starting Air Inlet Stop OP l 1-DGSA-27 Air to Governor Oil Booster Cylinder OP 1 -DGSA-28 Air to Main Bearing Oil Booster Cylinder OP l ,

1-FFDG-6A Fuel Supply Shut Off OP 1-FFDG-6B Fuel Supply Shut Off OP ,

1-FFDG-43 D/G Fuel Oil Day Tank Drain Stop CL l OP 339 Gas Turbine Valve Number Description Locked Position 1-FFGT-22 Fuel Oil Supply Strainer Blowdown CL 1 -GTLO-1 Lube Oil Pumps Suction Stop OP 1-GTLO-16 G/T Vapor Extractor & Turbine Leakoff Drain OP i 1-GTGLO-3 Accumulator Supply Drain Stop CL '

1-GTGLO-22 High Speed Coupling Drain Stop CL 1-GTGLO-23 Lube Oil Storage Tank Drain CL 1-GTSA-2 Air Receiver Backup Drain Stop CL  ;

1-GTSA-4 Air Receiver Outlet Stop OP  ;

1 -GTSA-12 Starting Air Supply Strainer Blowdown Stop CL '

1 -GTSA-16 Gas Generator Air Supply Header Drain Stop CL  ;

i SP 623.14H LLRT of Electrical Penetrations Valve Number Descrintion Locked Position X-100A D.W. Elec. Penet. Test Line CL* '

X-100B . D.W. Elec. Penet. Test Line CL* ,

X-104A D.W. Elec. Penet. Test Line CL* '

X-104B D.W. Elec. Penet. Test Line CL*

X-106A D.W. Elec. Penet. Test Line CL*

X-108A D.W. Elec. Penet. Test Line CL*

  • Enclosed in lockable box I

