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Special Rept:On 970331,fire Detection Instruments Main Exhaust Equipment Room Were Disabled Due to Welding Activities.Established Hourly Fire Watch Patrols in Affected Areas,Completed Welding & Returned Instruments to Service
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/08/1997
From: Katz P
To: Miller H
NUDOCS 9705200081
Download: ML20141D373 (3)


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, , PETER E. KATZ Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Plant General Manager Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant .

Calven Cliffs Nuclear Power Plang 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway j Lusby, Maryland 20657 410 495-4101 May 8,1997 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 ATTENTION: Mr. II. J. Miller, Regional Administrator SUl! JECT: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit No. 2; Docket No. 50-318 Fire Detection Instrumentation -- Special Report The attached Special Report is submitted in accordance with Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 Technical Specification The report concerns the inoperability of the Fire Detection System in the Unit 2 Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room for a period in excess of 14 days.

Should you have questions regarding this matter, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Very truly yours,


PEK/CDS/bjd f JA-)(Lh( -


Attachment cc:

200030 Document Control Desk, NRC Director, Project Directorate I-1, NRC R. S. Fleishman, Esquire Resident Inspector, NRC J. E. Silberg, Esquire R. I. McLean, DNR A. W. Dromerick, NRC J.11. Walter, PSC

[h 9705200001 970508 PDR ADOCK 05000318 S PDR a


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V .* FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION - SPECIAL REPORT Baltimore Gas and Electric Company submits this Special Report concerning an inoperable Fire Detection System, as required by Technical Specification, Action Statement b. Specifically, the Fire Detection System in the Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room was inoperable for greater than 14 days, requiring issuance of a Special Report.

ACTION TAKEN On March 31,1997, the fire detection instruments for the Unit 2 Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room were disabled via a temporary alteration. The fire detection instruments were disabled due to welding activities in the Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room. The welding was performed to support modification work in the Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room during the current Unit 2 Refueling Outage. The smoke from welding activities can actuate the fire detection instruments causing a hanging alarm in the Control Room. The fire detection in the room was disabled to prevent hanging fire alarms in the Controi Room.

When the Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room Fire Detection System was disabled on March,31,1997, Unit 2 Technical Specification, Action Statement a was entered. In accordance with this Action Statement, an hourly fire watch patrol was establish in the affected fire zone within one hour.

CAUSILOF INOPERABILITY The fire detection instruments were disabled due to welding activities in the Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room. The welding was performed to support modification work in the Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room during the current Unit 2 Refueling Outage. Smoke from the welding activities can cause the fire detection system to actuate in the Control Room. To prevent this unwanted spurious alarm, a temporary alteration was installed that removed the Fire Detection System from service.

PLANS AND SCIIEDULES FOR RESTORING TIIE SYSTEM TO O.fERABLE STATUS The modification work in the Main Plant Exhaust Equipment Room has been completed and the fire detection instruments in the Unit 2 Main Plant Exhaust Equiprnent Room were returned to service on May 3,1997.