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Forwards Changes to TS & SAR to Reflect New Fuel Debris Storage Container Design & Storage of non-fuel Bearing Components & Fuel Rod Storage Container in Trojan Isfsi. Description & Justification for Changes,Encl
Person / Time
Site: Trojan  File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/1996
From: Quennoz S
To: Haughney C
Shared Package
ML20135B473 List:
TAC-L22102, VPN-071-96, VPN-71-96, NUDOCS 9612050034
Download: ML20135B469 (12)


7 d-ll 4

umm .

Portland General Electric Company un g 1

Stephen M. Quennoz Trojan Site Executive November 27,1996 i VPN-071-96 )

J l Trojan ISFSI l Docket 72-0017 l Charles I. Haughney Acting Director, Spent Fuel Projects Office Office of Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:

10 CFR 72. Subpart B-Aoolication for License (TAC No. L22102)

Chances to Technical Soecifications and Safety Analysis Reoort By letter dated March 26,1996, Portland General Electric (PGE) submitted a license application to construct and operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (letter number VPN-012-96). This letter transmits changes to the Technical Specifications and Safety Analysis Report to reflect a new fuel debris storage container design and storage of non-fuel bearing components and a fuel rod storage container in the Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation.

i Attachment I to this letter provides a description and justification for changes. Changes are identified by a revision bar in the right hand margin of the new text pages.

If you should have any questions, please contact M. H. Megehee, Project Manager, ISFSI l Licensing, at (503) 556-7334.

Sincerely, j Stephen M. Quennoz Trojan Site Executive l

Attachments I

9612050034 961127 e . .

i PDR ADOCK 050003 4 pm, gI 4UU55 z g '

C NhnQ k1 I 71760 Coumbia River Highway, Rainier, OR 97048 g .c 503/556-3713 J

I l

l l

VPN-071-96 November 27,1996 r i Page 2 of 2 l c: NRC Document Control Desk l L. J. Callan, NRC Region IV Dr. D. B. Spitzberg, NRC Region IV R. A. Scarano, NRC Region IV M. T. Masnik, NRC NRR L. E. Kokajko, NRC NMSS D. Stewart-Smith, ODOE l

1 l

l l

1 l


- use gCg r "E Q%h Portland General Electric Company l Trojan Nuclear Plant  !

71760 Columbia River liwy Rainier, Oregon 97048 (503) 556-3713 TO: Distribution CPY-094-%


C. P. Yundtf/[

DATE: November 27,1996


Transmittal of PGE-1069, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage i Installation Safety Analysis Report" and PGE-1071, " Trojan Independent l Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications" November 25,1996 Update l

Enclosed is the November 25,1996 update of PGE-1069, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel l Storage Installation Safety Analysis Report" and PGE-1071, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications".

Please acknowledge receipt of these updates by completing the lower portion of this )

transmittal and returning it to the location given below. j l

l If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (503) 556-7492.

CPY: pas Enclosure 11/27/ %

ACKNOWLEDGMENT PGE-1069 " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Safety Analysis Report" and PGE-1071, " Trojan Independent

! Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications" November 25,1996 Update l

l I hereby acknowledge receipt of controlled copy number the subject documents.

4 Signature Date Return to: Pat Schaffran, TCB-3 Trojan Nuclear Power Plant l 71760 Columbia River Hwy.

l Rainier, OR 97048 Y







I I, Stephen M. Quennoz, being duly sworn, subscribe to and say that I am the Trojan Site Executive for Portland General Electric Company, the applicant herein; that I have full authority to execute this oath; that I have reviewed the foregoing; and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief the statements made in it are true.

l l

Date MA'00 C .1996 f$mt%=] V Stephen M. Quennoz

! Trojan Site Executive Portland General Electric Company On this day personally appeared before me Stephen M. Quennoz, to me known to be the individual who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free act.

GIVEN under my hand and seal this 8/D day of OMb .1996.

l OFFICIAL SEAL 1 us audi d _ uve

! mRIBERLEY A. LEMMAg Notary Pubh. .c m and)r the i NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON State of Oregon l COMMtSSION NO.024926 l

Mr COMIASSON EHtES JUNE 1,1997 l Residing at '111MIORL My commission expires /r/"4'7 3

1 i

i i


! DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES P_ age Change Justification TS 4-1 Added fuel rod storage The fuel rod storage container will be loaded into a failed fuel can rather than container. transferring the suspect fuel rods to partial assemblies.

TS 4-3 Deleted reference to Division II Division II is not the correct reference. Division II is only applicable for concrete of ASME Section Ill. reactor vessels and containments.

TS 4-4 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than (carbon steel) changed to originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel

" process can capsule"(stainless Pool debris. The process can capsule will be constructed of stainless steel for ,

steel). corrosion resistance and will be placed inside a failed fuel can for storage in the

2. The capsule is structurally basket.

analyzed to ASME Section III, 2. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG requirements. Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were

3. The process can capsule is a selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for containment boundary rather normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations than a confinement boundary. (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III,
4. Fuel debris will be processed Subsection NG. ,

with high temperature steam 3. The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous rather than vacuum drying. canister, but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris.

Therefore, the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a ,

confinement boundary.

4. High temperature steam processing was chosen over vacuum drying in order to remove organic media, which potentially contain fuel debris, prior to storage in the basket.


ATTACIIMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 2 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES Pagg a Change Justification SAR l-3 1. Fuel debris process can 1. The previous canister was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral basket capsules will be stored in failed cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

fuel cans in the basket. 2. Assemblies containing damaged fuel and process can capsules containing fuel

2. Failed fuel cans will be debris will be loaded into the failed fuel cans after the failed fuel cans have been placed in the basket prior to placed in the basket. This change requires handling the damaged fuel once being loaded with failed fuel (straight into failed fuel can in basket) instead of twice (place in failed fuel can, assemblies or process can then place failed fuel can in basket) during the loading process.

capsules. 3. The previous fuel debris can would have been used to store smaller fuel

3. Added storage of fuel assembly hardware (non-fuel bearing components), e.g, springs and thimble assembly hardware (non-fuel screws. Larger fuel assembly hardware, i.e., bottom nozzles, were to be placed bearing components)in the directly in the failed fuel can. Bottom nozzles will still be placed directly in the failed fuel can and in process failed fuel cans and smaller fuel assembly hardware will be placed inside a cans in the failed fuel can. process can which will be placed in a failed fuel can.

SAR 3-2 Added fuel rod storage The fuel rod storage container will be loaded into a failed fuel can rather than container. transferring the suspect fuel rods to partial assemblies.

SAR 3-14 1. Fuel debris "can" changed to 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than

" process can capsule" originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel

2. The process can capsule is Pool debris.

not hydrostatically tested. 2. The process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a

3. The capsule is structurally confinement boundary and does not require pressure testing.

analyzed to ASME Section III, 3. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG requirements Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG. _

h___ _ _

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ATTACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 3 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES P_ age Channe Justification SAR 3-16 Fuel debris "can" changed to PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than originally

" process can capsule" planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel Pool debris.

SAR 3-17 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" Pool debris.

2. Deleted reference to the fuel 2. The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous debris can being a confinement canister, but the process can capsule will stnicturally contain the fuel debris.

boundary. Therefore, the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a

3. Changed reference to ASME confinement boundary.

III, Subsection NG 3. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR 3-18 Fuel debris" canister" changed PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than originally to " process can capsule" planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel Pool debris.

SAR 3-19 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" Pool debris.

2. The amount of fuel debris is 2. The administrative limit is described in ISFSI SAR section 4.2.7. Section limited in a basket rather than has been changed for consistency.

the fuel debris container.


I ATTACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 4 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES Page Change Lustification SAR Table Deleted Fuel Debris Canister. The Process Can Capsule, which replaces the fuel debris canister, is not 3.2-5 specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR 4-3 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" Pool debris.

2. Deleted reference to the 2. The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous process can capsule being a canister, but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris.

confinement boundary. Therefore, the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a

3. Changes reference to ASME confinement boundary.

III, Subsection NG. 3. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR 4-5 Deleted reference to the process The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous canister, can capsule being a confinement but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris. Therefore, boundary. the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a confinement boundary.

SAR 4-6 Deleted reference to storing the The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral basket fuel debris can in the oversize cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

peripheral basket cells.

ATTACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 5 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CIIANGES P_agg Change Justification SAR 4-10 1. Added that the process can 1. The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral capsule is stored in a failed fuel basket cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

can. 2. The previous fuel debris can would have been used to store smaller fuel

2. Added storage of fuel assembly hardware (non-fuel bearing components), e.g, springs and thimble assembly hardware (non-fuel screws. Larger fuel assembly hardware, i.e., bottom nozzles, were to be placed bearing components)in the directly in the failed fuel can. Bottom nozzles will still be placed directly in the failed fuel can and in process failed fuel cans and smaller fuel assembly hardware will be placed inside a cans in the failed fuel can. process can which will be placed in a failed fuel can.

SAR 4-11 1. Added basic description of 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than process can and process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule materials and Pool debris.

construction. 2. The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral

2. Added that the process can basket cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

capsule is stored in a failed fuel 3. The previous fuel debris can would have been used to store smaller fuel can. assembly hardware (non-fuel bearing components), e.g, springs and thimble i

3. Added storage offuel screws. Larger fuel assembly hardware, i.e., bottom nozzles, were to be placed assembly hardware (non-fuel directly in the failed fuel can. Bottom nozzles will still be placed directly in the bearing components)in the failed fuel cans and smaller fuel assembly hardware will be placed inside a process cans. process can which will be placed in a failed fuel can.

SAR 4-32 1. Fuel debris" canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" Pool debris.

2. Added that the process can 2. The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral capsule is stored in a failed fuel basket cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.



_P_agg Chance Justification SAR Table Deleted Fuel Debris Canister. The process can capsule, which replaces the Fuel Debris Canister, is not 4.2-1 a specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR Figs Added drawings for Fuel Debris PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than originally 4.2-6a & b Process Can and Process Can planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel Pool debris.

Capsule SAR 5-1,2 1. Failed fuel cans will be 1. Assemblies containing damaged fuel and process can capsules containing fuel

&3 placed in the basket prior to debris will be loaded into the failed fuel cans after the failed fuel cans have been being loaded with failed fuel placed in the basket. This change requires handling the damaged fuel once assemblies or process can (straight into failed fuel can in basket) instead of twice (place in failed fuel can, capsules. then place failed fuel can in basket) during the loading process.

2. Deleted inspection of the fuel 2. The fuel debris process can capsule is welded shut and the weld is leak tested. ,

debris can to verify that it is The previous fuel debris can had a threaded top plug.

sealed. 3. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than

3. Fuel debris " canister" originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel changed to " process can Pool debris.

capsule". 4. The previous canister was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral basket

4. Added that the process can cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a fhiled fuel can.  ;

capsule is stored in a failed fuel 5. Processing and loading the fuel debris into the process cans and process can can. capsule will be completed as part of the fuel debris processing project.

5. Deleted the description of  ;

fuel de.bris can loading.

_ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _m___ ._, _____.____ _ _____ -_-. _______ __m - -_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A~ITACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 7 of 7 .

TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES Eagg Change Justification SAR 7-8 1. Fuel debris" canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vei. dor than ,

changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" debris.

2. Deleted reference to storing 2. Fuel assembly hardware and non-fuel bearing components will be stored in non-fuel bearing components in failed fuel cans. The fuel skeleton may be placed directly in basket cell.

failed fuel cans.

SAR 9-10 1. Deleted test loading a fuel 1. The fuel debris process can capsules will be loaded during the fuel debris debris can in the basket. processing project. Only loaded process can capsules would be available for

2. Deleted pressure, vacuum, testing. Dimensional checks will be performed following fabrication to ensure and manipulation testing of the proper fit up of the process can capsule and failed fuel can.

fuel debris can. 2. Any required handling and testing of the fuel debris process can capsule will be accomplished as part of the fuel debris processing project.

SAR Table Deleted testing for the fuel Any required handling and testing of the fuel debris process can capsule will be 9.2-1 debris can. accomplished as part of the fuel debris processing project.


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rm ['

Portland General Electric Company Trojan Nuclear Plant 71760 Columbia Riser Hwy

! Rainier. Oregon 97048 i (503) 556 3713 i TO: Distribution CPY-094-%


C. P. Yundt(/[

l DATE: November 27,1996


Transmittal of PGE-1069, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage l Installation Safety Analysis Report" and PGE-1071, " Trojan Independent

! Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications" l- November 25,1996 Update Enclosed is the November 25,1996 update of PGE-1069, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Safety Analysis Report" and PGE-1071, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications".

Please acknowledge receipt of these updates by completing the lower portion of this transmittal and retuming it to the location given below. '

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (503) 556-7492.

CPY.: pas Enclosure 11/27/ %

ACKNOWirnGMENT PGE-1069 " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Safety Analysis Report" and PGE-1071, " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications" November 25,1996 Update I hereby acknowledge receipt of controlled copy number the subject documents.

Signature Date Return to: Pat Schaffran, TCB-3 Trojan Nuclear Power Plant 71760 Columbia River Hwy.

Rainier, OR 97048

l M -

um Portland General Electric Company Stephen M. Quennoz Trojan Site Executive November 27,1996 VPN-071-96 Trojan ISFSI Docket 72-0017 1

Charles J. Haughney Acting Director, Spent Fuel Projects Office Office of Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:

10 CFR 72. Suboart B-Aoolication for License (TAC No. L22102)

Changes to Technical Soecifications and Safety Analysis Reoort i

l By letter dated March 26,1996, Portland General Electric (PGE) submitted a license application l to construct and operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (letter number VPN-012-96). This letter transmits changes to the Technical Specifications and Safety Analysis Report to reflect a new fuel debris storage container design and storage of non-fuel bearing components and a fuel rod storage container in the Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage ,

Installation. I Attachment I to this letter provides a description and justification for changes. Changes are identified by a revision bar in the right hand mugin of the new text pages.

If you should have any questions, please contact M. H. Megehee, Project Manager, ISFSI Licensing, at (503) 556-7334.

Sincerely, Stephen M. Quennoz Trojan Site Executive Attachments 71760 Columbia River Highway, Rainier. OR 97043 ODCQM 503/556-3713

VPN-071-96 November 27,1996 Page 2 of 2 .

c: NRC Document Control Desk L. J. Callan, NRC Region IV Dr. D. B. Spitzberg, NRC Region IV ,

R. A. Scarano, NRC Region IV M. T. Masnik, NRC NRR ,

L. E. Kokajko, NRC NMSS l D. Stewart-Smith, ODOE j l








4-I, Stephen M. Quennoz, being duly sworn, subscribe to and say that I am the Trojan Site Executive for Portland General Electric Company, the applicant herein; that I have full authority to execute this oath;


that I have reviewed the foregoing; and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief the statements made in it are true.

J Date Oewh< 11 1996 f9 w-n ==92 V Stephen M. Quennoz ,

Trojan Site Executive Portland General Electric Company On this day personally appeared before me Stephen M. Quennoz, to me known to be the individual who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free act.

GIVEN under my hand and seal this 8/O day of OOflob ,1996.

+ LyLCLk Lu '

_. %AJL 0FFICALS i gggg Notary Pubh. .c m anQr the 9 gggggyg,EAL NOWY PUBUCMGON COMMISS10N NO. 024926 State of Oregon Residing at F 11nilOLA-


s My commission expires /o-/ ~ 47 .




AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES East Channe Judification TS 4-1 Added fuel rod storage . The fuel rod storage container will be loaded into a failed fuel can rather than container. transferring the suspect fuel rods to partial assemblies.

TS 4-3 Deleted reference to Division II Division II is not the correct reference. Division II is only applicable for concrete l reactor vessels and containments.  !

of ASME Section III.

TS 4-4 1. Fuel debris" canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than (carbon steel) changed to originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel j

" process can capsule" (stainless Pool debris. The process can capsule will be constructed of stainless steel for steel). corrosion resistance and will be placed inside a failed fuel can for storage in the j

2. The capsule is structurally basket.

analyzed to ASME Section III, 2. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG requirements. Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were

3. The process can capsule is a selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for containment boundary rather normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations ~

than a confinement boundary. (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, l

4. Fuel debris will be processed Subsection NG.  :

with high temperature steam 3. The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous i rather than vacuum drying. canister, but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris.

Therefore, the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a confinement boundary. 7

4. High temperature steam processing was chosca over vacuum drying in order to i remove organic media, which potentially contain fuel debris, prior to storage in  ;

the basket.


ATTACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 2 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES P_agg Change Justification SAR l-3 1. Fuel debris process can 1. The previous canister was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral basket capsules will be stored in failed cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can. .

fuel cans in the basket. 2. Assemblies containing damaged fuel and process can capsules containing fuel

2. Failed fuel cans will be debris will be loaded into the failed fuel cans after the failed fuel cans have been placed in the basket prior to placed in the basket. This change requires handling the damaged fuel once being loaded with failed fuel (straight into failed fuel can in basket) instead of twice (place in failed fuel can, assemblies or process can then place failed fuel can in basket) during the loading process.

capsules. 3. The previous fuel debris can would have been used to store smaller fuel

3. Added storage of fuel assembly hardware (non-fuel bearing components), e.g, springs and thimble i assembly hardware (non-fuel screws. Larger fuel assembly hardware, i.e., bottom nozzles, were to be placed bearing components)in the directly in the failed fuel can. Bottom nozzles will still be placed directly in the failed fuel can and in process failed fuel cans and smaller fuel assembly hardware will be placed inside a cans in the failed fuel can. process can which will be placed in a failed fuel can.  ;

SAR 3-2 Added fuel rod storage The fuel rod storage container will be loaded into a failed fuel can rather than container. transferring the suspect fuel rods to partial assemblies.

SAR 3-14 1. Fuel debris "can" changed to 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than

" process can capsule". originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel

2. The process can capsule is Pool debris.

not hydrostatically tested. 2. The process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a

3. The capsule is structurally confinement boundary and does not require pressure testing.

analyzed to ASME Section III, 3. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG requirements Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for '

normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

. - . .. .- - - .- .= . .. _. - . _ . . - - . . .. .- .


.P_agg Chance Justification SAR 3-16 Fuel dcbris "can" changed to PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than originally

" process can capsule" planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel Pool debris.

SAR 3-17 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule". Pool debris.

2. Deleted reference to the fuel 2. The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous debris can being a confinement canister, but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris.

boundary. Therefore, the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a

3. Changed reference to ASME confinement boundary.

III, Subsection NG 3. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR 3-18 Fuel debris" canister" changed PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than originally to " process can capsule" planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel Pool debris.

SAR 3-19 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" Pool debris.

2. The amount of fuel debris is 2. The administrative limit is described in ISFSI SAR section 4.2.7. Section limited in a basket rather than has been changed for consistency.

the fuel debris container.


ATTACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Page 4 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIITION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES Eagg Channe Justdication SAR Table Deleted Fuel Debris Canister. The Process Can Capsule, which replaces the fuel debris canister, is not 3.2-5 specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR 4-3 1. Fuel debris" canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule". Pool debris.

2. Deleted reference to the 2. The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous process can capsule being a canister, but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris.

confinement boundary Therefore, the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a

3. Changes reference to ASME confinement boundary III, Subsection NG. 3. The process can capsule was not specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR 4-5 Deleted reference to the process The process can capsule will not be pressure tested, as was the previous canister, can capsule being a confinement but the process can capsule will structurally contain the fuel debris. Therefore, boundary. the process can capsule serves as a containment boundary rather than a confinement boundary SAR 4-6 Deleted reference to storing the The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral basket fuel debris can in the oversize cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

peripheral basket cells.

. . - - - . .. - . . . - . - - - - . - - . ~ ...- - .. - - - - - ~ .. - - .. - - - - . - - - - . . ..




P_agc Channe Justification SAR 4-10 1. Added that the process can 1. The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral capsule is stored in a failed fuel basket cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

can. 2. The previous fuel debris can would have been used to store smaller fuel j

2. Added storage offuel assembly hardware (non-fuel bearing components), e.g, springs and thimble assembly hardware (non-fuel screws. Larger fuel assembly hardware, i.e., bottom nozzles, were to be placed bearing components)in the directly in the failed fuel can. Bottom nozzles will still be placed directly in the failed fuel can and in process failed fuel cans and smaller fuel assembly hardware will be placed inside a i cans in the failed fuel can. process can which will be placed in a failed fuel can.

, SAR 4-11 1. Added basic description of 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than process can and process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule materials and Pool debris.

construction. 2. The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral  ;

2. Added that the process can basket cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can. i capsule is stored in a failed fuel 3. The previous fuel debris can would have been used to store smaller fuel can. assembly hardware (non-fuel bearing components), e.g, springs and thimble j
3. Added storage of fuel screws. Larger fuel assembly hardware, i.e., bottom nozzles, were to be placed assembly hardware (non-fuel directly in the failed fuel can. Bottom nozzles will still be placed directly in the I bearing components)in the failed fuel cans and smaller fuel assembly hardware will be placed inside a .

process cans. process can which will be placed in a failed fuel can.

SAR 4-32 1. Fuel debris" canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than l changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel i capsule". Pool debris. ,

2. Added that the process can 2. The previous fuel debris can was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral  !

capsule is stored in a failed fuel basket cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can. i 1

ATTACHMENT I TO VPN-071-96 Prge 6 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES Eage Change Justification SAR Table Deleted Fuel Debris Canister. The process can capsule, which replaces the Fuel Debris Canister, is not 4.2-la specifically designed to ASME Section III, Subsection NG. However, the process can capsule materials and welds were selected based on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and analyzed for normal and faulted conditions. The stresses calculated by classical equations (Roark) are less than the allowable stresses provided by ASME Section III, Subsection NG.

SAR Figs Added drawings for Fuel Debris PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than originally 4.2-6a & b Process Can and Process Can planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel Pool debris.

Capsule SAR 5-1,2 1. Failed fuel cans will be 1. Assemblies containing damaged fuel and process can capsules containing fuel

&3 placed in the basket prior to debris will be loaded into the failed fuel cans after the failed fuel cans have been being loaded with failed fuel placed in the basket. This change requires handling the damaged fuel once assemblies or process can (straight into failed fuel can in basket) instead of twice (place in failed fuel can, capsules. then place failed fuel can in basket) during the loading process.

2. Deleted inspection of the fuel 2. The fuel debris process can capsule is welded shut and the weld is leak tested.

debris can to verify that it is The previous fuel debris can had a threaded top plug.

sealed. 3. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than

3. Fuel debris" canister" originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel changed to " process can Pool debris.

capsule" 4. The previous canister was designed to fit in the oversized peripheral basket

4. Added that the process can cells. The process can capsule is designed to fit inside a failed fuel can.

capsule is stored in a failed fuel 5. Processing and loading the fuel debris into the process cans and process can can. capsule will be completed as part of the fuel debris processing project.

5. Deleted the description of fuel debris can loading.

_ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ - . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ._-______m_ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ATTACllMENT I TO VPN-071-% Page 7 of 7 TROJAN ISFSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF CIIANGES P_ age Change Justification SAR 7-8 1. Fuel debris " canister" 1. PGE is purchasing fuel debris containers from a different vendor than changed to " process can originally planned to support the method selected for processing the Spent Fuel capsule" debris.

2. Deleted reference to storing 2. Fuel assembly hardware and non-fuel bearing components will be stored in non-fuel bearing components in failed fuel cans. The fuel skeleton may be placed directly in basket cell.

failed fuel cans.

SAR 9-10 1. Deleted test loading a fuel 1. The fuel debris process can capsules will be loaded during the fuel debris debris can in the basket. processing project. Only loaded process can capsules would be available for

2. Deleted pressure, vacuum, testing. Dimensional checks will be performed following fabrication to ensure and manipulation testing of the proper fit up of the process can capsule and failed fuel can.

fuel debris can. 2. Any required handling and testing of the fuel debris process can capsule will be accomplished as part of the fuel debris processing project.

SAR Table Deleted testing for the fuel Any required handling and testing of the fuel debris process can capsule will be 9.2-1 debris can. accomplished as part of the fuel debris processing project.