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Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting New Fuel Debris Storage Container Design & Storage of non-fuel Bearing Components & Fuel Rod Storage Container in Trojan ISFSI
Person / Time
Site: Trojan  File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/1996
Shared Package
ML20135B473 List:
NUDOCS 9612050043
Download: ML20135B507 (7)


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1 INSTRUCTION SIIEET The following information is provided as a guide for the insertion of new sheets for changes to the " Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specifications", dated l November 25,1996.

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i i Table of Contents Table of Contents (page i) (page i) l List ofEffective Pages

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J 9612050043 961127 2

PDR ADOCK 05000344 PDR P

Troian Independent Spent Fuel Storare Installation TechnicalSpeci6 cations h-O TABLE OF CONTENTS w

1.0 USE AND APPLICATION .. . . ... . .. . 1-1 1.1 DEFINITIONS . . .. . . . . . . 1-1

! 1.2 LOGICAL CONNECTORS , . . . . 1-2 1.3 COMPLETION TIMES ... . . . . 1-4 1.4 FREQUENCY .

. .. . . . . . . . ... . . 1-7 2.0 FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATING LIMITS . . . . . . 2-1 2.1 FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATING LIMITS . . . 2-1 2.1.1 CONCRETE CASK Temnerature Limit-(Lone Term) . . 2-1 2.1.2 CONCRETE CASK Temperature Limit- (Accident /Shon Term) 2-1 2.2 FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATING LIMIT VIOLATIONS .. . 2-1 j


. 3-3 i

4.0 DESIGN FEATURES . . . . 4-1

, CLNAR hlANDLING AND STORAGE DESCRIPTION . . 4-1 4.2.1 General Descrintion . . . 4-1 4.2.2 Spent Nuclear Fuel . . . 4-1 4.2.3 Failed Fuel .

. 4-1 4.2.4 Fuel Debris . . . .4-2 4.2.5 Greater Than Class C Waste . . . 4-2 4.2.6 Storage Arrangement . . 4-2 l 4.3 STORAGE COMPONENTS DESIGN . . .. 4-3 4.3.1 BASKET . . . . . 4-3 4.3.2 GTCC BASKET . .

4-3 4.3.3 CONCRETE CASK 4-3 4.3.4 TRANSFER CASK . . . 4-4 4.3.5 FAILED FUEL CAN . 4-4 4.3.6 GTCC CAN . 4-4 4.3.7 FUEL DEBRIS PROCESS CAN CAPSULE 4-4 l 4.3.8 Basket Overnack . 4-5 p) w

. TROJANISFSI i November 25,1996


-[k Tmlan Independent Spent FuelStorage Installation Safety Analvsis Report LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE INSTALLATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Pane Number I Revision Title Page Original

  • Table of Contents i November 25,1996 pageii March 26,1996 List ofEffective Pages 1 November 25,1996 1-1 through 1-8 March 26,1996 2-1 March 26,1996 3-1 through 3-4 March 26,1996 4-1 November 25,1996 4-2 March 26,1996 4-3 through 4-5 November 25,1996

.' s Table 4-1

March 26,1996 5-1 through 5-15 March 26,1996 Bases March 26,1996 B2-1 March 26,1996 I B3-1 through B3-4 March 26,1996 i

  • March 26,1996 - page not marked with date TROJAN /SFSI 1 November 25,1996



- Troian Inder>endent Spent FuelStorare Installation TechnicalSpecifications h O)

Design Features i


4.1 SITE i

j The Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) is located at Trojan Nuclear Plant (TNP) site in Columbia County, Oregon, approximately 42 miles north of Portland, Oregon



4.2.1 General Descriotion i

! The major storage and handling components of the Trojan ISFSI are:

4' a) A concrete pad (170' x 100') with capacity to store up to 36 CONCRETE CASKS.

' b) PWR BASKETS that can accommodate up to 24 spent nuclear fuel assemblies. j c) GTCC BASKETS that will store the Greater Than Class C material. j d) CONCRETE CASKS that provide the shielding and missile protection for the PWR '


e) A TRANSFER CASK utilized for transferring the loaded BASKETS from the spent fuel pool cask load pit to the CONCRETE CASKS and eventually into a SHIPPING '


f) A TRANSFER STATION utilized to move a PWR or GTCC BASKET from one cask to another or to a SHIPPING CASK.

,t 4.2.2 Soent Nuclear Fuel '

! There are 780 spent fuel assemblies to be stored at the Trojan ISFSI which meet the i characteristics specified in Table 4-1. The heat load of the fuel assemblies stored in a l BASKET will be limited to 24 KW.

4.2.3 Failed Fuel There are ten (10) partial fuel assemblies and one (1) fuel rod storage container l containing intact, suspect, or failed fuel rods which will be stored in failed fuel cans.

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O 4-1 November 25,1996 3



Troian independent Spent FuelStorare Installatwn TechnicalSpecik arians h)

J Design Features 4.0 4.3 STORAGE COMPONENTS DESIGN 4.3.1 BASKET The PWR B ASKET is a cylindrical stainless steel canister composed of a storage sleeve assembly, shell assembly, shield lid and structural lid. The shell and lids provide containment / confinement properties and shielding. A storage sleeve assembly is placed inside the shell that consists of square tubes which include neutron poison sheets to maintain sub-criticality during shipment (10CFR71). The configuration of the storage sleeve assembly can accommodate up to 24 individual fuel assemblies. Special canisters may be placed in the B ASKET for storage and transport of failed fuel and fuel debris.

The PWR BASKET shell and lid assembly is designed to the requirements of ASME,Section III, Division II, Subsection NC (1992). The internal storage sleeve assembly is designed to ASME,Section III, Subsection NG (1992). l I

i Containment boundary integrity for each PWR BASKET is verified after loading and sealing of fuel assemblies by hydrostatically testing to 7.3 psig for 10 minutes with zero


leakage. The PWR BASKET is vacuumed to a stable internal pressure of s3 mm Hg for 2 30 minutes. The internal atmosphere is then backfilled with 99% pure helium and pressurized to 7.3 psig, leak tested, and released back to atmospheric pressure (approximately 14.7 psia).




The GTCC BASKET shell and lid assembly is designed to the requirements of ASME,Section III, Subsection NC (1992). The GTCC BASKET shell has an additional l !

thickness of steel, an extra bottom plate, a steel and lead lid, and an extra steel  ;

shielding / support plate to provide additional shielding from high GTCC waste gamma source strength. The GTCC BASKET will store materials listed in Section 4.2.5 that are classified as Greater Than Class C waste. Containment boundary integrity for each GTCC BASKET is verified by the same methods and requirements specified in 4.3.1. I 4.3.3 CONCRETE CASK The CONCRETE CASK is built of concrete with a steelliner placed on the inside surface. It provides structural support, shielding and natural convection cooling for the BASKET. The cask design limits the external surface contact dose rates to less than 100 mrem /hr when measured along the sides, and less than 200 mrem /hr along the top and at

,q the air inlet and outlets. The bottom of the cask has a steel plate which prevents any loss


4-3 November 25,1996


- Troian Independent Spent Fuel Storare Installation TechnicalSpecifications h

  • q '

V Design Features 4.0 l 4.3 Storage Components Design (Continued) of material during a postulated cask drop accident.

, 4.3.4 TRANSFER CASK The TRANSFER CASK is a cylindrical container fabricated from a laminated

steel / lead / neutron shield / steel wall configuration which provides adequate radiation
protection properties. The TRANSFER CASK has movable doors at the lower end to allow the transfer of a loaded BASKET from the Spent Fuel Pool cask load pit to the CONCRETE CASK and from the CONCRETE CASK to the SHIPPING CASK for future off-site shipment.


The Failed Fuel Can is designed to ASME,Section III, Subsection NG (1992) and l l provides a containment boundary for partial or complete fuel assemblies with failed or suspect rods. The Failed Fuel Can also functions to constrain assemblies and associated components within a fixed PWR Basket storage location which maintains the l

assumptions in the criticality analysis and heat transfer modeling. The dimensions allow i the can to fit in one of the four larger peripheral cells of a PWR BASKET. The assembly

is made of carbon steel coated with radiation resistant, high temperature, hard surface
inorganic zine coating. The Failed Fuel Can is open to the PWR BASKET atmosphere

, and thus affected by the drying / backfill operation.


l. 4.3.6 GTCC CAN i

5 The GTCC Can is designed to ASME,Section III, Subsection NF (1992) and effectively l contains GTCC waste currently stored at the Trojan Nuclear Plant . The Cans are filled and placed in the GTCC BASKET utilizing a 28 slot alignment grating which is removed after the GTCC BASKET is filled. The Cans are open to the GTCC BMLT atmosphere to allow drying.


The Fuel Debris Process Can Capsule prosides a containment boundary for loose fuel l

pellets, fuel pellet fragments, and fuel assembly fragments (portions of fuel rods, portions ofgrid assemblies, etc.). The Process Can Capsule material and welds are selected based l O

d TROJANISFS/ 4-4 Novembu 25,1996 i


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j Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storare Installation Technical Specifications h O


j Design Features l 1

4,0 4.3 Storage Components Design

{ (Continued) i on ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992). The process can capsule is structurally l analyzed for external pressure, internal pressure, dead weight, thermal stresses, and l j drops. The stresses calculated by classical equations are less than th- allowable stresses l j provided in ASME Section III, Subsection NG (1992) for service levels A and D. The i j capsule dimensions allow it to fit into a Failed Fuel Can which is placed in one of the I j four larger peripheral cells of the PWR BASKET. The capsule structural components are l

made of stainless steel. The fuel debris is dried with high temperature steam in the Fuel i

l Debris Process Cans, which are then placed in the Fuel Debris Process Can Capsule. The l l Fuel Debris Process Can Capsule is backfilled with 99% pure Helium independently l 4

from the PWR BASKET.

i 4 4.3.8 Basket Overnack A Basket Overpack would be used in the unlikely event of a leak in the confinement .

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boundary of a PWR Basket or GTCC Basket that could not be repaired. The Basket l l Overpack is a cylindrical shell with suflicient inside diameter to accommodate a PWR I j Basket or GTCC Basket. The Baskets Overpack is designed, fabricated, and tested to i provide a confinement barrier for spent nuclear fuel and GTCC waste in accordance with j the general design criteria requirements of 10 CFR 72 Subpart F.






TROJANISFSI 4-5 November 25,1996 l i  ;

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