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Forwards Proposed Research Program on Fission Product Transport Program - Limerick Plant Analyses Task. Proposal Expands Existing Contract to Cover Analyses of Fission Product Release to Environ
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Limerick
Issue date: 01/25/1984
From: Gieseke J, Sewell H
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Jankowski M
Shared Package
ML19292B772 List:
FOIA-84-624 NUDOCS 8505290084
Download: ML20128D470 (1)


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Columbu-Ohm 43201 Telt phone.614 JJ4.M24 ta,ua.uu January 25, 1984 o g4 Proposal No. 546-J-8367X Mr. Michael Jankowski Fuel Behavior Branch Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


Dear Mike:

Battelle is pleased to submit the enclosed proposal for an expansion of our efforts under our existing contract to cover analyses of fission product release to the envirofment under selected accident conditions for the Limerick plant. The dr.Lijses which will be performed for Limerick will use une same series of codes that have been used for the five plants in the Source Term Reassessment Study.


I If you have questions of a technical nature, please contact me at FTS 976-4864.

Questions of a contractual nature should be directed to Mr. John E. Davis at 976-7081.

Sincerely, Y

LSAM ames A. Gieseke H. Michael Sewell Physico-Chemi:al Systems Section Contracting Officer JAG:HMS:drr Enc.

8505290084 040125 PDR FOIA SHOLLY84-624 PDR e-24 g