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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-289/84-03 W/Update of Outstanding Items Re post- Accident Sampling & Monitoring,Per 840308 Submittal
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1984
From: Hukill H
To: Starostecki R
Shared Package
ML20092P672 List:
5211-84-2124, NUDOCS 8407090244
Download: ML20092P676 (4)


m go 4 GPU Nuclear Corporation NUCIMF Post Office Box 480 Route 441 South Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191 717 944 7621 TELEX 84 2388 Writer's Direct Dial Nurnber:

June 6, 1984 5211-84-2124 Mr. Richard W. Starostecki, Director Division of Project and Resident Programs U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Sir:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Inspection Report 84-03 (Post Accident Sampling and Monitoring)

Our letter of March 8,1984 provided the list of actions GPUN is pursuing in regard to post accident sampling along with commitment dates targeted for completion of eacn item. Responses to certain of those items were shown to require additional sutnittals.

This letter transmits GPUN's response to several outstanding items and indicates those items which have been completed since our last submittal of May ll, 1984.

Attactraent 1 is an update to our list of outstanding items. Attachment 2 (GPUN Response) and Attachment 3 (TDR-529) provide responses to several of these items as indicated in Attachment 1.


Those items for which responses have been provided are not included in this sutnittal.


. D. ukill Director, TMI-l attachments cc: R. Conte .. ; ! * .

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1 GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation l 8407090244 840702 PDR ADOCK 05000209 i G PDR 1

~ 5211-84-2124 ,

Attachment 1 Pay 1.



IR GPUN Tarpted Item Action Completion No. Inspection Report Ites No. GPUN Action Date (Note 1) --

84-03-01 RCS SAMPLING 1.a Provide the capability to obtain an RCS 1.a.3 Complete modification of post accident sampling (Note 6)'

sample under ell accident conditions and system to tie in decay heat sample lines with the modes of operation, shielded reactor coolant sample line in the nuclear sampling room.

84-03-02 CAS 2.a Modify CAS to permit sampling after 2.a.4 Modify procedures to quantify the sample including Complete containment isolation. Provide tempera-- temperature and pressure corrections. (Note 2) ture and pressure indications at the gas sample bomb. ' Develop pmcedures to quantify the sample including temperature 2.a.5 Complete modification of Containment Atmosphere (Note 6)-

and pressure corrections. Sampling System as described in GPUN response to-item 2.a.2 which was provided to NRC on

. May 11, 1984 (5211-84-2105).

84-03-03. OTHER 3.d ; - Address the dose received by personnel. 3.d.2. Revise TDR 529 to include the dose received by Complete transporting the sample to the counting personnel transporting the sample to the counting See Attachment 3 room (See 4.2.1).- Consider dose contribution from room.

hydrogen recombiners.

. 84-03 SHIELDING 4.1 Revise shielding study (RCS sampling) 4.1.e Provide temporary shielding for the sample sink drain (Note 4) to include the following contributors: line and revise procedure to verify shielding is in

. a - Sink drain trap and drain line. place prior to initiation of RCS sample flow, b - Undiluted coolant in the sink.

c - Scattered radiation, d - Unshielded auxiliary lines.

e - Residual contamination during subsequent sample attempts.

f - Airborne radioactivity originating from sink. ,

4.2 ' Conduct a shielding study on the at-built 4.2.1 Revision to TDR 529 described in 3.d.2 will include Complete system for collecting and transporting shielding studies for collecting and transporting See Attachment 3

~the CAS. the Containment Atmosphere Sample (see 3.d.2).

84-03 ANALYTICAL CAPABILITY 5.a - . Develop procedures for use of .

5.a.3 Resolve the problem regarding fluoroborate analysis Complete fluoroborate probe and pH miniprobe. for Boron concentrations below 500 ppm or justify See Attachment 2 a lower minimum range for Boron analysis of 500 ppe.

5.c ' . Revise procedures to address analysis of- 5.c.2 Provide a complete response to 5.c. Complete

- fission gases stripped from the RCS sample - See Attachment 2 for determining gross activity.

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m 5211-84-2124 .

Attachment 1 -



IR GPUN Item Targeted Action Completion No. Inspection Report Item No. GPUN Action Date (Note 1) 84-03-06 N0BLE GAS EFFLUENT MONITOR 6.a Provide conversion factors from CPM to 6.a.2 Complete the modifications to the computer program pci/cc for monitor readouts. Complete for offsite dose calculations as described in GPUN response of March 8,1984.

84-03-07 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF PLANT EFFLUENTS (MAP-5) 7.a Develop procedures for collection of 7.a.1 Investigate the collection, handling, and analysis representative plant effluent samples 07/01/84 of high dose rate samples as described in 7.a. make including provisions for handling and the necessary procedural modifications, and perform analyzing high dose rate samples. time and motion studies for the resultant process.

7.a.2 Provide dose calculations based on the time and motion 07/01/84*

studies for the process which results from 7.a.1.

84-03-08 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF PLANT EFFLUENTS (MAP-5) 8.a Install shields around all MAP-5 8.a.1 Complete installation of shields described in 8.a.

cartridges. Complete 8.b Document followup action taken on 8.b.1 Document followup action taken on IEN-82-49 in Complete IEN-82-49. regard to MAP 5, e.g.. provide flow meter correction (Note 2) curves and complete the necessary procedural modifications.

Other PASS Comitments e

9.a Complete installation of seismic rack for bottled (Note 5) air to serve as backup air for eductor in the Containment Atmosphere Sampling System.

NOTE 1 - Completion dates which show an asterisk indicate that an additional submittal to NRC is required.

NOTE 2 - This procedure is available at the site for inspection.

NOTE 3 - Items which were reported complete in previous transmittals have been deleted.

NOTE 4 - Completion of this item has been delayed awaiting the results of an engineering evalu' tion to determine if the recommended

  • shielding would be prohibited due to floor loading restrictions. GPUN will continue to track this item untjl resolved.

NOTE 5 - Installation of the seismic rack for bottled air has been completed except for receipt and installation of qualified tubing connectors. GPUh will continue to tra:L this item until complete.

NOTE 6 -50%This modification is scheduled to be installed during the eddy current outage which will tegin 120 days after obtaining power.

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5211-84-2124 Attachment 2 Page 1 POST ACCIDENT SAMPLING AND MONITORING (IR 84-03)



5.a.3 Boron would be analyzed in the post accident condition using the manitol method (procedure N1904 - Baron by Titration) for concentrations between 500 to 6000 ppm boron using a 1:100 dilution.

If the boron concentration is less than 500 ppm, procedure N1904.1 (Boron by Fluoroborate Specific Ion Electrode) will be used as a backup.

5.c.2 GPUN will be incorporating the use of stripped gas activity into the

. procedure for estimating core damage following an accident. This procedure is required to be upgraded by August 31, 1984 in accordance with the NRC Safety Evaluation Report for NUREG-0737, action item II.B.3, dated March 22, 1984. Procedures for analysis of stripped gas activity will be completed by August 31, 1984.

  • Responses which were provided in previous transmittals have'been deleted.
