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Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-50,including Tech Spec Change Request 125.Amend Permits non-nuclear Heatup for Precritical Testing & Subsequent Operation Using Repaired Steam Generators
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/1983
From: Hukill H
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20074A448 List:
5211-83-149, NUDOCS 8305130065
Download: ML20074A447 (2)


s GPU Nuclear Corporation G U Muc ear o

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Middletown. Pennsylvania 17057 717 944-7621 TELEX 84-2386 May 9, lgger"s Daect Dial Neen 5211-83-149 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attn: John F. Stolz, Chief Drerating Reactors Branch No. 4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Sir:

Three Mile Islano Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Change Request No. 125 and Request for Aaproval of Steam Generatur Repair In accordance with my letter dated April 19, 1983, we are suomitting our request for a change in the TMI-l Technical Specification 4.19, which would permit the operation of TMI-1 following repair of the steam generators by any methods other than plugging, provided that the repair methods are snown to be acceptable by analysis ano approved by the NRC. Enclosed are three signed originals ano forty copies of Technical Specification Cnange Request No. 125 requesting amendment to Appendix A of Operating License No. DPR-50. Also enclosed is one signed copy of Certificate of Service for proposed Technical Specification Cnange Request No. 125 to the chief executives of the township and county in which tne facility is located.

We have previcusly submitted to the NRC detailed descriptions ano analyses of our steam generator repair metnod ano informatica supporting its adequacy.

Accordingly, we also recuest acprcval of this repair method under tne provisions of the croposed Technical Specification revision, to permit both a ncn-nuclesr heatup of the pla,t tsing pump heat for precritical testing, anc sucsequent cperation using the rccsired steam generaters. We prctose trat the necessary accroval as well as tne enange in Technical Specificaticns :;e traated as license aTencments fcr ourpcses cr tne recertly scapted regi atiens tc implemen; the 2nolly Mendment NRC approval cf tne OTSC repair retncd invclves review of a ccmclex issue.

Arecraingly, ae.will fcrward a cneck for 312,3CC uncer separate cover as required pursuant to 10CFR 170.2 icr a Ciacs IV rec ared approval.

, []

8305130065 830509 PDR ADOCK 05000289 P PDR GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the Genera: Pubhc Utilities Corporation

Pursuant to 10CFR 50.91(a)(1), we enclose our analyses, using the stanaaras in 10CFR 50.92, of significant hazaros considerations both of the proposeo Technical Specification change ano of operation with the repaireG steam generators. Pursuant to 10CFR 50.91(b) of the regulations, we hr<e provicea a copy of this letter, the proposeo change in Technical Specifications, ano our analyses of significant hazaros consicerations to Thomas Gerusky, the aesignated representative of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

We request that upon receipt of this letter, NRC immealately publish in the Feoeral Register a notice of receipt of both our request for a Technical

. Specification change ano of our request for approval of the heat-up and subsequent operation of TMI-1 using repaireo steam generators. de are aware that such a notice would be publishea together with a notice of opportunity for interestec persons to request a public hearing ano with the NRC Staff's preliminary determination of significant hazards consioerations. We are also aware that in connection with any approval to operate TMI-1 with repairea steam generators, NRC may establish license conditions based on the steam generator repair, surveillance ana test programs. To precluce any unwarrantea delays in issuing these license conditions anc thus permitting the return to service of the steam generators, we woula like to further request that these license conditions also be included in the Feceral Register notice at least in summary form.

4 Sincerely, ,


h. . Okill Vice President TMI-l HDH/klk enclosure en: W. Dornsife J. Van Vliet i

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