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Requests Opportunity to Testify at 701208 Hearing in Port Clinton,Oh Re Facility Const.Testimony to Include Adverse Effects on Community Re Const of Cooling Tower.Facility Safety & Design Challenged.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/1970
From: Lau G
NUDOCS 8003050745
Download: ML19326A838 (3)


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In the I;ctter of



Mil.3K) );DI301: CO:'l'Ala*, ET AL.


Docket ib. 'h)d o h

(Davic, i esce I;uclear Fover


Station, Unit 1)


CERTIFIC/G: GF GELICE I hereby. certify that copiec of a letter fr a I,knn H. Inu u.tcc.

I:overuber 13 requesting lirtited npi,carance in c.hc captiontG untLer have been cervc6 on the following 'cy 6cpocit it; the ;:nited Staten mall, ficct claca or air r.cil, this 20th Guy of I;ovenber 17('):

delter T.-3%ullerup, Jr., Ecq.

Leclic Henry, Ecq.

Chairman, Atonic Safety and N ller, Ocncy, Henr o bodce o

Licencing I'ocre J;33 Oi:ena-Illinois sil]riinc 1155 Crcat Inne

. 35 ;.:r.dicon /. venue

!! clean, Vircinia 22131 EckCo, Lhic h E)'.

3 Janec P. Glencor., Esq., Alternate Gerald Charnoff, Ecq.

Chai:., ann Sho ', Pittacn, Potta, 'IT:abr16ce Atonic Screty and Licensing Foard and I:cdden Donah'ic, Ehrnantraut & Glencon 910 17th :trcet,I:. t.l.

.11125 Mochville P'ke

  • .schinCton, D. C. 23336 Rockville, !4arylon6 23350 Shomac.. Engelhard t, %g.

Dr..nlter H. Jorian Paul W. Wallic, Kcq.

On:t HiCcc ::ntiencl Laboratory Reg:lutory Staff Counccl P. O. Bo: X J. S. Atomic Encrcy cc:.mirulou Ca% Rid c, Tenneccce 3'7333

':tchincton, D. C. S)Sh 5 E

Dr. Charlec 2. ~41nters

llcon.. f'nydcr, Ecq.

1333 Fer:n:ood Rond n ller, Sency,1: cur; lioqe Tcthez6n, ::ar:,-land 2333h

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.% l'cilcon Aver. c Or..lohn 1. Geyer, Choiraan Toltth, Oh io t-Q).

Department of Geocraph:r ani

!bviro:nental Ent:incerinC Dono]4 H. Houcer, u:ri.

'the Johnc 1?opkin'. University he Clevelan6 lue,tric

! n3 timore, I.:arylr.nd P1313 ~

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November 18,1970f



U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Gentlemen:

I an writing to ask permission to be heard at the Atomic Energy Commissions hearing on Dec-ember 8,1970, at the Ohio National Guard Armory in Port Clinton, Ohio.

I wish to testify on the construction of the cooling tower and its adverse effect it can create to a commu_.ty.

9 Secondly, I challange the safety and design of the Davis-Besse atomic power plant which will be within a mile and a half of my families home.

Sine rely, k%

N Glenn H. Lau Rt. 1 Box 126 g,

S Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 DOCIETED LI.

M 4

5 NOV2 01970 5 3 3

t.r: tr :ts:

  • T.a 8


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O put t 53-3h6

1r...cce" l'. ililliomo Mr. Glenn J. Grimpn in, Vice

'.taini c bie rc;* Cooro inut,or Prealdent Teower

tate of Ohio 1,. velopw nL The Toledo Dlison Company Department h N Mndicon Avenue G Cout.h Front.~,tnet Tolcao, Ohio L3t
01 P. O, hax 1331 Cole:.1:nn, Ohio lii:15 lionorable liart:- 't. Johnson President, loari of re mty Comnictionerc Ottava Crf.mty Do irthouce Port Clinton, Ohio I3k52 Q 2 c'c A.- lf hf. lb ;< d.

Office of the.;ecrctary of the ominaion cc:

l'.r. Skallerup 1/r. EnEelhardt Mr. Yore II. Steele II. Smith D

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