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Responds to NRC 740626 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-289/74-24.Corrective Actions:Consultant Contracted to Evaluate Reliability of Chlorine Monitoring Apparatus for Checking Discharge Into River
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/1974
From: Arnold R
To: Nelson P
Shared Package
ML19262A355 List:
NUDOCS 7910260678
Download: ML19262A358 (3)




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..: ci wr or cairm evauc ununt: l IT CFFICE BOX $42 READING. PENNSYLVANI A 19603 TELEPHONE 215 - 920-3bO1 JUL 181974 cqL 0158 Paul R. Nelson, Chief Radiological & Enviren= ental Protecticn Branch Directorate of Regulatcry Operations, Region 1 U. S. Atcmic Energy Cc =issicn 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19k06

Dear Mr. Nelsen:

  • Operating License No. DPR-50 Inspcction No. 50-289/74-24 This letter and the attached enclosure are in respence to your inspecticn report letter of June 26, 1974, concerning Mr. Everett's May 29-31, 197h, inspecticn of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1, and the findings thereof.


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R. C. ju' fold Vice President-Generation BCA:JF7:sh


Respense to Descriptien of Apparent Violaticns File 7 7 3.2.1 20.1.1 1485 194 9

7910260 Q

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c. All of the above-mentioned corrective and preventative actions were reported at varicus times in Environ = ental Incident Repcrts El 50-289/7h-2 through 6, dated June 5, 12, 13, 1h, and 20, respectively, and full co=pliance has been achieved.

Although full co=piiance has been achieved, it is our belief that achieving compliance =ay be unduly restricting the ability of the chlorine addition system to perferr its intended functicn. Our concerns in this area are primarily related to issues auch as the adequacy of the chlorine =cnitoring apparatus , and additional uncertainties such as what ecnstitutes nor=al background river vater chlorine concentration levels.

It is, therefore, because of our concerns to both (a) ensure continued cc=pliance, yet (b) not unduly restrict the capabilities of the chlorine addition syste=, that we have centracted a con-sultant to perform studies to better enable us to answer our cen-cerns. These studies het> been initiated.

1485 195

JUL 181974 s ENCLOSURE Metropolitan Edisen Cc=pany Three Mile Island Nuclear Statien, Unit 1 Operating License No. EPR-50 Inspection No. 50-289/7k-24 ,

Response to rescription of Apcarent Viclations Apparent Violatien 1 i

No response required.

Apparent Violatien 2 >

Sectien 2.2.1.a of the Three Mile Island Unit 1 Enviren= ental Technical Specifications discharge to 0.1 pps.

li=its the free chlorine concentratien at the plant river Contrary ppm on May to 29, this197h.

require =ent, the free chlorine concentratien was 0.15 In additien, subsequent to the inspecticn the free ,

and/or total chlorine concentrations at the plant river discharge equalled or exceeded 0.1 and 0.2 ppm respectively on June 5, 6, 8,13, and 19, 1974.



a. l Inmediate corrective action involving termination of chlorine addi- '

tion was not possible because chlorine addition had already been terminated by the time it was realized that the limiting value for free and/or total chlorine vould be exceeded; therefere, no innediate actica was taken.

l b.

To avoid future violatiens of this type r I

1.  !

the chlorine additien rate was r educed in increments to the  :

present rate of less than 150 lbs./ day;

2.  !

the instrunent used to =easure chlcrine in the grab sa=ples was checked by an instru ent technician; and, 3

a censultant has been centracted to evaluate '

a) if and hev chlorine adlitien rates shcu:d be adjusted as a functicn of existing conditiens , and

  • b) the re.'.iability of the chlorine tenitoring apparatus (both centinuous and grab-sanple) .

1485 196
