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Responds to NRC 750409 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-289/75-06.Corrective Actions:Training Sessions Held Re Health Physics & Radiation Work Permit Procedure & Contaminated Tools Procedure Revised
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/1975
From: Arnold R
To: Nelson P
Shared Package
ML19256D617 List:
NUDOCS 7910190576
Download: ML19256D618 (3)



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, nu --an, ME s ROPOLITAN EDl SON COMPANY suestoiaRv 0F GENERAL PUBLICUTILITIESCORPORATiON O lE BOX 542 READING. PENNSYLVANI A 19603 TELEPHONE 215 - 929 3601 May 5,1975 cqL 1023 Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief Radiological Environmental Protection Branch . . . .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com:nission, Region I 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pa. 19406

Dear Mr. Nelson:

Docket 50-289 ..

Operating License No. DPR-50 '

, Incpection Report 75-06 ,.

This letter and the attached enclosure are in response to your inspection report letter of April 9,1975, concerning Mr. Meyer's inspection of our Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 and the resultant findings of that inspection. ,

Sincerely, V .U R. C. old RCA:RS B:pa Enclosure File 20.1.1/ 1452 150 791019Offf ,



\ l Metropolitan Edison Company Ihree Mile Island Nuclear Statio . Unit 1 (THI-1) ~.

Docket No. 50-289 Operating License No. DPR-50 . -

Insp4ction No. 50-289/75-06 &-2 Response to Description of Apparent Deficiency Apparent Deficiency Contrary to Technical Specification 6.2.3, written procedures were not posted as noted below:

1. Three individuals were observed leaving the Solid Radwaste Room, a contnMnated area, without monitoring themselves on March 12, 1975, as required by Health Physics Procedure 1612. ,

2.. Radiation Work Permits 1541, 1542, 1543 and others were not signed off by .the Job Foreman as required by Health Physics . -

Procedure 1613. t

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3. A stepladder, tagged as contaminated, was stored in a clean e area near the elevator on the 281' elevation on March 12, 1975.

Health Physics Procedure 1682 requires that contaminated equipment be stored in radiation areas or other designated areas. . -

Response to Item 1 All 'DfI employees receive basic Health Physics training and retraining as described in 12.21 of the TMI-l Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and as required by American National Standard N18.1-1971. However, a special practical Health Physics training session has been planned for all Maintenance personnel. This session will include retraining in areas such as the proper method of exiting a contaminated area.

Full compliance will be achieved by May 7,1975.

Response to Item 2 1452 151 It is our policy that the Radiation Work Permits (RWP) should provide the most up-to-dace information for the employee performing the job specified on the RWP. Accordingly, Section 5.2 of Health Physics procedure 1613 states "all KWP's (except standing RWP's) will automatically ter=inate on the day following the issue date. If the job must continue beyond

.he termination date, a new RWP will be issued." As a result , there

- has existed some degree of a=biguity as to whether RWPs for a several-day -

job need be signed off each day as terminated or only at the co=pletion

- yof the job. The majority of the cited RWPs were not signed off by the job foreman because they were automatically terminated.

To remove.any ambiguity, a special training session was held for all maintenance personnel in the proper use of the RWP Procedure, including daily sign offs. Further, a memo reminding the foreman of his responsibility in signing off the RWP daily is being circulated to the maintenance foreman, and each individual will sign off when he has read the revised procedure.

Full compliance will be achieved by May 10, 1975. '

Response to Item 3 The TMI staff has previously become en re that additional procedural guidance and administrative controls sare necessary concerning the control of contaminated tools, equipment, and material. Accordingly, a revision to 1682 was prepared which includes a revision to the previous contaminated tools procedure and provides additional administrative controls (such as a contaminated tools and equipment log and as.signment of keys for and control of the contaminated tools area to the Health Physics Dept. and Shift Supervisor) . This revision was distributed on March 14,1975, and special training in the use of the revised procedure has been underway.

Full compliance will be achieved by May 10, 1975.

1452 152 .

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