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Forwards Tech Spec Change Request 4 to DPR-50,App a
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1974
From: Arnold R
To: Muntzing L
Shared Package
ML19210B153 List:
GQL-0306, GQL-306, NUDOCS 7911040084
Download: ML19210B152 (3)


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DO Nur nMUVE Ltr notarized 9-3-74 trans the following.,.. Amendment to the OL consisting of:

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  • -A Denotes Letter Only 10CFR50.46, Appendix "K", conformance iteria....

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Se~ e+5 GkL030 Mr. L. Manning Munt ing //f (,.

Director of Regulation Q' gxp[,

Directorate of Licensing -s M  ?

Office of Regulation I, q\

U. S. Atomic Energy Co= mission 3 - 'T Washington, D. C. 205h5 .

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Dear Mr. Munt:

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Three Mile Island Nuclear Genere'td~n's Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-289 Request for Amendment to Operating License No. DPR-50 Technical Specification Change Request No. L Pursuant to Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50 59, three signed originals and 37 conformed copies of Metropolitan Edison Company's request for amendment to Appendix A of Operating License No. DPR-50 for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1, incorporating Technical Specification Change Request No. h, are herein submitted.

The enclosed analysis and Technical Specification Change Request are being submitted by Metropolitan Edison Company (Met-Ed) to bring the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 reactor into conformance with the requirements set forth in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.h6 and the Staff

" Determination of Request for Extension of Time for Submittal of Evaluations Required by Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems", dated August 5, 197h.

'Ihe enclosed Technical Specification Change 3equest and the supporting B&W Topical Reports (3AW-10091-10095) have been reviewed by GPU Service Ct rporation, acting for Met-Ed, and Met-Ed is satisfied that both the B&W ECCS Analysis and the enclosei Technical Specification Change Request are in accordance with 10CFR50.h6 and 10CFR50, Appendix K. The analyses result in some limits which are more restrictive, and other limits which are less restrictive than the presently existing Technical Specifications . Until such time as the Commission may approve less restrictive operating lirits as contained herein, we have since August 5,197h, and vill continue, to operate TMI-1 under administrative controls to conform to the more ,

restrictive limitations of both the presently existing Technical Specifications and those contained in the enclosed Technical Specifications Change Request.

It should be noted that contrary to the Staff's " Determination of Request for Extension" the licensee was unable to obtain the ECCS evaluation and analysis from the NSSS vendor, Eabcock & Wilcox on August 1, 197h and, in fact, did not receive it until August 5, 197h. Consequently, there was less opportunity for 1587 002 a,

Mr. L. Manning Munt ing September 5, 197L various cct ittee reviews required on the part of the Licensee and significantly less time for these reviews than was provided for in the six weeks requested in the Extension Request. It is presently anticipated that the additional committee reviews required by the Technical Specifications will be completed by September 11, 197L, at which time we will infor you of the results of these reviews.

Sincerely, t' ,

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R. C. " . . old Vice President RCA:DNG:1w 15 8_/ O u- ,3

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