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Forwards marked-up Revised FSAR Section 7.5 Addressing Reg Guide 1.97 on item-by-item Basis.Issue Identified as ICSB-2 at 810925 Branch Meeting Closes SER Issue
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 01/13/1982
From: Bouchey G
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8202010237
Download: ML17276B009 (77)



'AGCP'SSIOJ<,NBR;8202010237 DOC ~ DA'TE: '82/01/13 NOTARIZED! NO 'OCKET PAOIL:50 397 NPPSS Nuclear Projectr Unit E, Neeni.nGtcn iPublic Pcwe 05000397 "AUTH~ NAME 'UTHOR AFFILIATION  !

BOUCHEYiG AD, tlashington .Public Power 'Supply System



Forwards marked up <<revised FSAR "Section =7,'5 =addressing 'Reg'2 Guide 1;97 on item by"item basis. Issue,"identified as ICSB at 810925 branch meeting closes SER issue.



IE/DEP/EPDB 35 1 IE/DEP/EPLB >36 '3 3 MPA 1 0 NRR/DE/CEB 11 1 .1 NRR/DE/EQB 13 ~3 "3 NRR/DE/GB 28 . 2 2 NRR/DE/HGEB 30 2 2 NRR/DE/MEB 18 1 NRR/DE/MTEB 17 1 1 NRR/DF/QAB 21 1 1 NRR/DE/SAB "24 1 1 NRR/DE/SEB 25 ,1 NRR/DHFS/HFEB40 1 1 NRR/DHFS/LQB 32 1 1 NRR/DHFS/OLB '34 1 1 NRR/DHFS/PTRB20 1 1 NRR/DS I/AEB '26 1 1 NRR/DSI/ASB 27 1 1 NRR/DS I/CPB 10 1 1 NRR/DSI/CSB 09 1 1 NRR/DS I/ETSB 12 1 1 NRR/DS I/ICSB 16 1 1 NRR/DSI/PSB 19 1 1 NRR/DS I/RAB 22 1 NRR/DST/LGB 33 NR FI RSB 23 00 1,1 1 1 1 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS Qf 16 16 BNL (AMDTS ONLY) 1., 1

-FEMA REP DIV 1 1 LPDR 03 NRC PDR 02 1 1 NSIC 05 1 1



~ g ht F II N


Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 968 3000 George Washington Way Richland, Washington 99352 (509) 372-5000 January 13, 1982 G02-82-30 82020i 0237 8201 i3 SS-L-02-CDT-82-010 PDR ADOCK 05000397 E PDR Docket No. 50-397 Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Schwencer:


NUCLEAR PROJECT NO. 2 CHAPTER 7.5 REWRITE Enclosed are sixty (60) copies of the WNP-2 revised FSAR Section 7.5, which addresses Regulatory Guide 1.97 on an item-by-item basis. This issue was identified as ICSB-2 at the branch meeting September 25, 1981 and closes the open SER issue.

These revised FSAR pages will be included in Amendment 23 to the WNP-2 FSAR.

Very truly yours, G. D. Bouchey, Deputy Director Safety 8 Security CDT/ct Enclosure cc: R. Auluck NRC WS Chin - BPA R. Feil - NRC-Site

~P 0,

1 F




DESCRIPTION General Section 7.5 describes the instrumentation which provides information to the operator to enable him to assess the status of safety-related systems, and.the need to perform required safety functions.

The safety-related display instrumentation is listed in Table 7.5-1. It tabulates'equipment illustrated on the various system P&IDs, IEDs, and FCDs located in 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.6.

The instrumentation and'anges- shown in Table 7.5-1 are selected on the basis of giving the reactor operator the necessary information to perform normal plant operations and yet the capability to track process variables pertinent to safety following design basis accidents.

The following information i,s provided to the control room operator to monitor reactor conditions and allow assessment of safety system status following a design basis accident.

The power sources to the instrumentation described in this section originate from either the Division 1, Division 2, o' Division 3 safety-related emergency AC and/or DC busses unless indicated otherwise. Reactor Water Level There are two ranges of water level instrumentation provided, wide range and fuel range.

O Wide range water level is sensed by eats. divisionally separated differential pressure transmitters.

The compensated signals' are displayed in the control room on two recorders. . Wide range instruments cover the level from +60" to -150".

We Fuel range water level overlaps aed. wide range to provide water level in the actual core region. Level is sensed by

+~o ~~ divisionally separated~

pressure transmitters. The level is displayed differential in the control room on two, recorders. The fuel range covers from -117.5" to -317.5".


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NNP-2 AN i NENT NO. 23 February 1982 The two ranges provide continuous level indication from 60" above the bottom of the dryer skirt to 150" below the top of the active fuel. Both range's have a common zero reference at 527.5 Reactor Pressure Reactor pressure is sensed by three divisionally. separated pressure transmitters. Two of these pressure transmitters are recorded in the control room; the third is used for reactor level compensation only. Reactor Shutdown Indication The following information is provided to the control room operator to monitor reactor shutdown.

7. 5-1a

~ ~



~ c Pebruary 1982 non Control rod statu ndi rod full inserted Power is supplied from highly reliab "1E e


2. Control rod scram px.lot valve position status lamps indicating open valves.
3. Neutron monitorinq power ranqe channels and recorders downscale. The power sources are from RPS MG sets.
4. Source ranqe neutron monitorinq channels and recorders on scale. When fully withdrawn from the core, the ranqe covered is aproximately 10%

to 10 3% power. When fully inserted, the range is 10 3% to 10 7% power.

5; Annunciators for RPS v 'ables and trip logic tripaed state. Power is supplie power source.

in'he rom a E

6. The process computer provides loqging of trips and control rod position log and provides thermal.

hydraulic information to the operator which he uses to keep the plant o erati within technical specification limits Power is supplied by a non- UPS) power our ce.

7. eactor wa er sample analysis to determine soluble boron concentration via the post-accident sample station.

7.5;1.3 Primary Containment and Reactor Vessel Isolation Indication The following information is provided to the control room operator to monitor the inteqrity of the primary containment.

de%+ ~

1. Primary containment i olation valve position indication is displayed by %be ent data <

acquisition svst ii TDAS . See 7.7) and is displaved at va ve contro s w ic are 1E.

2. Main steam line flow indication.

3 ~ Annunciators for the primary containment arrd reactor vessel'solation system variables and

'o tri1E ic in the tripped state. Power is supp ied b ower.

4 ~ Process computer logqina of trips Powered f rom a non-1E (UPS power supp 7.5-2

NNP-2 AM MENT NO. 23 February 1982 ECCS and RCIC Indication The following information is provided to the control room operator to monitor ECCS and RCIC system status.

.1. Annunciators for HPCS, LPCS, RHR, ADS and RCIC sensor initiation logic trips.

2. Flow and/or pressure indications for each ECCS and RCIC are .provided.
3. ECCS and RCIC valve position indication.

7 5-2a

C ~



1982 23'ebruary

~ Process uter loggin of trips in the ECCS an RCIC. Pouer is provided from the UPSY a highly reliable non-1E powe r su pp l y.

ata aquas'on system display of RCIC ru ~'~' CS func ' Power i s provided from the UPSY a h ab l e non-'1E su

6. Relief valve posi ion xndicatxon accoustic moni-tors and discharge pipe temperature montiors). Containment Indictations The following information is provided to the control room operator to monitor primary containment status.

1. Primary Containment Pressure Monitoring There are two divisions of drywell pressure monitoring instru-ments. Each division consists of three pressure transmitters.

The first has a range of -5 to +3 psig; the second, 0 to 25 psig; and the third, 0 to 180 psig. Each range is either recorded or indicated in the control room.

2. Primary Containment Temperature Containment temperature is monitored continuously by redundant indicators and recorders in the control .room. Points of measure-ment are as follows:

No. of Type of Points Descri tion ~Rsn e Readout 4(*) Air inlet vicinity 50-170'F Recorders recirculation pump motors 5(*) Fan coil inlets 50-170'F Recorders 5(") Fan coil outlets 50-170'F Recorders Sacrif icial shield 50-170' Indicators space (lower area)

Sacrificial shield 50-400 F Indicators &

space (upper area) Computer Control drive area 50-400'F Indicators 3 (*) Reactor pressure 50-400'F Indicators &

vessel head flange Recorders area 7.5-3

'4 WNP-2 ANE MENT NO. 23 e

February 1982 No. of Type of Points Descri tion ~Ratl e Readout 5(*) Upper drywell area 50-400'F Re corder s Return duct from 50-400'F Indicators head area Upper return 50-400'F Indicators ring header Safety and relief 50-400'F Indicators valve area Suppression Chamber Atmospheric temperature Z Ja~drr

3. Primary'ontainment Moisture Containment moisture level is monitored by five (5) dew point sensors located immediately outside of the primary containment.

A containment air sample is Circulated through the sensor units and returned to containment.

Readout is on recor4ers in the control room with a range of

/oo ~

/4 fc a zdC

4. Primary Containment Radiation The atmosphere of the primary containment is mon tored for low eve4 (leak detection) and high-levels (LOCA) radioactivity

} an recorded in the control room oq two red))ndant recorders.

5~% A~

The leak- detection monitoring consis of two ide ical divi-sionally separated off-line sample+racks locate in the building sample rooms. Each sample rack ' two-channel reac-'or unit containing~particulate, andnnoble gas scintillation detector+. The detectors are of high sensitivity to detect small leaks in the reactor coolant pressure boundary. The

~ebg~ signals from the detectors are sent to panels in the p~7 main control room, which contain count ratemeters, recorders and controls.

(+) Those points are summed to provide average drywell tem-perature on the same display as the suppression pool water temperature; Item 7 below.

the presence or increase of radioactivity in the atmosphere indicating 7.5-4 r ' ~ ~ <<~


~ ~

WNP-2 AME MENT NO. 23 February 1982

~~~~ / AC Sample ~ pipe tor racks

/S and from the containment to

~P to ~

t: he local leak detec-containment. The control room operator has complete control of the operation and checking of the 'monitor system from the main control room.


The LOCA detect' system provides a means to detect a rupture of the reactor pressure boundary which releasedlarge amounts of radioactive material into containment. The leak detection channels, described above,

~ primary are isolated when a LOCA occurs because they would rapidly be saturated by the high levels of radioactivity.

m~ oF The LOCA detection system consists of two divisio lly separated redundant subsystems. Each subsyste contains'Wn4e chamber type detectors aad 6ne detector 'onization located inside the primary containment. The second~hkph ~~~

is located in ~ pipe sleeve~ " 'mbedded in the primary containmen wall. The pipe 4~os sleeve not penetraN~ the iaaet steel is ar re~la'c W Ol'

~ ~

CPw P J~~

See a LOCA. The LOCA monita s provide signals to panels in he main control room, whic contain count ratemeters and r'ecorders.


~ ~ p ~ ~ ~

> ~

WN: 2 AMBIENT NO. 23, February 1982

5. Prima y CContairmext Hydrogen and Oxygen Conce."."ra=ion Atmosphere samples rom three locations inside. the primary containment and one Rotation. ia the suppression chamber are sequentially monitored for hyd ogen and oxygen percentage levels by each of t~ "eduncan analyzers.

Each gas analyzer cabinet contains a hydrogen and an oxygen analyzer with sample conditioning and sample programming means.. The prograumer also adnits standardizing gases periodically to c~~~rate the analyzers. Vent gases are pumped back to the primary con-ainment at all times.

The analyzers are sing e range, i.e., 0-30% hydrogen and 0-10%

oxygen. The output signal from each analyzer is sent to two redundant recorders in the nnaia control room. Each analyzer has two adjustable aZaan contacts which annunciate abnormal conditions in the main control room.

6. Suppression Chamber Pressure Suppression chambe" pressure is recorded in the control room from two separate pressure transmitter systems. Range of recording is from F01) psig.


7. Suppression Pool "emperature Monitoring.

Suppression pool temperature is monitored by 16 thermocouples located approximatelg 11 inches below the surface of the water, and 8 more loca=ed at a depth of approximately 18 feet below tne surface. 'These are evenly divided into two separated divisions. See for more detail.

8. Suppression Pool .Rater Level Monitoring.

Suppression pool water leveI. is monitored by two redundant sensors. Each senso= consists of one level transmitter which provi es a signal =o a recorde= in the control room. W~ range

)4( i. ae~ea~ y= 4 =..

CC num o( 4) ar aa~ee zn 'rgb Monitorin" for Racioactive Release to the Environme'nt Building zashaest Gaseeus Munitotsp/er;>>s>>"A~'.

C87 u.

s~~m n the the ele a ed-r.~~~~sqm is monitored by s ~ug ease s ac/. A sample is withcjxaw m lin an e/C isokinetic no zle3-

~ow r -e d ~~~ r Qf rre e ~ ~r, d ~r. rn

7. 5-5 gear r

~ ~

Insert to Page 7.'5:

The effluent gaseous activity in the reactor building ventila-tion exhausts the condenser offgas systems the condenser vacuum pump systems and the SGT 'ystem i.s monitored by sampL ing the elevated release stack. A sampLe is withdrawn f rom the stack thr ough an array of isokinetic nozzles then through particulate and charcoal filters and into a Low range and an intermediate range set of gas monitors. Each of the effluent stacks or ducts have continuous vent f Low rate monitoring system

0 l AlP-2 AHE HENT NO. 23 February 1982 aeeeebky-. Signals from these detectors are sent to a rate-meter, alarm unit, and recorcer located in the control room.

Similar systems are installed to monitor the. radwaste building and the turbine build'ing ventilation.

The part the above buil air stream prior to e exhaust filtration systems.

for the elevated relea buil ack, on te radioactivity monitors sample the

'he The samples are take ust from m the exhaust and upstream of any e is one particulate monitor the turbine building, and two for the aste building. The p 'culate matter is collected filter which isis monitored by a r ion detec-tor e level of activity displayed on a ratemete d gj(. Meteorological Conditions The wind speed, wind direction, and stratified atmospheric temperature information is sensed by the meteorological tower instrumentation, and is recorded in the meteorological building and the control room. Indicatea meteorological con-ditions are used to calculate doses downwind due to a radiation release. Radiation Exposure Rates (QsP- +~'+~

//g~g ~ g ~n 4LCC I a~ ~

High range area radiation monitors re located xnside the entry points to that building. These also serve to provide con-indication of any radioactive releases from the primarycon-tainment and provide trend monitoring uring accident ditions. Signals from the detectors e .recorded in tPe control room. >e I-ear ~or dc" /e'in

7. 5.1. 8 Post-Accident Sampling System

'o obtains samples of highly radioactive liquid sam primary coolant ct ec from the reactor or f RHR loops. Additionally, liqux amp e -- e suppression pool water and atmospheric sam the wetwell, and reactor buildi be taken. All sarple ither be anal '

onsite facilities or transported off site 7.5-6


'e Insert to Page 7.5-6:

The post-accident sampling system provides a means for obtaining grab samples of highly radioactive Liquid samples of primary coolant directly from the reactor vessels the RHR Loopsi or the suppression pooL and .atmospheric samples of the dryMeLLr wet~eLLi and reactor buiLding. ALl samples may be transported for analysis in the onsite or offsite facilities.

t I

WNP-2 NDMENT NO. 23 uary 1982 'rimary System Relief Valve Position Indication An acoustic monitoring system is used to determine the SRV.

position. Sensors placed on the SRV piping, just downstream of e'ach SRV, monitor percent of valve opening by detecting vibra-tions produced when steam passes through the valve. This information is sent to the control room to provide an analog and digital (open-closed) valve position display. Thermo-couples located downstream from the relief valves provide redundant and diverse valve'indication due to temperature increase in the SRV discharge piping due to steam passage. Power Supply S>a qp Monitoring

~q pe>er pe


.,%%d.... ~

vided in the control room. Voltage and amperage indication is provided for all batteries, battery chargers, inverters, and DC and UPS buses. Primary Water Source Indication The amount of feedwater f1'o the reactor is detected by flow transmitters located on the feedwater lines. The flow rate is recorded in the .control room. The reserve of water available in the condensate storage tanks is monitored and transmitted to the control zoom for operator information.

7. 5. 1. 12 Residual Heat Removal System (RHR)

Two loops of the RHR system may function in several different modes. The flow foz each o these modes, except for the reac-tor vessel head spray, is indicated by a single flow meter for each loop. The flow rate for each mode is determined by observing both indicated flow and valve position. The head spray has its own individual flow meter. All flow information is displayed in the control'room.

The third RHR loop functions only in one mode. The flow rate for this mode is also displayed in the control room.

Heat from the RHR loops is removed via heat exhangers. The outlet temperatuxe of the heat exchangers is orded in the contro room.

.5.1.13 Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS)

The SLCS flow into the reac or is monitored and displayed in the control room. Additionally, the SLCS tank level is displayed in the control room as a backup indication to the flow.



WNP-2 AME MENT NO. 23 February 1982 Main Steam Line Leakage Control System Each division of MSLC provides system pressure indication.

The inboard system also provides flow indication. High Radioactive Liquid Tank L'evels Each tank used to hold or collect radioactive liquids is equipped with a level indicating system. The level is recorded on local panels in the radwaste building.

7.5;1.16 Emergency Ventilation Damper Position Indication Damper position indication is provided in the control room for all dampers necessary to prevent release of radioactive gases to the environment or for the protection of operating person-nel during accident conditions.

7.5.1. 17 Standby Service Water System (SSW)

The .water level in the SSW spray ponds is detected by level monitoring instrumentation providing signals to indicators in the control room. Flow rate in each loop is detected by a flow tiansmitter providing signal to indicat rs in thy control room.

W5.$ .18 .

Spent Fuel Pool Co li ystem (FPC)

The temperature of the spent fuel pool is monitored for each FPC division and indicated in the control room.

7 '-8

e ~

AMENDMENT NO. 23 February 1982 Main Control Room HVAC Redundant temperature indications are provided in the control room to monitor control room temperature.

'I Standby Gas treatment System (SGTS)

Each division of the SGTS is provided with loop flow indica-tion in the control room. Containment Instrument Air (CIA)

Each division of the CIA provides system line pressure indica-tion in the control room.


~A~ Design Basis The safety-related display instrumentation is designed to pro-vi he.operator with all necessary information to assess the status transients or accidents from their onset to a safe cold shutdown condition, to assess the status of safety related systems used to mitigate the event, and to allow timely opera-tor actions as necessary.

Chapter 15, "Accident Analysis," identifies and evaluates events that jeopardize the fuel barrier and reactor coolant pressure boundary. The methods of assessing barrier damage and radioactive -material releases, along with the methods by which abnormal events are identified, are presented in that chapter.

Variables monitored are listed in Table 7.5-1. These variables have been selected using the methodology established in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, NUREG-0737, and the Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPG).

The safety-related display instrumentation are categorized into types in accordance with R.G. 1.97 and according to their primary function during a transient or accident condition.

These types are as follows:

1 Type A Variables Those variables to be monitored that provide the primary information required to permit the control room operator to 7.5-9



0 Insert to Page 7.'5-9:'ontainment Atmosphere Control System (CAC)

Each division of the CAC is provided with Loop flow indication in the control room. There are two Loops per division.


~ ~

February 1982 take specific manually controlled actions for which no automa-tic control is provided and that arefunctions required for safety for design basis systems to accomplish their safety accident events. Primary information is information that is essential for the direct accomplishment of the specified safety functions; associated with it does not include those variables that are contingency actions that may also be iden-tified in written procedures.+A included variable included as Type A does not preclude or vice versa.

it from being as Type B, C, D, or E

2. Type B Variables Those variables that provide information to indicate whether plant safety functions are being accomplished. Plant safety functions are (1) reactivity control, (2) core cooling, (3) maintaining reactor coolant. system integrity, and (4) maintaining containment integrity (including radioactive effluent control),.
3. Type C Variables Those variables that provide information to indicate the potential for being breac'hed or the actual breach of the barriers to fission product releases. The barriers are (1) fuel cladding, (2) primary coolant pressure boundary, and (3) containment.
4. Type D Variables Those variables that provide information to indicate the operation of individual safety systems and other systems important to safety. 'hese variables are to help the operator make appropriate decisions in using the individual systems important to safety in mitigating the consequences of an acci-dent. These variables are grouped into the subgroups: (1)

Condensate and Feedwater System, (2) Primary Containment Related systems, (3) Safety systems, (4) Residual Heat Removal systems, (5) Cooling Water System, (6) Radwaste Systems, (7)

Ventilation Systems, (8) Power Supplies, and (9) Main Steam System.

'. Type E Variables Those variables to be monitored as required for use in deter-mining the magnitude of the release of radioactive materials and continually assessing such releases. Variables monitored are: (1) Containment Radiation, (2) Area Radiation, (3)

Airborne Radioactive Materials Released from'the Plant, (4)

Meterology and (5) Post Accident Sampling.

7. 5-10

MlP-2 DML% NO. 23 Februa~ 1982 Accident Conditions Information readouts are designed to accommodate all credib1e accidents for operator actions, information, and event tracking requirements, and cover all other design bm~ is events or incident requirements.

Post-accident monitorinq instrumentation provides the operator with plant status information during and following ~a acci-dent. The information is needed to follow the prog=ess of an accident, assist the operator to safely shut. down t~e reactor, assess the extent and type of damage, critical parameters for extended periods of if any, and tc monitor time if extensive damage has occured.

7. 5. 2. 2. 1 Conf ormance To 10 CFR 50 Appendix A General Design Criteria The following is a discussion of conformance to those general design criteria which apply specifically to the safety-related display instrumentation. Refer to for a discussion of General Design Criteria which apply equally to all safety-re'lated systems.
a. General Design Criterion 13, "Instrumertation 'and Control" Instrumentation is provided to monitor variables and systems over their anticipated ranges for accident conditions as appropriate to ensure ade-quate safety.
b. General Design Criterion 19, "Control ~mom" The safety-related instrumentation mee~ the requirements that a control room be prcvided from which actions can be taken to maintain the nuclear power unit in a safe condition under accident conditions, including loss-of-coolant accidents, and that equipment, includi-g the necessary instrumentation, at appropriate loca-tions outside the control room be prov=ded with a design capability for prompt hot shutdcwn of the reactor.
c. 'eneral Design Criterion 64, Monitorirg Radioactivity Releases" The safety-related instrumentation inc udes the capability of monitoring the reactor ccntainment
7. 5-12

~ p' WNP-2 DMPNT NO.~ 23


Fe ruary 1982 atmosphere, spaces containing components for recirculation of loss-of-coolant accident fluid, effluent discharge paths, and the plant environs for radioactivity that may be released from postulated accidents. Conformance To IEEE Standards The following is a discussion of conformance to those IEEE Standards which apply specifically to the safety-related display instrumentation. Refer to for a discussion of IEEE Standards which apply equally to all safety-related systems.

a. IEEE Standard 279-1971, "Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations".

The safety-related display instrumentation is part of the protection systems and provides information to the reactor operator during and after accident conditions, allowing assessment of reactor status, safety system status, and allowing the operator to control safety systems when necessary.

1. General Functional Requirements (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.1)

The safety-related display instrumentation, in addition to providing the reactor operator the necessary information to perform normal plant operations, also provides information that allows assessment of plant and safety system status during and after transient and design basis accidents.

2. Single Failure Criteria (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.2)

The safety-related display instrumentation that is reguired by Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, to be redundant is designed to meet the single failure criteria.

3. Quality of Components and Modules (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.3)

For a discussion of the quality of components and modules refer to 3.2, 3.10 and 3.11.

7. 5-13

WNP-2 AN MENT NO. 23 February 1982

4. Equipment Qualification (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.4)

T.S:2.2.P.i For a discus on of equipment qualification refer to . . . . (IEEE 323-1974)

3. 11, and Regulatory Guide 1. 100 ponfogmance Jr F9 5; Channel*Integrity (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph
4. 5)

The safety-related display instrumentation is designed to provide information to the reac-tor operator under extreme conditions. Refer to 3.10, 3.11, 8.2.1, and 8.3.1.

6. Channel Independence (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.6)

Safety-related display instrumentation inde-pendence is maintained through the applica-tion of separation criteria as described in

8. 3.1.4.
7. Control and Protection System Interaction (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.7)

There is no interaction between control systems and that safety-related display instrumentation which is part of this protec-tion system.

8. Derivation of System Inputs (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.8)

The safety-related display instrumentation, where feasible and practical, are direct measures of the desired variable.

9. Capability for Sensor. Checks (XEEE 279-1971, Paragraphh 4.9)

The safety-related dis~ inst:rumentation input sensors can be either pertuibed, inputs substituted, or cross checked for proper operability. Refer to Regulatory GQide 1.22 compliance in each of the sect:ions in Chapter 7 for a discussion of sensor check capability.


1 WNP-2 A. MENT NO 23

'February 1982

10. Capability for Test and Calibration Refer to the compliance discussion of Regulatory Guide 1.22 in each section o Chapter 7.

Channel Bypass or Removal from Operation (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.1 1)

Removal from service, of sensors which pro-vide inputs to the safety-related display instrumentation are in most cases governed by the individual systems section of Chapter 7 and are discussed in their respective discussions of compliance to IEEE 279.

12. Operating Bypasses (IEEE 279-1971, Paracraph
4. 12)

This paragraph does not apply as the sa ety-related display instrumentation does not incorporate operating bypasses.

13. Indication of Bypasses (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.13)

This paragraph does not apply as the safety-related display instrumentation does not incorporate bypasses.

14. Access to Means for Bypassing (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.14)

Access to instrument valves are administra-

. tively controlled. Access to other means of bypassing are located in the control room and are also under administrative control.

15. Multiple Setpoints (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.15)

This paragraph does not apply as the sa ety-related display instrumentation does not incorporate multiple setpoints.

16. Completion of Protective Action Initiated Once (IEEE 279-1971, Pa agraph 4.16) it is
7. 5-15

NHP-2 MENT NO. 23 February 1982 This paragraph does not apply as the safety-related display instrumentation does not pro-.

vide protective action.

17. Manual Initiation (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph
4. 17)

This paragraph does not apply as the safety-

"elated display instrumentation does not pro-vide manual initiation.

18. Access to Setpoint Adjustments, Calibration, and Test Points (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph
4. 18)

Access to calibration adjustments are under administrative control.

19. Identification of Protective Actions (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.19)

The safty-related display Instrumentation is not specifically designed to identify protec-tive actions but prwvides the reactor opera-tor the necessary information to identify plant and safety system status.

20. Information Read-Out (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.20)

.he safety.-related display instrumentation is, designed to provide the operator with accurate, complete, and timely information to determine plant status, and avoids anomalous indications which could confuse the reactor operator.

21. System Repair (IEEE 279-1971, Paragraph 4.21)

The operator can identify and repair most failed sensors, recorders, or indications curing plant operation. However, there are sensors such as neutron monitoring (LPRM 6 IRM) which cannot be replaced or repaired during plant operation and must be repaired or replaced during plant shutdown.

7. 5-16

I, WNP-2 DMENT NO. 23 February 1982

22. Identification (IEEE'79-1971, Paragraph
4. 22)

The safety-related display instrumentation will be specifically identified on the control panels so that the operator can easily discern that they are intended for use under accident conditions.

b. IEEE Standard 323-1974, "Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations".

Safety-related display instrumentation as speci-fied by Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2 are purchased as follows:

1. Equipment purchased through May 23, 1980 is evaluated and considered environmentally qualified if it satisfies IEEE Standard 323-1971 and NUREG-0588 Category II positions as a minimum.,
2. Equipment purchased after May 23, 1980 is evaluated and accepted to XEEE Standard 323-1974 and NUREG-0588 Category I positions, where possible. Xf such equipment is not available and cannot be made available, equipment is evaluated and considered environmentally qualified if it satisfied IEEE Standard 323-1971 and NUREG-0588, Category IX positions as a minimum. NRC Regulatory Guide Conformance

a. Regulatory Guide 1.32, "Criteria for Safety-Related Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants".

Safety-related display instrumentation as required by Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, are powered from vital buses and, if necessary, with battery backup where momentary interruption is intolerable.

b. Regulatory Guide 1.75, Revision 1, "Physical Independence of Electrical Systems".

.7. 5-17

WNP-2 M DMENT NO. 23 February 1982 Redundant or diverse channels are provided where necessary as specified by Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2. These channels are'electrically independent and physically separated from each other cuba C~ Regulatory Guide 1.89, "Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants".

Safety-related display instrumentation is qualified to Regulatory Guide 1.89 as specified by Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2.

eg. Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, "Instrumenta-tion for Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Accident"

+,~~ms.y g~~SS,Mr. n ~ ~i ost An item by item general discussion of and the degree o onformance to guide requirements is provided below. All references to Regulatory Guide guide 1.9're to the most vacant revision of the (i.e., Revision 2) . See Table 7.5-1 for instrument ranqes, Regulatory Guide 1.97 cate-gory, accuracy, and other specific information Regulatory Guide 1.100, "Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants" pic Revision 2 are purchased to the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.100 which states that instrumentation should continue to read within the required accuracy following, but not necessarily during, a safe shutdown earthquake.

1. Neutron Flux (Table 7.5-1 Item 3)

Regulatory Guide 1.97. requires neutron flux be monitored from 10 68 to 100% power by Category 1 instrumentation.

The existing source range and intermediate range detectors are powered from Class 1E power; the average power range instru-ments are powered from the reactor protection bus which is a 7.'5-1 8

~ ~

WNP-2 A DHBNT NO. 23 February 1982 highly reliable source backed up by a diesel generator. There are 43 strings of local power range detectors, 8 intermediate range detectors and 4 source range detectors. These are divided into two redundant divisions. The source and inter-mediate range detectors 'are inserted or retracted from the core by non-Class 2 drive units; however, the drive units will be supplied from reliable power supplies and failure of all drive units simultaneously is extremely remote even under accident conditions. The drive units are only required to drive the detector into,the core, any failure after insertion is. inconsequential; If all drive units did fail and the source range monitors could not be inserted, the range of indicated power would still be sufficient to insure that the reactor was sub-critical since the source range instruments monitor a range of 10-3% to 10% power even .in the fully withdrawn position. Indication is provided by recorders in the control room.

2. Coolant level in the Reactor (Table 7.5-1 Item 2)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that reactor level be monitored from below the core support plate to the ce'nterline of the main steam lines by Category 1 instruments. 7~

X-r~Ae-'rt divi sionally separated ranges of level instrumentation to cove the full range of reactor water level.

V+8f'd a~s~

d~i-s-iwnof ins~men~ete

-0:.he~hird ins4rumenC froot~4~

3. RCS Soluble Boron Concentration Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires measurement of the soluble boron concentration in the circulating primary coolant.

Grab samples of the circulating primary coolant will be ana-lyzed at either the onsite or offsite facilities for detes-mination soluble b ron concentration.

8-Zoo@ gym


4 BWR Core ermocouples Regulatory Guide 1.9 7 requires the installation of incore thermocouples.

7. 5-19

s ~

NHP-2 DMENT NO. 23 February 1982 goal The incore thermocouples have a high see of error and unde acciden conditions rovide m'sl ading could<

ird a-ome "

infer atio . The addit'onn o he

' nsi[, eveP. instuume tation~ and th'e oo ensat'on of alg ie el nels e~i i'nates e nee or ncore erm co@ les as ated zn paragraph .3.1.b o egulatory Gu' 1.9 . Th incore the'rmocou e will not b installed n WNP-2.

5. Primary System Pressure (Table 7.5-1 Item 1)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that primary system pressure be monitored from 15,to 1500 psig by Ca" egory 1 instruments.

/Ps l~

Redundant Class 1E pressure indicators with a xange of 0 to 1500 psig are pxovided.

6. Control Rod Position Indication Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that Category 3 indication be provided to indicate when a rod is in or not in.

A rod position display of full-in and full-out position pro-vides this information.

7. Drywell Pressure (Table 7.5-1 Item 43)

Regulatory 1.97 requires Category 1 xedundant instruments covering a range from 10 psia to 3 times design pressure.

Redundant channels are provided, each having 3 indicators, one indicator for range -5 to +3 psig, a second range of 0 to 25 psi'g, and the third to monitor 0 to 180 psig.

8. Drywell Sump Level Regulatory Guide requires that the drywell sump level be

.measured by Category 1 instruments.

The drywell equipment and floor drain sumps drain by gravity to their respective sumps in the reactor building. On a LOCA, the containment isolation values for drywell sumps close, iso-lating these sumps. Any major drywell flooding at 'this time will overflow these sumps and spill into the suppression pool via the downcomers.

9. Primary Containment Valve Position Indication Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires Category 1, closed-not closed indication on all primary containment isolation valves.
7. 5-20

1 I ~

1 r

Insert to Page 7.5-20:

MNP-2 concurs with LRG and BWR Owners'roup that core thermo-couples do not provide adequate indication cf approach to or existence of inadequate core cooling. WNP-2 is partic ipating in BWR utility efforts to resolve this issue generically with NRC. (


Appendix B~ WNP-2 Response to Regulatory Issues From TNI-2i Item II.F.2)

a I NNP-2 ODDMENT NO. 23 February 1982 valve position for each containment isolation valve is pro-vided at the valve controls.

Redundan'cy requirements are met by the two valve criteria.

required for GPHT~ iqolatiop.

~W'f~j/) ~ssswT.V

10. Radioactivity .Concentration or Radiation Level in Circulating Primary Coolant Regulatory Guide 1. 97 requires that Category 1 redundant detection systems be installed to measure this parameter. The range is 1/2 tech spec limit to 100 times tech spec limit in R per hour.

Qer'e is pr sently o instrume available ich will accoqplish his P'ask. The o -ga syste fnai ste radar tion moni~o Z an p t-accid nt ample yst s mon'to this pa meter and gi early war ng of fue ailure.

11. Analysis. of Primary. Coolant Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires provisions be made to analyze the primary coolant to determine extent of core damage. This is a Category 3 system.

A system suppression

'rab pool water, offsite facilities for of the reactor bujldipg samples more etail equ'pment d


'~~/J of the primary coolant, drywell atmosphere, wetwell atmosphere, samples will be analyzed in onsite facilities.

p ynalysis.


~ shipped to Grab drain samples sumps may also be taken~.rX Wr ~<~.


NfCc wp~Caf r Oi rg- ./


12. Primary Containment Area Radiation (Table 7. 5-1 Item 11)

Regulatory Guide 1. 97 requires that the radiation levels in the primary containment be monitored by redundant Category 1 instruments.

i Ex s t; ing mon i+ors hav a ran e o 0.01 R hr to 104R Since this )detecto p is loca'ted outsid6 C'(MT and 'ews the throuuh the ic/MT skim, Lthe detectop can be a juste ra'kground so that a readircu Of /1 0 R/hc sr S equiValent tO 10 R~/hr 'naide CTMT. Tw additional 'monitors are> located inside TNT ith ge o 0.;01 ~r to 1104R/hr. hese/ moni ors pill b pe ed igh f F.

the backcround> xnstde CRT s )10 R1/hr/; howev r, bett coyerage~s acgieved in h lower ra+e after t e back ound decavs to (104R)%r. The igh range radiation monitors display on recorders located in the control room 7.5-21

Insert A to Page 7.5"21:

There is presently no inst rument available which wil L accomplish this task. Prior to isolation of main steamlinesr.

the condenser of f-gas system and the main steamline radiation monitors wiLL give imm ediate warning of fueL failure. The post-ace i dent sample r provides monitoring and a measure of primary coolant acti vi ty 'after an accident. For details about off-gas system a nd main steamline radiation monitorsr see 11.5.

Inse r t B to Pa ge 7.5-21:

Existing monitors have a range of 0.01 R/hr to 10 4 R/hr. Since this detector is Located outside .containment and views the radioactive gases through the containment shells the detector wiLL be adjusted so that a reading of 104 R/hr is equivalent to 107 R/hr inside containment. Two additional detectors are Located inside containment that have a range 10 R/hr to 10 R/hr. These monitors respond to gamma radiation of 60 KeV as required by Regulatory Guide'.97 to see the Xe-133 gases.

These radiation monitors display on recorders Located in the controL room.

0 J ~

I 1 I


WNP-2 DMENT NO. 23 February 1982

13. Suppression Pool Water Level (Table 7.5-1 Item 17)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires suppression pool level indic'a-tion on redundant Category 1 instruments. The ranqe is from below the ECCS suction to 5 feet above normal level.

T PiiMkAa 'o be%' e dund lev reco stem rs i e

he c vided ol tra jt

14. Drywell Hydrogen and Oxygen Concentrations (Table 7.5-1 Items 13 & 14)

Requlatory Guide 1.97 states that it is advisable to monitor the containment hydroqen and oxygen concentrations with Cate-gory 1 equipment. Ranges should be 0-30% for hydrogen and 0-10% for oxygen.

rfngare datwrd/e 4 o/rera~iay Hg/Og analyzers are provided.

in the control room.

The Hg/Og levels are recorded

  • fry /sro.

Noble Gas Effluent Radioactivity Monitors (Table

7. 5-1 Item 1 8) gg1'5. egulatory Guide no'ble' es ven ed sampling systems on odour 'hese/sampli

.97, in an~ef rt to monit o the atmosphere, requires of -line 11 bgildinc eHhauststwhere rel ra ioactive ase may f)om 10 0 A~1C'/cc to a g s items igh as wou 100 Ar 'C be ategory 2 wz fOr SOme release ranges points.

1 Off- ine sampling system~ith low range high range detec-tors re pry ded. These systems are p ovideP for the t e b'uild'ng exhau t and tke radqaste building exh'gust with a range of 10 o 10S/ Ci/cc. iThe reactor building ez1raust is m'onitored by a yst which monitor a range of 10 6 to 105 u'l i/cc 11 of se instrumen re recorded in the control rgoom e

16. Radiation Exposure Rate (Table 7.5-1 Item 22)

Rpqulatorv, ide 7 recommends that 1 ax'ea radix&,on detectors bh prov'ded tP indicate major releases hrom the prz ary n

+~r thirimen . These/detectors would Pave i1$ R/hr nd be ateqo 2 inst ents.

a ~an e of 10 o C

7,. 5-22

Insert A to Page 7.5-22:

A narrow range instrumentation is provi ded as discussed in (item 8) - To our knowledger a wide range'instrumentation satisfying aLl Category I requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.97 is not commercially avai Lable. However various design options are being investigated to satisfy Regul atory Gui de 1-97 requi re-

-ments. Simultaneouslyr WNP"2 is parti c ipating in BWR Owners' Group subcommittee addressing Regulator Guide 1.97 requirements~

to r esol ve tliis issue generically with NRC.

Insert B to Page 7.5-22 Regulatory Guide 1.97'n an effort to monitor radioactive noble gases vented to the atmospherei requires off-Line sampling systems and radioactive gas monitoring systems on aLL buiLding exhausts where releases may occur. These monitoring systems would be. Category 2 wi th ranges from 10

+Ci/cc to a hi gh of between 10> and 105 PCi/cc depending on the release points.

Off-Line monitoring systems with Low range and intermediate range detectors are provided. These systems are provided for the turbine building exhaust and the radwaste building exhaust with a range of 10"< to 10~ JCi/cc. The elevated release duct which can receive primary containment purge has an in-Line monitor consisting of redundant ion chambers set into the duct to cover the high range up to 105 QCi/cc. AL of these inst ru-L ments are recorded in the control room. The f Low rates are continuously monitored on each building's exhaust.

Insert C to Page 7.5-22:

Regulatory Guide 1.97'nder Type Ci recommends that area radi a t i on de tee to rs be prov'i ded to indi cate ma j or releases from the primary containment.

-2 There are three detectors which have a range of 10 to 10 R/hr and are Located at. specified reactor building entry points and inside the bui Lding to provide the required coverage ~

NNP-2 AM DMENT NO. 23 February 1982 paula e areas described by Regulatory Guide 1.97~ e+ng~~aed~n

~ ~

q. Mditionally, grab samples of the prhaaey-sample system (Item 10). 3.g rovideg for personnel access and long term serveilla'nce.

C'0 prof

~ are Cat'eqory 2 instrument control room have a range of 10 1 to 104R/hr are recorded in the l ~ ~


17. Main Feedwater Flow Rate (Table 7.5-1 Item 25)

Requlatory Guide 1.97 requires a Category 3 indicator to display the feedwater flow rate. Feedwater flow indication is provided in the control room.

18. Condensate Storage Tank Level (Table 7.5-1 Item 26)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that the condensate storaqe

. tank levels be indicated on Category 3 instruments.

Instrumentation is= provided for this parameter with display in the control room.

19. Suppression Chamber (Table 7.5-1 Item 15)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that a Category 2 flow instru-ment be provided to indicate suppression pool spray flow.

Suppression pool pressure is the key variable and pressure will indicate whether or not spray flow has been established.

Knowing the actual amount of spray flow in GPN is of no value, valve position, RHR pump running indication, and suppression chamber pressure will indicate the presence or absence of spray flow.

20. Suppression Pool Water Temperature (Table 7.5-1 Item PO)

Regulatorv Guide 1.97 requires temperature indication of the suppression pool water. This indication would be Cateqory'2 and have a range of 30'F to 230 F. See 7.6.-1.7 for the WNP-2 design.


WNP-2 M DMENT NO ~ 23 February 1982

21. Drywell Atmosphere Temperature (Table 7.5-1 Item 10).

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires, that the drywell atmosphere be monitored with a range of 40-440'F on Category 'emperature 2 instruments.

Twenty-two thermocouples are spaced inside the primary con-tainment to obtain a temperature profile. These are divided into redundant sets and divisionally separated. Individual and bulk temperature is displayed in the control room.

22. Drywell Spray Flow (Table 7.5-1 Item 27)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires a drywell spray flow instru-ment capable of monitoring flow from 0-110% of flow. This instrument should be Category 2.

Drywell spray flow is provided by RHR pump flow indication.

Valve position indication and drywell pressure will indicate proper flow path. RHR flow is indicated in th'e control room.

23. Main Steamline Isolation Valves Leakage Control System Pressure (Table 7.5-1 Items 38, 39, 40)

Regulat'ory Guide 1.97 requires a system to measure the M.S.

isolation leakage pressure. A differential range of 0 to 15 psid is recommended, using Category 2 instruments.

Two range pressure monitoring with ranges of 0-8 psig and 0-50 psig for the inboard system and ranges of 0-2 psig and 0-50 psig for the outboard system is provided. These pressures are indicated in the control room.

24. Primary System Safety/Relief Valve Position (Table 7.5-'1 Item 23)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires monitoring SRV position, closed or not closed, with Category 2 instruments.

SRV position is monitored by an acoustic monitoring system.

Vibrations induced by flow through the valve is related to percent of valve opening. Analog and digital (full-open, full-closed) valve position displays are provided in the control room. In addition, thermocouples monitor the tailpipe of each SRV line to indicate when the valve is open or leaking.

7.5-24 r ~ ~

t WNP-2 DMENT NO. 23 February 1982 1

25. RCIC Flow Rate (Table 7.5-1 Item 5)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that RCIC flow be monitored .

from 0 to 110% of design flow with Category 2 instruments.

RCIC pump discharge flow monitoring is provided. This, in conjunction with RCIC pump suction and discharge pressures and verification of RCIC system valve lineup, provides indication of system operabi3j(itv. Flow indication and valve position are displayed in the control room.

26. EPCS Flow Rate (Table 7.5-1 Item 7)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that HPCS flow be monitored from 0 to 110%'f design flow with Category 2 instruments.

HPCS pump discharge flow monitoring is piovided. This, in conjunction with the HPCS pump suction and discharge pressures and verification of HPCS system valve lineup, provides indi'ca-tion of system operability. Flow indication and valve posi-tion are Pisplayed in the control room.

27. X PCI Flow Rate (Table 7. 5-1 Item 27)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that LPCI flow be monitored from 0 to 110% of design flow with Category 2 instruments.

RHR (LPCI) pump discharge flow monitoring is provided. This in conjunction with RHR (LPCI) pump suction and discharge pressures and verification of RHR system valve lineup provides indication of system operability. Flow indication and valve position are disnlayed in the control room.

28. LPCS Flow Ra e (Table 7.5-1 item 9)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that LPCS flow be monitored from 0 to 110% of design flow with Category 2 instruments.

LPCS pump discharge flow monitoring is provided. This, in conjunction with the LPCS pump suction and discharge pressures and verification of LPCS system valve lineup, provides indica-tion of system operability. Flow indication and valve posi-tion are cisplayed in, the control room.

7.5-25 r A~

WNP-2 A DMENT NO. 23 February 1982

29. Standby Liquid Control System Flow (Table 7.5-1 Item 29)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that the flow rate in the SLCS be monitored by Category 2 instruments.

SLCS flow monitoring is provided. Display is provided in the control room.

30. Standby Liquid Control System Tank Level (Table 7.5-1 Item 30)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires SLCS tank level indication be monitored by Category 2 instruments.

SLCS tank level instruments are provided. Level indication is provided in the control room.

31. RHR System Flow Rate (Table 7. 5-1 Item 27)

Regulatory: Guide 1.97 requires that RHR system flow be moni-tored from 0 to 110% of design flow with Category 2 instru-ments.

RHR pump discharge flow monitoring is provided. This, in con-junction with RHR pump suction and discharge pressures and verification of RHR system valve lineup, provides indication of system operability. Plow indication and valve position are displayed in the control room.


32. RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature (Table 7.5-1 Item 28)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that the RHR heat exchanger outlet temperature be monitored by Category 2 instruments with a range of 32'F to 350'F.

Existing instrumentation is not Class 1E but is adequate for monitoring this parameter. Indication is 'on provided in the.

control room since other Class 1E indic of system. perfor-mance such as RHR flow and SHV flow aye provide

33. Cooling Hater Temperature to ESF System Components


Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires Category 2 instruments with a range of 32'P to 200'F.

Present instruments measure water temperature of the spray pond. This is the, source of water for the ESF systems. The range of these instruments ~/5 O'F to 150'P.


MENT NO. 23 February 1982 Purther temperature md'.cation is provided on the outlet of each individual heat exchanger in the ESP systems. There is sufficient indication available to verify proper operation of the system.

34. Cooling Wa"e= Plow to ESF System Components (Table 7.5-1 Item 32)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires Category 2 flow instruments to monitor flow 'n the ESP cool'ng system.

The SSÃ return lines "o the spray ponds are monitored by flow transmitters providin= signals to indication in the control room.

35.. High Radio c'ivity Liquid Tank Level (Table 7.5-1 Item 41)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that all tanks containing radioactive liquids b provided with tank level indication

( Category 3 ins trudgen m .',)

All tanks des'gned to h~mdle radioactive liquids are equipped with remote readinc tan3: level instruments. The indicators are located in the ra"waste building which is accessible following a DBA.

36. Emergency 7eatilation Damper Position Regulatory Guide 1.97 r'quires Categorv 2 indication for the open-closed position ~f emergency ventilation dampers.

The position status ca all emergency ventilation dampers is displayed in the control roon.

37. Status of -"tandby Power and Other Energy Sources Important =o Safety Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that status information be pro-vided for 'all standby power and other energy sources such as pneumatic or hydrauli= power Voltage indication fo= ~e ectrical buses of 4.16 kV above is displayed in Me cortrol room. Additionally, all


vital 480 volt bus vo tage readout is provided along with all battery, battery char=e=, and inverter voltage and amperage.

The pneumatic pressure or the containment instrument air is also displayed in the control room.

7.5-27 p ~ ~ g A,Vl++

WNP-2 A DMENT NO ~ 23 February 1982 3 8. Reactor Building or Secondary Containment Area Radiation (Table 7.5-1 Item 22)

~c noel 7~jc E Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that area radiation monitors be placed inside buildings or areas where access is required to service equipment important to safety and in the reactor building. This is to monitor for significant releases, for release assessment, and for long-term surveillance.

~IA. a ranvr of ro E Ar

  • Three high range~monitors +are located z.n the reactor building.

Io AJ'A They are located to monitor specific entry points to the building. (To El. 471'ia door R202, El. 501'ia door R305, and El. 606'ia door R702.) Portable equipment will be used whenever personnel enter diation area a require by entry procedures.

39. Airborne Particulate and Halogen Materials Released from Plant (

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that particulates and halogens be sampled at identified plant release p'oints. Onsite analysis capabilities are required. This sampling equipment should be Category 3 equipment.

DI Particulate and halogen sampling systems are provided 4r the reactor build'ing, turbine building, These are f ixed filter units.

and radwaste buildinggwg r- j~

~Rb The ~~ filtezSky- removed and transported to the onsite radiation laboratory/ for analysis.


40. Radiation Exposure Meters at Various Locations Around the Plant Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that continuously monitoring samplers be located at various locations around the plant to assess releases from the plant.

Adequate release information is already available through ven-tilation release point monitoring and atmospheric conditions information available from the meteorological conditions information center located on site. Backup monitoring facili-ties are readily available on the Hanford Reservation from fixed and'mobile units.


1 Insert to Page 7.5-28:

The sanple system has a low f Lowe '0.1 cfmi pump and a shadow shield for th filter holder to protect personnel from the potential high dose rates from the filter s.

WNP-2 DMENT NO. 23 February 1982 Wind Direction and Speed (Table 7.5-1 Item 201 Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires that wind speed and direction be available on Category 3 instruments. Wind speed should be monitored from 0 to 67 miles per hour and the direction from 0'o 360'.

Wind speed and direction is determined by instruments located on the meteorological tower and transmitted to the meteorolo-gical information center. This information is recorded in the control room.

Estimation of Atmospheric Stability (Table 7.5-1 Item 21)

Regulatory Guide 1.97, based on vertical temperature differen-ces spaced at set intervals down the meteorological tower, requires that atmospheric stability (temperature inversion) be detected.

Vertical temperature stratification information is recorded in the control room.

~ger 7.5-29

0 I Ci 4

~ 4 Insert pto Page 7.5-29:

41. Airborne Radiohalogens and Particulates (portable)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 equires portable sampling with onsite r

analysis capability for airborne halogens and particulates.

~Portable air samples and a radioanalytical Laboratory ofare maintained by the plant health physics group capable measuring concentrations from 10 ~Ci/cc to 10 pCi/cc.

42. Plant and Environs Radiation (portable)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires portable monitoring instgumentation capable of measuring gamma and beta dose rates from 10 R/hr to 10 R/hr.

The plant health physics personnel maintain such portable instruments onsite-

43. Plant and Environs Radioact ivity Regulatory Guide 1.97 requires the availability of portable multichanneL gamma-ray spectrometer.'hese are maintained onsite for emergency preparedness.

Insert B to Page 7.5-29:

46. Post-Accident Sampling System Onsite and/or offsite facilities are provided to analyze primary coolant and containment air crab samples for variables and'anges L i sted in Regulatory Guide 1.97. p p ~ ~ ~

S W ~

W t


0 February 1982 Page 1 of 4


Type Number of Type 6 I

Instrument Desi n Criteria Readout Channels

1. Reactor Vessel Recorder 0-1500 psig At1 +28 PS CR Pressure
2. Reactor Vessel Recorder -150"/0/+60" Ai1 +2% FS CR Mater Level Recorder 2 -117" - -317" Ai1 +2% PS CR
3. sNeutron Flux Recorder 10 10 0 Power A,A CR

<<3 3 Power Level ./0 Wo I pe&4'I' (s~~>

4. Hain Steam Line Indicator 4.25 X 106 lb/hr +2% FS Plow 5 RCIC Plow Indicator 0 - 700 GPM Dg2 +2% FS
6. RCIC Discharge Indicator 0 - 1500 psig +2% PS Pressure
7. HPCS Plow Indicator 1 0 8000 GPM Dg2 +2% FS
8. HPCS Discharge Indicator 0 1500 psig +2% PS Pressure 9 LPCS Plow Indicator 0 - 10tooo GPM Dg2 +28 PS Suppress Temps


10. Drywell Atmos a Indicator Print Out P- 4oo p I - /~ Eyer Dg2 +2% FS CR


11. LOCA Radiation Recorder Ctg +2% PS CR High Range lo 07 Area Monitors
12. Leak Detection Recorder 100 - 106 CPM +2% FS CR Radiation 10 - 10 CPM +2t PS CR Monitors NOTE/'he instruments meet the requireanents required by the Category type as described in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2.

Si sard<<C rain 7.5-30

k O

2: 4 AX. ua2. y 4 VOC.

e a

~ %

4.B Page 2 of 4 TABLE 7.5-1 {Cont'd)

Display Type Number of Type 6 Instrument Desi n Criteria Readout Channels ~Raa e

13. Primary Contain- Recorder 2 0 308 Cd 1 +28 FS CR ment Hydrogen Concentration
14. Primary Contain- Recorder 2 0 - 108 C,l +28 FS CR ment ps'r-i Oxygen'oncentration
15. Suppression Recorder 2 0 - 60 h +28 FS CR Chamber Pressure 2'9
16. Suppression Pool Print Out -

2 F DR 2 +28 FS CR Temperature Indicator

17. Suppression Pool Recorder 2 +25"/0/-25" Cd 1 +28 FS CR Water Level
18. Bldg. Gaseous Recorder 3 101 106 CPM E,C,2 +28 Span CR ~

Release Monitor 3 10~ - 10 CPM g CR2 +28 Span CR 2 10"2 - 104 R/hr Cd2 +28 Span CR

'l A

193 Bldg, . Brrrt:cc-. Re order' 4 100 1 6 P I', (larte(a "lear~~


20. Wind Speed Wind Direction Recorder Recorder 0

0' 360'd 67MPH 3 Ed 3

+28 FS

+28 CR CR


21. Temperature Differential Recorder ~is p ER3 +2'8
22. Radiation Recorder 10 2 - 104 R/hr k2 +28 Span CR Exposure Rate
23. SRV Position Indicator 18 Full Closed to Dg2 r CR Indication Full Open
24. Power Supply Voltmeter 48~6'-coo g~gg~ Dr 2 6 o~5',gQ DI 2 +28 FS CR Monitoring 4 +28 FS CR

@.5'e&fVAC~g~ g~C.

249~C D,2- +28 FS 5 0-//o VDc D w ~p%~$

~ v'8C 8I P- r~ 'p, OC 4w ~< 4I's O par Ou~

4 7a 5-31


i eoruary

<<4 ~




e 0 Page 3 of 4 TABLE 7.5-1 (Con-'d)

Display Type Number of Intrument Desi n Criteria Readout Channels ~San e

25. Feed Water Plow Indicator 2 0 - 8' fi 106 f/h Di3 +2% FS CR
26. CST Level Indicator 2 0-35 ft. Dg3 +2% PS Indicator
27. RHR Plow Indicator 3 0 - 1 0 g 000 GPM Dp2 +2% FS CR

'(LPCI and Shut-

'own Cooling)

(Head Spray)


/ 1 0 600 GPM Dg 2 +2% FS CR

28. RHR HX Outle 0 - 600'P +2% FS CR Temperature RHR Service 2 0 - 10g000 GPYe Dg2 +2% PS CR Water Plow M~Cfe~ OP 29 ~ SLCS Plow Ind icator 2 0 50 GPM D,2 +28 FS CR Rate
30. SLCS Tank Indicator 2 0 5000 Gal Dr2 +2% FS Level
31. SSW System Pm@ Indicator 2 0 300 psig +2% FS CR Discharge Line 1 0 - 100 psig +2% FS CR pressure
32. SSW System Indicator 0 12g000 GPY 3g2 +2% FS CR Plow Rate rtrcs ss w o - ~8do 4'P~

- cR

33. SSN Pond.

Water Level Indicator 0 g ft.


+2% PS CR

34. Spent Fuel Indicator 3 0 - 212'P +2% PS CR Pool Cooling
35. Main Control Indicator 2 50 - 100'F CR Room Temper-ature
36. SGTS Plow Rate Indicator 4 0 - 6000 CFM CR 37 CAC System Indicator 4 0 300 CPM CR Plow Rate 7e5-32

-~ '

, v ~ C IIFy y)g y

yh ~

4 i'y y ',N l yy Jly 'y'4 Q y h lh y l 4 ")y)y I"4'>> 006 ~

0 '4)a Qg 4)f4 y 4I h I 4 y I "yy 4-y vv v . ~ 'y, (y

C) ty4 ',

llyC 4 c ~. ) 4h Qi)4l 44v O 5C = ".', yy


I Co

~ 0 j.'eoruary i~ac Page 4 of 4 TABLE 7. 5-1 (Cont'd)


Type Number of Type a Instrument Desi n Criteria Readout Channels 38 ~ MSIV-LCS Out- Indicator 1 0-2psig Dg2 +2% PS CR board Steam 1 0 - 50 psig +20 FS CR Line Header Pressure

39. MSIV-LCS Steam Indicator 1 0-8 psig Dg2 +2% PS ) GR Line Pressure 1 0 50 psig +2't FS CR Between MSIVs 40 MSIV-LCS Indicator 4 0 - 1 CPM +2% FS CR Leakage Plow
41. Radioactive Recorder 6 0 - 100% Di3 +2% FS RR Bldg.

Tank Levels Indicator 5 0 - 100% Dg3 +2'8 FS RN Bldg,

42. Primary Con- Recorder 0- mhRH +2% FS CR tainment /oO Moisture
43. Primary Con- Recorder Pen 41 0 - 25 psig A,B,1 +2% FS tainment Pen 42 0 - 180 psig A,B,1 +2% FS Pressure Recorder -5 to +3 psig A>B,1 +28 FS

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-2491'-36 560'-0" 76 72d 72e 40'AMPLE '93

'-0" 531 77 82c 479'-4".

78 545 '-2-1/4" 79 85e 13'-44'5 545 'l-l/2" 80 73d 53 '-0" 81 84b 479'-


7. 5-34

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