IA-86-500, Partially Withheld Ltr Forwarding Rept of Inquiry Q5-84-020 Re Allegations of Drug Usage,Per 840829 & 1217 Telcons. Record of 850109 & 1007 Telcons Encl

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Partially Withheld Ltr Forwarding Rept of Inquiry Q5-84-020 Re Allegations of Drug Usage,Per 840829 & 1217 Telcons. Record of 850109 & 1007 Telcons Encl
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1984
From: Shackleton O
Shared Package
ML20236C515 List:
FOIA-86-500 NUDOCS 8710280277
Download: ML20236D583 (4)


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-t NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION omes onwyesnoanons mLo omes, neomw v o o g,                              WA UT       K    d n A segg8 Decemtier 28, 1984

( 9109 Y5 # stigation U.S. Department of Justice RM 65-31 ' Federal Office Building 880 Front Street San Diego, California 92188


San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 - Allegations of Drug Usage (QS-84-020)

Dear Sir:

Attached is a Report of Inquiry on the captioned subject. This is one of the allegations I mentioned to you during our telephone conversations on August 29, 1984 and December 17, 1984. This information is being provided to your for whatever action the FBI deems necessary. No further work will be performed by this office. This matter is closed. Very truly yours, Y d

  • Owen C. Shackleton Jr. Dir ctor Office of Investigations Field Office, Region V


As stated

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