AECM-84-0249, Advises That Radwaste Operator Qualification Cards Completed 840221.Review Disclosed That Methods Used Were Inadequate. Rev to Procedure Governing Operator Training & Qualification Implemented.Related Info Encl

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Advises That Radwaste Operator Qualification Cards Completed 840221.Review Disclosed That Methods Used Were Inadequate. Rev to Procedure Governing Operator Training & Qualification Implemented.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/1984
From: Mcgaughy J
To: James O'Reilly
Shared Package
ML20114C478 List:
FOIA-84-444 AECM-84-0249, AECM-84-249, NUDOCS 8501300349
Download: ML20114C544 (8)



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t MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Helping liuild Mississippi P. O. B OX 1640, J A C K S ON, MIS SIS SIP PI 3 9 2 05 Nay 9' l984 numa ID. MCGAUGDW,JR WeCE PRESeDSMT U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta St., N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention: Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-13 File: 0260/L-860.0 Radwaste Operator Qualification Cards AECM-84/0249 By letter dated February 11, 1984 Mississippi Power & Light Company (MP&L), among other things, committed to having the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (CGNS) Unit I radwaste operators complete their qualification cards by February 21, 1984. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the radwaste operators' qualification cards were completed by that date. However, a recent review of these qualification cards, by plant management, has disclosed that in some cases the methods used to obtain signoff signatures on the cards were inadequate. Specifically, some items which should have been performed were either discussed or simulated in lieu of actually being performed.

To address these discrepancies MP&L is taking certain corrective actions.

These actions include: a review of the presently qualified radwaste operator's qualification cards; a revision to the procedure which governs radwaste operator training and qualifications, which includes the qualification card; and requiring radwaste operators to certify in writing that their qualification cards are accurate. If, as a result of the review of qualification cards, it is determined that a radwaste operator needs to perforn certain qualification card items, the individual will be required to complete those items in a timely manner. Additionally, the revision to the qualification card will include a clear identification of those items which require actual performance and those which require simulation or a demonstration of understanding of the item.

It is MP&L's conclusion that the corrective actions specified above adequately address the problems identified. To ensure that MP&L's current radwaste operators are qualified, their training and qualifications have been reviewed. As a result of this review, MP&L has determined that the.GGNS Unit I radvaste operators are qualified to operate radwaste systems.

8501300349 840709 PDR FOIA SCHLEIF84-444 PDR

. Member Middle South Utilities System

9 AECM-84/0249 M10013 !PPI POWER & LICHT COMPANY #82 MP&L's continuing review of the use of qualification cards in areas of non-licensed personnel training has resulted in the discovery of similar discrepancies in areas other than radwaste operator training. These discrepancies, which primarily pertain to qualification card signoffs and completion, have been the subject of discussions between the GGNS Plant Manager and members of your staff.

It is MP&L's intention to keep you informed of further developments on this matter. If you have any questions please contact this office.

Yours truly, JPM:rg Mr. J. B. Richard cc:

Mr. R. B. McGehee Mr. N. S. Reynolds ,

Mr. G. B. Taylor Mr. Richard C. DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection & Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

AECM-84/0249 MIDCISSIPPI POWER & L12HT COMPANY E" bec: Mr. A. Zaccaria Mr. R. W. Jackson Mr. R. D. Couse Mr. J. F. Hudson Jr.

Mr. T. H. Cloninger Mr. T. E. Reaves Mr. J. E. Cross Mr. Steve Feith Mr. A. R. Smith Mr. A. G. Wagner Mr. C. C. Hayes 6

Mr. J. F. Pinto Mr. M. D. Archdeacon Mr. L. F. Dale Mr. W. E. Edge (2)

Mr. J. C. Roberts Mr. L. F. Daughtery Mr. R. F. Rogers (GGNS)

Mr. M. Wright (GGNS)

Mr. 1. W. Yelverton (GGNS)

Mr. J. L. Robertson (GGNS)

Mr. M. Michalski (GGNS)

Mr. D. L. Hunt (GGNS)

Mr. R. E. Wiggall Mr. J. G. Cesare Middle South Services Nuclear Activities File (LCTS) (2)

File (Plant)

File (Project) (4 3

J .'

- I MEMO TO: D. L. Hunt,' Training Superintendent FROM: Paul Sudnak


Compliance with IE Bulletins 79-19 and 79-20 The above referenced subject material requires we provide training for Operations and Health Physics Personnel who are directly responsible for processing, packaging and shipping of radioactive material. The following is a summary of action taken or being taken to comply with these commitments:

A. Health Physics

1. The two . individuals responsible for managing the Health Physics aspect of the Radweste Program (John Vincelli, Clark Gulley) participated in a one week vendor course'. A record of dates and material is maintained by Health Physics.
2. : Health Physics Technicians receive training outlined in Attachment (I). As of 7/15/83, the following number of Health Physics have completed the respective modules:
a. Module f(1) - Transport and Shipment" 17 out of 30 have completed Module #1
b. Module #(2) - Rad'ioactive Material Control 22 out of 30 have completed Module #2
c. Module f(3) - Radioactive Waste Control 22 out of 30 have completed Module #3 Expected completion (90%) 8/2,l/83
3. Radwaste' Operators receive training outlined in Attachment (1) .

As of 7/15/83, the following number of Radwaste Operators have

. completed the respective modules:

a. Module f(1)'- Transport and Shipment 5 out of 11 have completed Module #1
b. Module f(2) - Radioactive Material Control 5 out of 11 have completed Module #2

s Page 2

c. Module #(3) - Radioactive Waste Control 5 out of 11 have completed Module #3 Expected completiow (90%) 8/12/83 In addition to the above training, the Health Physics Section has been finalizing policies and issu ing Health Physics Information Sheets on minimizing Low Level Radioactive Waste. These policies and HPIS are to be incorporated into the GET/RWI as they become available (Attachment II).

Paul Sudnak Instructor 7/18/83 PS:jsh cc: C. K. McCoy i' J. E. Cross C. R. Hutchinson R. D. Brown l R. G. Kaeton M. Michalski File

  • wm M

ATTACHMENT I COURSE OUTLINE I. Regulatory Structure A. DOT B. 'NRC (10CFR20; 10CFR71; 49CFR)

C. U.S. Postal Service D. U.S. Coast Guard E. Federal Aviation Administration II. Definition of Terms A. Msterials

1. Radioactive
2. Licensed
3. Source
4. SNM r
5. Byproduct
6. Fissile (I, II, and III)

B. Special Form and Normal Form C. Transport Groups

l. I-VII
2. Degree of toxicity D. . Quantities
1. Type A
2. Type B
3. Limited 4, LSA
5. Large

.~-, l ATTACHMENT I (Continued) Page 2 E. Carriers F. Shipper (licensee)

G. Shipments

1. Exclusive use 2.- Mixed lading H. Transport index
1. Solidification III. Radionuclide Content and Activity A. Identification B.- Specific or total activity
1. Analysis
2. Estimate from dose rate IV. Packaging Selection 5 A. Quantity and specific activity A. Mixed nuclides V. Package Marking, Sealing, and Labeling A. LSA (exclusive use)

B. Limited quantity (inner container)

C. Type A packages (or LSA mixed lading)

1. Labeling
a. White
b. Yellow II
c. Yellow III VI. Package Surveys and Limits t A. Radiation surveys B. Contamination surveys

ATTACHMENT I (Continued) Page 3 9

I VII. Survey of Transport Vehicle A. Exclusive use B. Mixed lading C. Instrumentation VIII. Placarding of Transport Vehicle A. Exclusive use LSA B. Vehicles with Yellow III label IX. Inspection Prior to Release of Shipment A. Packaging B. Fissile materials C. External radiation and contamination levels X. Low-Level Rad Waste Burial Criteria A. Solidification media B. Resins C. Evaporator bottoms D. Other liquids in 2 x absorbant E. Free standing liquid F. Oil content G. Curie content per package H. Transurancies I. SNM J. Containers

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