05000369/LER-1982-008, Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl

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Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
Person / Time
Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/1982
From: Parker W
To: James O'Reilly
Shared Package
ML20071H399 List:
NUDOCS 8203080403
Download: ML20071H395 (3)

LER-2082-008, Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
Event date:
Report date:
3692082008R00 - NRC Website


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co Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator " o)

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission p

. Region II s g Q l 101 Macietta Street, Suite 3100 VUD Atlanta, Georgia 30303 9;y ~

  1. MAR 0579 5 -n '

fWe Re: McGuire Nucicar Station Unit 1 D


Docket No. 50-369 m

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

i Please find attached Reportable Occurrence Report R0-369/82-08. This report concerns T.S.3.9.11, "The fuci handling ventilation exhaust system shall be operating and discharging through the llEPA filters and charcoal absorbers".

This incident was considered to be of no significance with respect to the health and safety of the public.

Ve[trulyyours, '

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  • 1111am O.. Parker, Jr.

P3N/jfw Attachment cc: Director Records Center Office of Management and Program Analysis Institute of Nuclear. Power Operations U. S. Nuc1 car Regulatory Commission 1820 Water Place Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Mr. P. R. Bemis Senior Resident Inspector j McGuire Nuclear Station


8203000403 820212 098Ula PDR ADOCK 05000369 S PDR pg(

61 i

DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE REPORT NO. 82-08 REPORT DATE: February 12, 1982 FACILITY: McGuire Unit 1, Cornelius, NC IDENTIFICATION: Failure to Take the Required Sample from the Fuel Pool Ventilation System Charcoal Absorber DISCUSSION: On January 15, 1982, while examining various programs on the operator aid computer, it was noticed that the equipment run time on the fuel pool ventilation system (VF) was 300 hours0.00347 days <br />0.0833 hours <br />4.960317e-4 weeks <br />1.1415e-4 months <br /> for the month and 2149.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> for the cumulative total. (The total actual run time is the sum of the monthly total and cumulative total). Since Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement requires that a sample be taken from the charcoal absorber after 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of operation and no samples had been taken, the VF system was declared inoperable. This incident is reportabic pursuant to Technical Specification 3.9.11. Unto I was in mode 1 at the time the incident was discovered.

Since the VF system was out of specification and required sampling, a sample was taken and sent to Nuclear Containment Systems for analysis. On January 22, it was determined that the sample meet its acceptance criteria. Therefore, the VF system was declared operable the same day.

EVALUATION: During the early part of 1981, the only safety-related system which was accumulating any run time was the control area llVAC system (VC).

(Note that the equipment run time consists of the time the system runs with flow through its filters and not in bypass). In October when spent fuel was being received from Oconee, the VF system was started and ran continuously.

There was no need for the VF system to be operating continuously, but the person responsibic did not foresce any problems in doing so. There was no procedure to cover the monitoring of the filter systems, and apparently the responsible staf f person had just checked the VC system because, to his knowledge, it was the only system accumulating time.

The charcoal absorber is used to remove radiciodine from the air in the fuel pool area during fuel movement and operation of the crane over the fuel pool with a load. The analysis of the sampic verified that the charcoal absorber was functional during the receiving of the 16 sper.t fuel assemblics from Oconce, liowever, the unnecessary operation of the charcoal absorber reduced the operating life of the charcoal by one-half.

SAFETY ANALYSIS: The VF system serves no function to the plant in the event of a LOCA; therefore, safe operation of the plant was not af fected by this incident.

Since the analysis of the charcoal sample verified the charcoal functional, the charcoal absorber was capable and presently is capable of performing its designed function of removing radioiodine from the atmosphere in the fuel pool area. The health and safety of the public were not compr mised by this event.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: When it was discovered that the time for sampling had passed, the VF system was declared inoperable, and a charcoal sample taken. With the VF system inoperable, no fuel movement was allowed in the fuel pool; therefore the spent fuel cask which arrived on January 18 was put in storage until the VF system was made operable.

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Report No. 82-08 Page 2 A periodic test procedure, " Safety-Related Filter System Run Time Monitoring",

was written to ensure that all the necessary systems are monitored. The VF system will be operated through the charcoal absorber only when necessary, and the procedure "B&W Spent Fuci Receipt, Storage and Shipping with an NLI Cask",

will be changed accordingly.

The person involved and all personnel in the plant will be reminded that they should be aware of changing conditions in the plant, and they need to respond to these conditions. Also, the section head of the person involved was advised to take the necessary corrective action to prevent recurrence.

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