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Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1979
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/1979
Shared Package
ML17208A615 List:
NUDOCS 8005200590
Download: ML17208A616 (16)


Q AVERAGE DAILY UNIT FDIVER LEVEL.OQ+>00 DOCKET NO.COMPLETED GY~.T.Chilson TELEPHONE MONTH AUGUST, 1979 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL{MWe-Net)DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)636 17 642 538 18 19 20 647 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 16 645 547 388 646 22 25 26 28 19 30 31 647 655 55 659 654 653 656 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit p<>wer level in Mme Net for each day in the rep<>rting month.C>>>t>pute to the nearest whole megawat t.(A>/77 l OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.DAyp~sset.S, 1979 COMPLETED IIY V.T.Chilson TELEPHONE'~~3824 OPERATING STATUS 760 700 I.Unit Name: Turke Point Unit No.3 2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 2200 4.Nameolate Rating (Gross MWe): 5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWc): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 7.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net hIWe): Notes-Uni't No.3 operated at approximately 100%R.P.except for outages of Aug.3 and Aug.8-14, 1979.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted.

If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For restrictions, If Any: NONE This Month Yr:to-Date Cumuh tive 744.0 45 245.0 625.8-0-2 530.9 97.3 87 214 397 27 738 990 26 250 750 74.0 82.3 74.2 82.3 67.3 79.1 64.1 76.0 2.7 0.4 Januarv 12 1980 ll.Hours In Reporting Period 5 831.0 59 072.6 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 2 672.6 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0'94.6 14.Hours Generator On-Line 613.0 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours-0--0-16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (IIIWH)1 329 137 5 447 449 17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)1 704 560 19.Unit Service Factor 43.4 20.Unit Availability Factor 43.4 21.Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)41.3 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)39.7 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type.Date, and Duration of Each}: Sc eduled refuelin maintenance and ins ections-November 15, 1979-25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period.Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


UNlT SHUTDO)UNS AND PO)VER REDUCTlONS DOCKETNO.50 250 REPORT MONTi(AUGUST, 1979 Nu.Date~A I tl rl Vl rj Q fV~A J~V)Liccnscc Event Report~~J F~Cause h.Corrcctivc Action to Prcvcnt Rceurrcncc 13 79-08-03 2.7 N/A IA INSTRU (c)Unit was tripped by the reactor pro-tection system during a transient condition caused by temporary loss of power supply to rod position indication system..Corrective action included repairing pressurizer pres-sure controller.(Nuclear system)14 79-08-08 S 128 3 A N/A CB VALVEX Unit was removed from service to repair severe packing leaks on valves located inside containment that could not be isolated.(Nuclear system)F: Forced S: Scheduled Reason: A.Equipment Failure (Explain)B.Maintenance oi Test.C-Refueling D Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training 4 Uccnsc Exantinalion F-Administrative G Operational Frror (Explain)II Other (Explai>>)Method: l-Manual 2-Manual Scram.3-Automatic Scram.4-Other (Explain)Exhibit G-instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sltects for Licensee Event Repuit (LER)File (NUREG-OI 6I)5 Exhibit I-Sante Source AVERACE DEWILY UNITPOWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.'urkey Posit COMPLETED BY V.T.Chilson TELEPHONE MONTH AUGUST 1979 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe.Net)I 631 494 DAY AVERACE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe.Net)636 17 18 637 369 640 20 21 22 631 633 10 13 14 15.16 640 643 645 639 26 28'>9 30 31 08 62 641 642 INSTRUCTIONS On this format.list the average daily unit p>>wer level ill MWe Net for each day in the reporting nu>nth.C>>mputc lo the nearest whole megawatt.I>t/77)

OPERATING STATUS OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.M-~'i1 DATE~<t:.8 1979 COMPLETED BY~~1LU.son TELEPHONE KH}53~-3824 Turke Point Unit No.4 2200 760 693 700 666 l.Unit Name: 2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 4.Namephte Rating (Gross'MWe):

5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6~Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 7.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): Notes-Unit Ho.4 operated at approximately 100%R.P.except for outages of Aug.3 5, and 22-28, 1979.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: This Month Cumulative 52.800.0 744.0 5 831.0 38 161.3 597.8 138.8 36 538.1 75 508 933 1 265 822 24 110 688 22 828 968 366 376 69.2 78.1 69.2 78.1 2.3.0 11.Hours In Reporting Period 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 14.Hours Generator On-Line 15: Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours-0--0-16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)7 369 066 18.Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)2 144 263 19.Unit Service Factor 2D.Unit Availability Factor 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 21.9 5.1 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Dale, and Duration of Each): Steam Generator Tube Inspection Pro ram.-October 14-November 11 1979 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS REPOR f hjONTII AUGUST 1979 Page 1 of 2 DOCKET NO 50-251 COMPLETED BY Nu.Dale PI rj V Q J~C/l Licensee Event Report~Cause&.Corrcctivc Action to Prcvcltt Rccurt'cltcc 12 79-08-03 P 4,5 3 N/A ZZZZZZ Unit was tripped due to spurious signal from reactor protection system during a periodic surveillance test.(Nuclear system)13 79-08-05 P 9.2 N/A, ZZZZZZ Unit was tripped by the turbine pro-tection system during a periodic surveillance test when the turbine trip relatch device did not reset pro'perly.

Corrective actions in-cluded repairing the relatch linkage.(Non-nuclear system)14 79-08-22 P 148.0 N/A CB HOTORX Unit was removed from service due to excessive vibration of reactor cool-ant.pump shaft.Corrective actions included replacing failed motor bear-ing and repairing oil leak.(Non-I F: Forced S: Scheduled ('>I>7)Reason: A.Equipment Failure (Explain)B.Mainlcnancc or Test.('-Refueling D.Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training&.License Examination F-Administrative G.Operational Error (Explain)I I.Other (Explain)hicthod: I-hianual 2.hlanual Scram.3-Automat tc Scram.4-Other (Explain)Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation ol'Data Entry Sheets lor Licensee Event Rcport (LER)File (NUREG-OI 6I)Exhibit I-Sattte Source


'DOCKETNO 50-251 REPORT MONTH AUGUST 1979 Page 2 of 2 No.Date C TS~K a-gV'~t C4,~CO Licenscc Event Rcport>C EJ c IA C Q Q Cause A Corrective Action to Prevent Rccurrcncc 15 79-08-28 1.7.A N/A HH ZZZZZZ Unit was tripped by steam genera"..or No.48 level protection system whi'le increasing load after the unit was returned to service.{Non-nuclear system)I F: Forced S: Scheduled Reason: A-Equipment Failure (Explain)II Maintenance or Test-C.Refueling D-Regulatory Restrictiun E Operator Training&License Exantination F.Administrative G.Operational Error (Explain)II.Other (Explain)3 Method: I-Manual 2-blanual Scram.3-Autotnatic Scrant.4.Other (Explain)4 Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation ol'Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG-OI6I)Exhibit I-Same Source AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL*COMPLETED IIY V.T.Chilson TELEPHONE MONTH AUGUST 1979 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL{M We-Net)793 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)l7 38 4 793 91 786 l8 l9 20 2]22 78 782 781 85 10 I3 l4 IS l6 INSTRUCTIONS 771 790 789 785 768 2S 26 28'9 ,30 NOTE: 783 785 782 774 Average daily power level greater than 777 NNe due to cooler condenser cooling water.On this format.list the average daily unit power level in Mme.Net for each day ht the reporting>nonth.Compute to the nearest whole m gawatt..I')!77 1 OPERATING DATA REPORT OPERATING STATUS 850 822 1.Unit Name't..Lucie Unit No.1 2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 2560 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): DOCKET NO.~Se t.8 1979 COMPLETED BY~'g.lson TELEPHONE~Q~-3824 Notes-Unit operated at approximately 100%R.P.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report.Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, lf Any: NONE-This Month Cumulative

  • I I. 21 23.23 615.0 19 005.8 831.0 4 218.2 118.5 18 351."2 3 992.0 21.0-0-44 016 485 9 798 337 3 165 120 14 272 070 13 419 122 2 976 284 77.7 68.5 77.8 68.5 3.1 63.6'70.9 6.1 4.7 s.79-13 and 79-14-Se tember 23-October 8, 1979 Hours In Reporting Period Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical-744~0 Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours-0--0 Hours Generator On.Line 744.0 Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours~,-0-Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)1 897 496 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)614 590 Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)581 473 Unit Service Factor 100.0 Unit Availability Factor'00.0 Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)97.5 Unit Forced Outage Rate-0-Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type..Date.

and Duration of Each): Outa e to erform ins ections re uired by TE Bulletin No 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):

Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION I'i/77) r~IL LL~UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS REPORT MONTII AUGUST 1979 DOCKET NO.COMPLETED BY V<<L.Date L o o El~Lll g Licensee Event RepLlrt sr 4/CP L/1 Cr Cause&Corrective Action to Prcvcnt Recurrence NONE F: Forced S: Schcdulctl ILIt77)Reason: A-Equipment Failure (Explain)B.hlaintenancc or Test~C-Refueling D.Regul at ory Rest riot ion E.Operator Training&LICCLtsc Examhlatlon F.Administrative.

G.Operational Error (Explain)II OthCr (EXpiaiLL)

Method: I-Manual 2.Manual Scram.3-Automatic Scram.4.Other (Explain)4 Exhibit G~Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Shccts I'or Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG-OI 6I)Exhibit I-Sante Source P.O.SOX 529100, MIAMI, FL 33152~it!Illy~I~I~Pi~i,., x~FLORIOA POWER 4 LIGHT COMPANY September 8, 1979 Office of Management.

Znformation and Program Controls U.S.Nuclear.Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Gentlemen:

Attached are the August, 1979, Operating Summary Reports for Turkey Point Unit Nos,.3 and.4 and St,.Lucie Unit No.l.Very truly yours, D.Schmidt Vice President Power Resources VTC/DDC cc: Mr.James P.O'Reilly Robert Lowenstein, Esquire PEOPLE~~~SERVING PEOPL-"

SU OF OPERATING EM'ERiENC DOCKET NO.50-250 Turkey Point, UNIT Unit No.3 DATE Se t.8 1979'OMPLETED BY V.T.Chil son'TELEPHONE, 305)552-3824~REPORT MONTH'UGUST;1979 0 Unit operated at.approximately 100~R.P.except for outages of August, 3 and August 8-14, 1979.Refer to"Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" secti'on of the August,, 1979, Operating Status.Report for additional information., Major Safe'ty-related maintenance activities performed during the month ,included:

Repairing valve packing leaks on valves located inside containment.

SUi&Y OF OPERATlNG EXPER ENC DOCKET NO.50-251 Turkey Point.UNZT Unit No.4 DATE Sept.8, 1979 COMPLETED BY hilson REPORT MONTH AUGUST 1979 TELEPHONE (305)552-3824 Unit approximately 100%R.P;except for outages of August 3, 5, and 22-Z8, 1979.Refer to"Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the.August, 1979Operating Status Report for additional operation.

Major Safety-related maintenance activities performed during the month included: Replaced.failed motor bearing on reactor coolant pump'motor No.4A.Repaired oil leak on reactor coolant pump motor No..'4A.

SUMlt'0 P POCKET NO.'0-335 St.Lucie Unit No.1 DATE Se t.8, 1979 REPORT MONTH AUGUST, 1979 COMPLETED BX'.T.Chilson TELEPHONE (305)552-3824 I'nit approximately 100%R;P.No Major Safety-related.

maintenance was performed during the month.