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Advises That Disputed Items Between Applicant & Intervenors Tx Pirg & C Hinderstein,Re ASLB 800530 Order,Have Been Resolved
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1980
From: Copeland J
To: Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML19318A056 List:
NUDOCS 8006180398
Download: ML19318A058 (2)


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?aj June 11, 1980 3!

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Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq., Chad onan 2

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7.tomic Safety and Licensing omYMkrefny id 9


. Board Panel s

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

/27 k'uce T[

Washington, D. C.


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Dear Mr. Wolfo:

As you know,. following the Board's Order of May. 30, N

1980, regarding the production of certain documents by Mr.

2 Howard 'Saxion, both TexPirg and Ms. Hinderstcin filed mo-

]l tions opposing production of those documents.

After several i

telephone calls, we have been able to resolve the dispute J.

and no further action by the Board is required at this time.

i, 4

With respect to Item 1 on page 2 of the Order, I


have now been udvised that neither Ms. Hinderstein nor 7

TexPirg has a written co ?ract with Mr. Saxion notwith-standing his testimony to the contrary in his deposition.

-i Mr. Scott and Ms. Hindcrstein have both promised to send ma

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a letter stating that they have no written contracts with Mr. Saxion.

-1 With respect to Item 2 of the Order, Mr. Saxion f;

-4 :

will provide un with a list of all those projects in which he has participated when we take his deposition on June 17.

Q' Although I would have preferred to have had this list in advance, I consider this to bn a reasonable compromise.-~~

With respect to Item 3, Ms. Hinderstein and Mr.

"cott have advised me that neither Mr. Saxion nor his firta Jl nos completed any of the studien spetrifically. involving iI


citics on the Brazos River.

They have both conouitted to advise me as to when Mr. Saxion ompletes his work on such 1

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Sheldon J. Wolfo,'Esq..




Ms. 11indor' stein and Mr. Scott believe that when the stuosos are completed they will be made public.

i I havo advised t. hem that if they aro 'not made public, and if we cannot work out an agreemont to produce them,.T would an-ticipate that the b'st way to resolve this issue is to e

subpoena Mr. Saxion, his employer,,or any other party in tho, possession of such documents.

1 very ituly yours, l4 l'.



, Grego y opcTand

'ittornoy for 1l Houston Lighting & Power Company JGC/66

_ 1 cc:

l Ms. Carro Hinderstein Mr. James M. Scott

~I Mr. Howard Saxion 1

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