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Requests That 810511-22,0601-12 Evidentiary Hearings on Health & Safety Issues Be Rescheduled for 810713-17 & 20-24 Subj to ASLB Availability.Lists of Contentions Will Be Provided by 810518
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1981
From: Culp R
To: Cheatum L, Linenberger G, Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8107020412
Download: ML20008G185 (2)


{{#Wiki_filter:6 .E e LAW OFFICES LOWENSTEIN, NEWMAN, REIS & AXELRAD 102 5 CON N ECTICUT AVEN UE, N. W. WASHINGTON, C. O. 20036 mottet60wt=s4.= saCa e. mswesam 202 862-8400 as Cs ass sao maf oest E m at Sata

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Caved 3 #aSalN 00**e60 J sikvgewag . a.-. a. Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq. c3 Chairman . Atomic Safety & Licensing Board / g U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission /'y f Washington, DC 20555 k 22 93 cafe,f//heI h/SQ, t Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Occk,h/4pf, Atomic Safety & Licensing Board / U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g

  1. 4 Washington, DC 20555 to Dr. Leonard Cheatum Route 3, Box 350A Watkinsville, Georgia 305777 Gentlemen:

On March 26, 1981, the Board issued an Order in this proceeding scheduling evidentiary hearings for May 11-22 and June 1-12, 1981, to complete her. rings on environmental issues and to begin hearings on health and safety issues. Testimony on certain health and safety issues was filed with the Board and parties on April 20, 1981, and testimony on additional issues will be filed on May 11, 1981. The Applicant and the NRC Staff are engaged in dis-cussions relating to the filing of testimony and evidentiary hearings on the remaining health and safety issues which have not been scheduled for hearing. As a result of these discussions, Applicant and Staff anticipate that testimony on most of these remaining issues can be filed on June 26, 1981, with evidentiary hearings to begin July 13, 1981. Accordingly, Applicant and Staff respectfully request the M g > N \\'D Board to schedule evidentiary hearings on these issues fer ,N 810 7 0 2 0 V/2. C

o e Lowzx5TEIN, NEWMAN, Rsts & AxztaAD May 1, 1981 Page Two the period July 13-17 and July 20-24 or as soon thereafter as the Board is available. A two week hearing session should be sufficient time to complete hearings on these issues. Applicant and Staff will furnish the Board and the parties by May 18, 1981 with a list of the contentions to be heard during the July hearing sessions. Sincerely yours, p s N M A Ct h b. d L g Robert H. Culp Attorney for Houston Lighting & Power Company REC /fgr cc: Service List l l { l l -a~

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