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Forwards Proposed Schedule for Presentation of Witnesses for 810511-22 Hearings.Other Parties Concur.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/1981
From: Copeland J
To: Cheatum E, Linenberger G, Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8107020195
Download: ML20008G081 (2)



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CN C S M CLL p6AZ A MousToN, TEXAS 77oo2


w AS M I N GTO N O F FIC E TELEX 76 2779

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  • E N N S Y LV A N I A AV C., N w-T C L C CC M M U N 4 CATIO N WASM6NGTCN. G C 20006 D13J 229-IS23 MOUSTON TEL?.pMONC (202) 457 5 500 (202)457-553 wA&MINGtCN. 3 C.

May 5, 1981 Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing

.3 card Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g'

Washington, D. C.

20555 4


D Dr. E.

Leonard Cheatum


Route 3, Bcx 350A y' N og h p=.3 - 4P y 1 196z! " k 4 90 g

Watkinsville, Georgia 30677


Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger c.te Atomic Safety and Licensing C,

. f'O 7

Board Panel

. 4


t3 U.

S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g,

' Washington, D. C.


Dear Members of the Board:

Enclosed herewith is a proposed order of presenta-tion of witnesses for the two weeks of hearings to be held.

in May.

^' have conferred with the other parties who will be presenting witnesses (Staff, TexPirg and Doher*y) and they have concurred with this order of presentation.

Very truly youra,


j 7

s J. Greg y / opeland Attorney for i

Houston Lighting & Power Company JGC/66 p > s }

,i Encl.


.cc :

All parties (w/ encl.)

1j 810702 0M C3

e b

Proposed Schedule May 11-22 May 11:

McCuistion - STP vs. ACNGS May 12:

Staff panel on barge slip and dredging issues May 13:

Staff panel on alternative sites May 14:

Marrack - barge slip; cooling lake Moon - Board Questions May 15:

Johnson - nataral gas; energy conservation, STP vs. ACNGS Mokhtarian - containment buckling May 18:


Chan - containment buckling Simpadyan - reactor pedestal (Afternoon)

Chan - reactor pedestal Korde - computer code error May 19:


Hartzman - computer code error Woo _dard - airplane crash (Afternoon)

'Campe - airplane crash Iotti, Ce/nes and Mercuric - pipelines May 20:


Campe - pipelines (Afternoon)

Holtzclaw, Williams - fuel enthalpy, May 21:

(Morning) fuel swelling, gap conductance Meyer - fuel enthalpy, fuel swelling, (Afterraon) gap conductance fuel enthalpy May 22:



Eckert - LPCI cold slug j.


Brooks - LPCI cold slug


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