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Forwards Ltr Advising of Stretchout in Facility Const Schedule Due to Financial Constraints.Urges That ASLB Maintain Proceeding Schedule Consistent W/Decision Date Not Later than Early 1982.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/27/1981
From: Newman J
To: Cheatum E, Linenberger G, Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8104070479
Download: ML19345G535 (4)


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Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esquire Chairman f'"JU i( s Administrative Judge f, \\


Atomic Safety and Licensing Soard Panel 000*CE3 h


UMO lj U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission F

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Dr. E. Leonard Cheatum

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' Route 3, Box 350A Watkinsville, Georgia 30677

/ -. i j g Mr. Gustave A.

Linenberger Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel In the Matter of i

l' Houston Lighting & Power Company l

-(Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-466



Enclosed is a letter from Houston Lighting & Power Conpany (HL&P) to the Director, NRR, informing him of a stretchout in the ACNGS construction schedule.

Applicant intends to start construction in 1982,

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Lowzxotzrx, NzwxAN. Rzzs & AxruAa Sheldon J. Wolfc Or. E. Leonard Cheatum Gustave A.

Linenberger March 27, 1981 Page Two as previously contemplated, but the construction sched3.le will be attenuated owing to financial ecnstraints.

Our evidentiart presentations on financial qualifications and j

need for power will be updated to reflect this change.

Since this change does not alter the time when con-struction must be initiated, we respectfully urge that the Board maintain a schedule for the proceeding consistent with a decision date not later than early 1982.

Very truly yours,

[W Jack R. Ne man Counsel.for Houston Lighting & Power Company Enclosure cc:

Service List w/ encl.


HorsTox LionTINo & Powra GOMPANY P.O. Box 1700 HotsTos,Tzxas 770o1 3 a 0=acun March 25,1981 t :

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Mr. Harold Denton Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton :

This is to advise that owing to financing constraints, we have determined that it will be necessary to delay the in-service dates of five of the Company's planned generating units, including Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Our revised schedule for Allens Creek calls for start-up in March 1991.

Under our new schedule, construction start would not be delayed; rather the overall construction would be stretched out to ease financing requirements.

We are hopeful that a program of load management will be effective in reducing peak demand to levels which can be reliably served with the reduced installed capacity associated with the new plan.

We urge your continued assistance in helping to meet our original date for the beginning of construction in 1982, if we fail to start construction in 1982, we will lose the financing bene-fits from the stretched-out schedule, and the flexibility to accelerate construction if load management is unsuccessful. Additionally, we may also suffer attrition in the staff we have developed in antici-pation of the start of construction in 1982.

Your continued timely licensing support will be greatly appreciated.

Yours very truly,.

,7 0 f tw




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Docket No. 50-466,


(Allens Creek Nuclear Generating


Station, Unit 1)



CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of Applicant's letter to the Director, NRR, regarding the Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station construction schedule and the attached letter to the Board were served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, or by hand delivery, this 27th day of March,


  • Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairman Susan Plettman, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing David Preister, Esq.

Board Panel Texas Attorney General's Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Eox 12548 Washington, DC 20555 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Dr. E. Leonard Cheatum Route 3, Box 350A Hon. Charles J.

Dusek Watkinsville,' Georgia 30677 Mayor, City of Wallis P. O. Box 312

  • Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Wallis, Texas 77485 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Hon. Leroy H. Grebg U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission County Judge, Austin County Washington, DC 20555 P. O. Box 99 Bellville, Texas 77418 Chas e -_ R. Stephens Docketing and Service Section Of fice of the Secretary of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel the Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cor=ission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regul'dorf Commission Washington, DC 20555 Denotes hand delivery

, James M.

Scott, Jr.

  • Richard Black, Esq.

13935 Ivy Mount U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Commission Ucshington, DC 20555 William Schuessler 5010 Darnell Houston, Texas 77074 John F. Doherty

.4327 Alconbury Street Houston, Texas '77021 Stephen A.

Doggett, Esq.

P. O. Box 592 Rosenberg, Texas 77471 TexPirg Att:

Clarence Johnson Bryan L. Baker 1923 Hawthorne Executive Director Box 237 U.S.

Houston, Texas 77098 University of Houston Houston, Texas 7704 J. Morgan Bishop Margaret Bishop Carro Hinderstein 11418 Oak Spring Houston, Texas 77043 609 Fannin Street Suite 521 Houston, Texas 77002 W. Matthew Perrenod 4070 Merrick Houston, Texas 77024 D. Marrack 420 Mulberry Lane Bellaire, Texas 77401 Brenda McCorkle 6140 Darnell Houston, Texas 77074 F. H. Potthoff, III 1814 Pine Village Houston, Texas 77080 Wayne E.-Rentfro P. O. Box 1335 Rosenberg, Texas 77471

