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Advises That Disputed Items Between Applicant & Intervenors Tx Pirg & C Hinderstein,Re ASLB 800530 Order,Have Been Resolved
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1980
From: Copeland J
To: Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML19318A056 List:
NUDOCS 8006180398
Download: ML19318A058 (2)


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' aj June 11, 1980 3! '

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.JUNj 3 (15NRO hp -5 ,

Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq. , Chad onan 2 , 'd.


7.tomic Safety and Licensing -

. Board Panel 9 omYMkrefny b s id U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission /27 k'uce Washington, D. C. 20SSS .e d / T[

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Dear Mr. Wolfo:

As you know, . following the Board's Order of May. 30, N 1980, regarding the production of certain documents by Mr. 2 Howard 'Saxion, both TexPirg and Ms. Hinderstcin filed mo- ]l tions opposing production of those documents. After several i telephone calls, we have been able to resolve the dispute -


and no further action by the Board is required at this time. i, 4

With respect to Item 1 on page 2 of the Order, I [

have now been udvised that neither Ms. Hinderstein nor 7 TexPirg has a written co ?ract with Mr. Saxion notwith- -$

standing his testimony to the contrary in his deposition. -i Mr. Scott and Ms. Hindcrstein have both promised to send ma ^5 a letter stating that they have no written contracts with E Mr. Saxion. -1 With respect to Item 2 of the Order, Mr. Saxion f; will provide un with a list of all those projects in which -4 :

he has participated when we take his deposition on June 17. Q'"

Although I would have preferred to have had this list in advance, I consider this to bn a reasonable compromise.-~~

With respect to Item 3, Ms. Hinderstein and Mr. $'

"cott have advised me that neither Mr. Saxion nor his firta Jl nos completed any of the studien spetrifically. involving iI ~

citics on the Brazos River. They have both conouitted to 1 advise me as to when Mr. Saxion ompletes his work on such -n 5


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Sheldon J. Wolfo,'Esq..




the stuososMs. are11indor'completed steintheyandwill Mr.beScottmadebelievepublic. that when i advised t. hem that if they aro 'not made public, and if Iwe havo '

cannot work out an agreemont to produce them, .T would an-ticipate that the b'st way to resolve this issue is to e ,

subpoena Mr.

possession of such Saxion, his employer,,or any other party in tho, documents.  ;

I 1

very ituly yours,  !


'. l4 / =

, Grego y opcTand .

'ittornoy for -

Houston Lighting & Power Company 1l

.!_1 JGC/66 cc: Ms. Carro Hinderstein l Mr. James M. Scott

~I Mr. Howard Saxion __

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