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Responds to Violations Noted in Insp on 760921-24.Corrective Actions:Form, Summary of Stds & Equipment Requiring Calibr, Completed & Audit Conducted to Verify Qualification Records on 761202-03
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Palo Verde
Issue date: 12/08/1976
From: Van Brunt E
To: Spencer G
Shared Package
ML17198A269 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-293 ANPP-7363, NUDOCS 8508150486
Download: ML20134A988 (3)



  • t 3 0 3 = m r-s 3 oc - n, v m g.g.

g Pes: Office Sex 21666 Ph ix. Arizona 85036 Dece=ber 8, 1976 ANPP-7363 United States Nuclear Regulatory Co:=:11ssion Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Region V 1990 North California Boulevard - Suite 202 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Attention:

Mr. G. S. Spencer

Dear Sir:

This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. R. J. Pate and

'D. P. Kirsch on September 21-24, 1976, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Per=its Nos. CPPR-141, 142 and 143.

As a result of this inspection, one Notice of Violation (deficiency) and one Notice of Deviation were written against our activities at

' Enclosed find our reply to these notices indicating:


(1) Corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further noncompli-ances; and, (3) the date full compliance was achieved.

L Very truly E E. L. S, E E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

APS Vice President Construction Projects ANPP Project Director EEVBJr/ JAR:ske Enclosures cc:

R. L. Robb W. M. Petro J. A. Roedel R. L. Hand B. S. Kaplan A. C. Gehr W. H. Wilson C. Betzhold ll J


8508150486 850703 PDR FOIA LEIGHTD84-293 PDR

APPENDIX A Docket Nos. 50-528, 50-529, 50-530 Construction Per=it Nos. CPPR-141,142,143 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted on September 21-24, 1976, it appears that one of your activities was not con-

. ducted in full co=pliance with NRC requirements as indicated below:


10CFR50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII, as implemented by PSAR (Chapter 17) and Engineers Testing Laboratory Quality i

Assurance Manual (Section 7.4), requires that sufficient records shall be maintained to furnish evidence of activi-ties affecting quality.

Contrary to the above requirement, records documenting the calibration of test equipment at Engineers Testing Laboratory were not maintained.

This ites is a deficiency.



Engineers Testing Laboratory indicated that this deficiency.was an oversight. The required form, " Summary of Standards and Equip =ent Requiring Calibration", has been completed and Engi-neers Testing Laboratory is now in compliance with their QA Manual, Section 7.4.

It should be noted that Engineers Testing Laboratory also maintains a calibration history card for each piece of equip-ment which lists the calibration frequency requirements as well as the dates of calibration. This provides the required listing for control of equipment calibration.

This corrective action was verified on December 2-3, 1976 by a Bechtel audit. Based on the results of this audit for this sub-ject, Engineers Testing Laboratory is in compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria XVII.

Bechtel QA will conduct another audit within the next six (6) months to ensure continued compliance to calibration requirements.


APPENDIX B Docket Nos. 50-523. 50-529, 50-530 Construction Per=it Sos. CPPR-141, 142, 143 NOTICE OF DEVIATION Based upon the results of an NRC inspection conducted during the period Septe=ber 21-24, 1976. it appears that one of your activi-conducted in confor ance with your co==itments to ties was not the Coc=ission as indicated below:

Contrary to the require =ents of ASME,Section III, A.

Division 2. " Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Contain=ents", Appendix VII, as specified by Construc-tion Specification No. 13-CM-191 (Test Laboratory Technical Specifications), the qualification records of Engineers Testing Laboratory personnel did not con-f orm to the required for=at and content.

This item is a deviation.


Subsequent to the notification given during the NRC inspection, this deviation was discussed with Engineers Testing Laboratory.

Engineers Testing Laboratory i=placented i==ediate corrective Their personnel qualification records now comply with action.

Paragraph 2240, Appendix VII of ASME Section III, Division 2.

On December 2-3, 1976, a Bechtel audit verified that the qualifi-cation records of Engineers Testing Laboratory personnel do con-for= to the code required for=at and content.

Bechtel QA vill conduct another audit of Engineers Testing Laboratory activities within six (6) months to ensure further compliance.