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Responds to Re Violations Noted in Insp of License DPR-4.Licensee Does Not Consider Continued Operation of Plant W/Valve HIC-27V in Failed Shut Condition to Be in Noncompliance W/Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1965
From: Layman W
To: Price E
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110170275
Download: ML20085D931 (8)


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_3 Mr. Et,er h., .hre ctor

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Division of State

  • I4 cense delations l_  ; R U.S. Energy Joca:ission s, : G wasninc.on, D.J. eo545 [y r^

Ref erence : Your letter buhJJR 50-.146 of Jana.ry 14, 1961, O.s to


Dear Mr. Prieea Tuis letter is in reply to tne referenceconaacts letter in in whien you state "It full ecc.pliance with appears that certain of your acttvities were notWe nave assumed that you have reference to cond corgiltion i 3 of y our license".

3.B since ABC Pccility I/icens) No. DP h . no condition % B an it is 3.8 which incorporates the technical spacifications into tne license.

Your unceret.anding a ec,rrect that Saxton does not consider tne continued operauon of the plant witn v r(IC.27 / in the failed ar.ut corgiition to be inWe non-ccc.pliance w" tn tne tecnrai% cpecati,:,ations. i i tne asic poin:, of concern nere snould oc not tne of tne spec:.f cat ons cet re., on. of ete minin e tne true 1:nplications of an moperable charging system to tne t.n.ty of tc.e pl ut. ) r.tng tr.e period follocag the failure of the valve to opea 5,.ncr. :or.siterec m ret; imp'.ic.ticas first and then reviewec tne technics , spec.:icat ons it. closure 2 to ::us lette: is a safety analysis of tne particulur speration r p4ssible non-ccrapliance caring tne specific in perti;.ent to tne suo,$ect o eleven haar perloc on October 13,1;/64.

Ecise ,re 2. to this letter is a pfety alpala ?! a nypothetica". cnarging it  !

crediole reactor plant con;itions. In this analysis systec frilure A erthe :ne safworst est ae+ 1on to follow after c. - enargirg syster f-:. Lure is to I is con:2 ec ..~t cont;.a.e pla:c. apr tion at pc <ar wn11e repairing the enargirg sjstem. -

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me to were initially no boron in the system that it uculd not be necessary to inject boric

' acid for at least four hours after the lose of fjow accident had occurred.

Supplement #1 to change request #o went further by assianing that the charging eyetect was out of service aM showed that the safety injection systata could be used to borate the reactor.

A furthcr arAlysis of this loss of flow accident shows that from a charging systec standpsiat it is safer to have the accident occur from an at power concition than frcan a reactor hot shutdown cond! tion. Tnis is true because the reactor decay heat woulc lengthen tne time before it would be necessary to add boron and the Xenon present provides additional shutdown margin and would lengthen the tino before it would be necessary to add boron.

To summarise, when considering the loss of coolant flow accident it is safer to keep the reactor plant at power and repair an inoperative charging systs than to shut the plant down to conduct repairs to the charging system.

5. Unesntrol.3 ed Heat Lctraction by Steam Plant Valve or Rapture Prem a erArging systect standooint it would be safer to have this accident while at power rather than with the reactor shutdown. If the uncontrollad heat extraction were within the ability of the reactor to maintain main coolant tetperature witheat an overpower scram it would be an incorrect action to shut down the reactor lausediat e(v. Tne f$ rst action shoald be to attescpt to stop the uncontrolled neat extraction by shutting tne steam generator main steam stop valve, 'the steam generator -

blowdown valves c.nd the feed valve (all remotely opt rated irun the reactor contml rocan). If the heat extraction could not be stopped by this action $t wauld stop shortly thereafter as the steam generator steamed dry.

If tne sa:ne accident were to occur from an unborated hot shutdown sondition or if the accident wore severe enough to cause an overpower scrare frust unborated power operation an uncontrolled cooldown would be a more serious accident. In this case if cooldown could not be stopped the safety injection ps:tpa should be turned on, the pressurizer heaters should be turned off, pressurizer spray valve opened and pressurizer power operated relief valve shoald be opened intemittently to lower main coolant system pressure. fy these actions boron would be introduced rapidly into the reactor to give shutdown margin. No credit can be taken for the charging system in this severe accicent because of the small charging rate of the system and the time delays necessary to send a man off to manually valve in boric acid to the charging systen, Tne accident would be over before boric acid could be introduced into the reactor 'cy the charging system.

Tc suncarize, the charging system has not been described as an estergency safety device and it would give no additional protection in this severe but unlikely accident. When considering the uncontrolled heat extraction accident framt a charging system standpoint it is safer to keep the reactor plant at power while repairing an inoperative cnarging systern than to shut the phnt down to conduct repairs to the charging syste.

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h. e A et, cont 10ered, the severity of t:4e accident analyzed d e not in0rensej Q conth.ue: operi.ticr, of t..e reactor plant. T., in tra cf t r.e f:ur c't es tr:e a;;1 cent wo.;16 De less severe frac. pawtr operi. tion t%:. frau tr,e j nL* 5 %1.; o wT: can a tict..

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