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Amend 3 to Application for Reactor CP & Ol,Withdrawing Page 3-4 & Replacing W/Revised Page 3-4 & Withdrawing Figure III-4
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1960
From: Neidig R
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110020041
Download: ML20085C461 (4)



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l Application for / /

Reactor Construction Permit and Operating License 2 l '

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Docket No. 50-lh6 I Amendment No. 3 j The above entitled application, dated July 23, 1959, is hereby amended by making the following changes to Part B - Preliminary Hazards S w ary Report:

1. Withdraw page 3-h and replace with revised page 3-h, dated March 10, 1960; and add page 3-ha, dated March 10, 1960.
2. Withdraw Figure III-h, Saxton Reactor Vessel Longitudinal Cross Section and replace with Figure III-h, revised March 10, 1960.


(S E A L) By /s/ R. E. Neidig President Attest

/s/ E. L. Barth Secretary Sworn and subscribed to before me this lith day of March 1960.

O E A b) /s/ Martin A. Kohr Notary Public e

Muhlenberg Township, Berks County My Commission Expires Feb. h,1962 i

91100'0041 010424 PDR FOIA DEKOK91-1'? PDR j

(2) Loesl boiling (rurface boiling cf the subcoolet liquid)is ,

permissible in the core.

(3) Dulk boiling is net allowed in the ccre.

The c, e design paraneters, including a listing of the major nuclear de.11gn and heat transfer characteristics at the design power level of 20 negawatts are sbovn in Table III-2.

3 Reactor Pressure Vessel The vessel which contains the core is a right circular cylindrical conta!.ner with a hemispherical bottom head and closed at the top with a 11anged and gasketed removable head. The flanged head vill include provisions for seal velding. The vessel will have a 58 in. ID and an over-all height of 17 feet. The top and bottom heads will be 5-1/2 in, and h-1/2 in, thick respectively. The main cylindrical shell course like the shell of the SPERT III reactor vessel, will be made up of relatively thin plates, individually formed into barrels which are wrapped and welded one to another to the required total thickness of 5 in. This type of con-struction known as a multi-layer" construction is shown in Figure III-b (Rev. March 10, 1960) and described in "WOAP-1391, MULTI-LATER CON';TRUCTION FOR THE S AXTON RFACTOR VESSEL." This report describes the background and history of multi-layer construction and the reasons for its use in the Saxton vessel including economy, operating safety and flexibility of design.

The inside surfaces of the vessel in contact with the coolant are i to be clad with stainless steel. The design pressure is ?$00 psia, and the cold test pressure is 3750 psia. The cooling water will enter the vessel through a 12-in. pipe in the side of the vessel and flow downvard past the thermal shield into the plenum at the bottom of the vessel. It then flows upward through the reactor core, removing heat from the fuel elements and is discharged through a single 12-in. outlet.

The cylindrical thermal shield, shown in Figure III-h (Rev. March 10, 1960), will be made of stainless steel and is concentric with the core; it rests on support lugs attached to the vessel wall. The core barrel also serves as a thermal chield and has a water annulus between its outside I

diameter and the inside diameter of the thermal shield. The shield will absorb gamma rays emanating from the core, thereby reducing the heat generated in the wall of the reactor vessel from this source and, con-l sequently, the resulting thermal stresses. The fuel assemblies are held l between two heavy stainless steel support plates which are penetrated by hole s to acconmodate the assembly extensions. The support plates are attached to large thin-walled stainless steel cylinders provided with mounted flanges at the top to support the assembled core from a ledge just below the vessel closure.

The six control rod mechanisms will be welded to the bottom of the vessel. The top head will have approximately eleven openings for the insertion of test elements, instrument leads, and the superheater test loop.


h. Steam Generator The single steam generator, shown in Figure III-5, is of the 3-h (Rev. March 10,1960)

vertical shell and U-tube design with integral steam drum. It is 2h ft.

high with an outside diameter of h8 in. Primary coolant flows through the U-tubes, and stean is generated on the shell side. All surfaces in contact with the primary coolant are either stainless steel or stainless steel clad. The steam generator characteristics are shown in Table III-3.

The primary coolant flows upward from the inlet header through the inverted U-tubes and then down in the tubes to the outlet header. The 4

3-ha (March 10, 1960)

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(Rev. March 10,1950)

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